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RELIABILITY CHARACTER ENTERPRISE THE MORNING OKLAHOMA'S GREATEST NEWSPAPER AVERAGE SWORN NET PAID CIRCULATION NOVEMBER iJqlp lS? S? i FINAL EDITION DAILY SUNDAY 40,107 45,107 VOL. XVII, NO. 90 TULSA, OKLAHOMA, SATURpAY, DECEMBER 30, 1922 18 PAGES PRICE 5 CENTS H'M'MaiVl yi I HI I MM tHI mmmammv w usr m mi m (UN IN BASTROP BEING DISBANDED, ROBES DESTROYE Federal-State Probe Into Louisiana Kidnaping Impresses Empire PREDICTS BLOODSHED Sight of Me in Mer Rouge Will Cause Great Slaughter, Dr. McKoin Declares BASTROP BURNETT'S HOME But Man First Arrested Won't "Squak" Under Grilling, His Associates Declare BALTIMORE, Dec. 29. Accord ing to a jiolegram received hero to day trom Monroe, La., the father of Dr. D, Mj McKoin, held on a murder charge in connection with the More house parish kidnaping, has urged the latter not to tight extradition si2 rct'ir" tc XCw!s'71w v v Bage stated numerous persons were ready to testify In Doctor McKoln's behalf, anoS that a detailed alibi wnnlil hn established. 21 also said proper precautions for The safc-4 guarding ot Doctor McKoin s lite against mob violence would be pro vided for. Doctor McKoin, a former mayor o Mer Rouge, La., was arrested hero 'fuesday on the charge of the murder of Watt Daniels and Thomas niehards, whoso bodres were found several days ago lit a lake near Mer Eouge. Governs- Parker of Louis iana requested lits arrest and has dispatched Special Deputy Calhoun to Baltimore with an affidavit and extradition paperp. Calhoun loft Baton Rougo today and is, not ex pected to arrive until lato tdmorrow. Battle Is Predicted. Doctor McKoin declared today that "there will be more bloodshed in Louisiana than ever it I put my foot on Mor House soil again," Ho elated that ho "would rather die 40 times than be taken back," and charged Governor Parker with being behind the plot to force his extra dition. In an interview with newspaper men at the hospital Docton McKoin raldiv "It is the bloodthirsty crowd tfut watits me, not the authorities ot Louisiana." The presence of troops about the Jail at Mer Rouge,' he said, would not safeguard his life. t "The sight of me would bo the !gnal for the beginning ot the greatest slaughter of human llfo this country has ever known," ho de clared. "I wouldn't live long enough to smell tha smoke." The doctor declared, however, that tho respect able and law-abiding element would battle to tho last man to save him. BASTROP, La., Deo. 29. Dlslnte- gration ot tho local Branch ot the Knights of the Ku-K!uz Klan througn fear of wholesale arrests and prosecution of members as a result of the governmental nnd stato In vestigation Into tho kidnaping and murder of Watt Daniel and Thomas P Richards last Auguse, was the gist of reports which ran rampant today through all Morehouse parish. The reports had it that klans raon of this parish havo silently disrobed at the orders of. Exalted Cyclops J. K. Sklpworth and that the members havo agreed to keep locked behind their own lps the Identity of eycry member. No Threats or Warnings, Tersons who onco spoke freely of "100 per cent Americanism" are now silent and attempt to com wind a bland expression when asked fonrernlng persons who aro said to havo taken tho law Into their own hands so far as Morehouse par'idi 's concerned. These persons CONTINUED ON PAOB FIFTBBS Christmas Offer Extended Just a Few More Days This offer is for old subscribers as well as new. Look at the yellow label on your Tulsa World it gives the expiration ' date of your subscription. If it expires soon, mail your renewal NOW. Save 35. Offer Expires Jan. 5 1923 Tulis Dally World. TulaaOkla. vurJ i'Vhl'.'ii.'ivnrid Enclo.ed find (Check) (Money Order) for which fend ma Ih. Tulaa World mail mr OT10 jrur vv v. $5.85 Daily and Sunday Regular Unto $0.00 $4.85 Daily Only Rcgnlnr Rate $7.00 fl $1.95 Sunday Only I I Ttomil,... Ilnln S.I fill Tor HAIL Subacrlptlon Only-In Mlaaoutl and Solon Wilt Make I Klan an Issue in Speaker Content Massachusetts Democrats to D'emand Stand of All Can didates on Question WASHINGTON, Dec. 29. Re presentative Galllvan, democrat, Massachusetts, declared In a state ment today that democrats who go boforo tho party caucus as can didates for speaker of tho houso In tho now congress will be called upon by northern democratic re presentatives to say where they stand on the question of the Ku Klux Klan, "Murk you," said Oalllvan. "we aro going to watch Ku-Klux demo crats from the