TULSA DAILY WORLD, MONDAY, MAY 15, 1922 i f IN THE OIL FIELDS Office B2U? ItcuMcnro 2112. 1 Oh MMfkrl tlmilNlliina Kan A Okla.. Si.oo , 1:1 Domrln, Ark. o llealdtra l.0 Cement ....x. l to Walter , l.o I'lectr I n llenrlttta .... i.3t Hut kburnntt ... niotm Co. ... Ill Cordon lUhl LIS Coreltena. h'y .7 Meila Ml Pierce June, .. .10 Hour t.ak i It Itumtile l.l V Coliimtil . Ml Caddo I l.no On .Mo. II in l -. Caddo, heavy., 1 l Homer !.oo Hull llonii ... I, tn iiayneeviiie ... I'ennaylvanle Ml Catiell . Ml Corning L0 llagland I.0 Momer-el, Until.' I I' ttnrr.erstt ...... J.0 Minn I.t Indian .... Illinois .... Wooater .... trlnrlon Waterloo Canada .... i:ik llaaln .. ilmra creek Mil H n.1,1 if . 1.41 Mill Creek 1.1" Cut Ok Mont. . f Off for Kansas Cttu Tim World will li icprfiiriilfil rtt llio Kriimim City Gnu .Mi'ii'H ron voli tion I'V thn oil nlUnr, wlio will mmit dully irporlfi ly wlm nriil ly loiter mid will lm duly urnti-fiil If tlm llnd frlMiilH of Tim World will HOIIll III Oil Itl'IIIH lIlllltlK hi iilifiiov. It will bo wry i any, It IIiIm Ik iIiiiii', to inulio tlio oil ixitt'J iltniHiiully lit trnctlvp while lio Im awiiy. 1'Iiomi In no much of lull-rent tlirmi dnjH tluit It Ik linrdly inllilo to Ket nuny from Iimiiu wltlioiil nntiictlilni liopiionliiK o( minimal and far rerichlnK ltit'ret and lniiinrlniire. turn now ivciyliody In lookliift for a rlao In jirlcu tun! It would upriear khoiI litinlneiiM on tlm nart of thn Iiur-linci'i". of cruitu to inaloi thll niivaiiro ami iminii u now, wiiun ion fields that havo licnit flunli nru dill I'todiirliiK at leant u pail of their IiIkIi production. Ah tlm world flulit for oil con tlmiofl, tliero will lm no inui'li of thn Creatent Intel cut, to relate, ax for In etnnro tho lienil of tlio Uoynl Dutch Hindi. Kir Henri W. A. HeterdlnK. who'liaB licin vlnltliiK tho Mltl-Coti-tlnontiil field mid linn liecn Imcok nlto nil thn way, In out with tlio nt-itctiimit that ho will "not he a party to nnytliliif that would roh previous nwncrn, and Hiivrr Would wo ho rorolvorri illri'i'tly or Indlreet ly of rlolon property." Thin with reifcrencn to tlm reported hIkiiIiik of an nh'teement with Husi-l-i for part of tlio Ilnltil oil field. It Im InlurcMInc to nolo that yearn nKO, at leant flvo or nix yearn hofoio tho news nf thn flKnlilK of tho treaty between IUimIii and tlermany vwii unnounred, that HiIh wry HiIhk wan nntlvlpnted hero. It wan aloim nlinut 1015 that Henry Mcllmw at tho head of tho Cllilf pipe lino and tlio Oypny Oil company, illncimnlnit tlio war with Oerinany romarlud to tin writer: "Wo aro flt-liHni; for n world-wldo democracy, .mil who can Kliarunteo that ("ormmiy, ftftur nho linn been properly 'licked,' can ho luaho to keep up n democratic form if itovernniont and conform to our lilnm ot rlulit and Jimt.ce, In her dcnllncn Willi other iiiUIomh." Tlio nlipvn In nlvou an nhowliiR how clonely Tnl'ii oil men necen. mirlly must keep In touch with a world-uldo nltuntlonl an oil In now kliiK, or lit leant Is thu houo of con tentlnn liotwecu all great niitloiin. Tho fight for ntiprcmacy In tho oil world, In Krowlnit moro hitter uv ery day, with Uniilaud lonlnu Kinund on account of tho decllno In Mex ican oil flcUln. Tho outlook, tlicre fore, for the Mld-Cotitlmmt field, In very lirlKht, and thuro nro hut mlKhty fow tlilnKH that iiilnht lmi lien to hold hack thu development of thin, tho best oil country on'enrth and tho vornt peldotu hnppenn. tower Kates to Kansas Refiners lly th AftClAail Vitn. TOI'tiKA. Kan., .May 1 1. Oil rt fluerlcH of "niiwiH may niviiro lower railroad rntcn In liaiinan on criulo oil an tho rt'milt of h licnrliii; today heforo tlio Mnto pulillo ullllllen com inlmloii. Tho petition for lower rat en unn iniido liy InilclK'iiilctit iX'flncrleM Mho clnliu tlicy nru iiuahlo to i-ompctu with Mr rcflnerlin who oK'rate (heir own pipeline".. It wan kIioiwi that n number of email rcflucilcn In Kan tuui nro Khiit down nt tho pnwnt tlmo Ikkkuiso of tlio cunt of railroad tranportaton of cnulo oil. Oil on the Towusttc of Tcrlton In u wdro from Tcrlton. which miiiD tuu mtu mi $VBKviny n 11 uliii. It In reported that thoro In n well iimklnK 100 burreln on thu town lotn In that city. This well In probably owned by I.nu i;i;nn and othcrn of Cleveland, Okla., who wcro reported nn be I n K about ready to tl ill I an old well