Newspaper Page Text
20 TULSA DAILY WORLD, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1922 Financial. iit"wi.Ni:ra (irrtiuri mtii:n " 41 ANT to hear tmtv onr hating or ennfectlnne rr business for Rate. John Jlllack, Chippewa Fella, WANTED" ft) HF.NT m eat market In gro cery aforei In or out of city, call Olll. Osage 91i.,7. f?S0Nrr'VvTb',iiKfi middle-aged tTin with 11,000 a partner In Rami business, no Irlflera need tiwr Add rape 816-J. esre world , i.bSiS a yifmu PiTiai Twa AITRii Jannary 1 "am open tor posi tion; have had It years' experience In handling loon and production In MM Continent field limn Osage tlM-lt. DO VOU need "money" for 'argnntiirik in oil or mining company iir to finance it patentT Write or phone room II, llntal Ilnnldcr Foil I.Ic'abk -All or perl southwest quar ter, seetinn is, townertip is, rang 7, -Cowley County. Kansas, nn atnioturai iMOO-feol teat epuitdad nn adjoining fMUarter smith, roeter Smith. owner, Hout t, llurdan, Kan. Phone ill on I, .Cambridge, Kan Foil Sa"(.K'i Vaa on 11 town loti, off. l ssttlnr blr wall at Tarlton. Ilex llt-ll, losrc Wnr Id. Wt'tiinW and ffemlnote county leeaet ami ttand bnught and sold. W. J. Ryan, eltnldenvilie, Okla. I I OWN 1,040 acres nf land nor blr, flawing oil vail of al.out 1. 10 ber i r1s dally naar lonitln, Klk oonn I ly, Kan ; will leaao same an M ! farm; ICO acres of It In wait pad ' nf eeetien II, tewnahlp It, range ; II, ami HID acres waat or and ed ' Mining aatna. George H. Btrother, int Urarrltt Dldg., Kanna city, , Ma. i Oil. oPPiiRTitNITMUi UtNlfSUAI. preposition tar man nxpsfleneed In aeaurlnir oil anil aaa laaaaa. Addraas Jim 1016, Kannaa City. Mo. ut, r'llil.H Tru'li oompanyi Paeknril Itnioh anil apaad ear. oil fli laid haullnc 'our apelalty. Call Uaaca DT&I day or i iiiant, VAN'i'BI I'roiluJTnK rnyaltlaa from 6 lo ;0 t)rrrl dally. Klamlard ltoyaltr Co., III! Houlhwt National )lanl lllils., Oklnlioma .'a. A'i'ANTBfwfo "hiiy "atanird atrlne of taala; muat b In Kod ahapa ami n fK'n. K O. T. Oil Ca e- IWorlfl . M'aMtSd Drlillnit oonlract. niackwrll ' dlalrlnt, 1.1 JO acr'i Mocki reaponalhla iwirllrn only, 7-ll, World. f-Jl INfiYnUST Tn wTll7uilllnif dlraotly tiatwean 1,400 and Z-400 harrel walla; 6llcl illnlrlct: fnrmatlona rnntilnir lilulu , ahould Kt blr wall and pay out flrit muntjij prlaa 1I0O par altlv-fourth. SOU Ontral National, r.lar !, , "llo ACtlBS Commarclil laata; two ytara . .to ran: located In uthat qimrtar recllon S, townatilp Jl, ranaa T, Vaw . ,nfo county. Oaaga 301). 1303 r Chay nn. norm. iioumino noimics 4.1 An lfnnaat Man Vanlail to manaira on of our Chain Do I or Tiro and lladln Sloraa wlilcli w vlll opan In your lolnlty. V' pay all oxpaniaa ' audi na rent, advertising. rrolRht, He., and will pay you mlglity well for your earrloaa. A raalt Invaat inant of J,000 to 11,000 rniiulrad fur nlalml you on your bond by u. t)ur ftora mananer make bin money. Fiend your appllritlon and reciueat for In zormatlun today. Adlraaa Mr. McHpail ilen, AaaoQlaled Hollar Tlra fltnrae, l$t0 an tlrand Av.. Knneaa city. Mo. IIAUOAIN lioial, prloa r,600 with only tl.IIOO rli, Oaaaa mil, i)0 Vo0 uant to aell your rooinlna: lioueaT If ao, llt It Willi l.ltaeomh IUM 13a tn to & Lbap Co., 300 Ault Hide., Osage H33. l'Olt HAI.K 11 y owner, 30-room hotel- hot and cold wateri return call belt ayaternj all liMlly furnlaliad and well loontett a good permanent nnd tranalant trade; Mrll fatebllahed; price 17,000; will ulve aouio lerma to rlictiC party. Call Bold man I'urnllura Co. 17 N. Main. fFfWRN'TtOOSI reafdeiioo rooniinlt "''houa'a for 11261) Mini only 1 1.310 enaU: thla prjeo In reduced 1600 tit price na tho owner la leaving town. Oaago 6801. l'Oll SaI.II Small roo"mTii houaal all new; cheap If taktn for caih at once. 0-A N. Main. iioti:i9 and noOMiNO iiousna on TKiuifj, osaoi: cici. 403 PBCUni-J wv 1 1 . .-.r. ' I VOU 0A1.K on 'i'llAUrJlly owner. 13 room apartment bouiei a burcaln. OaaKu 1383. MACIUPICR. JIuat ell thl weelti a rooinlna; nnd boanl lna houae; hai aeveh ataady rooir-ra tlmt board nnd room, beatdet the ex. traa; only two bloaka frum ltutel Tulaa; th houaa hna evn rooma and b rage; rent only 15 per month; will nail completely furnlahed for 1H6 oaali; inovn by appointment. 8, II. Hooker, realtor, Cadar lota. j'HlHTBBNfi!. 11. 10 PumltMra of -room apartment houae; aparttnenta all rented; rent Hit; Rood leaee; 11,100 oaah; balance terma. OaaKe 41S-U. IS ItO0M8, all full, hot nnd eold water In eaeh room, lease, cheap rent, right price, termi, 1 34 rooma. W apartments, eood furniture, laase, loaatlon, rent and price right. 1 II rooma, alt full, rent III! lease; price 11,100; email down payment. 10 rooma and garage. Income 1300 month 1,-, rent 110; priced tn sell, tsrms; an other 10 rooms that llo down will han dle; 7 rooms, 1131 down; another 7 ibeine, 1160 down, balance easy, I Bight rooms, close In, good furniture, price 11,100; terras. Tt'a havs a long Hat of rooming houses and hotels, all parts of city, with iirtcvs and terms to suit everybody; aee us,t first. flTF.WArtT "AMIS CO. 100 ltOHINsKXN MAX), MONET TO LOAN CHATTKLH 44 HA I. A it y i.uaKk Te men and women regulatly smployad i;naiiei iane. Cs plsso & SS.---1S dlsrr.cs..: J a Campbell. Over Woniffr.rtbs Osaae 7170 UAIMIY L.UANH To msa and wmm reaulsrly employed CHATTEL LOANS On pianos, household goode and diamonds G JUI.BA i.WAn (.ij. Room 3 Old Daniel Illdg. Third and M iln 1 lease 7T LOANS. KALAHT LOANS to msn and women reaulartv mtiloved. CHATTKL LOANS on household goods. pianos, dtamonos ana otner cnaiteia. J'rompt sen Ice, liberal terms. ARTIlllll HKATI1KIILT Iteom 10, Old Daniel llldg. Onus till. SALAKV LOANS To men and women On pianos, household gaoda and dlamonda KBNNtUY LOAN CO., Iteom t. 3lVt f. Main, Ossge 1101. MONEY TO LOAN After tho holidays n. Brett many of ua aro tn need of money to carry us over tho rough spot. Wa will ex tend you n loa.n It you have a nttwly position. Ave do not ak far Indors ees. " City Loan & Investment Company VJ n. O'ConneJl, Manager. Fifth, and Main 40S Mnyo JJldc IlKAI. E8TATK LOANS J) CASH paid for well-secured, monthly payment mortgage notea, aeeoas pre ferred. Kreeman. iOi Drexel II Mir. Oaaaa 4101 for appointment, residence. Cedar iti-i(. 