southland, whether they come from Texas or any other state and they will ge't no support from domorrnts In the north unletw at tho caucus, which will bo called to select the party candidate for tho speakership, theso men pro nounce their absolute and un equivocal opposition to the In famous organization which at present holds the front page In our daily newspapers, N. G. HEAD FREED OF PASS CHARGE Brig. Gen. McPherren Is Exonerated of Miscon duct Accusation 0'NEIL CASE INVOLVED Transfer of Lieutenant Colo nel Explained, Observ- . era Declare OKLAHOMA CITY, Dec. 29. Brig. Gen, Charles E. Mcl'her ren, ranking officer of the Okla homa national guard today was ex onerated of charges of misconduct In connection with his arrest by a sentry at Camp Rickard last July during tho annual encampment of the stato guard. An order issued by Gov. J. B. A. Robertson as commander-in-chief of tho Oklahoma national guard, completely clears McPherren of any Insubordination or disobedience 'to higher authority. With the Issuance of tho order It was intimated that McPherren would shortly be promo, ted to bo a major general In com mand of the proposed Oklahoma na tional guard division. McPherren was detained by a sen try at Camp Rickard at midnight July 15. when ho returned to camp and was conducted to the office of tho camp commandor becauso he could not produce a pass. Passes previously had not been required, according to tho governor's order,, but sentries had been Instruct ed on orders Issued by the senior in structor to the guard to require pass, es from all officers upon their re turn to camp. Ths order declares that the senior Instructor had no authority to iwue such instructions and that they par ticularly woukl not apply to McPher ren, since he was commander Of the Ninth brigade. Lieutenant Colonel J. P. (Patsy) O'Noil, was senior instructor of the Oklahoma, guard at the time and spme observers saw In the governor's order today an explanation of why the war deportment recently trans ferred Lioutcnant Colonel O'Ncil from Oklahoma. The governor's order declares that "the arrest and detention of Urlga dlcr acneral McPherren by the sen try at the time and place aforesaid was Improper, Illegal and void In all things by virtue of the tact that the pretended order under which the sentry acted was not Issued in a law fulfor proper manner." The) order to sentries to arrest all officers entering tho area of the Ninetieth brigade without passes CONTINVKD O.V PAOB FIFTEEN - -- f Name R. T. D. , .Bos. Postoffice OUIahom.. Southern Kr.., Western Atsaniaa, HOOVER FORESEES PROSPEROUS YEAR; HE REVIEWS 1922 Says Past Few Months Are Encouraging; Busi ness Given an Impetus EUROPE AFFECTING U.S. Unsettled Conditions Abroad Still Depressing Trade in America, He Says BIG GAINS IN PRODUCTION Only in Coal Did Outpift Drop Due to Prolonged Strikes; Agriculture Booming., WASHINGTON, Dec. 29,-nusl-ness and industry in tho United States, opproaching tho beginning ot tho now year, can regard tho prog ress of the past months with satis faction and may look forward to' continued propsoprlty during the early part of 1923, Secretary of Com merce Herbert Hoover declared to day. Ho pointed out, however, that "unsettled conditions in foreign countries, particularly in Europe are still depressing our trndo and to a certain extent havo kept the prices of agricultural products below the lovel of other countries!" Greater Trade Volume. "Tho optimism voiced t,v Secretary Hoover was echoed by tho federal reservo board in calling attention to increases In, production nnd employ ment, gerafer volume of trade, and advancing prices during tho month of November. Theso prlco Increases during the past two months were also noted by tho commerce department .In con nection with its rofcronco to the de pression resulting from economlo chaps abroad. , Production of manufactured com modities in 1922 was approximately 50 per cent greater than in 1921. according to figures compiled by tho commerce department frdm reports to tho census bureau, Textile mills wero about 20 per cont more Active than ln1921, the Iron and steel industry Increased its output from 60 to 70 por cent, while other production gains were noted as follows: Nonferrous metals 60 to 95 per cent; petroleum 15 per cent; coke 40 per cent; paper 20 to 30 per cent; rubber 40 por cent; automobiles 50 per cent; building construction 60 per cont; lumber 35 per cent; brick 60 per cent; coment 15 per cent; leather 20 per cont; sugar 45 