Newspaper Page Text
f 12 TULSA DAILY WORLD, MONDAY, MAY 15, 1922 Lions club Thursday Klwnnia club Monday WEEKLY BUSINESS REVIEW PAGE Tho Co-operativo Club Wednesdav' Rpnl Rstnfn lOvnhntifrn Tin. .-..I-.. l Givitnn club Monday Ad Club Tuesday Chamber of Commerce .Friday City club Saturday Rotary club Wednesday & U- -- 1 . in -- 2? i !k r FRANK S. DAVISON ELECTRIC CO. Elrctrlral Cnnlrnellns, Httnree, Huppllre and llfpnlf HorW AnHMns Klrrtrlrnl TUI.M. OKI.A. , ,, . ft.l 3IA I'.it.l Third Holwny Engineering Co. Clrll nnd Knnltiirr Kmrtnccr Mutiltliwl KnirlrieorliiB and 332 Ali o llldg. Huni'jH Telephone Osnge 3595 for Elcctri Fixtures and Wiring Tulsa Chandelier Company 110 Sontli lliHon. Tiilnn, Okla. CONSOLVO'S Mantels, Tiling nnd Fireplace Fixtures rhon (Lns 40JO IB Went hltli Till.". Okla. . ...uMiN.i r-.-r.r-. r t 1 I. Ileum., f:iinnnrl. Anile., I'latr llrliifiirrliis llnri 'omplela Mrrl llullillnc OtHcr, Wiup. nnd Ware liou.ea Xnntluie nml I'tUrn It. II. Tuhn O.nt WIS r George Winkler Architect Osngri 10,12 4ll.ll.-i 1'nlnco llullilln Tulsa, Okln, Vs.. W. M. McMichacI Contractor Kicnvnllnc nml Heavy Untiling Phonest Office, Cedar 2741 Ilea., Onagri 4247 s:n Ma 70 DuiidiiiB Kiinnr.n " nrAnii iniimn Manufacturers of hlamp., Brail nnd Meurlla On I7 Hrl) ). 111a Orer Wmtlwnrlh'a Tul.a, Oklahoma A D I A T O R "WIIKN Mill TIIINU U' IIAIIIATOKH TIIIMl or IIH" TCI.HA AUTO TINNKHH 413 Kn.t Hrninil O.lll. 550 "ETcryllilnc Klertrlc " ACME ELECTRIC CO. D. II. Montsom.ry, rrf.M.nt. Wlrlns Contractor.. El.ctrlo Ch.nd.ll.r. snd Huppll... in . Hrronil HI. T.l.ptamo O.ns. 1010 r I'none usage :ouu, usage oi EGGS hatch 1:11 rnonuoi: co. 15-17 W. Archer -gr-k COOl'i: II IIATTKIlll'.S KliEr KLEAN PHONE OSAGE 552 Prompt Services Mnrtin Towel Supply C Tulsa Vitrified Brick & Tile Co. Manufacturers of Facing nnd Common Ilrlck Offlca 303 8. Cincinnati Osage 408 Tulsa, OUla. Brickner-Garbctt Co. fitncrul Contractors 114 Uatar Dldf. c.dar till 1'. O. Dot 111 Tul.a. Oklahoma RUSH, ENDACOTT & RUSH Arctium Tulsa, Oklahoma 101-4 Lorton lltilldlng riiono Osneo 2015 The National Bankof Commerce TULSA, OKLAHOMA Capital and Surplus $300,000.00 JUST BANKING J. W. VANHORN GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR riiono oiiro (Hon Offices mid Yards S20 South Ki-noshn St. Phone Osage 9248 SANDERS RONES MANUFACTURING JEWELER Oklahoma's Lending Manufacturing Jeweler Tulsa Okln. r GUILES TRANSFER COMPANY Oil field haullnu, heavy trucking. MI1S. RAt.l'll SMITH, Mur. . Phones Office, Ooo at 1 .1 ; Itoalilcnrc, OsnRo 0713 123 NORTH CINCINNATI PLUMBING CHEATING CO. tlnciirpnrtitcd) AM work don. by llcena.d mwhinlci. W. have moved Into our new liom. at 41(1 SOUTH nr.TUOIT MAKK IIH A VISIT Try our repair service. .Can't bo brat. T.l.phon. Cedar llll YOUR BOSOM FRIEND Tulsa Laundry and Dry Cleaning Works Corner Archer and Cheyenne r J. J. Ceaie Electric Co. Wiring Motors ltepnlra 115 S. Moulder Osngo 200H r "WK BK1.T, rUIINITllllB Tulsa Furniture Manufacturing Co. M.nut.clur.r. of Overstuffed and Cane Living Room Suites Library Tahlra at Hprinc lini.nport TaMrs Iyrr rlt Mallrratf. Ill.trlbnlors of Simmons Beds and Springs 1 a c r 0 11 v a n 11 nrfior, h i x t 11 and x a n t 11 u b R. M. BLACK, ARCHITECT Bnrcrcaor to W. W. BLACK & SON 902 Kennedy BIdg Tulsa, Oklahoma tr. t. yjnowM j. . xu. W. T. BROWN & COMPANY Paint, Wallpaper, Glass and Painters Supplies 111 South Itoalor. ATtno. lhon. 101 OIJIEST S1I1CET MIJTAL 8HOI IN TOWN Southern Cornice Works lerjthlng In Khool Mctnl Osnco 1540 118.120 S. Clnn. V J Oklahnmn Anln St Wagon Works liulldir. Automobll. and Truok podl... Wht.lm Sprint, r.nd.r and O.Dtr.l A. r. Itareh, t'rup. fhon. Oa.i. llll 411 12. SMond St. Osage 39 White Line Taxi Touring Cars and Bnggago -.