deeper. Slick, Goldrick & liaker's Iiig Well at Pioneer, Texas, liest News of the Day Tho l'ennnnt Oil company (Onld rick r llakor) and Thomna II. Hllc'. havo n, well flowlni; bettor than 6,000 barroln per day In .18 feet of nand in their No. 1 j;nnl lirynon, at rwncfM-, TexaM. Thin well In one-quarter of a ml to ciuo cant or tno .stoiie-.McMunav "Kiiohor." which In Ihreo weckn old nnd vtill miiklnrT .1,000 barrels per day with an Initial production of 3,400 Darrein. The latter well In 60 feet In tho nay nand. Thin test, which In No. 1 for the lcanc. In Jimt another evldenco that OIL AND GAS Lrnaas 'utHilIra rroiturtlou, Kt. Wanted to buy Production or cloto-ln acreage offsetthiK drilling wells favorably located. Will also consider ilrllllnR proposition. CI4 Kennedy HulldliiR. Advertisement Wanted Strlnc of caslnp for 3.-000-foot test, Cowley county, Kan., tor interest In well and ncrcaBo. Call Otngtf 52 or address box 3222-C1 caro of World. Adv. Ciudo Oil for S.ih! Fresh Crude, of IiIkIi Krnvlty for ale, loaded In cars at Okmulb'eo or iiiisa, consolidated I'lpu Una C Tulsa, Okluhonia, Advortltenwnt. For Halt A few small Interests In well now drilling In tho llrlstow field, clone to bin production, nrac ttcally proven. This Is yojr clianco to Ret In on the urounrt floor. You nro dcalhiR direct with the owner. Addrens 2 S 3-13, enro World. Adver tisement, Tor Kale Complete atrliiR ot standard tools. In Rood '.'ondttlou. Also a stiliiK ot 16, izft 10. S"l nnd 6S heavy caslPK, In A-l shapn For further tntorinutlon t J, M Myer. Ilnnis llotol, Ada, Okla. Ad- vcrimemeni. V. If. IT.CIC I. O. Ilnf 33. the ownern aio mlxhtv fino oil men, and frlendn of Tom Hllek hero will be mlKhly clad to hear of bin Hood fortune. It In tlio hlh'Kcnt mid heal nnivn of thn day, Tho Pennant lnteretn and Mr. Hit, k are nlr'inc wells ono loenllon eon I li and one lorntlou went, anil nro alno offsetting the widl to tlm went by a lorntlou mutli of It on the 'Jen ton farm. No. V for tho lenno, In which Anion ('nloti owns a quarter Inteiest anil tho reiinnnt oil com pany thu teinnliiliu: Ihree-ipiai tern tntcrent. Mvriinu ot (las Men Opens in Kansas Citu Todaji Thin werk'n innxtlnK In Knnn; rity win be thn eventoeiitli annual Riiiherlm; of thn Natural (Inn nnnn- in 1 1 mi of America, tho orRiiulzatlon havinir had Itn luinpllon In 190,1. Hlnee that yenr lln neopo of activity ban been widened ntendlly until t ilny It exlondn all over tho country iiiul wields a rniintriict.vu Influence for Kood of tlm Kan Industry every where thn product In produced, ills ttlbiitcd and consumed, AinoiKt those who nro scheduled to appear on thn convention iro Kram aro II. C. Cooper, chief eiiRl ni er of tlm Hope Natural (Ian com pany and affiliated enneernn, who will have n paper On thn nuhjed of "Htambirill7.ntlou;" Henry Morris of tlio Dallas (Texan) tint company, who will havo a jiapnr on "What the Natuinl flan Companies Aro Dolmt to Help tho Consumer (let the (lieatcnt Vntnn from 1 1 In Natural Clan Hcrvleo," nnd (I. C. Maxwell, who formerly wan necretary of the Oh'o l'ubllo Hervlco commission, will speak. Auothnr paper will bo pretented by J, W. Dana of Kansas City Can company, whose nllbjeet In "Tho Intctilvlermlnato Franchise." Offlcern of tlm Natural (Inn asso rlatlon of America nrn- J,. II, Hen iiIiik of rlttnburfth, l'a president, and William II. Way, auio of l'lttn liurKh, nceretnry and treasurer, Vice presidents aio K. 1'. Whltcomb, II. I.. Montisomery and N. C. Mcdowen. Dlrectorn of tho association whose terniH of offleo explro thin year aro J. II. Corrln of 1'lltHliurnb. .1. .1. Mc Mahnn of Cleveland, Freeman T. Itaijleson nf Columbus, It. O. Altlzcr of Charleston, Alfred Hiirlhurt of litlnbumli and .1. 