per cent and moats about 5 per cent. Coal Production Dropped. Tho only declines of outstanding Importance recarded by the census bureau wero 7 per cent In bitumi nous coal and 47 per cent In anthra cite caused by tho strikes last sum mer. The 7 per cent reduction In soft coal production under tho figure for 1921 resulted In a decrease of 26,000,000 tons dus to a strike ot five month last summer, Ths an thracite decrease aggregated 40,000, 000 tons. Agricultural receipts were report ed as generally higher during 1922 as compared with the preceding year. ' The increased production coupled with a reduction In immigration im proved the labor situation from a large surplus of labor at the end of 1921 to a point where shortages now occur, while-unemployment has been almost eliminated. Transportation conditions In 1922 changed from a big surplus of Idle freight rani to a considerable short ago, while car loadings were 11 per cent greater than In 1921, this do splto the shopmen's strike. Kami Product IVlccs Mount. Prices received by farmers in creased approximately 17 per cent during the icar, wholesale prices advanced 10 per cent and rotall food prices declined 0 pnr rnnt. This condition, tho department stated, "gives the faimer a greater purchas ing power and narrows tho margin between Wholesaler and retailer." The heavier volume during 1922 was Indicated by an increase of 6 per' In the sales' of mail order houses and a gain of 13 per cent In the husinesx of chain stores. Debits nnd bank cli-arlngs showed about the samo relation. Fifty per cent mors par-aengcr autajnoblles were manufactured In 1922 as compared with 1921, and about 75 per cent more trucks. Discussing tho govcrnineit's finan cial operations during tho yeyr, it wf stated tWit th tntn) ijnltfd Htnte.i Jntorest-bcaring debt was re duced by $667,000 000 or about S per cent, during tho 12 months end' ing December 1; liberty nnd victory loam wero reduced to $2,153,000,000 or about 11 pt-r cent. Trade Totals Increase. The fedoral roservo boards find the year ending with continued up ward trade In tho ontiro trade field Hoavler spending during the holi days was reflected In an increase of $15,700,000 In federal reserve notes In circulation. Larger demand for bank credit in the lntorior during rocent -weeks wns accompanied by liquidation of both loaiiH and Invest ments in New York and llr'ston. The dems nd for 1' ni; f a .5 hi? nt' 't pronounced In Cleveland, Richmond, St. Louis a id Sin Fran' isco. Tho volume of ptivrn'-nfa by check, ordinarily taken by the reserve board CONTINUED OH l'AUE S1Q11X Walton, Back in State Today, Will Accept Challenge From Democrats in Legislature Telephones Blake From Texas Ho Will Back Gibbons nnd Anglin to the Limit; War With Trapp for Control of State Election Machinery Assured. By CLARK C. HUDSON. Wnrlil CnplUI liureau, Klikpatrlfk Hotel, t'hnne Walnut 4Ht. OKLAHOMA CITY, Dec. 29. That (Jovurnor-Elect Walton will enter tho organization fight in both houso and somite upon his nrrlval nero tomorrow night, was jnadi evident todny following" a conversa tion' over long-distance telephone this afternoon between Walton and his secretary, Aldrlch Illake. Wal ton, was nt Templo, Texn.-v en. route hero from Galveston whoro lio has bpon ntaylng for a few days follow ing his visit to Havana. Ho is duo to mrrivo early Saturday morning. Walton was appraised of tho situa tion as it has developed during tho past 10' days, invovlvlng a direct Ilnq of cleavage, between the farmor labor groups, which nominated him. and the "regulars," for control of both houses. ijlils Instructions aro said to have lipon to accept tho chal NAME ASSISTANTS TO G0LDESBERRY Four AithiS Picked by New County Prosecut ing Attorney ONLY ONE- CHANGE Three of Present Staff Retained in Office Here Are John M. Goldcsborry, county attorney-elect, who goes into office January 1, lato last night announced his policy of offlco nnd made pub lic hln tour assistants. Goldesberry who served as assistant county at torney under W. F. Seaver, who was suspended from office three weeks ago, was tho only republican on the county ticket who was elected. In making public his list of ap pointees, Goldesberry stated that he wns making practically no changes In the prosont pffico force. As his assistants he said ho would retain itryon KIrkpatrtct, T. U. Wallaco and Jn.mes Harrington, all of whom havo been in tho office during tho last administration. M. P. Hd-user of Uroken Arrow s the other