Newspaper Page Text
TULSA DAILY WORLD, SATURDAY, JULY 10, 11)21 Foods I What and Where toBwBow to Cook and Sem A Tempting Breakfast and A Cup of Real Good Coffee L: U I I NO OJ'llnllNTJ 1 hi. I -.iome l)i'iuirtinnt, M W A Cii.) "Tll o till itt rnlnu to you " Did you ever hear that n Millie In the mortilw; nt thi' In cnilnt , bio In worth two I nt any other, llinn if III.. ,I:.V? llllll) KIT I.1KKIKK a p p c 1 1 1 c nt breakfast. It In tilt. Jlmn of thu year when tlio , . f lioiiackccpltnr timet . ,, -.p lot to keep ltn profcx I r. i million. All thi- little dcccpllonM you know !,.,. ii li practiced to keep ,i appetite UP to idnndaid. s n.l ik out 8om" of tin- nlco , iks we cm do for brenk- . ' friil'ii In jicnon arc tmually , f .1 I every out'. It Is thu main f 1'ie nio.ll that Koch lii'KSllu:. Molded lYult fVmil. c servo ) ! , .p uncooked wheat or oat in .1 1 ilittn. l' I I'D C .'ip cptphI well thi' day be ., A'wn nparlv done Mir In tin1 th M'l ilati"". I'o'ir ttm rpri-al In fn r ui nhlrh have lieen wet In lvo I i"r Thu ilp will lio a llttlP Wci f t-." f.'H Next mnrnlnc turn th,. m .(IpJ cereal on Hinall plates ami .n p with cream and Hiuiar. f v It. ikf-wt Is to tempt children, a ' ' , pink candy cnlnrlni; In thu whi, d i ream makes It eo much more rr'ructlve for them. t'roainixl llamn nil Toaol. (Servo 4.) t idlPPs of bacon. 4 I i leapnnns flour. i a list nill'it. I y tk of toast. C Of bacon with a sharp knlfo In f .1' piece, crosswise. I'ut In a .t, if mil cook over a flow fire un II nip s'lr nn It cooks to insure ll evfi crlspnnM. nip off some of j , thi frj lenvlnc ahout four tnhle V f p "i "f fat Hi with the hacon jilern S'lr In thp flour with the, tijp'W and fat, Mending It well, Add I th milk and cook at bolllnir tem perature five minutes. Tour over the fOftened toast Th- Toast Tlll.i toast should he 1 quite soft I know of nothing raoro difficult to eat than a creamed food on a h.inl, touch pleco of toast. Make tho toast either under the flame o tho lirollor or on the tonst ir Iiutt' r It. then for a spcond only, dip the bottom side In bollnc water, Th steam will softpn It through and ir.ike It murh more eatable, llrtukfoM Muffins. (1! muffins.) I cur1 flour 4 tP.ispooni Mklncr powder. (, tabli-ipoons shortenlne. tablespoons suijar. 1 teaspoon salt, 'sirs Milk. Cream pec fat and sucnr until vrv Ilcht Sift flour, baklm: powdpr ard f-.ilt then alternately with the milk s'lr Into the ecu mixture until yo.i have a drop batter (a batter that drop from tho spoon with a llttl helpl nil well KreaMPil milf- W. tins half full and bake In a hot oven from 12 to ir minutes These muffins well buttered and with nnv s-ir of letly or Jam and snort cof fe make a very natlsfylni; break- raw And hy-the-way, how do you make tnffpp' llfr are some of tho points I rave heard dlCUBsed bv Rood cof-, fe makers You may find snmethlni! j hp'rful in them. In the first place. It 'iikes eood enffpo to make irnod rof'pp There Is a Rreat deal In the rmkinir and I know many a time ruirt cade nf coffee q spoiled In ' 'hp maklnc Hut I also know that In rases, poor coffee Is the I res 'it nf using a poor brand or grailn i Of 'f'pp I T'erp are two blpnds of tho brst """pps 'oo. The heavy or we, mlcht mv l.lllpr blenils, used for nflpr (llnnpr pr,ffpp ftn,i for bpavy coffee drlnltprs jjpn w),n Krnnkn a great dell want a stronger, heavier coffee. thn those who do not. The- there are tho mild