OCR Interpretation

The Morning Tulsa daily world. [volume] (Tulsa, Okla.) 1919-1927, November 09, 1921, FINAL EDITION, Image 15

Image and text provided by Oklahoma Historical Society

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Many Programs Will Bo
Given in City No
vember 11
. ,,i dawn until striking of tht
o i tid 'iour of tho dm', Armlntlcu
d'vi' I- ttV'' n 'u" obdcrvnme
ri'n in Tulmi, with n. liroRrnm
nr ntf O'po ,rom llle Patrotlr
, ,.n,n remembrance of tho ol
Acr i.aI iuiiI t" frnnkly rI.h1 Cfle
hrai . n tho poiwotMlon of jteacc
Jois Ca'son rost of tho American
Ittlen will Blvo military burial Ann
tM f m .rnlnK to tho body of Albert
H s.ddnns nf this elty, Who after
nrrvnir in Franco tltirlnK th wnr
tttth 0 i"mpatiy. Klfth Infantry, and
tfunw ' I" Oermanr with the
Rr- , i f m t npntlnn. was Rccldont
allv K lcl nearCoblenz, Oermnny,
in y p- i ber. The body of Hlililonn.
who I? thr ion of John Hlddonu,
J0C S 1 Main, arrived Tuesday,
grid M s were at oncn made to hold
fuj'.jl f.vb-eu at 9 o'clock Krl
djy n rnmjr In tho Mowbray under
tak i if 'npel.
The t nlve rxtty of Tulrn will have
i pstnotl proKratn In tho auditor
ium nt 10 o'clock Friday murnliiK
nd (lag mining exerclen at 11
0'rlnk Unit rnlslns will bo In
rhurnr of M-rvleo men from tho
rtu-'cni body, led by LouIh Iteevtu.
Th flam nelertetl for raining lire
the identical tinea which flew for
f,ur men'ln over the A. 12, F. unl
vtreltv o' Ilcaune, Coto d'Or, France.
r.-?r: nlnht during tho life of the
nniv 'y 'he university band played
the S;ar Sprnnirled IJnnner while
Lie Art', rlcan flag wan lowered and
a Fi-iiilar ceremony wan performed
(or thn Frenrh fin to rendition of
the Mamellalse. Tho two flngs will
e u d Friday for tho first time
Jn tne I nltcd Slate. They have
ncviT been displayed Iffta-o nnd
la Met never have been shown
rxi-ept to the Soi retnry of War and
a croup nf nWccra assembled In
his offl e In Wnshlnston, 1). O., ilur
inc the fall of 1010. The university
wan organlstc-il nnd presided over'
ihroushut Its career by Col. Ira L. J
Jtreie. of Chamber of Commerce
and i said to havo been tho largest
.-raidrnt ediicntlona) Institution In
the world, tvlHi n total personnel
of IS 000 residents nnd a corres
pondem t m-hnl .savins nn enroll
ment of 50,000.
Patriotic KcrrlMvt.
By pnieiiunntlnn of tho mayor,
at 11 o'clock all traffic and business
operations will ccaso for on minute
and all flags will bo lowered to half
n.ast for flvo minutes. For the
patriotic exercises to bo held by
vfry (trade school at 11 o'clock In
the morning three-mlnuto speakers
on Americanism Will bo furnished
by T C. Hopkins, Americanism
'halrman for ttio American Legion.
The natlonul guard will havo ling
raising, with firing of a salutx of
21 volleys, at tho armory at 1:15
A nuss meeting under tho aus
pices of Joo Carson pon at 115
o'clock In front of Tulsa high school
will he addressed bv II. U Jones.
Knights of Columbus are to raise
Hag at their home. 604 South
Frisco, at 2 30 o'clock In tho after
noon, The program has not yet
hn fully iirrnngetl, but the flag
which will play ifn Important part
In the servlre may bo that saved by
Henry WaslelewskI during a llolsho
vlk advance In Serbia.
Legionnaires will entertain wives
-nd girl friends at u hop that night
In the national guard armory. Honor
tuntn will be officers of the 377th
fcfantry reserve, headed by Col, Ira
L. Heeves, nnd the units headed by
Col. Alva J. Nlles and Col. I,, J. F.
All banks will be closed for tho
d.iy. the Tulsa Clearing House as.
aoclatlon announced yesterday. Sold
lers' uniforms will dot the street
Third of Flt7hucli Hank ItolibrM
I'lemU r.nllij- nnd firls in Vrnrs;
l lw Others ,Heia for Trial.
Spfi.i to Th, World.
aim N'ov. 8. Tho ranks of the
ate were strengthened yesterday
whfn Kd Stewart, charged with
Jven others of the robbery of the
fr.7r" S,ttlc lmnk at,FllzhiiRh of
J1.S00 September 10, confessed to
part In the robbery by entering
a Plea of guilty. Ho was Immcai
tely sentenced to serve 10 years in
"ft. Wf penitentiary. Ho also
withdrew his plea of not guilty In
n auto theft count and asked thnt
in ch.arses bo run concurrently.
in plea of guilty was jnano to
dav reducing the ranks of tho sevon
wendants to four. Arthur notcner
confessed and was sntenred to ij
VA" '" ,lle Penitentiary nnd his
'urned stat"'s evhlence and was
tiempted from prosecution. Stew
ii.V? d eullly' iMvlnR Claud Cas.
T,y aHA wl' K'l Stewart
,Si , wlto nml Chiirles Thompson,
no lour remaining defendants. Cas.
count'?'. ?,nd Thompson are In the
tounty jail awaiting trial In tho net
Uling of district court.
'IVi Hvc llunili-cl Tlions-
nnd Ovini Clili-ngii Unuk C)enliic.
halVAn,.N!iTON' N'ov- 8,-Chlna
Si7t. L' la ly w"fcd tho United
ilbi. . 'he 18 d,,lnK everything pn.
m hMmtBt.tho noto for s,Boo.
tnfMiT,W n,alni't her by tho Ciin
Bav l.n5.4.. fammcrclal National
aIe?w,Hnf. Chlcn nnd which she
?h to " default Inst week.
'no'Tm,nletcr t .Pekln In Vi"
RimVs wm I n"fo'"n tho Unltod
to h. calIctl China's attention
would ,:?rlou" ;tfcct h" lfnMlt
made' ,.K,,I,np?0 '"ration today
Mdi..PMKbJh l-hB. 'allowing mernor-
l i, , f, ,th0 American
twin ,, ekl" '.y the Chlnwe
"Thn """'er on tjiiminy,
AMJi "lMcr ot finance assures
doing : hi, n."" mlnl''- "'at he Is
"uVmn ,u,mot to secure the con-
Ps. M"lble, momnnt. He ox
n","?",,!1'" Jlre to continue the
'on-.r.nl w,ln the Chicago bank
ago hanC '"If"' "nea. of tho Chic
ompany .;nrt 1 lclflc development
fv lhrK .fmnl of 191a 10 're-
inn and k . " 1,1 1116 trnnsaei
al,tt,u" public opposl-
FK t6,., V0(S International com-
! -etVh?nclu0?raldenedlct
Infant Will Recover
, From Wound in Heart
Inflicted by Needle
MI.VNKAPOMS. Minn.. Nov S.
Two-year-old Dawson Harding.
fiom whoao heart a cambric needlu
was removed nt tho Klllott ,lo
miorlal hospital nt tho I'nlverslty
of Mlnnesotn, Is expected to re-
' cover, It was stated today.
Tho baby stumbled nnd fell
while plnjinr Inst Friday nnd a
neettlo lit a sewing basket peitc
trnted his Irenst. I.ate yisteidav
Dr. A. c. StrHchnur operated,
opening tho body to the heart.
With n tiny forceps, thn dnc-lors
extrnftcil the needle. The lieart
atta.ueil 120 bents a minute dur
ing the operation but since, has
returned to normal.
bcrs used a motor truck as well as
n touring cur In making their gel
nwny. Sheriff Nelson raid that the engi
neer vhn confronted with the
tnitzxlo of nn nutotnotlo pistol, pot
on tho brakes nnd stopped the tl.
oj few hundred feet north or a
bridge over n creek.
'This won't do," sold one of the
robbers. "Pull up so thnt the
passenger coaches aro on the bridge
nnd the mnll ear on tho ground.
We're not taking uny unnecessary
Isnlntnl Mnl! Cur.
This wns done. Jack Forgarty.
the engineer, was taking no chances
himself. Forgarty nnd his flromnn.
W. H. Hangs, were forced to get
off tho engine. The mall car was
then uncoupled nnd then driven
half a mllo down the trurit.
I'liasi-ngers, In the menntlme weru
In mid air over the stream. If they
tried to leave the train they would
have been shot, Sheriff Nelson snirt.
Tho bandits hnd to flm several
shnti at hends protruding through
windows as n warning-.
Inside tho minll car were Thomni
linker nnd Henjnmln Ilovenlettl,
mall cleks. They realized what
wns hnpepnlng.
"Open that door, or I'll blow your
heads off," one of the robbers
shouted. There was no response
from tho ptuckv clerks.
"Fetch up that gas nnd dyna
mite," continued the bandit, "We'll
blow these -to hell."
One nf thrt'iobbfrn enino up from
the ditch with two cans, one con
taining gnsollne and tho other a
box containing dynamite nnd nitro
glycerine. The robbers poured both gasolln
on tho siding nf the mail enr and
let It soak ln," sheriff Nelson said.
