OCR Interpretation

Evening journal. [volume] (Wilmington, Del.) 1888-1932, June 13, 1888, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Delaware Library, Newark, DE

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042354/1888-06-13/ed-1/seq-1/

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iäSuHOhb U™«.. if
NO. 21.

516 Tatnall St.
Every Refrigerator we sell
we can guarantee to meet all
your requirements for the
proper preservation of meats,
pfn Thna vnil
VtfgtiVaUaCr, CtC. 1. liliB y OU
rax no risk with our refrig -1
erators, which are made on
the cold, dry air system; this
makes them free from any
moisture or dampness.
Ours is not a new-fangled
Refrigerator, but one that has
been well tried and put co
every practical test. They
are also provided with water
coolers, giving you a bounti
ful supply of cool drinking
Commencing now we will
reduce the prices as follows :
Improved Arctic, imitation
Oak. 7k
No. 1, reduced from |13 00 to |10 50
No. 8, reduced from 15.00 to 12 OO
No. 8, reduced from 17.50 to 14 OO
No. 4, reduced from 20 00 to 10,00
Peerless Refrigerators, Ash.
No. 1, reduced from «17 00 to «14 00
No. 2, reduced from 19 00 to 15 50
No. 3, reduced from 23 00 to 18.00
No. 4, reduc 'd from 25.00 to 20.00
Peerless, Walnut or Antique
No. 1, reduced from $18.00 to $15.00
No. 2, reduced from 21 00 to 17 00
No. 8, reduced from 24.00 to 19 50
No. 4, reduced from 27.00 to 22 00
Double-door Diniag-room Re
frigerators, Sideboard Tops.
No. 4. reduced from $31 00 to $25 00
No. 5, reduced from 85 00 to 28 OO
No. 6, reduced from 40.00 to 32 00
Ice Chests from $4 to $20,
according to size.
Grocers' Refrigerators at a
like reduction.
We mean to make the re
frigerator boom now, so you'll
do well to buy, as these prices
will not last all summer.
Cash or weekly and monthly
For Iffcii :
Plain Go * R ipp^re, hand-mad*.
Fln« (io«* S Ipper«, lnatTier trimmed.
Fin* KmbrolJ«r«J Slippers, all pra it« and
Orre Oftlf R'lpp'W.
Ca'f Low-cut Sho*«, extra wide.
Can«M I.OW-cut Shoe«, extra wld^,
Lestii g princ« A b tip, oz f ra wide.
l*a«t i g O«itère, extra aide, wi h patent
laatber >ip.
Will ftuit liftehy people-easy to put on
and cff.
For Bnyg and Youths:
Lew-cut Walk ing Phot»)*.
SLppere and Uid« Ball Shoes.
For Women:
Kid Oxford 7 lea, all grades aud prices
KM Oner* ' tippers, til grad», and prices
Kid Mirants, ne» part and saüor t es.
Fine Black Canvas Button, kid trimmed.
For Misses and Children:
Kid Oxford Buren» and Tie.
Kid Mir -noa. Opera Tits and Slippers.
Fine Lasting Kid Foxed Bui tons.
The best relection for those
•who come early.
Ifey^For Quality our prices
always the Lowest.
The Family Shoe House,
NO. 20 » MARKET ST.,
Above Second.
— !
"W atch.es
tus W. £1«RTH »TKF.iT.
Cruvllr to on lutmal,
A charge was preferred against Jacob j
Short of Dover for inhuman treatment to j j
mare with foal, killing the foal. The
rase was reported to Special Officer Frank
Stou', of the 8 P. C. A , who immediately
investigated. Constable Euo*b Clark of
Dorer made oat a warrant for Short's
arrest and the hearlog was held last night
before 'Squire Jesier of Dorer. The evl
deuce was conclusive and Short was Sued
$10 and coats. *
11 rnomstoieet, with or witho.l hear., at
m« Market street
.»ranted,- so visse*, from is t> h T«*ra
rVryPley,«" M«tbef«^.'t»5^ > SSd|
dk- B nil ns««, si« tod s«r(»< si orn* u
Kreniif iouroal *fTDv EntwUla
■»•«•np"'prrtK U N4w(i J
ANTED A boy Ab u *ixt*en ye*?« of og« j
a* am apprentie« to th« printing lurnim-««
f»fr aducAtlon. Apply by latter
Must hire a
only, which most b» wrUte« by th« applicant
to ihv
234 Market Hi, NV limingto«, L*«l.
TORHofth^ Olavfio« BuilJIniç an Loan
Anoc'a ion the prealtfent, J '«eph L Carpenter,
Jr , wii authorized to receive *J 1 tuoceye du*
he ofuociation. -the oioattily m riap will he
held fb tbe u*ua^n4aoe I« th* T«*l*cra| h Build
ing. Talrd aad M *r«et , oo F»id -j • von
in g n«xt. Samuel h. baynaed,
Pecretary a n t Treasurer, pro, tem
Torre will bean exam nation of teachers
for Karodaoi thl d r cer in Mid
dletown oo Jane 28; I" Newark c.n J.ine 29, and
In ^ i I mint to a tin school build.ug No. 1 , oo
Fr* nch St. *^*ar 6fb,) oo Jane 30.