1AI11I AND filTV LOAMS Immediate aervlre; low lntetest Iivsra Jlealty Co, fo?t, 8 IP , si , lu.ssJ Okla, I'bone Uaatt tOV I Financial 1 nr.M. rvrvrr. i.oash vi: m i.'i, , , t ,i .i . ii i t m i.) .., n i, i ly mortgages, ir (icnua, ill M lloulder liiV F.HAI, thoueand dollar private mono? in loan on Improved, we l-located Mtr rt.ipsrtlss. WUa C. Harrow, Cedar icei. fu'LOAN 111,000 on Ttllaa Improved reel estate, i par rani) no commiaaion. Una see. llOHHr tn Inan on faun and elly itrop. artyi ptr nam tlrat mortfagt baalai you (at all ,ymi harrow. C. u Holland, rooma 2 and I Holland Hide. Monay to Inn fltraltnt or raonlhly pay plan on Illah c!a Tulaa raal ( rromat aarlra inapaftlon today (around (loot foadan bulldlna O. t. taara, Manotat, Cadar U fltAL fcHl-AI With Will buy aaaaral aarlaa at wall-aa-Hlad raal aatata nntr, Invet dlacount ratf In city. Call llohalt K. Adama, Cadar 100 II Kan nana mna HoneY to loan ON TULSA PROPERTY Htralglit, Rlmpln Inlcroat, pnyalile Dftml-nnntinlly Iiowont rai hum fnt fsrvlen, GUM BROS. CO. J) 8. Hnnloti Ortnr 21101 or 2003 MONEY TO LOAN straight, Hlinplo Interrnt LOW RATE rnynliln fJprnl-Annunlly nr on Knny 3IONTIILY PAYMENT PLAN On rpnltlettceo, nparttntntn or busl unwi property. Davenport, Ratcliffc & Bronson 21 Knst Fifth Htrort Osa. 748 IVANTKII tU IIOKIKMV 4K I.ADV wlahra tn borrow l,00t flrat mnrt- caso on Rood builneia Addraaa (ll-J, care World. A.NTK1- iiibi 'will pay tit Tor lia iiaa 00 ilaya. Addraaa 101-N. earo vt'orld. WANTKl) 11,000, two year or lonari 0 ai-r Kood river bottom land, near Tillna. Qae 4043 Instruction iiihkiaTi un a t . A,N7njfiTOX I'ltlVATK Inatrucilona In Viorthand' and typlnx, flnlali the work ynu be 11 14 n In high echoo! here. Cadar r mo, Nation- al rirliool Khnitnand Livcstoclc Dtitfr. f.ri'.iV IM5TS AT DTUli llnu llrummel Arbitrator, A. 1C. ('. 100338; weight IS pounds; dark seal brlndle, perfect mat kings, short inuila, tight aorcw tall, services guar, nntecd; fee III Yo Ohio rat Hhoppe, 300 M, llifujder. Alltl'HlAl.H 'pupa for aalo; aheap. Cafi Ceda r It . AUtKDALB'l'Ol'i'InS llest of breeding. n weeks Old; prices reaeonable. Oange 6I00-.T nleo aliek of Wretan ca'ts and kit tenafnraile. Oseg.1 8003. ITOHTllS J'UrrillsK-ifat Jars, lit. CaTf afternoon. lift N Yorklown. fill, C. lMiDllTOK I V. Al. practice limited to tings and cala; hospital nnd orflce. l.'ederal drive Vlinne feilsr 3303. HlTujx'l'K r 81i6l' l!o7imrrly lloota; imw under new monaKement; pets of all de aorlptlonsi gotd fiah. iiir-J;r- sives profeaslonal attention; lisapltal service. Cjtarl l. IT) It SAI.T) Thorouglthretl, iiet bull pup, 1 monina qui, nil p. Trenton. ENOMmi bull t. trior pua; for sale; 110 It tako right away. Osage 1131. 3S0S 11. Kltth. llllfiTnffiTTBH pupa, 4 munlha old. 1601 a Huston. Oshko t37t. I'lT bulla and tax terriers; northeast cor ner Twenty-first !)d 1'eorla. VElUdHKICH lloattiu pupa; also pit bull pupa, It und 110. Utlile'g lloston Ken nel. 1119 Federal drive. l'O t N T K 11 " Is I ' "1'P I P.! 'rleal blood In atata, three months old, Call Clarence Csmp- bell SXfUNK A. K. C. ollBlbla. fsTFialo Km Terrier; black and whim markings, nine mnnlba old. welaht about 1ft pounds, value, 110; to exchange for any standard inako ahotgun; must b In A-l condi tion. 4ft-J. care World TiTii stock ,"i ivii 11 ic: 1 HH 1 T)lT"et.VLK lleglatered, S-ga"rt"ed"Bsdin maia, rich chealnut color, atyllsh, gen tie; a real pleaeure horaa for tho wholo family; villi aell cheep. Community barn, Osago S801. BfiTj1riAliPONYAlao 4-whel wagon and harness, almost newt double rein bridle and nice saddle: an Ideal play mntii tor small girl ur boy. Community ham. Osage (001. SHoliTitoTtN COW, from which-f5old US 1.4 6 worth In 10 mouths; I' am moving nnd will c v 1100 for bar! In my new location ; will take 17ft; row will pay price 'and feed bill within four inunme i-naries 11. 'raymr, iteti rora t'Oi'iTiq M'l'i'i.irtS ait VOil SAI.K -onia ihovoughhrad Orpbltlg ton chickens at table prices. 1101 r) ollagaAv: Of age 1403. PortSXt- Thr'oi thoroug hbre3 Vhlta ltock cockcnls, cheap, Cedar 3178 -It. foil JtALII- White llosaoonibWyan5otta rooster anil rottr netts, aiao nita leg horn cockerels. I'bone Oeage 6!-J, 310 w. 01 lege. Pirn HAt'-UMeonabie. thoroughbred cockerels, llarred Hock, ltads, Itonduraa and lluft l.egborna, atao Half Laghorn bans and pullets. Mrs. II. O. Wells. Oak-hurst. Fj-HlITlTtKn Utral' rook eoekorela, 1H M. Klfth 81 Call Ossge 1141. itnonlt IttlND ItaJnu -Bight laying pulleta; reasonable, considering their excellent blootl lines. 1101 a, Quaker. TtOK"clMiB RBpStlur Vnilre fliH-kTor sale; all are bred from Madison fbiuare garden winnare; a rare opportitolty to start wltb the beat. Collega Hill farm. Oeajr Jllo-J . iTnODK" 1H1 AND RICO eorkerela and pul lata. iMitli comba, extra fine atock, prices reaeonable. Collage Hill farm, Osage tlO0-J. fTlRKB Hhiufa Island lied cnekerels for aale or exchange. ". L, Hearh, 133 M. Xanthus. to hire a loO-eiir Incubator and tr earns batches will buy. Cedar 1431. Personal Property Ti I'li'iiiNfrTiT.vrKitiAi ALL KINDS of used building materials bought and sold. We specialise In wrecking buildings. No job too largs or email. Call ua Tulaa Wrecking Co.. Cedar Ills U18 K Sixth I'l'rTl. roit (4AI.K COAU COAU COAU TOAIlland picked. Call iiarlatt Transfer A Storage. Osaga 4317.. CALL U8AOH miO-Vlt tefiR COAU roit good lump oosl end wood, call o7 9 Simons, iiaage till. NIt'K hand-picked coal tor quirk delivery C4ar IH1, Conoer s Transfer. IIOI'SKIIOI.D HOODS teeday. January 3. at Jm Hodge waiehouse, 134 N. Btrm- ingeani. aeverai lota of furniture and houaehold gowla to be void at public auction consisting of several complete outfits. Sale starts promptly at 1:10 P. na.. rain or ablne; tbtee blooks east WhtlOerschoel; ATflOOM location and garage; wadktag dletanca; rent 110; living room across front, furniture uead two moalha, will wcrlflee by placet or all together. Ill W. eld fon, A BCTalH who buys. If Its house ho" Id g4a eu have to sail. Call Osage 114. ANTIMTH floor lamp, mahogany sawing f-noinei ana rocger, rerrtgerator, pen sii. leamer rot uer, g;ssa rruu jars " heaHr. 16(1 K. tleoonO, Csda' Prreonal Property " HOI NI.IIOI I (IIKIDH ai IJAHOAIN Complete fgrnlaklngs of a small, elate-In. eteam-kealed -atiariment, praellcaiiy new and In A-t ska Ml .rkcaii for cb or twins ran Im srrangM with respon slble parties. Oaage T7l. nTnoKsir AtJ0 ever on tml sewing ma thlneei wa are alan closing out entire stock of phonographs; nn reasonable of fer refused ; see I hem at oaoei don't dnleyi sawing machines for II up. Wt carry part and repair all makes. Wa da hemstitching while you wait, Ic h yariH White Hewlne; Mathlne Co., 311 K. Third. Oeage 7710 Wmi1tfrV.7TT fiew ruga. Oxli, nan aroleum, III 10, III 3t, fh-ia velvets and Aimlneter, half priced. Osage sn. CAI.L JotlNelTON tor Prices snd oolers 00 inimw snaue anil CMrtain roos 10 iniat'irt. iae eset. nsu v. Admiral dAl.L f'ennelly-Plrtla r'urnltiir.i Co. to ell yaw ueati furniture, Ottrt ll, 11 W. rirat. CALL ilocier Aowera for uphoisterlni Itvlng-ronni nolle. lrker futnltve. lit H sVcond, Oaage KOI. CALl. oenge "10 '. ii 'No "trouble te rsll and give estimates on renovating mat Ireeaee Tinea Mattress Co Ci'BiAt, for caahrkTteVcablnet and gas rang n good condition. Qaaieo 10. CaI.T." J. It. ilAWKINN. Oeage' llTTto llSiy lour furniture: we mv vo,n1 fer good furniture, also e'xeiiange for new. dining-room eulte, two brand-new rugs, kitchen cabinet, two rookera, library tablo and one Jersey cow. 3101 K. Archer. Osaae 17 in. FOR HAI.n A fumsHl oak library table, nemo as new, reasonable, unit Osage tlZI-H. l'iK fALK Kurnltura cnmplelo for 1 room efficiency apartment, located st Hevnnlh and I'hayenne. Osage 3133 It PtJll SaI,' t "yueen flee ga raiiga, tit; large Century gaa hentet, 110, both In excellent condition 4 W. Wheeling. TUH-Koijll modern house, dining room and other furniture for 'sale. Inquire Collage avenue. Oeage 1413; il!.T TOP folding iard tables, itTS : 4 -Piece Ivory, groy or walnut bedroom suites lltO; mahogany Windsor chairs or rookers f 1 1.71. Hull Furniture Co., ims n. invinpia. ttage 1363. furniture reflnlehlng, repairing, up. bolstering, plain and fancy decorating done right at prices within reason. PltoNK OHAOH 41. Tulsa Furniture Itsnslr Whop. foil' It PINT Modern. 