"Then they set off charges oi nltro
glycorli.o and dynamite nnd blew
ono door off the mall car. As tho
door crashed down they so' fire to
the gasoline and kerosene.
Itiisc Opvn.s Other Door.
"All tho car burnt Into flames.
Ono of them ran up to a second
door ot tho car and called out:
This Ii Fognrly for flod's sake,
open up and give me a wrench
I'll bo killed.'"
One of the clerks, thinking It wns
the engineer, opened a silt In the
door, the bandit forcing It open and
jumped In. Two others hnd Jumped
through tho door that had been
blown open. They took Fireman
Hangs Into tho enr with them,
linker nnd Hnvencttl put up n fight
but they were slugged nnd shot.
Arthur Moon, a porter, earn"
rushlnir up. startled by tho flnmos.
Sheriff Nelson sold. Ono of tho rob
bers shot him threo times beforo
ho could say n word. His condi
tion Is critical.
Frank N. Williams, the train con
ductor, and Jim Parry, bnggageman.
entrenched themsulves behind the
bridge timbers nnd exchnnged
shots with tho bandits armed w:th
tho rifles. Bo far ns Sheriff Nolson
learned none of tho passengers di 1
any shooting.
Two of tho robbers wcro about
six feet tall, both well dresnd. Th
others wurc smaller men.
Polliv Trying to Ilnil Owner nf Oir
I'miml After Arret of Woman
On Theft Charge.
"Lose your automobile 7"
A practically new- Itulck touring
car Is waiting Its rightful owner
nt the police stntion. Quick action
Is needed however It you havo lost
n car of this make, as tho ono from
whom tho car waa recovered has
threatened to tuko legal stops to
replevy It from tho police's hands
according to officials of tho police
nuto recovery ' department.
Monday night detectlvea Hiram
Stevens, Ned Urltts, Sid Jackson
nnd J. I. Hlnino ot tho automobile
deportment found u stolen Ford enr
In the garngo In pomeiwlnn of Mrs
Kmma Weaver a 1302 South Hose
dale avenue. It wns Identified bv
J. It. Wilson. 1611 South Detroit
nvenue, who Mild It wns stolen on
October 31 of thli year A warrnm
ehnglng the Weaver woman with ca ,
theft wns sworn out In tho county
Tuesdny, nnd she wns turned ovor
to the county nuthorltles by the
The Ford was locked In the garage
and th Weaver womnn not only de
nied any conectlon h'lth the car hut
said he did not even know that It
was there, according to Charles
Foor.' head of the police auto re
covery department.
On the driveway bak nf her resi
dence, the officers mid they found
n Ilulck car, the num'i'rs on which
had been altered and other Identi
fication marks almost completelv
obllternled. Mrs. Weaver prewented
n bill of sale showlns she hnd
bought the nuto from J. A. Wllion,
whom she declared wns nn oil driller.
Mr. Weaver has threatened to r
nlevv tho car from the nollre's
h.tnds and thi latter Is anxious
to find the right owner.
romiirehKiI Million,
"Why was he pinched?"
"His father let him use hi auto
for nn huiir."
"He tried to ride an hour In K.
Yoii'ao llenrtl of Her.
"So IJIII's been nrrosted. I sup
nose there's n woman In tho euse.
as usual,"
"Yen; a Miss Demeanor. nos
ton Transcript.
William Murdock wns the first
man to us? khs for Illuminating pur
poseu. Ho llshtcd his home nt Itcd
ruth In forrwa'l Knglind vi'h 6"
which ho manufactured In 1752,
fired. Tho fact thai Mock In the
bank with which Httllnmn was anno
dated went down after his charges
agninst his wlfo were Hired through
tha indium of the newspapers until
ho got out of It la u good Indication
ot the tlnnK.
Individual Kcfnriiinllixi,
America lend tho wot Id In di
vorces with s to uvery Is weddings
and tivory filth home wrecked by di
vorce. The orliim 111 the United
status U appalling. Wham thu
remedy? It must bo the Individual
Hi!, then IhV churoii. Storming
uci'ofs tho platform, leaping upon
tnv pulpit, kneeling und sinking it
a h talked, Sundiiy poiimlid it into
ins neuivrtf tiini reformation muni
eomu first by way of thu individual
und that by wuy ot Jesus i.'liiii.
llien tho church.
I ho chuich of Ood looks to in,"
he said. "u.i though 11 had (.aleti tuo
much und slept loo well whliu mu
uorld'r: going to hell ho lust thnt im
exceeding tlm speed limit. It the
chuivhus of (Jod will gel together
and do their best to se,ve Uud, I'll
never worry about Tulsn. If the ln-
oldu Is nil light I lie vol- wuny ubuut
cut ouuiuu. i.vi tile ctiurcnus ot l uli-u
gi l duwn on their knees und tho uevil
will bo In the huspitul on emu-Ilex
in 4ft hours. It I hud my choliu be
tween the men and woinun of the
church and the men and women out
of It tor my nudluncea I'd take ihu
men und women in II every time-
get them ilglit und everything will
ue right. Live your Christianity.
I.He tour Christianity. I've preaciiud
Clirii.t lor 1 jeuix and If I Hon t iivu
wii.it I preurh I II leave this Plat
form and tiny your vulture to any
state In tho union."
Although Sunday has promised u
hot shot nt nil things gui.ly of the
least reIlci.t!on from lh red rug of
anarchy in his sermon Frldiy night,
ho Uillia tnuiUcrtuntly Into a ditciiH
slon ot those thlngn. lnt night It
wuh tho Nonpartisan league.
.Not a Nii'lallM.
"I tell you, iirinenu." he wild,
the Nonpartisan league Is nothing
under heaven but socialism cuinuii-
tlnged under u. different name,
ihunk Uod. It's nnowed under! I'm
not a ooelullst, in Irlend get that!
I'm not u socialist, uud thank (Jod
for that."
Hunk und Junk, he characterized
tho political economist's diJgiioeix ot
the prevalent crime wave. The puy
etivelopu Is no basis lor It. Il'o no
cure tor It. There h Just ono renudy
for cussedness, und Hint's tho go.ijn.1
of Jesus Chrlht, 'tho Iteveionu Hun
day harked back to the uiiMtediiihM
embodied In the sturv of Kau und
Jacob. He took the ttory and pep
pered It and touascoed It with Sun
ilayesciue miucu and served 11, pi
quant Luting und different tu a
vabtly entertained crowd.
Jacob's lither Was Hep.
Cutting tho detail of tho story.
which It Is usaumed it Hlble loading
community hiw stored in u scrip
tural tilled meiuury for leforence, Jio
said In part:
"When Imuii!. tlin tnttier of tho
boyti, heard Jacob's ,vulco but full
Ksuu'n hands, ho said to himself,
'There a nigger In the woodpile
somewhoro!' So ho nHked who ,ent
him and Jacob changed his voice
and the Lord ocnt him. And tho
Lord wan up In Audita' Then Ja
cob's mother said: 'Take tho next
freight train out of town. Heut It!'
So Jacob left on a sldedoor Pullman.
Then ho beat old man Latham out of
a cuttle dial. Ho had that oid fish
hanging on to the ropes beating tho
air lor breath. Ho boat him blind.
Pretty toon ho said: '1 11 go homo
and tuko Lsuu a present.' Hut when
he tried to pull that stuff luuu
said. 'Jacob uppcaso mo with n pres
ent! Ilause mit'em:
The wlvea of northeastern Okla
h6ma have u champion- ln Hilly
Sunday. Their tight fisted spoujeB
will either have to run to cover to
reform by the time thu hard hitting
preacher getw through with them.
I.oo ili'iitn llemity Parlor.
He began with that root of all evil,
money. It your wlto havo some
money to spend' and run tho house
on without asking for an accounting,
m'frlend, raid Sunday, nnd when
you to on the hog she'll loan jou
some at C per cent. Lovo will do
more for her than any beauty spe
cialist can do. Happiness is the best
pruvctuullvu for wrinkles. It bents
any powder rag or rougo. And he
strongly advlwd husbands to bo
kind to their wives for a changu,
then see what a difference It made
In them If they survived the first
This afternoon Sunday's subject Is
going to bo "Tho Pharisee and Pub
lican." Tonight ho will preach on
tho sublcct of "HucVHlldlng."
Tho tabernacle I henti-d mid kopt
at a comfortablo temperature. Mer
cury's change of front jestorday af
fected the attendance hut lttll. The
building was rnoro than half filled
ln the afternoon and nt night every
seat was taken and there weru n
number who had to trtaiul. The
meetings begin, unfailingly, on time
Alter his real Monday, Sunday was
In good trim yosterday, although his
cold bothers him and theie lire
times when a troublesome cough in
terfered slightly with his speuklng.
Loreri Jones got In yesterday from
Springfield where he baa just fin
Ikhed a meeting and took charge of
tho music at both survives. This left
MatthewM tree to go back to the pi
ano playing It Is one of the scores
of things he does as Sunday's secre
tary and right hand mun. After the
services this afternoon MIsm Kinney
win confer vylth prayer meeting cap
Funeral services for Charles Mat
tlmjer, 128 North Maybellu uvenue,
will be held Wednesday afternoon nt
2:0 o'clock from the Mowbray
chapel, Hurtal will bv made ln Hone
Funeral services for F. 11. Atwood,
pioneer Tula citizen, who died at
his home, 122S South C'arsonu ave
nue. Sunday owning, will bo held
Wmlnosday afternoon at the Stanley
and McC'une chapel at o'clock. Hev.
