Newspaper Page Text
10 TULSA DAILY WORLD, MONDAY, MAY 15, 1922 t.y .f! Announcements "fiuif.i.V I-ehhona"!, MESSAGE cirrla very Tuesday evening At ft n'rlntk, conducted by Mm. Ida Mallhy, 1117 n, Hndge, Oeaga lllo - J, MF.IIM'AI. (VA "CANCEttH Cl'llBir--'eneere, liimnn ulcere, killed completely, tnola and oil. never return, nn euro no pay. Mr. Lleken. llarnedall, Okie., llox til. i-nnne lt.a. FAIRMONT MATERNITY IIOfll'iTAL tor confinement, rrlvate; prices reaion able: may work for hoard) bshlee adopt ed. Write tor booklet, lire. T, II. long till 11. Twenty-seventh SU Kum ;iiy. Mo WART"! AND HOLES Disagreeable akin blemlihee quickly ken lehert by eeienuiia ana expert iresi ment. No use to wear a dliflgurlng mole or wart when ea eatlly treated and remored. FOR AITOlHTMtNT l'nene Oedir it. DR. 1". a BWlTZKIt. Foot fpeclallit. Turk J!re, lit 0. Main. WaNTFD To remove caneere, no money till cured; f ee eiamlnallona. Oiege tin II. Ilr i"cwert. WTSVMAIN h AT"KHNtTY rlANITAHIUM A noma for Hie rata and protection of patina women, -ale rraeonahla; hehlee adopted. It M. II. Newman, medleel director, t(. w Mam Oklahoma City. Automobiles A IT' in on I ITS TVjjt eTAl.T; a COLUMHlV BI.V "t'All, flrat-claee con dition, lilt. I'hona Cedar nlo. roil HALR -fhstl'Her 7-plaaenger lTll) model) A I condition. Call Nealiltt, Oaaia nlll or Cedarllll. Fuji SALKDtittk roaiialer, n good run" condltioni tlva cord tlrea. Osage Hit. FoltD delivery. If you ara looking for a cheap delivery car It will ray you to aea thla ona at Ml. Phone Osage 141 ill n nn ider. FORD TON TlltlCltB Wi have eeveral l.lon Ford ttucka. equipped with pneu. main tltea. cab tope and ipreea bodlea. alao aome without hodtea. They are priced from fllo up and tha tarme ara liberal. Ford Car Birhange, 111 K. Bicondfn. Oeage 1009, foil BALE CadlilaO paeeenreri per. feet condltioni ueed "aa family cart II. HO If taken at onca. Call Oaaia llin Kill BALE Ona 110 model llulek load. aler. 11001 ona 1110 model Itnlck 4-naa. eenger, Ml. Motor Inn, III S. Cftey. enne. Foil HAM: 1110, l.peeeanger liulofc, 1110 caaht 1120 rord touring, 1210 caah. II n. Main Volt 8ALB (lit TRADE liup car In good ahapa. Led ford Cleanata A Dyere 111 H Elgin. Oeaga tin. FRANKLIN ill! I. passenger Inclosed ran flva wire wheela) nveralla cord llreej valour upholateryi excellent con rlllloni 1100. Oaaga 1 718 or HIP. FTrTIUlN USED care a't a afeat bargain. Call Oil City Garag 120 N. Main. iiMieei6. FOR HA MS Several privately owned cata at a hariratn, Including Korda. Dndsee, llulrka, and many other irnod makes Ueed Car F.iehanga, III N Main, Oim HOI Foil HATli Ford apeedeter In ATl con dition; cneap. log rt. iiouider. tOH SALE OH 111 A Dr. tV paaaenitar Heoi In good shape; will aell or trad for llveelnck. Pali Oaag 7IH. FOH MAI. 10 Ford rnadater, eheapi m (nod runnlnir condition. Call at 1221 1". Third. Oeaga 70l. FOltD COUPES. V7e have four dandy coupes; every ona or them haa been rebuilt and retlnlahed. They ara priced from till up. Tha term a ara liberal. FORD CAIl KXCIIANOn "Authorised Vied Ford Dealer." III IB. Becond. Oietta 1001. JlAYNES-FATnlCTC ATJTO SUPPLT CO. .. WHOLKSAT.n AND ltKTAII. Authorlird illatrlhutora, Ilearltifa Service company'. T1MKKN. 1 1 T ATT. Nnw nr.rArlTtliin. Urml atock or new automobile auppllee and acreaaorlee In Tulaal Including wheele. fendeta and tarta for Korda: United Hlalea tltee) ateo bargain tlrea; rebabbltted connecting roda ami hear Inia exchangeil for oldt Btromberg car huretere. Mall ordeia aent day re ceived. 101 I'. Becond Bt,, phone Cedar id. Live Stock, Poultry and Seeds Live Stock A NKW LIVKHTOCIC rastura opened, cine. In. Block wanted. Oeaga llll. F1NM 1-year-cld hoist eln" row for eala. 100't a Ctaker. I'hona Oeaga 1711.11. FOIt H ALU Two milch cowa. Ledford Cleanera A Uyera, 111 8. Ulgln. Oeage eixi. Foil HA LI!-Young Jersey cow. Call llcdgea. Cedar 177 or Osaga Illl-J. Tw6 good mllclPi-owa, li per day, and II laying henai aleo one feed rack. Jn qulra llll B. Olympla. West Tulsa. FOH Ft A 1. 1'. CHEAP Seauttful eeal brown. I.galted saddle mare, eight yeara nidi absolutely eound: lfH handa high! weight l,01l haa a wonderful gait, ft very dashy rack, a equate trot and a aplendld canteri le In feet g very high claaa mate In every reaped. Hired by titer McDonald, eon lot ltex McDonald, dam. Nell, by Artist Montrose. Price 1100. Addreaa I. U. wolie, .17 Virginia A v., jop,in, no. TltOHOUnillinnn cowl fresh In few ilaia. Flrat new house aouth of West Tulaa poatomce. FOIl HALE lllgh-claee Indian ponyi ttavela all gallat also ilrtvea alnglet good pony tor girl or boy 10 or ift yeara old 1110 H. Flwnnd. Osaga 4141 ONi: DUIHIAM milch row tor eala. KOI ona pair of geese. Tulsa Band Co Joa elation. Oeaga llll. Full HALIi liegtetered Duroo mala: rea aonable. Ledford Cleanata a Dyara. lie H. kiriii. iteaga dxxi. "I'et Jjtoclc JIAlllllTM New Zealand lied, pedlgreei and rrglsterrdi none flnert few aa good. Call or wrlta Hunehlne llabhltry, til S. Aantnua. itiiaa, iiwib, OH A Mil: Angora Mlteii lor aale. Oaaga iszi. FOXFS Fully pedigreed and reglitetrd. liver niacki nuy the Deal, Held 11 roe. Ilothwell, Ontario C1TT VISTBItlNAItV HOSPITAL For iloga and eala. Doga bathed and clipped. - HI H. Madison. Oaaga el. VOOH COON or wolf hounds, hrotip, and puppleat rioeinc out, win. Jieere, npringdaie, vl H. I' I UPPIK8 Bight weeka old reaiateredt from prlre-wlnnlng atock; tha Ideal pet for the littles girl or tiort ran be aeon at 1UI 8. Cheyenne. Oeage xr or 1741 lltiKTON HULL pupplri! monlha old) trom 11.010 dog. I14 tx. Denver. I" Ut HALL Female .lloston lerrleri 7 inunwip uiu i hii ruar mil vtllBIIALIl PL'PPIISR Fina eneelmene. closely iclated to tha famoua LaddlM iioy. JeaKO oim-j, college mil r arm, 'ir"ti.I.I'.-Tliree pedigreed' lloaioti ier rler puppleai threa male Bugltsh terrier puppleat alao one female registered toy Huston terrier, V months old! all nice bundle, lllllla'a lloaton Kennel. ItU 8. 