4-room apartment, e-rooni effloleney; smell amount of fur niture for aale, 1(33 H. Ilockford, Apt. 1U. KOTt 8AI.B Four rooms of furniture, IIQQ. Call Cedar 331-K. JTouan l'olt "itSiNT Purnlture for aale by owner; will i:lve lease. Otaga 1111, ffotJHBHDLD furniture of"i-room apart ment; by pleca or together, til 11. Seventh. HANI) Vacuette sweeper, good as now; lioovar etyie. usage tsut-ii. KLvri Jti;H8U6 rsnovated and re-covered returned home the same day; all work Ktieranteed. Tulsa Mattress Co., phone i las go se to. M AT'l'It i;8KS roitovstcl and to-corereil. We retell old tnsttrrsses: all work i;uarnnteed. Porter Mattiess Co. Phone i isage isas. Mll.I.KH PUlt.NlTUitr: CT will buy your used rurniture ana pay wnsi it is really worth. Usags 4003, 111-11 N. Main. NINU-PiKCK dlnlng-roum suite, lUir" a r y all of beat quality fumed nak; also 0x13 rug; modern 6-room bouse and garage for rent. Percy JSUltigton, 10 V. liaston, (Vdar 3214 NKW CAN 13 and mahogany living-room suite, four mahogany brtaktaat chairs and two pairs of new full-length pongee curtains fur salo cheap. Osage 7711, 5UAKHIt. H.. ll--Sevcn-room house; 3- rar garage; rurniture lor raio citeap. Pb one t )sa ge 3040, ffijvnS ItOOMB uf furniture; close In; good location and rent only 370; prlco 1100; a snap. Call lllndenach, Oaage ii,i - Til RUM IIOOMB furniture, everytning cnraite. cloaA In. snap. Oaare 3tll. ONT1 kitchen cabinet good as new, can be seen at 1111 H. Detroit, oasga 0611-K. (JiifriNtXi, niJFiSsx3.i sarouk. tJT; e BXI.O liormnnaiinn, tjiv; dij-ih jior- haro, 1160. IttigH are finest quality, new, and prlcct less' tbati halt value for Immedlsto aale. Private otvnor, 310 11. Woodward lllvd. Osage 1363. ONI3 kitchen t-ttb'lnet. as good as new, a'lao ona tlaybed. 3117 K. aixth. Osage B731. UKwi rooUer, old atlo Kill ton phono- (rrapn, artny cot putowa, cutaina, bea atead and eprlnga, pictures, few dishes and cooking utlneela, porch swing, com forte, sheets, blankets, other Items, Osaga 97t7. t7 N. Dsnver SIX rooms furniture; all together or by tha vice, vtoittiiK of inahoKatiy bed room suite, living ioni furniture, ma hogany bedroom eulta. oak ttlnlng-roam eulte, gas range, Wilton ruga, beaUrs, kitchen cabinet; also furniture suitable for tight housekeeping and apartments; cheap for cash. Usage 3077. HIS II. lUlli place. THhSb rooma of furniture for eale; cot tage can ha rented. 30ft N. lloulder. W1CKHU living-room suite. Wilton and Axtnltister ruga, 1-pleoa dining suite, muhogtkpy day bed, breakfast set, rente, nisi 3-burner stove, chllfotrier, dresser, Hlmmons bed, old Ivory And walnut bed room atutes, bench and wringer, 31( av. rsaiaon, WANTKl Itetrlgerators and stoves. Call usage iijo VOU CN WBAfl diamonds, It you ssir your aecend-band furniture, to the dia mond Furniture Co. Ossge 1134. MUMC.U, INSTltllMnNTS A flACiTuWcK - t'omplete, 1316 Vlctrola, like new, tlto piano, fine condition; either n big bargain It sold at once. 71IS. Clnclanatl. BI.T.l.NOTON" .M A NTlALO player pTsno, practically new; will aell for rssh nr on terms; price reasonable or will con sider Pord coupo In deal. Call Oaage OIIO-.T. POK S."lB Nearly new Wurnltxer cor net Call Oaage 1177 between I and 11 a, tn. roll HAI.K Quod guitar and case, E. W. Aagulah. Y. M. C. A. FOK 1A1.H One good Voss mahogany plane and bench. In good condition; will sacrifice, can cedar 171. Call from 1 tn 1 on Ntinday. on, Ji AtTfi i s ififi-.ixui'Pi.i lis ) rOR 8A1.K 1)11 ItENT Concrete mixers hulst engines, gasollns engfbes; air compressors, pumps, saw rigs, etc, It, T, Courtney. 301 S. Houston. Fi'PK fifV eale; L771 feet' x-lnalt, 31 pound, bear Pawhuaka. Phone Ossge ftlius ; ask for Neal. OPKlCn-STOIIK i:lUIP.Mr;.NT CJ ADDINU MACIU.Nlil AND TVPRWlttT KKB. ALL MAKR3, bought, sold snj repaired. Office Appllancca Co., 30t a. uoaton. usage isor FOR SALE Physlclan'a office, operating table, chair, aland, sectional bookcase, stove, all In good condition; bargain ror quick sane, tsage ssit, FOR HA Ut Ron-top desk and chair at Hargaln. Ill Call Oaage 0113. SilOcrilVY store and buloher shop fix turea, tilO 8. Ilockford. Phone Osage 17 Ilk rtARDBX VIHI1U.B ni9ConD Cards In sight mean business control. Kardex Bales Co., M. K . Poundstone, dis trict manager, box 1101, Tulsa. Phone ueaar iks "OF"FIC BQUll'MtiNT Mahogany toll-top desks, flat-top desks and tablesi, typewriter stands, melal waste paper baskets, four dlctopnonts, one record shaver, two typewriters, tout 4-drawer wooden mahogany filing cases, 10 wooden oak transfer filing cases, r bona Oaage 7410. rfi'KWKlTsJR FOR BaLR Corona, "with carrying case. Ilka nsw; also Ollvtr No. t. perfect condition; Bargains. Ossge 7177. 410 Daniel Uldr. von SALE Bank risturtte. full set. five cage, ma hrtny. Saerltloe. Taylor & lxtiuui, phono 103, IlartloavllU, Okla. x ' Pcraonal Propc v 0 111 1 P. rllOllP. Kll IPMKNT ' r,l I it, i ' nglif. it M,'l liapiay It . 1 If 1 ' pri' 'i ' WAN ! RltMabognny top deak Uox l t oli top and flat rrff:lTMPI,,?ffr, l'.UTILI'.i:ilM .l UDA onion pfanta delivered tu you by parcel poet! loo for II; 1,000 for II 71. frox I proof i:abbaga n'nnts. too for 3110; 1.000 for 13 10. Wn prepay poelsge, guarantse eatlsfactton and prompt shipment. Dealere wanted. 11 c. lladen, Ladonla. Texas. PTogT-PftfiTir" OffiAOPTOCr7Tl"We have millions of Jereey Wakefield. Hur caealon, Drumhead, 11 at Dutch, of the real frost-proof plants now ready for shipment. Prices fob. Vatdosla, II par 1,000, mall or expreaa charges collect, cash with order. Valdosta Want Ca., Vnltloela, fla. PMBK HcrnlVoT free Imok on hardy tTeesT Klants, shrubs, vines and eeeds from the oarl of the Oaarks. Idsal for reference. Iteta hundreds if varieties at tote prices, directions fnr planting, speclsf offers, etc.; Iionlc free, write todsy. Arkansas deed end Nursery Co., Dept. 1C-S, Pay attttvllle. Ark. ' r-'hoHT"' PHtXir OAlOlAOR P LA 'it 18 Early Jersey Charleston wskefleld, sua cceslon flat dutch; parrel postpaid; 104, 10c; 340, 76c; lOd. 11; 1,000, II 10; charges collect, 1 000. II, COW, toe; 10.000, 10c; pflie taker, hermuda. onion, kale, rollard, lertute, brueaell sprouts, same price; satisfaction guaranteed. 