Newspaper Page Text
/ / m s WlLMIfSüTOJN, DEL., THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 188«. ONE Cc.Nl. NO, 22. I 8 CLEAVES l BOLUS i ; j i i to BIG FALL IN WATER COOLERS AND OIL STOVES. A 4-ga'on Cooler, £1.75. We hate a 'o': of Coolers that are sligh ly damaged, but good ai new, that we are sell ing at about ha!f price. o A No. 13 Adams & West lake Oil Stove with three 5 inch burners, with top and oven complete, $10.50: price heretofore, $1500. This is the best Oil Stove ever offer ed at that price. We will send them anywhere in the city on trial for a week, and will guarantee them against any Oil Stove made. Jewett's Refrigerators. The only charcoal-filled Re frigerators made. Buy no thing but the Jewett. You can run it on 25 percent, less ice than any other. cheap. Will freeze cream in 7 minutes by the watch. I i Î j TiVp hîlVC vet a few of last VV C iltivc yet d lew Ul Iasi year's pattern Refrigerators j that we are selling at less ihn n prist Uldll I i s I i j 1 CLEÂM Ä HOLLIS 221 Market £t. CHAMBER SUITS. PABLGE SUITS. Our assortment of Chamber and Parlor Suits is just as complete as it was at the opening of spring trade. Our entire line has been re ple ished and we are able to show you, in the latest style, a variety un equaled by any other house in the city. r CEAHBkR SUITS, parlor suits. 410 King street. THOMAS GRHSELL, DEALER IN Furniture, Carpels, Ma tings, Baby Carriages, Eef iterators, Ico Chests, etc. S. L Cer 2d and Orange, WILMINGTON, DEL. Open Tuesdey and Saturday evenings until 1.31 o'clock. Gash, weekly or monthly payments. Piias Lsi for Silk Haï Work. .. 2VU>50cts bU to 75 cts fUeekin* .■••• ■ Ctean -gard »bar,In».... Altering, wi:h new baud and ti»o Ing ,,.,d t«.hkn*hl curl. $159 BMa,xielin.r and all new trimmed cswip e f ».... Old bats if the plush is worn 1 ff and require new p ueb. wc will recover it w,th new piush en tirely for . Felt Hats cleaned, dyed. Hoiked and trimmed. fiCc.toSl.OO E. KI [TELL, I'.-a tl ml Ha'ier 6 E. Fifth St. .... 2.50 .... 3.50 HA YrKK'N SHOE KEi'AlJilNQ U*ST. Oent's. sole! au 1 hr*« led. Ledke«' eohd ani ueeled.. Ohüclreu' 8 , Fol*«d and h»e!ed. QOM B 0 OT 8 REPAIRED. .. 7k cts . on cts 50 cts Wou Do»« Wbiu Too W*jt. WUHilngtoa, Del StS Eteg St., _^BOARDING.__ OAHDING.-FOER NEWLY EUUNISHFD rooms to lent, with or without board, at 8 UP Market street B HELP WANTED.__ W ANTED.-5Ct:t»«g, from 12 t> 10 rears old. for (l-and Match, Bronm Dull, Fairy Play, etc. Must be respectable and l«cy like, (v ild mo e, age and afiSress at once tf ••Jubilee.'' Evening Journal sfil-e Entert«!« wen : to tak e p ace -t Op-r* H II-- Jn '* .'9 W ASTED A boy ab u sixteen yearn of ace at an apprentice to the printing tmelnsss. Must h we a fair education. Apply by letter only, which must bs writlea Py the applicant to lira DELAWARE PR NTIS'O COMPANY, 224 Market Bt , Wionlntioo, Dal. NOTICES. : OTIGE. N To th e Democratic Voters of New Castle County. At an election held on SATURDAY, June 9tb, 18 8 , fur Ihe purros« of nom in ling on th« Deni-or» ic candidate for (he otfiieof Sheriff to New Castle comfy, and cm pei the D-mooia'Ic candidate for the office of Coro nerof New Ciette county. FOU THE OFHCÏ OF SHERIFF. Alvsn Allen rec ived. humai J. Lynch re-tired Peter J Fo>d rtce ved. James J Toner rent ired. John P, 51cKso received. Wiliam A. Morris-,n received William H Alesonder received,. . 1 S 6 votes FOR THE (FFICK OF COROSKK. ■ • rson n» .1 JU 8 vote« ,1,S6 vote« .1,83 * votd « .l.MS vote« . 3 H vote« , 22H vote « . 2 , 0 '7 votes . 1 907 vote« .!,• 88 vote» 87 ( to' es Nevin O Gamb e recel-ed George A W( u, recelv <1.. Georte HsPnias re eivee', Luther W. Palmer roeebeJ Alvnn Alien hav ng received the greatest number of votes cast woe nominated »« the Democratic candidate for shei iff of NewCsiile o unty. Kevin C Gamble having rec Ived thesreateet numoer of votes csst was nomlnstod Democratic candidate for con count/. tbe '■>f Kcw < 'astir BEWElXc U 1 GGÎ, Cba'rman • f the county mr«iing. New Castle "Ur, Mldcb town New Era and Transcript | lease copy. VOTICK-AT A TdEETIN 1 OF THE IREC TOHH of the Clayton Building an > Loan AssoclaG.