Newspaper Page Text
TULSA DAILY WORLD, MONDAY, MAY 15, 1922 " 11 i V i7 Financial 41 r"AL"-"lt.oO of first mortgage F1'8 .nTtV nrostrty. ron Osags nr- - H!4 J rr-. Vtv 6f MO.",lI( to loan on good "r.m. long tltna: reasonsble rates. J". Vol i "lompson 407 Security Hldg. fFnrnsTATB I.OAN8 for fits , on twines or residence properly tn Tulsai 5" cV'" nls.loni principal Psyjbla n Tm. ttr flnt year or at end of five ti, 5lM seml-snnuallyi farm bbTb'Wvimtmbnt CO. ,., .immon Bids. Phone Osgs 2110 -Ti teVTKSTATB l6llTIIAOB LOA N 8 . ST ft A 10 HT OH MONTHLY INSTAL I STHA1U11. M PINTS' t. N. EWINO CO. t. a p. nidg o s. ustn ossgs to. wr AP.F in the markat for note and ,ortag well "cured. Fidelity in. Cn, Security building, flnl tlo.t. OllK l, Tii- haVK money lo loan on nood real .'.lite Let mka our loan. t,.. Thompon. 407 Security Hldg, C- itUV Liberty bonda. notes and month is iirment mortgages. C. H. Overton, 111 V IMnl'I'T, tt,i, til v weil-sccurea real estate notes. "Hk '. .i.t.. 91 Security Hid. ,,. in. . MONEY TO LOAN on Improved Tulsa property. ay monthly payment plan. Can handle tome booiI apartment loans. Davenport, Ratcliffe & Bronson Osage 748 and 8159 21 L'aat lHfth Street. uracils ILsiras IK STRAtJILY KMPLOTED YOU CAN IlOltnOW KHOM 110 TO 110(1 ON.TOUIt NOTH WITHOUT LNUOItSfcll. (CinilladIBn4nall nnrAY im kary montiilt PAYMENTS CALL AT OUIt I1ANKINO SUITE TODAY I0 Mayo Hide. Offlca Hnura: t 30 A. M. to 1:30 T. M. OSAQU Instruction r.lllTATIONAL AMI MUSICAL 40 IKIVATB Initructlooa In ehorthand and tyrewrltlnE. Cclar 3219. National Hfhpol of Shorthand. Personal Property IIL'II.IIINO MATKItlAI.H 89 ALL KINDS of uicd building materlala bought and aold. Wt apeclallza In wricking buildings. No Job too large or email. Call ua. Tulia Wrecking Co., 1I!0 K Slith. Cedar 1210. IIOIJSKIIOI.O OOOII8 AKT CUAKT l-urnlture company buya and itlli eecond.hand furniture: repair work a ipeclalty: when wanting real service in aiiing up or repairing rtovea caw Ply. the man who dnea things quick. ftit and furloua. Cedar 1091. Square am in an. izt v. t tree. AUCTION SALE Wednesday 17th. com. mencing at i o clock sharp, at f armers Wieon Yard. 9 K LanilnE. household roorii: 19 beds, 2ln. poet, 19 pairs epnoRi, goou. 19 good cotton mattress . 19 dremers. 19 washstands. 19 rugs. H betting stoves, 2S chalra, rockers and dlnlnt chairs, 1 duofold. 1 settee, 2S wiitiboivls anil Ditchers: a tot of pit. lows end comforts. These goods havo "in iticen under mortgage. Must seu Ms res & Mitchell, auctioneers. ALL KINDS of furniture In anv amount. Highest cash prices. Call Osage 4311 jj7j)r nigni, BEAL'TIFL'L N-nw FUllNfrunn Three pine mahogany silk velour living. room iltej old Ivory chiffonier: two rugs: few other household articles. Moved Intn smaller house, reason for selling. Price extremely love for cash. Must aetl inn weeK. j'none ceaar 3046, BEDROOM HUtTU Overstuffed chair; leather rocker: library table: refrigera tor and vlctrola; priced to sell. hM ti. vi w,or,i. BEST rnices paid for used furniture ;nd stoves. Wo buy, trade or sell. Neal Kurnllura Co., 204 U. Second SL Cedar ;ni BKl'TLH UUOU3 and belter servlca on window shades, msda to measure. Call mnnimn. utsge 1007. 720 w. Admiral tAI.1, Dr. Howsra for upholstering, reflnlshlng. enameling, nowera rurnl- ore Hospital, I S. Cincinnati, Osage CALL Osare 2S10 N'n frnnhle, tn call and (Ivs estimates on renovating mattresses. .una amuses co. LIGHT JtoOMb good furniture: five rooms, sarsgt rented for twlco th rent . wi tail. J OK Ij.U.ltllniiuhnlH irnmim child' soil BALI: Finn oriental rug; sarook i,ce carpet s-ioxisj coloring wine red un n,ue. I'nonw c;edar lioi. suit BALE Jacobean oak library tabla rvlng table, aulck meal range, quantl IT Ktr.KK ...... I mAm l.nA., ,,,, W and springs, Ivory chlffonlsr. Cedar 1 L'njiiTL'Iii; decorating, rellnlshlng. up' "Otlttrlnrr. r.nalrlne. ref rltrerat ftra (nameled, porch furniture made over ". oecorated: highest quality work at wimm reason, usage 490, TUlsa rurnltura Ilepslr Shop. sURNliuitn FOIt HALU 1002 U, Fifth ueasr 2310. v oALi; Majestlo range, In good ton wuion, can be used for coal, gas or rdi good for hotel or restaurant use. Wet lit. Call at 1221 J3. Third. Osage i?,.'ruNfJBLY, upholstering, lit W. jyi't. Cedsr 3141. j TOrt "At. p. mivin JslO.G and 0x9: also ornamented Wltlter nerleatal hlr. 'bia n.... STll. "SJjALlPUno, Singer machine, two r,.,. v! "imoisierea rocxers; ril! L't HO N. Main, after i p. t,L u.n,e1 furniture to furnish your li... vn iijuuej, call si ivo it. rSlar '"I look over our stock, rtione i-.w, "0 buy furniture "Al lllKSST'.H r. .,....., . ..A I4t0rned hnm ,Vi arMA r,B, 1t iuV."11!'?- Tul Mattress Co phone V'Sse 3sl0. Cssks renovated and recovered. J"al reduction ror spring work. nope Osage 1136. Portsr Mattress Co. wJ"Ef? renovated and re-covered. .,.!."". o1" tut mattresses, all work f,";"n'4 Porter Mattress Co, Phone ' Uo StTapestry, brussels: 575, IS.SO: congoleum, ts9 lit n ?.,ner half price. Osag 2101. -JL'JNlloston. u,ji "ATTnUSSES made new The only V,U1fI" out " r"tll eM mattresses ?foe ",,her uli,n " aachanga. Osage '!ai.i?..K DEVEr-POIlT. g,nulJ7-f,a,n,t .:"2 aN.rh'rstpltc" 01 ,u" V.lti m w. - .... oinlng.rootn suite, l-plece; on double , . " ,'.V"W Ma" n,l whlta dresser sfil. on.J'brry table. May be seen '"'r 1-10 n, m.. 1203 S. f-h.v.nn. Illr. Ill, 'fill. v,.iiv., ... i, . iV , . secondhsnd ttoro In ths J,'.' rotrket for furniture and n"-:!!ATTAN FUItNlTUIlK CO. 4e siss. ,1 w pi,.. win PtrtTLR Kurnltur Co" inil. "miJi"" r. furniture, from a ... e ,ii. eh. . Penonal Ptoperty IKHISKHOI.It HOOIIM THNI'ILCB fumed oak dining-room ulte, floor limn anil vlctrola. with rec ords. Ossgs (60-J, TULSA FUIt.NIIUItB HKKINIMIINO CO. Superior, disllnetivs upholstering and re. finishing! latnt samples In upholster ln msterlali! wicker and porch furni ture a specialty, "WB STRIVE TO PLRASB TIIOID WHO CARE." Ossv.s WANTED Used furnliurti wa exchsnge. Illue Front Furnlturs Co., Call Ossgs 2331). WE llL'Y ANU HELL mod furniture; highest rath price. Call Ossge 1011. Wright Furniture On. WHY IH'Y MKCONIfllANU furniture When you can get new at the rlht price, caeh or peymente?, Jf you are looking for a amall house In rent call on us. FELDMAN FIHNITUIUJ CO. IT NORTH MAIN. YOU CAN wesr diamonds If ou sell your secona-nana nirniiure 10 in lliamonil Furniture Co. Wa buy anything and sell everything. We have everything tint spasms. Osage CI34. MUSICAL INHTIIF.MKNTH tit nOULOHH, H.. 709 For ssle, one L'dlion and (0 recorda. osate 3S29. l'OK 8ALI-IMaimi 76 It taken at once. Phone Cedar 470. Kolt 'HHNT I'lanoa and player planna. Ronn condition, I J. J. iaidton, ueaie U7. LA IK1H HIZBVirrnOLA for aal or trade on uied car. Cull at Ills'. 