Newspaper Page Text
TULSA DAILY WORLD, MONDAY, MAY 15, 1922 8 FAMOUS STREET WILL DISAPPEAR Two-Decked Street Will Replace unicago s Market Lane iAVSflViSS'h -fin...!. Water 1 . n linn I n billion dollars th of turnips, chcene, clucks, oKgs, v ' -j nih fnnilatnrf nrn hnr. .flans mm "n." ; - , , l In a ''!,r ls preparing to plclt inllmuuawklnR fowls, Its smolls, Its K... . nni-ii Itx ullnnnrv rnli. W , Stones, nn.l move A KO.000.000 .hove traffic way beneath Is to ro. Br ' ,. rrtiA alt-Art fYtenrl,l ulV blocks !" th rlver tlTOUsh the. tetrt or ii...'.,ih .,.,. ..-... t KiK-tlBtiM- U'nrfnni ntwl Jeiucry Uik rumbled. Bllkn will (it nurrcu l upi'm luimy uii uiiiiifeu . . u.itli Wnfrfit tin tt mnrn nr crsi" vov -.. i, known wherever people cat, will tfcome a reminiscence. I -over-crowileil for years in a do I llderlm? Jim six blocks Ions, the tlin are to spread out over.tho very litest thins in market places to bo ..trn i, .i n. mllo or two away on Wrt UanOalph street. . mmument to tho llfo of Dr. John H. Murphy, world famous stir won anil pathfinder In medicine, n ureal medical library Is to bo erected here in inu ne.n uiium uiiuun mu dforts of nioro than 5,01)0 dlstln Tiihfil members of Ills profession. ihe roll call of tho American College. of Surg ry. A U'00,000 fund left by Mrs. John H. Jiurpny ror tno nenciu or medical scicnco win oc usou as a nucleus of tho library fund. Dr. Murphy, after arranging his own funetal, died quietly In a com rarallvcly secluded hotel on Mack inac Island, August 11, 1016. Twon. tr hours utter nis deatn contcm pirary surgeons and frlonds In Chi- I itgo rcreiveu cnKruveu ciirun noiuy "?them that they had hcon chosen US Iium'l " J IUtl WVU LI o ut UIU 11. V arranged funeral. The detective, bureau has nicked a dozen of Its handsomest members nnd Bsnlgned them to pntrol Michigan boulevard nnrt Btierinan road in fine big cors in nn effort to, stay the hivagea of tho boulevard vnmp said to Infest theso thoroughfares In ruch numbers as to ho a menace to motorists. LKSSO.V NO. 4$ Tho Vnrlo-Conplcr. Short wave reception In accom plished In a very efficient manner by tho use1 of tire varlo-coupler. This typo of Induct Ivo tuner, or loono- coupler, consists essentially of a sta tionary primnry winding and a movable secondary winding, which Is arranged n to revolvo within tho magnetic field of the primary. Tho number of turns In effective uso In tho primary wlndnrv. nnd consequently tho amount of Induct ance, Is made varlnblo through tho medium of taps taken from tho winding nnd groitght out for con nection to multipoint switches, Tho seeomlnry winding may nlso have tnps Increasing or decreasing the number of turns but tho usuall method of securing a variation oM inductance in tho keenndary circuit of a receiver containing a vnrln- coupler, is by means of n. variometer. Campaign for an American opera house whero native works and ar tlsti as well nit foreign opera In English can bo heard has been ftarted hero by tho opera In Our Language Foundation, Inc. Among the backers of tho project are Mrs. Edith Kocketollcr, Mccormick, Mrs, Archibald I'recr, Mr. Percy Mackay ina -Mr. wallaco Kicc. Mortuary ! Davis. Donald 'Rupert Davis. 