>n the president, J -seph L. Ca'penUr, Jr , was authorized to ncelve »II moi eys du the association, 'he monthly ra eiing will he held in the usual Place I» (he Tel-eraih Build ing. Taird and Mtrset «-r-et , oa F-ld y • ven ing next. B.aMUEL H. BAY NARD, gecretary and Treasurt r, pro tem ». OTCB—TEACHERS' EXAMINATION— 1 « There will be an vxaurnstion of teacher« for se r»td »nd thi d r-*de cer ifleat-s in Mid dletown on June 28; In Newark on Jure 29, and Pmington (in school building No. 1 , on Fr-nch Hr »ear 6 ih,l on June SJ. HERMAN BE 8 SEY, Superintendent. ■ CITY ORDINANCES. OTICE. K FOURTH OF JULY PROCLAMATION. Notice is hereby given that the following nro vtai n of a city orcieanca in ivlaiiio to d s charg ng cun-, pistols, cannon, fire cracker, or other flreworss within the city limits will be stticlly enforced: CITY ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE FIR ING OF CANNON, GJ'S. J IS TOLA, IIRE CEACKFR3 OR OTHER FIREWORKS WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THIS CITY. He ii ordained by The Council of Wilmington; SEcno.i t. Ifanyperoon siia'l st • hertafter within th« limits o: th« city fire ■ ff or discharge .u y Cinoon, pun, ,-fstol fl e crackers .i.u bs or ( thro fl-«works of anv k« 0 I or .f acypcr.ou. except (n regular course c-f i ,ome Is- f o business, (ride or p, ore-ston .h».ll Î make a boa fire or any fire ii any of the j p .el c Rtre. t , lane» o. al eys of tl is oi'y or iu anyothsrpla eiutheopeu elr withlu »»d c;tv „jaitaStynms of any street lane or alley,-uoh j ' or t T r 7 SS Ä y *;î „Äkl ÏÏS aive» Io the pubLo pa'kof khe ei y. «ituvts ne tween S veaih and Eiehtb and F a kli i a. d I », on (he w« telly "ideof thec. y, i and in such place v pi. ere o>. (he e sierlv .hi s of tbe Cl-y AS tbe City Coaucd ha I i t any tune or tune» h r.'-i'ler by I '1 • j -ri y vote direct, I St'd public olspl.y of fireworki thill .t mi times wbrreaoever they may b- b«id be under i the control . f • epeciat corn ml tee if Cmictl io be anpol-ted frOn time tj time lor ihat tpeclflo j purpose Section 2. All ordinances or pars of ordl 1 HMiC s in relation v> ing of c nnou, guns, pUto's, fire I r cfeer, or any r.tner fl ewetks of anv-kird w thin th*city I mit« heie'otore or d in d a ci poms-d ty thi Cl y Council of this oi'vara repealed. Passed et the ci.y I a", Wllmirgton, Delaware, September, 7th, A.D. 1884 _ « C. B BH OADfi, Ma yor._ "NOBBIN vNCFFOUTHE UKLI'c- O ' THE A * PÏBOPEIATION F-jRSSLiRIEd. Whxi:e«r The anrrovriabon for eaariesfo (he fl e I jeer, !8:7-8, Is madeq ;«■ e, bv teas n of Circiim ,r»nce» not coritei; p.-ted v.h -> the oratuance making spenuria i .'«■ for said filial jeer w.s pvsred thrrefore, Be I o Cain-d by (InC! of Wilrnl gton, twchi-rtsot tbe mem er- th --n>* coactlrr . g Sxcnos 1 Don ra oe 1 «• e.i from the apo "In Urust." » nd ,t.e »' m of 6 x y fi'v. Bundled fl ' ars ! (im the a" propria to fir 'K Dr a. ordinary Aopropristio -, 1887," end the aygr« pete, r-'X'.y in- H ndret lio lara, c edited to the r Kir prhitiou fnr Valer-es " Pas«! «t the city Hal . Mav Cl, 1888 JOHSC KARRA, P'lR.Oei:r of the C >u .oil. A» v ■ 5IS3SICK, Clerk of tao Council. tim» Xuat the sum -of Four tt.indted -'rial'or f-- r Attest: May 81.1SS8. Respectfully returned sp-rorei'. C B. RHUAD". M.yor. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE. A two story brick ard mansard roofed dwell ing; contains 9 rooms, bstb, e e: pa-tly papered ; front porch. Two square« Irou. Delaware Ave. Only 32.79#. H. D. WALTER, NO. 3 W. SEVENTH STREET. FOR SALE. Farm of 75 eons in Inlaw«»» county,f« Nine mil»» In m this city. tvJ.COJ. VV ill sell Ih» whol» tor lmr-ro»eui=ots co»t $ 7 , 500 , On easy terms. Apply to EVANS PENNINGTON, NO. 1 E EIGHTH 8 T. _ FORnENT._ X1R . ENT.-TWO NICK FRONT IIOJMU Apply at #87 8 h pley St. h POLITICAL. |^OR SHtElFF NEW CASTLE COUKTY, 188». 0 » WILLIAM SIMMONS, OF SflUCINGTOS HUSPBED. Subject to tho decision of lc© He publican part j .___ BAKER & JARRELL, Wholesale an# Retail Dealers In Fine C'iarars NO. 228 WEST FOURTH BIREKT, WUntnfftoo, Del • * KYLfc'8 ICE CUE A » cts j cts cts 1 AT C. A. SteHiînborff'«, 8 . E. OOR. 9ib AND KIRKWOOD. Also Confectiope y of all kinds. Del —- m ! A Full Program and Beautiful ' 1 j ANNlVKHN.ält V fO-MOIIT. Decoration«. Tho celebration cf the 53d anniversary of ths afternoon Sunday school of the Second Baptist Church this evening, will probably sur paw all other celebrations of i the kind. Au elaborate program baa been H, W. Zimmerman will bo prepared. musical director, Mies May I. Hea'h, 1 pianist, nod J 1). Karls, organist. The program: Organ voluntary ; singing by school, "A Hong of Welcome;" responsive j reading, prayer, tinging by school, ' Letter ; from the King," school; the Floral Cross, primary elate; tinging, primary depart ment; reports of tho secretaries ; anthem, "Toe Lord is King;" singing, primary de partaient; emblematic service, "Htnr. Cross and Crown," 19 young ladles; sing tog by school, "Glorious Uty ;'V1T»riBg» in i mtmoriam; singing. 