4 I.. simh. WXnTKH Low-pltrll D-tlat lloehrft pic eolo. 1', o. bo 571. on, M.Vrii ini : ii'v-s n i; i .i kh a F ) II H A I, f.' On .Meyers low-down thresher pump. Hsrgaln rrlce. J, li. Kdmonds. Ossge 30'3, Vnrt RAI.n Several rebuilt Moon and I'yle-National derrick lighting genera. lore, ueneraior uepair bliop, s.w v, Archer. Osage 303. OITICK-STOIIB I'.OlllPMKN'T l Foil HALF. Ilemlnctnn hilling machine, 18-ln. rarrlage. 402 w. Hecona ot. Osage 74H-1I KAHDUX VISllllj: ItUCOIlUil Cards In eight mean business control, Karnes Seles Co., M. I Poundstnne, district manager. Dot Hot Tulia, i'bone Cedar 2j. OI.IVKH NINi; Cleaned and rverhauled t good ns new, 12s cash, uerstner, usage 2440, SLIOIITI.Y used double, flat-top. tnahog. anv desk! ortlce rurnlture in mmcn. rrlce reasonapie. i-nonn usase UlCAItlMI Al'I'AIIKL t a"LL kinds oFcTothlng'bought at the high. est prices. Call Ossge 0. tlHAUTIFUL Urge black hat, new. Will sacrifice. Osage 3329-H. rit-Hn -..! nilil fnr leennd-hsnd cloth Ing, Shoes, hnls, ere. fnune icqer ins. BEAUTIFULLY detlgned spring frock hy modiste: sue 30. inis a wonaeniu Piece of black satin back crepe. The material alone, cost HS.SO. bealdoe lb" coat of designing and making. "Ill sscrlflce this little frock for only 115, Call at in IV. Thtrn Foil SAI.K Frosted, medium weight, blue, bsby cap. 1'none usage oa.i. Full HM.l! Dork blue trlrotlne cspei besutlful lining; never worn. iau ussge IintlK AnK some real values In gentlemen's aults, site 2, 17 and 38 : these suits are slightly worn and are very reasonable. Coll at 409 W. Third. HIOIIKST PIIICE8 paid for second-lain! clothing, shoes ana nets, rnom -eni 2137 HIOIIKST prices psld for second-hand clothing, shoes, nais. etc, ruune w..s 0410 I1K1HKST PllICHH paid for second.hand clothing, shoes and hata. Osage Tit. Mh'n and women's misfit clothing bought and reeolrt. lllgn-ciass iraii.-. Clothing Kschange, 212!i Osage 26S3-J. TulsA Msln. WANT TO TU'Y ladles and men'a usd clothing, shoes, nais. t'nons un M.HCKI.I-A.NT.Ot'S roil WALK " . iniinitM m ti.i tkrlrk: In eooiI. clesr cond tlolt. TUlsa rei:RiiiB v H. mth. Cedar 1210. ,.,-n.iii.- iit nittNllKR Used Just a short lime; csen rcgiaiur, .i ii marble, osage. ail. Foil SALU Painter's extension and step ladners. i,.ib i.. nouse, FOIl MALI: OH TltAUK For Ford truclt, new popcorn machine, Ilocomb A Hoke: cost ssau; win w, inui, ,". t.i M.,hlna rnna htf electrld CUTTenti New; never has been used. Write and tret full particulars. Jamee Walters, Mick. Okla.. postofflce box 232 Foil SALK Ilutcher cooler, is by 18 ny 12; on easy terms; regsrunis ui 22 W. I'lrst HI. uenar auo MYHTI.11 A. CAMKUON It-,i1 Mails Till Call Cedar 2063 for appointment and aalcslady will can. -i r. un...,. MUfT sacrifice l-cart perfect stone dla mnnil ring, i an i,ur iiw-j NATUItAI, UA KNUI.NB 100 lj. , p. IlrUCA.SlCllOin. Ill IiBtiril i..i....... 1... ih.n son hnurs: comclcto unit now Installed, demonstration on 10 minutes' notice. A bargain. Wrll Ferguson Seed Farms. Shermsn. Tetss. n,iiiii., M ATI KIAtlK Ttl IJIIUI-H A. I wait, iiuooer vioikii, , . ..uu.ur.i IIAINCOAT3 (luaranteed waterproni A. I wait ituuoer uoons. mn. cnnA T-niiNTAfMK nruir and confeo, tlonery Ilstures. liveryining cumiii.i K -nnir,,,i msll cssh navmerit. kalanca monthly Installments. Have some bargalna In slightly uted foun. i.ln. In lencths from R to 20 feet Writs or wire for prices. Groiman Fountain Co., Dtllss..Teiss. n-u-n ..n....! nmnlni cots! COtt 13 nW will sell very cuesp or int ir gun, no leni neeuru i,iiu ins.. Osage 1759 or Osage 15. . i Tintr-r Tint litis will win IJB sin: Jl". uniy conaiiniui,! book, postpaid U: reod Hi send one title 10 JIOX J, .Binvitir, ,ciii 'WANTKIs TO IHIV no vru'i ,.. him nr rani. tWO good USCll tents. ITICa UlUSl DO nam. .n v-e- 364. WANTKU Four-piece wicker ur reed set, rhesn. Call Ossge 409. WANTKO Old magazines, rags. juu. Call Osage 2S3Q-.I. Property for Exchange kxCIIANUB Al'T4IHf)IIII.I.S. TO WILL "TflAHi; OIL LKASn Near drill. ine wen lor gooa car, 2117 TT7T"i,.,.,, ' s.l S..-vlinr1,-r t-nsssetl 11-,11.1' - - . fnr a diamond Or lot- 610 O. Cincinnati. Cedar 3347. KXrt.NIJI-HI.AL.i:STATF- Tl COHNKU I.OT.-west elds lot," 6S by 140; one-Iiolf block off pavement, two blocks from car line, four blocks from school, sewer In: prlco 61.160; have equity ot JG00; want to trade In on cottage as first payment on something around 12,000 to 13.600. What havo you to of- ler. iiooKer neanr. i-rui EXCHANOB tor rental property 7-acra farm; 60 acres In cultivation! 4-room house; an extra good orchard; nicely located to Mountain Home, the county sest: collego and high school; dslly mall. Prlco 16,000. Owner, Hey Wlks, Mountain Urine, Ark. EQUITY In two choice lots, restricted district, to trade for car. mortgage notes, or what have you? Call Ander son. Cedsr 168. FOIl SALE OH BXCIIANOB Three room house, rented. 4-room housa and to acres; close In; 6,000 acres In different parts of Oklahoma -for real estate paper, cars, or what have you? llarnes ft I.uthy. Osage 4790. 430 Itoblnson Hldg. FOIl THAUB A beautiful 2 atory home In Ix,a Angeles. Cal, This property has nine largo rooms, base ment and double garage. The house Is trimmed In oak throughout, with oak floora on both floors, it Is located In one of the best residence sections or the city and la surrounded by beau tlful homes. A t.srgiln at 116.000 or what have you to trade Adams & Ileddln. sulto 330, Kennedy Mdg. Phone Cedar 900. Foil THAliE Ileal bargains In rooming houses from 1600 to H6,O0O good terma and reasonable rent. v. C Haney Co., Tulotna, Hldg, Cedar 3421. . FOIt THADE Several good farms fnr merchandise. W C. Haney CJ., Tuloum JJldg, Cclar .III. Property for Exchange rO TRADE Close In. U.rnnmVn7T menl, -car garage with servant quar ters choice residence district. Want ra.''.r' i.V C0- Tu,'"" farms, homes, busInEss PHOl'tliTV KXCHANUKD AND SOLO. Frcctrttse of Itsrlt will wt es.nlt- 8KB 'J. N, WOI1D. 311 LYNCH Ilc'riO. Csdtr till, Tuln. Okla. Osags 11)1 roil TRADE Hy oivnrr, 12000 in ' (itft chattel mortgage notes. Ossge Joi. Tit A ni: Knit I'aiim Rental property, lll.OuO, clear, lo trade iur lann, ..arge iract or cheap land preferred. Call Oiago 2SI7 or 936-N, WILL take a car as first payment on a gooa 101 rocsieu in eesi part nr city. 131 per month, will handle the rest. Call Osais 777311, Osag (It and Ce dar 780. WILL UXCIIANfli: 210 seres land fnr luisa income properly. Csrl An.letron II. No. 2. Hoi i. I'nrler. nklalimni 11.400 KgflTV In 6-rnoru modern bungs- iow in ivriHiiiii nesr school ami rsr line. Will take car for all or part of equity. 