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RELIABILITY CHARACTER ENTERPRISE THE MORNING OKLAHOMA'S GREATEST NEWSPAPER TPllfi ?5 l v I'KAfllJ flWOtIN NKT PAID ' CIKCL'LATION, JUNK EDITION Dally 3M26' Minday 36,205, VOL. XV., NO. 28S TULSA, OKLAHOMA, SATURDAY, -JULY 10, 1021 IS PAGES I I . I l."...V'K- f FINAL ONLY ALLIES MAY JOIN CONFERENCE Out .ide Nations Barred Meeting to Plan for Disarmament -GOVERNMENT DECIDES Af(rr Consultation That Best p. y Is to Limit Powers in Peace Parley JAPAN'S QUESTION PROPER Ha Right to Ask Information mourning Scope of Near Hast Discussion v. -hin'c.toN, July 16. Prcsl- ne-n' Hireling- and Ills cabinet toflay it ir '1 'ha' for 111 present only tho fi e . ! ,1 powers and China will bo n i ! .. participate In the forth-cr-m-c d-armamcnt conference, It was jnn urned at tlic whlto houses, 1)1? ! 1 IV. T' ii H pome embarrassment to the a t.i Inlstr.ttlon In connection ni-li the desire of other powers to ( giF ii the parley, but thus far it i m deemed lust to limit the .til u request for Information ng the scope of tho near f, n discussions is entirely be o n. i K r was stated, and the mi ll ii u. tTinii docs not wish it to be tied, .-d that the Inviting nation phi's to outline agenda for the con ffiren r but announces that this will l,c a matter of negotiation for the font eoneerncd. It Is the belief of the admlnlftra ti -n Hut Japan will tie at tile coun cil 'able when the conference meets. The date of tho conference will be Announced in the formal invitation but President Harding is anxious for the am istleo day date. Marshal Koch will be in this coun. try ,it that (lino find might be the guest of tho administration. MT roitTic AXKW M'ci'i; op coxrnnuNCK by ide Ananclatril I'rfiiS. WASHINGTON, July 15. Japan's rclU' inre to tako part in nn unre Hrlii.ii discussion of far eastern af fairs at the disarmament conference led th. 1 nlled States to set forth anew t ukiv its idea of the probable P'Tpi J the proposed negotiations. I" ' i. la of the latest American rep rwiu'i. ns to tho Toklo govcrn- iicni iv. if not disclosed but they are "lirifi .v tlll.lrtl lU-lU III IHJ PUI1I. rice-lv iirfinitn to permit of a cum prheti, . . reconsideration of the nh. 1 tubjeit by the Japanese- A i t.. 'h. A ' t .i ' ' 1' n. . 1. 'i officials looking forwaid -alt with entire confidence. '.,-h holding to Its firm bullet ', is . in and Pacific prob ii k. ii i lnsely with any of- I-. luce armaments, the posl r i hi'- Rnvernment Is under- t n t' I ' . he .thai the Important oh ' alt, is to get the powers aciund u council table o 'h is willing to speak and r. a ' i'. ii.i. re frankness In tho Interest nt c "1 u'iderstandlnc. The feellnK - that onc? that object has uiMined an apreemont easily i. i i. M-.nhed as to subjects of dls- us.. provided none of the powers ' i' "wn hands heforo tho con fffn tieglns. TRIAL OPENS IVWDNDAY Siert.itors nt Prosii'utlon or lllack '"x ( i(1.r when .Fury Is Com. plelcil Prldny. rHl Aio. July 15. Tho Jury ln will decide the guilt or inno " " ' O! the Chicago Whlto Sox ru'ii and others Indicted on con Pl'.Li i barges in connection with ti o gv,i throwing of tho 1319 . M 't .il p.-ries wna Tnil'iv. 1" ' fll'ilt linnet nt Cnln- 4,,t-r,-u WIS SM.i i'i lite today amid cheerinK f th k ra 1' ' M t'.k. P - i eetatois and .veniremen of d w-Mi-h greets a ninth-inning v the homu team. thin two weeks had been Jp in selecting the Jurors. Ap. . it'ly 600 persons were qui'K ' v Mate and defense attir- lie' . Th. t, , n,,i. , tnv rk , fli-i.i i In,, plai th. , .i d i Rdll n . , has. , th. r.. "v Is made up of two clerks, iininlhta. a telephone repalr .'ationnry engineer, the fore. ' i motor company, a steel a salesman, u florist, u hy i icss operator, and the fore- f a stork yards renderiiiK Ml l ut two arc married and K' range from .10 to f. All understood baseball and 1 v raw mator league 1 v nmio has ever plaved 1 n clonal or professional ' a t'd none Is a student of oe oi of the "fan" type CLOSING TIME 6 P. M. Sharp Saturday for THE SUNDAY WORLD'S Q&ssSiFnedl '.e,y r, Classified, Adver. o's will be received for " Sunday World alter G P M opi:n hi nday C P M to 0 P M. riSLe if 210VICTORY Of Mrs. Stillmanl IN BONUS BATTLE Pot 'iHKi;i:isii; n y , Juiv 15. Fred Denials fluent Hngllsh led Mrs. Anne V Stlllinan to In vlteMilm