blends ef i Knnd prade of coffee. Y 'ir Kropnr should bn able to r !i' voir selection nfter vou de p'1 nn the special kind of coffee V'tr family pnlnvs I'p nintor Coffee- Tor tho nver spp 'ite four tablespoons level f"l' of socially cround percolator c'fpe i the pint of water. II Is r.n r .miiiip to measure by the cup Lei hip f-ups vary so In sl7.p. but '!'" f wa'pr should make from l-VJ'" ' fur cups of coffee Acaln J 'Ms wii' depend upon the slro of thi. - rrt I'u' the coffee In the re "nt.vtp at the top and pour the f nnter ovrr., ml let It perco h'fl rr,m is to :o minutes. Cold water will make t,i-1 as Rood coffee, but It tahes bmcer f"r the coffee to cuok. nnd the iiii. ker coffee Ii mude and used the belter It will be. Hi, lie. I Coffee lp the name nmount of coffee, adding a little more water as more Is lost In tlm bulling, l'our the bolllnit water over the crouniK put the pot over th" file, stuff clean white paper In lh spout to keep the steum and flax or III. and let the coffee rtnnd nt Just the bolllmr point for 15 minute Itemove from the heat to settle be fore nrrvlni;. A very Ilttlo cold wa ter win no tins niso V.stH Coffee Measure out the amount of coffee then add the cr white. One crb white may be usmI for one. half cup ground coffee M well with the Rriumils. Then p.'iir over the nmount of water need d In cold water nnd place to cor Cook as boiled rot fee. If bolllni; wa ter. Is poured , over the eces and Kroillids, the white will be cooked In tiny flecks and Is hard to strain from the coffee. If cream and simnr are used, eith er one or both, put them In the cup first, then pour the coffee In on them. This distributes the flavor, moro evenly and for many, ureally Improves the cotfee. Iced Coffee- There are manv who enjoy leeil coffee for breakfast these day, more than mt coffee. Make hot coffee four times the strensth you usually do. l'our bolllni; hot over cracked Ice Add cream nnd nil car to tnsle This clvi.s a belter flavor than using rold left ovi r cof fee. Mo sure that the half-hearted wav your fnmllv eats breakfast these davs cannot be traced to lack of va riety and Interest In Us preparation Sinn Feiners Wreck Train i i K . , r J ...-- -p- - ,'W7viLMfW,,, i t.m .. . 4. .t-..t,J.IJ,f-.l.iJ.'JJ A ... .:,tt..i.-?.:.. " w i-WMv View of tho U'ns'U. While llrltlsh and Irish officials are attempilni; to end strife be- tween the two countries thi. pic ture Is d..nb ln'i restini; It sin wh tie r .ins of a train Idi.wn up at Aduvnelc, near Uuiidulk, by the slnn fi . Main per ins were klieil nnd iais rompb'lely wncked. Institutes "Jazz Wedding Ceremony for Modern Couplesw CALLED IRELAND OF ITALY Sardinia In Habit of Tlimucnliw N'paintliiii l'riiin llonic. HO.M Kt July U. -Sutdlnla U fond of calling herself the "Ireland" of Italy, and of threatening to sepa rate from the mother muntry whom It necuscs of having alwayii behaved to tlio gallant Ilttlo Island In a eoniuwhat stepmotherly way. Uowovir, thi! recent visit of King Victor Emmanuel to his Sardinian subjects win the occasion for an outburst of loyalty which will oblige thu Instigators of separatism to jlo ler their hopes, liven tlm socialists Joined in welcoming thu king. .Sardinia needs roads und rail roads to bring her splendid harvests of grain and her other agricultural products to tho mainland, and, above nil, government help for re claiming tho unhealthy districts and sys'.ematlcally and scientifically