Newspaper Page Text
TTbRA DAILY WORLD, MONDAY, SF.rTEMIlKR 3, 1(121 TULSA MINISTERS NOW IN ENGLAND Mortuaru Funeral Htnlnn if M. ci Dewey -y u clJ ii.i son nf si. u. ix-wi-y two mlt-vj west of West Tulsa, will! o In ;.l .it the Mowbray chnpcl Slmi- 1 diy afternoon at ! So ciclm k In- cerment will to mail.- In llnae Hill i cmetory. CROWDS ATTEND 'THEATER OPENING i' ii ii i . B'l S'it ! i hi u hw ' ' nil. in . Mr knows . tt. ui p', k i , mi ,i tnl i It lo he i Kcv. Barton Touring Old: Countries Finds Many I Interesting Places i thu country round about Hint TO TOUR CONTI N ENT ; u ' niitr lunVovab" VITbi Vuch l J I V W WW . (.,-, .,,. -..l. l,, Expects to Visit Historic Scenes in Europe Before Leaving for Tulsa TV World 1m In receipt o( a let ter from Ilnv. I H. Hnrton, pngtor i ' th- Hoston Aventlo Mothodlst i hur'h, who with his wlfo, Is tour Ir.g abroad for tho summur In com r o with Hlshop Mmiznn nml hit fan lly. Thn two families left here , vi'rnl weeks ago on an extended i ,r throiiKh Kngtand and contl r.rnlal Kuropc. Tim letter was railed from London, and fs dated .Viriit 23, 1921. It follow: "Wo lind a delightful voyago across by tho Canadian I'arlflc enm t,m. sailing In their splendid ship Mlnncdosa." It wan nn exceed ingly cold voynge; for halt a dny We wire In the Icebergs. "Plncc I caching llnglnnd tho time ' ns hern so closely taken up there bis licen little tltno for wrltlnic to friends. My wife and I have vis magnificent structures could hae been built so long ago. Much of, both of these castle Is a thousand yrnr of age. Additions havu been nddod by lords and kings later, i Warwick still mantis but Kenllworth1 1m In ruins. 1 "Wo would havo liked to length ened our rtay nt Oxford Into severnl! days, but sit hours there was all wo i had. lty ttothlt.g elso havo wo been ' im Impressed at by thin university , city. The university has Its life In 1 tho 21 Blent collegia that constitute 11 The entire school Is honry with age, rich with tho most splendid liulIdlngH, nnd richer still with her Majestic Resumes Shows After Kedeeoration Is Completed MunilrelB of people attenlml tb'e opening ef the Majestic theater yes terday ntfernoon and night. After being closed for 11 rtaya for repairs, the motion picture play house reopened with a screen attraction whno star shared somn tif the responsibility fur the crowds that tnxed the capacity of tho thontor fioni the time oT the aft etniMHi opening until late at night. Satisfaction nnd pleasure with the sui founding, was the reaction of even tho most rasunl observer, with K ' or He offered tor nn pnirons .t 1' it.imiiunt picture fur the reopen ing of his theater yesterday. In Kei pltiK with tho new playhouse tho iniiniisi m. nt bns booked seme of the iiiit niuirestlnn plays uf the siason. This weeks attraction Is a tllona ywanson plav In r.llnot (ilvng slnry, "The CI real Moment." a sum of irypsv blood thai wouldn't mingle with llnglnnd's blue. Next Week Hubert ItugheH story. "The Old Nest." will set forth that most InternalinR novel by the famous writer with a good nst from Hold wjii'm selei tlon, itnd the following Hnndny Cei II H DeMllles much talked of play with the most com plete cast since old blograpli ilfts "Tho Affairs of Anotole," with W.i. lsce Held, Theodore Itnlierts, Wmul.i lllawley. Hebe Dnnlels. Itn num I I Mutton and others will belli to tin ill the audience In kcepimx with lln liacki;roiinl, which the iKeuii ni i has made for Tulr.l ' tlwnii rgoerx ind winter. studio;! front oilier h'c't im i the country, the ! mi eh will beiome ni'itto The ri'gMratlon m bed tile just com pleted will begin Wednesday, when ..I" Jlllllllin iiiiu lii'IHiioi will oi'HIll Ho enroll at 3 o'clock In the aftot- ttoon. Tho Hophomores will follow Ihelr upper clainmen by enrolling Thursday ut the same lime. The frenhliV will net a i-him e to select their MUdleH 1'rid.iy at o'cloiK ' HOLD CATHOLIC CONVENTION r'.u." I lot Mi-otltur ol Moli I "tincll l!i i , 1 1 1 1 n ef ",c W i-iHH it I'll'l-'lt to eeif , , , nil r u'K .lHllltr ol .liltl i ouiieu licit- r i i l towiiitnlHoi lletv SiinibH. 