'I'renlnn. ilt P PKOIliCtt, l. V. U. Practice llm. ited in dote and rata, rbonea. ctllce lltaaa llll, reeldence Oeaga 40II.J, , Poultry F.IIIIS TIlllllOllOIU'liKIf Marred Hock egga for fcMttlnif. Owllered. Pbona F III. KIMII.K-COMH buff Orpington ties for haiching. usage esie i tin. Automobile aimTimoh'iiTkh mm ham: 7o I IIAVri IhlnK, tha beat baigaln In offer In n ' 2 1 Tijlea l-paaaencer an. fotuohlte, of anyone. Thla car la In n No I rendition and tnuet he aold liy tha nth nf May Hea ,f It. Illdwell, inaf.aBr of new Wright lildr CAHllr. aoilliieaet'Tront Ipeijroom for one or two, prlvatn family , hoard If da elred lleaaonablf t'clar el ONf) Akll IJfit. IIAt.l' TlllTTreeTl Ita'pUi no inirk tor eeia nr iratte lertna to re- at'Onelbla patty, rieega 1119. ol.litiMiiliil.r". touring. In rorxl condition, will aartianga for five or eU rnorna nf good furniture iii fl. Hecond, Cedar 4I SftlTZ llBAIICAT-Oood condlllon, wlfl trade for a nnftur car Oeaao IIHi-.l rTWAuTi ioi T TftliwlM.i'.oinC Aulhnrlted rord Hervlca lit H rrankrort HU I'hona Cedar till. We make driving your lord a pteeeure A pereonal eervlce of euperlor nuallty Heaeonahla coet and cnurlaotie attention. TWIr BIX roadeler. hlla on all 12) 1160 eome terme to reltet.le patty. Oeege ia', It WlLl. pay one" dollar aa'cK""for ll"hy I and II by I worn rord tlree thet wa ac cept for retreading, Cdar 1111. VoUfl car repaired ef your home garegei gueranteed eallarartlnn hy tellable toe. rhenln. Call Oeaga 121111 for appoint ment. WHY" TAKK your car to a. garage when you can have it repaired at home by a mechanic who can fiitnleh written era drntlala. all work guaranteed Tor ep pnlntm-nt call Oeaga 4101. J. 1121 Mufl:l. Iltitrk roadeler, guaranlead to na in parted condition, inninr nee riever been touched. Terme to eutt lloi 1711 110 I'I'.II M(T"TtII fordeed etoraaa. iTl per monh for live etoraga lloutder tlaraga, 410 H. floulder. CADIU-AC ItnAnHTISTt, BT moilnl, now pnlnt; nix Knotl cord llrrn nnil ami covora. fiTllDI.IIAKr.Il. f. - pnanoiiBPr totirliiK. This rnr ling liccn run Ij tit very llttlo anil In n Knrirt liny. JORDAN, 1D20, 7 - pnngnnuer tnurltiRi nnw pnlnt! fvo kooiI tlrea nnil motor In A-l glinpe. T'ACICAUD 1IHKI) CAR MAHKET Bovcnth nnil Mnln Ht. Osiiko 7000 ai;t"o Mlri'i.iBw a.n'h iiki'aiii'n jm AUTO Tllfnh Kour new"lltl (loodyear corda. four new 12x4 riree'ona corclai riva new llil Aai cotda. auhject to 21 each. II W I'lret. Cedar 110, On-.ce rut. ONii eet of eeven liudga Wnltwnrtlt wire wheela. complete with all accee. aorleei will tit any model twln-l Pack ard Call Oaara 1124. 6T:T rot'll ca repaired right. Call real mechanic, cedar los, no nu or miea maihoda. No pay unleae eatllafled. Work anywhereeny llme. HUDSON and Keeea eiflerl repalimani coneult bur meihantre before overhaul lug your cara. McCarrou Motor Co 12 N Main Oeaga till. Aintt ton iiiiii 4iit,tir.N it IIOI'I.DKII, H. 701. tlarago for rent. lll'.TIIOI f, H ift ilaraae for rent. Foil HKNT (laraga. :il if. Twenllelh HI.. Maple ridge. (lAUAlll: Poll lll'.NT Hold about eTgtit oara good repair ahop. rhona Oeaga t5NU-CAIl ilAltAlli:. 1101 H. Cincinnati. Oaage 1211-It. WANTKJl AIITOMOItll.KM H AHH HOI. I) on "commlaalnn. minor ra falra free, Third aeaaon ell N. Main IcCarrou Motor Co. Oeaga 417ft. USl'.I) CA MB height and aold on amall coinmieeinni no etoraga. I'remocat Motor Co., 101 W Harond. Cedar llll WANTIll) TO lll'YAt n bargain, good iaia monei i-nrn or imuga carl have thecaeh Oeaga "201-lt. Wll.l, PAY OAHII for need Ford coupe. no neaiera. ,-. 11. nox III. Board and Room "iiiiTKiji llOTln, lllAfiTO 120t,"n. Third: larga i,M,,nB uii4o ivur pvreoiia) very cheap. LA HAI.LU IIOTF.L Cedar 4000 11a n Danvat Tha popular price family hotel) quiet and iifiina.nna mr every gucat; eicetieni dining. room eervlca In connection. t.YONli MOTi:r. 1I4U W. HKCOND llndec new menavement. Thoroughly rennvaled. Clean. at hotel In town., Large light outside rooma. 17. II and 110 for tno. Nn oblectlone to rniiuran. ,'nnne Ijeaga all. TKItMINAlT IIOTIIL ' ' Main atreel. innnalia trriarn ataiiAn, aoulli rooma: flue and cool; free hatha; Poultry IlllODlJ INLAND HUD and Hatred" Hock cage, per eeiiing, llll U. Ad miral. FOIl rIALK Hinglc-comu while Leghorn aaaj epecin price on 100 lola. Leittoru Cleanere & l))te ill a. Klgln, Osaga llll. rIIITU HOCK egga. 11 for lil lbo'llO. Mra. Anna llerryntan, roula I, box . ,ll.ll .oa, II.M1V I UK lis 11A11V ClllCi;-lltchlng egga, all trad ing varlellee. Hcnd for flea catalog, Kennedale HatcheryBiirlngtleld. Mo. llaby rhlcke. lo and loo ea'ch. " ""n i -i nllppe, H B. hlxth Ht. Cedar Hit ItlJhULT tlKTTKUS a. Theaa Little Want A.M. , If you v.lsh lo buy or cell poultry, hnte, callla, horeea seeds, trult Ireea. farma, ranchre, or, In fact, anything need on the farm or In tha farmer', home, you will find thtea little Want Ada wonder, ful result crtieta. Head them rarefully ---eyery una of thnn and If you do pot find what ou want, wrllo a Want Ad and aend It to Tha World. Olhrra are making money doing II. Why not ou? Matea: Thirty consecutive Insertions, 1c per word each dayt threa or more Insertions, n,o per wonli seven Inser tlone for the price of six; one or to Ineertlone. It per word per Iraertlan. Mis(:nLUNi:m'f4 -FOIl r.ALi:-Rlxy.fve Icn w.ek-old "full blood llhoda Island lied chicks, II each! 19 hens, 1 rnneier, ISO Indian llunner duck egga, II par selling, llhoda Island lied rgaa. It par eel 'In?. Mre, Hay Ulcken, llox III, Harna. ilall. okla. Full HAI.U Klftrrn thoroughbred Wltll'e I'ljninuth Hock hena and one rooster Oeaga 114. ItllODK ISLAND HUH HCTTINO lll'.NH ami i i-ke. ior i. oiaea L109-J. Calif gw . nil, i-. -... FOIt HAI.i: Thirty thoroughbred barred Hock hena and 9 cokercls. McLane Dairy. Oaage 4I9I-J. OBKgB FirTillLHH fur aale. Oaage till" WANTBD Several aelllng hena each week. Phone Cedar 1117. HAltllBD HOCK and white rock baby chlcka and eggs; Old Trusty III egg Incubator; fltat house v.. at of reme lery Jn Federal drlie. I AM HBDUCIMI the elie ot my grow Ing alock flocks of Ills It laying strain White Leghorna. 1 also have a lim ited number of spring trie. Flrat come flrat aerved. J, A. Itoblnson, till Ad mlMl, phone Oeaga !. Seeds & Nursery Stock. FlTiT UAI.B Conkey'a " llutlarmllk and urowtng aiasti tar ntlia rhlcke. Chick drain Perfictlon llerifood. Sure ICgg Math, Full of I'epi ehells, Una and coarse C rlt i feedera and drinking foun. tains, lluy your seeds in bulk. We carry full Una nf garden, field seeds; aleo all ktnda of plants; oarla green, bordeaux minute, areenete of lead, HINDINO-fiTBVBNH HBHD CO. Corner Flrat and llouidet I'hona Oiage NANCY HALl. aweet otato allps, grown vvyiuKiic. nun toe airici reguta tlone ol the Arkanaaa atrta plant board and certified tree from dlMasat sails taction guaranteed. 