'Gathering Hume;" ; doxology and benediction. Thscsurob w ll be handsomely decorated In the front will be an arch made of honeysuckle ond evergreen. Go tbs upper j section of the crcb »ill be in daisies the motto; "For the Master's us*;" below this ... . in gildsd letters the motto: "He did for us; we lire lor Him." Attbeboeecf tte arch will be a double gale, representing eatraace to tba Path of Lif«. At tbs side will be cedars In the •mb'.aroatlc servies. 19 young ladies, each with a motto, will build up tha arch. The infant school wi l bava seals on Ike plat form Alfred Qawthrop is ths snpsrinten dent of the larger school, assl«led by T. C. Dill aad Miss A. E. Btroud; Mra B, W Deacon ia superintendent of ths primary department, assisted by Miss Lottie Wells and MUs Tillie Biiaxard. The Venerable d'tloruoy 8 * 1 « It I» INVADING ENGLAND. an Impossibilltr. Paris, June 13 —Vice Admiral d« Dom pierre de'Hotnoy to-day to a reporter of tbe New York Herald expressed himself «» follows In respect to tbe qoeattoa of invading England: "To land 100,0C0 men in Kurland, or even 5*,COO. is on impossibility, unless,of course, you can suppose that tbe English, warned of tbe enemy's intention, were kindly to retire sufficiently far from some large beech offering a convenient landing place and allow the opeia i m to be performed without Interference. Otherwise where are the troops to land! Rhlpsof the s'r.( end tonnsge rrqcired for tho traesport of Urge numbers of troeps cannot run too cloie lu shoce. '•The embarking ia nptMrg fir o short voyage Midi »a that, from sny part of Northern Europe to England. A majority ot tbe transports could carry 2,0(9) men each Bat tho men must b» lorded io cockles hells nnU-si England would lend i ne of her docks for tho purpose. "Then, again, it is not only a queitton of men. You must huvo artillery and cavalry tf tho army Is to do any esivioe, and provision and (q'l pments. Think of the ipico occupi.«! by heavy Arid artillery end eavalrj ! This would almost double the carrying power required and wcc!d call for large barges for landing, ß-dieve me, sir, England has no cans« to fear an invasion Bhe is surrounded by s twit of water worth more to her than all the standing armies. Her position 1 « in finitely superior to that of Oonti i.eutvl nation», obligud to rail themselves by keeping tbs whole nation ander ara»«. i.eutvl nation», obligud to rail themselves by keeping tbs whole nation ander ara»«. FHEDEIlirK BKTTBB. UU PJsyalcIans Feel More Hopeful Again. Berlin, June 14. 1888 —The latest re ports ot last night of the condition of the Emperor »how a declled improvement. Tbe artificial feeding, to which His Maj-sty at first manifested go a: a version, has be come less distasteful and the operation is now yerlorm-d by Sir Murrell Mackenzie without difficulty. Not a little harrh emmfet has been ex cited by ths fact that the Crown I'tince attend»:! the races, g .ve a lunchecn to tbe King ofT8»>e4ea end was a *n> 8 t at a regl roeutei dinner. Hi ii not at P:it«d«m now, Tbe danger to bis father, however, was not so imminent last night as it was tbe night before, which ra .y be ihe young man's excusa, T bo doctors are jast as much surprised as the publie by the sudden change In the Emperor's condition end are, of coarse, more hopeful than they wire yesterday, ibis, however, does not justify any -very sarguine expectations that tba improve ment will continue. Sketch of a Cripple. James Donovan, keeper of the safety gate »t 7tb nnd Railroad, at one time vos nn engineer on the P. , W. & B R. R lie fallowed that calling for 13 years and then went to the Jersey Central road, running to South Amboy. In getting on his engios oae day while it was moving be fell off the step and the wheels paired over both his ■tes. They were amputated. He then lived in Jersey City far eight years, after which be came to this city and got bis present jib, whrre he has been for three« be has his g etc year» fixsd sa that with a pulley be can raise or lower it while inside of hie bcx. Sheridan Mill Improving. W ASHINGTOIT, Jaco It—Ths imprcve meo «h en nas been manifested in General Hh-i'idan'o onadition continued ail day yes terday, aad is »till maintained. The gen eral's diet consirta largely t£ baef tea and milk, which be takes wim sppireut reiUb. Up to iaet Sund ly tba stomaca refused to digest tbe beef tea, but now be Is able to retain it without «uy trouble. The period! city of tbe heurt attecks has Ween very marked heretofore. They usually occurred intervals of every three day«, and as yesterday was .be four.b day since the last of heart fnilure, it# ahseoca is looked npiu a# bring vary encouraging. It