combatting thu terrible scourge of malaria 'which renders many of her most producUvo provinces almont unlnhnbltablo for bcvcral months of thu year. LEARN U. S. FROM PICTURES Clilliln-n Sco Moro American .Mghtn '1 linn All l.lso. LONDON', July 1 5. Knglish chil dren are rapidly becoming Ameri canized through seulng nothing but American moving pictures, Is tho contention of A. CI. ('.ranger, man ager of an educational picture series who holds that film education ought to bu part of every school curricu lum. .Millions of children go to tho pic tures regularly." ho said to an Inter viewer. "In American films no op portunity is lost to Introduco tho American flag; American motors arc shown and popularized; Amcrl'on Ideas In dress, furniture, habits and customs uro being continually put buforo the children with tho result thit they know more about Lincoln and the north and pnuth war than about Oliver Cromwell and N'elMin. "Where did thu fashion for bobbed hair como from? Kroin America, and by tho film." ho added, All Kngllsh teachers aro now In favor of Introducing tho film Into thu schools, Mr. Granger tas. COM'MIUA. Mo., July 15. Jnzr. Is the order of tho day. And now comei tho Jaz wedding ceremony, nil revlip'd o fit conditions of tho twentieth centry modernity. Hev. fJ. W. Ilatrher. Columbia's "marrying parson." who has tied 4 17 knots "f wedlock. In the pro vider of the new ceremony. Made public today, it provides that the groom -.hull reply to the following questions: "Wilt thou take her for thy p.ird, for better or for worse; to have, to hold, to fondly guard, till hauled off In the hearse? "Wilt thou let her have her way, consult her many wl'ihes, make the fire every day and help her with the dishes? "Wilt thou ooth her In her woci, keep her spirit bright and gay? Wilt thou turn the wringer, hang thu clothes and trtiht her for the pay? "Wilt thou give her all tho stufl her little purse will pack, buy a monkey board, a muff, u Ilttlo seal skin Hack ? "Wilt thou comfort nnd support her father and mother, Atint Jemirn. Uncle John, 1.1 (.Isters and a brother 7 "Wilt thou tell her to her face that she Is sweet and kind, that the like of her In all the rncu would bo dif ficult to find? "Wilt thou be to her the same nnd never shirk nor falter, as she shall wear thy name and thou shall wear the halter?" To break tho monotony of the questionnaire on matrimonial prom lues, liev. Or. Hatcher supplies the result on the groom- "IIIh face crows pale nnd blinks; It Is too late to Jilt. As to the floor he indly sinks, he quickly savs: 'I will.'" Ilrlilo linn Qui-Mluiinalro, Tim, Oh, yes' The bride tiiuot have her set of questions. They're supplied by the genial "marrying parson," who admits that Walt Mason hasn't a thing on him- "Wilt thou take him for thy pard, for better or for worse; to have, to hold, to fondly guard hl;i person and hlfi purse? "Wilt thou mako him mind nnd show him every fault and, then. In spite of groan or whine, mako him walk the chalk? "Wilt thou make him pat tho scarps that belong to days of yore, so you'll get your mid -day naps and over novels pnrp "Wilt thou bo quick to takp con trol of all that's on the place and say to him In language bold- 'You're not my In. m In any ran,'' ? "Wilt thou mako him sweep tho floor, fetch thi' wood and water, pick up thing!' iir wliatver else jou order? "Wilt thou make him darn his Kicks, sew button on his In