1 rlr ,itivr,i Parcel tHat or aipreea; 13 10 per 1,00 Room and Board l.ltlllT iTlltwRKKKl'IMi llOOMH l A' n7c " I.Anoi: front, newly decorated, housekeeping loom, edlolnlng bath, prl vela entraneai rialdence Ull H, Main, Hee Mra. I.acy at eld door or call Oaaga 2JI2 ITUAiTir, W , 101 una light houaekeeplng r'.Dfn inr r-'ni. iipnyn lixa if. irol'I.Dfill. H., 711 -Tr.iuaekeep ng rooma, Wefer rgupla employed Oeaga U20-J. Cm l -r iTrTfJT; IT, iti Vwo iou'th front too me, lean, nicely furnlehedi modern con v enlenrea. fAMIilloM1. W 214 Aulla of thiee light houeekeeiilt.g rooine, II per week, I'hona Cedar l;i., CAIlTltAOK. H, till Two well-fur-ntelied light houaekeeplng roome, walk ing dletenca, reeaoriable rent, Olega 0H7. ' CTlTilolT. H, 41-two nlca y furnlahed hoiieekeeping roome, front entrance, cloao In, 1 40 Oeaga HIT. fiT: n v iTitTTT ii 2 1 t h F e" al hjtTif iou7e- lieeptng roorne, Oeaga 1621. IrllTltOlTTr'., i00-"cholr apartment of two upetaire connecting roome, beau. Utility furnlahed for light houaekeeplng, clean) well waler. Oeaga 7042. RTaVOOD, N lit l.lgTit hoiTaeeeepTng ruome; down elalrai private entrance, aj'eljentorallon. Oeaga 1 1 04 -J. ET1IN, H., 724 llooma for ligiit houae kee log. fiTTworiD, fi. Ull Threa-room eparT lii-nli furnlehed for light hnueekceplngi rent reaaonehle, Oaaga till. lilIIN, H. 723 i'lr rent, a t;reeant up alalia front eleeping ronin, with kitch enette, In quiet, modern home) refer- i ericee tefiulted Oeaga 2121. FOIl lll.'NT- Two flgfTJ houeekeeplng roome, private entrance) everything furnlahed) l 10 per week. 2201 U. Cln- rinnnan ueaga axei-.i Hill HliNT l.lghl houeakeeplng room; modern, cheap rent. IH N. Main. Mill llCNT Nicely furnteTi'edkltciren?7e. breakfaat rutin and aleeplng room, with haeementi ptlvllegre for laundry: aleo Hung room; prlvilegre eultebla for two ladha or man and wife employed on lilney and car line, Oaaga a2l J I.ANHINfl, rt. 70J Two tlret riaae houee' keeping looira, walking dlatance, Oaaga loal tAn'l rfn o im k KTiTTitrTino M rTTt "1 o i H. Quanah. Call Oaaga 7111. M"AIN, h.. 7'09 Ona large nTce"fyurnfIhTl hnueekaepliig room: dorwalalra, private entrenc a. rent reeeo n a ble. NICK light housekeeping roome. Oaaga ON11 modern light houeekeeplng room nun i-iiiHi. ,,e o, j.orHioru, uaage 1201, ONI) nicely furnlehed beeement room. II a week. Ill H. I'hoenli, MIIC'OND, I:., 1221-For rent, two light hiiueekeepliig rooma. Til HUH rooma for light houaekeeplng or eleeping roome. Oaaga 2lai-J. TWO houaekeeplng rooma ll.lo week, for ailulla. lion u. Ilirlon; two blocka north Admiral. 1 WHI.I'TII. W 121 A two or three room apartmenti completely furnlahed. Oaaga I'Wo furnlaheil rooma fur houeekeeplng Mil. C, .NmilllR. TWO l.AllliT), dealrahla houeekeeplng iiiomei adulta only 19 per week. Oeage 2701. 'I wo nice, clean houa-T-keeping rooma. connecting hath, outalda entrence. Call after 10 a. in. Two front rooma foTTi'nuaakeepIng, new ly decorated, la H. Norfolk. ltl)l).Mrll'Oll ItKNT FIIHMHIIF.II 17 A I , A It 1 1 ; heaut'lfuliy fuTtileheil- room, next to bath, 111 W. Uleventh. Oaaga 1709, IK)t!Ll)i:H. .. 01.1. Iiedroom and elitlng room for rent. iiaage 1139..1 lllJAUTIFl'I.I.V furnlehed eoillll bedroom. rtiTin-runx nam. I an iteaaa 4026..!. IIOST0N, H., lis Deelrable room for anmmer; cioan in. iteage 7BI9, llOMl ON, N., (Ill Very drelrabla eleep Ing room, walking dlilance; reaaonabla. linui.Iinil, H.. Ill Two aitracllvo front rooma, living room and aleeplng room. Oaega 1771. IKR'LDIIH, H. 111, n., 1 ius oieeptng roon 14. &Q ik genllemen only. Oaeaa rI17. CllllVKNNt:. H, 002 Two bed rooma; lovely lawn: two porchre: het i"'-"!?; noi wnirr ervice. itaega 1X38 CMI'.YIINNi:, 8., 722 For rent, very le. Rirauia eleeping rttotll lor two: prlvat enlrancet rent reaeotiable. CI. CAN, comfortable roomi large rlot; ehadad porch; all convrnlenceaj bargain to permenrTit people. 2170 W. Fifth. Cedar 1401, OINCTNNATt, H.. 417 Nice, large front room: use or piano and laundry prlv llegee. lTilNVlill, H, 221 llbotnmala for young mui iiimu rotiin) two rieae. DCTItOtl, H.. 1417 llaatltlfullv rurnlah.d cml front room adjoining bath; private front entrance; larga clneet. Oaaga DllTllOIT. Hi 1331 Nicely fuTiiienTd room, auttabla for ona or two, Oeaga Seeds & Nuraofv Slnc-IV TjfiLL have plenty of tomato planla at ...h.mcuwi hiiu xioston avenue, c, fl Murphy ' FOItTO IHCp. Nancy Hall allpai aubllmata used: highly cultivated! spring water for Irrigation. 1,000. II, Dinlea' drouth reelellngi tomato plauta, 1 cent each, other tomato, peppere. cauliflower, 100 for II cenla. all delivered. Wa compel, only with hlgh.claaa growcra P. O. Adams A Co., Lake Hide Farm Cameron, Te x a e 8TA11K FIIUIT Tlinns for aale. N. Meln. Oeaga 4 4 at - It. 407 i SWKBT POTATO plant!, poetpald. 100 lie. 100 l.coo! red Hermu da, Nancy Ilall, Cuba Tarn, Porto ....... ...wn tiiuiiipn, ?outn )kla ' Nursery, Tahlequah, FOH PAI.i: (lenulna Porto ltlro aweet potato at pa, guaranteed true to name. Chemically treated egalnst dleeaae. r.riej6oi.' 'co- i." lio. Slips frcm lna-grown poiatoee, loo, il.tOi 1,000, 19,71; 10.000, III Heady about April :o. All ahlpmenia prepaid; not rcepona! for money aent through open mall. H.itlsfactlnn guaranteed, t hernkea I'lnnt Farm, II. F. D. 1, Uox i'MNTW PONDBIIOSA tomato planla for aale. 111 i:. Third, I'hona Cadar li:(. PKPPBIl PI.ANTM. "tomato ptante. egg . - i"nin,u" uu pu uuuna noe pllal alle. Tlint'aivna i.i. , i. , . .... - V Jv,,,r; tiro, an varieties . i.u.ii'iuui lllllWlf, I.VUU U, BVU I I. .ft, 300 71c. 100 40c; can ahfp any day, I'orlo lllrn potato ellpe, 1,000 19.10, 100 11.10; all planla prepaid; aafa delivery guaran leed. Hutta t. Hone. Mllano. Texaa. Twenty million ptante. Tomatoes, pre. paui, i.evu l so; expreea, 1,000 11; 10, uoo II. Dleeaee-free Nancy Hall ellpi, prepaid, 100 11,10, 1,000 tl; J0D. 000 every day, J, . Holand, Maga xlne. Ark. CKIITIFIUD Nancy Ilall planta. grown from government Impeded aeedi 19,11 per 1,000 postpaid! 19 expreee collect, No orders too large. Wrlta or wire iiuuvi, itogere. Ark. n luuiaiu name. iva oer jonn, alngle and douhle petunia planta iti tuiarii. n ti. Anmtrai. r.iMi ini, l orio men putalo allpa now ready, too, II, Id 1.000. l to: delivered Satisfaction guaranteed. Farmer! Plant vmger, Texaa. CBIITIFIBD NANCY IIALlTVirm nta.l. no black rot. will nor atem rot! heaf planla grown. Why take rhanceet i.vvu.; lo.etio isx.eo, prepaid, II, Clyde Smith Ittifscllvllle, Ark. TOMATO PLANTS FOIt PA LB Ponder oea, Stone and Barly Ann Petunia Marlgolda ar.d I o'clocka. Ill H. D.. troll, Juit bark ot llaptlst church Call Cedar llll. II. TOIIAt'CII I'lIIli; red leaf tobacca quality guaran teed. Ilest chewing, I Ida II. 10 lbs 11.10. Mild smoking 4 Ibe II. Ill ll 1.10. postpaid. O 1) Collier T,. Agent Merlin Tenn, O. U Colilei I. abao lui.iy honeat and reliable. Martli llank, Ilaymar, caittlir, ' Rooms and Board 1i7)t)M) FoTt iit:Nf-.Ttiii.Ni"wiir.i) n fTTTf IJIA Mf.K ileeping room, adjoining bath, aiuih axpoauia. Ill N. Main. i eoar i UI.OIN, ., 422-A A clean furnlahed room, connecting balhj 120 per month, I'hona Oder 2912. HT. WOOD, Helt -Living room and eleep- Ing p.,rrh tor genllemen. Oaaga 2III-J. ITToin; h., II j Attractive large eouth eleeping ronmt walking dlilance. Cedar 112711 ETAlli. H, 411-Furnlahed room for rent) prlvaia family, Oeaga 10IJ, fiTulftTl. n., til - Nicely-turnlehed room, t wo youn g men, 1 1 pr week PTiriltll, W , 110 Modern eleeping rooma for reputable people) new management. rnone tjsage jee. FIFTH, i;., 14-l'iirnlahed eleeping room, for one or two gentlemeni cloia In. Cedar 1917 Foil ItKNT Hnuth Cheyennel front room fur ona ginilemani ona block from courthouae I'hona Oeaga loi. Foil HF.NT 111 N. Frlaco. aleeplng loom with twin bade, adololnlng belli, prlvaln, entranra, walking dlalenrej two gentlemen preferred. 