nwîarrenc« Properly Improved. The S. W. Oor. of 10tU and Market Sts., has b-ten recently refitted arid renovated by tha well-known confec tioner, Mr. Gilbert Barrett. A ladies' ice cream parlor has been opened up stairs and all flavors of the beat cream and soda water are constantly kept on hand. Also » full line of choipa con fectionery. General New« ol the fflornlus. Barclay Feik. the murderer of Katie Audeisou, wag sentenced to 30 years Itc prisomuent at Trenton yesterday, Tbs thermometer yesterday at Nebraska City, Neb., registered 103 degrees in the shade. Several minor oases of tnostroke reported, bat cons wsre fatal. Tho report comes from Marion, Mass., fiat the old yellow boose on the Point, op posits the old landing in Marion harbor, ii being refitted for occupancy by Ufa. Clew -and this summer. j The procession of the Knights of Pythias ; yesterday at Cincinnati was a very bril liant affair, though it did not contain the promised 8),000 people. Hlx thousand would be a very large estimate of the nura her of persons la tbs procession, nlno tenths of whom were uniformed Knights. Stephen Martin, living on tho lake shore i neftr King's Bridge Oat, found a bottle on ; lhs h« aoll Banday u»j. Inside was a pites oi bark, signed by Captain MeBnnn, and saying that the schooner TifTn, of Bsy City, Mich., went down with all hands 15 j m ,i os from Q ûder i 0 h. Toere was do date on the paper. TbA H Ay market riot at Cbic%cro of May ^ i 8 Sfi, has claimed another victim. Po j ,, csOffl0er Timothy Snllivau, who was . 0QA 0 y detail who stoodl the damage of j tbe Anarchist brmb on that »emorohle night, died yesterday. He resolved a bul |et , n tU(J th|(|h tml th# bIood po i,oning inter vened gradually tapped his strength until death enta il. The Exocntiv» Committee of th« Irish Nati-mai Lmgue finished its bu ioets at I Cincinnati yrsterday, and adjiurnod. Tbe advisibility of holding a National Con 1 vention was pnt In tbe bands of a com | mittee of nine. It is likely that the con | vention will not bo held until January R-solutions were adopted and declared re newfd allegiance of the Irish National I,-ague of America to the Irish National I League, deploring tbs illness of General Bberidan, etc. i charge oÇ obtaining money under false | pretenses. This woman, who managed j Hgratiate herself lato the good will of the j Jewish people of Ban Francisco, became for a short Um« asocial queen, and bor ! rowed money from all her acquaintances. The preliminary trial of Bertha M. Stan ley, kmwn from the Atlantic to the Pacific«« "Big Bertha," or the "Confidence Q i»cn," wts concluded at Ban Francisco on Tuesday, and she and her alleged son Wi lie were held in 84,000 each on the to At Norway, Mich . some lime ago, Hat j tie, tho wife of Edwin Warren, left him ; and returned to her family. Last Batur f-j-ed. He at once shot her with a revolver, men picked her up, and at the muss e of *he revolver matched her thrmagi the s roots to his hoa*e. Bhe will die. Warren h n been put n Jail, s day all she possessed wag burned up iu the great dro. On Tuesday she was on the street, when tbs met her husband. He de manded her return to bis house. 8 h« re At ChaceeFor.villo the monument that maiksthe spot where Stonewall Jackson receive!'be wound from which he died, was dedicated yesterday with imposing ceremonies. The Fredericksburg Gray», tbe Maury Campot Cor federate Veterans, delegatlons from the Lee Camp of Rich mond, and tbe Lee Camp of Alexandria, Gen. Fiiz'mgh L-e was chairman of tha meeting. He made a brief, though feeling address, after which he introduced Hon. John W. Daniel, an orator of tbs day,.who spoke for more than an hour. were iu attendance. an hour. Robert E. Lincoln was expected to reach England yescerday. He will immediately proceed to Hcotlead, it is said, where fav will have an interview with James O Blaine. Mrs Lincoln has a mission, it is alleged, which be will exeenta iu the inter est ot his friend, Judge Gresham. His first point will be to eeoara from Blaine a most emphatic declaration that be is not .a Prfsilenilal possibility. HI* sseond point and the reel objict of his vkit is to «teure from Ur. Blaine an expression ot prefer enou for Gresham. Despatcboi from several points in lllinoig say tbat the locusts wblcb are making their appearance in euch great numbers are nut molesting fruit, grain or vegetables as yet The only damage done Is the killing of young and tender trees, many of evbicb die from the incisions made from the in sects ia depositing their egge. The secre tary of tbe : iwa State Agricultural Society says bs has