111(111' IH ArVCHlCM (III The goernni' nl i Africa has iippolnte t-xtilore Ibe i'outnr the piob tide mi' t i sf for wilier. f Hi It ish Must I an i mio ' I'1 Mid ii m . 1 1 im of .ll llllMK wi l'i mtf nnrlinn. litiAu'tei? .ivnellv w IV speeiators Inclined to nnnlyr.e the I this fall r Tour UsunildinTROOM SHORTAGE IN SCHOOL mush', ntmosphete nnrt picture. 'ibirty days' woik was none our- ,..,, ,.1.,1 will lie Mor.- CYoh.ImI lays that th aiajmtic Vl...r r,.,.., i-.,.r ip.for,. With lomidetiCn "f the tow nddl- wonlth poured out Into the llfo of thn country in tho trroat characters shniimr thu 11 haH oducatud. Many of the Rreat thinter was 1 loscd for tedeciirntlng I men wlto Itavn maile HiiKlund, look 'and remodeling. A lu'l force or down on you as you go from 1 ollepi . workmen labored dnv and night to college, one o: (lie largest, if 1 complete tho changes bcf.u-e th(. .1. ' ..1. ...I .. I. .1 I ..A..I..,. O x... r. ... m iiviiuioi null' ( oi'.'iiiii, .--i i-ot l'i d Liverpool, Chester, the bike dls- to preach. Nothing haw so to not the largest, Is Christ's Church college. Ileie we i.iw tho picture of John Woaley adorning the walls. In Lincoln, ono of the ttmaller col lege, whero lie was fellow, we saw hla picture ngaln. had his room pointed out to us where tln first Methodist meeting was held; also stood In his pulptt whero he atood lm- fl't tho HhakiMtie.ire country in cluding n visit to Warwick and Ken tlworth Cnitles, and ()-ford nnd Tmdnn. ho far. We hope to go. to the continent this week. 'Liverpool Is 11 great commercial lty of much Interest. Old Chester wns the stronghold of the Homans when they ruled this country In the beginning of thn Christian era. A long walk around tho Hainan wnll, passing tho towers that overlook the city, makes this visit a thing not to be forgotten. ' IjiiUit Country ltruiitlfiil. "Tho lnke country Is as beautiful as tho many stories about It would lend one to believe. W had de lightful rides on two or threo of tho most beautiful of these lakes. At Orassmere. Wad.iworth spent most i of his fruitful days; here he Is burled. Southey s homo Is at Kes wick, a nenrby village. PeQutncy also lived nt the formor place for many yearc, and In this sime coun try was Samuel and Hartley Cole ridge's homo. It is not h.arj to neo why these poets sought this country for It Is beautiful beyond descrip tion. "Stratford on Avon Is n good city of perhaps 10,000 people. Every thing thero 1h Shakespeare. Ono al most feels that It Is consecrated ground as he visits thn blrthplar,, of this Immortal genius. The docu ments thero will convince one that tho representations made by this city aro true. Moro than fifty times tho namo of John Shakespeare, Wil liam's father, appears on- records and other documents In this city, nnd many times ono sees tho name of his Illustrious son. W'o enjoyed very much a mile walk out to Ann llathawny's cottage and found 1' Interesting Indeed. Vl.sltiil Many CaMlcM. "I shall not attempt to describe tho castles of Warwick and Kenll- worth. CJrcat strongholds built to I mako safe tho lords of thn cnntlo pressed us In Knglatnl as this gteat her ). Last Thursday, scaffolding taking a half carload of lumber, filled thn Interior of the theater, no MirpetH nor draperies were up, and the tnsk was far from finished Yei Irrdny every detail, even lo the fin ishing touch of polted pn'ms and ferns on the pl.'itfni 10. in tho foer anil outside. the thi.iter, was coin- dele. The walls have been rrdc Hon of the high b ho. I s I ah- id two 1 mir in the future. Tulsn hbMt - Moid tinea n more serious room vhorMt 1 ! tills Scar thin evei befme I With close to 2,no0 itU'lenlH ex ported to en' oil, tt nh'Ts nnd offi . lib iniko an- UMng every means 1 t'l'HiblO to mi'li ' me the HCtmuH hanhlrnp Tin u.1l.1r si ho.d bo ly , nt the close or seine I lust year n I ceeded 1,600 nnd with ibe enroll nn nt of oevi nil bundled freshmen ' coupled with the annual Influx of university. We could only think of I orated ni t -paneled nnd -are flnlslu our poverty in tho grent cruise It 1 1,1 such n way ns to give the Im- wns a significant fact that nearly I preiwlon of being taptHtrled. The every one of thine colleges at Ox-1 ib'. nnitlvn