2121 K. New Tenth, Oisge T92I-H. " FbTTTirtlil--MISCF.U.NF.tllNT: Foil 6AI.K OH TltAUK Tractor anJ llC plow, Oisgs 1641-11, Real Estate for Rent FLATS AMI APAIITMHMrl TS .M'AIITMF.NT now ielngd"i orated, threa largo rooms, nam and sleeping porch: electric lights, gas. hot and mid water and Murphy dour bed; furnished, rent 110 per month, south est corner Tren. Inn and Admire!, r-cherer apartments. Al'All'IMITM New brick building; four inrsn mums; o-rooni eiriciency; hsril wood floors, tile bathe: hot and col. I water; Incinerator In hulldlnr. laundry and lockers. rnw being decorated; rent ids ami iso; garsae it desired, 1129 X, llnckford PI, On pavement, no children. Al'AUTMII.NT, llllturnlshed; North Ilen- er; rnur rooms and sieeidtig pnrrh; good well of water; most desirable summer lorstlon. cedar 1210 IJOSTO.N VTnW APAHTMIINTS ()ne 6-room efficiency, smith front, modern In every detail, with all built-in fea Hires, white enamel finish, centrally lo. cited Thirteenth and South Uoslon. Janitor service, gas and water paid. Iteferences required. 202 Mayo Itldg. Phntie Ossge 683. CLOSK-1N south side, four rooms and bath references. Call Osago 2671-11, DHTllOIT, b.. J 0 Four rooms and liBth. good rondlUnn. Call Osage 9700. DHNVBH, H.. 610 Three room unfur. nished kitchenette apsrtment; modern, good cistern: In private home to cou pie. (Imgo 6 2 8 L ,l.l-:ilANT A FA HTM KNT Two In-n-dor beds and drilling rooms kitchen com pleielv furtlihed. Florence, Tuelfth and nigen. ( edar loon, FOIt HKN 1 butninry spariment, 120, also garage, inquire 212 t; seventh. FlVK-ltOOM APPAIlTMBNT. upstairs esst side; rontlnnnus hot water supply. IMssfsston May 20. Ossge 1769, Osage 8666. FOFH-HOO.M A PA HTMBNT Hardwood floors; In-s-Dnor bed; prlvae bath; bnaement. 1231 II, Second atreet. FOUll new apartments, atrtclly mnderr, on paving, close to car line, usage 6802. MtlSCU, N 417 For rent, apartment four large rooms nnd bath, clues In. Call ll,,r r.310. FIFTH, II.. 1215 Nice. 3-room, modem apartment, downstairs; 110 per month. Phone Ossge 8211 nr Ossge (19:. rTvi,llooM modern apartment: splendid location, bi? n, i risco; also aparimeni over prlvstn gursge; U rooms, modern, 615(1 N. Filscu; price 126, Call Ossge !t9. Osage 720. Foil HBNT Five-room apartments, close In, suitable tor office, Fhons Osage 2203 nr Oisge 8362-n. HOUSTON, H.. 910 Five rooms and bath, moiierni on pavement, ijo n monin. Call Osage 1914 Sunday or Osage 9966 amnnqy. IN VI riNO 4-room apartment, well lo cated, private bsth and garage, 166, Ossgs 271. MAIN, 8.. 1727 Unfurnished 4. room mod ern apartment. Ossge 7450. NHW 4-roum modern apartment, bultt-ln features and shadrs. 1321 B. i'eorla, Oisge 4771. NHIK 4-room modem apsrtm-lt, on north side: 140 per month. Inquire 14 B. In dependence. NICBLY AIIHANOBD S-room efficiency apartment In beiement, Owen Aple. 130 monthly. I'lioue Osage 7715 or Ossgs 3073-J. ONB 3-room unfurnished apartment 317 . i-eoria, usage isf-j. PLAZA COUHT Five-room efficiency, deep well, modem conveniences. Apply 102 Plsxa Court. Phone Coder 21. U.UI.NC COUHT AI'AHTMBNTS--Ono s-room. modern apartment: souui ironi on Illllvlew car line. 1331 II. Fifth Place. Osage 6I64..T. HOUBIlbON APAHTMF.NTH I-our large, rool rooms and aloeplng porch; no coll. dren; 160. Qiage 2368. SEVENTH. II., 2442 rive.rnom apart' ment wnn nam. usage mi. FLATS 78 AI'AIITMB.VI Furnished, two rooms, modern, txceptlonally clean, near both car lines. 1103 S, Quaker. Oisge 6479. CHEYENNE. N 902 For rent, nicely furnished 2 room apartment. CHEYENNE, rU 516 Fnur-roum apsrt ment; everything furnished; 160 per month. Osage 1 491-J. ELOIN, H.. 211. Completely furnished 2 room apartment. Ossge 839. FOIl KKNT Four-room apartment, everything furnished; vlctrola; walking distance, rent reasunsble; also 2room apartment. Ossgo 9119. FA1HVII5W, B 24 On" room furnished apartment, clots In, for housekeeping. Cedsr 2709. FUHNISHEI) 4-room apartment, large porch and sleeping porch, very rea snnsble. usago 3323-lt. ((OTHAM AFAIITME.NT.S , CVner Flth and Denver. One S.ruom and one 6-room efficiency. completely furnished; Jsnltor services am steam neat, ussgn sisr,. KITCHK.NET APARTMENT South side: south esnosure! heal. Utht. water, well water, telephone; reasonable rent. Ossge mi, I.A IHlTi APARTMENT with two bed rooms, sun psrlor and hall; furnished or unfurnished; mceiy arranged in goon 10. callnn. Ilerwlrk apartments. Ninth and Hoston. Phone Ossge 7716 or Osags LOUISE AI'AHTMEN'ia SIR, K. Denver Three and 6-room efficiency; completely furnlihed Includlna linens and silver: eleam hestl elevator eervlce. Cedsr 866. MAYIIEI.I.E. N'.. 229 A dealrakls sntrt ment, no children; don't object to on ns py. uss go no;, MAHY HltOCKMAN APARTMENT One completely furnlihed end 4-room sparlmenlsi south exposure, Ossge 1791, NICELY furnlihirf 4 room apartment; sun room and sleeping porch for ths sum mer; 1100. 1601 W. Eastou place. Ossgs ,1", Illl.irncr.. PI.A7.A rhllllT Nicely furnished room efficiency, Janitor service. Call at 101 I'lata count pnone ceoar xt. SEVENTH. W, lOHFlve-room furnlihed apartment; aouth sleeping porclr, adults. SPIHNUElt A FA HTM aINTS Corner apart menl. on lliirii iioor, completely iur nished; 1180. lient includes suvsrwars, linen, heat, electricity, wttir and gas, Sixth and Cincinnati. Call Paige (996. TiiiiKK-nuo.M auariment. hardwno. floora. msntel: all conveniences; 2402 Admlrsl nssge ihi. lllll'SF.H FOIt IIKNT AllMIHAL 1'LACB. li.. 1(26 Slx-rooin modern bungalow; lease 166. Osage 791. ROULUEII, 1(20 Elghl-room house; Sleeping porch; gsrage; qusrtsrs; cis tern: fruit trees; screend-ln back porch; 1116. Oasge lis. Denver, n., home. TJt For rent, T-room ClOHTEENTH, I?.. 102 Half duplex bun gslow, unfurnished; three rooms, prt vats bath and Pull-nan breakfast room: newly decorated. Phone Ossge 6264. EinilT-llOOM HOUSE. 12171;. AomlrsT. will rent all or csrt. furn shed or un furnished. Duplex; modem! reasonable rent, can riunqay, E A h'f eilDE Three 3. mom duplexes: prl vale bsths and israges; adulta. Ossge J74H. EH1HT-HOOM modern 2-story house, close tn, on east Bids; 366. Cede rj 1 (t, FoTlWlOOM house with bssement, lt-6 W, Seventh. Crosby addition! on lloclc to Jiincy, ussgs, s.-a. Real Estate for Rent HOI'KKH ron HF.NT FOIt HUNT Five-room strictly modern; Mcsted the tlnJl III per month. 2130 H. First Ossge C313-.I. FOIt IIHNT Four-room modern bunga low, 110 per month. 