HERMAN BK 88 KY, Supe-lntendett.
Wdhl i irsew n fft.nai Bt. «own Wab ut to
5tn, down 5th to P p a-, no Poglar t 7ih. «own
7U> to lAcuai, up Locu t ti B.h, up tth to ) out
bar up à omhara to nth, to Fr I cb, 10 I'llh,
to O route, to 9th, to 3 atmll, to (th, to french,
to 9th, to ha I «nd cituil-e
A tw* story brick and nsansird roofed dwell
lag; coûte Ins S rooms, bath.e c; paMly papered ;
front porch. Tw* iqstres ! row Delaware At*.
Daly $*.70*.
F or nENT.-rwo kioa front rooms
Appl? at *C7 Sk pley St.
of wiLMixaros hukdeed.
Snbjset to the decision of tho Rrpuhllnaa
Cor. 4 th & Market Bts.
Stocks boBgkt sad sold in the New York.
Philadelphia «ad B et n mark .'eon commlssloa
letters of credit rlveo. sv«i able ia all put
* tbe world, and drafts on EngUnrt, Irmand.
Franca, Qs naany aad dwltaerland Issued.
no. ioe miKKirr streut,
Ope i
aetfl 4
.SKBRCART **. 187*.
• to receive deco* ts dailr from 9 a m.
n ro., end on TuesJay aad batnrlay
evenings from 7 to S o'clock
The ch.rter nf the book peovtd-to that no
profits upon its lav.atments, except so much *«
Is required for the payment of mceesuy ex
penees and for suitable surplus for the security
of denotitors, shall b* divided among ths de
pod tors.
No m »nager is rl owe.1 to borrow ary part of
the funds deposited with the corporation.
Qporcfi W Busk.
C WfwVy Weld!«,
Gto. 8 C*pell«.
Him. W Howland.
Jo« L Oarpentar, Jr.,
Henry F Dure,
R Aîl<*D HiTre,
M. L. Liehe D«rela,
Alexander J Han,
N H ,f>on.
Job H J i*kpon,
Anthony Higgles,
Gao S. fl.rsu.t
Vie* President.
öeo. --V. ' ran.
E. T. Taylor. Tr*a«iKer
Jca M Mavhkr. Andl'or.
Our assortment of
Chamber and Parlor
Suits is just as complete
as it was at the opening
of spring trade. Our
entire line has been re
ple ished and we ar*
able to sh»w you, in the
latest style, a variety un
equaled by any other
house in the city.
410 King Street.
Price List For Silk Hat Work.
Blockint .
Oi*«D'(iR «nd «b« in?
Altlriaii v»l»h nevr bard and bind
ing *nd 'a«hion«bl cur*.SI 53
UemodMing and all new trimmed
compew*... S
Old hat* if th« plush is worn « IT
and require n*w p u*h. w« will
roc 'ï re c it with new plush eu
tii*i.r for .. . »■■
Felt Hat* rlesnod. dyttf, clocked
aad trimmed. ...H
E. KlfTELL, Pra tidal Ha^er
6 E Fifth Sf.
... fN to V)ct«
tO to 75 ct*
.. JS0
.50c to $1.00
Wholesale an-' Retail
Dealern is Fine Clears,
Wilmfaigton, Dei.
j D< | e0 Barrett Commande Him to
New York. June 13 —Oyer anl T«rrni
o«r lUhCtiiog dii not itrike District A f or
ney Fellows yesterday, as ererybody ex
peoted It would. But It was a narro* e.
cape for Colonel Fellows. Judge Birrett had
rssolred to scarify ths district attorney of
for bring absent from his post while the
special grand jaiy summoned to consider
the extraordinary charges again, tha al
derroen and other grave matters was
sitting, thus bringing the whole machinery
cf justice to a s andstill. It is a long time
sires Judge Barrett has been so much
aroused and so indignant Those who
! know ssy that he Is prepared to publicly
? crucify anybody that atanda in the way,
psrtial luvertlgatlon lots the oha; gee o ! ,
bribery and election frauds, regardless of
who I. hurt by It. |
But the storm letempuranly over. Karl,
yesterday mornlug both Aallog Dis rlct
A tornsy B-raple UK *
n.r'Mr 8 'ftmoir^urllth. xrthai °
„ P J. ,c ^
Colonel Feliow. was on hi. *"f'"' b *
K k°g ^ .hTI Ctal
be submitted to th. VMM pud
Birrett hid U.t Fridly iu.iüéd
. . n ,1 ( vi nn a.I F«'
that a despatch commanding Lolooci re.-,
low. to com. to Ne» York and allsad to !
Ik. public bo.ine.s .h.nld be senk. Mr . |
Semptohadat la.: got an answer, and
urg d tt. Court to do nothing in th. mat-!
ter? as bis rhi f wool« be on baad te-day.