assistant. "All of tho men now In offb e. Goldesberry stated havo had exper ience. They know tho 'ropos ot this office and aro acquainted with nil of tho cases now ponding. I couldn't aeo where I could better myself in any way from tho list at applications which 1 had. Harrington will con tinue to handle the civil business ot the office wnile tho criminal busi ness will be handled by my other three assistants and myself. Will Direct Criminal Cases 'Tho prosecution of criminal cas es in tho Justice courts will ho under my direct supervision. I will prob ably bo prcent during the prelimin ary trials of tho most important cases, In tha district court 1 hope to prosecute most of the cases, as I havo done during yio last two years. Tho other members fit my staff will also assist in this work. , "During tho next two years my policy of office will bo my oath of office. That was the platform on which I was elected and that Is tho platform on which I am going to stand, r am going to fulfill to the utmost of my ability every part of that oath. I stand for the enforce ment ot all the laws of this state, without fear or tfavor. That Ih the way I have acted during tho past and that is tho way I am polng to continue. "I apprcelato and welcoms con structive criticism. And I desplso destructive criticism and its sources. I am for every man, woman, child and Institution In this county that keeps tho laws of this state sacred. And I am against every man, woman, child and institution that violates the laws. "Every accused person whom I believe guilty will ly prosecuted to the fullest extent. Hut every accused pemon whom this office believes In nocent will bo given freedom. I do pot believe in prosecuting innocent people. And I will Just as faithfully CONTINUED ON I'AUK THIItTKKN COURT TO AID BROKERS livery Possible Assistance W4II Also He (liven Creditors Committee In Houston. nble Tangle KANSAS CITY, Mo., Dec. 29. The federal court hero will give every 1 pocslble assistance to the committee of five creditors ot Houston, Flble & Co., in remedying tho affairs of tho concorn, "Judgo Van Valkejiburgh told the committee today when It appeared in leuerai cuun ui me i uvaruiK mi rtiuivursuiji jiruuuuuingB. The court then granted a continu ance In the hearing without sotting any definlto date on which tho com mittee should render a report. "It is my Idea that the committee , chall havo all t'ie time t .nih anl I will bo at ita disposal day or n giu to receive Its report. I will set no, definite date for a report to bel trade," Judgo Van Yalkenburgh raid. lenge and place the new administra tion v. record In behalf of .Honator Tom Anglin for.uri'siiloiit pro torn. ' ot tho senate, nnd Murray Gibbons for spcaki'r of tho houso. Further- more, it is stated that tho tight will , rcopon against W. O. McAllster for secrrtary of thu senate, and Mint j there will be war to tho last trenches unless the election mnchlnry 1 dis lodged from the oiilco of J.luutonant Governor Trapp. Immediately following tho con versation, Senator Anglin conferred with Illake, nnd tlwro worn hurried 1 calls for senators. Paul vintorsi"ii, candidate for secretary of tho senate, I was culled Into it conference, nnd ! there was every Indication that Wal- ton hnd Issued ji note ot defiance, to 'his opponents, involving nil the Is sues which have been rnlwcd during his absence Conferences also oc curred among various lenders of the .Walton forces, during tho afternoon C'ONTINl'KD ON 1'AUP TIIIItTBKN NORTH ATLANTIC SWEPT BY GALE Fears Aroused for Two Ships Battling Way Into Port BOAT RADIOS FOR AID Marines Rushed to Help Ship ping Board Motor Boat Off Capo May i NEW YORK, Dee. 19, Gales to day continued to whip the- north Atlantlo Into mountains and can yons, arousing fears for at least two vcvioIh, dolaying scores and nendlng n. few smaller craft crashing Into shorcr" Tho chief anxiety was felt for the freighter Bretonia, which sailed for this port from St. Pierre on De cember 12, hnd tho German freight er Hclnrich Knyser, which lust re ported when slid sent out nnv8, O.! S. COO miles off Cape May on De cember 6. In addition, a flutter ran through marine circles when tho whipping board motor ship Mnnniotor, bound for Norflok from Hoiton, .radioed' -' l)' li off Five Fathom bank light. The Munmotor, with a crew of 4 2 ii'i jul, reported u bad IIM to star board, but a later message stated fcho had righted a little. Meanwhile tho coast guard cutter Klcknpoo put out to her nsslstanco from Capo