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TULSA DAILY WORLD, SUNDAY, DECEMBER '81, 1922 17 WORLD MARKET PAGE STOCKS STRONG AS YEAR CLOSES Conditions Favorable for Further Appreciation of Stock Prices FEW OBSTACLES SEEN Changing Economic nnd Po litical Situation Abroad Sole Restraining Factor jjv no Associated 1'ren. NEW YOItK, Dec. 30. Stock and bond prices generally close the year it materially .higher levels, which is not uiily a reflection of the marked Imi rovemcnt that has taken place in l,u;tuM nnd Industry during the last 2 months, hut also construed by f,inervntlvo Now York hanking in ter' sis ns an Indication of still fur ther progress in the coming year. The year ends with conditions fa vorable for a further appreciation of commodity nnd security prices in the Ilnan' ial community. Unfnvorablo and unexpected developments in the jioiiU. al and economic situation alircad are genorally considered on the only probable obstacles to arrest the improvement in mo ousiness anu financial world which began in tho dimmer of 1921. Tho prediction of further business prosperity is based on successful well-known facts. Foremost among theso is tho easiness of tho money market and the huge sums available I lor criminal credit. In addition most docks of merchandise aro low, rail road traffic Is close to record levels, exports aro Increasing tho principal European exchanges aro heading back to par, the European economic situation shows signs of Improve ment, and unfilled orders for rail road equipment are the largest in years. Other favorable signs nro teen In tho facts that no big strikes are threatened or ponding, a great amount of construction work Is still in arrears despite a record-breaking year of a"tlvity in tho building in dustry, automobile production reached a new peak, which probably Trill bo exceeded next year, while Eisoline consumption has been the highest Jn history and electric com panies are doing a record business. Sales of stocks durlrg tho year totaled approximately 2CO.000.000 lhares as compered with 171, DUO, -COO last year. 223.000,00 In 192 and 107,800,000 in the record-breaking year of 101!t when postwar inflation was at Its height. Bond sales this year reached tho unprecedented total of ' approximately J4.15f, 000.000. Tho widest fluctuation in tho stock market took placo ill shares of tho jitiintle Refining company, seldom oValt in, which ranged from a low of $000 to a high of 1',G7I, or JC7B difference. Among tho active in dustrial lssures Mexican I'etroleum provided the chief feature, getting as low as 100 si nnd as high as 322, or a rango of 21G points. Approxi mately 95 per cent of this stock has been acquired through conversion , by tho Pan-American I'etroleum & ', Transport Co., thu3 virtually remov ing it as a market factor. Among tho railroad shares Michi gan Central fluctuated tho most, selling between 156 and 330 or 174 1 points. Tho smallest fluctuation took place in Alaska Gold Miner, which sold between and l of 1. nthA.. tnta.n.Mn , in tim trMr mlxt .So (ha , Wl 1 1 r, nf , . VI , . ! , '. ... ""-""" siur k tuviaenas loiaung more man two billion dollars. While most industries showed sub ttantlal recovery from nostwir In flation tho number of failures during the vear was tho larcest on record mill tUn Vnlnma r.t HnUiilt it.m navt n th loo... ,h ' u,. '"'"V, ...... "u" r isoor iruuuics particularly ine min- ers- ana snopmon a strikes, also nail I diwstrous effects, costing each of 'the principal railroad systems mil- 1 lions of dollars and even more to business ?onerally. For the first time on record there was a marked thortago of manual labor, due in Part to tho restriction of immigra tion, whercaa in 1921 the number ot unemployed was estimated as high as 4,000,000 or 5,000,000. crops with few exceptions were of rocord size and the high prices brought vastly greater purchasing power to tho agricultural regions. particularly the south. The foreign demand for foodstuffs was not very neavy until near tho close of tho year. Exports as a whole wero the smallest sinco 19 ID, although In No-" vember they were JS9,000,000 over tlise of November. 1921. and tho mgnest since March, 19Z1. Standard Oil. Cotnir Lid an,l nW,1 nr(i nt iitnnA rd Oil atoeks on the New York curb, ' reported by Strandbere. MeOreevy At Bid Atked 18 ISVi 111 117 110 ISO 115 IIS 117 89 205 ill 110 in 133 US 45 47 US 1(3 S SS (7 (3 107 113 5SH It 13 1S5 33 tt JS H 127 132 10! v 111 74 73 1 II :ti su ns its 109 114 95 S 1(0 let It ft CO '4 t 45 4114 121 131 no tno . 4I 4H Hi 372 tl 33 KS 132 4tH 4'l 21 21 Anj!rvAmrlflan Atlantic Itef.. com .... Atlantic, Itef. pfd .... JJorn-Scr?maer, new ., Buckeye Pipe Une. .... cnetetirough, com "uMebroueh, pfd Cnntintnt,! oil Cfucent Pipe Lin lumwiand Pipe Line Eureka Pipe - Line Oi na fticnal, qom 'na Slinal, pfd .... Ou'f Oil II. ! 'pipe Lin Inniana Ploe Llna Nuional Tranalt J;'v Yerk Tranalt J-M'Wn Pipe Line ... OWo Olt r' inylvanli.Jloiloan .. J 7 r' on & au r rtefinlnir , . r.Me Ptpe Uno 2"'ithern ripe Line ... S'UM.rn Jia, oil "'"'I ern Tn Pipe JJne ' r 'Md. Indiana standard, Kanaaa ;i'lrd. Kentucky ... J't lard, Ntbraaka, ... f'tnard, N. Y J-'jril. Ohio Jn & Flnrh "ililnjton OU 1 Independent. cinnlnc bid and aikl prlcea nf Id. PfO'lent Alt atneka nn tha Vaw Tnrk curb. reported by Strandberg, MrCreevy 9 Bid Aaked "fnannae Natural Oaa JMoral Oil " and. com ...... pin Itock ,, fc'vir.gtton Oil """y i"it , IT4 9 V 74 2l 71 3U, 1 11 It 90 114. 