Itches and pet your flngern In his links every time he missed? "Wilt Ihoii make of him a cairy all for bandbox, grip and bundle; make J 1 1 m take the paniHiit and to the taeket tumble" "Wilt thou be I,. Iilm his dear be yond all Clllljerlllle and when you get upon your ear give Jiim a curt u In lecture?" The bride Is supposed to smile In the rhyme of the minister: "Her face I all aglow, her ejes an Jet. ag she queenly stands opon the floor and loudly says: 'You bet!' " which preceded the end of his rov til ut Inn. A ppi oxltiintely 25 trees marked the hlstoilral spot In lull. Today, said, I t-is than half this nuiii survive the raids nf thu chil dren sent to ueatch for fuel. I Tho gioe won Its name In 11)11 'when Mailero led his troops against 'the .Inure federnl garrison, which I remained loyal to I'lesldent I 'or fir In Ilia.. Tho commander of the gar rison and Madilo arranged several armistices under tlm Irna of tli" grovo. Indian Mill Out of .lull. Kl'crlsl In Thi. WorM ADA, July !.'.. No trare has yet been f u ii t of John lleniy. an In ,11,,,, ..., ,,i,l Ir,,!,. ll, ,'IIV 'jail heto Monday night, but officers aro making nn effort to locate him, I He was plin ei theie on a cliargo of drunkenness. WOMEN STUMPED BY ONE MAN lUami' Gilotti for Kaihuv of Italian l'Vmalo Suffrage Ily CI.AUA wui.n MILAN', July. U- Not the least in Ker fin the reNlgniilliui of Mr. (llo- . Iilll i,r,l,' iik II,., ,iiii.ii vl,. ' 111 1' wiirkltiK tor niiffrnie In Italy "Mi. (Ilollltl has I i the moat phlegmatic mid Impi egnuble eiiemv nf woman miffrage In nil Italy, said I'rofiiwor .MaiKlierlla Annum. 1 1 hah mail of the .Milan suffnid- or-i.-.itilKiitliin, in an Interview with tin ! I iiieinatlonal News Hervli o. The situation fur silffniKc, ne i 'idiom to hi'i. Is i l y had. but Hie 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 in- n t end of IIIoIIIU'h minimis nation will do much In mine the I Impes of Italian women 'I'm li e a bill bus been piissed by the h iinbei I "f deputies of lluly, gnintlng nil f ft age, but both (lines u new election his been called bcfoie the question was taken befoie the seiiaie. und P" lias had to bo lull odiu ed again In the chamber. "rolllli'liins In Italy," she said, "aro like politicians In all other countries on the subject of woman's vole. The populate de, lani tha' woman suffrage will mid voles to the socialist party. The hoi lulls' iliiclnrn It will bring voles to th" populate, mid the eiinslltulliiniillsls aro afraid of both. In addition, there an. those eonseri.lllves wl ii want to limit the vote for men and would never dleatn of giving votes In women. However, If the govern inent Introduces a bill, which vo hope It will whenever there is a change of pii'inler, the soclnllsls and tiopolare will bnth have 1" vole for It, and It will again pass and go In the senate- If the next premier does not go to tho country again be fore that." Iiespilu the general dlscouarge inent of the suffragists, then, am a few- opliiulsls who are aluaily pre paring for the day when women will have tho voli' Slgnora llosso of Homo has organlited a woman s party the iiuloue pollllca na.lonale win. h. she d' In i. will work f"r ii nip-ists ..f wntueii and will en I' i tin pic. t. us, iheu wiiineii h.iv. "i lute. Willi lis m'.ii tlciloral h' Is llpM'tlslllll Wltlllll Itlllll.H. Already the wiitiien of Italy are illvlilUig nn this quesliou nf whether "r not there