11.10 a week each. Call Oaaaa Clio. uitihiif:. H 1110- Two clean. cool aieeping roomaror rent, cioea in. (TrTiirfir., ft. 107 Nlcely-furnlehcd elaeping roome) cloaa In. Call oeaga 7ltr.e iTfTfllllr:, H 214 Nice sleeping room for rent ; clnee In; gentlainen only. LOVRI.r COOL front mom, a reel horn to young lady for company) kitchen pr I vll e gee; rent reaaonahl e. Oaaga I III. MaTn. h.. 1739 Ona room with connactTng elaeplng porchi eaat exposure; aultahla lor two or thtea gentlemen. Osag toll MA HY IIHOCKMAN 207 Lovely bedroom, nexr 10 neui) private entrance, call Oaaga 229 SlAIN. fl., 711 Larga cool aleeplng room) I'rivaie rnirance, uret and eecond floor, boarii convenient. Oaaga 4M1-H. NINTH. I!. Ill Bleeping porch end alt- ting ro'in tor young lady, oeaga n. KflN'l II. W.. 712 A lovely ale.plng room, adj olnlng hath. Oaaga llll, e THNTII, WT2U For rent, ona larga aoutn-troiu loom; reaaooabie. Osage ait 1 a, NICK aleeplng room, with outside en- trance and garage, tor rji- usage N1C11 larga aleeplng porch fortwo'men. uni Lt.iar hit, near A, ll w cam eron. l'l.HASANT aleeping room In private noma lor gentleman, ,'nona ueaga 1411, IIOUM ronveniuni to rmin, eoi jv, Denver rnnnn f)mir I.034-J, falXTII. i; rln-ln. trivtly rnodtrn morn for mr ntlmani irtful for iiimmrr. tfMUfftNfl ItOiM for rnt, eonneedng fllVKKIMNa IIOOM Nicely furnlthfdf prl vmi nnm, ittnwm suteit, hoUTH leeplnn room for rent; prlvat tin in iiui in iHiiiea urinriiui vvaiCB l77. BUUT1IKA8T leeilnt( room: KArasat prl vntpi 'iitiance. 31 fl. Yorktown, Ovine I'll EOUTIt nXrORUIli: r.Ifrantl fiirnlRheii room. Ivory furniture; private, entrance.; aultnMa tor married couple. Uige TWUlgFTII X?Z 2 J 2 -Two Tool aouth wi piny rooTna. nuur iiiti'j, TJ.NT1I. 104 Hleeplntf room. aJiotn Inr bath; outalde entrance; no other roomera ukah hji. TWO aleeplng room, one connecting leeplnc porrh. with flritclai table board, 310 w, Thlnl. Ti:NTII, 12. 112 Hleepln room with ail- joining riaiii to icentieman or married c mi nit. Ota Re jH64. fVO futntaheJ aleeplng roomifi cioe hi; Renueman. zio w rourin hi. OeitKe 4743. VIliaiNIA UOOMH Clean aleeplng room for rent reasonable reapeclable place; popular p')?ea; roome ann per wcck v sccona Ht Quag 3814. YH'N(J LADY roommate; ovely larga iront room wun two large cinama; rei erencea chanRe., Oaage 4276-J. to MAKY IIHOCKMAN Bleeping room, nam connecting canga ts?a-. ItOOMS WITH HOlt! l9 t)UNVmt. H.. 418 lloanl and room In nrl sate home; men preferred. Oaage 6 7 J. Cll IIYHNNH, N., 4i: (Jon,l room and board; homecooked meala. Oaage i;i.VO(Jl, ri., 41 Nlc room and gnml board for two young men; reasonable rua IX HI UKNT Nicely (urniahed aouth be"d room In nrlvate home for two girl board If dfsrtd: cloaa In. 201 K. Thir teenth nUceOaa go 9711 MAIN. 8.. 012 Hoard and room t) Pr vvrfrt orm board Jl, ItOOM AND iVoAUD In private family. 611 Me nanin ro. ueiiar zo&i. ltuoM, with nteali. In private home, for two gentlemen, oeage rena-j. HooM and brard for two men. 19 N yorktown. oeage 7303, BnVKNTIl. K.. Ill Flrel-claia board. home cooking, ramiiy atyta; meaia Dy day or week ossge sinx it. CAMP F.IKIII'.MBNI 70. A WB HUNT TKNTH and camn enulpment, Army equipment saiea co., cedar its. VACATION FLACKS 70 Foil LBASB June to September, beautl tut rinring ijik amuaeincnt parx. r.u reka Rprlnge, Ark. Opportunity for right person in clear iz.ono during Bum mer, Addreaa Creacenl Hotel, ttureka springs, Ark. WA.Nrt'.ll UOOMS lilt IIIIAHI) tl WANTKD Woman lo mother and care for two amall children in heme where father enn room and hoard For In- f'lrmatton addreaa llox CS4-K world, WANTKD lloom and hoard and use nf garage, convenient to Itedford-Carth age Blnne Co 141 S. Victor. Call or write II. Neablt, Oaaga 131, Business smcss Service lll'MIN'l! Sr.KVICK OFI F.HF.I) fi ALL KINDS of leaky luofa repaired, work guaranteed! prlcea reaaonabla. Osage 3793. ALL klnde of etove repetrlng; stovee ad Justed frcm emoklng. Cedar llll, AMBIIICAN WINDOW CLFANBltd INCOIl POUTED Wlndovis and woodwork cleaning; flooi waxing! a licenced company, Oaage ea7 CAHPBT CLKAN1NO Dyeing, alslng. repairing. Katabllahed 1907. Phone office Oeaae 791. realdence oaage 4i:i-J. TUU'A CAIll'BI CLKANINO WOIIK3 Hockford and Admiral Place CALL Osaga HIP to get your matlrreere renuvaieii. returned botna aama nay Tinea Mallrtee lo. Ill'III.tlll WBLHINO CO., 31 N, Owaeao Wei. ling or ail ninda. oelga 4ITI. KBATIIBIIs renovated and mad Into mattreaeca; new plllowa for aal. oeage ISIS. FOIt I'l.L'MIIINil. Iieutlng and 'gee re pairing ca'.i osige ill, itatea hour FOH flret-clasa carpenter and .acreen work phono oiage 1301, call for Mr Fergueon. FOH r'KMKNT WOllK of ell klnde. 'phone irige Teia. m. j, ttuni. i.iceneea bonded, contractor HOMi: LAUMHIY. t doxen, washed and irot-eui rougn dry too iimm; caned ror and delivered. I N. Quanah. Osage KLI:aN-AFLOOH aweeplng compound maua rigni, aoia rignit manuiaciure'i by Peoples Floor. Sweep Co., 411 V, r-evenin i e.iar list. LACIi CL'HTAINH cleoncd. ready to nang; work called ror and delivered, IMlnne Oaage till, 104 B. Fifth place, i.t, rY uiiiir us repair or re ehlnate vour old roort ititca reason able; all work guaranteed. Call Cook, usaae I.BAKY llOOVS Old roofa repaired or reshlncled. Call ma t Ixlies raining In order to locale tr-an ri if ah wora guaranieea liana 'fJOj I.A' I! CURTAIN KPItflALIHT Courtalns aunderedt draperlea and cur tains made to order! work called for and delivered. Mra. I. Wlleon, 1301 v. Aiiinirai. tiaage -Xll.j M'CONNICO fjice Curtain Cleanere; new luvniiuii, a i-. cicvenin. ueage tzen. MATTHKSSBS rrnovaled anil re-covered ,, ir-in oiu maiireeerei ail guaranieed. Potter Matlttai Co. I work 'hone weega xide. BusineM JService IIIlHl.Nr.MS flF.nvicR OOTlffil) 2.1 MATTH.nsKBrennvered and re-covered returned