1031 II. Second. Call Oisge 7712 or Cedar 917. FOIt HFNT-Slfireroom, SI H. Hfst St. Will give least to right party. Phone Cedsr 91. FOIt HUNTSeven-moM J-slory house, 1403 H, Uoslon, 1110; possession June 1. Ossge I07O-H. FOIt HISNT House of three large rooms and well, five acres of ground, south essi; nil, usage sis or tissge 62P. roll HUNT Five-room modern house. eouthesst psrt of city. Price ISO per rnon th. Call Ossge 12 3 1, FOl'ltTII, I!., 1208 For'Msy H, one-halt room moilerti diiplesi 126. Ossgs 682, roL'lt-HOO.M home; one-hslf acre of nice garden, ground all fenced; barn; well on back porch; 120 per month, 0;i II2I-H FlJiT" ft ll.NT New t-roi,m house at MedTi station on Sand Hprlnge car line, gaa and elrctrtrt llghla. 110 per month, Call Osage 6698. (RTtTn CNT Urie ra dded van, t wo men It per hour, furniture and nlsno mm, log Oet our free storage p'sn, eperlal rstes on long distance moving, Cedar 18U-28I4 (Untie Mlnrnse Mnvlna Cil Foil HUNT Five rooms, strictly modern I'hnne Ossge 1687 213 B. Fifteenth St. HH'lt Iton.M huuse. (irsl .lass condlllnn. gnn,i wen waier. gno,i neigiiborhoihl 114 W Fourteenth. Cedar I6H. Full lli;.s r-FIve-roiin,. mmlern house at in i;. i.oweii sr , tin per month Oiare fiOQ. Thompson. 107 Herurlly 111,1 r FOIl It I; NT -A bunt May 22, linma; seten rooms and sleeping pnrrh, lis H lie- troll i references required. Phone nssse 3429. 1'IKHl I' I-:. : , inn -Ku-rooii, moil ern bungalnw and garage. Foil III. NT lIlKht-rnoin. modern house good cistern. N'u. 13 U. Falrvlew St. Cell rills, osaae 3, Full Itl-.NT Hlk-rnoni duplet, modern gon,l well; No, 739 N. Lewis plnie. Cull 'ins, usage a (loot) x-room houpet large living luuni: glassed-ln sleeping room: walks; nice lawn; on Jitney line. 211: !;. Federal I'hnne Qiage 7772-.1. HODtlB, li., 1207 lTe. room modern house on car line; Inquire 223 Iowa mug, iisngn ivn, HALI' ot "ntiidernrc room duplex for renl usage sjnz. MAIN, N, 1429 Five-room bungalow, ga rage an, 1 drive; 165 per rnontn, i-nonc uiage lots. MODE it!5 IH'NUAI.OW- Five rooms, sleeping porch; garage; basement. 313 S Nngsles. Cell sfler 620 p. in. NINF.-IIOOM-Twn-story, with garage, on the paving: good location. Oisge 9686, NINTH, E., 216 Half of 12-ro.m -nodern nupiex. tjssge ,31, HTItlCTI.Y modern, 6-rnom duplet, ga rage and washroom, 1611 IS. Maui, arter 2 nclnrk bT. LOUIS, S , 820 I'lve-roiilu modern house, with bullt-ln reatures, good well or water. Inquire one noor inurn IT'S TOUH MOVE NEXT .toe Hodgee iranirer, moving ann sinrsse rsrK' In furniture n specialty. 120 S. Elgin ST. LOUIS. H 820 Five. room modern pungaiow, nunt-in restures. good wen water, garden spot SIX ROOM duplex In Kendsll; HO per mnnm can uage vssi. IIOI'SF.S FiIMIIF.II TH A YOUNO COUPLE or two business gltla to eharo R-room bungalow; with nr without garage; all bllla paid, 110. ussge sou. DEKOIT. S.. C23 A completelv-furnlihed pungsiow; rour ronms an,i sleeping pnrcn; cool ana airy; loo per mount, references required. Cedsr 911. BIOHT-ltOOM tiouie, nlcefy furnished, for rent during the summer months. cell usage '73. IIHNISIIED HUNOAI.OW Six rooms hasenient and garage. will rent or leave to party ot good reference: un usually nicely furnished. Call after 10 a. m., usage 4638 Foil RENT 81 t-room furrilTiTed lioum, modern, sleeping porch, gsrsge an,: riiani iiii.iiri.i kuiiij inirnij cnivn ill, south stile Will rent all or reserve part. Poaiestlon June 1. Phono Ossgs 721. Foil RENT Elegantly furnlihed bunga low; six rncms, breskisst room, bsse ment, garage nnd servant quarters, for tr,ree rnnniiie, convenient in juney serv ice. Anuiis oniy, 1.. ritieenin Osage 9316. FOR RENT After Juno 1, beautiful fur nished home, fur summer mouths, Ossge 4379. UHNISIIED HOUSR for rent during summer months, on South Huston. Osage 9616. l'Ort RENT Eight-room furnlihed house: close In; south esposure; 7 to 9 minutes' walk from bust ness center: three nice sleeping rooms and sleeping porch; Imme diate possession; rent ressonsbts; psrmanent party. Csll 905 8. Uuthrle or Osage 3716. FIVE-ROOM furnished home, fur two, 3115, One room retained by owner, 170!; nsltlmore. Csll 7 to 8 In evening. FTilt RENT for summer months, new well-rurnlshed 8. room home. Reference required. 1315 S, Outhrle. Phune Ossge 4697. Poll RENT Three. room furnished house-. 1120 K. Admlrsl: 1 15. Ossge 4310. MY HOME FOIl RENT Comfortably fur nished shady aid; good well; garage. Ossge 2368. MODERN 6-ruoin furnished home; gsrsge nnd leese. nnd drive; to responsible party; will t euar uir NEW 8-ROOM houee. completely fur nlihed, 2-car gsrsge and aervants' quarters. Msple llldge. Osugs 6568. NICELY furnished s-room house; south side; referencee; 1130 per month. Ossge 7337. BT. LOUIS, 8., 1116 Five. room, modern. well rurnisned; phone, well, gsrsge, t,0. Osage 797, WILL share part of nicety furnlsTieli 6-ronm cottage on car line, 16 minutes' walking distance from Main street, to couple only, or will rent house complete. Phonw Osage 3371 J: near Centrsl perk. OFFICES AND IIF.SK ROOM DESIRAI1I.E offloe rooms fur rent In Inst Hldg. Osage 196. FOIt RENT Off lies, slngla or en suit, front or side, reasonsble rent, good service. Castle building, 116 W. Third rr.. ussge ills FOR RENT Two large connecting of fices. Call 421 Iowa Hldg. Osage 710. FOR RENT Modern, up-to-date offices, single or en eulte; In New Tuloma build ing, corner Second and Cheyenne; rente reasonable: 24-hour elevator eervjre Phone Rental Dept., Ossge ItOO or call at room 201 Tuloma Hldg, FOR RENT Very desirable office rooms. single or sn suite, aico nidg. ostge bis, OFFICES FOR RENT In C Crfcols bulhf Ing, corner Fifth snd South Hoston. Phons Oiags Kl or csll st room 210, Cols Hldg. PRIVATE OFFICE for rentl furnished; 120 per month; telephone and all con veniences. 110 Security Hldg , corner of Second and Main. Phons Cedar 617 after 10 a. m STOREROOM, close lo postofflce, suit sloe fur oil offices, plenty ot light. J ' ho n e Qss g e 179 1 . TULOMA BUILDINO, corner SeconTi and Cheyenne, offere furnished of, flees, single or en suite. Outside rooms, nsw building. Twenly-four hour sleva tor service. Very reasonsble rental. Call at 'oom 201 or 306, or phone Ossgs I (00 or Ossgs 619 0 SPACE lii laris exceptionally light office. eouih expoeuret phone aud stenographer optional, nr win anars aesu, oi iieyo Hldg., ceusr 2601. WANTED TO RENT All or psll ot fur nished offiro room; referencee ex chsnged. World. "rfroitKH and wAitr.iifiD3r.i4 so UL'SI.NKKS ROOM I IsrThlr'd; cheap rent to riant psriy. Rl'flNKSn rum for rent -Holland bulld Ing, 116 E, Third St. I also three offices for rent. C. J. Holland, -ootii 2, Hoi land Hldg. Cedar 212. Ossgs 72IC-H. FOR RENT Window spare front st ,re spscs and fixtures furnished. Ides! fnr etrluslvs line, such aa lingerie, hosiery, cnrsellere. art. etc.. lines that tritereet Ihs ladles and do not conflict wtrt mil linery or resdy to wear. Pilous Cedar avis or vssge iesi Real Estate for Rent STORES AMI WARKIIOLSF.M M OH RENT f feetof Btore"spsc". ""flood store locstlon on North Main street, part of front dliplsy window, storage room In rear Cedsr 685, FOll HEN r Very tiestrstde store room on sixth etrcet, just oit Alain, ussgee (62 VOII fTlINT llnom 25tt2, locsled on Nor 111 Msln slrtet. No. 121, for any kind of liuilneis, long-time Icats It ds sired, Csl Ossge lit. noon brli k storeroom for lllf) p"r month, one yesr lease, almut 30tt6. 