1). F. Jamison. Wiimniervllle, H. c T.A f'HANOR. overbsaring red raapberrlra. largcat and moat productive fall bearing raspberry In nxlstsnce; awarded 11 madai and ctrttflrates nf merit over All other vtrletles; strawberry planta by the million; write tor free Illustrated cata log. Alexander Company Nurssiles, Mcciure, III. " Viti i 1 1 1 Ml " AP PAH V, C" 67 ACT QUICK Highest prices paid for rcond-hand clothes, shoes and hats, Ossge 7140. all cast-oft clothing bought at highest shoes, etc Oaage Prices; also hate. S44R. AIIOVR all others 1 pay highest prices for used clothing, shoes, hale, cto.. Osage 06. Ack-llllill prices paid for all kinds nf used clothing, shoes and hals. Call Cedar lit llKST prlcss paid for your misfit clothing; high-class trade. Tulsa Clothing Kx change, 313 '4 P. Main. Cedar 39t. KOH HALE Kill! dress auK, new, sits II, .cheap. Ossge 1601 -It. HUDSON BBA1. wrap, lull length, like new, or will trade fnr diamond or tour ing1 car. 334 ' N. Main, apartment 3 TWO COATS lorlale at a bargain. Cedar 1111. 1 MIMCV.I.I.ANI'.OIIN FOB, HALK (IS A LLOYD rrcd baby buggy In good comll- t uon. uaii usage cast. DltTJo I'lXTUlfKS' and oda fountain, completo outfit Including latest buffet ehelvlng, built for party who lost loca tion, will give purchaser benefit of cast! payment, nnd sell for balance due. Bmall cash payment down, balance monthly paymcnte. Southern Fountain ft Plxture M fg Co , Dallas. Texas. l'oit 8A1.U fixtures of butcher shop at Cnlllnsvllle. A V II rooks. olt BALK Lloyd Ivory baby buggy, used very little. 111. 173S R. lloston. Colar 41S4-J. KOH BALK Complete works of Alexandre liumaa, in 34 oiums;excIIent tounl tlon; bargain. 1 K. Maybelle. Oaage S714-n. ' " ULNLINJO recti baby buggy, good Lundl Uun. Osage (111 flAINt'OATS Kuamnteeo L. Walt, Hulibcr Ooods waterproof. A. 400 8. lloulder tll'KCIAI, UAItOAl.N 41 Smith A Wes son, pollen special, pistol; good ns now; reason for nailing 604 N. lloulder. SODA KOUNTAIN, tonaeco wall case, cigar case, candy case, tables, chairs and carbnnator. complete confectionery out fit. Will msko special price and aell on very easy terms. Write or wire, tiros man 1'otintaUi Co., Dallas, Texas. TOY moving picture machine and ladles' wartuobe trunk, l'liono Osago ,833. WANT b.D TO III V DIAMOND, about one carat, must be per- perfect. irllo description and prlco, box M, care World. OKI, A VwiiTki Paper Co., buying all kinds waste psper, books, magazines nnd meiais. uesga r,ti7t. I-AJNTINO MACHINlIflY fur small daUy, cyitoorr press, cuiter, sioncs, lype, cau Inets, etc, wanted It In good condition; explnln fully condition, prlco in first letter. Legal llecord, Muakogee. Okla. WaSjt t6 IIUY good cntisRu to move; muit oecnesp. usage 4G7S WAN'TKD U0 thoroughbred Ithode Islsnd lien, jiuif orphlngton or llarred Hock laying pulltts; no culls. Write or phone Job llagen, police elation. Hllck. Okie. WANT15D 1,000 loads of trash, anything that will fill up, dumped on lot at He B Tacotna. WANTED Old false teeth; we pay as high as 310 for full sets; don't matter If broken. Western Metal C, llloom Inglon. 111. Property for Exchange kaU'hano k a pt flti o i i i lks 70 133 miltUHHAN sedan, 7-paEsengrr; fully equipped; practically new; good shape; will trade aa flrat payment on 6 nr C room bungalow. Call Cedar 3ift1-J. y--MI1 1 Viu IjKKAI. l.HTATK Fan 8 ALU Oil KXCHANllli lluslness property and residence. Owner, I06H N. Lewis. FOIl SALU OH Tit A DE five-room bouse, loe 66x140; one-halt block south Home Harden station. Pay Piatt. I'AltM IHiMhri, HUSINKSB PltOPlsHTY i:.OIIANtli;D AND SOLD Prnporttea of Merit will get results. SEU T. N. WOltD. 531 LYNCH DIDO. cedar soil, Tuisn. Okla. Osage 3131 l'Oll 8AI.H OH Tit A DB lly owner. To acres, close In, trade for Tulsa Income property or (rood residence, this tract blocks well Into acreage tracts; tracts all around are said for 1 600 per acre. Call Osaga 4 4t J, NTci; HOMRTfour rooms, four lots, all In bearing fruit, city water and gas; want email acreage, llox 180, Alba, .Mo. Blx-noOJ! houae In a email .Missouri town. Mid Burnt caah, to exchange for Tulaa. property. Cedar 4130-It. WANTLD To trade nn unincumbered houae and lot in linld, Okla., for 7 passsnger automobile. Call Osage S137. XCHA.MIK ItKAl, KSTATIi Ti full SAt.K lo acrea good bottom land, or exchange for Tulsa, frcperty. Cedar 4SII-J. HUVKN-IlOOM houee, modern, clear in Ht. Louis, for Tulaa property, Uox 120, -rujeft. V7NT ACToMOUll.l: to trade on mr now 4-room cottage, wall water, 3-car garage, extra large lot; my equity Is 1800, balance 2f per month, 430 11. Oklahoma place or Tulaa street. ron bai.k on I'ACiiANtih 71 WILLYB-KNIOHT, s-cylinder, 11 model, for roadster; will give or taku differ ence, call Osage Itos-J. 87 ACHKS, 10 acrea bottom land; Iigan county; 3 -room houae, shed; good well of water, eome timber, M0 per acre; trade for Tulsa property. Osage 1301. Real Estate for Rent Vl.tTS AND APAHTMK.NTH 73 AHLVM APAHTMENT3 lilt BOD Til DKNVHK Five nice rooms with T-room ef ficiency; steam heated and modern In every reepoct; fully equipped basement; i;aragea. The laat word In modern apartment con-atructlon- Will be ready for oc cupancy the flrat week in Jan uary. Can b inspected at any time. For particulars and appoint ment phone Osaga litis. ATTltACTlVK apartments ot tour rooms. t-room effloleney, inclnt-rnter. janitor service, lueuty ot ngnt, narawood floors, tllo bath, hot water, fully equipped aunary; aduita only: rant 1(0 and lit. Call 1133 S. Ilockford. apartment t AN ATTltACTlVK 4-room apartment, never occupied; modern; up-to-date, plenty aunllgtit full equipped laundry, close to transportation; janitor eervlce; adults only; rent III. Call 1513 R Hook furd, apartment 4. ATTltACTlVK, close In, etaam heated, hlgh-claas atMftment. references re quired. Apply 13 Plaia court. Cedar A NICK 4-room apartment In Wheeling apartments) 110 par month. 1'houe Ossgs 7111 for Information. APAKTllBNT- rnur roams slid bath; in- a-aor ceil; built-in raDinei, not ana t wsi.-i gas and watsr paid. N.-. 6' U, Trenton, Real Estnto for Rcnt " l'LATrf AND APAHTStKNTB 7l iTti.ilC'N h , i an a : uieite. Apartment" i . 1 uufurn e.I fnuc roorna and private bath. Mtuphy bed. no small children, Immedlsto possession. Ossgs tl&l. ITKitRV APAl'tTliSNTB One B-room e' flclency apartment, steam heated. Call Cart ar 17 4 3 or Ced ar7 1 . t iToBTO.V VIKW APAlffMK.NTS KlvH room efficiency; modern In every re spect; ateam heat; gas; water and janitor service; all bull t In features; south front; references required. 302 Mayo llldg,, Otsgo til IIKTAN AI'AltTMKNT, 711 B. Denveri ready for Inspection; beautiful, hlgh Fless, eteam-heatod, S-room etflclenoy apartments, Osage HI. C LCISM IN ttvo rooms and bath; rear of Ilsrwlck apartment, too B. lloston, ISO per month, Osaga- 7711, Ccdsr liOI. , cTncINNAII, N., ItOi'or rent, untur nlshcd apartment. Phone Cedsr 3171. CATtRON, s. fSItPlva rooms, sleeping porrh, laundry, garage; newly deco rs ted.l)asjRO 74. EktHOIT, ,' 311 t'nfurnlshel apart ment, tour rooma and bath, 1(1 per montn. EFFICIENCY apartment, steam heat; lights, water and gaa furnished; lit. Bee lanitnr. 