C. V. Kerr of tho First Presbyterian
church, will officiate. Atwood 'wits
prominent In medical circles hurei
huvlng been connected with tho P.
ard 3. hospital,
' Ooa pxpcrtu nay that within it few
ycnrri caa will tiiKu thu plnrc n( coal
"tinil other fueln (or lieatlnK homea
fliotila and uimrtnieiU and otricc
tnttldln8 and that then thu dawn of
tl.o cmokeleaa and eootlcsa cJty will
2 Candidates in Party
Arrested in Kentucky
LOflSVILLK. k . Nn
Charged with dis'rderl ...tuliict
and Intcrfi-rlng wuh an officer W
overtoil Harris, democraili nomi
nee for mayor of this elty and nine
other men. In. hiding Pt II P..
Meenllng. ileimx rsllc nominee- tin
Jefferson lounty sheiirf. uem ar
rested this morning and taken In
a patrol to police heiiduunrters.
Through AihrilUIng Hankers Mint
Oirr Alrssngo lo Aincrliiiii
People, Spanker S.ijs.
"During tha recent war, thn gov
ernment was i on tl noted with the
task of putting a Liberty Bond In
every homo throughout the nation
in homes which knew absolutely
mil 111 mi nlutiif (i ifitvr-niit aiil ttntiil i
and didn't line to know They te-
sorted lo ndvcrtlMlng and advertising I
put tho deal arross," (1 Prather
Kiiapi told meinbera of tho Adver-.
tls4ng Club at their regular weekly
luncheon In Hotel Tulsa Tuesday
Hpeaking on "Advertising as a
business narnd", Mr Knnpp sjioke
of ho- bankers over tho . rminlry
were teaching the principle nf
thrift to people through the adver
tising columns nf the newspaper.
"ln the enrly days when our large
towtm of today were mere village.
tno Hansen, knew tneir patrons use I
the general store keeper ln the rural !
oomtnunltles knnu his eualoniera I
cu ,l. ......il ....... i..,.. l,.rt..
.As the small towns grew Into largo
ritlOH Willi a constant moving popu-
latlon this man to man icmtaet and
arqUHlntanr, h,-j,nn ImpoiMn un-
til tmUy tho banter rarriw hi ia-
snges to his on Irons by means of'
aihertlslng," Knnpp said.
"Tho advertising elubs over the!
rountry must help tho banker to
carry his message of confldi-nee, co
operation caution to the people of
thin country. It there Is anything
that the American people t I mid
learn It Is i notion. The time when
the American wasted three tlnna
vthnl an Hilronean turned has gone.
Co-operation is ono of the essential I
!lu miiin u-lil. I. u-iini ,,,,f,, 1
.. ... .. .... w . ,., i
Institution Is built and nlong with
thnt must go the londdelleo ot your
CO.VTINl'KD ritOlt PAClll ONK.
.1 , , ...i.
this afternoon on a charge of high-
wny robbery. They were arrested
tor nllegeil seimil-o or repuniiean
campaign llternturo nt 4:30 o'clock
this morning from an automobile.
The accused tntored pleas of not
guilty and were held under bond of
Jllou each for hearing Thursdny.
iTIMOIlK, Mil.. Nov. 8. Tho
election of William H. llordy, Jr.,
democrat, nn comptroller over State
Senator Oliver MeUerott. republican,
nnd control of Hits leglslntuie al to
day's election In Maryland weKi
claimed by tho democrat! on the
IkisIh of returns received up to mid
night. CI,KVI2I,AN'0, Ohio, Nov.aS. The
election of Fred Kohler. former
chief of police and present county
commlsnloner, running as nn Inde
pendent republican candidate, tuday
o mnyor of Cleveland over Mayor
William S. Fitzgerald, republican,
waa conceded by both republican and
democratic lenders on unofficial ro
turns from 520 of the 7(7 preclncti
of tho city at 11 o'clock tonight
Tank Wilson I'rlro Will Hp liirrrflsril
1 J. 1! CViiiM This .M.triilntc hy
Ntnmliml of Itiillmia.
nfft'ctlvo thtH uittnliiK ihr wlndf-
ml jirlcps on Knh"P (ctoiiimip
will he advaneud
liy the Htanciaril
Indiana wiyH n
OH Company of
li, r,ll ...1 fn IrtiiMiol
,j,i-i-n.,e.- " v...n
of this city, received last night from
Its Chicago. 111., correspondent.
ThU in vuneii w I, a 1 l-'J eenfi.
on Rdnollm and 1 cent an korofonr
and upplltv throuvhout thr ntlr
Indiana territory, whlrh i-mhrHcci
the HtntP of lndlann, Illinola. Mirh
Itran, WlHconaln. MiniiPHotn, Nnrth
and South Dakota, Iowa, -Mlanuurl,
Kannap, and part nf Oklahoma.
Mid-Continent rffinorn who ni.trk"t
n Inn oat all of their fraHolInn, Kent
none "nnd other mflnrd olln In tho
Indiana territory hav been anxious
ly witltlntr fur thl advance for
sevnrul wvukR, In far t, t'Vur Hlnre thf
crudt oil market hejf.in rlBlnp.bi'.
raune each crude danee lncr'aed
the c-oMt of opciBtintf of rflnura,
nnd t ouphd with reci'nt f 1 Huh.
advancrw, narrowrd their mnrfrln
uf profit. With the ndvanep tniay
tho reflnerH v.111 he able to legiti
mately raise their prircH one fnd
one-half renin on irnHollne.
ThiH will nmko the TuUa tank
n agon irlre (t Kawollne In Ttilt-a
20 1-2 cent, with the retail or nillntcl
Hliilluii oli:. 22 l-I tunlu.
I'lilnii Mill nt
nriMitrr Ttilsi. dtil.
t 'Inlni .Men (.lni
MllMllIK Willi!
rrrfercni'i! In rniiilot incitl..
Tho (iriater Tulmi i luh ttt It
meotliiK In the Illith auhool audi
torluin mat nlt-nt naaaeil u r'olutlnn
rnvurlnK the emiiloyment nf Tulaa "' '" ."' "! i.nKi"w.. i Addition.
Inline ,.n nil Iirn4e,-tn lmtl, rtitl.tle hnc Norlll alona the Kaat lilt of Knffla
laiior on ail jirpjei.t", lioth putille I Aa,liilon l.i th North Una ol Bn-
and private. Thn ri'iiliitlnn wii , ri,wood Addition, ihur w,ai .loim iha
prepared by thi" carpenter' lm al ! North Iln of KnrloHl Aiidnion to tha
and Mtlimltted to tlu i lnli for tuliipt-1 iv,'lh ,?HlT.w"Hl A',1'u''n' '"
ion Hever.il mnmliora of the U Aio'n'T V&tfW.Tti
reported our Inn thn intietlntf lire I'ln Htrt to iiaaii Avnu.- thane, rtoath
out of town workmen art helm " Aann- to K.liaon lOuiuth)
liven nrefurenee Hiraat. thtnt Houth waiHii un Klwowl
p n i,;..,!.!...' a ti r.n , I Avnu tu th M. K T. Itli(ht-,f.a;
I. O. llopklna, A. U. Cllue nr.il . tunra Kaaiarl along th M K. A T.
K, N. I'IIIh were appointed on a ltlht of way to th ie,ini of twumnina:.
ennimltteo hy I'renlilent K. V. Union 1'i'einei No. I liiiniiiiiar at iha In.
to InvPMIinta. tho omphiymont rlt- Kffl HW'Alm'ltSl
iintlnn thnt they may determine ne-1 ouinonia iii. n.-n. - Ka.t on oai.
Clirattdy th proportion of out nflhoma 8trat to lloatnn Avanua, thk
tnwn workmen employed on pro. I f"'", " , 'r''"n ,A,V!, '5 "5l,..J?w"
jertH now undnr ron.trurtlon. CMIno j TM.t Wn'Xl
whn lia Hlreaily nhaervoil thin altlna a. Iluriaon Addition, thvnr Kouih
nation to noni extent, aald Ihc In-1 "p "' Hujaon Ad.liiton
v'fllmllo.. will rr-voM that five- , ISj'SfSH TAtTu,''
elKllts of the niiakllleil lalvir rami .uih on ruieinnail Avnnua lo fjowell
frnm out of tnwn. 'tirt, thni-a Kaat on liw.ll MiraM to
Another commute wan nprMrited ,VB"lVJ,4'IT.Br.!,1"K,i. !" ihtne.
to invontlvntp the trnnnportatlpn MU Z.l "it fb,Bii.uin if'uV'.lm pk
IIKttnn In Tillan nnd HM-ertiiln the Addition to 1-Tanarort (llulli) Avanua.
fejwlhlll'y of hiialneaii. A third i nn- .lh,,'" o".,'r.":nh,0..,,,.",h, "'
mllleo I, In n,.,.al,. H. nnMlH. 111 lUlkfll Millet, ttl.nc Wt -n llHll
mittee 1 to invoatlttatfi the poMltile , mr lu S,n Avmua, ihrma Houth n
paving of Eleventh Mreet, I liigln Avanu t, Ih M. K. k T Hallway.