1). Crevellntr of Now York. Directors whono terms of offleo explro In 1923 nro C. W. Kcnrn of Cleveland. I IC. I.auKdou of Cincinnati, II. C. Morris nt Dalian. T. J. Jone of Columbus. H. A. Will lace of Charleston and M. W, Walsh of lulnvllle. Thn ndvlnory committee nf thn im- nnclatlon In composed of II. I Hoover of Clnrlnnutl, H. C. Ollphani of Iluffalo. Kay C. Krlck of Colum- biiB. . onciih f. ouffey or nttsiMirRii, Inmen T. Dynn of Detroit, Krncst U. Ilriindctt of KaunaH City, .Marim u, Dnlv of Cleveland. A. 11, Maellctll of l.on Anb'elen. John M. Oarard of Columbus, W. It. McKeii7.li! of Kan nnn City, and J. C. McDowell of 1'lttnburKli. Atlantic Petroleum Has Another My Well Tho Atlantic, I'otroleum corpora tion No. 5 on the Flla Harry farm wan commoted Monday nitornoon. llowlnir 105 barrels per hour from tlio Dutcher nand topped nt :,'.mii feet. It Is now II! feet In tho pay nand. The well In tho second location west of tho riouthctmt of tho south half of tho northwest of 2S-K1-0. No. 4 on tin tract wnn completed about 10 dny nKO. n 600-bnrrel pro ducer, and In still flowing 40 Parrels per hour frotn'thls natuo nnud. Crawford Celebrates Six teenth Anniversary lonien K. Crawford and Mm. Crnwfoul relebrated thole nlxteonth nnnlvorsary Friday and tliero wan u program of mtinlo by tho little girls and n nuulity roou unto ttonornuy, .MarKarei. ono, or ins uirin. oi- feted a poom In celebration of the event, wliloh In dedicated to mother and daddy and Is an follows: "Sixteen yearn nun today. Your wedding announcements wore mailed. On n beautiful day, tho 12th-of May, into tlio hiirdalilpH ot itto you sailed At first. Just lovers, now mother nnd Had. With six blc Klrln and ono llttlo son Hut still you ara lovers, and your lionitM nro clan. For your chlldrru'H lovo weighs many n ion, Intcrestlny News From Around Muskoyec Lantz Ilrothers nro mcotlitR with some success In epuililliiK around n lost bit nt 3, (WO feet ut No. 1 Hullrion In 4-15-18, and thoy am probably itriiiuiR a kui u today. Tlio lorma lion In looacnlnR up and tho rook or marble, or whatever It Is that tho bit Iiiih been In for tho last 300 teet In llRhtcnliiR up In color. South nt MuskORco In CS-lt-S. Hloutz-IIaln nud associates are drill Ink ut 1,455 feet. At 1.350 foot they ran Into a llttlo bunch of sand which carried minium's. Tho 10-Inch hole Is In Rood shapo dnnn this far and they urn inaktiiR Rood proRicss. This week oiiRht to btiiiK sumo newn for thin location. Tho Ulusher test east of MuakOKcn In shut down temporarily at 3,000 feet. Reports on tho streets thin last week said tho hole had been abandoned but nu Interested party denied that this wnn n fact. tiam Mc.Pherson and others on tho M. K. Thompson farm In 30-15-20, havo wen nhut down for n few days at 3C0 feet. Hamilton nnd associates In 1-1 4-1 S south nt tho city are dun In sand, and the same township In section 2S. Iledlc. nud others on tho Mencer farm nro underreamhiR down tn 1.875 feet where, they havo a showing of oil, but a small hole. Several wildcat tests for this locality nro proposed for futuro drill. I iik but they Havo not reached tno ntace when tho location can be kInoii out. From the Muskoge Dally Phoonlx. fit-cat Shollovf Wells. Up northwest of Wogoner In 1-17-17 thoro Is a shallow rand pool beltm opened by thu UlvorUnd Oil nnd Has company. This comrmnv has one woll there which Is makliiK 15 bnr- rej at 177 to 194 feot. The com- pnny is uiiuma another now nt 50 feet, nnd parsed throURh tho shallow wen in uie pool, sovernl months old now, in n-Rklnu flvo barrels, dan In iuuuu arouuu there too at about 770 feet and oil n lilt deeper -From tho ,Munkoi;oo bally I'liocnlx. From Stroud Mp"' i"l Ifi'Tlis WnrM Thn I'rnlrlo Oil St flnn Co., In tlm nouthenst of thn southwest ot 31-11-7 In down to 3,715 feet, nnd Is piilllmr tho cnnhiK to abandon. Hllck No, In tho northwest of thn northeast of thn northeast nro down about l.af.O feet ami In duo to find thn llruner and within tho next day or two O. 1'. & It. In spudding In thn southwest nf tho northwest of thu northeast of 31-IC-7. Hllek No. i, located In thn north enst of tho noiilheakt of 32-1C-7 In down about Sfl'l feet. Iron Mountain, In thn northwest of tho northeast of .13-lfi-7 In down about 1,000 fret and In duo to until tlm llruner wind within thn next ilny or two, O, C. Iluekiin nnd II. C. Iteilcrnvn nro KcttlriK tendy to mnvn In tools for n well In tho southeast of 2-11-0. Loyalty anil Knthtislusm There nrn no finalities thnt nn em ploynr nppi eiialeH moro In a mem ber of tho fotco than loynlty and en thusiasm. Thin In particularly trim of a salesman or worker outside of lhf off Iff Tn feel confident that an employe In workliut for thn Interestn of the concern with tho veiy host ability and Judgment thnt Im linn U H'imethInK Hint will innko nu em ployer forwlvo a lol nf mistakes, Thn mistaken may be remedied nnd thn one who makes them tniiRht to avoid them next tlmn. Them