home tha aama deyi an work guaranteed. Tulaa Mattreea Co. Phone Oaega 1110, NATIONAL Ifnuea A Window Cleaning Co. Wlndowa cleaned) wall paper, woodwork waehed, floora waxed and pollahedt our prlcea ara reaaonabla. Cedar 1110. wnr iiavij Youit cap; iikpaiiikd by g rnecnanica neiper wnen you can tiava a real mechanic coma to your garage and fix It? 10 yeara In Tulaa. All work guaranteed. Call Oaega WOOL HI.ANKK.ra and Una hnuiehold linens laundered, osaga JJ77-J. Mra. Wilson IIIIII.III.S'O AMI CtlflTACTl.VO "Si 13. F, IIAIllllH, painting, paperhangtng anil caicunining. ta urutcniieia. ueage ziie-j. CMDAIl 2llo Oulnn'e will build or repair your noma rignr nay or contract. FOIt bulldtnga. addition!, alterattone. call i-eaer ol iier city rerarencea, Hatia- lection guaranieeq. FOIt first clsaa cement work call A W, Miller, Cedar llll, LBT MB "VIHB your houaef, f,ur rooma. in, rive rocma, iwf rixturea, 10 per rent nffi repair email motora. Llccnaed elertrlcian, oaaga Ul-H. M D. OAIINKII contractor ard builder, can gjve good referencea. c,sage 1410 t'LABTlflTlNO and almllar work) rec'entlv nn uuni nuinnngi wrnta man. Iiutt. Oeaga 1202. It. I'l.AMl KItl.NO repair, patch work, epa- ciau all work needy and promptly dona. Oaage 7217. ltOV1 FIiVe Cement contractor. ijrTve- waya a eneciaity. qiaga 113Z-n. WK WILL make and aava you money by remofienng your properly or reaecora ling your heme. Call McF.wen, Cedar 711. ( l.r.AMSO AMI IIVKINO ti ALIIIOl'lt Cleanere. Dyers and Tailors. motor delivery, zio i;. mini, oaage llll. KNOW YOUH CLBANKIl.S Wa operate our own plant. Up-to-date Cleanera. Osage SII9. l)llltMAKI.M) MII.I.INKIIV ja ALL kinda of pleating dona. Call Cedar lain. hUNHAI)tt''llAT si iop Bava money In exciuatve millinery. Old naia mue over, open evenings. LKNA M. MATTOM 1147 H. Qulncy, Oeaga 1401 CUNNINdllAM Rlltl Hera In Tulaa, Wa show the pelts ready to mixe in new garmente, or tne lei test faahlon. Old fura remodeled and etorage. CtlNNINOHAM FUTl CO. 114 W. TIIIHI) ST. OSAOR 1714 WITH llltVAN'l'STBWAHT MII.LINBHY H'HT WFST OF r.LKH CLUIl. DIIBSMMAKINO and alteration, eulta ra lined II! dreasea made tor II up; sails faction guaranteed. Oaage llll. DHICSSMAKINO Plain and fancy. Ill n. linatmi. oaaga iai3. DIIBHSMAKI.VO and alterations: alio re" lining aulta; work guaranteed. Call usage isxi). Dlt F.SRM A K I NO Rxperlenced. Bffie Iirennan, sol n. Kiwond. Oaaga 7776-J. DIIBH.SMAKINll Chlldren'a clothea a epeoiaity smocking and embroidering, I'hona Cedar 1007. DIIKFSMAKINIl Children' clothing, Com. to your home If desired. Oiage esix. DIIKHSMAIvBtl VILL HUNT apace to iiresstnaker, millinery or coreetlera in large ottica on souin Alain, tor appoint ment call Oeaga 11X9. FIHHT.CLASS drraamaker will eew out by day; 14.80 per day. Oaaga 7179, FTVlt PLAIN HBWINO. Vrlca reaaonabla cnu (isnga leix j. Kull l M'KHIKNCKD. fancy dreeemaklng can oeage J700-H. corner l lttn end Bi wood FAhlllON TAlLOIln make good clothea for ladlea and gentlemen! clean, preaa, rellne, repair, refit. Houthenat corner Second and Main, upstair. Oeaga 1010 llemetltchlng and pecoting la a yard 913 B. Third. WIIITF. HP.W1NO MAI'IHNB CO. SEWING Chlldren'e and plain eewlng, "or come 10 your noma ir ueeirea. osaga amo. BHW1NO done by day. Satisfaction guar anieed. Mrs. llarria. usage 3. MOVING AND HTOI1AGK 19 A 111". YOU movlngT All gooda etored ona montn rree. you pay ror one month, we gU you receipt for tha first two months. Atiaa Transfer & htoraga Co.. Osag, llll. . AND1.HSON Transfer and Storage, fur niture packing; local and long dlatanc moving. 101 W. First. Oeaga till. CALL MOYKIt. thn old reliable piano mover, to move -your piano. You know me. II. L. Mojer, Phona Osaga 101 404 K Pecond St. CONN Efts Tranafer and Storage Truck ana iwo men i:.zo per nnur, l'nene Cedar llll Out.Qf.tnwn trlfa. CHOSS-COUNTUY IIAI'l.INO prlcea have oeen cut ro ail towns wnnin a raaiue of 110 mtlee of Tulea. V are tb best equlibed nc eur end get our prices. Phone 0age 111. Ntchota Tranafer AV storage company, 'Oil moving, transfer and etoraga, Call Skinner Transfer A Storage. Oeage 7931. WB DO family moving; two men II per nnuri gooii.atxa irucg; rename, cellar till. PAINTING AM) DECOItATING 30 ALL IVOHK ni'llll NTEIiti PAPKIl I1UNO FOIt 11 CT8 Per roll, let ua paint your house Wa use lead and nil. ROC1EIIS THE PAINTBH. Osoce 4491-J. A DECOHAIOIl to do your decorating, a so palming nnil Paocr hans: nc. Kauptman 16 yeara In Tinea. Osage 61. A. F. 1 10 DO D Paperhangtng and paint. ing. neeinenc, ir tv noseueie. i:edar llll. CUT PHICB on all work, doy or contract! work ana material guaranteed tlrst- class. C. M. Oett, CedarU. 1. B.klllllY Paperhanger and painter! work guar anteed! eainpieei prlcea reasonable. Uiaxasiii FIHST-CLASS decorating, paperhang Ing and furniture- reftnlahlna and dec orating tlone by modern decorating company. J Ehmann. 119 N. Cheyenne. F. Knbllarhek. r,oi N, iiouider. Oiage aaii-j, eeiier xeor-.t. CALL OSAUB 3191 and eave money on your painting an,i decorating. we guarnntee. F If HEDD1NO, paper and paint contrac ior, nae me ocai wan paper ror luc and up. uaage no r num. FtlltNISII paper and naoer room for IS and up; calctmlfilng and painting. Hncra tne peinier oaag 4I9S-J. Foil PAINTING Vnd paperhangtng call J F Itlchardeon. Osage 7091. Prompt eervlce. GOOD M IX15I) "milnt. FauTtleae brand wntre ami all colore! apeclai price 11.90 a gaiion. noma uecoraung Ciw 311 S. lloaton II. L. SIlAWllANTpalnt'er and decorator! guarantee all work. Phone Oeage 11S7, PAINTING and paperhanglng; guaran. teed, prlcea roaaonable; room papered, It tip, llarria. Osage 1109.J. WALL PAPEHINO, PAINTING. ETC. AT HEASONAI1LB PIllCES. We are fully equipped lo do all klnde ot decorating, house painting, epray pelnt Ing, and aleo warehouse and atructural alrel building. Complete line of paper palnta and vnrnliliei, etc., alwaya In stock at . II W. Third St., Phone Osaga 4117 Call ua for eatlmata. SUTIIEIILAND PAINTING A DECO UATINtl CO. Wa hale one of tha most completely equipped contracting department In Tulsa, Open evenings by appointment. PAINTING and papering drliea the gloom away and eaves the surface; samples furnished Oeage 1144. SIDNEY L. VOSPEIl for Painting! paper hanging, calclmlnlng. I usa lead and nil Oeage I3I WB -alnt anything from a atgn To a flag. pole! referencea and estlmatee cheerfully given. D. It. Elliott, 111 S, Mali, Phone Osaga 7109. llox 1417. YES. WE DO PAINTING, DKCOHATl.Nfl Plenty of drop clothea to protect flowera or floore. COOK-AUSTIN PAINTINGS TIES. I'HO.S'Ul OSAUE llli-H Business Service FATF.NT ATTORNF.Y