All of tho! rtimmlttpoH are to, '"'' w.at.rn i.id H k. T.
report at a meeting of tho exeet.Hve "VrV.U" No.' ih m-
oommlttco nt the city hall next Wed ',, n,. r iv.,,,. ,,i ,i t"ri,,,, k,i.,
I neadar tiutht Aerordinrr in Hie
term" of it motion nilnnted lant i lirln
the fxr utlve rmmiitro i men t
from five t) 35 member
J Mr nnd Mm. (' U Rlnn f
ha o rtturpul from Rt I.riilH wri '
they huvo been vbUIn rcUtlvvs,
Tt'Mi Pn.xlor AiIiIivwm lielegnli's nt
I'll! Niiltiii 'Iiii'mIim Sight;
.Meeting Cln-i-H Moniln). i
The annual Last (Iklshonia inn
ffrenee of the M F. hr,-h. lanuth. I
will open nt Ceiitenary Methodist I
eiiuren at 7 30 o'clock vvtilnesrtay
night Willi an address by llev. Mooip
of Han Antonio, Texas, one of the
lending pastors ot the denomination
nnd for a number nf years an evan
gelist Itevernnd Mooro has bom
elected to glvn a sermonxte at
every afternoon service at o'clock.
Ulx-amlnailons will ho given today
to about 20 preachers, acenritlfig lo
the denoniliiatlonnl roiii'lrement
thnt pastors for four yeats after
licensing shall pursue a spoiiflid
study toiirsc and pa mm crvdltable
eAamtnntlons annually. The first
buslncm si'sslon will ho nt V o'clock
Thursday morning. Luncheon will
be served. at IS SO o'clock in the
church Thursday and Krlday hy
ladlen of Itosion chunh and on slat
urday and Monday by women of
cemenary ana iingier .viemoiiui
enurchm There will be afternoon
Aim oiMiic acsinos.
iFut.M1ini"1n th fiilp'a" tali "-.Vorlo'V""-
vrmbrr 4 I. . T. . . IK. It. It, II. 11
it i. I? H, 19 M ;i. ... ti. 3d, ?t.
31 !. I -' I WoiM l'ubllihli,( I'viiiusny.
rul.ll.l,. r.i.
St'K.i lAI. KI.RrrtMN PIllM't.AMATION.
lTiidir and by vine, f hn Hon IT f
Aitlilo IS nt lh I'unnlllullon nt th,
Kttiv ot Oklahoma nnt ciritlnanc, Nn
Jlla of 111. m of Tills. Mtale ot Okl-
roin. numoriainv tniiiowpiln and ,1.-
rm-ilng ihr undrltnr1 th Mtor of ih
c ity "' Tulu iikishonm. lo . n a pcli
"". . t,u.,l, hor.inafin .i
,ur,n wnicn Ki in iiiiHnri wni ,ii,ii
,, ,pprm,d lh, i,u, (lf oi,0,,r
lull, ami iiibiilir.t in Hie Tula i n v
Jv-irM, .r,ia..l b i. i t i.
,rmuim Vmc -l.ni.m i , h-ut .
Mm ( ii jv of Tula, ftkltinn, uion Tuci
day. NivritbT th xtth for ti
luiipoiF of niitimlttlfls tu thn imlirip I
rln'rt)f Un-imyli.c f!frtorn of Mi-1 t 'It y
if Tula. UkUhoitu, tlin fotlow.nfc irpo
tltloti Mhmi ihrt cil .r TmIm, mHf of ikli
horns, tnrur un l.)1 bt d ty Ih Mm
Um itdfifitiitMrt wmrrwtuku utllily rh.i
niiMin bumli of hU City tir lulni. ihU-h-'ina.
tn tut kimwn ntiil .ltmiitiit
"U'aUirworkfl llnrnln nf Tulu, Oklahoma'
In tha ujriirviial prtn:lial aum uf Six
.M-uioti, i.iftiit iiumirnd Thuuaand (M, (),.
10 Uella. te iinnirt lun.ii to-
P'OP of llrlravlnt th t.n. Hll
lot I ha
ittl rutv.
mfr in cimi vi at nuirlna. conntrin nine ami
e.ulu,,inf wat.rW.irk" ami Hatar iiiii
rlm frnnnth Hpavlnaw I'rrak nr I'd
nulrhiK. const rt tlin? ami
junction with Ih llrant Hlvr. In Mayea
Coimtv. Hiat, nf iikluhiiie. tn am! Into
Ih I'll)' of Tula. OMal. inn. anil to b
nwiirit ariulvtily tiy l, city s a inih
lie Utility . ami, lev y anil eoilael an annual
tax In aititttlmi tu all uthei laia, upun
all Hi uintil iruirty In aalil c'lly,
uffh lent In liny th fntareat nn alit
tKimU, aa II fHUtAilua and alan tu ronatl
tin a alnhlna fuml for tha iaymat o'
tit prlneiiiaf tliinf wlitn ifu, aalfi
11, nu in nar inirni not tn eaeril thi-
rntr uf Rla Iter pennon prr nnnum
p.y.ui. ,,mi ,imually, ami u Wum. " 11 .
aanaliy union iw.myriv tiai yai
frnm their ilal.
Ih liallot ued at aal.t alactlon ahall
aet out th tirormalltun, ahov aat fortn,
and ahall alan tionlain tha wurda:
tat I
I Tur Iba abov lirnioaillo-.
I nil I
I Asalnat tha atMivt proportion.
(If th voter ilaalra In vni for iha
abn iiri,iullloii ha ahall aliinip an ""
In llw firm '4iiar bIkjv. If ha iteli to
vol asalnat llm atmv iraponltlui, ho
ahall atamp an ".V In the aeuohd aduara
ahnve ) i
No berann ahall L nlltlad tn vol upnn
th Iirupoaltlon alntt aet forth. unleaa
aurh tmraiui L a Ti; iiuallfled broparty
tat-payltig volfr f th city nt Tulaa
OHtahniiia, aa iiulii by law. Th polli,
ahall bo iipanad at alf ii'ntoi'k A. M and
rruiMin open eotitlnuouwly iittttl, mut ,
clr,ed at, even o'lloik T M. on audi 191 n
its;- o: :;o. Hoi., i, a. i.. mi, which i m
ilal of l til eltcllon.
Th number and location of n- !:r,4
rdatca and th peracnj who ahall i-uiiduct
aald election ehall be follawa.
I'reclnu No. 1: Ilealnnlns al th In
lereertlen of Heond and Alain Klrta,
Ihenea llaat on Mecond Htreat In the M.
K. Ai T. Hallway, tlivne Nnrthwcalerly
aloliK th M. K A- T llallwuy tn Main
hlreftt. thenc Houtn on Mall) alreit to
the p:ac of hiffinnlrs.
I'reelnrt No. J. lleli,nt,K l Ih n
teraecilon of Main Mreet and I'rlaeo )tatl
way. Ulanr North on Main Street tn iha
M K. A T Hallway Irarka. Ihenr Wral
erly alons aald trarka to thn raider Iln nf
Mnyhell Avenue, thenre South on Maybell
Avnua tn llrady street, litem' Kait on
Iliad Hlrel to I.a!nr), Ihrlir goutli
nn tMWton to Ih Krlco Hallway, them
Laelelly alona th KlUf-o jtal'way to tha
plate of befinntna
l'reelnit No. 3 llestniilns at th In
teiftloii of the I'rtarn Hallway and Main
Htieil tlieno HoLlhweal aloinr aalil Prleeo
iiauway in ua inieirerimn with Heond
ayeei, tiunc i;it n Hei ond street to
r ie ,, noni,, ineoee nooui on I'riBIU
Aveiiiin to miru sirtei, inenc i;at on
Third street to Main iret, memo Nurtn
on Main mrei in ih. biav. of h.ainninii
hatwaan Harurtd and Utilli Htrata and
:""-.. -:'.' ."-."".-"-- '
Mtuwn Main Straet and th Mldlund
allay Hallway
Praclnrt No. C All that larrltory ha.
twarn Hit th nnd Klvanih Htraata a nd
ttMwrrii Main and Midland Vallvy Hall
way. Precinct No. . All that territory ha
tv. aan Third and riavanth Htrat-ta and
tttaaan Main Ht'aat ami Danvrr A vanur.
jVartr.ct Nu. '1 IlKO)iontf at tna in
tfrntrctiun of lenvei Avanua aud Third
Btraat, thanra Wfat on Tuird Htrat in
Prlaco Avanua , thanre North on FrUru
Avanua In Hacond blraet, thf-noa Writ oh
Harond htrrrt to Prlaro Hallway, lhwH
Houth along tha Kriaco Hallway to Sv
anth btrcat , thanea Kaat on Havrnth
Htraat tu Harivrr Avrnua, thrnra North
on Invr Aventia tu tha lilac uf begin
ning Praelnet No. w Ilglnnlng at Uia ln
tariartlon of l.awtori and Plrat Htraata.
thrnca North un Kawton to Hrady Hiraat.
thane Wt-at on Hrady Htraat tu Mahatl
Avanua, thnc North on Mayhall Avrnuv
to tha M It. & T. lUllHtty, thanra Waat
arly aion aald Hallway tu tha Westerly
City Limit of 1ha City of Tulaa, thanra
Houth to thu tfouth Una of New Irving
P1ji . thanra llNaiady ainiitr tha Haiiilh
llh" of Naw Irvine Plara. Arlington
Urighta m.l liunkar Jim Addition.
