Newspaper Page Text
? HIT TULSA DAILY WORLD, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1922 il J BELGIUM NURSES HER . AKM UKUre i LIKE HER BABES a m t i "W Farms Average rmny- ... TJnulinlrj -? VJU to Every Acre A GREAT CARD GAME One American Won Sixty Mil-' lion Roubles, but His Earn ings Were Really $10 A FARM FOR BLANK PAPER Farmer Chose Fifty Sheets Irsfcad of 50 Million Polish , Marks,- Deal Fell Short nteu'S world TnAKt.a r; . . . T2.'t by Frank it, inp-nter j;l ! snifi, Belgium. Tho boat j.j th Tatar city of Kazan, anil vs wing slowly towards Samara ' on its way to tho , Caspian pea. Tho passengers had exhausted their' stories nnd gos sip, and their eyes had crown tired w u t c h i n tr tlio (treat barges of lumber drifting down stream. So the four Ameri cans on board sat d o w n to play .bridge. Tho men at tho tablo were 1 1 v 'llonalros. Indeed, each had l km., u h money that his bills bulRed tu tlr natcliel Desliio him. Tho ; , k"5 wcro in millions, and they pi r- e,l for ten thousand a point. The I jran e went on witn varying fortune, : M.n b .CKinjr ins nanu to tno utmost, xiii n,' i i to lw cashed in at the end of li 'voyage. . last tho cry came that the boat j wa- r. irlng Samara, and they threw th r i.i'ds on the table and began! to ' l jut up. Tho winner was for-j (i .vernor Goodrich of Indiana, ', vh I venturo had acquired his great (ki.t it lards by his frequent utays at JFr t ' h Mck. His winnings were i 3u-t 6o.000.000 roubles, an amount I whi'ti when I was In Samara during ! the g-iat famlno of soma deendes ra-a. would have equalled more than thirty million gold dollars. Now, by the .'Clapse of tho Hussion currency, It represents no more-than $10, or 1,000 cents. At that tlmo each rouble , was v.orth 51 cents. Now a single cent equals 40,000 roubles, no that a man is a millionaire if ho has 25 I cents in his jeans. 1 At a tablo in Paris the other night I an American gavo a dinner with n l million-rouble note at each plate as 1 a place card, writing tho name of j tho guest on its face, I have Just rei'OHCd a letter from Moscow, the I stamp upon which represents 200,- I 000 roubles, or what now equals 6 ! cents. When I last visited Moscuw I could have bought''2,000,000 such etamps for that sum. Whisky Bottlea ns Savings Hanks. This enormous decline of exchange sot in Russia but also In many other European countries, Is trying to the faith of tho peasants, otid they We hoarding such moneys as they think may survive. Even the French ire afraid of tho paper francs, and tho thrifty peasants hayo begun to pack away In their woolch stockings the new alumlnum-bronzo coins, which aro now Issued for tho franc r.(l half-franc. They aro worth no aore than tho paper currency, but the people imagino they have In trinsic value. Baron Korf. a high Russian offi cial under the czar, tells me that tho linimn tn fenr tho ile- KIin3 of tho roubloVas soon o,s the uolshevlkl etnrted their printing presses, jut they had faith In the czar roubles and believed that their valuo might como back after this crazy retrime had Dassed awny. Therefore they saved them, hiding t I til i.iu nm,i.iivu l-iigfing out a holo under (lni k or stono stovea'upi inn paper in tno tnatcnea roois or tho great inon which fthev sleep at night. As time went on it was fourid that all the whisky fr vodka bottles, in which that llq-' uor was sold when the czar govern ment had the monopoly for Its manufacture, had disappeared. Those bottles were of white glass and' of vanous sizes. Tho authorities Inves tigated and found that the peasants were stuffing thorn with czar roubles fid burying them, tightly corked. In that