313 I) Second, Call Osags 4371 for pstllr liters MiiTiElTfJ" STl 111: rent 181. fine location for barber, owner, ioet . i.ewis. NOHTII M.fN A Nil CAMnilON Sales room 25x100 feet, sullable ror any line of business: cheapest rent In town, Ap ply HI B Serond. Csdsr 486. mnrernom, tloss In pnitofflce. suit stile for nil oltlres; plenty of light, Phunv Ossge 1791, sroilKRooM for rent at til 18. See U E. Roberts. Main. T7tACKAOr3BMilwnr"hi!UM foFleaie. vs" I nut now. Call 1037 .Mayo Hldg or linnne fissee ,ij mimi i;i,i.m:iii a ton m:.r si 'till RICNT -Klevtll tiMin, roonUng bouse, tn west Tulss, For Information call usage 314 1 t.vft:i IO HEM' HI COt'PLH wants In lent bungslow by first or June, trnm parlies lesvlug for sum met, two months or longer; tan furnish Lest of rereienrei. Will cars for lawn. Ad,t rest 11 5 -1 :, rare world, W AM KD-WHOLE llt'Pl.lIXT or 8 rooms, sepslsle l,nlhs, preler bsrdwnnd floors, lot rhlldrsll. best references , rinse In nn tisvement. Call Cedar 1361 WANTED II V CllVrLB- SlliaTr'fumishe.'l bouse fnr summer mnnths nr longer . must be tmilern, well furnished end In good locatlun. Those who think more ut ( tie csrs ot the house and furnllure than of the Immediate high rents! re turns may find It tn their advantage In ontnmuhtrate with the undersigned. QJt-N, World. WANTltO HY MAY 20 Two or three-room furnished spariment. Address Hot 77-0, duo TUlsa World. YoUNll COUPLT'. wishes In ehsre wllh employed couple or care ror nnmo dur ing vucailun in purl pay for rent; con genial and best of isferenoes; adillls only; must be In clesii prlvale home tlose to ttaiiiporlallon, would Ilka In make change by lit. 9J7-6 cars of World. Real Estnto for Sale ACIIEAIIE I lilt f.W.H ACIIEAtlE four mile southeait (if lily, 1300 per sue psymenl; teens. Owner Oesge 1819, Vl 11 ACHES, hriioni bousei fruit, paved; clnae In; 70 H. Hnulder PitOM ONE In 10 acres, four mllrs of poitofflcp, nn bird surface road and rsr line, 660 an acre, 8100 cash, bsl nltce tn suit. t'all Loe. Osago 6661. t'i.i security lung. TEN acree near Oklahoma town; 1160, US cash, bslsnce $10 monthly. P, O. llox 862 Cedsr 44. TEXAS prospective oil lend. 10-acte trade tir.o, 425 caih, 110 monthly. Ce dar 41. P. O. Hoi 866. 21, ACRES, iloae In. oil south side. Will sell at very deslruble terms. Csll Lee, Ossge C30I. 403 Security Hldg, IIOtlHEJl KIR SALE H.1 , FINE NEW HUNOAI.OW Swell i,sk floors, five rooms and breakfast ronm, i-tery bullt-ln feature, best location, Pick your light flxturre and decorations. Price 15,760; I860 cash. Phono Ossge 3, ATTRACTIVE COTTAtlU AT HELLA VISTA FOR HALU Two sleeping porches; open tlrcplsre, all modern cunvenieticesi perns ny lur nished; one block from lodge nn Sky line drive, l'riced rviisonuble Call c ilar 2611, AllbTRACTH OF Ti l LBS Smith A Smith. 223 A ten Hldg. ussgs 9166. Oscsr J. snd Nnrbert J. Hmllh. ATTENTION. INVESTORS $1,250 rash buys jt completely furnished 9-rooht hbuse, located within easy walking dls tsncn of Hotel Tulas, about seven blocks, On pavement. Now rented for 1140 per month. Owner must sell at once for only 16.600. fall Osurn 9417. A FIVB-lioOM house, hardwood floors. buiit'ln features, beautiful electria fix tures, close lo a good schnnl, rsr line and Jitney. Price only 11,600, wllh 1800 down and 166 per mnnth. fall Osugs 3. nr Cedar 780 or Otage 7772-11, HY OWNER 15(10, balance 860 per month, buya a brand-new 6-room bun galow, corner lot, good location , cloie tu eihool and car line. This house bee bullt-ln work, oak floora and well dec orated. Would conelder good lot or eccond mortgage paper as first puy menl. Cedar 2001-J HAHUA1N, HARIIA1N, IIAROAIN Unit er must sacrifice a. besutlful 3-room modern bungalow lureied In lllllcresi. Katt front, ttversltn lot. Dandy hard wood floors throughout: bieakfnst room, bullt-ln features, tlfe bsth, ga rage and driveway, bas-unem, A beau tiful home for only 16.760; oilglnally sold for 18,000. Csll Ossge 9447. HA HtlA IN Nine-room 2-etory modem and 2-roorn houso In rear, garage, on pavement, good location: only 11.600, terms. Mrs. Henderson. Osago 3707-11. CAIISON, SOUTH For sale, located only eight blocka south of biisliiese section, dandy,, modern bungalow; full slta lot with native shade; 2-car garage and modern servants' quar ters, pavlog paid oul, Income Income property ae well us a good terma. Oaage 401, FOR SALE Hy owner. 6-room modern bungalow; garage; well: shade and fruit tiers; etctllrnt terras. 1(37 H. St. Louis. F OH U A 1, E llrnnd-new, 6-room, modern bungalow; breukfaet room; up-tn-thn.mlnute flttures and decoratlnne, garage and driveway; Inactnd on a high. full-slxe lut. Prlco 16,300, with 1730 cash, balance sums os rent. Phone ftsagn 101. l'OR SALE Hy owner, new, 3-riiont. plastered, frame house, blm k from paving, F-1erul Ileighli; 11 700 rain. 1160 and 135 a month, cull Turner 4C00. FOR MALE Hy uviner at big escrlflce on easy psyinenls us 1 am leaving the city and must sell quick, my tiiro mod ern bungalow, six rooms and breakfast room; all bullt-ln features:' nice mantel In living room: hsrdwood floors through out; good basement; garage and serv ants' quarters. Close to streit cur, bus Hoe, church end school, lleautlful sight; high, dry and cnnl In summer. Will tsy you tn look st this. A. It. Iluvsna, 1217 N inwnod. FOR SALE ny owner, mndern bungalow. rlx rooms, breskfsst room, bssement, hardwood floors throughout, biilll-ln festuns; slso tile bath: 19.600: 13.600 rash, 160 per month, 1317 K. Newport, Cedar 1115. FOR HALE In Meadow Hrook addition, nn Miller street; one lot 60x160. t-room bouse; barn; gsrsge; wen; 6ioo resti, 125 monthly, owner. W, 11. Armstrong mi property f'OUR.ROOM liOUie, rut tide, good well, full sited lot, priced for this week onlv 11.760. 