should be a wmiiun's I arl Wllhlii the intiUii of those who lil" flKlitlng for siiffraKii theie bus mne a fuither spill Willi the recent eiecllnll a npllt Hull grew nut of tlie fact that innii) women took part In tlm party priip.iMiuidii pie ii ding the eli" II, 'li. In .Milan, ,is well as ilsewheie, the mole pro i:riKHlii' leaders of suffrage dei laied thai women should uige Hie eli'etlon i.'ily of Ihnse who had pleilKed their votes to silffluge - a piogiaiu erv' like Hint of the national woman's party or the I'lilli'd Wales. This pul ley defeated by women who were eager to siippoit one party .or auothrr, howewr. I'lofi'ssiir Am nun, UrillHlll nppiiHi'tl In part la the eli'i Hun tiufftago Issue, sns ' llle in mci ii wo don't get suffrage In Hilly Is beiaiise the polltliians n 'n not aftald of us, ns th. Amerl '.ill polllli bins were nfiald of tlx women there. It would be luipiis who was par Wiitiien, lalilnis except on the sible to adopt a feminine militant liioi.mplit In Italy, but It would bn an excellent thing If we could Probably If Mr. rilullltl had hern luaile us uncomfortable as Lord As qulth was In Hiigland or rreslden Wllsnn In America, he would have done something for suffrage Instead of silting dumb." Horse .Miles nl Automobile, HMD. July IB An unusual sight for ll'i't was the nl'"liitn frlgl t dlspliDi'd by a horse nil the publi squiilo yesterday, when ailtomn blli s ueru passing him. Willi a whip and linmeiitlonnble words he inn finally petsundeil d puss the cuts but Irfl at a dead run It Is a queer Innse that Is iiftnld of an auto these ilajs. Slimmer 'lerins In Itural S'liooN, In Tlm World ADA, July Ift- .Suminer school terms In all rural schools of east iitilral district have been opened, according to iiuuoiiiicemenls from the county supi'tlntcndcnt'n offpe h'trsl reports received shows n good iiileniliiuro In ninny of the rural s, liools, espi"'y consolidated schools, BARONESS A SEAMSTRESS I.OS AN'OI'I.KS, July 15.. Ilaroness Ottlly de llopp, IIum mn noblewoman, whoso fortune was swept nwiiy by the war and who Is now working as a needlewoman In a fashionable local hotel, Is battling ur .. ui. ,. ..ii.. ,.- nun .i riii.i. , Thu baroness, who formerly had servants to do her every bidding, I has lioppH of soon advancing from her present position to much better ci rcum.'Uances. "It Is a little hard to take up this work," ho said "However, I am devoting myself to It and hope to learn." Thu baroness Is the wife nf the Ilaron William de llopp, who was nn Intlmntii of many of the lllus trlous men of tho Imperial Russian leglmo and who Ii s-ild to have owned a 10,000-arre estato In I. lib uanla. The couple came to Amerlia In I!il5. Tlm estato was devastated during tho war and finally seized. BURNED GROVE FOR FUEL Mi-iIi'jiii (VitinniiiHiiN AIiiiiisI Conn I'mm Chlldrcn'i ItnliN. V.l. l'ASu, T?xas, July 15. - Mexl pnn rhl'dren gaiherlng firewood are slowly wiping out a dump of Cot tonwood treis northwest of Juarez Mexico iirnuj tin, un, (Jninili- from herp. which has 1 n known at 'Tcaro Orove,' 'hecausn It was there that Ceneral Francisco I. Maderu nKceed to a serlen of nrmlflllces 'ProperlyPasteurizctl' nnd bottled in the larg est and most sanitary dairy in the state of Oklahoma. Al Your Oniocr's Insist un lie' I'nn-nt mid Safest "FVopcrly Pniteurizcd Milk" I'mm tlio Pure White Dairy Co. EAGLE SCOUTS GET BADGES I'nwntutlnn Takrt. I'laiii nt Ilcillcn- Hon of Scum Ixalgi: Hut, XpecUl to TIip Moriit. AHA, July IT. The first Kaglo scout In I'ontotoc was awarded his badge last Tuesday afteniuuii nt thu dedication program for thu Hoy Scout lodge at the city lako. Three bos In thu county have won this honor and wcro presented with tho badges at that time. Moro than 350 merit badges. 