0 «ofth. thing, that hsdt. be «tl.f«
torlly explained wae bow It came that there
wae no peoeccu'lrg f ffleer prra-nt when the
Coart of Oyer and Teimlnar opened y«e
terday, and the great Dunn Scott trial wss
called. Mr. P.rger had to b. Uk.n '
from the sp'clal grard jury U try a caee
be bad not been prepared for, and the jury *
wae left without counsel. Mr. Semple ex- '
plained that Assistant Di.trict Atternsy j
Harry Meclona was now assigned to the 1
special grand jury. The court sxpretwed
«Mefactinn at Mr, Madona'a amlgnment. i
actively or passively, of a fall aud im
. . . . . ,
bhsridan and her hu'band came lo this
country from Ireland they liv.i for a time |
at Albany. N. Y. Then they r.movtul to .
this village, where Hr. Bosnian died j
sein* yean ago. Her sons bought a little
fstm for htr near tbs Tilings severs!
feart »go, an<i triera ll?ed a I
tear q ill and tappy life. Gen. j
Sheridan visited her every year, often go
iac to qaietly ibat do od« io tb« Tillage
General manibsted ths warmest istsrest lu .
bis mother's .vervday life and doings, and |
would gladly have brought hsr Into hie
Waehingroo home, fcnt she wss accustomed |
to bsr simple surounliugs and could;
not ti# persuaded to stir beyond I
the borders of the ctunty lo wkish she I
had so long lived. Her health had j
besn failing by reason of old ag* for |
menthe past, and she probably died :
without fully knowing tb* extreme lllnse* j
of hsr distlngobhod son. The statement !
tbat modified versions of th* physicians'I
bulletins were daily transmitted to hsr I*»« ;
devoid of solid foundation as th* other
plclurwqie statement that this aged lady
wss being whc-knl throu*h three states by '
special train, to the exclusion of all other !
traffic, to take her place at her son's bed- I
side. 8 h* will be buried by ths side of her
husbsud in the Catholic Cemetery.
A visit to Colonel Fellows', rssldsncs du
closes ths following despatch :
"Pt. Paul, Minn., Jan* II, 1888.
"Lsxvs for New York to-day.
•'J. R. Fxr lows," j
It takes aliout fl'ty boors to oome from 1
Mr«. John Sheridan, mother *f Gen.
P. H. Sheridan, died at her home, Somrr
art O , at 1.3J p ra. yesterday at the age j
of $7 rears and 3 months When Mr*
St. Paul to New York.
»he Passee Away at 111 * Age of 87.
A Native of Ireland.
knew of hi, tide until it wss over.
"Allow US to corrrc', through tba f'' 1 -
umnsof your valuable paper, a falte re
port which is to tbe .ff.cl that we ere
seeking reappolatment Such reports ar*
without foundation, as w. h.ve had our j
share cf the Offices and are perfsctly will I
ing to give way to other members of the
party We make this statement in justice
t* ourselves and 4o order te allow tbs pub
lie to know our correci standing."
There appears to be vary little doubt, nor .
hesitation in expressing the doubt, on th*
part of the local Democratic politician, i
that this card was published to sav. the '
waning fortunes of Levy Court Commis- 1
siooer Hickman ia tha rsos for renomtoa- :
tlon. ' It means," said one of the« local '
Democrats, "tba* John Pyle is pushing
Hickman to ibs wall" 1
Ths Construction rut l.'pen It by
Ollier Democrats.
Patrick Near y end John X. Dickey, col
lectors of county taxes for ttis hundred,
published this morning in the Nsws the
following card, which partly sxplaias
Eden Lodge's Excursion
Two large aod handsome banners and
four guidons, just mads for Eden Lodge, I.
O. O. F , are on exhibition la Bsynard's
window at 5tb and Market Sts Tbe lodge |
will carry these on their excureioo to Tree- ,
ton to-morrow. The trip will be made
over the B & O. oa a special train
Washington Grays Band of Philadelphia
will accompany tbe lodge. About Iti
members will go.
Properly Improved.
The S. W. ('or. of lOih and Market
ica crertm parlor ha* been opened up
stairs and all flavors of tho best cream .
and soda water are constantly kept on ;
hand. Also a full line of choice oon
St»., has b.-en recently refitted and
renovated by the well-known confec
tioner, Mr, Gilbert Barrett. A ladies'
The Pleasant Valley Wine Com
pany's champagne ia undoubtedly the
best American wine in this market
P. Plunkett £ Co.. 163 aad 110 Markst
A nice line of Lace Bonnets at Miss
L, Steinicken'*, 217 Maskat Bt.
(ienri.l New. «( th. nomine. j
Fillpoo Qaostoui, a lore sick Italian of |
New York city, yesterday attempted to
murder Mrs. Luigis Msrrl, the obj.'ct of
hi. pas»ion, and then comm tted suicide.
Andrew Howard, a 14 yetr-old c«*b hoy,
has confessed that he started the Are which
hunied the store of Barnes, Heogerer & ;
C«*., Buffalo, last February, causing a lore
of $ 1 . 00 ( 1 , 0 ( 1 «.
Upen assurance that District Attorney a
Fellows was harrying back to New York, 0
Judge Barrett withheld his intended ed- ■
dress to the grand jury calling attention to j
Colonel Fellows's absence
the plaintiff IS rents damages.