May. Tho most important wrnck re ported was that of tho schooner Annlo I Splndlcr. out ot Yarmouth, N, fl., which struck near Province town, Ms,, Rending her crew of tx ashoro In a breeches buoy. Shipping officers in Nw York, Halifax and other ports wars bom barded with wireless messages from liners reporting delays caused by mid-winter storms. Tho Rerengarla, bearing Ambas sador Harvey back to Washington from London, wan ono of th vewals hold up, Duo here today, she re ported that she still was stl mile off this port and did not expect to reach quarantine until Sunday morning. Waves were also lashing the sides CONTINUED ON PAOK KIFTSEN ALLEGED ROBBER TAKEN BY POLICE Liquor Raid Results in Arrest of Bank Ban dit Suspects With tlis arret of Roy V. An derson, C. J. Martin and Jack Sholts at 1701 West Cameron Friday after noon, police believe that they have broken up tho bandit gang that robbed tho Caddo bank two woeks ago and had takun part in spectacu lar holdups of other banks recently. Anderson, according to tho police. Is wanted In connection with the Caddo bank robbery, while tho men giving the names of Martin and Sholts are believed to be members of the gang, officers Btate. While the men under nrrest have not been Identified as members of tht) gang, offices Htated last night that they have Information that An derson, a brothec-in-law of C. O. Ward arrested recently and now awaiting trial at Durant for tha rob bery of tho Caddo bank, was impll- ntiifl Officers, led by Cspt. Ned Oritts and selective Sid Jackson, weru searching Ward's heme on KaBt Cameron for liquor, when Anderson and his companions brought revolv ers l ni p play. Tho offloprs dli aiintd the nv-ii and, beMdr i the e.x shooters, they fcuntl tirrf k attic coats, In tho pockets of which were masks made from red bandana handkerchiefs, according to the re port a hcadquarteri. T, EMPLO ITS GIFT, WORK First Day of Operation of Workers' Factory Suc cessful Experiment DIX EXPLAINS MOVE BelievcB His Donation May Go Far Toward Solving Prob lem of American Labor INSPIRED BY HIS WIFE He's" Merely Trying lo Reward Employes Who Helped Him to Success, Ho SayB NEW YORK. Dec. 20 Tho fac tory run by and for its omploycH functioned smoothly the first day. It was tho plant formerly owned by Henry At DIx, millionaire 'employer of Now York and Mlllvilio, N. J whu unnuuriceil that ho would turn his $l,000,000-a-year dress manu facturing biilnei!S over to tho work ers os a reward for their faithful service and who put the announce ment In effoct yesterday. His Pny Cut to 50 Onts Ho reduced his own salary at the same time from JCO.OuO to 50 cents annually. Ho also loaned tho em ployes $250,000 cash capital with which to curry on tho business, They aro to pay for tho blocks of stock they receive out of tho future prof its of the business. "Tho solution of the tabor prob lem In tho United States la not en tirely, perhaps, but very largely in tho hands of omployers," Mr. Dlr said today. "And tho solution, as I sco it, is this: Troat your em ployes fairly, remember they are Just human beings liko yoitrsoit nnd that without thorn your business success would be impossible, "It Is all simple enough when you coma to look at It. It Is nothing much more than tho practical appli cation of tho tfoldcn rule. Wife Inspired Him "And with it, in toy case, go the lovo nnd thoughtfulness for tho well being and aid of others as they came from thu eoul of a woman rny wlfo, who died three years ago, for It was she who guided nnd advised me In whatever I havo been able to do for tho welfare of others. "I and my family have been termed 'cranks' hero before by many business men, largo employem of la bor themselves, for giving away, os they termed it, money nnd chnrl tablo and educational gifts which havo como chiefly through tho oam lngs of my business. "In answering them I have point ed out that unless It had been for ttfoso employes my firm would have made no profits and I- nould Imvn bn In no position to have given them a dollar. "The trouble with employers to day Is they give too much thought to the profits they hopo to make, to tho repair ot a leak In tits root of ono of their buildings, perhaps, or to some other less essential and not enough to the welfare of the people who have made their suc cess pQMsllWe. IIo Never I bid n Strike "It has been my experience that If employes aro treated fairly. If their, rights aro given consideration, they'wlll do tho fair thing by you In return. I have