1 : 1 !W 5' I 4 , - - - . pfd Wutual 12 3 '4 I Si tit Weekly Grain CHICAGO, Dec. JO. After touch ing a new high prico recoid for tho season tho wheat market this week has taken a gonoml downward swing, mainly as tho result of heavy jelling, on the part of the holders. Big domestic recolpts nnd lessening of optimism ns to export business did a good deal to bring about un loading. Compared with a week ago wheat this morning wan i-2o to 2 3-8c lower, corn varying from 5-Sc decline to 3-c advance, oats down 1-2 to G-S to 1 l-4c, nnd provisions up 12 to 20c. With primary arrival of wheat much in excess of thoso of a year ngo and with prospects apparently dwindling for any immediate en largement of purchasing for Europe, bulla found themselves at a disad vantage. Highest nrlces of tho week and of the season woro coincident with a statement from Secretary Hoover that an outflo w nf irnlrl from tho United States was helping I to restoro tno buying power of countries to which tho gold traveled. Misgivings about low condition of the domestic winter crop counted also an n bullish factor at the time. The last half of tho week, how over, witnessed persistent nailing on a big' scale except in tho December delivery which seemed to bo con centrated In strong hands. Senti ment at thla stage was poworfully affected through bearish operations forced by a leading trader hero who contended that tho United States has at present 92,000,000 bushels more wheat thtin a year ago. Under such circumstances declines were difficult to check nnd oven nows of warlike moves In tho near oast was almost ignored as n market in fluence. Active export demand aided In upholding the value of corn, but oats gave way with wheat. Closing of spreads between lard and cottonseed oil was more or lets responsible for higher prices in tho provision market. Chlovco Grain Futnree. Wheal Open llluh Low Clone Dec. 1.11V, 1.17 14 1.2S l5 Mir l.St 1.12H 1.S04 l.S2?i July 1.12K 1.13V 1.13. Corn . Dec. .T4 .75U ,7!;l .75H May .71 4 .7214 .704 .7J' July .70 .7!',; .70S .73 Oats Dec. .42U .4li ,U .42 May .444 .45 ,44 4 .44 July .41 .42U .41V4 .42V4 New York Stocki na It f parted hv Strarid brrg, MrOreevjr A. Co., Tului Htel llultillnjr. High lxiw Cloiu Ajar Itubber 13 1!',4 13 Allied Chemical SO 45H 21 37Vi 734 9V4 7914 MV, 31 i7'.i 73 U :cu 127 i 30 79'.; 28Vj 123 3 Mi COV, 102 V, 2m 13SS 42 33 :o S3 Allls Chalmers American Ar'1 Cr.em Am. lieet Sugar . . . . American Can Am. Ifll'l Corp-..... 44. 31 37H 73 20 tt 64 American lyico 13S American Linseed 30 127'i 30 37U 23 American fimeltera RSTi American Steel Fdya .. 37 H American sugar ,, 7Ti Am. Sumatra Tob Am. T. AT. American Woolen Anaconda Atchison Atl. 11, & V. I. .. llaldwln Loco .... Baltimore & Ohio Darnsdall "A" . . . Uarnsdall "B" ... llethlehem Steel . California Packlne; !$i 28U 133 122 V5V4 SS 60U 4SH lo:; 102 21 "j :m 1 ID 14 138 42S 41 31 31 20 20 62 S3 61 f3 rallfornla. Petroleum C!4 6K 6m Canadian I'aclflo 1I44 144S 144 Central Leather 32 42 42 Chandler 67 67 Ches. & Ohio ,.J C M. & St. J'aiil.... J. M. & St. 1'., ,pfd -. it. 1. & r Chlno Copper Chllo Copper Coca-Cola Columbia Oas Cons, (las Corn Products Cosden 714i 23 38 V. 3 3 i H 27', 71 23 M'.i 32 36 27 4 77 71 21 34 32 26 27 73, 73 106 104 106W 132 121 121 1S3H 132 132 ! Crucible 71 70 25 94 V, 5 Hi ,Quba.l Alt). SUSEr 25 94 93 49 182 14 36 75 Kndlcott-Johneon famous PlRyers general Asphalt . Oeneral Illectrlo Oenoral Motors . tloodrlch 4S( 4S - 181 182 14 11 35 36 74 74 69 70 113 113 Cireat Nor., ptd . Houston Oil 71 llltnoll. Central 113 I Inspiration Copper ... 3S'4 114 35 Int Mer. Marine, rfd 44'. 43 U nvi DS'i I4'i 18 4H 36S 69 H 264 27J4 114 28 li 434 22 '4 66 i 1ST, 4U 21 798 74 V4 1 US 91 46 36 13 S'4 63 49 43V4 13H S3 ij 14 . 16'. 49 38 '4 69 21S !7V, 11T4 2SS U'i 42 22-- a; ic; 94 V4 21 80 744 1. 46 91 46 i 3, 47 nK 3!t 3 49 "4 814 130 46 39 H 14V4 79i 24 4S4 1H. 33 9 '4 S94 29 Vi ; international Nickel 14 I international rarer 52H 14 K 18 h 49 SGT4 69 29 i 17 '4 11 2SS U'i 43', 22 67 16 6( :i'4 (0 74'4 Hi tr.y, : 48 3i 47 1IH 3 fO t0'4 8IU ininclNo oil I .a' ' Kennecot' copper Lehigh Valley Marland Oil Miami Copper Middle States Oil Mldvale Meet Mo, Pacific Mo. Pacific, pfd ... Montcomery Ward . National Enamellnr Nevada Copper New Trk Central .. Noir Haven N. & W Northern Paclflo ... Okla. P. A R Taclfle OH I'an-Amrlean ..... Pennsylvania Per Mrijutt .... Phllllpi Petroleum , i ilerce oil Pierce Arrow Ulttaburgn coal Trod. A net. Corp .. Preeied Sleel Car ... Tullman I'unta Allerre Sugar 13h no 4U 4S Tur Oil 2JH 74 Itay Copper 1J4 14H 79 24 48 r.Jli 214 86 34 94 89 24 '4 UK lleoams Itfplngle Itepnbllo I. & Sleel ,. ttoyal Dutch, N. Y. . S. K ft Ban F Sea r. Roebuck Sinclair Oil Kkelly Southern Paclflo .... Southern Ky ........ Standard Oil Cal ... Standard Oil, N. J. .." Stromberg Sttudabaker Tmh Co. Teaaa ft Pacific .... Te. re. Coal A Oil Tobaeco l'roduela ... Transcontinental Oil . Union f'aelfli! United nruz fnited t-'rui! United Hull iitflrea U. 8. Ind. Aleohol .. U, 8. Rubber U. H. Steel Utah Copper Vanadium Steel ..... VlrKlila Care. Chera Wabh. pfd, "A" . WeatlnhouB ....... Wtntern Union White Motera ....... White Oil Wlllyi-ovjrland .... Whlta Eagle Total aalea $M0. 