In the suit ln New V'oik of Mies Minnie
Terry against the wife of Dr. Ferrine for
$10,000 dsmegee for libel, the jury ynter
day brought In a sealed verdict allowing
The police department has just finbhed
, ak | nK a oon.u, o{ th , population of Bsltl
more including the newly -aune x>d sections,
The result shows ihe number of inhabitants '
p, bs 4 16.« 5, of which fit ,50« are colored.
j 0(1g „ Ashman of the Orphans Crnrt of
Philadelphia ywterd.v confirmed the sale
° f J,mr " «O" 1 " 1 «»' 1 '* '»»destin Hood, j
Bnnbright&Coto John WBoamrker for :
»570,000. The «le ... made la.t Feb ■("
w , , hot ,
Air. proprietor cf th,
Arlingt n tavern, near the Pinlico race
1 „ . .
! ^ ock ' ^ llt ' raar *' on U ' '***7 *7^" n ?'
| fath« w„ trying to throttle
Url Alt In a drunken franxy. !
Th. re-.lectlon of J.natb.n Chao, of
J* I*'«»«» ">• Ua.ted Hütet Senats
Forth, full term ye.urd.yu gratifying E,
all true friend.of Ibelrcouatry. Jonathan
Thao, le one at the ableet advoratee at pro
teetlon In tke BaoaU, a man of the highest
oharactar, and a tbtroagk-going A marl
' «»"• „ , . „ 1
The National Republican of \t ashing- j
* on . after a career of nearly 38 years, am- i
' Pr n(led publication yesterday mornlug, the j
j '>»P* r h%Tln « bMD lo ,h * W «' h -
1 lo * toD P(> *'' which •* "'»* P rlnt *J *» *■> !
indtpendant Journal. For th. prer.nt aad ,
i unlil tbe ~DClutlon of other arrange- )
meote the Post contions, under tbe old
, "? 0D - "■ , r rlme WM P"P* T * ° r
the sake of the Insurance oi tbe live* of the
| victims. AU the Insurances Lad been col
. lec-ad. Arsenic was used In executing the
j crime.
Rev. F. A. Anlrews ot Jacksonville,
IndUuo, was called on Saturday lo presob
I the fuoera! termoa of a Mrs. Watcom. He I
j rrIna , Ded over night with Ur W.icom,
and was much tarpiised to lesrn that a
wedding was to be c»Ubrat-»d during the
evening and be would bs called upon to
. officiale. 1 he groom was Mr. Wsscum end
| , be bride was the sister of tbs recently
buried wife, and tbe two aged respectively
| seventy-three and seventy-one. The only
witcesa cf the ceremony was the great
I grandson of the groom. Tho minister's
I estouishment reached Its height when be
j was told by neighbor* next dsy that th* :
| present Is Waecom'e third wife, that th* i
: three were sisters, and ths si c jnd weddiug j
j as unceremonious as tb* last.
i maoagement, Stlleou Hu'chins retaining |
tbs business control aod Walter 8 . Hatch !
i ins tbe editorship.
j Throngh an Invset'gatlon which baa been
1 carried oo for th# put week In Phllsde).
I pbia by Coroner Athbridge sud his ssrtst
I ants, elded by detective Geyer, Sarah
Whittling, 40 years old, who lived in tbe
rear of 1217 Cadwalader St , was com
mitted to the county prison yesterday on
charge of killing her husband, John White
Hoc, her daughter Bertha, 0 years old, and
and her eon Willie, 2 years aod 2 months
old, by poison, ail the murders having been
j been committed within tho past three
_,_ j
_ ._ j
, i
Tb8 " Ku ' sr " 1 ' Dtbl ^ meeting of the 1
B 4 ! 41 *»Suodey School Union wss held last
4Tt *uing lu ür "" 4 Çhurcb, . l~,h aod
irench 8w - Thomas G. Dill presided. The l t
" iU * J®'Otlonnl exercises were conducted ;
by ^ W. OverhlWHr. Useoludou* re
gardmg the deal ot E. M. 4r44r ao
tendering the sympathy to hie family were I
passed. The resolutions were prepared by !
L. B, Jones and H. C. Cantwell. A motion I
of Professor M. Heath, that a qaeet.oo box |
be u«J at each meetiog for queries ou the
lesson, aud that a p-reon be appointed to
. — ... _.uc»,ri»d K.IM
answer thtm, was carried. Charles Ba rd,
superintendent of tbe We*t Pr«sD>Ur an
Suoday school, delivered an address on im
provament. In Sunday eehool work, and
°M "it" was shown°that out^ cf
, * , h »c ontrv in LT*
... *
MubihM.^t ^d.llv erml.a .ddrç» on
t h^.^« .xmnd.d to^^lr.. B.lTaed
^-imrn«i tn mwGn Rieind Rsntl t
" 1 J 1 . , , ... P 4
Church, on Tuesday J ufr '»•
» v .-k.
P * .
The Am.rloan Yscht Club will open it.
bon " « R R ™ nl '
J;*" °" next . b 4 ' u,d 4 F' A r *cep
MoB "i 1 " 1,4 filj *"—* 0 th * f r " n<,, cf 1 4
"""l*"- J*'?'* conimU '* e " c ""' ,
po * ed u uf F ™" k «• ^ W "" C4 ' « • ^ ^ 1
^ a*»ry A. Tay'lor, W. Dowd and ;
• L ' l a w" 1 '"", H - 8Urback '*
commodore and Mr. Tsylor secretary. The
editor of the Evening Journal acknowl
skgss sn invitation Co the formal openlsg
oohatunUy from G, W Hall, the New
\ork représentât ire of Harlan and
Mdlmg.worth Company of this city, who
*• * P ro ™ in4 >' member *f th* Aasriean
Yacht Club.