2-ycar-old ion of Mr. and Mrs. V. llenscm Da rn, 1021 East Fifth street, died nt Ihe rffldcnco Haturday night. I3o- tlde his parents, tho child ls sur vived by two sisters, Geraldln May and Dorothy Virginia Davis. Ftneral Mrvlccs will bo held from tho eienth Day Adventlst church nt 2 o'clock Monday nflernoon. tlev. Alvln C. Long officiating. JJurial will .se at r.osa inn cemetery. (MCA Cnnrivnln if 'tara rt He. uieu at ncr Homo in Lawnwood ItatlOn. EVIlIn. Plinar.1 .nmlA. ...lit be held at the Holy Family church .uonaay morning at 0 oclocc. In terment will bo mado In tho Catho- us cemetery. 1, .... x ' '.,1. Daniel .TflRPnh 17. .nr. r.J vnoa, t e. died at his home. 303 South 0rfrttW nl-Anltn Di, 1 . u.vnuv. 7U,IIIUJT IllUrillllK. funeral .Bmlpa. t.i.t 1- l loty ramlly church Tuesday at 9 fZ ijuimi nui no 111 mo iamu t cemetery. 1 ... .,. i-juon, agea 61, aioa at HI home, 3210 East Fifth street, Sun "orn"ie- HO Is survived by 1 .1 :Jl:A' patton, who Is bookkcepe f J?.. ir8t Nat'onal bank. A son, E 2 '.,rlDn 01 rt Smith, Ark., also wives. Funeral arrangements have yet been rnmnlntaH ' T. , Wolfe. v own ui li. v ivuue -in , aat .in.i , . . .. Sainrrt ""'"irai oouievarn, men hiv.Tv 1 "icrai arrangements -- -v. jci oeen completed FLOODS l.V OKFUS1CEE COUNTV "C"J "a'ns I'ut Hivcr llrldgo Out .i.-""-""'!, iiay 14. Ko th nnut tv wires (la... n . .. rbeen 1,10 anaaian rtver tiau wen overflowing the low bottom !.. i!" Okftukce county and It ls the PJS 10 ,0 cr08a tno llvcr u' n. V. . "r'"go west ot town, forth. ork has bce at f,ooa stago trih. wecK ar"i Bomo of tho h,": 1"" owing into tho creek hetvv . 1 "'eher-thftn for years. A UnSa'";.p'I ovcr "'0 county Worrlcii .CHICAGO, May 14 Tho n'vnnll. UnltH2!iil mcp.'lS of the Western three., ,, LU,"eronc opened 1 tual Lrogra.m.t0(,ny wh nn rn lutlon.m ."2 ""volution or E Srltualfiiiesnian.hlp.'- Evo Ilev. kee. Th IS Will I'KltMANRNT WAVING Tli. Kn War with OU Jll'w'02Ln,Tn,Vmd "r bail ... lOlll'E MAniNELLO Hiuu. lb This is buy A CAR A TIRE OR ACCESSORY Week May 14 td 20 Buy Today Fifteen Minutes ot Radio Each Day Dt EDWAltD N. UAVI3 Tormerly Technical Kltctrlcsl Uipert for IT. f. (lOTernment ICoDTlEht lilt, by Urttu Keatur 8ndlctt) Van'6 CoupUr Diagram L Von. CtU Vintmtnt At Variemetef ( DiacjT-arn 7. Diagram 1 shows the mechanical construction of tho varlo-coupler, Tho secondary winding Is mounted on n shaft nnd may bo rotated through an nnglo of 90 degrees in the field of the primary winding. liy this arrangement a closo varia tion in tho couplings of tho colls Is secured, tho inductive relation being at n mnxlmum when tho colls are concentric nnd nt a minimum when they aro nt right angles to each other. Tho resuttnnt effect Is sim ilar to sliding tho secondary In and out of the primary winding as de scribed In a previous article which explained the uso of n loouccouplcr In n two-circuit receiver. Diagram 2 shows a very popular and efficient combination for short wnvo reception. This circuit uses tho varlo-coupler In conjunction with a vacuum detector tubo nnd two vnrlomctors. ono of the variometers bolng In tho grid curcult flfid the other In the circuit containing tho plate. In n simple form tho varlo-eoup-Icr may consist ot a section of tub ing four Inches long and three and ono-hnlf Inches In diameter on which is wound CO turns of So. 24 S. C C. Wire. Taps Hlo taken off il air onally