7911 5114 49 tt SI'i 38 33 814 nos, 2S'4 41S 41 11m liou 121 64 63 61 117 11SH 117 49 U'i 4i4 20H 90S 20 21H 3114 31 84 tli 14 13S 14'. 13814 117, 1381, 79H 79H 79'j nt tit nt 76 74i 76 CIS 68 68S U'i Dili 86' 17S 106 10f'r- f.l'i 64U fi S6'i Si 31 31 34 31 34V. 24H W C6K 60 60' 11114 11114 111'-, 2H 6'. 3VJ 6i 2'4 3K fllle Service company Swurltlea. neported by Henry U Dpharty Co aecurltlea department, 419 Unity bulldlnK. Tulaa, Okla . "!?,, "'.V" Cltlaa Service, Preference U Hanker Pfd 6. M 11 n 17S 1114 173 Common - Ibnturea 11 ............. I Debenturea C JJ H 1 Uetwnturea D ! m Rmnlee i per cent. pfd. al t . t it ' Chlcorn Produce. 1 CHICAOO DfC 80 - Butter Unrhanged, it aj ' Kgga- t'nrhanged. rereii J vi3 fi ' l""rv-A:!ve )"Fhc- tami, iiuil Z ft ng lle, r fa i-vf turkea 20e 4 l ' r rts ) rs F - r- 1 41 c-r, f. a 13 I U a a.lP.u V 4ii c a. MARKET ON GRAIN PROVES UNSTEADY Disturbance Blamed on Year-End Evening; Loss Recovered CHICAGO, Pec. ao.---Oraln mar kets were greatly unsettled today, breaking to a new low for tho day, only tr) recover tho loss luter. The uneasiness apparently was a renult of the year-end evening. At the fin ish wheat was l-2c down to l-4c up with May J 1.22 5-8 to -4 and July $1.13 3-S to 1-2. Corn closed 1-2 to 1 C-Sc higher; oats varied from 3-So off to l-Sctf l-4c advance, nnd provisions ranged from 5t: loner to 12c higher. Scattered liquidation was on In tho whoat market with a continua tion of procsuro from eastern longs nt the start. Tho ensuing reaction carrying the market above yester day's finish, was caused chiefly by short covering. Trado was on a broad scale and fluctuations wijro rapid. At one time May was off 0 l-4c from the high of Thursday and July was off 4 3-4c. December was the most er ratic In tho early dealings, touching $1.23 on a break and then rallying to $1.27. Tho ohnnges wero so fre quent that at times th'ro was a dif ference of 1 -2c' between trades. About mid-besslon, however, busi ness quieted down somewhat with local shorts more inclined to tnko profits and even up for tho start of 1923. A considerable amount of export business was reported done In .Manitoba?, with confirmation of sales of 240,000 bushels. Corn nnd oats showed pronounced resistance to pressure and while low er early, displayed strong rallying power later. Provisions were rather dull but were affected nomewhat by the strength In hogs. Weekly Stocks NEW YORK, Dec. J6. Stock and bond prices showed moderate Improvement this week despite a heavy volumo of selling to estab lish losses for income tax purposes. Foreign exchanges wero inclined to case, first on tho decision of tho reparations commission declaring Gornviny in default on her wood dellwrieu and then on the hitch over the disposition of the Mosul oil fields in tho Lausanne peace negotiations, but not losses wero comparatively small. Publication ot November earn ings btntemnts, of tho principal railroads which' comparo favorably with thoo ot November 1921. stimulated trading in rallroaft shares, buying ot which also was Influenced by the record-breaking volumo of traffic for this season ot the year. Tho year closes with the steel industry working between 80 and 85 per cent of normal ca pacity and tho trend of prices up ward. Building construction shows no sign ot abatement and orders for automobjlu forglngs glvo prom ise ot another record-breaking year in thait Industry. Cotton prices reached new high records for the year. An increhsq in tho prico of Wyoming crude oil and additional Increases in prices of rubber tires nnd tubes attracted attention in tho financial markets nnd were re- 70 I fleeted in higher stock prices. Mo- iw tor nnd accessory shares were In JJh" cllned to strengthen In expectation lof good business nt tho winter snows wnicn sian next inuiiiii. High call money rates at the end of the week were due to tho withdrawal of $70,000,00 ,bv the United States government from ilocnl banks, nnd a large volume of withdrawals by private banks and Institutions to meet yenr-end divi dend and lntorest requirements. Time money and commercial paper rates held stendy with the volume of buslnoss light. Culrnjro ldrnetnrk. CHICAGO Dec. 30. llnye Ilecelpta 1,000. lOgitc hlnlier; bulk 31S to 300 paund butchere 13.40, bulk 160 to 310 pound averages 18 top 18. f5; bulk packing enwa 17097 75; delrable plm ni'iatly t7.7S91.00i killing claaee 17. SOWS. 73. Cattle Itecelpla 600. compared with week ago, beef ateera largely 60cSl lower, extreme top maiurfl ateera 111 00, yearltnsa scarce, beat younnstpra SIO.60, beet cowa and helfere largely 60a higher, bulla SSQ40C higher; veal calvea tl 00 rHl.60 up; atockera and feedera eteady to 6c lower; wrks bulk prlcea. bef atAra t;.7Ctf9.:6; atockera and fetdere IS nifj 6.75; butcher ahe atork I4 40frs60. can nera and cuttera 13.0093 60, veal calvea 110.00011 00. Sheen Heeelpta : 000. compared with week ago fat ivnoled lamba weak to 16c lower; handy rhorn otferlnga largly ateady. extreme tup wooled 'amha 316. f.0, thorn lam!-a, bulk 113.76913 16; ffcd yearllnjj unevenly lower; beat yearling". 