1260 cssh. bslame 125 psr month, leas r lit: FOR SALU Hy owner, one trooiu houss, modern, new ronr. good nig cistern gsrsge. on pavement, close In. st s special bargain; also good residence 'lot close In at a very low price, ueuar juut Cedar 1213. Hilt SALE t-eveii room houie, on nice lot, on eait side, close to oar ana inner; with only I too cash; balance to suit, csn osigs p.... FOR BALE Nsw 6. room tungalow, f'e illo subdivision; small cssh psymenl. bslsnce like rent, or will trade for good rsr Ossgs 8286. mt FOR SALE Two Yurie 3 room houses. Con 13,176 eech: will sell at 1600 lets thsn cost with 1100 down on one and 1300 down on other Ualtnte 131 per month. Cal. Oisge til. IlLRl, Is your chan, e lo own your home and let Ihs other fellow pay for It, 4 room duplex In gond Intation two bathe; everything aeptrnie, gsrsge, on psvlng, my only reason fnr sel.lnir, sin lisvlog town, Oiags 47U-J- Real Estate for Salo iiot:r..N nut sm.i: M IRVINtl PLACE Clsssy new 6-room mod ern pungaiow, isr Ho living roomi osk floors; coiner lot, basement; gsrege; breakfast mom. Ills hath. Sine swell. Price 17.000, 11.260 rsib. Phone Oisge 3. rNV'tfrftollrf- Stop, look and Ilste'n7l5,7o0 wllh moderate terms, Imia rt dandy room mnilern tlnplex, nicely decorated, east front corner lot, nn the paving and within II) blnrks nt ThlM and Msln, rmial value ISO per niuitlh Call Cedar 777. Hs'sC'RANCE 'Flie. tornedo, auto, plale glass, Imitdv, elo. Mslle llrouks Co. Osage 2IT3 iTTriHTFOllT SALES CO. Heal lislate snd dullness Etchings, OSAtTI. 6869, 217 Dnrh Hldg. Comer Third and Cincinnati. NEW. five romni, bath, ileeplng pnrrh. oak floors throughout, bullt-ln features. P 1 1 n ne0 r e r Os s g e 1(9. oW .NEil oTfs'rs fine new! rot'iiii' bi'iiisalow tn a high slgblly eeil-fritit loraiioit nn lot (OtltO, three bedrnome; breaktsit room, wllh pullinsn mile, rtfriaerstnr roomi basement, gtragei iltlve; cement tirrti: r,eetiilftil tnsutsl. openlrigs weslhetsirlpped; tnnderii kitchen sod bath: etnelient fringed shades, yerd enddsd. etc. For price and terms see T. II. llenet, phone Cedsr 6333 or Ossge 9161. OS'K LOT 6C1I6O. end elusll house III Iirk lew. Will take I860 terms or less cssh, Fnr further Information wttte Willie II. Nelenn, Nettle llldge, Vs OtVN" t'oUirilOMri. elert the lot on which )ou wish to butld We will buy It for i,u si the lowest t-ssli pries end furnish the money. On this ml we will build s bouse fnr toll so cording In )nnr own plsns or we will the plans, You mske a siimtl t ash iMvntent, bslsnce monthly If )ou do 1101 lists lbs pavmsnl rsqiilrsd. we will show ynil the beet wey to get It. This will pay hg leturns In prom and thrift and a llllle later will enable ou tu hats a borne, OWN YOUIl 1IOMK. Fidelity Investment Co., home bull, tire Flist Floor Secuilly building. Ossgs 9M6 pTliililA, S., UH -Flvs room collage, no bsisioenl ur garage, 11,710. Ossge I68.1-.I HEADY TO OCCUPY Sit ronms. nice mantel, besutlful clerlrlo fltlurcs and decnrsilnns. IIIHIiy bullt-ln feslllles, breukfsst tiMim nff kitchen end dining tooiu, tile bsth, Isige basement, full site lot, In a highly restricted district. Price 17,600. fun give good terms. Ossge 6068.7863, YAI10N INVESTMENT CO, Realtors. Osage 6081-7163. 623 Kennedy Hldg. SOUTH HlllE- llrand new 6 mom loin- gslow, brenklsst room, elegsnl nan floors, features ell Inilll In; gsrsge; t-or ner lot: bssemrnti vslue of lodsy; 1780 t-ush; price 6,360. llsltf ft Sous. Phone Os'lg" 2. SKIP THAT RENT; tljM wTlli 1160 rnsn, su per monin uuys a s-rooni modern hungstow; on psvlng, 011 ths Jitney; close in the Washington school, not a new home hut s fine Investment Ml the wire nfferrd. Call Osage 9686. SAND SI'RINHS CAR LINE, I 1001,1 House, Komi wrll, turner lot. 00 by 150. block of paving snd tar line; 1160 will handle. Cedsr 1660, Hi HI I II SI III, udjnlnlng Mspls llldge, a brand new o-rnoui bungalow, three sleeping rooms, tile hath, base tub and pedestal lavatory, oak floors through out, etcellcnt dei-orallone, attractive ilecoretlone, kitchen cabinet, storm sheeted, guaranteed roof, gsrsge snd drive, large bssement roughed In for furnace, close to sohools, transporta tion, and adjacent lo blgh-clsss resi dence properties. A (eel In 1 g s In at 18,750 with good terms. Immediate possession rsn be lis, I, Cedsr 2760. Kill; I It NIlJI-I HOME at a snap. In easy walking distance of buslneiB only 10 blocks; sit rooms: nil large, sleeping Jurch, biissment, some shade; finest nan rinors. large limine, nuin-in nonn tasea and kitchen cabinet, relrlaernlnr ronm; decorations and lighting Dilutes are of pretty ties gm nn y 11.600 down nnd the price Is 17.600; risk us today we ore ready to ehow you, Leads llrnnks Co, Ossge 2873. Tlll! IIICUT Imminent In Tulia; a dandy z-iiory a-room home, eincriy modern, iuruo-e. located on a floe terraced cor ner lot, on paving and tonvenlent to transportation, i960 rash, balance 170 per month, including interest: imtnedi uln possession. Csll Ossge 9686. THREE-ROOM HOUSE snd gstsge In be moved off lut. 110 8. Yorktown. WIS WHITIJ tire, tornado tnsutance. Do not delay, call us lodsy. The Dull Agency. 222 Hecur ly Hldg.. Ossge 6306, VVKST SIDE HAIttlAIN 12.000 cash loiii ft wonderful 12-room 2-story residence close In; five blocka from poitoftlre, A dandy rental properly, A bargain l is. olio, mage but. WHEELINU Fltr-roolii house psrlly modern; good well; gsrsgs; rornrr lot tUtlltl. 13,180.00, 1160.00 rush, bsl ancs 625.00 tier month. Celsr 160. 1 2lo CASH New 4-room bungabiw, Juit t-otnpleied, 3 large bed roomi, ettrs nice finlih Inalde. For quick ssls price 81. too. bslsnce 120 per month. Will consider gnnd isr for equity. Call owner. Os.lge 9792. 1300 f ASH One acre nf ground, North Lewis, S-room house, good well, rellient cellar, all kinds nf bearing fruit; riles garden. Immediate possession. Price 12.000, balance 120 per month. J, 1 lminnn 10., usage vivz. 1600 CASH- Fsst Admiral, 6-ruum bull gslow, ouk floors, mantel, bullt-ln fee lures, ettra large rooms. Pries for quick sale 15,600, 1(0 per month. J. I. Letlltnon Co., Ossge 9792. 1200 IKIWN nnd 126 a rnoiilli will make your flrel payment down on a rich acre wllh 3-room houae, close 10 free psv Ing and only 22 blorko of the post nfflce, Csll Ossgs (92, Cedsr 760 and usage -ms-lt. 1200 CASH, belsnle 136 and Interest psr month 'buys a nice 6rooni bungalow! east front, nice lawn, bearing peach trees, gas, electricity, garage, good well; located Iimbard addition, Phono owner II I- Sells. AX-2, I ISO rash and 110 per month burs a beautiful 6-roota modern bun galow on the east Bide, brand nsw, hardwood floor throughout, built in future, dandy kitchen, hand some msntel, hlgh-clsss fixtures, Including bale tub, large closlta; one block from car line and Jit ney, two blocks from school, on pavement. Huy direct from own er at only II, too. Call Oiags 9417. 