12 sccond-c!a.s.s and 15 first-clafs badges, were also awarded at this time. This was the greatest badge awarding cxen iso Uio I'ont"toc county scouts have ever taken part In. Several other scouts are cm pletlng their teMs for tho Kaglu scout badge. OSAGE GROCERY and MARKET 107 East First St. Frying Chickens Alive, pound, 35c Dressed, pound, 38c Phone Osage 2080 Nice Fai Hens Alive, pound, 25c Dressed, pound, 28c CITY MARKET Archer and Boulder The City Market is newly screened and also all new screen doors. We are trying to keep everything up to date, and to keep ample supplies of all kinds of Fruits and Vegetables at the lowest possible prices. Fresh Meats, Fish and Poultry. A bountiful supply of Spring Chickens. Our Lunch Counter is growing in popularity every day. Satisfaction Guaranteed Auction Sales Every Saturday Do Your Marketing Here Saturday Money Saved Is Money Mado per Veal Stew, i' ,i,'l ... ca: Ko.-Lrt, per pound Spare Itlbs, per pound C'hr.t, o Pot Itoast, per pound rrct.h Calf Liver, pur pound 5c ..15c 10c 12 k .20c Ktni Spivlnl Trlmo Illb lloant, boned and rolled, rnon e corn tea biock, per pound 30c Choico I.ej; of I.arnb, per pound Good Smoked Hacon, per pound S-lb. slzo Crlrco, for C-lb. size Crlsco, for Dixie Ilaron Squares, per pound Jiest HrenkfoM Iticon, sliced, I-lb. pkg. 35c 25c 50c 95c 20c 45c 10 Pounds 63 c New Pot si toes Pock 35c Strictly Fresh Country 27c Hrookfield JJutter 39c I 'on ml Quart Jars I'ura I'rult Ji .ly . Quart Jars II. I I'eanut Hotter . 2 Tall Cant ("nrrmt Ion Milk , Tall Can'i C Small CaoH IJnzo 58c 58c 25c . 8c 25c lUlni SM'clal 15 canes only, California I'eacheii, halviH or mtieil. In 30 iiyrup, extra heavy 29c No. 1 Smkiu AnpiniKUK Tlpn M'.mt'hinK i xtia fine . 2 I.irKi- Camj 1'ork and In anH 10 Ham Bwlft B White Koap l ib can Calumet Jlaklnc I'owdcr , , , , 2 I'ackafen Jiffy Jell . ..... Vlncjnir Tor plckllm; Ixilthil am I bull. I'liro Apple Oiler, 28c 25c 39c 29c 25c Lets Work, Save, L:iujli and Play Hard Times Away Vou can Undo at the fluent. Morn In tlm ntntn with tho UiVit'Ht prlceii and do the I iv IliK. It will pay you to make IhlH your ntore Trader.'i No. 4, Itulclt bld(r. Second and Hnuldcr. Tho new and Ideal retail food i enter of Ttllivi. Kancy California ) llermuila OiiIoiim OC Jiffy Jell per pkK U i'urllan I.unrh Qtlt ItolU 7L I'mil'd lfi-OT! I'urn 1'reHorven, 35c to O0 I'alm Ollvo Q Hoap Ot l-'ri Hh (Ireen lleanH Q., per pound Ov I ro Cream Halt, per puund id'Kj Morton (i No. 2 lted OQ I'llted CherrliH LtiiKj Tall Helm Milk, f , per can V Tall DnnlKh I'rldo -j Milk, per can XUL Tall Hoiiebiid Mlllt, -t n per ran .Ltj Tall Carnnllon Milk, 1 Q per ran iijC Our Ideal Unlit Peanut Duller la ii treat, 1 Q,, per pound Xt7L Standard Hour, lQ 2t IbH iJQL Standard Hour, (IJ- (4 4S Ibn pl.J'4 100 Iba. Standard (i0 rjQ I'lour ... De'). I O tlood floods I'lour, (- tyQ 21 IbH T) 1 .UO (lood (loodH Hour, A O 18 Ibn tp.'iO 100 lb. CJood (loodH frA IJQ I'lour D'4. I O (lood floodM Hotter, ',)0 per lb fJJL llest Nut (Jleo, - per lb l.,)L Old Dutch CleallBer XVC MatcheH, Rood nnd f? dependable OC 10 (iood White AQt Naptha ilonp . . . 