PATENTS TltADCMAIlKS Ask ti whether your trdamark era frotectad in soutn America, write ior 'atent Hand Hook. Prompt, skillful eervlce, Munn -t Co., Patent Attorneys, Waahlngton office, Sclentlfla American building; New York office, lll-F Wool worth Illdg,; Chicago offlc. Tower hulldlngi Cleveland offlc. Henna build ing!. Ban Francisco office, Ilobart build ing. Employment IIFl.P WANTKD MAI.K ALL MEN, women, boys, girl, over 17 wining to accept government positions, till Write Mr, Oimenl, III, SU Loula Mo Immediately, DArtlllCIl 11 S. Hoston. Oood percen tage and ateady Job. HOYH WANTED lo laarn to be electric- lane, with teference. Call 7111 a. m. to l it p. m., Tuioma illdg, CIVIL SKHV1CE examinations. May, June. Vacancies. Ilio monthly! ate II upward! experlenc unnecessary. Fnr free list position! now open, write J, Leonard (former civil aervtca exam Iner), lilt Equltabl Dldg., Waahlngton. I). C. CATIIOLtC.o, allentlon. Memorial day la near Do not let It paaa without ordering a proper monu ment for your cemetery lot, I am agent for tha largest monument dealer In Oklahoma with a com plete local atock. Term ar ranged. Full guarantee. Hank referencea furnished. Sea Frank J. Kennekea at Knights nf Co lumbus home, Sixth and Frleco. Phone Osag 1117 or Oaaga 40II-J. CALLS KBBP coming In for young men with eecretarlal training. Telephone Oeage 1011 for appointment We want you to know how wa can help you to become aucceesful. Draughon'e lluslness College EXPERIENCED baker wanted Inqulr at the Frisco llakery. 101 B. Scond, FIHB.MKN, brakemen, baggagemen, sleep ing car. train portere (colored), 1140 1100. Experience unnneceeaary. 111 Hallway Hureati, Beat fit. Loula, III. FIHBMEN, brakemen, beginner llil, liter 1210 monthly. Writ Hallway, uox I73-Q, cara world. in i ,,i.nir h- nil? hiiu irraii yuui misfit aullaj hlgh-ctaea trade. Tulsa tl(tlllK U,blllll? -7x u. Willi, Oiaga 3IH-J. GOOD UAHUEIl, steady Job; 110 B. Flrat. r'EN wanted to qualify for firemen, brakemen; alio colored aleeplng car and train portera. Experience unneceesary. Tranapnrtatlon furnlahed. Write W. lloggeaa. Ill Ht. Loula. MEN',1 ehoee In black gunmetal! leather aoiee, i,7. Tulaa, Garment Factory, OWL Clean eulta 11.00 Osage 1011 SPECIAL NOTICE Wlleon Automobile echteul offer cpeelal complete courav! poaltlon guaranteed: day and night classes. Wa pay train rare wnnin suu mnee. Oaaga 111 110 Admiral Ulvd Tulsa, okla. WANTED Lumber yard manager for oil field lumber yard, handling all klnda oil Held material, writs box sots. Tuna, Okla WANTED A live real estate aolearnan with car! muat know Tulsa location; a danoy opportunity ror proper party, Sea Mr. Ferrell at 119 Mayo Dldg. WANTED Young men of good charac ter. Applications for room nt tha Y. M. C. A. will now ba received. Two rooma available Boon. Low ratea. Ev, erv ronvenlenco. WHEN YOUH FEET hurt you cannot am le and be happy; but why have them hurt? Dr. Swltir, chiropodist with Turk uroa.. Tuna a largest ano die trlbutora, 411 S, Main rcllevea eoro and tender feer. WANTED llrlck maaona. Oaage 7110. WANTED A man and wlfa lo do farm work; no children. Mra. 1). K. Denman, llnute l. ting 51, -xjlaremore, Okla, WANTED Young man, experienced book keeper, to work at gaaonne etaiion ana keep hooka. Must be quick, pleasing peraonaiuy and anaoiuteiy dependanie, Maximum aalary 1160. Olva complete peraonal partlcutara and addresi 910, caro World. WANTED Man with knowledge, of ahoea for oui-ot'town work; aalary proposi tlon. .Call any time today. "Cordon',' tirst tioor ltobinsnn inag. WANTED High. power ealesman. who can produce result, to aell a atandard Una ot electrical auto enulpment for larga Tulaa houee. Thte line Is needed every day by motorlats. 10 a man with good appearance and sa'ea ability we offer a eplendtd poaltlon; no float era or hae-btena need apply. Call West land lintel. 9 to 13 today, ask for Mr, weatorooK. nn pnone calls nawered WANTED Ten bova. with wheela. An ply 8. A 8. Meeeenger Service, 114 9. r.igin. YOUNG MAN with automobile to travel with ealeamanagcr; ealary and com mlailon to llv. young man with aoma rolling experience. Apply 10 to 13 a. m. ii, . .Marge. Ketcniim notei. IIF.I.P WANTED FEMALE SO ACCEPT a worth.whlle position; wa will train you tor it ana piece you too. in quire about our method of instruction. osage 3011. Draughon'a H'jstneee Col lege. UhALIII'DL. eprlng eulta. hata, after noon and evening dreaoj-x Tulsa Cloth. Ing Exchange, 111!. 8. Main, room I, tlenge zssx.j. I1I.ACK KID, one-strap shoe, with leathr sole ror children 9 4 to 1, 11.71, TuIbu u-irmeni raciory. . i DO YOU enjoy dancing? It not perhaps it i because our reot hurt. Dr. Swltzer. chiropodist with Turk Uroa. 413 H. Main. rellerea suffering caused by corns, bunlotiB, Ingrowing nails or other dleordera that affect the feet. MIDDLE-AGED white housekeeper, full cnarge ot name ana two children; rer- erencee. 1160 E, Eighth. Can In per' son nun-ray, OFFICE asslstanta and atenographera and ipisi.. an miparia inag. y OWL Clean ladlea' aulta, II IS Oiage R013 OXFORDS for boya In brown and emnke elk. elie Hi to I, 11,71. Tulaa Garment i .iciory. WILL POWElt OH WISH POWBH? There la ricme difference" between what you wtih and what you will. Yon can elt on the porch and wish you were tha Queen nf stiiba, but It takes will to go out Into tha kitchen and waih the annca. stop wuning tor a large aal ary. Use your will power. Attend the lutaa ituiiiiesa college, an accredited vocational ichool, anil make your nreama come irue. rnnne usage 142 WANTED Flrat-claia fitter ami aTirn atlon hand: only flrit-claia worker need apply, Tha Vogue. Ill W. Third. WANTED Women to enroll In our etx weeaa eprlng millinery course for i:o, iinma i ccnooi oi millinery, is w , Thinly WANTED White girl for neneral house. uork and cooking. No aervanta' quar teta. Ileferrncea. Ill S. , Cheyenne. i-araa apartment, apartment 3. iv Aii iicns it ah ; en no pnona caua ITU IH I'.I.UII, IUIW llll. WANTED lllch.claia co.orcJ chef, at ppiy in person, lull car. WANTED-Middle aged white woman for houiework. Unincumbered. Ill s, Yorktown Osage 190 HELP MAI.F. OK FEMALE 40 LEA UN IT MONEY REFUNDED Shorthanad In 10 daye, guaranteed Othera have learned It In thla city They are holding good paying poai tiona. ii progressive, inveetigata. NATIONAL SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND e'U fi, iinumcr rinir alia, MBN. WOMEN, II over, wanting govern ment poeltlone. Ilundreda appoint ment made every year. Good aalary, Experience unneceeary. Writ for rree i-urucuiara. uoiumnia t-cnooi uivn service, ill fape mug., waahlngton 1.000 STHAWIir.HUV plckera wanted to pica oerriea in in best producing flelda around Neoeho. neet accommo- datlcni; le per quart. To reeerva Joba wrlta or at F. A. Talclet, Neoiho, Mo. Emolovment ' SAf.FHMF AND AOF.NTfT Tl MAKB 110 lo 110 a week taking order, FIIII.I1, IIIIJ1UB imWW," '""-- T . I , ... mrniinB ii.iii. in. MBN 110 to 110 a week taking order. tyllih, aatlifying tpecltcic. ru way rn, iiirmingnam, i u, 8ALBSMEN for the "Kickeri" countle In - . . , . I. . . ... r T t . I . r. I , raairrn uniauuina, w..w. Oeaga Ull. WANTED Two aateamen with car to tell real estate. 