Circuit Court Session
At the United States Circuit Court this
morning, George H. Bat-s, E-q . argue 1 ■
(or the dvfendatns in tbe csss pendinglthcre
4 * B >''«( t " 4 UoComb's estate. Hon. Wayne
MaoV eagh, counsel for plaintiff, left isst
evenlog for Philadelphia j
—-*— ——— J
Any one wishing to enter tha news- i
paper business cannot do botter tba . I
send their address lo this office. We j
put them on the track of one of |
tbe best properties on the Peninsula,
Little cash needed.
Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, White
and Shaded Tips,etc., in great variety.
Miss L. Bteinicken, 217 Market SL
Clothing at astonishing low price* j
at the BosUn One-Price Clothing
mica of llarddrau n Copper Put an.
Electric Dietu rb.nres I
^ W(|Dl|ngton til , phone , T , tealt whlch
is baring an extraordinary growth, bas
Jatt bacn .trengthened by the addition of
(H w | rM from th , Mntral omoe at 4tn
stärkst Ste. to 8 th and Markst Sts
Thl* doob |„ bank log of wires makes
a total of 180 wires on that line. The
0 ) d n nM *, r , a u replaced with
"hard drawn" copper wire, so a. to prevent
lt f rom stretching
Ths new wire* hay*
been put oo Insulators at the bottom of the f
arms. Kich arm sow carries 20 wires lo
.t*ad of 10 as pravlonsly. The work which
is about completed has been going oa for
the last three weeks, A gang of six m.n
effecting tha changes and additions.
1 ha wires on Best 4*,h 8 t to French will
now t>e renewed, but the Hue will not b,
double- baaksd far awhile. Harddrawu
copper wire will bs u«J for the entire sys I
Urn sa sooa as the change can b* eff.ctsd. !
The old wires are much corroded by the
«V e * wh,ch 4r4 escaping from i
b « "• Aljout4.lmie.of oopp*r wire
b4 * 4 ****** «a th. last three week, and ,
1 ' 4k4 » «ood many more miles of It to I
TÎ* b * • h ' ngM ;
Th. telephone wir« on sppsr Mark. Ht, , ,.
"V tÄT l*!
. /. j . fla l## ® >
to leap out of the ground end aurebarce the .
telephone wire, overhead. Manag.? M,
th „ tho 0 „ rotaJ . f fr# .
qgeaUy p.reeptlbl, when the cars are run- t D
clng np grade as then the railway electric
currents are the strongest. Tha die
turb . nc , oftaD " great a. to
drop , ha lodloaUra oo tha ewitch
i,, mrd „ the the central (See. to
There are now 503 distinct and separate
w ( rM running from tha central effles over
tkl. city. Thar. I, a notion abroad that
0B , w ( f , can h, made ^ du r#rT i 0# for g
dtI . B or more teleyt one boxes by .Imply
attaching wires to the main or original
w ,
osse a ring for one place will be beard al
both planes. Th* same wire can eceoramo
«ate two cr three phones at tbe most end
than It la more or less annoying unless tbe
pb nrs are owned by the same family or
firm. Bevsnty-Bve phones and ss many |
wlres have been added to tho W11- |
mlugtoo system since the beginning of tbe !
He Is Approacblus the End—Hie
Trrrlhln s.i.re.r
Terrible islaenve.
. Eewjn, June 13.-The worst I« . PP re
bended In the Emperor's condition this
morning. It seems that Ike local die «are
has resebsd the mouth of the gullet and
' b 't th. wall and cartUags. between -the j
"" d the windpipe are partly ds
stroyed, or, at l«st, sffec'ed. Ths worst
«yroptem« now «re bl« d(*)ike lo take food
" Drt fcl " dleps.ltion to nausea. But lh »
Emperor's patience is admirable. Happily
d °" know ot hig and Istls j
co P 1,u -
Th* lest editions of official p.pers refrain
'fom general comment, but It is accepted
* n Informed circle* ths* the worst
previously apprehended has now taken
place—^nsmely, a fiatulatfc communication
between the gullet and the windpipe.
th,t human science and personal devotion
c»n effect is being doo* to rsllsv*
the suffering of the Monarch and to pro
lung life, but tbe dlsea« lies almost
i reached that jiolot where science can only
1 ,i le viate. Itier.pirtsd that Sir Morell
M.okennie» snccsed «1 In passing a new tube
below , he fl. tu l a and afterwards a large
l t j aBnt j ty 0 f n q uil nutriment was Intro
; , n|0 tba 8tomach ,
All night long the Empress eat np by
her husband's bedside. Sue will Jo the
But this is a mistake. There are
575 phones In this city and 503 separate
which shows that only
ars doubled up with others
Theas doubl« ars usually mads where
oo* subscriber want* two phone*, one at
bis piece ot butines», and th* other
at his retltfenoe, bat wherever th • is the
«am« again to-ulght.