received information from Muscatine that there are a mi Upon of locusts in that c .unty, bat no special damage has yet icon reported. It seems le. Ia the gen eral opinion that the locust« in Eastern low« sre not rf the 17 year vac.ety, but of a harmless «lass tbat come around fre quently, seven years ago being tbe time of the last visitation. The great drawbridge of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company over the Arthur Kill wts swung into pesition yes terday by its chief promoter, Erastus Witnan, who was accompanied by a dele gation of railroad officiais. There were no ceremonies because tbe approaches have not yet been completed. Tba draw is one of tbe largest in tbe world, being 513 feet long, nilowing a clear space of 306 feet on each side of the draw between the piers. Eleven months ago work was begun on the masonry, and it was not suspended even dating tie blizzwd of March last. Tbe structure Is to bo completed by June 19 The entire length of the bridge from shore to shore is 800 feet, end its height Is 3£ feet. The draw, which is operated by stsam power, alone weighs 4S0 tons. Trains will pass over tbe bridge in December next The annual cimmenoement exercises Crczier Theological Seminary at Upland, Pa . were held yesterday, ond the cim molious buildings wera taxed to the r utmost to contain the unucuBlly large nuta ber of visiters to that well-known Baptist institution. President H. O. Wsston, D.D prujirloJ, and the following men wbu were licanssd to preach delivered orations: C. F. F'>°te, William E Foote of Northampton. Mass; Benjamin F. Horlburt of Georgia Plains, Vt. ; Jamts E Keyltr of Quarry ville, Pb. ; P. P Matsiy of L nisviüe, V «. George M F. Owen of 8 t. Clair, Pa.: George W. Qjickof Farmville, \u.;Joeopb E. Ssg.-beer of Coatesvllle, Pa; Edward S V si,ness of East Orange, N. J. ; Henry F Wilkinson ot GraaiviUo, Ohio, and Asa F. Williamson of Jamestown, Ohio. An able address was mads to the graduate# by Rev. Mr. Weston. t_ Call and see what a nice suit you can buy at the Boston House tor |10. enticed vnon sunn Si. Girl ■law a Wilmington School Came Near to Ruin. Julia Kelly, oee about SO, a woman of doubtful character, came to this city lest winter from Lowell, Mass., nod pnt np at the house if Urs George M. Dutcher, at Lovering avenue, ond Van Buren Ht After knocking about the city all wlotsr, on the 3Ji of April, when spring was opening with bright sunny days, she met little Annie Mitchell, the 13 year old daughter of Michael Mitchell, of 8 th and 8 cott B:s , going to school. With promises and inducements of var ious kind, she enticud the child tu accom pany bar to Mrs. Butcher's. Bhe kept her them two dai g and nights, her father meanwhile anxiously bunting the city over for her. In his fruitless search be went to Mrs. Butcher's and though the child was in the bouse was told she was not. On the 35th of April Julia Killy Induced Annie to go to FulladelphU with her, premising to bring her back that night. With tbs curiosity of a child to see the sights of a largo city, she wont. After arriving In Philadelphia she was taken from bouse to bouaefjra par lad of about Hvs weeks; but it Is not thought that the »as mads to submit, or consented to any thing improper. Due afternoon about five weeks age the little girl wandered down to the Franklin Ht. fq)are. While there she was ap proached by a gentleman about 50 years old, named E. A. Pecuing'OF. U« is a wealthy real estate agent it Philadelphia. Pennington took her to the opera boose and then told her that he would take her in « street otr to tie residence. In stead, be took her to e boose of Ill-feme at Franklin end Wood Sts. About midnight be asksd to get in, but the woman who otm I tithe door told him the bnuse full, and they could not admit him. While they were talking a police officer strolled up end took Pennington and the girl In charge, taking them to the police station, where they were locked no. Pennington bed a preliminary hearing the next morning, June 3d, and was pat under 11500 ball for his appearance at court yseterday. After Pennington bad been pnt nnder ball, the Philadelphia Society for the Pre. vention of Cruelty to Children was notified and Annie Mitchell put under their care The Philadelphia society notified Frank Htoot, the special agent of the society this city, who bas made three or fon~ visits to Philadelphia since in working up the caso. to of a d delivered her to htr Pennington wns tried in the City Court yesterday, prosecuted by Ihe counsel of tbe Philadelphia 8 . P. C. C. H » was defended by three lawyers, but ofior hearing