113.00' fat ihep largely JStf7So higher; beat aged wether 30 36; few ewea upward to IS 66; feeding lamba ararce. ateady, mostly 113.76014.60: few Ista 114.66. ICunuia Clly Mvratork. KANSAS C1TT. Dec 86. Cattle He celpta 136 for week; beef ateera moet'.y 3Sc lower; top 110: hulk 17 COWS. It' fat aha etock ateady to tile higher; eann"r and cutter 10016c higher; bulla :e iilaiior; bulla is,: higher; calvea :oc hlgn er: atockera and feedera ateady, atoe calvea and etoek cowa and helfera ateady to atrong. , Hofa Iteeelpla 4.000, mostly 110c high er; top 13.40, bulk ISO to 3-pound averagea It 30 and I 35; packing ao-.n ateady meally !? 60. Sheep Itacalpta 600. far week, killing elaeaea strong to 26c higher; Colorado lambs 116.00; bulk fed lota II 4.36 i 14 16 . rhnrn II' '."till 10. light ewes 17.60; wethers H.10. Oktnliomn 4'ltjr t.lveatoek OKLAHOMA CITr, Dee 10 Cattle Hecnlpti, none, killing cattle ttrong; top ...ind feed ethers 7 2S; rtoed to rholee -owi 14 6096.00; helfera up to II 00 hulk butcher cowa 13 0034 00; bulls 13.60; ealvea unchanged, atockera and feeders steady. Hogs Heeelpta 260, active, mostly 10c higher, top II 06 I-tirt Worth I.lieitocU, KOnT WORTH, Tes. Dec. 30 Cat- tie Heeelpta 310, beevaa II 6007.00; bulls 13 0003.50; calves, 11.6097.00. Hogs Heeelpta 100. light IS 1608.36: heavy I8 004JI16; pigs It. 0034.60 Sheep Heeelpta none, lamba 17.60- 114.00) atoeker aheep I8.60(.IO feeder lamba II SOeil.oo. WlrliltH Utntork, WICHITA, Kan.. Deo. . Hogs rte eelpta 1.000 10 higher; top 16 30; bulk ll0O 15 Cattle ltcfelpta 100, for week butehsr tears around ateady, calvea !6f50o high er, atockera steady I ICansns City Grain. KANSAS ( r.T Dec IK. wheat cash ; haul It Ufd 1 No. J red II :i 01 30. . V 1 wt-'te (j , it 2 yt'kw . 61', I ljav I - . i-.ged. PRICES VIGOROUS ON STOCK MARKET! rl,,. Ol.nll o ..,,,1, i alueS OliatieCl OOmCWliai RfffVf Mnnn hv Wifln ..." " Profit Taking N'nw A'nittr. Dff, sn f;,-ck prices were bid up vigorously during tho greater irt of today's half holt any session ot tno inarKot tho last or the year hut values wero "hailed somowhat before jioon on extensixo profit taking. New high rcoords for the yenr were established by North American at 108 1-t. Kndlcott-Johnaon ctt !)J 7.S. CftRftnn nt C 1 nn.l Htstvnrl Winner Htwdnmptpr nt 79. Ihn net tnlns belnir K-N. 1. s S-S nnd 4 .1-4 points, respectively. Studebakcr, clos Ing at 117 already has made up more than E points of tho 25 per cent stock dividend which camo off the stock yestordny. OH shares were In active demand. Standard OH of California cloied nt 121, a net gflln of 2 3-4 points and Standard Oil of New Jersey, new stock sold nt 41 6-S, up to 2 3-4. Sinclair Improved fractionally Con tinental Can advanced 4 points. Mll lloi.son fllk Unproved nearly a point. Hcccnt Incroases in tiro and tube prices woro lcflected In a gain of 2 1-2 points In Kclly-Bprlngfleld Other strong spots Included Westlng houso Air Hrakc, American Express, Dupont, Chicago & Northwestern preferred nnd Market Utreet Hall way second pteferrcd, all up 3 to nearly c points. Ati-hlson preferred, which dropped a point was the only outstanding weak spot although I,ehlgh Volley were among tho popular shares to register net losses on the davi Foreign oxrhango business in slcr ling franca nnd marks was quiet ne ttvo with irregular and nominal changes in rates. Tile closing session of the year in the bond mnrkot was featured by another b'rlsk rise In St. Paul rail road mortgages and furthor im provement in United States govern ment securities. St. Paul general 4 l-2s sold at 84 3-8, a net gain of 4 3-4; while gains of 1 to 3 points were recorded by the refunding 4 l-2s tho convertibles 4 l-2. convertibles 5s. the general 4s and the Puget Sound 4s. ",'00" 4a wero pushed up 3 points, Chlnago, Burlington & Qulnfty general 4s, 2 and Atchison adjustment 4s, stamped 1 3-4 wHIlo Seaboard Air Idnn consolidated Cs, Minneapolis St. Jrtiula refunding Gs, Erie nnd Jersey 4b, "Katy" f,s when Issued, and In ternational &. Great Northern adjust ment Cs, all climbed 1 to 1 1-2 points higher. Profit taking in tho so-called New Haven French 7s which dropped 2 points nccounted for tho only outstanding weak fpot. Liberty 3 l-2a touched 101.20 up 20c but canceled their gain before tho close Tho first, second and fourth 4 l-4s registered not sains of 18, 12 and 20c, respectively, while tho new 4 l-4s were up fie Other government Issues wore un changed, , Foreign bonds generally showed little change. In the industrial group Gcrro, do Posco 8 climber 3 1-2 points and tho United States Steel Cs one with the other popular liens showing only fractional changes. Tutul sales par value wero $7,096, 000. Cntlonired Oil. NEW YOItK. Dec. 30. Cottonaced nil etartod 1 to 4 polnta lower under cat trrcd local aelllmr but aubie'iuently ad-vanr-il on auppoit from reflnnrlea and comnilaalon houaea on the flrmnefta 'n crude oil and lard. Clnaln? blda.were J to 7 net Metier, f.'alea 1.000 harrela Ten. dera 1,600 harrela. total aalee for th year 4.274.200 harrela. prime crude 9.12'4 (5 9.28c aalea; prima aummer yelluw apot 10.1.0c; January 10.C3C, March 10,81u, May 10.36c, al) bM. Liberty Honda. NEW YOItK, Dec. 30. Uberty ton l closed; 314a lOl.OC, aeennds 4a 91.21, rir.t tWs 98.08, ioond 4'.ia 98.34, third 8T04, fourth 4 Ha 98.94, Victory 