to eat wllh her and the rest of her hunting party In the Canadian woods when she flrpt met him In November, lOtfi, II I'hclps Clawson of Ilitffalo testl fled today In the divorce suit of James a, New York banker, who names Ueauvais as co-respondent. The witness said tint he and Mrs. Stlllinan and her two chil ilt en made up the party, Hoauvnla was the only one or the three In dian guides hired who could speak hngllsli, Heceitiso of fait he was fieillently Invited to eat with tho rest of the party while the other Indians atn by themselves. C'lawHon, who Is tho son of a wealthy lluff.ilo manufacturer, was positive under cross examina tion, It was said, of tile dates he had seen Mr. and .Mis. Stlllinan to pother .'it roeantlco Hills In tho months preceding the birth of. Guy SUIIman. He said that the night before one of his lslts hi' laid at tended a lull given in New Y'ork by Mis. Cornelius- Vanderbllt. He was nkeil by Colonel Hand, counsel for Stlllinan. it he con sldertd himself u pot or a versi fier. "1 suppose you had better call me a versifier, I published my poems at my own expense," was 'the reply Heurlngfi in the divorce suit will bo resumed here July 2,1. OPEN HOMESTEAD TO WAR VETERANS May File on Northwest Oklahoma Lands Be fore August 3 ENTRIES OPEN AUG. 5 Lands Not Absorbed by Serv ice Men Will be Thrown Open to the Public OKLAHOMA CITY, Juiv 15. World war veterans, honorably dis charged or placed In the regular army or navy reserve, may, from AuguH 5 until October C, 1921, file fr homestead landn in northwestern Oklahoma, under provisions undo by the government, providing appli cation for entry has been filed be tween July 15 and Augu-t 3. accoid ing to n letter mnde public here to. day from tho office of W. K. Pat terson of tho department of Interior at Guthrie. Twenty-one days following the ex. plratlon of the e. soldiers' rights, or between October 7 and October 27, inclusive, such lands a." may not be absorbed by ex-scrvlco men's claims will be thrown open to the public, thi Utter explained, and win be Hiibject to entry by the. public un der homestead laws. ltiM'Ins Aii?u-t .". Ileginnlng August 5 and ending October ti. 1921. such lands as pre scribed by the government will bo subject to entry undir the home stead laws only, provided soldiers file application to enter between July 15 and August .1. 1'nUowing is a list of land open to homestead un der tho above dates: East half of the northeast quarter of section 32. Northwest quarter of tho north west quarter of section 33. Southwest quarter of the south west quarter of section 2S Tp. 3 N. It 14 IS. C. M. West half of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of tho northwest quarter of section 25. Southeast' quarter of the northeast quarter of sictlon 20 Tp. .1 N. II 13 K. C. M. North half of the northwest quar ter doutheast quarter of the north west quarter section 25. Northeast quarter of the 1101th- east quarter section ip. J " 13 K, C M. FIRE SWEEPS TEXAS CITY T-1, lnwl nf IlimlttCHH ScC I 1 ion of Trinidad, Tcvns, Has Been WIM'il Out by Conflagnillon. ! COHS1CANA. Texas, July IS. According to information reaching here, flro which started nt 3 o'cloi k this morning, destroyed the bank, postof flro and several dry goods and I grocery stores In Trinidad. Corsl 'eatia was unable to stab!lsh tele. phone communication with Trini dad up to 11:30 this morning and further particulars are not available. The telephone operator at MalaKoff ,,1,1 uh.i talked to parties In Trlni- ,dad when tie flro llrst started but 'the connection was broken shortlv land had not been rf -established at. this time. Trinidad is about 2" miles east of forslcana. Jack Dcmpscu Feature of Elks' Celebration I I.OS AN'iBU'M July 15. There , wen- a couple of Interesting parades here toelay. In connection with tho 1 Files' festivities, but Jack Dempsey, 1 who Is an Klk and a member of tlw I Long Drain h, N". J., lodge, was In. I himself, the biggest procession of 4 1 hem all Wherever hs went there was a mob of enthusiastic fnht fans and Dempsey held dozens of ''in ( receptions for his admirers. , TtTnLTV M'Cl'.SK 1 runrl dlrtctor". : 3. Uouldtr Thonai ' O. U::.00. AraH-tir'. atrviea. Aetfl. I Administration Wins in i Congress Fight When Senate Recommits RIVAL PARTIES CLASH Stormy Passages Petween ("J. 0. P. and Democrats as Question Is Argued THREATENS SENATOR REED M'Cumber Challenges Fellow Legislators to "Come Out and Settle. It" WASHINGTON. July 15. Tho nd tnlnlstintlon won lis battle In con gress today when the senate, re Hpninllng to Piesldent Harding's re cent request, leeommltted the sol diers' bonus bill indefinitely to the finance committee. The ote for recommittal was 17 to 29. and was Interpreted hv demo eiats to mean the "death" of the bill but by republican leaders to mean postponement for only a few months, but no substantial loss to war vet eran bcneficlarlo.i. Divide.) 