-Hour Scrvico Phonos 39 nnd 239 Authorized Railroad Agents. Bonded Company. Shallenberger Construction Co. v General Contractors Offices 325-326 Mayo BIdg. Phones Osago 6G1G, Cedar 2817 L. N. EWING, ,UN1TKU 8TATHH MBHCHANT3 F1HB INSUHANCB CITY REAL ESTATE LOANS rtioua Osage 0960 422-24 Boston Avcnuo Phone 74 r. Banknote PrintingCo. riiouo Ortiigo 030 Printing, Itullng, Looso Leaf Dovloca. 110 Koulli Ilouldcr. DE.M.rild ONLY KOIIKItl.INd I'lion. Ceil IStu B. Room a r.oti. full a.t man tel de.ltn. In phon. dlreo. lory, amoni raanula. THE OKLAHOMA BURNER CO. Manufacturers of low pressure gas burnors. We give you more heat for less money. Office r:t3 Itoblnson Hide. mono cedar wlH J Transfer Osage 239 STATE AGENT f!A9ltAI.TV rr ti & v nids. JON. Mantel Business Men Appreciate County's Farming Progress Progress agriculturally means either In tlio blua-grass region of business progress In nny community. Kentucky or tho fnrmlnir districts of Tulsa county ngrlculturo lias been middle Tennessee linn ho seen finer making rniilil strides In nil of Its tilue gruss than that grown on tho phnees and iipprcclatloii of this fact Krnmcr farm, he said. This In direct li hulnrr expressed tuoro now liy opposition to tho prevalont belief Imnlness and professional men of tho that blue-grass docs not grow In this city than It has over boon before. country. Kramer linn always con- 'i'ho other day County Agent J. H. tended that ItAvlll grow hero, and Mnlono, I), It. Hoes, secretary of tha has effectively proved his point, rnrmora' Coopcrutlvo association Walker was Instrumental In Interest and n group of about 15 business Ing Kramor In Jnpnn clover last limn of Tulna took a llttlo exploring year. Ho has now a flno stand, and trip about tho county, east and tho neighbors aro much Interested south. Ono of theso men, C. H. In watching tho progress of what Walker, of tho firm of Walker, Un- Imw proved to bo n highly success derwood & Hodolf, has ri farm nf lul experiment. IlL1".?" ..Vh.l?. '.wi"?-f. .w1' 'h. .V,0 Tho Tulsa attorney believes that ' . 1.7 ..;;. J . . tlicro Is opportunity hero in tho coun. in !.n M . hn,1?,1' nn"'0.1.,1 'V any ambitious farmer to cul hi tho things that ho saw on that ,fvi0 ,,,'i.ighiy and as successfully inn tin in iin 4111111:1 Jinn uuiiui iiu I'ralM-H .(iun(y I nrm. believes that good roads, tho con- "Wo wont first," said Walker In iitctlns link with tho market center discussing his trip, "to tho Tulsa nro tho first and lust requisite for county farm This Is tho clcantst drawing many such farmers here and and best kept dairy farm that I making Tulsa county nn enviable havo over (-! n. If tho county com- reputation as nn agricultural coun mlpslonurs continue to Improve nnd ty. develop thin farm ns tluy havo started to do, they will build a last- si'.MMKU MAKKS KSKIMO PII2 n monument to themselves nnd