4?i (unrnlledl 100 31, United Statea traaaury tlia 99.91. I'nrelira Kirliange. NEW YOItK. Deo. 20. Korelgn Ea change Irregular, quotatlona (In cental, Great Hrltaln Demand 4.63N.S cable" 4.68H. 60-day bill on banka 4.61 H. France Domand 7J3, oahlre 7.3314. Italy Demand C.09, cabin 5.09 4. Germany Demand .0139, cablea ,v!40. Vrv VofU .loney. NCW rollIC, Dec. 30 The actual con- dltlona of clearing liousa banka and trust companies for the week tflve days) ahowa that they hold 124,343,130 In ex cea of legal requirements, Thla Is an Increase In reserve ot 16,064,000, , Ksns City Produce. KANSAS CITY, e. 30. Hutter EggH Unchanged. Poultry Heavy hena lo higher, others unchanged Potatoes Unchanged. lvc; WILSON APPRECIATIVE Former President KajH Resolution of; Congi-cr'a tiuvo lllm Ileal PlfiiHiiri1. WASHINGTON, De- 30. -Wood- row Wilson sent a leMe-. to Vice President Coolldge tnlng he had been given "genuine pleasure' by the senate's action In pacslng a resolu tion on his C'ith birthday, commemo rating his returnto health. Mr. Wllhon's letter follows: "My Dear Mr. Vice President: The very gracious letter with which you arc so kind as to accompany the resolution ot the senate of S3 De cember has given me genuine pleas ure. It pleases me very greatly to rocelve so generous an expression of your kind personal sentiments, and I beg to express the hope that the New Vear will continue for Mrs Cool ldge nnd you every genuine satisfac tion and lasting commitment. "Uellevo me, my dunr Mr. Vice President, with gieat respect. "Cordially and sincerely yours, "(Signed) WOODItOW WILSON." $100,000 Damage Is Done Iiy Fire in Atlantic City ATLANTIC CITY. N. J., Dec. 30. Fire near N'i w York avenue on the board walk this afternoon, cauued damage eMimntod. at'one hundred thousand dollar. The Moulin Itouge was almost completely burned out and the Hotel Blueses In the name building was damaged. Several small storo.i were slightly damaged by fire or water. Several women were res cued from ivlthln the fire area and a number of firemen were overcome by smoke. No ono was gerlouoly Injured. Family .Mfloo: Ono Dcnil. Dy the Aasoelsted Press. KOUT WOllTH, Texas. Deo. 30 . Loggett is in Jail at Padueah this afternoon on 1. charge of murder following the stabbing to death ot Leggett's bruther-ln-law, Marlon Jaivis. jarvH It Is ewid. was whip ping his ir,n whn he tfrandfa'lier .irtl i, tr Pen Ij u -et i 1 1 ... r' .1 itr -i ,,1. 1 d He 1 ,,r( ,, j u i t Tulsa Heavyweight Family Challenges Muskogee Claim A Tulsa county family claims tho , lu-avywclghl family championship of lOkJahoma. chalicnglnc the claim to tno place mntio by a .MiiskoKop conn- tv ftrtltv ntnl ftrlntntt in Hia Mutnr- day World. ,Mr. and Mrs. 11. H. Brown, llv- Ing on a farm near Tutm. and their I nine children lay claim to wif lit - ! honors on the ground that their combined w Ight Is 2.030 pounds, while the aggregate weight of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Oakle, Ynhola farmers, nnd nine children. 1m I 9SS pound The Hrown children rnng In age fro-n In to an years, wiillo tne Oakley sons nnd daughters rango from S8 to 42 years. Tho Drown off- . I Springs are all products of ureen inadn I county, Missouri, and have tholr home In Tulsa county for the past 14 years, while the Oikleys ate r pounds to 202 since removing natives of Mnskogeo county. ' Tulsa rotinty, All nf tho children The Urowns average over 184 imrn Into the family are now llv pounds In weight per person wlill" Jng. CHEAP POWER IS : DENIES MAILING " SEEN IN 'WHEEL' BOMB TO ANOTHER Sand Springs Man Claims1 His Invention Will Rev olutionize Electricity , 9 I. l..,...nA l.altn.'Aa ...111 . ,,, .,,,, ,,, ., , 1 1' tho solutlon o 1110 h'uh .cost tt 1 generating electricity nnd make It so cheap it would bo the only practical fuel and power Is a new style wind and water wheel, nuiall models of which hnvo been on dls- play for several days In various lo cal stores. The inventor, Josepli 11. Anderson of Sand Springs and tho promotor nnd chief sponsor of tho tieiv Invention, Harry Ingram, are laying plans for the organisa tion ot a company to manufacture tho new wheel. The wheel, according to its In ventor, works equally tyell In water nnd in the nlr with wind nn tho propelling force. It Is nn entirely new dcslcn In both wind nnd water wheels. As a wind wheel It Is placed on a tower in n horizontal position with a power delivery di rectly to perpendicular axle, work ing on much the natno principle ns a turbine. A series of wheels, ono on top ot another can bo placed on ono tower, according to Anderson. As a water wheel tho machine enn bo placod either perpendicular or horizontal. Anderson claims that ho can Uso his wheel In the Arkansas river without building it ilnin nnd that with about 10(1 large wheels could supply tho en tire county of Tulsa with electrici ty for lighting, heat and power. As it would ho placed In tho Ar kansas river, tho whacl would be plarod between two barges, ac cording to Anderson. A fall is entirely unnecessary In tho oper ation of his machine, Anderson claims. Tho paddles on tho wheel are hung on an axis. Thus on ono sldn of tho wheel the wind or water is pushing against a wall while on the other sldo the paddle H lifted out of the way and rcducon friction