the evl denes tho city judge fined him fSUO and sent him to the Eas'crn Penitentiary for six months. Tbe little girl was turned over to Mr. Bloat, who brought her home arsnts last e ening. The Kelly won an has left I'hliadelphis. S le is «apposed to h v i reiuraed to Lowell. Aftir tbe wcmti took the child to i'hil delphis, tbe gave her tbe name of Lily Bmlth. The officers of the 8 P. O. C. , Philadelphia suspected that this was an sumed name, and the matron of the vooie ty'« home there found out her right nsrue L-e while treating her to ice cream, having a | gained confidence through kindness, i The Wilmington Society for the Preven an I tion of Ornelty to Children, through their j s(t e nt, Frank 8 tont, deserves much credit for the effective work done in working ! Kanud fer Blrml ngbatn, Treuiou, Beverly «nd «'ape Slay. FOLK EXL'LIIHIONS. j Eden Ledge, I. O. O. F., 185 strong headed by th« Washington Greys band of 1 Philadelphia, marched from their rooms at Third and King Ft«, to the Delaware Ave, I station of tbe B. .& O. railroad and left on j the 9 e. tn. train lirs morning for Trenton, ; N. J. A large number ot frit-nds accom panied them. About five carlosdi of excursionists left French RL this ir. irnini ou thi W a war-set Gun Club excursion over the W. & N. R R. to Birmingham i'atk. Ezion M. K. excursion left Fourth Ht wharf this morning et about 8 39 o'clock on the John A. Warner. A very crowd was on board, and n band of mu(ic rx^M^-toBl^rrpTrkTj The pZen hundred excursion ste crowded the steamer Repnhllc as ehe steamed oat of the Chrietlsna river this morning with tbe Union Sunday echool excursion, band playing, flags of four states, ot Ihe United States and numberless streamers flying. yîunlctpnl Court Itcvrlations. At the session of the Municipal Court last evening Judge Cummins presided. Patrick Session, the first culprit, was fined $1 and costs for a plein drunk. Howard Johnson, tho young man who robbed Smith and Murray's money drawer, was held ia $30(1 bait for his appearance at coart. Tillie Heritage and her sisters. Mrs Her! tags, Klizihrth Graham and do not entertain for each other that amount of sisterly affection which might be expected. Intact, they never »peak os they pass by. Yesterday efternoon Tlilie had occision to pass by Mrs. Graham's noose on Logan 8 t., where an admirer of tba fair Eliza beth was sitting on the «teps The yuuog mao sail to her that "it was a great pity i that two each beautiful girls should not | Tillie he»rd this and was mad. | 8be Baid Elizibeth bad put him | up eay 4t 6nd tha3 ln 9 U i t t er. nnJ >he straightway charged open j ber gIgter _ chasing , n the boute and , nllikt: „ tbtng3 |, V ely generally. Officer , J q-jiiic, and Judg< Cummings daod her $5 i a[ld cu8tg The evening's session concluded by tbe dismission upon the payment of costs of p r4l k Hunter, colored, charged with as ; , au | ( and ba itery upon Grace Dudley, also co j or od. - , - Wilmington Clearing Ilona«. Yhe exchanges of the Wilmington Bonks #t lhe C . learicg Houw thls mo rtilng were j tsa 37995 aDd the balances $30,138 57. Welsh come to tbe rescue and arrested , Oak Suita shown at prices sore to please the buyer at Johnson & Barn hill's, 207 Markst St (General I'ulltlrai New». Clove;«« 1'a nomination to bs re calvad with favor lu England. U will lead to frei (ride, nay tho Lind-in Tim««. A wild saheme was reported in the Home of Ropreoantativ»» yesterday. It is a hill appropriation; $180,030 for an air »hip. Tho «bip la a hollow steel tube, that will rise In tho air when Oiled with hydrogen, or some very light gas. The oratory of the Rep résentative« during the Tariff bill has been suggested as a substitute for the hydrogen. Girl of lest at at Ht was met old and var kept father over to in her, night. the After taken about the any the ap years is a and in « In of About woman bnuse While strolled dann a in Ohio for governor by a very rr spertable majority. Thurman evidently ranke after Haye!.