touc hes In tit,, main nudi ford was founded by wttio ono man. I lorlum are in tose anil gold, and In a man who had n vision of what , (be foyer are In gray and slh er. The V' GIRLS FROM 15 STATES IN CRESCENT COLLEGE his money might do, "We havo now been In London since Saturday. Have visited West minster, worshiped at .Kt. Paul's Sunday, and went to chapel Sunday night, very homo of Methodism, and hoi we slood with uncovered bend at the grave of John Wesley. Fletcher. Adnm Clark nnd llenson ure nlio burled near Weley -Adam Cl.irk Immediately bv his side. It was holy ground nn which we stood. Just ncross thn road was the grave of Mrs. Wesley, the mother nt Meth odism. "llecomlngly, our "first service for the Heumenlcal conference will bo held In this chapel, which Is a good sized church." FISH. Hum- TULSANS HOOK BIG IKkUoix O'llcrn nml Carney Luck on I'ai'lflc Coitsl, LONO HHACH, Cai. Sept. -I. Two residents of Tuba, Okla., Poc tor O'llcrn anil P. ft', Carney, pan siinrcin on tho launch b'rancH c, broke tho spell In albacorn fishing ycturdny, hooking six of the finny tribe, one of which weighed 40 pounds. They were caught In chan nel waters, went of the steamer lano. Tho pnrty hnd set oat for sword fish but the rough wnters Interfered with tho working of tho kite. The change of bait from flying fish to sllvor fitriker, proved advantageous to the middle westerners. Tho 40 pound fish wll be mounted by Poo tor O'llcrn as a trophy from the I'arlflc coast. This albac.iro wns said to bo the largest caught In lo cal w.iterw this season. aisles of the auditorium, both up- stairs nnd down, and tho floor of. the foyer nr carpeted with a soft mid velvety finished enrprt. The . City HoiuVh 1 ""i office hns been moved farther Here Is thn i out In the foyer. Mural deornlln! lit th,. foyer depicts early theatrliall bltsory. The general effect of the theater In lis new state Is one of i binuty and nt artistic pet fecilon. He-1 twuen $9,000 and JH'.OOO has been, spent on Improvements. Mas Augmented OrcliiMrn. ' The on hestra has been augmented ' by tho addition of new plneiH audi pieces and Is now the largest pm feShionul oichestra In tho state, j llalpb Talbot, the owner of the1 really I theater, said last night. Undi'r the Iflclent leadetblp of T. Ilerrlck i who lias been with Tnlbot for the. last 10 years. It plays the beat iniisl" in a way that Is a satisfaction to lovers of It. The organ console hi" been moved to tho south side of tho theater, entnlllng a change ot some 1,500 connections. ThrtiiiKb grills overhead four six foot electric fans keep the air of the .Iniilor College III Onrl.H Completing r.iiriillmctil Nenilj One .Month liarl) i Spaces Awilliibli: fur Oklahoma (ill Is. Crescent College for (llrls nt Hureka Mprlngs,, In closing I Its room i hart its the limit of eighty I glrli will be rem bed within tho .week. In order to wartnnt tho rail rond to run n special I'ullmati from 'Oklahoma City exclusively for Cres- cent students, it lind tuyii arranged! I to give picicrcine in ii ii-w ioiom girls from Oklahoma. Who or write I for catalog, view book, room rcser 1 Mitlon, etc. Crescent occupies a unliiun posl i tlon nui'in girls' colleges. II lliiilts lis enrollment to eighty girls and each year helects tin se eighty from among many morn applicants. While lull work Is serious nnd accredited, girls me encournged to 'piny, swim, dnnce, and work In close contact i with teacher of strong Christian pcrromillty, with tho imiin Inteirst I nnd enthusl.'isrii. Crescent recog nized years ngo Ihta students must ineaier cooi anil irusn. rioor veniu- .. i. ,.,.,. ,.,i i,-,i,i,i- if rolt nn ntlon afforded by Mr fans In the,,,, ,1V' ;.;tlHtnrt(,ry. Crescent maln basemcnt and grills, keep the air i ,, a llPautlf ill Spring I-iko and coming from below, washed nn (,,,,,,,,. ,llr. ,.x, lllH,v r cool. Itji Its comfortnblo scats and I ltH students. Harh Individual stu soft lights, the Uiiater's g. neml , llr,nl ,,.c,.ives peraonnl enro niM at ntm..phere Is condui Ive to physical; tentlon from tuicliers. There exists enmlort wniln tile pictures are ne ing 1 enjoyed. ourth.' the picture Talbot, who Tulsa