nr many who nro no nfrnld of rnnklnK mln taken that they never do nnylhlnR or xet anywheie. If the head of nu nil company fi-els tliln way about hln cinployes and iiiembein of tlm orRnnl7,itlon ho should take n lesson from thin Idea and practice It on hln ansnelatlon. To know what In wanted N a Rood deal. Any merchant will tell you that It In niueh harder to (ell what the roli numer In roIiir to wnnt thnn to Ret It for him. When n lot of mem ber of any nrKanlarllnn for mutual benefit keep absolutely quiet durliiR tlm twelve months of n yenr It In nntural to niipposo that they are i;ot. thiR whnt thev want. Loyally nnd enthuslnHm for tho orRanlnntlon must bn lackhiR If they do not cam what tho dhi'ctorn do. Thn really Rood member shown hln enthusiasm nnd Invnlty bv npeaklnR n Rood word to all Tor thn orRnul ration, but nioin than that by tellitiR llinso In cbarRo what ho wantn and thinks. Thn National Petroleum Marketers' nssorlntlon weleomen let ters of rrltlclsm. Tell us whnt you wnnt and how you thlnlMhat It may bn had, Prnvn your loyalty nnd en thusiasm by takltiR n llttlo thmiRht how to ninko the orRnnUatlnn better. National Petroleum Marketers Weekly Trado Ilultetln. Tonkawa, lllackwcll and Deer Creek Operations IONKAWA. May 1 1. Southwest ern Petroleum company No, 8 Fast Murray, nouthwest ot lQ-21-lw. wan drilled four feet In tho 2, 000-fnot mind Friday mnrnlne. Menniired by thn RatlRO tho flow showed GB har- Min per hour, natural, tho oriiunit In nt thin well extends production better than a quarter mllo ennt In thn dnnn. or 2.fi00-foot Hand. .no. i near tho center of Urn cant side of tlm Mimn tract, cot tho ton ot tho nand Friday inornlnR. nut won snui down tn wnlt for a bradonhcad to drill In for Rnn. The sand wn Dnroiy touched by thn bit. and showqd 3,000,000 feet of Ran In the hole. minor u i company iwo. i uiran- chanl, south halt of tho northeast of 3-21-lw. has set thn II D-S-lnch cnnlnR on ton on tho 2.000-foot for mat on preparatory to druiltiR in in tho pay, Should production be hnd nt thin location, tho nrfn. will bo extended ono mile nnd n quarter northeast. M.ACK-.VF.M., May 14. Tho Olobo Oil corporation of Denver that has a, drlllhiR contract to put down a deep test for tho Huston Oil ft Can Co, In thn northeast ot the southwest of 34-28-20. ono mllo and a half southwest of Newklrli, nfter il shutdown of over n month In net tltiK rendy to resume operation. A ltolo wan drilled to a depth of 3,(140 feet with thn bit ono foot In n sand that ma do little oil. Tho bit Is said tn have heen fast In tho hole when tho shutdown occurred, U In under stood thnt a now bit nnd other ma torlal hnn been purchnnfd and money deposited In a Newklrk bank for futuro operation. It Is expocte,! to encounter tlio Marlnud sand nt 3,800 feet, or In tho event nf n fallttro tho drill will bo put down 4,000 feet. A number nf lllackwcll and Tonkawn men are Interested In the venture, Henry Stnuffacher nnd OeorRO Nchcr nro setlltiR tho fl 5-8-Inch ens hiK preparatory to drilling In thn 700-foot shallow Ran eand nt No, Peyton, northwest of 31-28-le, tho old lllackwcll field. H. I Spencer and lllackwcll Oil & Ons Co. No. 1, southwest of 13-2i!-lw, Is bolus drilled ut 1.100 feet. IH'F.tt CllKFK. May II. Dlnck well Oil & Can Co. No. 1 Lane, nortbthenst ot 22-27-3w, Rot tho top or iho deep snnd nt 3.30S feet with the bit In nt .1.337, srq. Mil! drltlliiK with a Rood showliiR for oil and pas. Western States OH .fc ljind Co. No. 1 Ktownrt. southeast of 22-!7-3w, Rot tho top ot tho sand at 3.303 teet, and aro shut down wnltliiR for tank' iiRn to handle production, Kchon wald. (lurley .t Vlckery No. 2 Mar tin, south half of the southwest ot 3-2,-3w, are on top of tho nand nt 3,354 feet, with n showliiR for oil. lllackwcll oil & tins Co. No. 2 .Mar- tin, north half of the southwest of 3000 of So&d Corojotfir Your legs nro tho two best reasons for wearing PARIS Garters. You can bo sure of 300O flours of trim nocks and happy legs fox 35 cents il you fay PARIS when you next buy Garters. P4R1S GARTERS NO METAL CAN TOUCH) YOU Paris Garters Id hours a day ASTEIN & 23-27-3w, still hnn nn.underrenmlnit Job on top of tho 3,300-foot sand. Much Interest In Cowley County, Kan. It would seem llmt moro Inter est In helm: shown In Cowley county. Kansas, slnco tho first of thn year and moro outsldn