1330 s. Houi.ier. l'Oll HUNT five-room apartment, unfur nished, steam heat, good gsrsgc. well ,ntr. (lasge 3&1 1011 ftl!?ff Two rooms, kitchenette and bath, over garage; whlta only; ISO. Oaase 17. POIJIt-TtuoM apartment, unturnlahed, at 603 H, llnow, 4t. Cell Cclar 1080. r"OLrt IIOUJIB, (-room efficiency; dress ing room, ln-a-dor bed, south exposure, many windows; living room and bed room very large, class In arranged to sub-let; nosr Eleventh street car Una; rental begins January 1. 1121 B. Klgln, apartment No. 3. J) A IN, N., 1133 Iloyilell Apia., modern C-room apartment, second floor, Osage 1007. MODKKN t-.-oom efficiency apartment, downstairs, south side, hardwood floors, stone mantel, linoleum on kitchen and bath, white enamel cabinet, equipped laundry, hot nnd cold water furnished, 161 600 N. lloston. cedsr 47U-J. MANHATTAN COUHT has an apartment for rent; thren rooms, bath and dressing room, steam heat, hot and cold well water, vacuum cleaning eervlce; refer ences required. Phone Osage S 4 60 tor appointment. iiv.W APAHTMUNT for rent; three or four rooms; oak floors; butlt-ln fea tures; murphy ln-a-dor bed. Osage 1619. 1437 11. tflxlh, fffiVKNTH. Ii, :Tll for rent, a l-rpom apartment, private bath and garage; upfurnlshed; 136 per month; no children or dogs considered. Apply next door. Phone Cedar 3371. UNl''i;iiNISHED 5 -room apartmsnt, close In. Phone Oaage 3303 or Ossgs 1730. VKItY DUSIIlAHLK, t-room spartment; just completed; Individual garage; laundry room; hot wateri on car lino. Call at 811 N. Cheyenne. FLATS I'UTtNlSIIED 78 A LIUltAHY apartment tor rent. Third. Osage 7313. 311 W, A 4-UOOM apartment; for rent January 1. Osage t037. APA 11TM11NT Furnished, two rooms, private entrance. Oaage 3572 excep tlonally located. Call esrly. A NICKLY furnished apartment, basement, 4 W. Seventeenth, fit Inquire APAHTMUNT ot two nice rooms, cam. pletely furnlahed. modern. private en- trance, izo n. Maybeii. IIOBTON, N., CIS Two-room furnished apartment. Osage 3333-J. HOL'LDLH, B., 107 Two-room apartment for rent, ground floor. Cedar 3143-11. CINCINNATI, 503 ci,e-i, oiii Kiri- ment. completely furnlahed. Osage 8350. CLKAN, nicely turnlsheil down stalra apartment. Cedar 3171. 307 B. Thirteenth place. CINCINNATI, H., 417 Nicely furnlahed modern apartment, piano, close In. KXCKLLHNT 4-room apartment with ga rage; aeven blocks ot Main. 313 S. Houston. Cedar 3720-J, KLOIN, M., H31 'llircc-room apartment, nicely furnlahed. Cedar 3331-n. CLOIN, H., 1110 South side, 4-room ef ficiency, kitchen and breakfast room furnished, ln-a-dor tied In living room; ready January 3. Osage 334., 1'IVU-HOOM apartment completely and elegantly furnished, tn couple without children; most be seen to be appreciated, owner -would llko to reaerva bedroom: reasonablo. Phone Cedar 311S-H or call 312-A K. Klghth Ut. rniSCO. N 417 Four rooma nnd bath, furnlahed complete, all bills paid; 1(3, Call Osage 6310 FOUlt furnished rooms for housekeeping at 2333' K. Hodge - FUHNI3HKD apartment for rent; preferred, 3S34 13. Admiral. couple FOUH-HOOM; 6-room, efficiency, steam heat; lights, water and gaa furnished. Bee Janitor, 1130 B. lloulder. FOUlt or eight rooms furnished. 433 N. Mayhell. Inquire HODOn, E. 1310 Completely furnished 4-room upper apartment, on car Una; two porches. Phona Cedar 4131-J after 3 o'clock a. m.s KOONB APAHTMriNT, 614 W, Third, fur nlshed, four rooms and bath, front and hack porch, laundry, vacant January 1; 110. Osago 837. L.Uton 4-room apartment, walking dis tance, ready January 1, Osago 3717, or Osage 6174 after 6 p. m. MODlSltN tvo-room furnished apartment with, garage, suitable for couple employ ed. Oaage (III. NiCtiLY 1'UHNIMHKD, very attractive. 3 room apartment. Phone Osaga 1093. 381 W. Twelfth. nI-IWLY furnished, modern apartments, ready for occupancy, vvry modern con venience; rent reasonable; Thirteenth and Klgln: Ossge 3170. SIIVKN'TH. lT; 403 Furnished 3. room modern apartment, close In, rent reason able. THHKlMtOOM- apartment, south side, for aqiiits. can usage WANTED Congenial young lady to share cozy 3 -room apartment, 01 1 H. Cheyenne, apartment 3. Cedar 3479 after 1 p. m. WANTKD Two gentlemen to 101 share Mary apartment. Cedar 130-11, llroekman. WANTKD A congenial girl to share at tractively furnished apartment, close In. call cedar 3470 Sunday or after 6 p. m . WANTED Young man to share small. ctcse-m apr:em; csa ; night preferred, llox 1817. Hi , - , HO UK Fa FOR HKNT 37 ATTRACTIVE 4-room apartment in 8 room duplex, private bath, mantl, kitchen cabinet, hardwood floors, 110 per month; garage clots by. 1331 N. Main. Otage 2311-R. A S-room and bath duplex. Ill W. Ninth. ueni sib. UriOADMOOR location, fire rooma and breakfast room; hardwood floors; mod ern; basement; garage. III. Call Jen nlngs. Oaage 9700. IIOTII BIDU3 of a modern duplex for rent at 1333 B. Quaker. Osage 917. H LUIS', B, 1321 Blx-room, mclern house. garage. Osage 4134-J. CINCINNATI S. 120 For rent. 8-room house, hardwood floors, two baths, 3-ear garage and servant quarters. Call Mr. Besslnghqus. Oeage IIM. CHF.YBNNB, N , 1311 -Modern house for rent, ueoer nil. DUPLKX Four rooms, basement, close to two car lines, Call Cedar 171. FOR rtSNT Five-room modern bouse, 150 per month. 1103 Carthage. Call Osige iiti-u. FOR HKNT -Five-room bungalow; AO condition; garage; rsfctencte; adults, 160. Osage 1H7. FOUR-ROOM modern duplex for renu 107 8. Maybelle. Ceder 3U3-J. FOR HUNT Modern furnished servant quarters, iter B. carson. FOR IlKNT Uraullful l-room duplex, screened-ln sleeping porch, garage. 1320 B Troost. Call Ossge 3037. FOR RBNT lilght-room house; two betas: convenient for two rumtlltt, 173, 1701 K, Third. FOR HUNT January 1 t-room houae; 'noma and base Call Ossge 3101. newly decorated, fire ruent. 711 B. Denver. For JtKNT Four-room modern house. close in. i-none usage ostt. FOR .LUASt Ftve-ruom new bungalow, 1-acre lot, chicken house, barn, garage snd well; fourth road north, fourth nouse near uruner station. fort HKNT Six-room airplane bungalow, basement, garage; immediate possession 301 N, ltosedale. Call Cedar 371 Fi'R REN 1 Small new houae, gas anj lights, IS bioi ka north O enn etatu.n llu month, inquire next door et Quh. Real Estate for Rent HOI HK l'Oll It 15 NT 77 ri'Il III", r Iteaunlul r.ew ft roori mod floora, corner lot, garsge and driveway, tine lilock from car line, fluff to school, rent 100 per month. Call Mr. Hell, Cedar ITT PoTlTtKNT Flve-r.iom house at 309 W. Ilaatnn; also gsrsgs. Bee B. P. Duma at Tulaa Ulectrlo Shoe Bhop. 211 S. lloulder. - DKlllTfiffNTII. H., 23 Half duplex, un furnished, living room, bedroom, kitchen Pullman breakfast room, private bath, newly decorated. Osage 6314. FOH HKNT Large paitdea vans, with csreful men to move, psck or store any thing; long dlslsnce moving and freight hauling a speeta!t. Call Joe Hodgea. fire proof ware hjus. Ossge 0149, Cedar 3111. Ask for free aborace plan. FOil It liNT Seven-room, modern. T story house; garage; hasomant and well; corner Ninth and Oalveeton. J. 11. Jennings. Osago 3l. FIVfl-lioOM. modern cottage; located at 2431 K. Fourth placo. Fidelity Invest men! Co.. Otage QtlO. l'oit HBNT 'riiree-room, partly modern houae 1183 B. Slxlh. Foil HKNT Four rouma, partly modern. 