I Lnlun Avrnu. thrnc Houth un t'nlan
I Avrnua to tha Houth Una 0 Overluuk
Park Addition. thnra Kaat Algntt tha
Houth Una of Ovarlook Park Addition to
dal A vanur, thnta North ou Ftuaa
datla Avanua to Plrat Htraat, thMira p.fttt
r im irat tu iwiun Avanua. Mi
, "lrrUirr'S'5' r,
. i, r., ti.m of th M. K
a-nninit ai th m-
A T. II HIV and
Main Klrrtl. Ilirnr Norlh nn Main llraat
tn OHIahuma Ktrevt; lhni Vt un
iihlahniiia Mira.i tt rhviin Av.au
Ih.nr. North on (hayttin Aviju to
I'ln Mtri-.t. tliuc liaai un Pin. 8trat
f ay torn'-
t i
M r. j I i 1 i n W ,i u
t tl ' r ti r." ti j Ila - n v
0 f iln , t gin- r.g 11 g -ing a
-a- f I i la V cnl
1 ig if way f ill, ft ! a Man
'rnelo Hallway Cv." puy, in uca
t .t! m i n' i 1 1 v ii , n g hi. (1 of l,i
It liiadtt'tn n nih tliw HtlMI of w (f
tha M K T fun war Oointtani , ihMV
ftl.ma thn MaM of Hay of I he aal M.
K. r nmlaav Company, in a a ulh
aaatarly rilinlMi in tr.nj Vtrael, thaW
Kaat aloiti t4riiol Ktrpwt lo Mica Avt :
hup, th'iH. North a.onn I'tica .tvanUa
to tha Mot i Ui liiif of ihf Mary J. tlrtim
trarl, tht-ncit Will nionv tha Hooth Una
of lit Maty .1 liartim Han to tna Waat !
Una of Hit, h In l. nrli-Korarlha AtlUI
Mon, thiituv Hotith at. ma Oh Wail Una of
llhirk I i( aahl I yft. h rrt ha Adrttlloi,
lo the Ni.Mli ,tn of k of aM !
Addition, i he n. H ri along il, North
lilt of HI.'- k nt Mtil Adjltloi. to Ilka
Kaat Una nf Paoria Avt-hua, tlin( Morth
alutttr tha kaat Una nf faorta Avanu t
tha Homh line of ilia aattl Mary J Haion
tiacl, Ihatio' Wral a Urn the aahl A.mtti
'ha nt Mid tract tha nht ol w uf
tna Ht, oula Han I'n nftatt Halfway
torn pan-, thnca N.rlh arroaa aaht rlht
nf-Kay lo Iha Nmth Iln of aald 1 1 a; lit nf
ay Una, thna alont aaiil right ut way
lilt l.i a N'trtliraaurljr dlrnttwr lo tha
ruiM f hagmnint
Traatnrt Nu IJ. liflnntng al iha intrr
ttlon af PrtotiJ Mraat and iha Midland
Vallf y Ham ay , tnb o Kaat aluit rc
ond Rtraat ta Ivor U Avrnua. tonne
Smith nn tvuiu AvniiM la Klahih Htri .
tline w ia Kifhth sir ! to Mailiaon
Afnur, tlK'ttta North an Mattlaou Avtnia
to Klghth Hiiaal, than-a Waat on Klgbt.i
mrrai ia tnn ! hi land iuy llaliwar .
thanro North along aail Hallway tu KW
and Htroat. tha piaca of t,gliiiiln
I'roclhLt Na. If HKinmii at Iha !'
taraactlon of Mhth Mtraat and Iha Mid
land Vallry Hallway, thana Kaat on
Klghin Htivrt la Madlann Avanua, thanaa
houth on Madlann Avanaa o Rlffhth
Htra. I, than Kal an Klghth tral to
Paorla A nu , thn Not th on lnrt
Avanua tn Ratanth Htiaai, thanr Kaat na
ftavatith Htraat to Trenton Avanaa. tbanra
hottth nn Trrnton AvtMiti,. Id IllaVantfi
Utraat, lhan'a Kant ou Mavnth ft r fat to
Allay naai or rranton Avanua, thane
tfouiH a' -tiK aald allay tt tha floulh Iln
nf Lot K ill.Mk T. I.kavl.v Addition
Ihanca dua Kaat lo Trooa' Avanua, thwrna
ilur orih on Iruoal Avanua to Thlrtaaniti
HtriMtt , thane hat n Thlrtaanth btnat
lo I' lira, A van ii , I haMca Soulli on Ul
Avi-nU" to KlfiKcnlh (Mraat . thaiioa Kaat
on ftftafnih Mtirat to Victor Avantin,
lhana Houth nn VMor Avenga In Ha van
trantli I'lara, thanrn Kaat an Novanloanlh
l'Ia-a to iha Kaat Una of Kilgcwooit riaca
A tld 1 1 Inn. thru du Houth to Nlnataantli
Iftrirct, lhat;i.a Waal an Nlnataantli M?vi
lo tha Kaat Una uf Ht, Juhli'a lliMitlal
Klt, thanra IS.i.Hh aluhv tha Kaat II i
of HI. Jnhu'a lharHal Rita tn Twanty
flrat Htiaat, thanta Waat an Twanty flrat
Htrafl in tha Ram Una uf Wondard I'.ifk,
thanra dua South aM ma Kaai I in if
Wondiairil lark In tha HnUlh Una af Wot.,
aid Park, Utahi Waat on Mia loulu Una
of Wood ard ark 10 1'aorla AMiua;
thhc North un PaorU Aanua 1 1 Ktf
tannilt llraat, thanra V.v,t on Ulaanth
Hit ft to Iha Midland Vallav Mawayi
thtna Nnrtharly alonK aatd Mid Ian I al
lay Hallway to tli pnint wf t nm tut.
rra. Itttt No. It ah that ti'tniory ly
Ut Kitat of Main Mr rot, Houth of Rlat
nl Ii Htraat, North of nnanih Mtraut uiol
aai of tha Vl.llni.it Vallay lUIU ny
I rai-liiri Nn It ItrHttinina a tba rr
nar nf Naanlh and Main Slraatj tnanra
'4'ttlh nn Muln Wtratt tn riftanth htrai,
hciua Waat tfn I'lftaaiith ftttaat n t'arth
a- A anna, hani a Narth nn t 'art hate
Atff.na to fnurtranth Htiaat , thama Wa(
n I'ourtaanth H!rat In Im tvar Avanoa.
thr iu a Nntth un Danvar Avanua tn Hav
rnih Ntraot, thama l-.nt on flavanth
Hirat tu Main Htrjt, thn Haca uf ua
lnnlptf. f'rai Inftl Nn. llaelnnlnc ar tha m
rara lion nf IVatanth HI mat and hnnvar
taiti' H.na WoifH" rifi futiisp Avanti"
In Knurtaanth HI real ; lhatian I3t nn
.'ourl'onth Htrft tu Oarlhaga Aa
ttUf, thaut a Houth on t'art haifa A vanoa
to rifiaanth Hiraat, thanra Vil o- nr
lai.nth Hiraat to (ho Aritanaaa Hlvrr,
ham a North waat prly Ion if I ha Arknnaa
Klvar tn tha Krlarn ( II way t tha nt a
a Ion ir aalil Trlaco Italtvay Navanth
flirat; thama Tact alnnic Ifayanth Atraat
In ttm piHi of hKlnnlng
I'rarlnrt Nn. IT: llrKlnnlna; at (ha in
trraar 1I111 of iluahar) 1'nlon Avanua and
tha Arhanaa ltlar; ihanra Hmiihaaatarlv
along tha A r karma lllvar In Iha Kt
City l.linlt Una of Weal rutM; thanoa
Houth a Ionic aald I. aat ('Hy Mtnltn Iln
In ITexaa Avrnual 'I wanty-flfth fltraat,
thanra vrit un Twanty-flflti atraal to
ha liart Una of Howard Park; thh
''outh alotiK Itta lM Una of HtiwuM
Park In tha Hnnth Una nf tlnwjrd Park.