011 Itoll Call. Iloth parties divided on t ho roll call, nine republic ins voting against, whll eight democrats Joined the built of republicans for recommittal llepiiblican losses on tho vote wero offset exactly by democratic acces- Hlons, as two more republicans were paired against recommittal and three more democrats for the motion. ' A motion made by Senator Ken yon, republican, Iowa, to hive the bill brought luck In January was re jected. Senator Plttman, democrat. Ne vada, thereupon announced that he would make a motion every week hereafter to bring back the bill from tho committee. Chi'lio.". Ilctviccn McnilM'n. Stormy clashes between demo cratic opponents and republican ad vocates of recommittal marked the closing debate. Hut they were mild as compared to tho scenes which fol lowed the roll call. Among the Inci dents was a .challenge by Senator .McCumber, republican. North Da kota, champion of tho bill, to Sena tor Heed, democrat, Missouri, to set tle ,1 question of veracity "outside," and shouts of "sit down" made to Senator McCumber by Senator Wat son, democrat, Georgia. Senatorial dignity and rules were lost In tho confusion. A half dozen senators were speaking at once, clamoring for recognition by tho vice-president. To add to the din, a mid-summer storm broke over the lapitol, pouring torients of r.iln on the glass roof nf the renate while lightning flashes vied with Its light ing system. "Senator. could be heard only with difficulty. WASHINGTON july 15 Presi dent Harding's vlctoiy in the senate tills afternoon when It was voted to recommit the bonus bill to the sen ato finance committee led to one of tho liveliest rows that body hax seen in many a clay and culminated In exchange of physical challenges. Senator Mcc'umber of North Da kota attempted to make a speech ex. plaining the action taken and was denounced by the democratic mem bers. McCumber persisted In his Hpeech and declared that the bonus bill would be reported again as soon as tho foreign debts are refunded and tax and tariff Issues are settled. Senator Iteed of Missouri, demo crat, Interacted that tho secretary of the treasury had declared It might bo five years I cforu tho foreign debts were funded. "That's not true," McCumber re plied. "I'm tired of having my state, ments challenged," Heed dhnuted. Kid in the face, wllh fists clenched. MrCumber walked over to Heed and silcp "I'm not a man to sidestep this lisuc." ' ... Itoblnson, democrat, of Arkansis. broke In to advle the chair to call McCumber to ordi'r. Hushing over 10 Hoblnson, -McCumber yelled. "If the senitor wants to call me to order, let him come outsid and do It." J , . . McCumber then extended a simi lar Invitation to Senator need Neither iteed nor fioblhson ac cepted THE WEATHER Tl'I.S.V. J'ltv It, -.Maximum SI, mini mum 7','tiM-ml wind, cli-r. (klahnma sturd.iy r'"v toi4y, warier In nn.cli .,.rllnn Kalunlay OKLAHOMA Slur,l turily 'loinly, Sunil.iy lair unl ' n'vshat wiirmir. IihIiu'i. I,ciil Ki mln 1 1 1 club lute hrnn Unto 1 uii 1 rln k. 1: Ii 1 Cut Wife's Throat With Pocket Knife HecaiiHC of Quarrel OKMfLOIIK, okla, July 15. The officers of Creek and Ok inulgfe counties h.ui' Joined In a se.inh for Uud Uiwrence. horse trader, who latn today cut his wife's throat with a pocket knife at a hoise tiadlng e-.imp west of Hcgga and then fled in an auto m "bile persistent quarrels are believ. d to have- been the ause The woman is in a Slick hospital where It is said she cannot livo Tho couple have three! children. Mysterious Disappearance Of Pastor From Drumright Explained as Murder Plot Speeul t. Th V..r.1 I'ltt'.MHKiHT. July 15 Murder is asilgned bv iltlens of this city as the cause of ihe mystet lous dHap piarance lat Wednesday night of