to a minimum. This novel Idea, tho Invontor claims, acta in much the same way ns a gas engine ex haust. In fact, ho says, it is an erthaust for the used wind and water. With tho wheel In operation In a river or creek, he rays, that nn unlimited number can ho placed in a row ns wie su enm iusvs none of Its force, The wind wheel Is governed nu - tomatlcally becnuae when the wheel arrives at a certain speed the paddles automatically fly out- ward and thug provldo no reslstsnro at any point. Destruction In a gale Is thus prevented. Anderson has several small models of both types of wheels and Is demonstrating them in various pnrta of tho country. Within the next few day he and Ingram nre to give a demonstration at Pallna, Okla., with tho plan In view of placing ono or two water wheels In tho Ornml river nnd furnishing electricity to tho llttlo town. Tho two men claim that with either typs of their wheel thoy can produce and deliver clfctrlclty nt tho low cost of two cohtn a kilo watt. They predict that In the near future every farm will bo sup plied with one of their machines, so cheap will be tho cost nf Instal lation and operation, ' COPPER STILL IS SEIZED fipongo Kiitind JtnliN Tlmno nnd I-mm i .!iinir-.iiiiiii; Outfit. The pidlce "jspunge squad." In-adnd by Hid Jackoon, made an -. ly morn- , Ing nbsorp ion yesterday when they arriwfrl IJirney Haniln, SO i South Qulncy, nt his breakfat table, after Uniting a 30-gal!on copper still and all equipment in his housq. Alon? nlth tiie KtllJ the coppers soiled 4 ut gallons of corn mash, 110 pounds ot brown sugar and four quarts of torn whlgky. Tho outfit, according to Ih'j offi cer, wan ono of the neatcjit over selgexl by the police. It was com pletely outfitted with copper collei an,) SUH burners and was so ar ranged thit lh etitlrA contnt of the Htlll could be turned Into the sower by opening a petcork. Hanllng admitted operating the still, according to the officers, ho said it had been in operation ainout a month. The arcuaed moonshiner najserted that hU liquor was 100 proof, according to the poll' e, nnd that when It didn't tet thit high ho emptied the contents of the Mill Into the sewer. Cuunty rhurgett aro to bo filed against Hanllng Tuesday morning (i nil the officers said that federal charges may follow. G. A. R. ELECTS OFFICERS TuNa Putt No. .11 WJII IitMitll Neil HmtiiiIvph ut Wcdnmlny Mcotlng. Tult-a poat No. 61, Urany Army the Itepubllc, will install ofricers ! the new year at a meeting Wednc day night in the federal bulldm-: at which time lad es of the O A !' will Install officers. There are now 14 members in the Tulsa. pot. Tr pott lout three members by dci'h during the present year and 14 year beforo lnt. New offlrerA are Alexander; Crow commander; William Ulair. hfiiti vice commander, J. H. Iioml, Jun ior vli-8 commandtr. W Kan I h", officer of the d'i txiii - T.-. 'i '1 ' filf-i-ir of the RuaJ (' M V uiu m'.n . 11 ,1 a t il ' 1 , tin 1 i 1 , 11,1 y . . n; cay 1 l.i 1. 1 the Oakleyi average a fraction ovei poumlc Father and Mother Hi own tip thn scales reflectively at 211 pounds ami mill pounds as con- ttnt..l m-1.1i titthttt- I inliUu y 1r.1l rintinds nnd Mother nnkley'M 200 j The Brown sons and daughtsrs in j 1 th order of tlilr aajes welvli h fol- ' lows: airs. v&iif Williams, tuisii rlty, 177, Ulster Hrown, TuIsh roun t.V, 200; ICmmett Hrown, Kiowa, Kan., 21S; Harry Hrown, Kiowa, Kant., lilS; Mrs. l 11. Welts, Hang- i.r, ToJ(s, 17; Ilurnls Hrown. Tulsa I'ounty. ISO; Mis. Urnest lleynouis, nevewtnil, 174; Mltnirn nrown, 1 Tulsa county, 190; Miss Pauline 1 HrnwnfTttlsn county, las. , tub iirowni imvo always lioen ' healthy, the mnther said yesterday. She herself lias Inures sod from HO Woman Is Fatally Hurt, Husband Loses Bomb by Infernal Machine WISCONSIN 11APIDS. Wis., Dec. SO. Declaring hla Innocence, Jnmea Mngnuson, a farmer living about six mllCrt from Marshfield, Wis., was lodged in the Wood county Jail hero j tonight charged with tho murder of .... , ,i..... Mrs. Chapman was fatally hurt nnd her husband had nn nrni blown off when ho opened a package con taining a bomb which had been sent to him through tho mail. Edward. 16-ycnr-old son of MagnuBon wnH, also placed In Jail with his father 1 10 is being held na n material wit ness. Mngnuspn nnd his son wero nr roKled near their homo by .Sheriff Walter C. Mueller nnd postal In - rncctors and detectives nf'cr the nu thorltlea claimed tbt-y had found circumstantial evldetco Unking Mag nuson with thn enne. According to tho authorities Magnuson was n bit tor opponent rf a drainage ditch project Avhlch Chnprnan, a county conmilsSfiinor, sponsorml. Except to doelaiM his Innocence, Magnuson mido no statement and the authorities did not atlompt to niicrtlon him while bringing him hero from .Marshfield. According to tho officers ho came huro from Chicago where he was an automobile me- manic noout seven years ngo. y on - tal inspectors tonight woro making a search nf Magntmon's bnm ond other buildings after which H was plannod to riuentldn him. DISGUSSSCH00LAUDIT State 1'jninliicr mid 1ocnl Hold Conference In Hoard Tulsa. Discussion of ways and means by which the audit of tho book ot the board of educntlon might bo hold wan tho purpose ot the Informal con ference held by thn board with the