1-00 CASH geta Immediate pnsssnlon of new 4-room modern bungalow, with gu rage; on paved etreet. fine high corner Int. one block of ilrect car. Price 11.250, itoo cssh 135 per month. Call Mr. l.snge, usage 1670, JTo'i HuWN and 110 it month buys u fine little 4-roorn bungalow, esst front; close to school and transportstlont fine eur rouridlttgs: all new housee In district ask us today. Leslls Hruoks Cu., Ossge 7173 1500 CASH, I to per month buys a brand new 6-room modern bungalow; break, fsst room, msntsl, sll bullt-ln festur-s, gsrsge and dtlve, on paving. For ap pointment cell Cedar 646. 1700 CASH buys a beautiful 6rooin mod ern bungalow on tne souin sii. nsrn wood floors. handsome decorations, Lull 8 -tn features, comer lot, large rooma, bssement. A dandy home fnr only 16,500, with easy monthly pay llisnls. I sll Osags 9417. 11 800 THREE-ROOM plastered, house: full lot; good well Will sell on sinull cash psymsnt. Osuge 7113. sl llKAtl-rirfl. suburban lot. overlooking Tulss. that cannot bo sppreelalel un til seen; bo ssnd; no nvsrflnw; low tatss and city to gas. on rsr line; 10c tn Tulsa, 60 lo Weet Tulia; close to paved rosd; 1210 to 3C0; 133 down, 110 per month; see lie before buying; we take oti out and bring you bark. You ore under no obligation 10 litly unisss an. solutely ssllsfled. Illackburn A llrnnks 2?0 Lynch Hldg, Cedsr 1163 or 1111. CORNLH IIT. west Bid lot, 16 by llOl one half block off pavement, two blocks from csr line, tuur diocko rrom sonooi sewer In nrl e II 160 have equity n 1600; went to trad In on collage aa first payment on something around 11,000 to 11,100 What have ynu to ut ter, Hooker Holly. Cedar 1069. Real Estato for Sale loiN run sai.k m llV on N I .It- lliili corner lot, Thlrleenlh and Oalveslon. 1800 under first price; some teuiis. Oisge 28(6. FoTl"s.l.lT 1 'easPfront lot, on Trnosl; near Fourteenth. Call Ossge 8171-R and win bung oil out lo see It FOIt RAt.r.-lllgh-rtais lot, Maple Hldgs illilrlct. with modern garage; tl.OOO down, balance terme. Cell owner. Ce ill r 1060 FOR NAM: -Lot on Sand Springs road, l.anvi,d Addreie 1201 .1. Houlder. Phone Oiae13l6. pi ill kaKk- liOilO; ctoie tn Frlirn, Ksly, Send Springe Interurbari: can le bnuglil at n sacrifice. Cell Ossgs 9299 I'ftlt I .oi s"t n"Ds v I s W 1 1 son lis I hi s now for ssle The big bill overlooking Hie rltv, ewer In and paving going In Boon, liberal terms. Call Oisge 636, Cedar3l1. FoTt SALE -Totl60-tool corner. Seven, teenth and (Junker, Phone Osage Ossse 6383, i7rn:cTTr;"lT--l'ss. rront lot. South Xtinls, fine lot blgh-clsis itislrlct. Phone Usage 7210 nr llesge 7511 I'lir SNAp - iruo"toiys sii rsst front ror. iter lot mi the eouthesst side; paling, eewer, mbIh. ibs slid eleflr,Mliy. Dull I delay, cull today, cedar 777, LOT. lose In, lor ssls I heap, mint lie taken et on., , owner Is tiotitesldent and needs the inonev, can lie bad for 81760 end Is worth 17.600. end perl terme t.eelle llrnnks Co, ciegga 67 O'.V' WlTnffirfN'rii "pLXi'll-! iiTerTuf e llrlte, tie ir Xsothiis, a iM'Sotlfttl holt,! Ing lot. faoes nnrlh; 11,36. Hooker Ri-slly, Cedsr 109. '"si'IIiTai. A full stse lot adjoining Msplr llldge fnr Monday and Ttieaday; lltto cash Is what us heed. Hooker Really. Cedar 1019. V,cNT l.'Vr'-Po'urirenth e tl re t, 'fel'rac'e trite; soutn-rrnni inr, a bargain at l 660 Csll Osage 139.1 VACANT LOT Norvell Park a.lillllnnl near corner Houilnn snd Twelfth etteet. This Is close In and a gnnd Inratlon: mull be mid riett few lists, for rush "lily, fall Mi Lnltlnvl lie, niign 1670. I.A.MII AMI I MIMrl I tilt SALE "7 FOR SALE OH Tlt.Virif IrrlaVieil "fsflit In idshd, near good town, eplsntlld srhonts and chnrrbes, gond dairy rntin try. wllh crramery end cheese faclory. farm retired end imttoved with (room bungalow; run beiement, bain, poultry house; good welt, family orchard of 30 treei; small fruit and grapes; for price snd Icrins n II Ossge 3??8 It l"OII SALlfoil TltA'DlT In Wei ford roiiniy. Alien , st scree ot good rami Isttd; 8 miles front good meikel I mile from school. In fruit belt, on trout stream. Can nil be put Into cultlva llon rssyi 12 200; will accept rentable propeity nr nar es part pay For par. Oculars wrlle owner. W A, Jscltson, iiwrnrsvine, iikis . not 33Z, AliKANSAb' i'lilllV " r'AlUIrl lor eele or eicbsrigs! EWALT-II A WKINH REALTY CO., rtpringonte. Alk. FOIt SA 1.11 nr rent, two sens. II blocka rroln center ot Kegels; one spring, good garden! large lawn; main home 13 mumei cottage three roome, fine piece fnr resort hole), Ira P. linker, Rogers Ark. COI.IIHAIIO A RESOIIT AND STOCK RANCH 21,100 acres pslenled and leased land In northwest Colorado, elevetlon ,000 feel: 1,000 Iron of slfsHs and wild hay Is tut on Ibis rsnrli svery sessonl iiioslly under Irrigation: worlds nf tin walsr for stoeki one 47-acre ressrvolr, storked with tnountsln trout, Bnd gas hosts; thoroughbred horses and thor ottghbred cattle ere raised on I his rsnch; 32 trlles from rsllrosdt tullllnns ot tons of rosl on and belong tn this rsnch, ThK rsnrli Is surrounds,! on three stdfa by the government forest reserve; no bitter gems hunting csn bs found. There are deer, elk end beer In large tnimhtie. Write for colutune nf Intormelloti ebnul this rsnch, Price 1165,000, tu. M. Haver, l loirnrr, Kan COLORADO 180 seres; haignln. Wrlle owner, John li, Fried, Jamestown, w. u. Mlhtltlltl irutll.TRY FARM Well tmprnved 10, fruit, water, health! 1716, term. Aithur, Mountain View, to OS. A JTTC FARMS Low idTcei pay by month for those only who have no lnd 10. 30 40 scree. J, J, Ila-nllton, 117 W. Fourth, Chantils, Ksn. S'J ItA WHERRIES -7 '4 acrrs on 3t-scrs Imprnveil farmt fine locallnnt three sptlngs. Ill Waldo llstler, r,ensnn, Alo, OKLAHOMA IIEAPTIPUI. COI'NTRY'HOMH SITE" 320 scree on llroken Arrow paved roud, six miles from Tulsa I piles snd tsrnis ressonsblet slso hsvs other smaller properttee along and near this road, 1 'all Ossge 77 19, Rill SALE IC Ighly errre Arksnius river bottom; rinse lo Hliby: wllh 4-room bouts, If you wsnt a flrsl-clsss piece ot lend, chssn, let ins show you this. Call Ossge 9299. OOOD FARMS ARB LIKE IJ. S. IIONDS Cedar 2521. llesldenre Ossge 8635. FARMS ANY Hl.K. ANY KIND,, ANY CLASH. ANYWHERE. T, N. Word. 224 Lynch Hldg,. Tulsa. IIHlll.fLASS CATTLE RANCH THIS IS FINE and can be bought right! well unproved ami in eteetieni location. Title will bear olden inspection. I rec. nmnirnil this ss I personally know this locsllty, T. N. Word, 211 Lynch Hldr.. Tulsa. .Csdsr 2611 lies. Ossge 6636 IF iOU HAVE THE JACK, SALT SOME OF IT Yours for , true Invealment 10 scree near Tulan, In high slsts ot cul ttvutton: would cost ou 117.000 to du plicate this londlllon. Unimproved land adjoining this Is now telling from 1300 tu 1100 per acre, CAN ilB HAD AT A IIAP.OA1N. Sea T, N. Word, 324 T.ynch Hldg. We liuve this Investment with twu others that ere fine. Cedsr 2611. Tleslilencs Ossge 6821 TEXAS TEXAS LAND; Are you Interested In lend, where you rsn grow trope tl the year round? This wonderful lend Is Irrigated and will grow citrus fruits und sll kinds of vegetublee. We cannot tall ynu the halt so we make the following low rates sllowlng yuu lo see for yourselft Etcurslon tn Hlo tlrsnde valley, round trip. Including man and wile wllh all etpenie, 136, climate wnndrrful; stiminsr all ths year round ternpored iy gun oreete nur (no- summer monlbe. I K Leille, room No, 323 Roberts Hldg, Sixth and Main, pbnne Ossge 731-4(19 Real Estate for Salo WANTED RF.AL ESTATE S9 A LIST of fsrms wsniedt havo two buy ere. Oisgs 1823. 