Pi. II. Monti'lliis, .12 jeaiM old. a slstaut pastor of the I'll nt llapllst churi h. Although 11 thorough search nf the ilMrlrt has been made by friends of the missing man. no trace, other than th" finding of part of his clothing bv the side of the toad near heie Thursday morning, has In en found Motive for the lonimlsplon of the .rime which members nf bis church believe responsible for the dUnp pearance. Is found In the fact that at (he time of bis disappearance, Mnntellus, with his wife anil three children, who has been n tesldent of this 1 Itv for about two tears, car ried on his person about J200 In money which he drew from the bank here Wednesday afternoon It was his Intention of leaving for Tulsa early Tuesday morning, but cltl7ch do not believe Montelliis reached Ills homo after leaving the church. The last seen of Ihe niMHlant pas tor was at 10 30. o r lot k Wi dnesdaj U. S. SHIPS SINK HUN DESTROYERS .Warships Cot Many Hits During Practice Off Virginia Capes 4 VESSELS IN ACTION Hit After Hit Registered by Capital Ships and Destroy ers by Shell Fire Ily lh- Ai-aoi-ialcd I'rcn on iioAitn tiiic DHfjrrtoYBn SICAItD. KNltOUTi: TO NOHKOUC, Va., July 15 The former German destroyers V-13 and H-I32 were sunk Ibis evening by the combined eheqi fire of the destroyers I.eaiy and Herbert and the battleships Florida and Delaware nf the Atlantic fleet. They went clown at a point 5 miles off the Virginia capes, selected as the graveyard for tin- once enemv vessels tinned over to the United Stiftes after the' world war. Hit by I'ar,v. Th V-13 after being hit twice by the- I.eary, finally was accounted for bv the Florida, which scored time after time with shells from her star board battery of seven five-Inch de strover defense rifles, each of which spoke 20 times. Twenty-nine minutes after the Florida opened fire at a range of 7.500 yards, tho formnr German cmft went stern up. The S 132 was lilt six time's bv hells fr.mi Ihe four-Inch rifles of t the Herbert and was officially de I n rlbed as "in a finking condition." She wart finished off by the gunners of the Delaware who gave a great exhibition of markinanshlp, re gister ing hit after hit with shells from the battleship's; second battery. The S-132 remained afloat, howi'ver. for two hours and five minutes after the nelnwarn ceased firing, golmr down at 7.07 P- m. i.qne"wolf""is'hung "Meet Dangerous Criminal In Illi nois" Pajs Supreme- Penalty in Chicago for .Murilcr. CHICAGO, July 15.- Harry Ward, known as tho "Ume Wolf" and the "most dangerous criminal In Illi nois." was hanged In the county Jail today for tho minder of two men. His execution followed thu refusal nt Governor l.en Small to grant a re prieve. The' "I.nne Wolf" died true to his sobriquet, lie walked to the scaf fold with exci'ptlonal coolness and refused to make any statement Wanl was hanged for the murder of Thomas Grady and Itudolph Schwartz, whom he shot down when they attempted to prevent his es; capo after he had robbed a hat t1"1-0- ... j During his Imprisonment. Ward had made several attempts to ep- ape. Saws, flies and guns were found in Ills cell on numerous oeca slnns For several 'lass a close watch was kept over Ward's cell to prevent any attempt at escape or resc tie by his friends. Ward earned the nickname of the " Wolf" because he always op erated without a "p.udner." Police declare him to have been unci of Ihe most daring ind resourceful erlmt. nals ever known here. CHARGE DRUG TRAFFIC Former fnlleel Slates 'nstimislioiise Inspector Is Ciiiiimltteel to .tail , 1111 Serious liidlclinenl. KAM ANT'iNIO. Tt xas. .Inly 15 I Chnrged with possessing and selling moiphlne and cocaine. J It Wei slger. foi me r fnlted States customs Inspector Is today In custody or fed eral authorities after being taken before fnlted States Coniinissloner Hdwards, who placed his bond at 1.000, In default of which lie was colon, ltteel to Jail. At the time of his arres' We- pinger had in his p..