audit committee and Fred Parkin son, stnto examiner, fiaturday morning. liecauso of the Illness of tho I chnirninn of the audit committee. , T, .1. Hartmnn, tho conference was , neiti in liartman h nome. l'nrKinson i stopped off In Tulsa for a few hours : on his wnv to Chlonco andl talked i (vcr with the members of thb board the matter of tho audltlts flitonclng, I ,.tr. jj fiction of any kind wns , taken by tho board nor was it Its intention nt thn tlmo tno meeting was called to take any. Tiie auuit committee, mndo up oi liartman, .1. M. llnyner and George Mar-Curdy, Is going to make Its re port to the board of education at its. icgular weekly meeting next Tues day, dt wliieh time the matter of financing the nudtt will come In for Its share of discussion. It Is not gen ernlly understood. W. A Marquis, preHldent of the board believes, that tho board has no funds with which to flnanco nn audit nnd that there will havo to bo an appropriation made for it. Bull Demonstrates China-Shop Proverb POINT PLBA8ANT. W. Vn. The old laying about tho bull In the china shop has Just had a demonstration here. The bull, a huge one, be uine frightened In the streets and Plunged into Ilupert Kayner'n I taurent through thu front plate glass window. The anlmtl then nmashed llg way among tables, i liairs and dishte. inl the kitchen, K'dtig Hiciire i into tn alley in the roar. Nobody was hurt, but there wan n lot of broken china, gluix and furniture in the place after the bull left. ,. If, ClOHeCII Dead. Ily the Asaoelated I'rera Htata Wire. OKLAHOMA CITV. Dec. 30 An ton II. Claseen, CI, pioneer capital. at of this city, died today after a simrt lllncse. Clatiaen was head of the stroet car and Interurban 15 stem which operates here and was exten sively engaged In the real . estate buslncM. Until 1S97. Classen nas publisher of a weekly newspaper at Edmoml. Two CollfHfS ;lfn Charter. KANSAS CITY. M.i.. Dec. 30. The University of Arliona tit Tucgnn and the Hmitheirn Methodist iiniv.-r-lty nt Dallas, Texas, were gianted charters by the Pl Delta Thfta fia ternltv In annual convention hero to day. Cleveland Is frequently men tioned ns tho place of the next eon lentuin. although !oulavl)le, Ky . 'id Tuli. Okla , supporter prnm ied a "intuit when the question Is presented late todny. Money in Cotton $10 buys guarantee option on 20 bales of Cotton. Ve urtktr riik. A movement of 410 from option pike eivct you sn opportunity lo isle IWOs IJ. 1100, etc WRITH TODAY FOR PARTICULARS snj FREE M.RKET LETTER N I Ml 1. 1 lilt,, Hi-pi. 11 11 i;j, null, .- v. FSKAJTEnS OIHTJ' JrViii!B1Sf IMle.ii, Ul-li. ev. Larei caa. fasTSTI-l BU You See Tt3oy? Write It for The World I Tulsa U full of potdiitlol reporters and the Tulan Worli wants to be come ncqiMintetl with them, nnd , ',t'eJ ,"''' "J" opportunity to dls play their intent at reporting news ICnep yutlr eyes upon and If you wit ness 1111 accident or ate an ununmii Incident ail down nnd write the Tulsa World a story of not more than one hundred words, about It Addreas your contribution to tho Whut Did Vou Neo Editor, Tulsa World. Walking to town last evening, about 7, JO, I approached the corner At Fifteenth and M11I11 Just as a motorcycle officer had arrested a man and woman In a Kurd, who had col'lded with u car standing nt the curb. They started to dihe to th? pollen station, with the off Itier fol tuning on hU motorcycle. They drove one-half block up Klfteentn ftrei't and then ran Into another car standing at the curb. Tim ufflcer then took the culprit to tho station, leaving tin' bystanders to assist his wife in extricating (lie two cms. No serlims damago occurred, hut the mnrnl seems to ho not to ntt"tnpt to drive a Kord or an niltomobllu on coin." W. C. ISU.IOTT. Today I saw a lady. She was fat. She wore a large hat, a black wnlst and purple skirt. Sbo wore eandals and was walking very slow. COIl i NM Wl I EATLEY. 301 'North Elwood. Yesterday, while waiting for a bus on tho corner at Third and Boston, 1 saw tho blind man who sells papers there starting across the street. Ho stepped off tho curb, but hearing n truck, ho stenned back again. Ho appeared to ho waiting for someone to help him. Two men wero ntftnd- Int? - e,.ur fAt trnni Ifltn. it imr Itaaln IT i v,)mc ani whftt should he dbn to ' 10p ottr follow man, hut they wero loo busy to see tho Immediate nccu of this ono man. Soon a business man came rushing by, buttoning his overcoat us he hurried. Ho saw the blind man. looked keenly nt hini, then taking his arm piloted him safely across the busy street. Borne of tho Christ mas Kplrlt had evidently entered his heart. JANBY A. MOOItE. 22H5 East Klrst. "Havo you, 'The Fourth Wlso Man'?" Inquired a lady at tho Tulsa Tlt.rtt lFfn. xtnlH 1111910,1 111- 1 "Vn ""V nf t .."clerk it was discovered that alio meant Tho Other Wise Man." A. I', U. S. OIL FIGURES ARE GIVEN Kxpurtn f Crude. J'ctroluuin Wert; UO Million Callous in November, "WASHINGTON. Dec. 30. Exports of crudo petroleum for November nggregated 35,970,403 gallons, it was I n.inounced today by the department 0i,:,mmerf.u' .wfta.f1,ol)J !!,r" million gallons bolow thu October figured put for inn 11 montiis onti Ing December 1, exports this year exceed that ot tho sumo period last year by about 23,000,000 gallons, tho figure for the 11 months of thla year being 373,289,738 gallons. While thero wn a slight decline in the exports on crudo petroleum, it wns more than offset by an Increase in exports of tho refined product, A total of 211,837,100 gallons of refined petroleum wns exported last , mouth while a year ago exports of I this wero 190,270,197. For the 11 ! 