'IOC 10 Kara li. WiHij (TQ , Hoap .. . JOO 1(1 bam Crystal I A , White Snap ll'X'L' LT. '' ()4c Z!r ' " 04 c Standard No 2 (.t Toinat ii tly Standard (i-, i'.,rn tU Mean In b'd wa'h'-i iiiuit t.e K d our Mea'H nro Suin i lUilll'V I' amy I '.i lif'.n.l.i O., In nn ud i ' ii.i'.ri'i ijt Tall I'I'.k 1 Q SHI on ui l.OL Tall H-.l ir Kilo ,.n .... OOL Kx'ra Qnalltv Hulk 1Q., I " ri , tj Ilijttoi ... LiO 2 1 lim lt d Ktar fT- C)Q l-'l-'iir . . n 1 ,tO fnir h t r ti In Mean, i.miiy a . im.iible i 'i iii m 'i d I o uh, with K-.od p'lrk.iij; Hpaie. conven ent and out of the hlKh reel t I ptown. yet out of lin ennc;ci!ed dlnlrlct. wi; .i AitAvrr.i: I'.vcuv 'iiii.vt; wi: km, i, Our buulncFfi prlncIpliH pro tecln you not nlonn In prl"en but In all that pom with Kood merchandlHlnif "W Kill for lein and the coodfl milHt be K"od KoodH or tho milo In no (food ' JULIUS HENKE J'roprletor Feed-Feed-Feed Rod Feather Poultry Scratch Red Feather Laying Mash Oyster Shell Mill Run Hay Bran Oats Shorts Corn Chops Alfalfa Sweet Feeds ' Red Star Products Co. Quality Feeds Cost Lest FREE DELIVERY 219 East First Osage 1658 VISION On the face of an apple Newton saw the force that link:, tho stars together and binds us to the myriad suns. On the movement of a teakettle cover Watt saw mighty moguls climbing mountain sides and titantic liners plowing the deep. On an electric shock received from a key attached to a flying kite Franklin saw cities brilliantly lighted and powerful machinery lifting stone and steel to build our modern pyramids of business. Vision gave to thu world Piggly Wiggly Stores where every housewifo can get the best foods at the market's best price and make her own selections. PIGGLY- WIGGLY "ami ovi:it thi: woitii" KTOItr. NO. I I Kl'Oltn NO. 2 21 ICimt Tirol Kln-cl I Corner Siionil mid llirMon HO KM ,M t'AMI'HIXKH I l.ltl.l SON'S BREAD 15c Loaves . .2 for 25c 10c Loaves . .3 for 25c Pure White Granulated licet Pure White Granulated Cane SUGAR SUGAR F".rr; BANANAS p": cr Pound 10 Pounds 59c 10 Pounds 65c 11c Fine Ripe f Three rr" California UUltClOlipCS for 25C Lard, 93c L a r (1, Swift's Jewel ShortoniiiK, 58c Swift 'a Juwul SliortuniiiK, No. 8 !- fQ pails JL.UO Meadow Gold QQ iSutter, per lb. .. 0C I) airy Maid Creamery JJutter, QQ per lb OOC Swift's Premium Sliced Hacon, lb.-hoxcs, CfA each DUC Best New Potatoes, lf lbs. to peck, weight QK nuaraiiteed, jieck OOC Domino Golden Syrup, net weight, -i A 1-lb. 2-oz., per can -L'xC Swift's Premium fi-lb. pails, each Swift's Premium 10-lb. tl- rrn pails pl. 4 7 Templor brand pure sorK- hum, net weight, 1-lb. C-oz., per can jOC No. 1 cans Peat Hawaiian Sliced or Grated Iffl Pineapple, can 1 J 2t National Hicuit Co. Cakes and Crackers, 10c packages National Hincuit Co., 20e packaKcs, encli . . . . 7ic . 14ic Meal Deparlmcnt-PigSly-Wiggly No. 2 ur.sT en's or iu:st .mi:.ts. katikpacti'ion and I'ltit ns oi I'ancy llecf Itoiuitit, pi r III ... Veal ItoaHta, per II, Chuck Hteak, per Hi Ilei'f IloillriK Mint, per lb 12ic 12ic 12ic 5c l.unli Ilreant, per Hi Venl llrcnirt, per 111 Cream ('litem', per lb A nice Mipply of uprlni: chlclt rna and lieni, 5c 5c 22c w HBSJMBED A ( oiiiplelc Mne Olitnlnalilo of llrlcil nnd rrtih PrnltH and 1'ri'nli Vi'ltctiililcs .la)N sen mim iy t Wo llellver Vnur Onlcr In All I'nrN nf 111" Cllv at a Very .Modcralu liarito of IS In :i,"i I onth. Ainplo I'arUlnB lUiiini fur Auloi