-session four and one half ounces of 01 nine and eight ounces "t morphine which It I is alleged was being sold at 50 an lounce, night The church memhci had given a reception to Montnlius h f t r , I ivlr.g accepted his leslgn.illon the day 1'ollowlng the recep 1 Hon, the assistant p.mlnr retired tin his study and was last seen by mem hers posting booVin and tralghtenlng up chut ell finances. When be did not appear on the streets Thursday 11 ceanh was b gun, and the Investigation gained Impetus when persons driving In au tomobiles on 1110 road between this city and nllton reported (Indlnic a portion nf the clothing worn by Men tehus at the reception, thlown along the side of the road further than tlili however, no clue has been found which iiildbt lead to the location ot the missing man Church members today notified Mts. Montellus, who with her tluee children, are visiting wllh the for mer's sister In Ibanon, M", of the disappearance! of Ihe )illf,band and father .Montelliiii Is described an about 5 feet s InehiiH In height, dirk com plexlon, black hall Itev I W lack ey, pastor of tin' church, was In Tulsa frldav night making a fur ther Investigation of the mssteilous dlsappenra nee RED PEPPER CAUSE OF MONTANA RIOT 'Strikers Attempt Rescue I of Woman Arrested for j Throwing at "Scabs" , STORM POLICE STATION Mayor Appeals to Governor for Help After Attack on City .Ini 1 Is Repulsed GHHAT FAM.S. Mont.. July 15. The arrest of eight women, charged with throwing red pepper In the faces of men who look the places of striking city street employes, 'precipitate, a riot here tonight. A thousand strike sympathizers stormed the police station w'here the women were being given a hearing and two of the wonieu broke away from police officers and In.iped through windows Into the arms of persons below. l-olli'i- on lliilldliurs. Police-men were stationed on lop of all downtown buildings to stop throwing nf bricks at men who re plai ed the sti.kers. The mob at the police station was dispersed wllh the' aid of a fire hose. In the mean time Sam Sti'phensnn, president of the First National bank, was sur rounded on a downtown corner by strike sv inp.ithly.i'is and 11, uglily handled before police rescued him Stephenson and other leading business men bad been transporting1 the strikebreakers to work In their own automobiles to avoid clashes with the strikers. All the c ity street workers and garbage handlers ate on strike. Appeals to Governor Dixon brought the response that Montana now has no national guard and ho wqs asked to use his influ ence to secure protection by federal troops. Trap Second of Jail Breakcrn at Vinita Bp'rl el t" Th VVcrl.l VINITA. July 15 Hdwarcl Fluke under convp lion for the murder of Harold Fry", who broke Jail Hu night of Juiv S, was brought back hero this morning at I o'clock by Sheriff II. V.. lUdenhnur. who was called to Muskogee, where Fluke had been traced by a dope fiend formei ly In Jail hure. Fluke, was In bed In a rooming house when cap tured and bad practically no money and no weapons. Nathaniel Hmith ers, the negro, who 1 scape-el the same night, was apprehended a few dass ago at Ketihum. Frank Keisih. aiilnmnblbi thief, is now Ihe only one of the trio who broke Jail who is slill nt large. No KabiT Verdict Yel. CI.F.VFI.AND, Ohio, July Ft. The Jury In the case ot Hva Cathe rine Kaber. 1 ha rend with the murder of her husband. Daniel F. Kaber. hail not reached a verdict at 10 o'clock tonight and was taken to a h"tc for the night It will risumi' delllieratieois again at S o do. k to morrow morning. Okmulgee Negro Gain Long I'riaon Term a Pcnaltg for AhhuuII eiKMt Lei;;, eikla, July 15. Ilenrv Vne negro, wan 1 fiiivb't ed uf annulling ihe elnughtcr of a proioliii 01 business man of this city by .1 Jury In superior court todty slid his punishment was fu"d at 19 cirs and six months Imprisonment in the state pent tintlaiy The' Jury was. out li'sa lliari 20 minutes. ThK'e imllois wire taken On the first ballot onlv c nr man v.-'ed f.-i lis. lb, 111 tne maximum pi eviln Th. I' the flrse time the 0111x11. .urn'.' has been imposed for sue h .1 mine lo this ounly. according to attorney h JAPAN PREPARING FOR FUTURE WAR Holster Up Kach Branch! of Armed Forces With Struggle as Coal TRAINED BY BRITISH j lCnglisli Flyers Arrive to Aid Instruction of Cadets for Aviation Service WORK IN "FEVERISH HASTE" Disarmament Talk Has No Effect on Military Plans, Says Correspondent. (While the list of world Is nn the verge of ilKiitiiliiR, Japan Is losing not a sicoiul In holster tin; evrv brain h of her armed pieparedness Duke N. I'eirV, staff correspondent of tho Inter national News Service m 'I'oklo has made a careful Investigation