work KoInK on thnn nny tlmo since tho npcnlnR of tho P.Idorndo nnd AiiRUstn, llutlcr counly, Knne.n, fields, both of which nro Just to tho north of Cow ley. Tho production hnn Rradunlly worked north from Oklahoma to wardn thn noulh Cowley county line, nnd across thn lino Into Cowley, whern tliero In already inmo nice prtiiliu tlrni In both tho Peru nnd Mnrtlesvllln sands. Thn production ban also worked south from the Hut ler county fields Into tho north edKe of Cowley. The fact thnt the A. I. or Fox-Ilusli Mind produdnK on tho north sldn of tho county ban re cently been proven beyond a doubt to bo thn llnrtlenvllln sand or tho sarno wind an produclriR nt Ilurbnnk, And thn fail that this same sand occurs In unveral plnccn In Cowley whero pnoln have been produclriR for neveral yearn makes It very evi dent that tho llartlesvllle sand, ns well ns thn Pnru nnd other pnndn ulll cross Cowley county. All of thn aercnRii between thn llurhank pool to tho south nnd tho A. I. or Fox Illlnh on tho north, In beliiR leaned nnd blocked for thn ilrllllnR ot wells nnd a number nf welln nro nlrendy ilrllllnR. The extension of tlm Fox Hush pool seven miles south Into Cowley county by thn brltiRhiR In several monthn iiro of tho I'nslman well in 7-30s-fie, hnn caused n lot of work to bn stalled In that section and no less than a half 1ln7.cn wells nin drlllhiR soma of which will bn In thin month, nnd others Just ntnrtlnR. The hrlm-ltiR In or two more Rood wnlln by tho I.lttln Pirate oil company. (Trees brothers Inter csts) nn the Clark ranch In tl-31-4, hnn caused thn starting of fovcrnl I'litililn welln around this pool, an follows- Transcontinental Oil company In 12-30-3, ilrllllnR at 2,200 feet. Arkansas Nnturnl Can compnny in .iu-.ii. -, oriiiinR ni 1,000 feet, t llrown brothers In 3231-4, drlll hiR nt GOO feet. lenso O. Miller n 21-31-4. drilllne at 500 feet. Hawiilns nnd others In .1.11.4. npuddliiR. lust enitt nf tho town nt WlnrlnM In tho center of 2I.32-4, W. M. Mc Knnb, drilling a deep tent, picked up tho shallow sand which hnn been producing; for ne.vornl years on tho Peacock nnd 1 ledum farms, about two miles east of thin nnd at 1.470 feet ban n well with 30 feet of cnml sand pumplnR 75 barrels of 30 grav ity oil natural per day. This H causing n lot of excltemont ns llttlo oriiiinR nnt noon dono for this snnd. mum m mo wens oning stopped In tho shallow sand found nt 800 foot. Star machines nro being moved In to drill for tho shallow sand nnd tho deep tent will bo mndo with the standnrd outfit. There hns been but iiuio uniting done 011 tho direct lino between tho llurhank pool on tho south nnd the Fox-Hush field on tho north nnd n great many wells aro starting, some of which nrn nn fol lows: Hotter Slinwyor of Wichita 2 Callahan 1, Ilurgo and others 1. Lressler Petroleum company 1. Crcssler petroleum company and Martin &. Cadmnn rii.irln. t.- v. blo Oil & Onn Co. 1, Ilalllcrs &'farr nnd Pryor & Dockhnrr 1. Theso are nil In likely-looking ter ritory nnd will bo watched with n Krear. ueni 01 interest. Further east several welln aro drilling nnd It iookh mm 1110 runups Petroleum company nnd T. It. Slick have opened n couplo of Peru nand pools ni utiiv lurruury. Quit Your Kicking! You may kick nbout your landlords .11111 your taxes nnd your rent 1 011 mny cilnn your politicians, And tho fortunes they have spent. You may howl about your wenther ami your water nnd your dust For you're nlwayn cussing something jimi oocnuso you thing you must. You would 'tick nt old St. Peter If you saw tho pearly Ratol ion would even cuss the devil, Jf you landod In hla state. So stop up your cussed kicking, Put a brldlo on your tongue. iiu ininn ni nn tno suckers. Who left Tulsa, to be stung. Thn distant fields looked greener. Tho far-off hills looked rich: Hmall wonder that the suckers (lot full of tracer's Itch. Uut the distant fields wers bitter lth thistles, weeds and tare's; And thn far-off hills wero barren. Of all but traps and snares, t (Moral "They nil como back.") Noto: The ulnivo poctlo effort was discovered In tho oil editor's wantebasket, but at that Is probably no wnrrlo than the nverngo oil field poetry. Colonel Kcwell Is Dead Colonel Newell, formerly well .nowii In oil circles In Oklahoma, having opernted nt Cloveland In the early days of tho Pawnee county de velopment. l!cd yesterday