greatest of safety deposit vaults, old Mother Earth. The corks keep out the moisture, and the peamnts bcievo that the money will sprout Into a crop of real wealth when nor malcy returns, to their land. A Itirm for lllnnk Paper. I hear similar stories as to the Noam's ui me peusums in iui4im tuv I others tot tho mushroom republics which some of us think may yet be J transformed Into sturdy oaks in the international forest. One relates tp ft peasant who lives Viot far from "Warsaw. He had offered to soil his farm for fifty million Polish marks. Befure tho transaction was closed he btcatno alarmed at the way the government was rolling out new bills from its presses. So he went to the buyer and said: "I am afraid of this new money, and I would much prefer to have you give mo fifty million sheets of blank paper. Instead." "Uo away,'1 Eald the buyer, who .s a shrewd, thrifty Jew. "Ytvi re asking twice as much for your farm" And tho deal straightway .fell through. 1 .g4v 1 ti ' mi. 1 rfs&sfeSl! 1 . Us IK 3 In Surprises Even tlio Lunatic. I T, atrtmr la ft-fim Austria Th i for several years tho krono bas been "on the toboggan," nnd Is carrj.ns tho country and people to financial destruction. It has dropped tO.Ouo points within the past week, but is still something under one hun dred thousand per dollar. When I PMs. .1 through Vienna long before tho World war every krone was orth more than 20 American cents aa loo.oOO would have equaled over IJO.000. The story relates to a patient who iia i-een Kept for some ten years or more In an Insane asylum outside Vienna. Ho Is a man of wealth, and jf1 other day when he escaped ho one of tho old 20-kronen gold Js In hla pocket. In his wander Jjri he met a taxi, nnd took a long nle. When the chauffeur demanded Pay, the figures on tho taximeter , f'Mesinted 53,000 kronen. The isn!i threw up his hands In de- li ... :Ll A Shock of Wheat in Little Belgium kt' The small farms of Uelglum lead average of 15 bushels In tho United stacks hero that look llko huts. chauffeur when the latter handed him back bills to tho nmount of H7.000 kronen as change. Your Mortgage 011 Jliigluin. All this Is .1 preface to some Inves tigations I have been making the; past two weeks regarding your mort gage on Uelglum. It shows why I daro not give you the figures In this European ruriency. and why all my c sb'Ulations tnust be in American dollars and cents. According to flff uros furnished me by tho treasury uoijaftiuunt ut Washington, on the 16th of last May, Uelglum owed the United StateH Just about 5429,000, 000. It Is not much,, perhaps, In the total of more than $12,000,000,000 which the several foreign na tions owe us, but it represents over l'u;'s,",V... . ,'1 . . .'. . ..,.Y:' a tidy little sum to put into public improvements If wo could havo tho spot cash. Four hundred nnu twenty-nine million dollars would mako 10,000 miles of now railways at "(12,'JOO a mile. It would make moro than 28.000 miles of first-class motor highways Yit $15,000 a mile, or enough 1 to reach around tho world at tho eqaa- tor and build also a flrst-claes I Roosevelt route fromSeattlo to 1 Uoston. I A System of New Motor lllKlmnyfl. With this money that Uelglum owes us, which wo raised by our ; Liberty bonds and which Is In addl- 1 tlon to the many millions wo gavo I in M.oriiw tr fo,l tho Ttelirlnns dur- ing tho war, unci sam couia creaio 1 n. svstem of new motor roads, zlg zagglng this way and that, taking in almost even' principal olty of tho United States. Tho road might start at Bostoft and go via New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Wash ington, through Pittsburgh, Wheel ing, Cincinnati, and