310 , I'rlaco; 130. FOH HUNT Two-room house In rear. 1101 B. Third. Oesgo 37. ITS YOUH MOVIi NBXT Joe llodeea Transfer, moving and slorsge. Pscklng furniture a specialty. 110 S. R'gln. FOt HKNT Three-room house. 1230 W. Vlret hi ILLINOIS nUNOALOW COURT NKW i-HOOM efficiency; nllt-ln fea tures, oak floor, large upstilrs sleeping room; private bath; close In; north side; to per month. Call Cedar 41 or Cedar 3113. evenings call Osage 7317 or Osage 6710. HALF of new n-rooni duplex, on north side; 333 per month. fge 1740. IMMnDlATH relief for rheumatism; one treatment free; actual resulta. Dr. Wright, masseur. 30a. Itnblnson llldg. LAWTON, H., 1119 Practically new 3-, story 7-room house, restricted district: references required. Phono Osage 1CS2, Cedar 3791. N1NU-P1KCU dining-room suite, library table, duofold, roll-top desk, arm chair, all of best quality fumed oak; also 9x13 rug; modern C-rnom house and garage for rent. Percy Islington, 10 W. llasfen, cellar azai ONE-HALF new, modern duplex; three large rooms and sleeping porch, Mur phy bed, bullt-ln features; 140. 639 W. llrady. Osago T3j'jCdar ,, S., 18'J Jlode'rn'j-room duplex. 14ft per month SIX-HOOM bungalow, basement, beauti ful bullt-ln features; reasonable rent. Pes ge2! 43. SOUTli-smn COIINKH, lovely 7-room bungalow; 2-car garage; modern serv ants' quarters; basernent und furnace; soft water tank. Osago 9178. SUVKN-IIOO'M house for rent, furnished or unfurnished. 821 B. Quaker, Osage 3310. S1X-HOUM modern bungalow; close In; very tirstrabie. can tenar 3oi-ii. BIX-HOOM modern house for rent, Osage 4210-R. SIX-ROOM house; garage. 4 N. Victor. Call OsaR, 4556 ft. TtlKF.Il-ROO.U hour, on rear ot lot, un- furnished, 111. Cedar 360. , THIIKJ; ItUuMtt, with bath and garage, 211 N. Lowls, 133 60 per month; 110 S. Klwood, tkree rooms, 130; 1317 S. Onl veaton, seven rooms, basement, guragc, I7L ; 419 a. Trooat. five rooms. 160. K. 1-1. Clulow, Os.igo 1901. 315 llaloce llldg. THHKC-ltOOM modern duplex; newly docorated; on car line and good well ot water; rent reasonable; no children. 1(01 B. First SU. Osage 9336-R. TW15LFT1I, W7. 617 Four-roqm house: bath; one block from car and school, 140. Osage 5333. YOHKTOWN, 3.. 1007 Six-room house: hardwood floors; house newly painted; on pavement; roomy garage; very at tractlvo surroundings; 175 per month. Phone Osage 1009. HillMr. -rUHMMIKI) 7M L'lailTH. W., 10. Two rooms, 110 per week: everything furnished: for rent. FOH RUNT Furnished complete, new, 6 room, modern bungalow, 3703 17. Fifth place. . FOR RENT Five-room furnlahed cottage, very nicely furnished. Call Cedar 1011-J. . FOR RLN'l Three-room house, close In, furnished or will sell furniture. Cedar 131G. . FOR HUNT Five-room furnished house, on east Admiral, rent 171. Osaga 6501. FOR HKNT Furnished, 1417 K. Hodge, 2-story nicely furnished, 185. Osage 393C. FOH HKNT One-halt ot duplex; extra well furnished, with piano. 1615 K. Admiral. ' FL'HMBIIHD, three neal, clean rooms; screened porch; only reliable people. 101 1 K. Fifth place, Osage 3993. FOR HUNT Sir-room cottage, furnished; ifsrese; well walr, c! In. otng? 231. . FOR RBNT Will lease Mornlngslde homo for six months; nlno rooms, 2-car ga rage, servant quarters, completely fur nished. Otsge 3005. NINU-1'IECK dining-room suite, library table, duofold, roll-top desk, arm chair; all of best nualltv fumed oak; alao 9x12 rug; modern 6-room house and garage for rent. 1'ercy Ellington, 10 w. taiton - .7 1 . NICULY furnlvhed 4-room bungalow; on bus line; to responsible people, 315 W. FAiston. Otero 8553. cedar 3314 THIRD, B. 1438 Nicely furnished 5-room modern house for rent; piano tn house; can be rented. WANTED Rellnbla couple to share 6 room houae, with man and two daugh ters, close In; everything modern. Ce dar 3415-It. "UrnrKM and dksk room is ATTltACTlVK OFFICES for rent. In Tuloma building, corner Second and Cheyenne; all outsldo rooms; 24-hour elevator service; desirable suite of two targe front offices; single office com pletely furnished; phone Osago 8600 or cali at room 204 Tuloma nidg. Dr.slKAliLi: u l flee rooms lor rsnt In Iowa building See Tulsa Security Co.. 231 Iowa llldg. DF.BK ROOM available. First National Hank llldg. Phone Oaage cm. FOR RENT Ground floor office space, di rectly opposite postotfice. 125 per month. 317 B. lloulder. Foil HliNT Five Urge office rooms In C. C. Cola building. Fifth and Bouth lloston second floor! all rooma con nected, ateara heat; good janitor eervlce; will rent separate or en eulte. See C. C Cole 210 Cole llldg. Phone Osage 131. STORB-" ROOM 1305 U. lloston Av., 23x60 feet; steam heat; one of the best lo cations for high-class trads. Apply 203 Mayo Tlldg., Osage 618. TWO very desirsble office rooms, reason able rent first clan janitor and fie valor as r vice. Atco building, Ossge 013. Vt ALL-LIGHTED Iront office fur rent In World building, reasonable rent, first olsss janitor service, central location, Apply business office. World. HrtlKKM AM U AltKHOI HF.B nil CORNER HTORF, to rent. Fifth and lloulder, low rent; eultable for genta' furnishings, jewelry, cats ar many other lines. Perram .Auto Supply Co., 213 r; necona COKNKIl 8TOHUHOOM. 3tx90 feet, 324 N. Main; good location for grocery or fur niture store; will divide It desired. B, M. Hell, Cedsr 1112 FOR RENT Four-car garage, with large back yard, on alley; 611 S, Uoulder; suitable repair shop or paint abort, Co- oar ;ci Foi. Kl'il, l:. Storeroom, 11x41. Cedar 1743 or cedsr . FOR RENT Agood new etore and b'iclt storeroom In a good live business town, Pswnee, Okla.; 100 feet deep, Zt feet wide, II-tout celling, cement floor. 175 per month, (jail or write O. T. Pearson, North Bide hotel, phono 133,, Okla., or write or call J, It. CrllM, 111 N. Market, Wichita, Kan., phona Market no. FOR RUNT bpace In fireproof ware house. Joa ilodgta Transfer Call OSSgs 1149. STORKROOM. 