jiOHIJ I'Ol'UUMt THAN KVIUt. morn than that, do as much for tho ,, ,, , , county agriculturally so far as do- . IVp mthe start Ksklmo pie has cn vnhipmcnt Is concerned iui nxpeil- Joye.l popularity with old nnd young went stations do In other states. ntup: , Everybody liked It; tho nan o "As soon as tha bams nro fin- eht he fancy and tho tosto Ishod, tho farm will bo a show usht tho appolllo, plnco of tho country. It Is a slg- It spoko well for Its aunlltlcs that nlflcnnt f net that committees from oven In tho winter time, children and other stntcH havo visited tho Tulsa buslnew) men nnd offlco girls nnd county farm, to seo Just v. hut they working women nnd clerks overy aro doing hero nnd how they nro body lundo It a fnvorlto Indoor doing It. It has been only recently pastime, this eating of Ksklmo plo. thnt 11 committed of men was hero Thcro Is something nbout this dainty from Hcdiilln, Mo., to mnko further Hint hns tho makln'n of n sundao Investigation of tho farm about nnd Is cnton llko n ploco of candy which Ita members had heard so Hint Is tremendously appealing. And much. tho wonder of It wna that Its popu- "In my Judgment It will bo only lurlty didn't wane. Now that tho n short tlmo until tho county farm summer months ara upon us, and will not only be self.sustnlnlng but tho vanguard of tho hot weather has making money. This becnuso of tho touched us up a day or so, Ksklmo fact that tho farm has tho finest pies sales aro moro prolific than registered Hotsteln cattlo nnd tho over, und theliot season will prob best milking strnln Khorthorns to ably seo tho output doubled, lm found In the United ritntes. It The Eskimo pies nro put out by goes without saying thnt when this tho Quality Ico Cream company, class of stork Is bred nn tho coun- ly'H fnrm. It Is only a short tlmo tin- Prcmlnmi. for rnninilrn. til It will bo financing Itself nnd . . i" Cucumbers. making monoy ns well. I believe ""'n. TJ5 12 Ti,,.ln.. f thnt tho fnrm. with Its modern. A,,ADA' Zr,ltl.Vir w ? sclentlflo nnd Intelligent methods A,,ahnr" n0n"rJnKn l" ."m'"S Is of grent vnluo. nsldo from Its prl- J"J homcn who aro growing cuwm- mary purpose, as nn ngrlculturnl JriiriiffT.,5,ckT" T?taiim Wf5 stimulus to tho country." ', hf b"lt ,"!r', , J; B- taf .,, demonstration ogont. Is encouraging Ctui Grow III110 firnsri. cucumber planting ns n, new and Wnlkcr commontcd nt length upon profltnblo step In dlverlsflcatlon of Iho John Krnmer farm. Kovor, crops. KONKKN-OALAMnA COHl'OltATION City Nr siul llrlnylnv lull. R. It. Arrntorlra Sanitary lpln (loth. nforas Onlsmlm. Hep. 100 H. Clifrenn. CVdar 3111 Acme Window Shade Co. Carl J. Srnt, Mir. ( Wlnd.or nd C.m.rsn Hand M.d. Cloth, Klr.hkr.ft Urap.rli. and IloJ. lllliC. fifth riac. rhon. O. lilt DELCO LIGHT Tho Comply El.cirlo I.Utit Plant C. SIM8 Pnona O..K ISIITul.a "Tb.r.'a a Satl.ricd Ui.r Toa" Blackmore Cleaning Works "W Wher. Oth.ra rati" srnviCE is ovn motto H.ldora ruunlnl Netrr KirrllM 110 J:. Third. St. Out. 1017 "RADECKE" AUTO PAINTING 810 E. Third fit. Osago 1820 The Tulsa Printing Company At Tour S.rrlc. T.l.phon Oi.f. 4101 III Ea.1 Third Ht. Tul.a, Okla. P. J. Lang Auto Body Works Uanufacturir ot Truck and Otlle.ry Ilodl.s Oil Field llll Hick and Tralt.ra R.pairlns of All Kind lit! Admiral O.act III R. H. Siegfried & Co. l.NSiniANCE