on through Louisville, Nashville, Memphis and Birmingham to New Orleans. This first lap Is less than two thousand miles. From New Orleans the fine new highway could bo pushed on to Dal las and El Paso, and thenco over tho mountains to Los Angeles, north to San Francisco, Portland nnd So attle, and still not ue up tho 4,000 miles which, for easy figuring, wa iifllt Aal mn tn for the next lar. From Seattle it could run on east over tho Cascades to SpoKane, nna mentw over tho Kockics on to St. Paul, n dlstanco of less than two thousand miles, where, turning south, It might take In Sioux City. Omaha, Kansas City and St. LoubKand again reach New Orleans with perhaps two thou cand miles more. Tho fourth eoctlon would be an other thousand miles of tho best road going from New Orleans "north ward through tho Mississippi valley to Chicago, taking in J.-eoria ami haps Indianapolis, ana exienuuin i from Chicago east to jjeiroi uuu h m now proposeu in eiocu". along tho shore of Lalfe Erie to To- Fram this you will sco that your ledo Cleveland and Buffalo, and ) mortgago on Belgium covers a, live, thenco going on to Albany and Bon- . going concern, and that tho prop ton easily covered In an allotment of erty, although small. Is one of tho 1,600 miles moro. , richest nnd safest of the 20 Inter- ' . ... 1 . . n Iamb Hi fl TI ' nnllnnnl Imna wn h9VA , n .1 I f. Ko Tar we nave ubcu ....... iinnft miliia or our new or our new uuw- .t.n. Viiirh-nrnv. Wa might doU - . . 1.-1.1 ble its length, ana. coiiiumvo the Atlantic, still havo enough money left -for a road from Uoston to Panama and run two tracks through our zone along the canal. Or ....nicn wa rnniii nriairo me l atiuv, the extra 16,000 miles would allow us to motor on our own from San Francisco via Honolulu to Manila, with moro man eishi sand miles pver to take in' Guam and Samoa andHho Hawaiian Islands on tho way back. (i. All this mient do pom , n i money we nave loaneu m m s R C O Standard Roofing tho world In wh rat, producing 37 States. My chauffeur, 5 feet S In giuns, which I, for one, hopo they , will pay. They aro supposed to gt 1 it back ns a first lien on the German ! reparations, nnd much of wJiat they have already received is now going into new roads. Would it not be better, from now on, for Undo Sam to spend more of his money on our public roudH rather than lend it to other countrios to u?o in making their highways about tho best paved on earth? Oier Itolglum by Automobllo. A to tho highways nt Franco and Ilelginm, I know whoreof I speak. During tho past month or so I have motored through a great part of France, and within, tho past fort night havo been motoring back 'and forth across little Uolgium. making at times moro than two hundred miles In one day. Some of my trav els havo been in a P,enz llmoiudne, left hore by tho Germans a xoven passenger car of fiO-horse power with a flrst-closs llelgian chauffeur. named Jules. Wo havo mado as a rulo about thirty miles an hour, and f"" '" 1... '"?,Y A,1 macaoam or wen pnuu ' tono blocks. . Belgium has enough public roads to reach twice as far as from Phila- drlphla to san iTancisco, noiwiwi 'standing tho country all told Is not . much longer ono way tnan ironi Baltimore to New York, and not much wider than tho dlstanco be- tween Philadolnhia and Baltimore it covers nn area auuui unc-iuunu tlint of Pennsylvania. It is less than ono-thlrd tho slzo of Indiana, nnd only a llttlo larger than Massachu setts with Delaware added thereto. Tho land for tho most part is flat, although tho Ardenno mountains nt tho southeast risoln places to the height of tho Blue Itidgo or Vir ginia. Jelglnm, like Holland, is