Ihant-a Waat it Ion (f lh Houth Una ol How
"I Park tn tha Wrat Una nf Hnwir I
Park, Ihrnra dii Norlh In Iha Nnrth Una
; of Huward Park, thrnra dua Writ to tha
I aat 1 1 ol tha njtut ut y liia nt
l,oiii A Han PrwnoUro Hallway tompany,
lilhia NorlliaaaN rtv alonkC wld Una In
I Twanty-ftrtl Htrrt, thanes dua Waat on
Twanty-flmr Jirrit to Pnlan AVanu
thanra North on t'nlrn Avanua to plac uf
Praclnct No. II; Itarlnntnir at thn In
lrM'tlon uf tha Wuaterly rlght-of way of
tha Miuiani vaiiay itaiiway cornpany ani
Twanty Plrat Htraat , thanra Watery tn
tha kiii ijMta ar jmuiuvr 1 m , inetifa
North kIoiik tha )aat Una nf UnihP-r
Park l' iha Nurth Una uf llnuldar I'-trk
Ihcnra Wral A Ion if tlia North Ilia ot
Moulder Park tu tha Want Una uf jiouMur
J'aiK; thanra Houtli along tha Wat Una
nf HMil.Jrr park lo tha Nurth linn of
TwntyKrftt Hi r art, thtn Waat Hiotn
iha Nurth Una nf Twtnly-tlrat Htrei lo
tlm AfUunaaa Jtlvar, thrnra Nort hwaalariy
u it. -ig tho Arkanaaia rlvar houndary Una t 1
Ht' t" Iha 'r.iht.u -wYy Jf tha klldUnd
Vallay Hallway Company, thrnra ftnuthj
I'lriaanlh H 1 1 t . lharta Kail nn ruirenth
wi'ara tlm fc.uth Una f Twanty flrai
IStraat Intcaaeti thi Waat Una of tna
ngni -ur-wy or 111a .n .Miami vauty it an
whv, thanra Mouth alorit aald rlght-of way
tu Woodard Iloulevard , thanea ftotith
a in i.k tha Kaitt Una of ltlvtralda OrUa
Addition tn tho ftotith Hunndary Una of
aald Addition, thrnca Waal a lot) it th
Mouth boundary Una uf a.tld Hlvaml la
Drlva Addition tu (ha Arkauaia Hlvar.
tht-noa North waatarly along aald III var
bountUry Una to Twanly flrat Ntraa,;
thanra Haal along Twanty-fliat Hlravt it
piaca ot naKinning
Prattnrt No 19
taraai t Inn of Poi U A vnu w It h
right. of way ot tho M
,T !rlP..;'"Jrt AaK
lonipany, tnann
nua to Htrund H
ond Htrrat to Plica Avanua, thanea tfouth
on Uth a to .'"vanth Htraat thonco Wnt
on navantti rirnat to raoria Avrfto
thanea North on PaorU Avanua tn tin
Norlh Una of Hlork I Munaat A.ldltlon .
tnanra i,aat aiung tha NOt'h I .tna ut ami-
al Addition lo ih Houth lloa of Iha rlclit
or way ot Ih it. K tt T. Hallway (Mm
iali, Ih.nLa Nurlhwi.t.rly alotia: th
lino of aald right of way to PaorU Av.
nu, thenc North aoroaa aald right-of-way
lo Ih point uf lBllinlinc,
I'rerliel No. 30 All that IrrrllP'y
lylnlt Wait of Lawlon Avanu and th
t rlat-Q Itallwav. flouth of Klrat Mtr.L and
Noilh of th Arkauaa Itlvar, within tn
i.iiy Limit
rr-ln. I No. It ll-cllinlna at tha In-
lretloti or llary iNlcholaoril Avanu
and Klavanlh Nliaat, thane W,.t alonr
Klcvrhlh fltreat lo (Irani Avrnur; thani',1
Houth on Grant Avanu to ttnoaovalt
iro.l, thane Haul on Roeavll ttlreat to
Ih Norlh Iln f Ih llalit nf-wy of tha
M K. ft T. Hallway, th.noo Norlhwaaterly
alone aald right-of-way to !.awla Avanua.
thanea North en l.awa Avvnu to Ih
Roolh Iln of lb 111 T
lhne Kaat along Ihrf Houth lin of aatitl
IVl i" .'.,"r,1.u,,."l, '""".f ""J,1
Oorelon Htroet tllalawar,! to tha Norlh
Iln of th H T Dalill Iriil, Ihane
Kaat along aald North Una of l),a It. T.
uaniaia uaci to riornr l Kerr) Avanu
to th. Norm Una nf r0.fc AddlUa . '
thanra Ka.l ah.nv tha North Una uf Cai-1
laga Adcilil.-n to llarv.rtl AVih.ii; thancaj
Htrt. ihan Waat
nary t
n Uarv
61 rial tha placa of hflnnlnT
rriM im i no. n tt'BinrMna
th in
tranli,n of tt.a Midland Vallay llaliwar!
t riiiramn riireri, tnnoe ,,! on pir -
lernih Htrt to t'orla Avanua, thno
oouin un ranri An-nm to Twniv-fouriti
llaoa. tl-anr Wral on Turntv. fourth
I'lar to th K'aat rlglii-af way Una af
tha Midland 'nay Hallway, tnanc
norinari, along aam rlani ol-way llm '
rlflMnth Htiact Iha placa uf ttuginiilng
1 rr lit, I N' i'3 ittginnlfitf a. ih. I..
taraection of tha lrlaeo liallwgy and tn
at K aV T K. Irarka; thane. North
aatarly along ti a Krlafo hallway trwka
In l'nrl Aiaoue, lhanr North on I
orla Annui tr, i',itnmr Hiraat, thanra
nasi on i outlier, rirat tn tna uil
blwari IINm ka Tarn and Nln in Knlr
ilaw rii-n-l Addition, thani Houth l'n
win aiiay to uuaKoii Htraat, thnr waat
,n llaakall Hlrt to th V al Una ol
Ikldlnora Addltlnn, thenr H-'llll a erij
ha Wrat llm, nt Mkidne I Adlrien' e,
e,ati) Mliaat, 1hl, ,t Kaal on I'.aaton
fllrert lo lil,alng Axnili, Ittaii,' Houtn
i'n tanalng Aviiu, t,, ilr North Iln of
Hi-en J. In ina A, Mill . 'i .nr Wal
aloi.g tha North tin ot aald HIMk I t,
IL, Ural Iln of 111- k lhalu HOUIU
-'nig Ih Wr.l line nt ld Hlork I I
Ir Houlh lino if flloik I. lhBl Snail
looir Ih Houih Mi Of aald 1I11WK I"
I I 14 , 1 k I 11 tf
li r- i ro-r. w ,i aiena
, , na'i
it 0g
f w-
t r nay
I M 1 nnd 1 il.ry Ita.lw.y 'I .1
, g ,.i d Wr.l 'in ' Ig' ' ;
H,- 'I n-r 't. n", W .' I
al ' g n A 'U ' "
g rt A "ii i "i il K
l a-ka i .'- ,r ' ' -(,
t lt.siiwy Irask, pv a
ii IIi'ii
llonit III HoUlh l-l OI !'! ,,,o i .SMi'lf-" ' -'
'.Vnalhi A.eu., Ibanc. akiuth alwrf AM OHUINANi'.: ID AI'I'OBTIi.V l.kVY
i".!" A.Viiu to Ih. b,.r-hrrokar,ANI AfMi-au ,---H. TAXKH IN
1 In i . , II, KlnTi,iS ,tl lit, II,
lrvi lion er t.ln,intli stril ami I'M'
Ainua; thnr Heuth along title, Avnti
init ih tinaliin ttiraot. to Kiffftefth
litrei, Ihsm Kat en Plftwnth airi
la VieiAr Anu. ilivm- H,iu.h nn Vi,
ter Avnus In ih anutb Iln nt Bung!"
1'iiuit Jtailltlim, Ihenc Hnl stuns th
snuth Iln of litniKHinw ciiurt Ait,uili,n
in in VTKI nn ef Mnfrnofl Ailillllnlli
H em aiiuth pilnna th Unl nn ef Ma'
won AiiniiniB in nininin i-iac
Ail ,1111..
itttiena Vlatak. .hahl-tt :at nn gvan
li-rnlh IMr ,tft l,wt, Avnul thane
Vi'tth nn l,W Avenu In rtAvantAfniri
Httti thnr wt nn gvnlnth
it.tH In Hi Kl tin f Bl'ieh I, Mill
iie-l AiMltlnn, thni 'In N.ltlh tl fl
lhni' ill, Haat I tt. thne "1 le
v.iiti ft iii riftnlh Htrasti thne.-
Hi Kaat m fan In l,ia Avhna. Ihne
Nnrth nn l.wl Avnll III KlevnnMi
omii thnr wat nn Klvnlh lft
'n ih fiiil Iln nf lrrinii A'tllllii
thm anuth on Dm Kaat nn nf rrrma
AltalllnR In Thlrteanlh Hlrl, thnC tVl
nn Thllleenlh to the Will Iln nf IViri-
mak Allan inn, thanr North aloni th Waat
'111 nf t'ir)llinn Will. toll l,i terv'll!t
-orl, lhnr Yvt on Hlavanth atr'
'o rttra Aiwnli. Ilio iiIni nf uaaututtiei
t iini-tna ii tin. iiti.ir. ii-ii ii- r
anth Slto.t and Dll.'a Aioh, Ihane north!
nn i'i,r. Aiaiino te Hreuiid mral: ihne:
alaat on nVrond Mraat to ltwla
t ''ttti tn ! Avaou I
nth Mraat , thahoa Waat nn Mia ant h
trot ii. the Norlh f.liirt di tha rtffltt
f K-itv f the M K T ni'rnai tan
Nurthweilarly a 1-. n v aald fUht-of-way Una
ti 1 tir hi , lit t w 1 on It. n J mil t
'UN t .'nt Addll Inn . I hniu a Horn4, arrna
id iighintway along tha Kaat Uiara
.nfrnl Plara Addition and ('Invar lltdg" ;
S l.tHlon tn r,laanth Ftraat; thanra Vaai
tha tf nf haflnnlnr
Pr.-in. t Nn fl H-ginnlng at tha tn
t.a, tinn of H' nnd Hiraat nnd tlih i :
tif-mia, then ft Nntth nn tt i a -n
to South right -uf way Una of Prtaea It, H 1
f way in tha Ntnih Una of th (Itr t.ittt
thana Kaat along iha North Una tif
liy l.ltnlta to th nllay In ill or h 1 1 thh
PlHa trtonta Month nlong aald allay f.