AM) DONDS Telephone Case 88A1 101 Senman Hide IS IV. Third St. Oklahoma Union Railway Company Intcrurban cars leave Tulsa every' hour on the hour, from 6 a. m. to 12 o'clock midnight for Sapuipa and every hour on tho half hour from 6:30 a. m. to 11:30 p. m. for Red Fork. Intcrurban cars to Sapuipa carry baggage and express. Package freight car leaves First and Guthrie streets at 8:45 a. m. and 2:45 p. m., daily except Sunday. KANSAS CTTT WHITE METAL CO. Knnwil Ctlr Msnafarlorrra FJ-FI.O Tlrand. llabbltU. Typo Metal Mors flnlnmba. Rep. 10(1 H. rheyenna Cedar Sill PEERLESS WALLPAPER CO. "neeornltnc ITIIhoot ronfo.lon" I'hune O.o 10D9 Foltz Mill & Cabinet Works 14)4 Rut Fourth St.. Tul.a. Olda, hahii noons nrii.niNOS Work a Bptclalty. Mill Thon Oii. ItSS lie., mono Oiaga T43I PLASTERING comdit nnos. Rpalrln( a Specialty lit X. Tr.nton rhon llll Fromptly and Ntatly Dona All Work Guarantied Ellison Plumbing Co. Practical rlnmhlnt and HeaUag Contractors N and Remodellnt Work Promptly Attended To. Eatlmalea Furnl.lied Frea Thon Oaat 5009. SIS N. Oearer McDonnell & Nelson Builders Cedar 0 SOS 8. Cincinnati W. V. EDDT. Pr.aldent N. K. EDDT. Vic Fre.ld.nt K. A. 1IAUUMAN, 8cratary-Tra. Crescent Cleaning Works tine.) 1118. Klirood Thon Oaact 111 Reedv Auto Tmelf nrA ""N Trailer Co. rialform, Slake, and Ho. Bdlea, llll lUeita. 1-rallers. Truek Tire tittle ami I'urtnry, Xanthu. and Krlwo luilroad. Oltlre Oaace BM Our ru.tnmera will plea- not rnane 01 oriiee. 1'. O. Hot lot! - S. S . DO YOU KNOW STREET CAR SERVICE STARTS On the Kendall-West Fifth car line at 6:00 a.m. and after :44 a. m. n car each way every eight minutes. On tho Main street lino at 6:20 a.m. nnd after :00 a.m. a car every seven and one-half minutes. On the IJellvlow-Owcn Park lino at 6:16 n.m. and aftor 6:00 a.m. a Car each way every ton minutes. On the North Peorla-South Frisco line nt 6:10 a.m. and a car every fifteen minutes except during the afternoon rush hours, a car every ten minutes. t Tulsa Street Railway Company PEACE METAL WEATHER STRIP CO. IWnra f'lllklns romniHinil M'strrpriHiMnic Mitlirlnln Wlrxlou mill OiKir Hrrrrn. Kulltnntri ( hrrtfully llf n G. W. STRAW N 1010 houlli (iuakrr X 1'hnnA (luii; 4lnt Tulsa Storage and Fireproof Storage Moving, Packing and Shipping 8-20 North Cheyenne Avenue Osage 61-1273 Third and Houston GtrccU Ice THE Tulsa, Okla. TULSA SHEET METAL CO. 13 AND IS HOtlTII I.ANSINO SHEET IRON, COM'EK, TIN AN II Z1NO WORK Mall Onler Iterelte rrompt Attention TIIOS. J. IIYItNF.. Prop. Oar Special tie. The llyrne ReToHIn nml Htatlonarr VentUatoi Oaaollo Coollnc Trouch r INSURANCE DAVENPORT, HATCLIFF i BHONSON II Knit tilth Street Phone Onai 7IS-S15S neprraentlm Irseal nml lletl American Companies J TULSA ELECTRIC SHOP RADIO FANS! We hare Ju.t ref fired n larc aatortment ot RADIO SUPPLIES Call or mall In your nnnt with 24 West Second Street FRANK S. DAJICXAY Plymouth Decorating Co. WAL PAl'KH. ...... . t Yo0' Sit East Second Street Oaate 4SSI It Tear In Tul til N. tlenrer We Rooted Tulaa The Tulsa Roofing Co. TIM O'CONNEIX, Mxr. rtoneer Orarrl Roofer of Oklahoma Tolia. Okla. J r uiuk urri lu. Sewer Pipe, Fir Ilrlck, Flu Llalnr, nr. Claj, Wall Coplnr Whll. Band SIS E. Admiral 1814 Hope Engineering & Supply Co. Compression ant. absorption gasoline plants; oil and gaa pips lines and pumping stations. Reeves cas enclnes. 