mado up largely of tho rich earth washings brought down by rivers and streams from tho high lands, and it is cut up by canals. We crossed a canal every few miles, and this necessitates bridges which In most cases nro of stono or concrete. Thoro aro moro than a thousand miles of canals, and fivo rivers tlyttr nro used na commercial waterways. Tho Scheldt, which would not be considered a largo stream In tho Vnlted States, has on Its banks threo cities Antwerp, Ghent and Tournal. It has been a water highway for centuries, and boats wcro paying toll upon It an far .back as A- V. 1000 Tho freight now carried by water runs nnnually Into tho hundreds of millions of tons, and In somo years to moro than one billion. There are fivo ship canals having a length, nil told. 1C miles greator than our big ditch nt Panama. In addition, thero la n nntwnrk of railways a llttlo less - tnnn nvo tnouFaiia nines iohr, buku iitmui.iw ,v.. Aa TUch na Rockefeller. But we can seo all this better from our Benz limousine. Tho car weighs two tons and Us cushions iro eoft, for they were mado for a high Ger man general and well cared for dur ing the war. Wo nsk Jules to throw back the top and speed up tho motor. Wo go llko the wind, and feel richer than Rockefeller as wo fly along over a roadway of squaro stono blocks. Rockefeller cannot buy a more comfortablo car, a brighter eky nor lungs that can breatho bettor tho' champagne of this air. Accord ing to current reports, he has no easy stomach, and I am guru ho has Repair or Re-Lay That Roof Now Our roofs stand tho "zero" .or "water test." No matter what kind of troubles you may be having with your roof we can correct that trou ble. -A phone call will bring our sales man. We Carry a Complete Line of Builders' Supplies. 1b. & Material Co. bushels to' tho acre, ns ngaln.ct the hes tall, Bhow tho eizo of the grain never .con than thoso through. moro beautiful views wo nro now passing ' A Vast Truck Garden. Tho country is one vnst truck gar den cut Into small fields, now cov ered with the richest of crops. .Thoro nro no fences and tho grass, grain and vegetables extend on and ont with green trees lining tho roads as far as our eyes can reach. Tho crops nro even heavier than thoo we saw in Franco. ,JTho ahocks in tho wheat fields ara r,o thirl; they stand out llko soldiers dressed In tho yellow uniform of Uelglum. In places they havo been carried to tho sides of the flolds, co as not to In terfere with the plowing which often results hero in two crops a year, "Heo how well kept everything Is! There aro no tools, lying about nnd tho grain Is protected In shock and stack. Thono oats shocks on our right aro each mado up of eight shoavea with cap sheaves on top. The wheat hocks on our loft nro capped the amo way. Tho sheaves nro small and tho straw Is long. Each sheaf Is as big around as a thrco-gallon bucket and when I lean ono against my knees it reaches as high ns my waist. Tho grain is ex ceedingly heavy, for tho production hero per aero of wheat, oats, nariey, ryo and potatoes exceeds that of any other civilized country. Tho I wheat yield 15 37 bushels por ncro, fwhllo our averago Is only 15. Before tho (war Belgium Imported about thrcb-fourths of her wheat, but her production of othor foodstuffs, in cluding meat, was sufficient for the whole populalton and she exported sugar, potatoes, draft horsos. fruit and vegetables. Sjho produced over six hundred million pounds of boot sugar this year. During tho war the Germans car ried awny 52,000 horsee, 560,000 cattle, 350,000 pigs nnd 1,090,000 fowls. They have since brought back over 14,000 horses, 70,000 em tio and 54,000 -fowls, Tho country lias now moro than 200,000 horses, 1,50,000 cattlo and almost ono mil lion pigs. How Flax Is Harvested. But to return to the crops through which w aro passing, hero and there wo see a wheat stack. It Is beautifully shaped ond tlio cap Is so made that it looks almost Ilka thatch. It Is tied on by two rows of straw rope. The amo caro 'is taken, ns to the flar, which In ono of x Hie Good MAXWELL Club Coupe The. good Maxwell 13 outselling be cause it is being accepted as far and away the greatest value in its class. Its beauty is but added goodness to its line performance and striking economy. Cord tin, non-slid front snd rtar, disc '! wheals, demount sbls st rim snd al hub drum type lamp Alemlle lubrl csdon) motor-driven cJsctric horn) unuausllf long sprin mw tfp vil.r-tliht windihleld. Frktt I. o. b. Draelc, rvuu ui to be sddd- TouKog &t, $B85t Koadslsr, WSl Sport Tourini Car, $15i Sport Roaditr, 960; Club Coupe, V5 Foiu-rasKnter Coupe, I12JS I Sedan, 31IM Tlfjoturrie 607 South Boulder 985 tbf icup ' if JielKium. 11.1 l.'icn ii.. 1 it iy bilii; i.iiihuIm all i'ur the Wm-Jil Tim ll'ix ii cut villi strklf'S iiM(i tlii lmli- st ilki, not inttch 1ik gcr knllling needli's, ore prupned up Hgninxt onn another so tlint thfy look like no many yellow ilimco rnp. After drying they nro put up In shoAVM of rtouble-rtory, like tli wheat Kinl.nals, are ciu fullv capped Ami Inter nr curried In huge cars to the mills near the mi'cuiiiB. In vht!i thuflax must bo rutted to Cet out the fiber. Jlel i;mm ninkex iiuantltlca of linen and Mic cxpnrtK more tlnui ten mlllton dcii.ui worth of Max In one year. As wo pv on wi pass fields of po int, is which nr growing S00 'n ' els por ncri, patches or iKtrley w'l. li v.. Id fill bushels ml great qu mi 1 cs of green hops trained on I ill p... m This Is k land of good bier which now cost about 10 II tii'i i pint. It Is greedily drunken, f " (.. fir prohibition 1ms not . .Id up tMi thlrty Ilelglum t r . lii'pliniits In llorM-lildo. P t .I'.l.s has stopped our nuto li ip at the FUle of tho road to il iv a itnavan of tms drngtiiiis .i-"iiH or wheat to pas ny. i w.iKon holdn from three to Imt two horses null It with 1 f, i ovi i these smooth Belgium I u ks Noma tenmn haul two 1 lid wit;. nis, th tongue of the oi 1 i d to the back of the first. 1 c w.iKons themselves weight halt a t. n .iiul some are o heavily load ed that im American team could i. if budge them on ono of tho rough I ci uniry ronils of the atatos. I i'iio horxofi aro enormous. They h i k llko ctophnnta In horaehldo and of-tho best will weigh a ton n h I si n even bigger horses pull ing the drays of tho cities and porta. Th. v still compote with tho trucks, l'.ruro the war draft atallipna to a v.iluo of $10,000,000' per annum v cro annually exported from hero tn Britain. Oxen nro also used nnd oven oowh. donkoya and snino American mules which wero left over from the World war. Thoro . ro but few tractors, although thoy nro gradually coming Into those parts of tho country whero tho soil is heavy and to farina of ono hun dred nrroH or moro. Tho principal work for which they uro employed is In deep plowing. A UmiiiI of Smnll I'nrnw. Ono of the surprising features of our travel through, Belgium Is tho multitude of email farms and also tho Intensive cultivation. Before III" war out of less than seven and n half million acres of total area, about five million ncro8 worn tilled. Much of tho ground Is worked with tho hoo and spado and no less than ono-alxth of tho pooplo nio clnssod aa agricultural laborer)!