I'ndertaklng Co. can save you one-half. I'hsno Osago RC 1 G. AKT MMillS'l IN I'AINTI.V W. I. SILVE Till; I'KKM'll AllTIT Tu n l.lrnlttil Niniilicr ef Mietciit riioNi. os.n.i. sit' heto no extravagance In dross, no snobblshtK ss, though students attend from fifteen to twenty different Btiiten. Thero will bo approximately tw etity-flvo in the Oklahoma group. The reason for Crescent's popular ity nnd growth aro obvious. Thn best evlulinco la found In thn fact that tho iootn chart 1h closing n month enrli while oilier schools re port a lb i lino In enrollment. Ad ilres descent College, Hox W, Unrel.a Springs, Arkansas. Advt. Advt. " " '' - mi in Tlie new sogar-coafed chewing &uni which everybody likesyou will. too. A delicious peppermint flavored sugar jacket around peppermint flavored chewing sum that will aid your appetite and digestion, polish your teeth and moisten your throat. By the makers of "After Every Meal" B121 About 100 deb gates to tbo slate, entiietitlott of the stite coiiik ofj Catholic men itsm mbb d at llntilj Tulsn Sunday aflerto on for tl.. first meeting of the oi gaM n't m held In nklah 'to i Afti i Im iciing b.islnr-s, the following "Ml its w i re i , ben, I .1 II Morrow Haiti. smIIi pretl. , I . i t , .1 .1 Mi ill i vv, Tol'-1 vhepusl. ii.oit. Tbotiois W idi, Mn low, t.' , t.lM 'te'isnici. Mo low was also ii. inn d ib I' n.ile to lb n iti toil i on- (7i7f of Auto Theft I'Ynnk 1'bilr of Tnl."a w.i. atresied In Kimaafl Clt, Mo. Httardri In ,osihsIoii of a stolen 'it . 1 1 1 In he loiiBli.g tn Hirl Tiffany of Tulsa.. ii mil ti ir to , mcsicn rt'clvrd by Mile l, lb e ben lute flitllrdui n1L'it. Tne offn ,ts left funday In bring Hl.ilr to Tiisa to fa o a charge of auto theft. Whit Ii claimed to Im the first entirely eli.trlcally drlMti saw mill 'n the world Is In Maine, rurren" oi It obiiltiid from a high power transmission line. Spectacle Johnnie Says The Ku-Klux K!an catt i lean Tu'oi i i mi nn to do it. r. f.imillea and tun can't buy high n In 1a kets and II Is S'll 1 ' I era but t In 1 1 .lo gnat antei d booltegcers and he i" ilnv I t el nUt of I ' -il' Mill of is one thing lbe ( in I d, tic v giouml b uses any W" I I I ste b'liooK desli i d In 10 Scat Ktiariuiteed f mines mi sl, ib 1 1 complete sn i tin h s or eyeglasses, either leading or duiani l mn at only Jli 00 And here Is another Hung they can't do tiny i n t buy the get. nine one tdece blfouila far and mar vision, gn nnd inio the sanie b tmed, any .site, any sliiipe or slvle lenses, . ..n,l. i. In iuiv style frame or niountlng at only 10 on itiilem tiny know where to buy them, for Ibere h only one place In nklahnuii tint Hi Us this gradt' of kooiIh at this pi-Ice and Hint Is at 111 Soiiib !' tin axenue, one nml a half blinks south of the I'tis.o m nn n, Tulsn, Ok la. Now they can do It. And they urn giiur.inti i d snIN factory Should nu get n pnlr that falla lo gtvo you pet led i-.ion we will gladly exi hnnge with nu for a pair to iorrc. tly fil y. without charge. W'o nlve six daya to test them mil. If you cant tell In six days mi do not ii I glimaes W'e have hnndieds of mllsflcd enstomets In Tulsa lounlv. I'otir nnd u hull n iih In business In Tu'wi, okln. Krinember, leosen giound In tbuc h m h If necesaary. Our Watch, Clock and Jewelry Man Guarantees All Work Quick Results John lias ivntcil ii sus In his More (i u flrsl-class unrkmnii, This man has a family and Is hero to stay, lie lias bail I'll .years' cipciicuci'. Mioilbl be fall o repair your watch In u Hi(lsfu lory wo) he will gbull) inal.c iitijlhlng giasl llial be nicrlixikcil, John the Ring Man 111 South lloHlnii Aiciine, 1 14 lllocl.s S011II1 of 1'ilwsi Station William Walter Terry I'lAXII S'l l IHO (It I Sottlli Cincinnati Hume Owige MM I MANN'S HAT SHOP Nn. IA llifl I'lflli SI., Mn.tslr llldr. Iniltrs Veil for a (dlinpss ef th. Mtifirt, New lists 01OWH CIGARETTES Union Kfndo from (rfio. rich ilpo old Kentucky and Vlr gltiln Nnturifltnvored Hurley Thu l'uti'a in the Smoke. JX6 0 msmm an wJr v i ?t lm? k m p Am LmB TO LABORS DAY OUR. TRIBUTE EXCHANGE BANKS OF TULSA cf, :j7 Exchange Exchan(5e National Bank , "nwv Trust Company THE FLAUO R LASTS!