following nn operation for appendicitis, nt Son Antonio, Texas according to a mrs sago received by hla attorneys nnd llfelonR friends, Hen Hlce nnd Tom Lyons. Colonel Newoll wan a part ner of tho Into John T. Mllllkon In tho Golden Cycle Mine In Colorado and In tho Mllllkon Oil & Iteflnlng Co. which was purchased by Hurry Sinclair In 1916 for 810.000,000. Tho Houis work for you COM PANY sympathy of the oil fraternity and of a laign circle of frlendn In cxtonded to .Mrs, Nowoll. Colonel nnd Mrs. Newell resided for 10 years nt South Denver nvenuo nnd took a very prominent part In tho social llfo of Tulnn. Completions the Past Week In the Osage Chnrlen Piiko Jinn a 25-bnrrol pro diper, natural. In tho 1,708 to 1.720 foot snnd In No, 3 In tho northwest of tlio northeast nf thn northwest ot tho northeast of 6-20-11, Osngo. Tho Midland Oil company No. 30, nt tho southeast of the northeast of thn southeast of tho northeast of 28-22-lOc, Is Rood for I'i barrels after n 100-qunrt shot In tho 1,823 to 1,860-foot sand. Petein nnd associates No. 2 at tho southwest of tno southeast of the southwest of tho northeast of 6-22-12, In n 20-ba'rreI producer. C. II. Peters No. 18, at tho center of thn went lino of thn northwest of 13-23-8, Is 11 400-bnrrel well after thn shot. Sand wnn found from 2,110 to 2,1(18 feet. Tho Douglas Oil company test In the northeast of tho nowthwest of tho southwint of thn northwest of 28-23-9, In making 20 barrels dally niter the shot. Tho Hex PyrtVmld Oil company No, 1 In tho northeast of the north west of thn southwest of tho south west of tho northwest of 28.23-0, In a 20-barrcl well In shallow pay picked tip from 420 to 443 feet. Jt wan shot with 20 qilartn Thu DoiiRlnn Oil company No. 5 nt the southwest ot tho northwest of 33-24-80, In making 15 barrels natural In tho 1,908 to 2,000 foot pay; sarno Interests, No. 18 In thu southeast nf tho northwest ot 33 Is a 1 '.'-barrel well In tho 725 to 737 foot cnml, while No. 20 In the south west of the northeast of 33 In mak lng 10 barrels In tho 1,070 to 1,707 foot land. Tho Winona Oil company No. 2 In tho northwest of tho north east of tho northwest of the south east of 2824-10, In n 20-barrcl pro- iiucer rtrter tho shot. C. W. Titus has a 15barrcl well nfter tho shot In hln test at tho southwest corner of tho northeast of 1224-11. Tho Oklahoma Petroleum corpor ation has 11 12-harrel woll nfter n shot In thn 1,689 to 1, 720-foot snnd, in No. : in tho southeast of thu northwest of 12-24lle. Tho Kownneo Oil nnd Cinn com pany No. 4 In tho northwest of tho northeast of 4-20-C, llurhank pool, tn eatimatcil at 350 b.-mvls In tho regular llurhank pay. Tho Ke wanee'n No. 5 nt the center of thn southeast ot tho southwest of tho northeast of 4-26-6, is Rood for 500 barrels. Tho Oypny Oil company has a 700-barrel producer In Itn No. 11 nt tho center of tho northenst of tho northwest of tho northwest of 6-26-0. Tho Devonian Oil corporation No. 9 In tho center of tho southwest of tho northwest of tho southwest of 5-20-fi, Is making 770 barrels after u 100-qunrt shot. Tho Cosden Oil nnd Iteflnlng com pany No. 12. In the center of tho northeast of tho northwest ot the northeast of 6.26-fi, Is good for 208 barrels after 11 shot. Tho Sinclair Oil and Iteflnlng company No. 7, In the northwest Ladies Let Culicura Keep Your Skin Fresh arid Yound Sota,OlntniitT---i V tTT,ri-, Fflr-.lroIIi dd, raa i Cut.u Laraurlf,Si fiX. uailta. Mm "GOODYEAR" MKAXS GOOD WEAR Forster-Davia Motor Corp. HIS South .Main Osage 1610 Osiiro 1810 STEAMSHIP TICKETS FOR SALE All Lines Inquire Exchange Trust Company 14 East Third PUBLIC SALE! Thirty-five head Holstcin Cows, all highX grade, to be sold to highest bidder. All cows in cow testing association and milk record can be furnished. AH tubercular tested. Horses, Mules, Tractor, Baler and Other Machinery Too Numerous to Mention A CLEAN-UP SALE One Mile East of Rose Hill Cemetery on Federal Drive, IV2 Miles South of Dawson, JOHN POLSTON Rain or Shine corner of the southwest of 29.27-6, Is flowlnR 3.000 barrels. " Tho Phllllps-Skclly No. 4 tho nritrheast of tho northwest of 30-27-6. In good for 500 barrels after a 195-qtinrt shot. Tho Carter Oil company No. 9, In the southwest of tho southeast of tho southwest of 31-27-6. Is esti mated nt l.tfiO barrels dally. Tho Sinclair Oil nnd Iteflnlng company