803 itayo Bids. Tulsa, -TnADE lleatlnv and Sanltare Engineer COOK COMPANY, (Inc.) T W. COOR PIIEMIIIENT Plumbing 1107 Sooth Doatoa ZUMWALT, WILLSON & GARNETJ CERT1F1ICI) IHII1I.IL ACCOUNTANTS COUNSm. IN TAXATION Tulaa l Kennedy Hide Oklahoma Cltyi Trade. mens BIdg. Tolas, Okls, Transfer Company Sand Springs Bottling Co. Ilottlcrs of All Kinds of Soft Drinks CHERRY BLOSSOMS riiono Oaago 1198 Cream TASTE TELLS Ask Your Dealer SOUTII VKST SIATEHIAL SUPPLY COMPANY Mm, Cement, CrnahM Rock Carload ami tVa-on llelltery Nocalra and Katy Tracks I'liotie Cedar 19 money order accompanying your order. Osage 6578 Carnahan Plumbing Co. Stoam and hot water heating, Bos fitting plumbing. Hcinlr work a specialty, 314 EAST FOUItTU ST11EET Phono Osage S78S a O. COOK PAINTS AND GUASS "o 'nto a Horn" Oaace ?m r Tulsa Stove & Foundry Company Manufacturers ol Orey Iron. Brass and Aluminum Castings. Sand Springs, Okla. Qo. A. Kell.r K. L. Kell.7 Hickory Coal & Mining Co. Hickory Uachln Mlntd Deep Shalt Coal Mined at Tulsa, Okla. Okla. Phono Osage 7S10 TOO SMILES" Khaw Room Mechanical Drawing and Heating rhon Oaa Sttl J Ardmori StmnMn Hide. Was hlnctoa. D. C.I Kalloci Uldf . 1 I tT In.tsll Molitslr Itonnd O.w Upton Sheet Metal Works Otic t:0S lit South IVrala T. I.. Dnllol. U A. niPEniAr, machinu & TOOL CO. Gtnrrnl Marhln Woik FJIctaUr Ilrpalrlnc Oi 7lia KO Ea,t Bffond fi. Nltht. 0. 3IJ.J!I Tulsa Standard Electric Co. (Inc.) Why not Inalsll lrflrlrll, u born. 11 ml b. comforlnMe? tit EAST TIHUU ST. J GillD SOUTHWESTERN IIAflTiaiT 6U1TLV CO.WPANV Third nml l;lln rhono U.nse SIM r I A Mnvro I rtx-MitiNo ami iinATixa Hkllled IVorkmnn.blp IteiiBOluitilo I'rlrra "Sertlco That Hertea" Tul.a'. 1'lumber tat n c . n . . v. ... ...ii.Hyn, VMr .BBS v .J B. & B. Brand Saratoga Chips Manufactured by Tulsa Saratoga Chip Co. 1020 E, Falrvlcw Cedar 350 Call "ROMBAUGH" Osage 468 Tnlea Cnrpcntcr Shop. ANTIQUE FURNITURE SHOP W. L. HIST 135 North reorla Strert Enamrllnr. Iteftnlahlnc. Cphol.ter Ins, Itepalrlnc, Kpeelallilns on lllih Grade Vpholaterlni, rhon Cedar lilt Pure Spring Water Ozark Eureka Springs Water Co. Osage 1752 Osago tit Hughes Plumbing Co. riomblnr, Ilentlnc and repair work Expert Workmen. Price. Reasonable. Eatabllabrd IBOt. 1818 E. Sixth St. rhon Oiaie SMO CTLIXIlEn REORIKDI.NO The Wet Proceas Crankaliaft Rcflnl.hed. Scored Cylinder, ami Wnter Jacket. Klcclrlo Welded Sl.Ilonr ricrtlco on All Woik CE.NTaI, MACHI.VE COMPANI J. S. Dunhiun, Mir. IS North Cheyenne Cedar HV Mid-Continent Brick & Tile Co. Faca Brick Common Brick Hollow Building; Tllo 107 Central National Bide. CUNNINGHAM Motorcycle Co. H-rUyDvion Motorerclt Silts and Esrvlc Cntr Motorrycl cold on easy ptymnta. -iyaa Moxy Sweep (j mj'i-!jiij iiiiLj.i.giii.i.iiVi'f it .: :ii -in i'. u imim Uaanfaeturera and Jobber 415 South llou.ton nn. fnt nun 1SS9 It ! don Wbes bnllt br O. KUBATZKY Architect and Dulld.r Phon Oeage (tll-J 1411 & Rockford Look for th .Ira Binding-Stevens Seed Co. SEEDS Foultrj Bupplle Oraln.noor.Feed.IIar Lonk Dl.taoce Oaat III. Local O.ata 441 J R. V. AYCOCK CO. Asbestos and Magnesia Insulations Beftnen liuulatlona Our Speel U IIS W Hrat Oaase ! J. R. Burnside General contractor Phon Osage 879 tOl Dreiel Bldg. Tulsa, Okla. m WB. aryiH