along tho coll for each 10 nt the flint 5n turns, and for tho rrinntnlug jo, tho taps nro contacted lor encli 2 turns. Tho groups con talnlliR 10 turns nnd thnso cnntnln Ing tho 2 turns nro then connected to separate multipoint switches. For the secondary coll n section of tubing one nnd one-half Indus long nnd two nnd one-half Inches in dlnmeter mey be used, on which Is wound EO turns of No. 24 H. C f. wire, half of tho turns being placed on each side of the shntt on which the secondary rotates. This shaft Is mounted approximately one-half men from the top or the tubo on which Is wound tho primary coll, as shown In diagram 1, "l4v Trinliitn by Itnillnphniic Verdi's famous opera "Ia Trav lata," produced so many times by fnmous stnrs of the operatic stage, linn recently been successfully "broadcast" by cxcellont nttlstw specially trained In the radio tech nique of the wireless studio. livery etugo setting, tho costumes, and thu action In all its detail was so care fully explained In advnnco that the large nnd unseen nudlcncu could plrturo tho Individual movement!) nnd surroundings. This oporallo fciiccesB, perfected In all Its detail, was carried nn tho tiny electric waves of tho rndlophono nnd ls but another marvel produced by this wonderful eclence. lU'ynnil Redemption. Tho minister had been talking to the little son of a neighbor. "It grieves mo very much, my young friend," ho remarked, "to hear you say tnat you pray for your mother nnd not for your father. N'ow, tell me tho teason." "What's tho use?" returned the boy. "Mammn Bays that dad Is be yond all hope." MANY INTERESTED IN HOME FOR C. C. Business Men of Nation Watching Projected Building changes as banter-for tho present. Admiral Plr William l'nkonham. comtiinnder-ln-chief of tho Urltleh nsval forces on the north Atlantic, tins notified tlio Hrltlsli embassy that he expects to visit Washington soon, nrilvlng nt Washington navy yard on his flagship tho cruiser Hal elRh, about May 2D. The admlrnl will remain In the capital until June nnti win be tno recipient or much hospitality both official nnd tier- sonal which will be returned In kind ny receptions or tho flagship. fly the PreM. WASHINGTON , May 14. llusl ness men nnd labor leaders are watching with Interest the getting under way of construction of the 12,000,000 pcim.incnt homo for tho I'nlted States chamber of commerce. Particularly the question i whether construction, on nn "onen shop" plan will encounter particular rosHtance from organized labor. It was first raised after prominent publication of nn article asserting that not n tool In. the hands of a union workman would touch the structure In Its erection nnd Hint not an ounce of material would come rrom a concern having union work ers. Elliott II. Ooodwln. vice President of the chamber anil executive In Its nffalis. hnd n Personal Interview with Samuel Onmpers, president of the American Federation of Iibnr concerning the matter. Following the Intcrwew Mr. Ooodwln remarked mat tho big rnntructlnn Jnh would he "nil right If the radical labor man nnd the radical business mntt can bo Kept out fir it.'l Mr. uoodwln Is snld tn hnve n-.lo,i Mr, Clomped to consider Jhat tho "chamber had as much rluht tn build Its hendqiinrterH on nn open shop basis In Washington ns did tho