tint In tho northwest of tho northeast of 32-27-6, In a 450- borrol well; No. 3 In tho center or tlm soulhwr.st of tho northwest of tho northeast of 32-276 In esti mated ot 830 barroln. Tho Oypny Oil company No. 7 In estimated at 1,700 burxoln per day 'nnd Is located at tho center of tho northeast of tho southeast of tho northwest of 32-27-6. No 9 sarno farm In good for 700 barrels per day nfter n 120-quort shot. Wnlto Phllllpn No. 1, In the south west of tho southeast ot 33-27-6, Is making 425 barrels per day. Failures In the 0.iro tho past week aro those of tho Winona Oil company No. 12, In tha southeast nf thn southwest of tho southeast of 27-22.10, Which Is dry nnd nbnndoned nt 2,060 feet. Thn Htclnhurg-I.iican tost In tho southwest cf tho northeast of 20 22-1 1, in dry nt 1,7.45 feot. Tlie Western American Oil com pany has n duster nt 2,160 feet In No. 3 In tho southwest of tho south east of tho southwest ot tha north ennt of 28-24-10. Tho Marlnnd Iteflnlng compnny test In thn northwest of tho south- cast of U-26-3e, In dry and aban doned nt 4,130 foct. Morris District. Tho Tidal Oil company has a 65- barrel well in No. 4 on the M. Har ris farm, southeast of tho center of tho northwest of 26-l'3-14. nt 2,080 to 2,089 teet, total depth 2,109. w. -;. Reynolds hao nn nonn-ilnned- well In No. 3, I Slmpaon farm, center of tho north lino of tho northeast of the southeast of 31-13-14, abandoned nt 2,045 feet. Council Hill District. A. O. Hnzlctt No. 3, U Hontlo farm, southwest of tho corner of the southwest of 5-13-15 mndo n show- CALVIN O. SMITH Municipal Bonds Bought and Sold Cennty Hernia rllr llfiniti SfhiK.I tllatrlrt Itnml IHntrlrt I'liiirirs Ounirr IJO-I. II 0. 71. Krnnril- lllilc, Tiilm. nkln. PATTERSON STEEL CO f.liaams Crmnnal. Angle. Plntra Itrlnferrint Ultra Cemplrle Stffl llnllrllnrs Offlrf, Minp nnd U'nrfhnni "winthu and Trlaee It. II. -nln Omx .Ul "GOODYEAR" MUANS GOOD WEAR Forster-Davis Motor Corp. HIS South Main Osncc lull) Osnse 1810 "Why Pay More? Watch and Clock Repairing Crystals 25c Cleaning 75c to J1.60 Main .Springs 75a to $1.50 Halanco Jewels (1.60 Balance. Stnffa 2.00 Itcsulated Free All Work Guaranteed OLIVER Tho Jeweler Floor HobltiMui Second nidrj. nil. STRANDBERG McGREEVY & CO. MUM flints New Tork Stock tt-cbang. Chicago Hoard ot Trad. New Orlan Cotton Uietiang. I'UIVATIi WIHCS STOCKS. CHAIN. COTTON Ubfrty Donda Hon hi and Bold PAUL U. IIIXO.N. Maruigcr I'HONK -2(1(1 Itl Cnal Third rtt (Hotel Tnltnl MISSOURI KJty fcR, gum-in. sttooi Summer Camp -begins Tuesday, June 27, 1922. Term runs two months. Regular term begins Thursday, September Term runs nine months. Early anrollmtnt In both Summtr Camp and Acartamy la nacaa-ary, aa capacity la annually taxed. Catalogue. Addreaa COL. E. Y. BURTON, Preildent Bo 1007 Maalco, Mo. May 17 14, 1922. i i I lng of 8,000,000 feet of gas and 30 barrels of oil at 2,93 to 2.720 feet; In tho nand found 1,943 to 1,976 they hnd a showing ot 2,0(0,- 000 feet or gas. A. O, Hnzlctt No. 2 on the 8. llruner farm, center of .the north. east cf tho southenst In 7-13-16, there wan n showing of M, 500,000 fret of can at from 2,176 to, 2,187 feet. H, W. Hampton hnn an 8,000,000. foot gns woll In No. 1 on the 1j. Wolf fnrm. northwest of the northeast of 31-1315 With showing at from 2,184 to 2,198, Northeast of OUitnilgco. Mlnner No. 3 on H. Colbert farm, located center of tho went line of southwest of thn southwest tf 15-14-14, showed 40 barrels nt from 1.6'i9 to 1.701 feet. Tho Great I-oke, company No. 6 on th- C. Cnrbrny farm, located northeast of tho southwest of tho northwest of tho southwest of 221114 showed tho holo full of water nt from 1,745 to 1,781 feet nnd was abandoned, With the Oil Men John Griffin has relumed from n w-eek spent In Kansas nnd says thnt tho sentiment nmnnt fUn lr.lr.nn.l . ent oil men Is strong for Sproul of Sedan for congress. Tho farmers and oil producers, whenever the op- DOrttlnltV Af-f-lira lin,iM .At ... a unit and elect men who are for tho WITH THE LIVE" ONES IN THE REFINING BUSINESS PRODUCERS & REFINERS CORP. l'roducera and Hetlnera of "PAneri" rtrrrnnr.rrTM rnnnnrra Mew Flr.t National Hank Building OWENW0OD OJL CORPORATION rnoucciiiis nupiNEits MAnKETcns AEIIO SPECIAL. mODUCTS OWENWOOD XITJILDIKO INVADER OIL CORPORATION surcnion petroleum products MUSKOGEE. OKLAHOMA BARNSDALL