— Philadelphia North American. Presi lent Hayes, the Democratic party have always argued, was not very much of a man after all, but It will be remembered he was good enough to defeat tho old bin yesterday nominated for Congress by the Republicans of tbs Fif h district of Minnesota, and if elected will succeed Knute Nelson The nomination was made on the 45:h ballot, there being five candidates. Comstock is a native of Maine, and ia claimed by bis friends to be tho political legatee of Nelson, When the Democrats wsre In power, years «go, Lewis Case, one of their most distinguished orators in tbs Senate, said tha United States had got the right to fish not from Bigltnd or from Canada, bot from God Almighty, and that they meant to hold on to ft This is rather different „ . . . . _ usually considered a very Important office, bat ft will tie when it decides which party is to rule. Riddleberger has bed a Demo Solomon O. C ma'.ook was from tho opinion of the prtsanl .adminis tration. Ths Vice-President next year may de cide all partisan legislation. It Is cut , ,, , , .... cr«t elected in hie place, and If the other Benators, both Republicans and Domocrat. succeed themselves, the HroaU will .land 38 to 88 on p irty lines. Thiels where the president of the Henate can decide the leglalat'cn. president of the Henate can the leglalat'cn. Tho fact« of history seem to boar out the assertion that no President has ever been elected a second time in this country who was not a soldier or held tbe Chief Kxecn live during a war. John Adams and Mar tie Van Buren are tlcss who were defea eJ for a second term, and Washington, Jeffer son, Monroe, Jseksiin, Lincoln and Grant were tba snccesiful ones. The President's only chance Is to have a war In the next five mouths with some little country. Charles Emory Bmlth, editor of tbe Phil« delpbla Pre«., has been «»iscted to present tbe name of Mai or Edwin H. Filler to tho Chic.go Convention for tbe Republic*!, nomlua-.lon for President. Mr. Smith will gi into the convention by courtesy of Charles A. Porter of the Fourth district,! who retires to permit the .ditor of th» Prose to make tho nominating speech for Mr. Filler. This arrangement 1. tbe molt of n long conferee ci between Mayor Filler and editor Btnitfa yesterday. Theshouliog In Chicago is all for Gresham at present, and it is so «tro g that It Is iccurcieg the hostility of «II tha other booms. Good Judge ■ say that the Gre«ham vote will disappear after on« or two ballot. and already Indian« claims a portlnnof th. Illinois vote. up The Allison and Alger and G rosti»ra mansgrrs have all opmed head quarters at the Graed Pacific, and the rooms are well decorated with the pictures of their reepeotlve ctndllatee. R. E Freier, one of Mlchlg.n's best orators, will namfaate Alger. He arrived last night. Io Iowa it has been Irapiselbls for th. Republican machine, with E liter Clark son at tbe throttle, to auppressUresbamism. One ot the two locally strong Republican paper« at Ced «r R «ptd» ia leading a revolt against Allison and doing whet it can to strengthen Gresham in the eastern part of tbe state. Being asked it tbe paper's cash box did not register a protest on the part ot Republicans against this abandonment of tbe favorite son ot ths state, ths a lit>r replied that his growing subscript on list wbs the l>.i»t proof he wanted that Rannb Konus to that port of Iowa bad made up their minds la favor of the nomination of Gresham. It baa not been difficult for Gresham to bold bis following in Indiana, and it is now clear that h« divides tbat state with Harrison almost as effectually as if be were »till an Indiana man. of at on left R . , . «Ivan«« have united In support » Mayor F tier of Philadelphia, a. a can didate worries i hs Hherman men at Ch dacy la regarded In T^iou. light* but from tbs fact that it is an anta.oni.tie "Matt" Quay, who Ths intelifgeocj that a number ol Pern Bsaator Hherman. wants to be chairman of the national com of tbe mittee, formed an alliance some time ogo with Bfaerman, »nt has been trying to get the Pennsylvania delegation for him. Ben «tor Cameron ia not In favor of Sherman. The Fitter m ivement Is regarded by the Sherman men as « blind to keep tbe Penn svlv.nia delrgstea from voting tor Sher man, until blsiae or somebody else brought forward to stampedo tbe conven tion. There is too much talk of Blaine suit tbe other candidates. They begin think that Depsw ot N»w York, Phelps New Jersey, Filler of Pennsylvania, A'ger of Michigan, Allison ot Iowa, Rusk of Wis consin, Harrison ot lodiana, and the numerous other "favorite sons" will have to give way in tbe end to units on Blaiae. at os an not him er. and $5 tbe Pcell, Jacob W. Smith, Jose Baches, of Thomas Cox, W. H. Pyle, Williim as- White, Joseph MclIvUn, William Wiliis, also James T. Thimpson, Georgs A. Dickers j Charles Allaway, George Barton, John Haley, Andrew Stewart, John W. Hayden, Charles C. Pnipps. Jamee H Graves,Hosey Wilson, Wiilisaa H. Eaton, Joseph Rash. Soldier«» Grave-Slonea. The government Is «boat to make an ad ditional appropriation to complete patting bead stones on the graves ot all soldiers, sailor«, and marines not si provided now. In ordir to completr this work here tbe