- Out of .ever 100 persons employed on tho farmn only 10 nro pnld wages. Tho ethers are proprii-tor1 or tnomhm-H of tho family, most of whom llvo In fnrm villages of ono or two-story brick houses whenco they go out to work tholr smnll patclKB of land. As to tho slzo of tho holding, tho averago tract to each laborer Ih only four acres, whilo in other landa It Is from thirty to ono hundred acres, and as tlmo goes on theso farms will grow smaller nnd anuillcr unless thoro Is a chango In tho Inherltanco laws. I havo discussed this sub ject with ono of tho leading real estate lawyers of Brussels. Ho toll mo a man must Icavo one-fourth of his property to his wlfo And that tho biilanco must bo divided among hie children, according to tho num bor ho has, only a fixed portion be ing loft that ho may will away. If ho has but ono child half of tho residue nfter his wlfo has her fourth goes to that child and ho may will away tho remainder. If ho ban two children ono-thlrd of tho bal ance goes to each child and ho ha. ono third to Ipavo as ho please , It he has three children or moro ho can dlsposo of only one-fourth of tho balance, after hla wlfo hns har share, nnd tho remainder must ao divided equally among tho chlldn n. Suppose, for Instance, a man dies leaving a 120-acro fnrm, Thl ty acres must, go to the wlfo and If ho 1ms but one child It geta 45 acres and tho remaining 45 ncrca can bo disposed of by will. If tho man has four children tho wlfo will receive hor 30 acres, but ha can duvlso only 22 Vi acres or ono-fourth of that remaining and tho rest (674 ncros) must be divided eq lally among the four children, -giving each child loss than 17 acres. If ho haa nix children oach child vould recelvo llttlo more than 11 dcres, Aa every child wants. If possible, nn outlet to the road, tho floldH fac ing the highways aro often mere rlbbona. In my future lettera I ahall Trite Osage 55SO rnncnrnlng other ospects of jiur mortgage on liolglum. West Tulsa iciV8 Clvln t. Tlnnfy. To lime Wnldi M!.t l'artj. A wstrli nl c li t irtr will be heM thla evenltiK In the hum nt Olrun Corby, Hit Mtuth rhnenlx. by the Ar-arli. AtaK rlub, who will attend II. evening church kerv loee at the W, T. I'lrat Mantlet church la a iMdjr, After which they will go to the I'nrbr home where the part will leal until far atler mhtnliiht. The planned lierty wel h reeult ,f the meeting of the club held In the hmnn of the preilttent, Ira Couelna, Thursday evenlnr. Other bualneaa cnnUucte.1 by Ih rluh at Thura day nlKht'a meeting waa the Initiation of four new membete- 7nln Down Chriatmna Tree. ,Th rlerofated t'hrleltnae tree which has been mending- et the corner of aeveniaenth ami CJuannh all through the pant week, and which waa elected by lr. and .Mre. J M. Iluchanan, of llof Weal seventeenth eireet. In honor of I he child ren nt Weat Tula. taa torn down Trlday afternoon, the decoration SUcn to the talnK kid dlea, and the tree iireeentod to the Weat Tula Camp of the W. O. W, who will uia tho cedar In daccirntint Ihel' nail. (Ilrla AiuiTiilry .Meet. The Olrli auatllary of lha Weal Tlilea I'lrat llatdlet church, rompoaed of r.lrla whoae axaa tun from II tn II, met I'rl.lay afletnoon at i o'clock In the home of Iter J. M. Pak'e, paator nt the church, had their regular program, and were treated In refreahment. The neat meetlna ot tho club will he held In the homo of Ottn Knrna, 14"! Weat Twenty-eecond etrett, Karna' tno daughtets being inambera of the club, Tn llnrci ltnhfil, A nirtFii of rtvlvnl aervtrtn tn t hiM thrmiRhmH thin Hrk Hntl n inn Aftr that bb thu InUrrU lit thvm wurrn ntii thutr runt miiance. will 1 murlml thin tvcrilng ItV th. VI Tulsa llnlho.ll.l Kulaeuiial Krhiirclt, tohlKht'N meeting helnir R WHteh nigni ervice. liav. w. '. Clonic