REFINING COMPANY MANUPACTtlREItS ALL PETROLEUM PRODUCTS, moil "RAl'B LU1HIICAT1NO OILS. CYLINDER. STOCKS AND RE. n-Mtillve Office.! Tenth Floor Petroleum nidg.. Tulia. Refinery Uarnidall, Oklahoma, Prion Oaag 0" fl OIL STATE REFINING COMPANY ENID. OKLAHOMA High Grade retroleum Product! From Oarber Crude. W. H. BARBER COMPANY Alwaja In tha Market for Petroleum Producta CHICAGO, ILLINOIS COSDEN & COMPANY IIIOH GRADE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS TULSA, OKLAHOMA SAPULPA REFINING COMPANY Phonea Oaage 700-01 MANUFACTURERS PETROLEUM PRODUCTS SALES DEPT. 112 New Flrat National Bank Illdg. EMPIRE REFINERIES, INCORPORATED Reflnerlei Loi-atei at OkmulgeeOkUhoma City, Cuahlng. Tone City. Okie. Salea Offlce-Phonea 700 n"V T"" 411 rjn'ty nidf, -mi,,, Okla. CHESTNUT & SMITH CORPORATION Manufacturera Cailnghead Abaorptlon and Blended Oatolln Phon. Oatga CM Tllla 0k,,n()m, COLEMAN-NELSON CORPORATION MANUFACTURERS OF STRAIGHT RUN OASOLINB General Offlcee 403 South Cheyenne Street Phone Oaase 7(09 ROXANA PETROLEUM CORPORATION PRODUCERS AND REFINERS St. Louie. Mo, Arcade nidir. Tulaa, Okla, Mayo Bid. Chicago. 111., Continental Commercial Bank Bide. SHAFFER OIL & REFINING COMPANY PRODUCERS Productnr and Land Dent. 706 Kennedy Bids.. Tulia THE PURE OIL COMPANY REFINERIES AT CUSH1NO AND ARDMORB NORTH AMERICAN CAR COMPANY TANK CARS LEASED. REPAIRED AND REBUILT GEO. F. IIRIGHAM, Dlatrlct Manager. 1001 Daniel Bide, Tulaa. Workal Coffeyvllle, Kanaaa Telephone 1110 OKLAHOMA PRODUCING & REFINING CO. OF AMERICA PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS Salea and Oeneral Offlcea: O. P. & R. Building CONSTANTIN REFINING CO. General Offlcu, Tenth Floor Tlrat National Bank nldir. REFINERIES TULSA, DEVOL PHONE OSAOE 0!0 MARLAND General Sale Offlcel Ponca City, Okla. V IMPERIAL OIL MARKETING CO. C U MAYHALU Prealdent Marketera Petroleum and Its Producta. Including all Gaaollna, Naphtha Kerosene, Dlatlllatea. Gaa Oil. Black Oil and Road Oil made by Imperial Refining Co.. Ard more, Okla. Qeneral Offlrea- Hth Floor. Waggoner Bldg.. Tort Worth. Tejea TRANSCONTINENTAL OiL CO. PRODUCERS REFINERS NEW WRIOHT BLDG TULSA, OKLA. MARATHON MOTOR OIL KANSAS & GULF COMPANY FRODUCEIta ItEPINERS. TRANSPORTERS AND MARKETERS PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS . Petroleum Bldg. Telephone Oiage ioto Tul.a. Okla. GENERAL AMERICAN TANK CAR CORPORATION J. SUARPPU and It. T. MUSSCR. Realdent Agent IMPERIAL REFINING COMPANY C L. MATHALL V. Pre and Gen. Mgr ... Manufacturera high grade lleaollne. Nerhtha. Keroiene, Dlellllatea. Oa Oil. ruji Oil and Road Oil. All producta eold through Imperial Oil Marketing Companj. Hth Floor W. T Waggoner Uulldlng. Fort Worth Teiaa k, General Ottlreei Fort Worth. Teiaa Reflnerf Ardmore. oia. "The Independent oil Interests wm need a man llko Sproul," coni,mi Mr. arlffln, "to work out tht! oUC-1 tion ns to the tender of oil to th plnellncs for deliveries of 10 Son barrels maximum," Mr. Griffin 'h. always been prominently asoil,ite,! In political circles In his f&rmss homo state, West Virginia. f W, C. McLeod of Kansas. Ciiy representing the National Traruli Pump & Machine Co. of Oil City Pa has been In Tulsa for the nait few days looking after mot'nrs crn. nccted with his company in .he lln. of pipeline pumping machinery and roflncry equipment. He r r, irti work nt their shopg Is In n very si. Infactory condition awl thoro ar, good prospects for considerable b lg. Iness in tho near future. Mr. jjc. Ieod leaven today for Kansas city to attend the gas men's conintion held thero this week, J, U, Stockton, purchasing agent for tho Producers & Ileflnern .' .n nnd president of tho local pjr has. lng ARcntn association, nnd a parly of brother members, left 8a-',nay noon for Hochestcr, N. Y whers they will attend tho meotltig ot tho National Purchasing Agents nso. elation, nnd will doubtlcsg enjoy t flno time, Tom Hnlleg has returned from Ardmoho nftcn nn absence of sevtn yenrs from hero nnd will make, Tulsa his future home. Mr. Halle was connected with tho Carter Oil company for nix yearn, and Is njw In business for himself. TULSA. OKLAHOMA fout wonTir. texas AND REFINERS Satea Dept. 201 South La Salle St.. Chicago Tulia, Oklahoma REFINING COMPANY Tula Office and -Varehoui zob Bourn uneyenne Phone Cedar 4(3. MARKETERS MARATHON GASOLINE rnone 11(1