The New Bnlldlng of TOcasr*. tjult-.
...... I
le, A yiiillen. i
y ,igl 6 y & Mullen, wh rleeale grocers are
aro moving ftom their old store at 112
u ar k e t 8 t. to their ntw building 107 and j
'* 9 Uark ' t 8t - Th * "* w funding has a
fruot of ** ,e4t ' '» 118 «e«t deep and t 2 feet
° T 0V * ,t * rlB '' ''J 4 ' 1 * bM *'
ment. On tbe first flior are the
ial e.room, bookkeeper, and private offices,
^. L „T «nn J v-' P ^"'
There are two Morse, Williams & Co.'s
elevators, capacity of each one gross ton.
Ineywork by electricity fornUbed by a
five hoc» power Nprague AulomaUoMotor.
lb * otl)4r 0>o™ » ri * "*»>d for S'-orlsg
purposes. Ae open staircase runs through
eachfloor. The building i. »ueported by
86 iron coin mm. Light ia furnished to the
central pan of the building by Hay's
patent skylight. Tbe hisemtnt is lighted
, "Y Hlle & Jmjobs pavem.nl light. All the
1 other floor, are oono.cted wlta the fir.» by
; •p.uiug tub«. Tn. front ot the buildla*
i* of IT 4 * 44 «! brisk. Uld in black mortar,
with browaston. trimming..
The «nltary arrangement, on the second
fioor and bae.ment are v.ry comptât.
Herbert Cassidy w.s ths contractor for the
„ork. The building U thel.rg.se in Wll
mington tuât u used fur a single couiner- |
dal purpose.
Prices In the TOarhrte.
Ths markets thl* morning were very fall
t both on King and Madison streets. Toe
■ eQp piy largely ixseedcd tbe demand and in
9 i j d |tion to that fact there was
, nore tban unusual dullness. The price
at wb | cb products ranged were as fellows;
j Radishes,white or red, 2 to 5 cents a bunch;
J lettuce, 3 cent* a bead ; cabbabe & to 10
i c ,ente per baoob; string beans and peas, 20
I cents per half peek; asparagus, 10 to 15
j cents per hunch; onions, 20 tc 30 cents
| Per half peck; tomatoee, 10 to 14 cents
, per half peek: potatoes. 15 cents per half
j peck; strawberries, 5 to 15 cents per quart;
; peaches, 15 to 20 cents per box; chicken», I
I 1 * cents per pound, alive, dressed, Î 2 to 25;
I butter, S3 to 35 coots a pound, aud eggs
. 20 cents per dosea.
ilngtes Clearing Reas«.
.t tbv Cleorisg House this morning
»119,437 38 and th* balances $13,50$ 64.
Tbs exchange* ot the Wilmioglea Bank*
Ur. Depew .mites and says be isn't to la
caught by soy forged letters at this stage
of tbs campaign.
The Omaha Bee threatens to bolt If Mr.
J^*P 8 * ls nominated by the Republican'.
It is usually wise not to stir up a bee's nett
unless you bare to.
Th* employes of a Western railroad will I
not rote for Cleveland and Thurman now 1
„ „ ,. . .. ... . j
Mr Mills mak.. the surprl.lng assertion
that be believes that Mr. Randall will yote
f >r the bill, and that it will be pawed I
Perhaps no one will be more surprised Ikas
Mr. Randall at eithar cf these evante ;
taking place.
Judge Thurman, who was tha only |
Democratic President pre tempore of the j 11
Henete the Democrats have had slice the!
war, says the duties of the office ere not
srdsout, beesuso he could always call s me at
one lo hie piece and retire to the lousging
The Milwaukee Herald (German Dally)
to . day puMIshs. a despatch from its Wash W
to ,toa correspond«* |„ which h. lull
mate, that the Germans ar. for Gresham
of „„ „nti-monunoly record, and
that they scent th. charge of Koo.noUing
,. m broughl agaloit hlol .
Delegate, from the y.rion, sound*. of
Maryland and ward« of Baltimore, rapre
3 . 1 . • . * w
•»"«»«•"lien, of the Lvg.o Invincible.,
me! In Baltlmora last night and endorsed f
t D h * I 7 ,l l * ntU1 "f O.n.r.l
A. Alger of Michigan, and tug
# '' 1 | T'm Teevt L. Morton, o$ ÎCnw \ «rk, j
"* *»****■
' Pbyeloal wreck" U the epithet applied
to Panelon Commissioner Black by Demo
orate who waited w baat bloc out of the j,
nomination for Vice Preaident by ridicule
U I» becnm« Republican jmrn.l. Ilk. tb.
Trlbuee ti adopt the dlagraMful method
°* ,,,err * u * 10 * wounded anion eoldlar.—
New York Press,
Tammany Hall ratified tb* national Dem
ocratic ticket at the New York Academy
of Muilc last night. John Cochran pn- |
aided. Tbers was • list of TOO vioe-prssi
dents and secretaries, including all the
well known members of ths organisation
Governor Hill made tb* speech of thaeven
log. He spoke in great praise of President |
Cleveland, and Thurman and ths platform. \
The Republicans of Maine bald en sn
thnslsstlc stats convention at Portland, 1
yesterday, Burleigh being nominated for |
governor on first ballot. Among tbe rsao i
lotions wae one of greeting to Blaine, a .
strong condemnation of (he Mills bill and ' 0
free trade, and of tb* action of the Demo- \
eratio party In abandoning the principle* of ;
Civil Sei vice reform as soon as it was in
Th# Prohibition nomination for President
has gone to General Fisk ot New Jersey. !