of Japan's aviation program, following Is the first of a serle of these storleii on what lie found.) Itv DI'K F. N. PAIlltY I N H slHff c'nrrwii'nnilnil TOk'lO, June 2 --(Ity special courier to San I 'i am Isco, July 15 ) -.1 11 tt 11. If she should go to war will! tho fulled States within Ihn next ten Seals, would employ against the American (naval section, avlntois whose original Insttuctlnii was re eelved f 1 0111 British naval aviation oxpeiis -experts who for tho past several months hnv been nrilvlngln Japan While ellsai matneut talk In the fulled States inns high, while opponents nf picpaiatlnn measures thtoiiKhont the fulled Slate's gain fsvor foe I he r beliefs. .Lilian goes "feverishly on" with preparation. I ller dlp'o'natp iml tat"sinen non commlttally agreeing that disarm. 1 ment Is a measure In which ll'Si much good, hr nfllclals In somr j eases stating that Japan vvlil look I with lavor upon such n dlsirmauient conference hs tin 11 been suggesteel, the Imperial Jiip.uirr-i giivi'rnmeiit, through Its department of Hie navy is showing what will rank well along In great speed contests for prepa ration In building and In learning. Ilefore giving flgtlies -lists if Hrltlsh fix-service men who have ar ilveel In Japan wllhln Ihe last yenr to Instruct the Japanese and eletalled plans as known regarding Japanese Intentions In naval avlnllon, pome farts that stand nut might be pre penled on the subject nf Japan's latest attempt In preparation for possible war Tialnil's Plcl.cil In Goieriimcnt. First, Drills)! fumer officers, former exnerls anil eominenlal .Ic signers, wit h mecha nlcs, .0 her of r,'i l'""v"'y. 71 V " ' .I" C W die no i r Hp J.n'n'.M v":i of the government of Great Hritaln. It Is stated with authority that they have been chosen for Ihe Japanese government bv -ifflclals of the Hrlt lsh government anil this claim Is Inline out by the fact that all am men whose work for Great Hritaln would make them the ones who would most UVly be chosen ns those best ablo to Instruct 111 naval avi ation anil construction. Japan In formally announced In 1920 that the Imperial Japanese navy hoped to have 17 divisions In .naval aviation trained and ready for duty In 1923. Fifteen of these dlvlslTns were lo bo tho flying . divisions while two I were lo tie training. They are to bo located as follows Flying- Ynk isuka, 5; Sajecbo, 5; Kure, 4; Muldur.i, 1. Training. Kasumlgnra, 1; Yoko silka, 1. Ureal. No Custom. Great lirltaln's commercial men, who send their lepi csentnt Iv es to I Japan to li-.H'li and build for 111'' Japanese are breaking no Inter-1 national custom by so dilute Callee' Ihe "unofficial mbslon" of Orel' llrllaln to Japan, the present giouo of naval aviation men now In this I'ountiv Is In no wise dlffe-rent from Hi military mlssl 111 which trained 1 the Japanese niniv and w lib h .1111" from Fiance The piesint army,' which I" headed by Lleulinintl Colonel Mean's, rellred, of ihe H-H Ish air fori e-a, lepiesi nts a business enterprise. In Great Hritaln. Its members are finding employment in! Jcipidi far tnon lucrative than they could find In tlnli own louniiy. they are If recommended by the HrlHsh government, i.eiivlng sonic nr the g-iod posl-wai ueut merit that Is elue ex-servicn men and liny are ye-, In no wise. Ihe officii! rcpre sentatlvea of Gieat Hritaln. This docs not lessen the fact, or make b ss inte resting to Atrieilcens tin- tact that. If war we-re dei lareel any liin" within tin' next ten years. American naval aviation men would no up against Japanese aviators whose oreftuilnary Instruction was given bv Anierlivn's ini'-tinu! ally tercet I'.rliiiri Japan em far back ns 1019, began to iciilUc her weakness In a line of warfaie which has only In the past ilccade- come' to be Included In the servpe braue lies of the powers. Ho fori' that tune, when Ihe peine was being fettled, Japan had. lo a de gree unnoticed, sueci-edeil In getting llune-H allotted to her which arei to day being assembled and gone over by the' rapidly Improving Japanes.) aviation section. Sin- ordere d planes later fieim- Gi e-at Kntiiin and figures CiVell HUbPc'lUeri' I I 1 llll -I'' Mill' till. W e - . " 1 " I" " ' ' lii ,ng t.i ei i,-dv .hit l-iiin h of ra 1 mi , . In I -j I' " Ollie r Neilleins ic Wise' S -me lira ' Il IOU' Il '-'III tin On.VTIM LU ON PAUL 'nv-i lfts i The First Time t The "ini I. e man v Isitej a e rtain ' 'i Tnl ,1 f,.i Hi, (ir.'t time I Miniui iiiaav Mining ty th' w ,i,. w in her wheeled ihalr. 