American Federation nt Iibnr n few years ngn to build Its offices hero on a eloe,i shop basis," "I'nlnn khop, not closed shoo. Mr. flood win," Mr. Campers Interrupted. iin uiso niKirii in Ills turn Hint "since the convei nation had dealt with rlghfs." Mr. floodwln nnd the other chamber executives should bo prepared to "concede tho right of unions to mako 'as many new mem bers ns they can from the workers on this proposed open shop enter prise." All concerned regard the ex- M.lntl.l la thn Inci..,! m.,l..l , ... till..., ..VIM,, lltu.JWb in the world. ICE Made From Pure Distilled Water Keep your refrigerator well filled with good pure Ice made from distilled water. Ice in the home is a real economy, for it saves food, pro vides comfort and protects your health in Hot Weather. For full weight, prompt courteous service CALL OSAGE 319 The White Wagons People's Ice Co. Pledged to Purity, Full Weight, "Good Service 2? Minnesota's Ten Thousand Lakes " is there that we are eoing, with our rods and reeU and traces " to the Ten Thousand Lakes, where the fighting muakel longe and the Gamy northern pike await your cast where the water's crystal-dear and the forest's cool and alluring. to the Ten Thousand Lakes, where there's fishing alter your own heart where the song ol the reel is answered by the swiit rush of the fighting fish whero Nature and Summer conspire to entertain you. Frt to Minnnon't Ten Thousind Lake ire the lowest In ytm. Ask us lor the Ten Tbouwnd Likes boc41 let our travel experts help you plan your vacadun. Uul, wme a pbcoe Oco. Ilrlstow, Asst. ticti. l'nv. Agt. 1 runk fi. Smith, City I'nw. Agt. I SI. reck. I list. Pass. Agt., "15 Walnut St.. Kitru-ns City, SIo., or boo j our locul Ticket Agent. Vlte CHICAGO GREkT WESTERN FARM-LABOR LEAGUE MEET Now Political Organization Mill Ho rorleotiil Hero Tonight. A meeting been railed fur Monday evetilni- n S o'clock in Judgo Williams' courlriKiiii nt tho court house for the purpose, ot nrgnnlrlng n Tulsa ciiunly division of tho Far- tner-Utbor Reconstruction League It wns announced by the Tulsa Trades and Labor Council night. Many supporters of Mayor J. C. Walton for gocrtior will attend nnd assist In thn organisation ot tho county committee. The farmer-labor league organiza tion is being completed rapidly throughout the state and thousands of adherents of the organisation in Tulsa nro nuxloiis to consolidate the sentiment for Mayor Walton that exists here. It Is eabl by lenders of the league. Victor H. I'urdv. urer of tho Oklahoma Stntn Federa tion of libor, will nddresi thn meet. Ing In behalf of Walton nnd the league. I STRIKE J Cigarette It's toasted. This ono oxtrn procoss glvos a raro and delightful quality imposslblo to duplicate Guaranteed by Superb New Eureka Phone Osage or Cedar 572 for free trial. Special easy payment Dlan. WATCH FOR OUR SATURDAY SPECIAL F.B. DESHON & CO. 805 South .Main "filings Electrical" Phono Osngo or Ccdnr 673 Hunting Hack to Washington. ADOFCOK, N, and Mrs. Harding nnd others of thn t HKAVIKW I'arty who have been hero as the I.x-.-n-.'iit. HMi-in in t,HHi left this afternoon for Wnshlngton. J Katy Summer Excursion Fares Ticket on sale today and daily until Sept. 30th Long Limit and Stop-Overs WYOMING MISSOURI ELDOUADO SP'GS MICHIGAN HKNTON HAItBOrt CHAIILKVOIX .... PBTOSKKV POUT HUHOV .... SOUTH IIAVKN ... COLORADO ,$in.Ho fiii,.