Oeever Cleveland sbivu born in that I
^-»"r.^theDemo I
' "***""'I
"•« £ "»« "T*";, j
' h , P ? | '
Mm n«mblltnns ami now .
j "th.Tmî! I
«" *** f «• r
, mdldutea for
th-ra will h* livaiv
thatttatl ^eel wk?
. , , th f ..
j »"> "P "« TOt "
Th ® ,mrn '' , ' ,e vat * ,or tb * Democratic
ticket Id Louisiana has excited tb* opinion
that everything wss not all tight there,
la tbs Renat* j escerdsy the erodestlsls of
Senator Gibson of Log 'ils n» were criticised,
ssd the committee on privileges end dec
lions will probably be ordered tn Investi
gate them. Senator Chandlsr wants lo
know why there were 136,7'fi votes east for
tbe Democrats when at no previous elec
tion were mors than 88.794 vote* oast. He
rsmarked that In one parish 3.530 vote* wer« I
cast for the Democrats and none f«r th#
Kepublleans, and in five other districts the |
Repub'iceu candidates scarcely received a
vote There will be some lively tim« in
ths Senate when it is ax plained.
Board of Water Commissioner*.
The weekly meeting of the Board of
Water Commissioners was held last even
log Tbe secretary reported a balance In '
„f 1,14 5 ) was passed and Interest do* 1
of wa " " " * ..
I July l, amounting to $fl,330, ordered paid J
i i'»titiona for watar oioe were presented bt
tha Board of EducaGon end W. J, Forrest
• , r ,. B ted The following bills were so
j DroTed; g Blsoos $5 Ti' Isaac H. Bui
(oc g i 60; Chspman Valve Manufactur
lng Company, $118 41; W. H. Cook & Co .
$55; C B Cleland,$7 32; J V.Carllala& Co.,
jjo 45 ; \Vm. Uoughertv, $fi'i«; Empire I.uh
? (catln g Company. $49 5fi; Kv.r, Evening
Company, $3,57; J. 8 . Grobe,
jr S«; Edwin Harrington, Sun & Company,
j., 17 *3,John IL Hudson & Company,$9 10;
j amei f. Johnson, $1 55; Kannel en Ice &
(>)al company, $773.95: Willi.m Kyle $18;
Rueey Company, $6.83; Meliert Foua
dry anr | Machine Company, $37.67; Miller
& V j 8 U5; New. Publi.Mng Com
pany »4 25 Hnillips & K,»ne, $1,73; Fierce
& lieeeoo, $10 75; U. F. Plcksle Foundry
i -erapenT, $115 41; P , IF. & B railroad,
t ii 4; Allen Hpeakman. $8.83; Tomlineon
& Bon, $5 64; D. Woolmau, $18 88 ; Charles
WarQer company, 5,'l cenM,
Berry shipment.
"ZI I. .bent .
'^ ÜT 'h. ta hi 4 ,
^ clr!
repor * tb# number of car *
| h "» 4 b44n -
. «
pnsana ........................ U
■. 1
eTe . 1
bank of $97 808 18. Tb* weekly pay-roll
Pr«Tior« shipment«.
Total to (1st *.
Tbe Neafurd Circle.
The Besford Base Bell club ts fencing <0
about four eure» ot ground for a bo« ball
park. Tba plot will be circular, aod it Is
expected to have the fence finished for the
gam* with the Quickstep of this city to
Attention is called to Miss L.
S einicken's stock of ready-trimmed
1 Bonnets and Hats for Indus aud
children. Good work, beat materials
and low prices. No. 217 Market SL
Oak Saite shown at price* ours ts
please the bnyer at Johason <fc Barn
hill*. 297 Market St.
the to tun y in<h k«t.
It Looks as It Ho Had t.
one to
on Hi« ICailruwU.
Deputy Coroner Lee this morning Im
! panelled the following jiry In the case nf
John Martin, whore body was fourni along
! the railroad yesterday morning:
j William F Kuru F.. J, Thompmn, O H.
j Kurts was .elected ss foi»m»n and H. W.
Msclulira as secretary. Th. b, r y examined
Junes Allison, H. C. A rn G U Locker -
I man, W. ' |\ Bh'n ' rd * r'--«nc
Cernwell, Jane Met os. Q * T
; Charles ' Murphy Daniel ln*r»'
William T Jones and Georg. W
| Cornwell testified that he saw Martin about
j 11 o'clock oo the night of the acci lent about
.lx feet awey from where be was enbee
queutly fouod. He was lying oo th-bridge
at the foot of Bird St, His attention was
attracted to him by frequent • ne» zinc and
coughing. Every time ho coughed he
would knock his bead on the board Com
W *H ont a man named Morrison to more
himbut Morrison was unable to dolt Corn
well next saw him about 4 o'clock in the
morning, when hi, dead body was lying
-•« th. track.. Th. member, of th. B. &
O. crew of engine 253 which wen. on.
" -» "turned about 25
**^er, knew nothing whatever of
ib* «^* 1 .» u rvM-ii u m,
mod h,lndnl'fl t t 1.
f h . the tr#ota °*
ot th * i om sn N.l-,
™ " 1 '* °! * a "
j untJ | toTriorrow Th«"man wss first _
bylU B.mclnUTTthl
ang ) n , w i' tb h |, baad wUblll a f , h f
tb ß * n tracks and hie levs tnw ank the
j, ^ t acka Blood ami brains war.