411 iloblnion uiag. n. J. Bkalleky a Co. WANTED Induilrlal Inauranc men, beat-advanc time commiaaion ann alaryi contract experienced men only. Call or write "W. T. Jonea, 110 Mayo Illdg., Tulsa MiTi-iTinvuir I vt v r f A r V. 41 CTJLOUEI) MAN and wife" want'wurk, or servants- fiuariers, rtierencfs e.-ai cara ot woriq, COMPETENT 'man, II year of gg with tnrrv 7-an nu. u . j -;-- - -- flea experience; dealree connection with ... - ..- . tAm van oil company, mr, v-n'.i EXPEHIENCED ahop foreman and me- got, Uox 11 Sperry, or 401 E. Eighth, MALE STENOOIiAPHKH with executive aoiniy, wama poeuiuii nm.i m "'--or outaldet especially adapted for real aetata office management, morgag; loana or Inlurance. Addreaa box 111-11 fin Hiinui MACHINIST Oon.1 all round nun; fair earn world. Knowieage ot oiecmi-wi ,,.. wiring, 11. It. 4, Uox 111-A llrunner station. WAHEHOUSB and clerical man, II year .,. . . 1 , I n n In H,M .. r. T nil OIU, Hinii i.iii-jii ,M compiny. Good typlit. Employed In warehouie at prearnt. Excellent refer ence from superintendent. Andrews. ... ft nana" llll-.i WaNU.D situation by a young marrlcJ man. inning , lo "ma v -nr iiiii.a Mnat have work. Oeege llll. WANTED Position, watchman. time keeper or anything! email aalary. Lau tenbach, 113 B. Third St. SITUATIONS" WANTED FEMAi.KTi AN EXPERIENCED competent etenogra- pher deairea a temporary or permanent poillion. teoir me. A WELL experlencea aienographrr wienea temporary or prrmanenw i-uai-tlon. Oeag llll, or address ISI-N car world. DOOKKEBPER'UTENOGRAPHBIl Cap- able taking fun cnarge Dooai. oiucv detail and general correipondenca. A-l reference. 911-N. cere World. CONFINEMENT and other cases wanted by good practical nurse, osage irue. EXPERIENCED and capable .tenogra- phe,. deairea permanent poiuion; excel lent reference! secretarial position pr ferred. Cedar 111'. BITL'ATIONH UAXTED FEMALE 41 EXPERIENCED. ettUd, prctlcl nur.e. Oaag 7711. EXPERIENCED practical nurae. Call i-nar io FAMILY WASH done for 11 doxen. Call ueage ojee, can jiir.. uummim. llUMr. JjAUUIlI, w cwmn uuarii. weened anil ironeai e cent nmau , . , r. 1 , -ait a llkmnl. XI uricu. .au ii,i ' .'i.i - Lammera. 1IOMF LAUNDRY Men'a and family waaninga. rrompt ana gooa service Kfll.ll ,-. I -1 . r-1 1 T- r. I I. . -tn-lltnn iAi.nii ,'-,. - Kuvriuv-a pi luin,-.,,.,, ... west. 939. N. care World. L.l U I Hlllll UU1ICVII1IK ... V. - - ot town, nave own r, ini rererencea. uan umii hi LAUNDRY Ilcugh dry and finished. Cle- tern water, i alien ror inn nenvercu Osega 1141, STKNOO R A PI IER HOOK KEEPER wants puiltlont experienced, capame, reier ence. Call cedar lem Mi NlxlllAPHl H ileelreapoelllon. epealia two langueree. call cedar 3eu7-j. WANT a position aa manager of a flrat- ciara rooming nuuau, ii ai-c n - referencea. Addreia Uox 910-N, care world. YiillNtl LADY, unlverelty graduate. wiTh nfflcn. tvntst. aelllng. teaching expe rience! deairea poaltlon. permanent or temporary. 938-N care worm. Financial lU'SINERS OPPORTUNITIES 44 AN EXPERIENCED .alesman can pur- rhiaa a hair lntereit In weil-esiaoiiane' bualnee. I own tne excluilv atal; celling rlghte on a valuable patented automobile accereory which Ii making ma money every day nut in neann ne cessitate my returning to the coaet. I will aell tha tight man half Interest In the business for 11.100. part rash, part time. Ha must devote all hla time lo the business, for which he will re-rlvt- 117a. lion a month aalary. Under proper direction buslnesa should net 110.000 to 115,000 yearly. Don't reply unlesa you have at leaat 11.500 caah and rosacea aalea ability and a clean record, ijuick action l nercaiary. Ail- dress llox 96-u, care world. UUSINESS Well established, good loca tion! two trecka run 110 to Ho per day, Will eell for 13.000 or trade for city property or land; would consider part ner. Owner haa other business. Write IS.O. World HAIillEIt SHOP Half lntereet for rale. Write or come and ee A. T. Jonea, Cov ington, Okla. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY Confec tloneiy. aoda fountain ana news stand located In post office building: doing excellent huelnrss; must sell quick. Annex confectionery, ciareraore, okia. FIVE-CHAIR barber ahop In live oil town, 11,100; terma easy; worth 16,000. Jump barbers. stewari oaiv wo.,, sue o curtly Illdg. Folt HALL Corner grocery and market etock 11,100 and flxturce lioo; nice clean etock. Call oiare 90:1. FOR SALE Automatic eUctrtc elide ad- vertliing marnine ami ecieen. u. w Hell, 114 N. Main, Dox 47 or Phone 141 sand sprinre. okia, FOIl SALE Owner Interested In other buelness wlshee lo sell clean stock cash grocery and market. Thla store haa been established 11 yeara and la a money-maker. Located In downtown eeollon. call ueag. 9113. FOR SALE OR TRADE Contract for ex elusive aaency for Creek county on best automobile accereory made; cleared 171 laat week. Muat aacrtflce nn account qf elcknera; a snsp If taken immedi ately; 1100 rnsh, or what have you? 311.11, cara world. Foil HALE At n bargain, cabinet ehnp and planing mill; good location; write can nc ee sol w, Main. iienryeita Full SALE First-class clgnr and bar fix tinea, reasonable, 1401 s. Owseio, Oeage caes-ii. Knit HA 1,K Restaurant. Dolnir nice hue. Ineaa. Must sacrifice for cash. 1100 will handle. 