31 by 30 feet at 405 S. First Rent ressonsbls. Pbone Osge 9649. "VA.NTF.D TO ItKNT liOMl'LHTKLY furnished 6 or 6-room house. Call Miss Ventrees. Oaage 3317. T WO reftned young ladles, sitters, desire to rent furnished apartment, close In; references 111-J care World. WA4STKO-- Business location, small store room or spsce, suitable for jewelry store, muat be good ,ocat on. Call cr-- n'-wctb, witti V. U, Cunnlnsbom, Olage 510. Real Estate for Rent WANTI.D TO HKNT t WAM,.1 To lent by rcspt-nalble party, t-room houae or bungalow with garage, in good lo, atlan, south side or North Denver. Ossge 4011 -.1 WANT TO HKNT Smell, 3 or 4-room. furnished apartment, with piano, Ossge cm. WA NT Ii f ) T h ree or four-room house, un furnished, with garage, by the let. Call Osage 9130-11. Real Estate for Sale AtTmcAUK roit walk H FOH SALB I1Y liWNKR Ten-acre truck farm, three miles from Ilartleavllle, Okla., two miles from Dewey, Okla., good 3-room house, young fruit, grapes and berries; nil fenced In; free gas; prion 31,660 cash. Address S. A. O., 07 Jennings St . narllesvllle, Oltls Foil BALK oil LKAS'l-', Land around big dam, waat of Bapulp.1. Addreas Miss Butgess. 111,):. Thompaon FOR BALI Oil TKADB 80 acres lond, t'ayno rnunty. five mllea from Still water. Write W. I. Ingram, Cleveland okla. ; ,:IVB ACRBB. on Tuisa-Bapulpa Interur ban line, 1300 per ncro, with some terms. Patterson Realty Co., 210 Robinson llldg. Osage 3060-7130. FOR BALP. 140 acres", five miles south east of Tulsa; level ami fertile. Osage 47IK. HOMHSKKKKfTs lo acres. It cultiva tion, balance timber; house, barn, or chard, water; near town; price 1750; terms; bargain. Toles, Ncttlcton, Ark. TWO 6-acre tracts of mlglity nfce'land, well located, northeast uf the city, to trade for property In the city. Patter son Realty Co., 210 Robinson Dldg. Osage A010-7HB. 80-ACRB FARM, on llroken Arrow road; 8-room house and other buildings; trade for Tulsa Income property. John Bar rett, room 208 Robinson Illdg. Phone Ossge 1H7, cedar 2984, 40 ACH14M In Harry county, Missouri, 1960, Two acres strawberries; will trade for vacant lot or sell on very easy terms. Inquire 2325 3. Olympla Av., West Tub el. C 11. Hartley, 40 Al'KBK. on UroKen Arrow road, to trnde for Tulsa property; land clean of Incumbrance John llarrett, room 208, Robinson Illdg. Phone Osage 1887, Ce dar 24. Hi:SlM'.SS PltOPIlRTY XI llHICk mercantile and office building. 5 story: on beet corner In prosperous coun ty seat town; owner will tnko long time leaso.on part not required by buyer. L. M. Outline tc Sons, pxark. Ark. IIOI1BLS FPU SAI.K AN KXCEPTIONAI, offer, 1600 cael. and 340 per month; a brand-new 6-room bungalow, long living room across the entire front, hardwood floors, all latest bullt-ln features, on the paving. In one of the best restricted districts on the south sldaiprlco only 18,600. Call Osage 9117. A IIAUOAIN Southeast corner; Hscred Heart district; B-room, modern house; full lot; room on rear for two houses or duplex; must be sold Immediately; quick action; need money. Call Mr. Lottlnvllle. Otage 1363 al 1319 Carson or Osaga 3988. A BARGAIN NI7W Irtvlng place bungalow; five rooms, glassed-in room, screened-ln porch, Pull man breakfast room, base tubs, all the bullt-ln fen turea. No. 1 hardwood floora throughout, Ivory finish, full south front corner lot and carage; any reasonablo cash payment; wuj! eeeurcd mortgsgo notes or modern vacant lot as first pay- - lnenl; owner. Freeman, Cedar 4566-R, Office. Osago 4801. A HKAL IIAUOAIN In a c-room colonial bungalow, hand decorated, artistic cab inet mantel, nest grnne nr osk iioors, tile bath, beat ot bath flxturos, many hollt-le. feetoree leree kitchen well ventilated, extra large closets; corner lot, cast front; garage snd large base ment; easy terms. -Call Cedar 903 for details. A HKAL HAHOA1N In a nice, new 5-room cottage, on east side, oak floors, mantel and bullt-ln fixtures. Phone Osage 1739. 11ROADMOOR BUNGALOW SIX ROOMS, hardwood floors, French doors, furnoce, nil Imllt-ln features, beautiful shade trees nnd the terms aro easy. W. B. Clinton, realtor. Cedar 2191. 311 Kennedy Vldg. nUSINBSS LOCATION One of the beat buys from an Investment standpoint In the city: 40x160 feet, good 6-room cottage, for 18,000, This Is In a rapidly growing business section. TIIH FLEETWOOD CO. Oxage 262 CLOSn-IN CORNnit, 11 ROOMS Do you want a good corner, five blocks from Mayo hotel, with 11-room house, full-slie lot, for 112,6007 14,500 cash. Ideal apartment site. THE FI.nnTWOOD CO. ' Osaco 3C3 . .1 DANDT FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW With nice 3-room plastered modern cottago on rear ot lot. This Is a place that will mako a. home and Income at the same lime. Terms to resonslble party. Paving paid. FIDELITY INVESTMENT CO. - Osage 3366 FOR bALH New 4-roum modern bunga low; hardwood floors, built-in features, full slxed lot; for sale by owner; terms are cash, rnone oeage 7629. FKDKKAL drive snap; brsnd-new 6-room cottsge bath, mantel, brick front, three blocks of the bus line and only a few feet off tho paving; 1100 cash and only 136 per month: price 13,500. Call owner, Cedar 777. FOR BALfl New bungalow, lrvlntr place. largo living room, mantel, bullt-ln fea tures, hardwood floors throughout. 31,600; 12(0 cash, I0 per month. Cedar a;.-o-j. I-OR BALK Summer home or clubhouse, on Spavinaw creek, above proposed lake; new 6-rdom bungalow, well Imj roved. If Interested see or write J, Corbett Thompson. Ketchutn. Okla. FOR BALK One 4-burner cook stove, only 17.10. Phone Cedar 680. FOR BALK Four-room modern house must bo moved nr will rent at preaent location: will sen dinins rasrr. ssa c rr furniture. Inquire 1101 8. College Av osage Itsr FOR BALD lly owner, modern, t-room house. 1730 S. Bt. Louis. Foil KAl K liy ownvr; 4-room house, with basement and garage; 60-foot lot; located 1336 B. Ilockford. Ossgs 6502. FIYK-H0O3I bungalow, eaat side; a good buy at It, 000, with 3600 cash. Curry, with H. N, Kllcy & Co., Cedar 1073, lage 7179. FOUltTKl-JNTH. B., 1736 Five rooms, breakfast room, living room across front: special ineide trimming and dec oration; covo moulding; built-in buffet. Niftiest house In district. Call Oaage 3936 for particulars, FOR BALK By owner, small house and lot. on Band Springs line, price 11,000; fio down, 30 per month. Call Jurunal. 416 t usage FOR BALK lly owner, brand-new t-rpom and breakfast room colonial bungalow. located In southeast part ot city, oak floora throughout, very pretty . decora tions, massive mantel In living room, abundance of closet space, plenty ot built-in conveniences In kltohsn and flber-alona dralnboard; screened-ln back porcn; nice sua basemant; garage and solid concrete driveway; houae la c.nulo- ped with downapouts and nutters: pav ing It being put In; only two blocka from Jitney line. I will take 11,000 down nnd reasonable monthly payments - to rssponslbla parties. Call Otage S711-J. FOUR-ROOM bungalow, modern, with hardwood floors, fine lot. 14,000; 1600 eash. balance monthly. Pattsrsen Real ty oo., 310 lloblnson llldg. Oaage 1060 7130. mi ll-WHiSl bungalow, half block from Sand Springs car line, 1300 onsh, bal ance monthly; vrlll take light car on out. i-euersen lieauy us., 10 H0bIB son II big- Oasge I050-T120. FI L-ROOM modern, bullt-ln features nlooly decorated; a snup; 14,210; 1600 eash, balance like rent. Patterson Realty I'u., 310 Robinson llldg. Osage VIII. I J ,v, HAVi; 11.100 equity and about 1300 tra- frovements en 6-room modern houae on 0xl40-font lot, on southeast side: house purchssed Jut Febniary for 16.