1 months including November refined j i pertolcum exports nmounted to 2,-J 274,i65,zsc gallons against ..suv, 1 187,939 rallonn for the correspond jingporiouin ivai Exnortatlon of 41.572.119 gallons of gasoline, naphtha and other light products wa announced. Kor No vember 1921 exports of this nature nmounted to 46,870,193 gallons, Thn comparative figures for 11 months ending December i were Baz.aai.uza fn".?a '?S,:.922 nr,(1 ni'tii , ,ons rur , r ..... . nnj-H wiiu i-ropowti. POMKHOY, Ohio. That IiIh sec ond wife proposed marriago to him is the claim made by James Larkin, 77, suing for divorce Lark In told tho court that Mrs. Larkin act tho date of their marriage laflt spring, several wcokh an end nt tne onto no had In mind " U-irkln wiih qultn pofitlve he did not want to wed again if given a divorce. WEALTH AT 40 8 Man nn employe lina beentne a bust ness man an1 rat'lto 'at i n mo PHorrrs remalli"tlv aerur-l tTf,f)n.i In the - i,. 1, M.,l,.l wiih TirH l'l(IVI. 1.1.1, IN. sii 00 arvl up will aUrt you I . - l.n,.l l.f IT ...- KlMll. II1VC, I IB It'nni. New Vork Farm W Prompt Service Wo can close loans promptly on first-class farms. Sec our representative in your locality, or write us direct. WE ACCEPT APPLICATIONS FROM ANY RELIABLE REAL ESTATE OR LOAN AGENCY IN TULSA FARM LOAN DEPARTMENT Gum Brothers Go. Identified With Oklahoma's Progress for Over ft Quarter of a Century 318 South Dojton, Tulsa itnt Door North of Kmirilj- National Hank Phouen ledur 2002-2003 COUNTY OFFICE DEPUTIES NAMED Creek County Officials Will Assume New Du ties First of Year Cpwlat In The World. HAl'UM'A. Deo. SO. County offi cial to take offlco tho first ot the year today annnu.nred their deputln and nulamnu s follows: Tom Wal-lm-e. county attorney-elect, han named John M. Stanley of Pauls Vnllev and Attorney Charles Web ster nt Drumrlght ns his assistants. Miss Maude Ulllott. to tnko over her duties ns court clerk at this time, announced thnt her three olerks will be Mrs. (loldln Ilracken, now with the Katr. department ntoro, .Mrs. VIdn Sunders, fnrmorly with the city health and Levi Jones, formerly In the oil business. It. It. Dlnginan will he district court dep uty and It, N. Whittlesey, formerly city engineer, will bo deputy to thn county court. Miss Ada Jones will be bookkeeper. District .ludgo -Fred Hpnakman and county Judgo Hon Brndcn will not take office until January .. .ludRe J, H. N. Cobb and Judge Jas per Cox, Justices of the peace, will move Into now offices the flrnlAff the week. . - Tho IloudrcAU I-cn.Hu syndicate of Sn pill pa today announced the lean ing of 1,500 acres in Lincoln county. A. 1''. Uotldreau is thn trustee ot the syndicate nnd his advisory board is composed ot I,. II. McClung, Judge flaylard Wilcox, Kerd Kaufman, 11. II. LnMastor and W. II. I'rultt. The ltnudreau syndicate Is controlled by loinl men and will not be connected with the 'tost well to bo drilled in this section by tho Sun Hay Oil cor poration. BANDITS NAB $27,450 l'lvo Armed Men ltntd Two Factor it in Cleveland Ohio; Tnko Automonllc. CLEVELAND, Doo. 30. WorJt)njr with lightning speed, five armed bnndltn within nn hour this morn ing hold up two plants In widely separated parts of tho city rtnd es caped with approximately $27(450 In rash. After entering the ofrlces of tho Ferry Cap & Bet Screw Co., shcrrtly after 9 o'clock, holding up 20 clerk and nhnvcllnir nearly 120.000 In a vo- ll, they encapod in an automobllo nnu a row minutes later neici up ami robbed the paymaster of tho Ohio ilulek company, taking a pay Toll of 7,4Go nnd an .automobile bear ing an Ohio license and escaped. Pollco flying nquadrons -are searching every road and atarttu have; been nent out to alt surround ing dUtM lltit InlitClJ UClIfVrr tiiAt the bandits nro still in the city,"..' Cowa and Camels Haul ' Food to Starving Reds LONDON Milch cow and eamela transported food to .'aCO, 000 starving children and adults In the Ak'itblnsk rectlou of northern Itusala duo to tho absence ot other transportation facilities Inst winter, J. H. Fitzgerald ot Home, it,. Y., st:tte,j hoco recently In forecafltlng similar grave conditions In thatJiee tlon again thLs winter. Fitzgerald won tho American v'ellef Administra tion ropresentntlvo at Aktublnsk'lor nearly a year. ' YOU'VE IiEAl) A LOT " AnOIJT . , "NIGHT LIFE IN" HOLLYWOOD" 5 HUT WHAT DO YOU , JtkUilY KNOW? PUTS & CALLS 141) to I15S contrnls 100 share, of anr ilsterl atnek on N. T Slock Bxchanft. io farther risk. Move of 0 points from op tion irlce (Ivea jrou opportunltr to tail I10H profit! 3, 3100, etc. Write for free rlri uiar ItOIIKIlTH A CO.. SO tlltO AD RT., !i, Y. Southwestern Bell ' Telephone Company, Tenth Dividend The regular quarterly dividend on Preferred Stock of $1.76 per share will be paid on Tuesday, January the second, to stock holders of recftrd, nt close of business on Wodnesday, Decem ber 20, tOSS. It. A. NICKI3HSON, Treasurer. Loans fr! a If I Jl .1 t it s M t