10 W. Archer. Port KALE Lunch stand dolnr good btia tneis. Priced right for quick sale, TTIevcnth and I,en!a. GROCERY and' market doing etrlctly cash bualneis. Will make someone i good propnaltlon If taken at once. Own er forced to go eaat on buelneee. if In tereated call at 311 Lynch Illdg. GROCERY; Invoice atock and flxtur-s about 11.000; any party bringing pur- ensser win receive ei.uvu Stewart Salee Co.. 401 Security lild g GARAGE partly equipped'! alao vulcanTi Ing ahop for sale or rent, lllxby Okla. phone ill, lot 304, GROCERY nd market for aale: good rea eon for selling. Celt Oaag 174, OHOCEHY STORE 11.000 1 caah and car rvt Income 1100 per day: rent 1101 re tiring rich. Don't "mtea me. Stewart Salea Co- 101 Security Illdg. IF YOU want to finance your bualneai or sell large amounts of stock for any proposition by tha aucceeatui cunning ham Plan, call upon my epeclal repr sentstlve, C C Ingrstn at the le Hucklna Uriel. Oklahoma City Ok a and let him exnlaln the value of my eervlca and let him ehow ynu how doxene of large companlea fi nance their huilneie by my easily operated plan. If you want quick serv- ice eee nun at once. IF YOU have 1100 to 11.000 to Invest in good money making buelness propo Bltlon It will py you to unswer thl aa. iiox eii-w, care woria. LIST your grocery atore. barber shops. restaurants, picture ehowa, banka, pool halla. tc. with us. TJuvera walling. Wejead. others follow, Stewart Salea Ca. Cedar 441 LISTEN TO OWNER My luncli room guaranteed to net 11,000 per month un der your management or no aale, Prtc 11,100! caah or merchantable paper. Call Cedar Jill. Financial BUSINESS OPPOIlTllNfTlw ETT iLINEllT ator for site, a bir..i " . n-Neat. Iv4. r-,.i ' ".""llin, u w. , t . . -- Yi''i r-an. MILLINERY AND drenmakia. -n-llihmenlt beat buy In th. -ST. rnl... Stewart Bale. Co.. t'T 'V Sf,! t ":."t: .-: iiwiauiiAni in town of oooil "TT. xraua ror iarm income HI -,; ."-u Hun, buy run, Stewart sViei , H.cntllv 7IM. iee I j ,.. TWO white enamel c"haVX.. b,r ,h- oiriwni l nniri-i id.. iui Matr-it t Ii- WELL-ESTAHLISHED buelness. lently located In town .1 Tiitxi. Mini it nv .r MH....7!VUV BlU flea and .chool .uppll,..",' Y,T.'l. r Tuli property. Wtlt Hoi i ,,V Tulr. lit. " "Ul J UCfllin, w I ex. . VllllVll rt 111 l. It, - -f Irtv. . m dVt ,.,.V "i.iV."i iniTi Investment, of 1100 or mo W,''!" this year should mor, than double ,.!! Investment. Thl I not oil. aV,." tlox 94Q.N. car World. prcAr7n?a Trnn cut-. . - - Y ''-. Tulsa, which should yl- id .v!,,, sell crop at a bargnln. Will stirt rlponlntr about Juno 1. Ccihr Jilt Second and Lansing. OIL l.EAHI'H AMI (ifl.i.i ir' 7T: D1ULLINO machine. II. Star McFarland. Neodesha. Kan. " FOIt OIL and gaa leese rositTfTTrr landa In Seminole rouni. . .. , 1 Johnston Chaattn. Seminole n-.u " FOR SALE Several rebuilt " ,1T, Pyle-National derrick light' g JsMr: .,r,,r,,i, iiri.air nn . 210 w Ari.h.i H,,.. fAtt -v . XIAIi rip illiriMaia Vit I.-, , I.. ... Send 10 cenle for a etata map ihni., nroduc ni and ilrlllln. . i ,1-tf r.iiti. ..t. ' . LEASE m mile, from 4. 6oo. barrel 7t orrsBT royalty to Uriaiow a i ,c wen ior aaia. uan usage 6717, Sunday, OIL FIELD Truck Company PackiM ..uvna -nu .ytvu , Wll lll-in niQUEf our epecllty. Call Oiage llll, diy ', FOR SALE One Meyers lo-vTJTT. threiher pump. Ilergaln price. J . Edmnnde. Oeag. lom. SMITH COUNTY leaaes. near TylVTi oumbie fault, between wells drllllm. II ud. low rentale. Alex li xt-nr aid, owner, Tyler, Texas. COM1NO OH TO TRADE Interest In oil icaas in. nun car. alao lu.ncra laaaa rt. a-l .1 llll. ' TEN-ACHE LEASE. Kaufman null auiiuuniiru ur live arillle wella: for eala cheap, or trade for d'i. mond of equal value. Uox 1S7 Teimi Texas. WANTED I.eoeea In Creek and Okmtil. gee counties; rarm una owners. Ad nrcse aioif. worm. 240 ACRES Fee, Including oil and gas right In aectlon I, townihlp II north, rang 11 east, adjoining new Oakhurat Country club. Trice llil per acre. Leo Meyer, otvmr,' car Cosden & Co. IIOTIIIS HOOMIM) HOl'SES II BOULDER. 703 For" ssle s l-rocm reeldence rccmlng house. Oeege 3S:l HOARDING house for sale. In good lo cality, doing good buimers. exalt cr terma. Writ P. O. Uox 113, Henry etta. Okla. FOR SALE by owner Forty-ilxToon hotel: the beet location: ptlra 111.11', italf caah: rent llll; leaie 3 yexri; i Bargain, call cedar 3135, FOIt HALE Ry owner; hotel: en-ellrat location; capacity pustnesi, now in this: rent fnr 17 hotel rooms, fill t" month: 11.000 will handle; If you kmi builntes Investigate this; call In prr eon. 411 E. Third Bt., phone Oii UIQ.n. HOTEL for sale, good location In To'il Reasonsb.e terms. For Information write Hnx 74.G. csre World. HOTEL WANTED At reasonable reef unfurnished or partly furnlahed, detil'i first letter, or telephone E. I- rerrlnr. line. Artiniore. ukin. NINE ROOMS South Main street, rent 1100 month! close In! rurnlture. II ivu, It 00 caah, 150 month. P. E. Houston, 401 Security nidg. ROOMINO HOUSES, hotels, homei. firms. and automobiles, bought, sold snd trad- eil. He Allison, 13 H E. Second, room 107. Oaage 4744. V ROOMING HOUSE: must aell on account of III health: full cash payments, bal ance monthly. Special price f-ir cull If you really want to buy, or will trad for A-l late model car. Call Cedir u3 or Cedar 1714,1 TEN-ROOM rooming Viouee. lene, virr close In: 1110 cash; balance eaay terma; good paying proposition. 11 W ninth Bt. Osage 7111. Iti HOOMH. centrally located, good tenia; runt X17K mnntli! xa.ODDi ll.&uu earn. . .... . , .....i,- filled and Is a good buy at the pries. P. E. Houiton, 101 Security Illdg 41. ROOM HOTEL All mndern, one ft nicest furnlehed places In city If"' will handle thli: balance nrranxej ti sun. can L.ce, usage oioi, v . curlly Dldg. . MONF.V'tO I.O AN Cll ATT El A CHARACTER collsteral and chattel loir 111 or mora, legal rate: convenient piv mente. The Nine. Cent Ixan Co. 411 security Uldg cedar 737. DO YOU NEED MONEY t We lo" money on household gpoda, pianos anfl Vlctrolaa. Llpicomba Real Eitate Loan Co., 11914 S. Main, room 1 3 !" Aim Illdg. Oeaga nf,31 sins'EV in i.oav riiATTEW H t.n vs SALARY LOANS to men and regularly employed. , CHATTEL LOANS on householl go"!!. pianoa, dlamonda and other cnium Trompt eervlce liberal terme. ARTHUR HBATHERLY Room II old Daniel Bldg Oeage MIL MONBYTO LOAN on household gooda and saurle. Weekly or monthly psymenti STAR LOAN CO. ,. lllMj 8. Main One llJ, SALARY LOANS To men and women on pianoa c up hold goods and diamonds htsneor liane. room 7. Iloeton Hldg SALARY LOANS , To men and women regularly tMWi- CHATTEL LOANS On pianoa, household good and dumorws. TULSA LOAN CO Room 1 Old Daniel Hldg Third and Main. Osage 77 " SALARY LOANS to men and Women On piano, household goods nnd dimon" J. G. CAMIU1ELL. Over Woolworthe Oaere 'y . "REAL ESTATE IOANS L' FARM AND CITY LOANS Farm loana In any amount qulck-r . ai inweei raiee in soy i-i. r ... homa. Straight loana made on i" Improved business residence and 5" ment house properly In Tulsa, 111T.. Dlc-i" A "", fourth t Phone Oiage 141 MONET TO LOAN ON TULSA PROPERTY NO DELAYS TWO INSPECTION.! EACH WEEK TULSA nUILDINO A LOAN AS3N BINCLAIR Ilt-DO. Money to trc" ... Straight or monthly Py J",D Hlgh.claia Tulia real eitale Prompt "'vit'",?"1?' LEONARD UllANIFF Ground floor Cosden Rulldlng C L. Sear Man.ger. C4M llOe,