win toll duct tlio errltee. Grading rae done on West Twenty.flrel street I'llday by workmen employed by the dir. work which hae ahead)- been done on other atreela In Weat Tutaa sro greatly enhancing the looks of this part ot tho city. The drill team ot th Weat Tul camp ot tho W. O. W. are making preparation for a New Tear's dance to be given to morrow evening In the Vt. O, W. ball on Weat Seventeenth atrett. Mia Gladys llobba of I0OI South Phoenix, who left last Humtay evening (or Ijtwrenre, Kan, where aha haa been spending the holidss visiting with rel. allvea there, relumed l'rldsv morning, and will nnu me her regular work aa dearnn nf the Weat Tula Methodist Episcopal church. Mlaa Mary Klpsr of 201 3 finuth Olympla. who left Tuesday tnnriilnu for While Oak, wllere she hae bran vlertlng friend living there, arrived home Friday afternoon, ac companied by Mia t.iirlle t'lawaon of While Oak, who will now visit with tho Klpcr family Until Tueadaf. Mr. and Mrs. V. V llebrr, who Itve on a. farm south of Weat Ttilaa. returned Thuraday evening from Marianne, Ark., where they have been for the peat four I We Have Aays Gotten , Good Results I Tlio Ozark Mountain Iliivo 1'uro Water, Healthful J 1 il Cllmnto, I'roductlvo Farm? 1 , jljl J , B. H. ATKINSON & CO. . j I . KctnbllblieJ Hero 23 Years ' HUJAHIiK DKAW5HS M In tho Beat of NortliweU Arkniwas IjiihI j J . , Berryvllle, Carroll County, Ark. ' It y Tulsa Daily World, I Tulsa, Oklahoma. b l Gentlemen: Inclosed we are sending you I s copy for an ad to bo run in three (3) issues of I M jffl tho Daily World. You will also find check to i Iffl pay for this advertisement. a , 1 ' We have always gotten good results from 1 advertising through the columns of your paper, and feel stiro that it is ono of the best adver- 1 n II Using mediums in that part of tho country. 1 11111 Thanking you, wo are, a Very truly, 1 i B. II. ATKINSON. I PHONE OSAGE 6000 ASK FOR A WANT AD TAKER 1 OKLAHOMA'S GREATEST WANT AD MEDIUM weeka, visiting relatltea and frlendt there, j Her. J. H. Touet, baamr ot a chun h at i fralrle drove ArVi . arrived laat Thuraday , evenlnr and haa hien anendlnat the hell- . daya with hla brother, J. P. nbuat, 1014 nuth I'hoenli, and la remaining with him throughout the hnlldaya. lie will return asm time thl . Mr. and Mre Jeaele HoyJ. fnrnrerlr nf Tallle, who have been vlaltllf with her alatar. M-a, riaud Hartley, Iltl gouth ulympla, for the ne few itaia, hare taken un raaldenne in Weat Tune.. Tlie Pythian liler lodge M. II, will have a public Insinuation of oflleeri rdnday ercnlng at th It. of V. hnll, refreabmcma being served at the and ot the meeting. Mlee Harriet Vaughn, of rieiirsasn I. Kan., a former resident of West Tula, arrived n few days ago, ar)d hat been vleltlng eiin .lire, ,11, Olympla. J. . rase I, HI gouth Mlei Maggie Thnmieeon at Woexlvllla, arrived Prirlay nfiamnoti and plan tn vlalt a few days with Mrs. (I, A. (Iladeon, Mil Anuth Olympla. Mrs. It. V. Mlaenhelteer, HOT Nntitb Phiienin, who hae boon III tor nearly a month with Inniienae, la now alowly emerging from the most serious ptrlod at tho dlesase. Workman employed by the olty of Tula were In Weat Tula Friday batching hp the hole, ao to apeak of West Tulsa's pavement oh soma of her moat traversed alresta. Mr. and Mrs. ) 1'. Ucber, who live on a farm aouth of Weat Tulsa i (turned Thuraday evening from MarlnTilm, Ark., where they have been for the past four weeks, Wetting relative nnd friend there. Mis. Velma Justice, It, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Justice, who live on Weet Twenty-eevnitd place, returned I'rlday afternoon from Okmulgee, where she haa been since, school cloeed two weeks ago, visiting friends there. Mrs. t: 1. Johnson, who live at the corner of Twenty-second and Maybelle, fell Trlday erternnou, slopping on a broom handle and spraining her left ankle. The anklw we greatly .wnllen I'rlday evening and phralolen are of the opinion that a bono has been cracked or broken. Mr. IMIlh rtatham and children nt Wynmia and Andra, and Florence llen neeey of Mannford, are spending the week end with their granddaughter, Mr It. '. Johnson, corner Twenty-second nnd May boll. Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Tnlef of Mill Create, who have been spending the holi days with Mr. slid Mrs. V. 15. Wood of 1323 West Twenty-second place, left Fri day morning for their homo. Mrs, Amanda I,ynn, 71 yeara old, who Uvea with har daughter. Mrs. 11 II. Mti. ger. 1312 Weat Twenty-eomd place, left Krldsy sfternonn tor atlgler. where she will spend a month visiting retutlvr and frlihda, Mre. Hmnia K. Heath and children. 3141 finuth Olympla, who left two weeks ego for Waggoner, where they have been visiting relatlvte, returnod Krldsy afternoon. The nebeksh rlub, an otKanlintlon with in tho Itebekah Indgn No. 341, met I'llillJ afternoon at the h.ime of Mrs. riorenro Truesdale, t33t South Quanah, with nine women attending the meeting. Weat Tulsa rectlved two new clttiena Tliuraday, In the persons or Mr. snd Mr, C. O. Ktone, formerly residents of Tulsa. They moved Into HOT South t'l ei t, Thursday arternnnn An eight p.nmd ItHhy boy was hr-n . Mr. and M.k ft a Klcknk. 3 ..!.. H. I'hoeint, Thnrailny morning TULSA BOOSTING CLUB Tiilaa t'ltheralty Una Stiidcul.V OrgnulAtilloii Ailtertlslng tint Ill'tltllllOII. Tlio University of Tulsa Boost. . club, newly with the j m nf "liomtlng thu school In Ha cv phase," will set to work this w with tho reopening of school ni'. the ChrlstmaH holidays. The i will eo-operata with tha titilver-ir officials In bringing tha tnatltul.o i to Uui attention of high h. b... I graduntos throughout tha state n 4 particularly In eastern and noni oAatern Oklahoma. Tho naiii- ut 7,000 high school gr.t.i untes In the aatn are filed at tin university. Whan athletic or ( -bating trams or representative, of other schools or speaker vtelt tho unlvaralty, thu Monster, club will . tilat In their entertainment. ,mi tudenla nn eligible to memberwb r In the organisation, ot which liar 1 Armstrong la president, Mlaa I'a'i Johnson, vlco preahlant, Don I .am -worthy, aaerotary and Conn Hon. .t of Ada, treasurer. One way In which tha unlvei-'iv la serving tho community It throtmli tho churches. Bnvaral member, of tho faculty stand ready to fill tem porary vacancies In pulpits at m"' time. Tlio regular Bible classes at ' open to Tulnana ovon through ti"t nnrolled In achool and Bible extoti. alon work la being carried on m (M.veinl churches, l'rof. Kranklln t. 1)111. ilaafi ot the university ami teacher of lllhln, finished a ci.ur'i In mtsaloiii ot Ilia Second l'renl terlnn ohiiroh recenlly and will coin. nienee a cuurao of 12 studies hi Hebrew history and prophecy Janu ary a. Tim prophnta who will lo tho subJeeNi of the loetttraa will b Moses, Samuel, Klljalt , Aino , Hoson, Isaiah, Mlcnh, Jcroml.tii, Kzekiol, Zeohnrlah, Hsrn, Nohumiali anil Mnlncbl. Wo hopo It la not asking ton much to reipiest that new restaurant dictator to use the nkltlots and krt -tlcH for culinary instuad of musb ui purposes. i'or'vu nriAU A ixt Aiiuirr "NIGHT LIFE IN HOLLYWOOD" BUT WHAT DO YOU IllUMiY KNOW? 'if ell iro irn Jt. "9 'i. 1 IS o 10 10 "ir as no handed over his goia f1( and h ilmihteil even his own 1742 East Sixth Street Osaco 8970-8871 nlty was auro of that of th