-!:, (i:i.3,-i r,:.H(i YKLI.OWSTONi: P'K. .$50.00 WISCONSIN np:NVKit -in.oo colohado ai'itiNas. .40.00 PUK11I.O 40.00 CLKNWOOD SPKINOS 53.(10 CALIFORNIA LOS AN013LKS 70.50 HAN FUANCISiCO 711.50 SAN DIKUO 7U.50 NORTHWEST PORTLAND. ORH. ... 81.00 SBATTLB, WASH. ... Hl.00 TACOMA, WASH 81.00 AHIILANI) ...s. 2.R HAHAHOO 50.70 KILliOlJIlNH 63.85 HTUItCJBON I1AVT .... 65.50 WAUPACA 53.20 MINNESOTA ALEXANDRIA 60.00 Dl'LUTH 51.05 MINNI2APOLIS 42.0.1 ST. PAUL 12.05 NEW YORK PLATTSHURO 85,03 NIAOARA FALLS .... 07.1.'. LAKK CHATAUQUA . 01.40 NEW ENGLAND PORTLAND, Mi:...... 101. 15 PLYMOUTH. N. II. ... 07.00 RUTI-VND, VT 00.40 Correspondingly low fares to many other points not shown above Get particulars from Any Katy Ticket Agent or write M. C. Aldcrson Passenger and Ticket Agent 105 East Fourth St. TULSA, OKLA. SHORTENING FOR SHORTCAKE 'I'hl' bounll (ill ittanlictty cmp li.n nude one nl tlia uiott delip.httul ol II ileetls poilllito lot all. In making ittan lictry ihottrake, tlioviph, 1 mutt ni ne the me of Mm. Tucker's Shottcn Ing;. Ittpmelyc metallic content makes the kind of rilsp, flaky iastry that li one (if the ilclluhli nl tlili libelous (lllll. Uie Alr. T utfc. tt'i Shortening tot all pour poilri; cimf loii'I tinier toorru about iciuli. P1 RADIX GINGER ALE Healthful RcfrehingHas Foot! Value Mado from Radix Sterilized Wntcr. For salo by all druggists and grocers Or order enso direct RADIX BOTTLING CO. Ccdnr 503 Osago 503 The Grip Of A Man's Hand r t- i p.... .1 nvr t iou rina oirengin or weaKness .What Does Your Grip Show? Hnvo you tho firm, forceful power of a . - .1 1.1 1 i.. ;i s .i Ilinn wiiwsu iiiwini in riru la iron Ilia kind Uint inspires confidence and wins bucccbs or Iiavo you tho fcehle, hesitntinff clasp of a weakling. Vfhosohlood needs iron? Nuxntetl Iron builds etrong, keen, rcd- hloodcu uieu nnd women. If you tn not ttronft or well, you own ti I,, I,, buui inning nuiAtea iruu inu which m etretiitu- Rivnif;, upliiilldlnir ctTrcL Intwowedi' tlmo eeo for yourtelf wii lonot a rlnngo lia taken pUco ill tlio (rip of , your nana una o amannt of atrrngth and emluranoa LOOKFORTHE BLUE PAIL 1''"r h'"' l,y unl";r Un'lf C0 ul"1 A" 0'nP nrocslsti Advertisement. Certain-teed Impervious to Driving Rain Tho severest rain storms only malco you appreciate Certain-tecd Roofing the more. It keeps the interiors of yourhouso, barn or other buildings dry and prevents damngo from wntcr. Curtaln-tced, properly laid accord ing t tho instructions enclosed in every roll, is firmly cemented together into a one-piece roof Impervious to rain or snow. It provides complete weather pro taction. ' Certain-toed Is spark-proof and fire retarding. It is guaranteed for five, ten or fifteen years, according to weight. With all its superiority, Certain tecd costs less to buy, less to lay and less to maintain than any other typ of good roofing. See your dealer about Certain-tecd Roofing. If he hasn't enough in stock, ha can get more for you quickly from a nearby Certain-teed distributing center. Certain-leed Products Corporation General Offic.i, St Loula OlfkM toi WuiLnui la Priall CIUm riaintee CERTAINTY OF dUAUTy AND GUARANTEED SATISFACTION - CERTAIN-TEED J !-3' .1 If: a in .1 1 i, si