Ottered alone the tracks nf th« K *n
W« tlken undi HoSonh
to morrow mornln»
S« • .
| Ik# OerUtlds Will Wed on Tknrw
slon will take place In ths library ot that
building at Mmtor, O,, on Thursday after
| noon. Precisely st 5 o'clock Hollis Gar
\ field will be married to J. Stanley Brown,
land Immediately after tbe benediction
1 I" 1 ** Belle Maeoo will become the wife of
| R® rr y Garfield, who was hla father's
i favorite son. the double ceremony will be
. performed by Rev. William Davis of Wor
' 0 st * r > Mass., formerly pastor of the
\ Euclid Avenus Presbyterian Church, of
; Cleveland, of which Mrs. Garfield is m
member. Immediately after the csremony
the two couples will go to Cleveland,
•►>«"« they will leave for New York
! A,t '* r • short stay in the metropolis^ they
I «»111 «1! for Kumps, returning to thl*
I «"»try in .»tarns Molli. Garfield is a
cultured lady, with • beautiful face aud
j eyes, la which there arc fls.hes of Gar
Held's strength She Is of Hus Ilsur* and is
rrr T accomplished. J. Stanley Brown,bsr
I '"tended husband, was her father's private
secretary. Mbs Mama I, rich as well as
P r »tly, and Is said to be sensible, also,
After the b an § y anon young Garfield will
return to Cleveland and g> loto ths law
business with his elder brother James,
dey— VIlee Hives's Hrirelhal.
Tke doable wedding at tbs Garflald man
A license was granted yesterday by ths
county clerk, st Charlottesville, Va , fur
(bs manitge of Miss Amelia Rivas, tb*
authoress, th John A. Chandler of New
The General Improves and Ita*
( liauces for Life are Even.
Washington, June 13, 1.30 a. m.-Gea
I eral Sheri -su continués not only to hold
bis owu In hie bettle for life, but appar
| eo tly to gain
recovery. At this hour it is stated that ha
usd just drrpped asleep after having been
awastfora short lima, during which 1m
i terval he w«a cheerful and confident,
i The latest bulletin was issusd a! 9 o'clock
to health aud chances for
«« evening,bearlngthestguature* of Dr*.
O'Reilly, Matthews and Narrow. It tell*
' practically the story of the entire day :
"There is no change to b* noted in Gen
1 ral Sberidsn's conditim.
,-».,.,„.11. th. ...m» ITt.nnlaei.inA
J be »ubatantiaHy tb# same. His pals, is 104
10 of fair volume and tension. He
coughs but little, andhlercaptrationre
rasios Irregular, Ms take* plenty of nour.
l»hm*nt, without any Indication* of failure
of digestion or asrimilalim "
. The general hes not been Informed of hie
mother's d«tb, and probably will cot be
for ttvoral day*,
Ths "cool wave" will pass Into tbe sea this
morning, probably followed by a general
rise of temperature In this section. Tem
peratur* rose slightly in tbe United B'atcs
y s.lerdny, except north of Virginia and
Tenaeeeee. The chi«f minimum reported
was 40 degrees st Pittsburg; tbe chief
maxima, 84 at Atlanta and 90 at Savannah.
lu the Middle States warmer fair weather
and southeasterly to southwesterly wind.
wl.l probablyprev.il. followed by r.in
. lakes and ths Western Mops of
, th. Allegh.nle. to-morrow. Go Thursday
,0 tb >> action and in New England.
* warm.r, fair to partly cloudy weather and
fresh southerly to eastetlv winds will proba
« fly prevail, followed by local rain, lo this
U eection and fog off tbe Jersey coast, sod
1 on '""•''ay partly cloudy weather, »Uh
1 slight thermal charges and fresh southerly
126 winds, preceded by rains, possibly thunder
storms aod followed by clearing in this
Bayuard's tborraometc-: Ta. a, 63; 10
a . 77; X p. m , S3.
H< continuée to
fho Urilher.
Delaware and Maryland, 1pm, slightly
waimsr, fair weather, southwesterly winds,
followed ty local rains.
Tbe New York Herald weather foreeas't:
A tned icinal compound will best ac
complish the purpose for which it ia
intended if prepared from carefully
selected ingredients by competent per
is of (hebest and low pnoes prevaiL
Cor. 61 b and Market Sts.
At Belt's Pharmacy everythir g
Ho! for the grand moonlight exenv
sion on the City of Chester on J one 19.
First Regiment Band.
White Milan and Leghorn Hats a
specialty. Prices very low. Misa L.
Steinicken, 317 Market St.

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