303 Itobsfts Hldg IiCl'vOI! wal me tn leave Tulle? W'etl I will havo to, together with lbs wits and kldi, unless ynu win sen m" a limi.e nt nrlr-A snd tsrlns I csn afford to psv. If yo'q want tu kssp ,no here rsn r edsr tttt. iTAVir'nTsny r'slls for low-price!, euiiy pnyment bnrnes. Also have some cash fnivM,- fnr Imrraln-tirt, e,l stuff What ever you have lo sell, lell us about It, Wo hurry. Warren luard, TulsVs llv'ttegenry.l -eflsr3ttl. 1ISVM l.nw- wtllt sll'essh lor a ( to I room house well located and priced right. Ussye 3707 It YlAVn m r ii to in, r w 1 1 h u uuod Isle mod s I (pslaenger csr; priced right, lo trade in on smsii noun- lui.i lis wt: r-n'i sll it. we'll buy It. Werren A Istard, Tulsa's IHest sgsney, Cedsr 1 8 81, lV"Yi ) u" wa n i ' to"s ell a 6-room house, well built, for is-n. ran vv. n. uuniun, ceusr 3491 315 Kenn-dy Hldg LlrrlNOS WANTKO W'm mivm liontedlste stlsntlnn snd per. son. I Inspection l properly rightly priced, we neve riuyers at sn limes for all elsrsee of properly. BXCIIANUE TRUST CO. REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT Osags 9700 LlhT your properllt with us, Wn wsol them, flhsldon A Co., qssgs35Tt want n boitsn on outskirts of city, flood, honest buyer. Cun pay 1160 down and 180 per monlh. What have youf War- ren ft irtaru, lutta's nvesi agency. Cedar 2181. WANU'.O TO HUY Seven or eight-room hou.e; must be good lecattop, retsona bly cloie In. 2111. World. WAM Kl l.lsllng nf property for ssle In llrntdmoor addition, have ssversl cuitntnert, slio want listings In any party of town; we can sell your prop erly we know tiow. Leslie Hruoks Co., Pis g e2J7 J r t W ANTI. D . .t nr aevsn-rooin houss built for home, south or aoutheatt perferred, Mint be worth the money with good tcfina, P. O, Hoi, 17. Real Estate FINEST NEW BUNGALOW SOUTHEAST SECTION Cnnnlntlntf of six cxtrn larito roomg, lioavy lirtiilwnod floors, urtakfrm room, rlioli'est of decorations, piped for ftininco, very pretty Imtliroom. Rnrnife, linnemetit. Amnnj? the licrt hollies. j'oaseH.son now. Plenty of closet. It's aiiro to null fit tills low price, J7,u00; 1,000 ifisli, 17! monthly. IIALFF & SONS I'liono OrviBo 3, t7,S00 CAliirOIiNlA HUN'OALOW Ilrnml new Cnllf 01 riln hliiiKnlow, en tirely different, located on n nood IiIkIi lot on tlin pnvlnir, niirruuudeil hy nntlvn sliadn, 1 1 V I n (? room ncrn front, linohi'nseH, kltclinn cnlilnot. Imllt-ln lirenkfntt room, cltlim clotct, 1 111 floor, lull tln lull, two kooiI slrod iiodrootns, lirenltfnft room tie iwern illnlliK ronm itntl "tltclien. Hcreened-lti Imclf porch, wood hnen inent, roncretn porch, cnrnifo nnd drive, llenxoimhlo rnsh pnyment, IxtliiiK'n llko rrnt will handlo this hniiK'il'iw, W. rilANIC WAIsKI.Il (JletiUor) 3:1 H. I.fnton Osngo 401 IHIAtJTIKUr. llltlCIv TIOMK-e MAI'I.K 1UDOH DI8TI11CT i 130.000 This elognnt 0room rel- ilenrt', located In a mot cxeluflve, it'Ntilcted section, i:nt KlKhteenth slreet, heniitlfnl lnrgo lot, 73toot frontngei center hull plnii! best oak floor! extra Inrno llvititf room with flrnilnce! cntiviiM and hand'pnlnled, decornllun! Inrite sun parlor! hrenk- fnt loom! till huHt-ln rentureH; two Ixtllie, with HI" floor nnd walls, onn with shower, Inillt-ln tubs, pedestal liiviitorlcs; four hedrooms In all, ono hetlronm with flreplnce; lnrKo clos ets! baaomcnt, ftirnuce: laundry tuh. luatnnlniieoilii heater! two-cnr ttamBO nnd servnnt iuartni. Uhown ly ap pointment. A. .1. JKNKINH & BON OmhTO 4306-375 f.28 Mayo llilllillng. Stl.DOO TitviNfi t'icn lleniillful high south front Itunsalow, rivn iii run riinins nnd lirenkfaet room. ti-iiiin miinrt oak floors throughout. corner lot. old paving, hookenues, at- trnctlvo decorations ann nni in-iiii-ria. sleetilnir norch. abundance of closet nnco and bullt-ln fcalurtm. Honsoinilile rant tmymcni win hnndle or will consider good lot lo cated In southeast section. W, THANK Iterator (13xclulvo Agent) , Owtgn 401 331 H. Hoston inVINQ I'LACQ DUNQALOWS llvo rooms and breakfast room; oaVe floors throughout: largo rooms and lots of clOiet room; oonuuiui .. rations and electria fixtures', base ment: for only i,70: 7C0 cash and bnlnncn llko paying rent! also one, without basement. '.'0.0: 1500 cash nnd balance 50 per month. Why puy rent when you can buy a rssl coxy bungalow worth ths money on ensy torms7 Let me show you this today, K, M. VAUailN Oeaee "310 Osags 0181 BUNGALOW BARGAIN w imva ftvn of the best o-roomi bungalows, very complete, with oil now, modern convenience, priced at I7.S00, wth terms to suit any re sponsible buyer, can EXCHANGE TRUST CO. 1 to seo there. Oiaco 9700 18th and Detroit Bungalow. One of ths attractive; homes In the city. Six rooms, hall nnd baswment, two baths; lot 100 by 140 feet; 3-car garage and servants quarters. Also rustlo don or lodgs with two sleeping rooms and bsth. This homo and property must bo ston to bo appreciated. For price and terms seo Blair Bros. Exclusive Agents C03 ralsco Hldg. Cedar JJ0 "niiAUTiruL TERRAcn ortivn HUNUALOW" 1866 E. Fifteenth St.. or fsrrace drive, lot (OH29, ieven rooms. Including brsskfast room, oak floors throughout except belli which Is In Ills, bullt-ln bath tub. pedeetal lavatory. Pittsburg sutomstlo water lieal.r, comblaallon furnace, brick foun dation on a 12-Inch concrete bass, house storm sheeted with plsslsr board between siding snd shsetlng, gsrsgs snd modsrn servsnls' qusrtsrs. If you want a real home at a bargain price, look at tut today or ctll for sn ppolnlmtnl to Inipect, K. M, VAUOHM Oisge 62tO Oltg 9116 DKAUTIKUl, BUNCAI.OW3 Proopectlvo homo buyer, go out to- rt iy Hnd inspect tho cozy flvo room! i, ', ,., T.iwl. nlltno and breakfast room on Iwls place. Utiwcll addition. w tmvo tnrea al most completed unsold, which wo art offering on exceptionally good termi and worth tha money. If you wish will call for you und show yoi through, 1750 cash or will take, u vucant lot as first payment. K. M. VAUGHN Osago 5210 Osago 93'".