11 w bile fa. i d litlli, crippled gltl smile I 11 well niiii .it him as he passed h.. His mining meant a b't to her. And Ihere was pill In Ihe I. I'box a little later some pure milk to keep cnld fm the little In valid, it was Ihe mother who smiled this lime, for she knew what that meant for her Utile girl The 1 II t let baa lived all lie r life in the wheeled chair. Her moth er Is ,1 widow and has iniin.ideil s, 'Inchon lo miike both ends meet, hut recentl.v an older married daughli'r became dangerously III. Now phi' Is ill home for the moth er o tnke cute of, and it hap be come linposrlble for her lo keep things golnn linter The World milk and Ice fund, and Ihere Is happliie for the little girl and relief for Ihe harassed niothei. The people's Ice e'onipany Is niaklnu Ice In the Humane society, wbli h in dispensing the fund, for on. half nf what II eeists regular cilstomeiN. For every 150 worth of be bonks purchased, the com pany gives lift- society (50 worth, so that In 1 on Illy the people's con. tributes to The World fund too. Ninrly lIOo was subscribed to the. fund yesterday, with a. total of 11.050.37 Friday morning, and ll.l 11.02 Frletay night. Tim larg os! contribution was made by em ploye of the Central National. Yesterday's contributors:: A Friend I M. A. Leslie I.oltle Green I.. I). Gwynne .Mary ami Hilly Connelly Central National Dank Famllv 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 80.25 01.25 Total 11,111.02 CITIZENS POSSE ROUTS I.W.W. MOB "Workers of tho World" Hun Out of Aberdeen, South Dakota BUT MORE ARE COMING Hail Officials Say Freight Train Loaded With Men on Way to Scene AIlllllDl.'KN, H. D Juls" 15. One hundred and three .illegi-d I. W. W'a were driven out of Aberdeen jnn.I vlclplly tonight by citizens' pos- "''" aiding Sheriff Henry C. Mlllott ' They "',r',;:" I " Kri.upH.oili! sent east and the other north. Much group w,u driven about III 111 1 1 1 h. Other townee In the vicinity havo been notified to keep the men moving. Officials of thu Chicago, Milwau kee & HI Paul railway hern re ceived word tonight that 300 luetn-bi-r of the I. W. W. had boarded a freight train bound to this city from the west and would arrivehere about midnight. Another unverified report was to tho effect that 200 more ineimbem were cm their way he-re arnl probably would arrlvn early tomorrow morning. According to tho authorltlisi here, It Is believed the I. W W. hoped to liberate Hairy Casey, arii-st.-d hum I last night on a charge of synellcal 1 Ism after a demonstration against 'the police. Cise-y'H 1 use was post poned until Menida) . A lieuvv rain fell tonight and j menib' rs of the citizens' posse be lieve that the- I W. W s will not .make any moves, tonight. Those I who arrived he re lonlgbl will not lie molePled by special and deputy sheriffs p.itrollng the- slreits. To. morrow It Is planned lo round up all aliiged nn ml' ei h of the I W. W. .end ordi'i the-in m leave, due man, 'who iiaie the name of olaf File, 27 of Minneapolis, was ariesliil and 'inld without charge-, r"''lpis for 'jltiO w ciith of I W W. mi'iubi-rshlp Mi.inips hiing found In his pos.cb slon. VETERANS STILL FIGHTERS Italnhim Dill. loo lle-e'iilcs In Con Untie- as fighting Orgaiiljilinii lit llccoiiilng N'.illonal eiiiilnl. CI.FVF.LAND, M1I0, July 15 The I ta In bow division, will. Il mad'! I so envlatibi recoul in the- wolbl war, I will coiilluhc .is a lighting organlza. I Hon, thu iiinveiitlon of us veierans I , here today going on record In favor ' I of changing the division, officially 1 known as the I2d. int.. a national 1 'guard unit. 1 It would lie the mils national igipnd unit of Us ih.omiii in the .enintr., having two .iiilis finro each 'of tin- states win. h ipiutas to the Kalubnw d.v IkIoo Paria Airman Seta New j Mark for High Flging PAItIK, July K. The world s ree . on for height in airplane f lying was beaten today bv Avia'or Kitsch, fly- j ing In ,1 N'liiiport plan.. Hi 1 cached , May Accept WASHINGTON' foil) Juiv Offer. I'.- I will not in 11 d-'W ti in! Heci i-tai ;, "I VV 1 a 1 1 flic 11. miii-" ot II. nrv 1-. 