never had a strike among the many people I havo em ployed because they all knew I did not regard them merely as boaMs'of burden but men and women who havo feelings Just as I have, who aro port of our common humanity. In this view my wife always agreed with mo and it was she who sug gested many of the things which have been done for those, who were in my employ. "Other business men throughout the country may not follow our ex ample, but It has been demonstrated to our satisfaction It Is tho right cource. We havo shown the way to others. If they follow there will be less labor unrest and dissatisfaction In this country." A JOB FOR ROBERTSON- .State I-ind 'Commission Offers lllm Post as Counsel for Ktato In Red Hlur Suit With Fee of $.5,000. I?y Ilitm Hit t iFml '' ' or1" vie OKLAHOMA CITY, Dec. 29. Gov. J. II. A Robertson, who re tires from office January 8, has been offorod a position as special attorney to represent Oklahoma In tho Texas-Oklahoma Red River oil i land litigation, it was announced to- i day. The proposal was made at a i meeting of the state school land commission that he be retained for a fee of $25,000. THE WEATHER TUI.8A. If 29 llailmum, U; mini mum. 3. ouOK'Ait winds, cer. iiHI.AIMA situnlny party etouiix. tr , -,1,1,-r 'n w st mi,i 1 antral por , 11 ( liii f- 1 j In sr, 1 H inJuy. ' I Hont buyeri ra uft when tlllfs aft ruaranittJ ari U.ili f!.,ii) tiy TltU liiuianiee & Xtait to. AdverllKrnent, MPLOY 'Harding's Plan ! For Debt Funding Is Last Resort Non-Political Body of Finance Experts of Nations, Idea of the President WASHINGTON, Dec. 29. Ap pointment of American finan ciers to sit upon n oummlsHbm such as suggested tonight by Secretary Hughes In his address nt New Haven would be rm nom ination ottho government If tho proposal -for this method of ad justing t ho lepnrntlotiM dispute was nreopted abroad. Tills was tho view expressed authorita tively In White House, circles in connection with Mr. Hughes' re marks. , it was pointed out that any body of an advisory cbnractnr to ileal with the question of the amount of reparations Germany could nnd should pay must meet under tho sanction of all gov ernments Involved, If its work was to bear fruit. Wltllo no light wns thrown upon preliminary conversations that may havo been held betweon tha Washing ton and the allied governments relative to tho plan of opera tion Mr. Hughes has disclosed, tho Impression given In White House circles was that such con versations had taken place and that thero was reason to believe tho allied premiers would not be found opposed to tho suggestion If, as Mr. Hughes pointed out, thoy fall to reach a reparations agreement among themselves. SENATE DISCARDS BORAH PROPOSALS Idaho Senator Consents to Withdraw When Told of President's Plans ENDS HIS CONFERENCE Was Never Really "Before Senate;" Borah May Revive It, He Tells Senators WASHINGTON, Dec. 29. In the face of statements from admnlstra tlon itenntora that President Hard ing nnd Secretary of Stato Hughes aro now engaged In formal discus sions and delicate negotiations to ward the calling of an economlo conference, tho Ilornh amendment to tho naval bill requesting tho presi dent to call such a conference was killed this afternoon without ever coming to a vote. Honators Lodge and Watson, speaking for tho administration had arsured Senator llorali that tins gov ernment la now moving In the direc tion desired by him, llorah said ho had no desire to "retard progress" and he announced he would not push his amendment to a vote. Nwi "Before Senate" Senator Watson declared that In a strictly parliamentary sense tho Boran amendments was not actually before the senate. It had Men printed but never actually placed before tha senate by the Idaho sena tor, although debate on It has raged and stormed in the senato for sev eral days. "Well," sold Borah, "If that's the case, I will not prtsont it," 1 The end nt tho now-famous norah proposal came w4Jh drama tic suddenness. Thero was n rapid exchange between Horah, Ixidgn and Watson and then tho llorah amend ment wns consigned to thu heap of other discarded legislation. "I can stale," itild Senator IJoran, "tt.nt Tll,.. II.,,r- I.,.. In mtn,l tho calling of a conference " .Itint "Coin eisiit Ions." IJoth Senator Watson and Senator Lodge insisted that tho term "con versations," rather than the term "negotiations' should be employed In describing tho mova now bolng made by tho administration. Senator Ilornh asked Lodge point blank whether tne "conversations" were aimed at tho financial and economic restoration o Europe and Lodge replied that thoy were. Senator MC'ormlek, republican, Illinois, declared h knew of the conversations on his recent trip to London and had understood that they aimed at American participa tion In the world economic confer ence that has been proposed at Brussels. Ho May Itmlvn It. Senator llorah, after withdrawing his proposal. sal,i lie was "perfectly w. ll Mtinflert with ths situation." Hs assumed, of course, ho H.ild, that Senators I)dge nnd Watson "knew CONTINUED ON PAOri THIHTBBN Want Ads Close at 6 Get your Want Ads in early for Sunday's paper, Don't put off until G what you can do at 2. Tulsa Greatest Want Ad Medium. Tulsa JVorld Osage G00O Osage 6000 T EUROPEAN ETTLE DISPUT HUGHES ADVI Says Debt to America in No Way Related to Reparations OWING U. S. BIG SUMS But Payment of These Do Not Affect Payments Demand ed of Germany MIGHT CONFER UPON DEBTS Nation's Financiers Willing to Assist Europe in Advis ory Capacity Only Iiy the AMoclftteil I'tcm. NEW HAVI3N, Conn., Dec. 29 A suggestion that an Independent eornmlMili'm of men competent In fi nancial ntfnirH could acconipl sh moro than a general International conference toward solution of tho --"repcan reparation 3 tangle was puc forward by Secretory Hughes hero tonight In tho first publlo pro nouncement on tho economic crisis to como from rosponsiblo aftlcals of tho udmlnlstrutlon at Washing ton. Tiio secretary, who npoko beforo the American. Historical association, added that ho had "no doubt dls tlngulshod Americans would ho will ing to servo on such a commission, which ho Bald might well be kept freo from any responsibility to for eign offices or any duty to obey po llt(cal instructions, Ortco advan tage had been taken ot the oppor tunities thus afforded," in, Bald, "tho avenues of American holpfulncss cannot fall to open hopefully." Referring to suggestions that the United States asaumo tho rolo of arbiter In the reparations dispute, Hughes said a sufficient answer to that wa tho fart "that wo havo not been asked." ' Ho wont on to aay ho did not bellevo this government should tako such a burden of re sponsibility. Throughout his discus sion, tho secretary recognized that tho questions of Gorman repnratioiu lay nt tho root of any economlo set tlement, Tho problems hs Bald, aro world problems, nnd could not bo disposed of "by calling them European."' He declared tho United Htntes would "view with dlsfavot measures which instend ot produc ing reparations would threaten dla nstor" and said no ono could forsee tho "serious consequences" whlcn might ensue It forcible means wore adopted to obtain reparations from Germany. TcU or Dihcusslon, Tho text of Mr. Hughes' discussion of economlo problems follows: "Tho economlo conditions In Eu rops k'vo ua the greatest concern. They have long received ths earnest consideration of ths administration. It is Idle to say that wn art) not in. terestod In theso problems, for wJ are deeply Interested from an eco nomic Htandpolnt as our credits and markets are Involved, and from i humanitarian standpoint as tin heart of tho American people goea out to those who are 1n distress. 1V4 .cannot dispose of these problems bsi 'calling them European for they ar world problems and we cannot o capo the Injurious consequences of a failure to settle them. "They nro, hywover, European problems In tho sensA that they can not bo solved without tho i-onsent of European governments. Wa can nut consent for them. The key ta tho settlement Is In their hands, not In ours. "The crux of the European situa tion lies in the settlement ot repara tions. There will be no adjustment of other needs, howevor pressing, un til a definlto and accepted basis for tho discharge of reparatrons claims line been fixed. It Is futile to at tempt to erect any economic struc ture In Europe until the foundation is lab?. Culled Stales Is Ignored "How can the United States help In this matter? We are not srekim reparations. We are Indeed asking1 for the reimbursement of the cos's of our army of occupation; nnd. with good reason for wo havo maintained our army in Europe at the roquest of the allies and ot ocrmany and un der an agreement that its cost wltii like army costs should bo a firs' 1 harge upon tho amounts paid bv Germany. Others have been paid and we havo not boon paid. "Rut wa nrfi not seeking gens-i.! reparations. Wo ur bearing our own burden, and through our loans, CONTINUKI) ON I'ACIB SEVEN.