(00, now valued at ! 250. will sell muity for 11. too. must be seen to be appreciated, loanable n.onthty payments. Isl-J car Yioria. Real Estate for Srflc lim mi:m kih mm i Full Rb.Nl ' t H' i one half arm g , un ' rar line Phnn- IH,;o i 1 1 1 i IRVINO Five rooms: "ti.ack hi , , Pullman br. .!, glsstod-ln room; large s beautiful mantel; bas u' hardwood floors: garage. ( full -sited, corner lot, .,ri i , to mtivo Into; buy toda- i hsndsnme profit on your Osago 4801; Cedar 4i,'5 I! n, IRVING PlXi NV " ,, bungalow; high east front i, ment, beautiful view, in n i cash. Call lidv,ar,l Wi'i ldar 1644. Oaseo 416 Jl'ST complntlng swell-n. north aide; has garage m i all the latest eonveniem i -It, ftl i -tri-. I'.4 1 il'r. good terms. Curry, with Co. Oeilnr 1073, Osago 7 .N P MDDBUN 6-room. bath, i , chlcksn house, near l-'irieei , k the beat part of the itj 1 -cash, balanco arranged, 'l . . tractive piece. Fatti-rsim p, 310 Robinson nidg Osnlte -. NKW 6-rooni house."bJi' mantel and hardwood ; n Cedar 138. NOTICK to real estate doa' at 1119 B. Madison Is oft i i Robert It. Wood. NI7AV 6-room bunguiow, hst-iw i bullt-ln features; prlie rca, m ,' consider good oar aa fiiat pa ance 165 per month. 27S2 1; j ; Moffott, Cedar 6S9-J llU ti ft. . I'd ' a n- " VI I 1 1 nl. I lijr-t, Trs, " tv,l I III. 'Ut. n i I I- OS, 'II ,-.- I III ' Osajt NKW S room Sungalo-B-. ;.,a; , built-in featuree, prb e rci? consider good car as flrt p ance 166 ppr month. 2732 h t Moffctt. Cedar 6k9-J. NKW 4-ROOM modern bune , university, paving and t ,-,s tilll-slxa lot, oak floor, b'll price only 11,960, with 3 , . per month, Cali Osage 4 s : J 3141-R. NICE 4-room modern bungalow st rtit w Flftli place, only 14 L"i0, 1 6r,i , i nnce easy termi. Call (It!n,nu uwnt Cedar 680 orTJsago 6100. ' NOTICK Real estate m. u 1'- in i y at 402 fl. Denver has been tjeh iff p.t market.- Maude Ronnie. ON ACCOUNT ot sickness an, t.,r ad :o aacrlflco this week a sp'-ni'i 6 1 -om bungalow, completely furnished, g,f,j location, one block from car ,ne. only 11,000 cash. Phone Cedar 411: QUAKKH, 8., 821 Bevctl-rootu h.'uat for sale; nnall cash payment . isy termt; by owner. Phono Osage S9i-i SOUT1IKAST 3IDK 1760 ca-, . "bratK! new bungalow; six large rooms, lncluu ing full-front living room an.! bruk fast room; every bullt-ln cr ventetii- ; cove mouldings In living r-- n trd dining room; beautiful man-- hsni' some ilecoratlons and elect! i fit ure-, oak floors throughout. (MMgti snl drive; ono of the highest ur.d ist i . cations on the southeast si .e tur rounded by beautiful horn,-, a bargxia at 17,500 Call Cedar 1321 SOUTH S1DK, new, on pa-, ink' 1 ie taiga rooms, breakfast room, ti.t ',a i, liii ment. gsrage, furnace 'i-ms. Owner for appointment. Osago 659. START the new year r.gut. cen that home, I have n harga.n to offer -a one ot the best locations on n.e ati( cast Bide, restricted addition, s x i n-n basement and garage, white i iv t,o.-i throughout, attractive dei rat ns an 1 mantel, plenty of closet snr-io ir u t Ing linen closet, many, bul t -In ft it-in--, ono of the highest elevations ,a t i section of the city; priced to &' t ut owner. Clor 903 SOUTH S1DU, close-in, owner le ng. I sacrifice five roomt. 2-story f 'ii -garagei 90x140, east front corner i TO BllTTLK en (state will seil let Jul! . with 2-story brick renting at tl.i 1 year, for 130,000; situated wii'Un t-i 'f block Exchange National brink 'I it is absolutely the best buy in boa. ;e! property In Tulsa. Terms can t'o ar ranged. If interested, add crs tn t 3 42-J. caro World, for det- i,s THHUE-ROOJl piaeTefed, big" ot. b I well, on Band Springs car 1 ns !-' 1 cash, balanco monthly. Patters n IP.i ty Co., 210 Robinson Illdg. Oaage i 7120. rilK COST of building Is rising II- 'built now cost more than they dM "tret months ago. Just completed 6 r bungalow, 1863 13. Sixteenth Bt. Y"t get advantage low price tf ou bi now. Best Interior decoration. Fee it today. Owner, Osare 3936 TWO full else modsrrS lots. 3-room hni, building tur garage, ail for only li.i'1 '. doll It up x littln and stll bouse sr. 1 one lot for moro than wo ask f ,r bof locstcd at 2821 71. Eleventh St ' ill Olimore. Cedar 630. THIS EXCLUSIVE colonial bungalow for only 33,600; six large rooms, fn uli-if breakfast room; beautiful hand dec. ra tions; tile msnlel; good, heavy oax floors; largo basement; all kt-ds f bullt-ln features; largo common' it closets; linen closet In hall, can a c-1 your own dccoratldns nnd light 1rv" garage and drive; located on lot :,"x'' Call me for further details. Cedsr ' l WEST TULSA 140xl40-foot lot with three houaca tfM'.rg for 193 50 por month; one Is a T mom partly modern, one at 6-room d -riex, a most new; one a 4-room b ,-isc. l a property Is only one-half biom of . ' station; all can be bought f "- 17 2 0; terma If desired. S. It. Brook.r, rea.' t. Cedar 1069. WT5ST TULSA Nw 5-room with bath, on the pavement, at 1618 S. Phoenix, 13 700, 3400 down; balance like rent 1435 CASH liandles new 6-r'o-in bung low, hardwimd floors, bul.t-ln featti ft; balance monthly payments; price 4.w John llarrett, mom 308 lloblnson II.JI. I'hon Osage 1887. Cedar 2911 1300 CASH and 135 per month. dsn if new 5-room cottage, close In, nort i aide, something unusual for the pri-" only 13,050, better see this at ire. call owner, Oaage 447. tl 3Kft On small caah payment and you ll' .. .... . - , . K.nn. VnmPK1!-)-. in u oat,, ui-Lu-uni, m..w - with garage; near paving. 17.000 Is a mighty good price for a new 6 roe-n bungalow, with three bedrooms, Frer-'l doors and all the other late featu-aa. Including garage and basement, in 1 crest; on very easy terms. oasanicm ana preaaiasv rvruo, ,- rage In Irving place; will make ycu a comfortable home. 12,100 On Tery liberal terms, Is ths pries et a good 4-room house, on paving, n"3f Jiuicreii. MANY OTHERS Come see us. T. A. TRUSTY, Realtor. 1001-1002 Mayo Bide, Ossge 1628. Osage 1621- LOTS ron BAM! CORNER LOT Corner Vancouver n J Kaaton court, will sacrifice for qu sale, oaage Ills. VOn O . T t7 l.el ,.M,n,. lots Esst Fourth and Fifth place, I7'0 ard up. Call Oaage 3303 or Oaags III! pinr r-riiiMnn r.oT simi: Edge i drive, Jenk'a rosd, restricted sddit' fine homes nov under construct! ' 11,190. 11.600 cash. Ownsr, Ossge 97" VACANT LOT BARGAINS. 13,000 Btauttful ent front; Rldgewo-'l addition, 12.600 Very fine home site, Juat off t Fifteenth street. 12.100 Buye one of the best left In Ter race drive. 11,300 Buys fine, high, east frunt ra South Yorktown, Woodward park. tl.lSO For nice, level, overelied lot "J East Admiral, surrounded by homes. 1150 For nice corner, on College even'!', three blocks ot University campus. 1150 Nice level lot. Woodward Tark ad dition. 1776 One-half tash, buys good let la Terrace Drive addlllen. For appointment oall Lance, with TIDE YADON INVESTMENT CO , Ossge Ttil-mi. 126 KecnJy U JS