'tl. 1 ' Pripni-i,' Mus ') shoals, A .i . . ci .1.1. off. 1 ' A . , In 1 d this log .i 'he pro I ' ! tike ove-r 1 " ,1 plum at PRICK r CENTS INSTRUCTION IS DENIED BY COURT OvPl'niloS Demurrer by Defense in Trial nf Chief of Police CASE GOES TO' JURY .Indite Holds With Slate That Sufficient Evidence Has Heen Offered TAKE UP CONSPIRACY COUNT Call to Witnesses to Testify as Actions of Police in Recovering Cars The fifth day In the trial nf John A tliisl.ifsnn, suspended chief ot po lice, ended Friday after tho state hnd dealt seveinl blows to tho de fense. Although not regarded as ellsaslrous slato counsel succnedod In winning several victories during the day which atlornnys nay, with out explanation, might do damage. Neither the defense counsel nor tho elefendniit Is tho least bit discour aged, both A. F. Moss ami T. J. Leahy asserting tlm statn had failed In gel In any damaging testimony. The biggest 1lovv came to the elu. fense when after tho state had con cluded lis testimony on count five, that oharglng the chief with neglect of duly on the night of the riot. Judge Redmond S. Cole overruled a demurrer Interposed by the do feiipe, The defense attorneys, spent an hour and a half In argument, at tempting to prove that not a single bit of evldenco had been Introduced whleih bore out the charges of tho count. Freellng replied for the statu. WltncsscM lilt Defense.. Several wltnesse-s, who testified I during the morning session, gave 'testimony which was icgarded as lilMlnngliiR to tho defense's rase. One of the wilnessen claimed that nt thu police) station on the night of the 1 lot he whs re.f used a commission, but was tnld Ity an officer to get him eun and kill a "nigger." Ilo also claimed that ho hail seen sev einl pollen officers In an arson iiiiiad, After the cvoi ruling of tho defense- demurrer, the stale started the Introduction of evldenco on count three, ti which tho chief Is charged wllh conspiring with two police of ficers to allow iiutns to bo stolon nnd then recover only cars on which rnwarels were offered, but falling to prosecute Ihe thieves. Only onci witness took the stand during the afternoon. The session was more of a one rlne circus with a clown as the principal performer than It was, a rourtronm. Tho witness stand wa the ring and Dan White, the witness, served as tho clown. Time after time during his sojourn In the wit ness stand tho -thickly packed court room burst Into loud laughter, from which oven the Judge was not Im mune. Testimony Indicating several po llen officers of the eity of Tulsa were among thu leaders ot tho arson siuads which fired buildings In Lit tle Aftlca on the morning of Juno 1 during the) rauo disturbance, wna produced by tho prosecution Fri day In the 011iter proceedings against John A. Gustafson, chief of pnllcs. These wltni'sses, however, upon erosa-cxamlnntlon, said they worn not certain .they could Identify tho accused officers, and one of tho chief wltnessem, L-turlcl Huck, after iloc larlru: In direct examination ho had seen these men on tho pollen force many times before tho tint ing, admitted 1m probably could not Identify them if taken to thu police) Million before all tho pollco offi cials of Ihn city. t'rgcel to fight Illaclli. Iluuk said hu wna refused a special cninmlsHlnta on the night ot May 31 when tho rioting begani brl that a police officer whom he cannot Iden tify told him to gel a gun and Join the whites in the fight agalnnt tho armed a'groes, ,' At the elnso of tho stnto's testi mony against Oustafsnn on tho fourth count, failure to properly protect the city from raco disturb ances, a demurrer wan presented by counsel for the defense, which wan overriileil by the court after ,1 li-nglhy argument, Dcfenree attor neys contended that the stnte had not produced imffirlent evidence upon which the chief could In- found guilty of dereliction of dutv, and that therefore tho court should In- struct the Jury to return a verdict of not guilty on this count I Court He-fiiwe liisiinciion. Following the refusal of lb- court to consider the not guilty Instiue 1 tlun asked bv the di fcii.-s-. the -.tile ealbd wltnesHis and began pro .u tnn of tho poll. .- lii. f upon t'n 1 third count of tin- a . us.i'.ion, harglng him with eo-nmracj -n as. roNTINliit) eiM Your Home Paper The World will be mailed to you reg ularly while on your Tn cation; 20c per weAk. Call Osage 0,000, Circu lation Dept,