Maakoil Hiraat , Ihaiv r.aat on IlaakaM
I" Allatila PlB r, (iant 1 Houth un At
not a Placa tn Archar Hirft, lhanea Baa1
n Ar. tier Htraat to tilt mmghatn Avanm
'n'a Nnrt h .n Mlrmlhfh" m vanna "
llaakaltn,, thanra Watt on llaakall it.
1 l.i litoiln 1 miiii, thwioa rrt
r liifnbl.i Awhile '4R f thrr-
Waal MO feci ta Hlrmlnffham Avanua,
'.i ln p N.trih on illrititrigiiMio aiiiih i
v.ir'h Una or ( it l.tmtia; thanra rat
nn N.-rih 'ln nf ttv l.im'ta in tialxwar
Avanua, Ihanra Houth nn Dalawara Ava ta
lA.iHiiifa) I (tl ninfl, I Of to 0 IS vat Oil
(Adaiual Plrat Htr.t in l.tli Avanua.
'hant Hnulh nn t awla Avanua tn Itnnnrl
fiitmmi, ttiara Waal un hargnd Htfaai iu
notnt or naginntng
Prarlnrl No tn Tlaglnnlng at tha In
(araaitlun nf iha M K A "'. flail way n1
o. Aanuai thanea Nurth nn Wwrm
Atanna to iMuga ttaak Una; thanra Waat
along aald naaga-Praak Una to Hi Waa
Ity l.ttnlla, thanra Hmttnariy alunt anit
Val Cliy t.hnita to ih- M K A T Ht'
ayi thanra Kaidatly n Inn it aaU railway
tn Oiianoah Avantia , thanra North on
Qiiannah Avinua tn Katon Htral, lbn
Kaat alonff tor Huulh Mtia or (twan I'ark
to tha Kaat Una nf Owan Park. Ihanca
Mouth tu thn North tliia of tha M K. A
T. .Hallway (.'nntnany'i rtghl nf-way,
thanta Nurlhaailarly mIooj aahl North Una
uf tha M. K A T. Itaflwuy Cumiiany'l
riirtii-of-wav to toiiit ot hrirlnnlnv
roi.I.lNO PICWK AND f)rr 1 1 KHH WHO
HI I A I.I, ftlNUlHT AAIJI fllrrT;TIU,N,
Prrln'l Nu. I Votlna Piaea. Janntkai
llitlal Jlullitliin. lit II Plrat, Inaparior J.
uinnt-y, juiitaa. tiarrv unk n. v.
M. Mluhala, Olarka, ltlta Jaruha, U J.
Prarlnrt An. Ii Votlna Placa. Can van
lion J I all llradv and llonldar 1 Inaioicl jr.
j ti. uumarun, .lutiaa 11. , Ainrriixn
J. Ilraa. Clarka, Tom CUrfc, J. W
I'rarlnrt Nu ! Voting Plara, Ontral
tor. II K llnwtnaiit Jmliri'a, I II. Hutriatl
1 in biiiiuii, n nt nrnna 1 mrHi i it a, im'
ia. Ai, ttaiiy, uiarnai a. nuiuvun. nv
P llataa,
Pratlni'l Nn. 4: Vntlrta I'ImI
Klnor Municipal llulldlnf; Itiapaoi.ir,
t 1 , J UMtf f UU, I , I'rHD, 1 A, fllP
iMTtnott, Olarka. M. C. Vpradllnt;, 0. J.
l ronttor
Prailnrt Na I: Vallnr Plira, l)td
11 row siomr 10., 1 in nouin iioaton:
-t" t, K. K KrUn.l, JthUa lohn U
norti Aima H.uaaiar, Clarka K 11. nuaw,
Corn Maurer. I
Pia'ntt ti Votlnif Ptnr. o'irt
iiuuaa, AMfMor 1 Mini a , iniw f 1 r. w
.1. I.UIaton, Judicpa. itrv HMolro, All..
Mta. riarita. Aim Part. 11, 11. Avt-ry.
Vtft tn t .So. T . Voting Pi- i. Pt month
inuu i-omnanr. tu va kiiMi 4iraai. rn
Kprrtor, Wm. Pra JudxtN J. It. Wllklns.
(I. W. (IIHnan, Clarka, Ifanry llordner.
II. K Jf-hn-tofi,
I'rarlnrt No, Nt Vllnir PUi'c, Irving
Prhool. pnrk and May'iaU AvMiiaii in
Fiirnnr, n, r i niiiaon; juuiraa. jura.
Prank R Itunran, W. T Jiui. Clark ouy
imr r Aira. Is. I. l.
Pmrlrft No. ' V'l ( w pun, Oaaft4
nrnooi, kbhi rariw. inahjatoi'. w. it
Houkari Ju.lfraa KlUi Mlllai, II. W.
wnn, cirrka, nu vuur, Mra. lurry Can
nady. Prflnrt No 10. Vntln IM.nv, Nmth
alda'PIra Ktatlon, Nnrth Mi'n Htraat, in
up tor, M H, tJootla, Judtfaa. Tim J'lji.
nUan, I.Mwranra I, Ulan, 'larks. V. II
'J honioo r, w. iloora
Prr.lnrt No 1 1 Viitfntf plana, Wah
1 l??iirt,,V, "1 llA l
Kfi' J ,1 St'Ltfi if
, Waalnrt No II. otlng PUr. l.ontfa.
Judgaa, W. W Pu, i:tta Quarry Clark
Jot Cnlllna. Win, Quarry,
PraMnrt No U T Vat In Plaoa, Lincoln
fvrlinol, PKlaanth and paorla Mraat a. In-
pnrtor, A M Walch , Judgaa, R
Kaalay. J. it. Ing. Cltrka, J, W. Mundar
land, II. W, Urani.
I'rarlnrt No, 11. Voting Plata. Horac
Mann f( hd, Klavanlh and Iloalon Strtratv,
Infractor P .1. Juyc, Judgaa R. 1,, low
Ur. K, M. fUllafhvr; Clark a. Ouy fl Mu.
tun, Mra. (tuy K l.lnlan. ,
aflanoa" with tial"""- tThih trt and iUlti alraat.
lnr,p.-ri(r W
llaallhita: .ludaaa.
WJnbVr' hnrLlVJ
iirun. ciaraa, 11.
rMJh.M .."'wV 1IllMf
ylwuH,,B" ' Twelfth und I" riant: lnapn
;v o. wt...., ,
Marnnay , riak. Mia. J, U, Hurnatt
! . V. 'nt B "I.
ITa.lnit No. 17: Vollna- I'lar.- W,t
Hid Hlr Station; Inapaotur. Jara ftmllh I
Judco, P. It, llardaaty. )r N. Ilaaa-1
try, lerna, I.. u ipiiiuibii, . . n.
f latktay
Praalnt-t No. lit VolliiK I'lar, aoutti aid
Fir htatlon, niahl.anth aed ttaln lllrrata,
ln,tirli,r. I', M Holm, JielK.-. It. K
lltiuliaa uorR H llu.h: Clorba, Uerii
A Nli-warl. 'roin Hlmpaon
I'reelnoi No l: Valine t'Jae, Urac,
,1 K r-l.n,.- l....,.r 11,1 ti..n.
Judaaa. I'. P. yllaar. II ij l.awa, Cllka'
iuna rnnr, li,. II. I law,
P'eclnct No. 10. Vollna I'lar. tot
Mouth Mayhi'll, J'aiiinn llaaiirahoc, liiaieie
tor, I'. K Kanton, Jodgva C, 1 Dawaon,
W. l) Xaupln, OUrka, C. t. I'rlchard
lluy Hiiuti..
I'rrrlnrl No II Votlnir Plara Kendall
Hrhool; Inapirlor t', W Juhnon, .fudic,
i'onrt ii. i la r a, nania n
ii,.i ..
l',.,,l, I v0. s, Volln IMao. Itohari
ffl Hrhool. T.w.niUih and Cincinnati
Hlrerla. loaprrtor, ISilw. Moph, Judgaa,
I',. 1', Marahall, J. H. HIiiiiim.ii,; i.'lalka.
uavld M. Ituiiitnalt. Klva Harrow,.
fcVlSS j JSii vSmiiiVS S S Mur
Kly. 'Clark5 r?lla Nabiol llar'rv ltam
fjl1 tlr"- E" NaiWtt. Harry Ham
xtiuiitr w.7..i r."v "
I Ingiuhaiii, lieiyl Johnaen
I'raulnrt No Iti Vui'.oa Plaaa. Whlttlr
1 lennop. iii noun iwia. inap( ior a, ii
Hoard. Judgaa. Jlr. Kvrra. ahn Knffl
viraa, i-auun i.arn llama rinai.
l'rlnrt Ne :a: Votlna! I'lar". Ila
Mouaa, tlwan Tark. Inaperior, Jaik IJoO
kin, Judgnr Harry Will, M, II flurtoa
Clarka. H, rii.aaland. '1'. II Hnatl.
Horn offlrrra ahall ad aa rnuntera aol
maka raturn. of th reaoli of th valine
at the rrapaitlv polling lauaa, aa ra
qulrad hy law.
Wltnaa, iii hand aa Mayor of aald city
affiled lu aald cllv. IHta Ird day of Na-
,nil.r A. U. lilt. a,,. I at.
(hval i m AaWJi,
cur Adllr. ...
Approvrri aa to fuim tHh) I'd ay of
Navmhr. Ilt.,
THANK 15 Ill'Nl'AN.
ljr v'
iSSkiKlrTo"! .laa f"L'
NM.kar I. I . . ;,','. J!
jj' J l. it! I '" " '"I VVorll I
Puhlliiilng Roinpany. i'uiinah. j
m uwr ti- i'un
fit 111 11 '
1 i ' " i IN 'I UK
ivf'i i in ii m until" a si" i " i
I iili lllil I AI1INU AN I.MK.II
.11 Y
Will. I" A'' ti p ..'U- i . t a ." ta
I I III l,haitrr I I 5 fl'j ef Tu a
(ikiaWiinia. aad ikn ctktutcu ot tha blata
il ihl.ih 'itiii, f.tr ti Ii ,.iai, it, .ut anil
I miiim. ihr Mil ( ii nr lull- i.l by
iniinanee No Bill iri-u n1 e, ki.mIi
SHWBH lrilli'T NO. Ii an.l ittl
Raving aniard il nr'ai o, jn.
jrVI anwara In 1n sKtt,R liiSTKO'T
NO. It, by .ha ernvlmmni nf ,til nr-le
nance Nn. 2H1. ntJ nn thn I ft o nv nf
KIlnihr It In l.rK
contraiit tor ih i nnatrurilnn at i ium
aanllafV rwr In 8hivv Kit I'iMlili r m
i7i ana
WHS.Rk.'AX In ptirmtaro- of rnl . i
tract, aall Cnmato h'niolUr m(if
bava rmiiirtad a certain atu ..1 a-w. r
In aald aKW hilt HtBTKH'T Sn. 1 . ml
tha wotb undnr aald rontrart imi n
arrptat and wppiovad by lh -t Vt.gi
naar and iha Ihmrd nf CoirtitiMlioic) 1
tha t Hy of Tulaa nnd
WHKHKAlf. in furthar purauan l
t hi atatnta'a df tho Hiata nf rk ih una
aforrafald ahd undar tba .tf thf
Chartvr nf thr aald City of riian h a
boma. 11 la dot 11. ad oa'aaaa h, th H aid
nf Contttilaptut.ara of tht uy ' fulf to
lavy and aaaaa a op lnt t . himhi t-i"
Krtiatly lUhlo to patar-oi. - t to t1
tOWKti IMhTHH'T Sit U9 h. ri-a-uti of
tha aaaaainant In -ftld HKWKH l IKP'T
nu u, iy rattaon uc ronat. i.i,mi r
'Ift.itS.'il .V.l" ''"f
" lO.KNAH. Ih mti
ror ttw -n. , n n i,
t itttt I I nil of r r -
Irwtlmi of aald -rwor tn aald HPWi.ll
IHHTKICT Mi 1-1 Inrhidtitpf Ur .a
hava ban aa. rtnlnnd and l li"r -
clarnl In ha tho aunt of IS .3n , .- ) f
whlrh la to ha lnl-d 'iy a)TUt aavaa
tnantl nfalnat tho lo1 and iaicai nf
land hantfliad by thn r.. mti union of aald
aawar tn attld MIWMl tHHI'llUT Ml UK,
WHKRKA. all tr t raru(rmt'nln hnva
hHn aoinplt1! wuh 10 au'hmlaa iha avy
of tha aaaawamania agalnat mil 1. ta ant
panata nf lhd ao ialla for in at of
rnnalrUi'ilon of aald i w r in ald KKW Kit
hlHTtilfT NU. ITn. In tha mun' hn.
tnaflor ata lfl4 Iu aaolloft 1 of l.i la
p.ii'TKiN I: That lhrr ah It anl
thcii la harahy anportlnnad to and lavtv
upon and aaaaoMif acalnat thn 'Vrit iota
and ttarralt uf land In aald HKWKU lH
TH1CT NO. m tn Iha city Tula.
Oklahoma. o hnafHad hy tha mhairuo
Hon of auld aawar, th amounta rapaciUa
ly aa foliowa to llj
l A - - I"'"
mo. is
r.o si
iih it
in 11
lis it
I AO 3'.
110 1
mo. as
HKCTmfC ii That tha tiMnmnl harahv
lavhhl on aalj ut tba a hav a inantlonad
Iota and piraal of land ara liarohy d
curntl ti ha n livti 'in .urn Iota an 4
paruala rf land tu It hi aarna aitrnt aa
othar tara and ahall b roJI.til and 1 n
farcad lp tha aarna mannar as nthr la'!
In and for Ihu City ut Tulva, Oklaiinint,
ara aollai tad
PWrinN j. That all as-ratnar. a hara
hy lavd ahall ha dlvldad thin tnia i)
nrpul annual liitfUittitla nn auHiorltcJ
h aid Mia t 'iln. .if tha Mtala of xkla
horn a for aueh raaa matla ,nvl prnvhlrdi
that Iha anaaatnanta ahall hrr In t trait
at tha rata nf alftht ill pfr ranltitn j-t
alin rn. payahta annually at Iha Cum of
(ho ni mnt uf tha iavrmt In'allinantii tf
tha-aald Naaaaainanla, fr'hm tha data of
'ha taking rffrt nf thl 'rrd.t , that
the flrat iMituUtuatti f an d iiffritnt,
togathr with th tcriiil tiiiit nn tha
dafwrrrd lltntallntanta nh-lll I10 p.ty.tbi o-
tht Hth day nf Iroh r If.'l. and t ha
ranialnlng drfarrad IntAC'ti r with tha
yaarly lhtnrt on tha unpaid In-dtUMtnif,
chill ha payabl oil the 16th iUy nf IV
rttmjiar of aarh aicordln yaar until alt
ahall ha paid.
Provided, howavt-r. thai any nf tha
ownara uf the lota or p-rrtta of land o
aaaaad rnar at nny I Una durtnif th
fnur (4) aoneutlva wrcka following thn
day nf tha flrat puhllcatinn of thu ordl
nanra pay to Iha City Auditor nr th city
nf Tut an, tha full amount nf tha Mi
rurnti an lavlad ngilnat their atbl li atid
Prp)n of land arjit thrah raloai auch
properly from th Jtlu of auch aaaaaa
mant. ffWCTION i 'that tfita nrdln .n" rhalt
la puMlihml for twanty nlna rnniccullir
da.i -n tha Tut ct Dally World, a nrwi
papvr MihllihMl In Tulaa. (iklhnrna. that
th ('ubllrntlon uf thin ordlnanra aa ra
rjulrad hy Mw ahall ha tautii ami ra
aro:d a aufflrUnt nntlra ti all narittni
Inter In tha aiaatnirnta lit ruby
lavlad hy tha (arm of thl ordlttf.nra.
bWToN Ii That all ordinance or
parla of ordlnanraa in oonfliot with th
nrovialona nf thla urd Inn lira, .nmfar ai
aurh nnnfl.rt a I at a. ar harrby rt-pvalrit.
KKL-'iinpi n: mt an martnny axiiti
for (ha uraarrvatioti of tha Dtiblla hvatth
nnd aatiy. tiy rcaaon wtiarar-f thla urdl
nann ihail taba affaul frnn' and nftar
Iti p , approval and puMltatlon.
PAdHWIi, and tha mrtnry r,iuao
rulnd uiufi iiarataly and itppruvrd thlt
36Mi day ef Octnbar. Ivlt, ,
lTHUVliU, till Sltll lid" r IJClOl'tr,
CHv Auditor.
IMI A KtT IT tltlMf'AM
Oily Attnrntr.
Hates And Information
Via fr wnrvf par tint,
tn fnaartloita lr tha prlca of bx.
Minimum ap-ica, IZ wnrda.
lo par word par day whan copy runa
on a month without changa,
Minimum amount oh thn, J to,
AM niAlUH. WANT ADS ara d'la
and puyahle tha tumin day flrat lnir
tlon of nd appaara. (All out -of -tnwn
want ad and all Witntad lo Hant,
nituutlorta Wanted, Weailnij Apparrl,
and llnuaahold flood ada ar roa
Itlvaly taah In advanra.)
rhniuaii at th aama rate aa cath ad
and rollai thin will ta made at )our
huii.a or of flu aa boom afia flrat In
art Ion aa poaalbla. Thla ta an attorn
tnndutlnri aarvlrn and vaytnant ihould
ta i.iaila promptly whii bill In pra
aantad- Alwaya aaa your (Hphnna ad
to ha rapaatad back to you hy tha Uia
phona ad t attar to malt aura that It
haa taan currattly taken. Tha World
rantiM aaauma laapoiialhlllti tin arrortj
jt any kind oocurilnic In iolpti"na ad
Cndar no clrcumatanaaa aia wa ra
fpainathla for armra tr. nny aidvartfa
mant unlaaw rpnrtad linndl' ' nftar
flrat Inairtlon N idtifl'in l ' of
an ad wtit ha nia'l" unla ai or da-
troya ailu nt ad
Phonti fiOOO
nnrn Iialir a in lo p. m,
iitrn -ui day a p rn. lo p m.
Ada r, tailed duilng ihvaa hoora will
,pi,ri lo Ih World Ih following
tllut MUg.
u aK'nouncement? "j3
" llivr AMI llll!MI " 1
I.I li,l .,li loat, "No." T:J. Itav.
' i I J iolr ralurn w H K.
iv rward.
a ...
J '
I li tittohrVlv, on eaalfiii pracuralfy
p ni r. tU jIJtrl
U.T-r-TCIlVir 43rTitri
un th right aid a; latum an
waa n to urup Trout raar of
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