A. R. commutes of this city wtuld like formation regarding the following n«mfs of Delaware soldisis who fought for their country. All communications about rank, company, age. place of death and whore buri»d, should be adrtreste-J to Jamea Banthero, 235 Walnut 8 t. before Joly 1, insure cortect beaditooes. The names es follows; Wil am Buckingham, Blmeco H Woodrow, Andrew Nuavi'ior, John The Pleasant Valley Wine Com pany's champagne is undoubtedly the beet American wine iu Ibis market P. Plunkett & Co., 108 and 110 Markst to BL IllNrOHIGAI. It Kbits. Beautiful Work« . cran— Hour' ■ f Art by a Vet* if W.r. <n« Gen, Thomns A. Bmyih Poit, No. I, has a number of fine historical representations on its walls Oae of them is a carving cf the cialot arms of Pennsylvania, top of this un'n is piece cf art is the emblem "Ths Keystone," and on the coat of arms the fnmilUir motto. "Virtue, Lib erty and I (dependence the various trades are represented by their implements and the symbols of the Odd Fellows mid Masons are shown, right the stars and stripes are proudly Hosting and in the background Is a city, ; The Diamond State is cirved on another j block with the Delaware coat of At the Underneath this To the arms, showing the ship building and fsrml An in the « ' products of the state beneath, °^* r ®h® implements cf tho builder and | tiller are shown. Both the carvings er» painted in natural colors and are valuable additions to the post's treasures. They wore carved by Thomas J. Boy der, then of Newport, in 1871. Mr, Pnyder is now j dviog with his son ln-1-. w, Dr. Negendaok. <lt 9th * n<1 ' V * |,|l * n * ton ®**. Among other Interesting things In tie ! rooal * re tw0 «I* Pound-ball howitsers, | Ki»peshot and canister, chain shot and a 1 10u V ou "d «•»•H A born powder flask, a | re!,cof the war of ISIS, was presented to 1 th " P 0 * 1 b * th * " on of John Kotter of I Philadelphia, who wore it. Two small j mortars are on either aide of the room. One treasures of tba 1 pest In a large "peace" pipe "presented to j , t by the b , by ... . , odg8 thrt Krew oul * ! I I capacity for a 15 pound ball 1 of the brighter tbe older one. A oipy of the Philadelphia Evening ; Tpl h o( TuMdsy> April im g , (M , nport cf lh , woandtrK of 0ener> , | rfa A 8 , nytb on j 0D8 p, #od who m8t ' ' ' He was ths Iasi . bis death shortly after. ! general killed in the war. EXECRATING PROTEST*. «»• Attacking This Country lor 30 Years WAsuisaTON, June 13 — Sena'or Hal« | ventilated Ihe opinion of New Bsgiandera j on ths Fisheries treaty to day and argued j strongly for Us rejection. The question, be ; said, Involved the nations! spirit and th« national symptthy; It was not a local i l l ue * t,on - Tb * weH undoubtedly a 1 an< * m " rt De * <• hlkV " 1 '« on * fnllur » inevitably becauae neither the , llno nar the nsgolUt.r. had been able to , or . *° ukt « -'n^dorallon, tbe of i whülj «Kn*tlon. They did not seem to have considered or taken into account the i ***** march of Can.d» for twenty years i nnder British irspira-lon, and under I Brlt ' ,h »«telega, in making a.t.cks upon i th * Uüit,d 8rM "*' bo ' h " of ( tr tbe " f carrying out treaty stipulations and in tha I coarse cf violating them. Both Ihe Administration end the n»go i liators bad failed to realiz> that the time Is j h|ld oorria for onnui lerlng all tbe que« loos ard striking a proper ba'anoa as the result , , Re nflKuCm ,t on a. Not a vesa-l had th. | f rnm Provir.oetown, Gloucester, Marblehead, Portland, Cos'ins or Booth | Bjy Bilic , th „ treBCyi whoM master and the j crew bad not UQ t b«ck an execrating pro j aeat r.Bt the treaty. Bad as were tha E | o!d oonduloll(lt b(Kt cs they were with will j sn00yaD0OTi , nd troU blie, and dangers, j tbcy bttd bteo better then tbe treaty. th. | : Delaware and Msryland, l p. m . partly cloudy to fair waather, frs..b southerly to ) southwesterly winds, followed by local to raina, of | Tbe northwestern depression is now in | Minnesota ; it will probably move slowly to the east-south esst ward .causing a "warm wave" in tbe Central and Atlantic Hute«, list | rvmperaturercssiatbeUuitedBtalesyes tentay; tbe chief minimum was 48 degrees up at Duluth; the chief maxima wire 80 at of Indianapolis and Huron, D. T., 88 at for August«, Ga , and 9J at Dodgs Citv, Kan. tbe Middle Btates and Niw England tbat warmer, fair ti partly olonly weather and | fresh southeasterly to southwesterly winds Weather. The New York Herald weather forccas's: will prevail, fulloned by rein near the likes. On Friday in this section and in New E gland warmer, partly cloudy to fair weather and fresh soul heriy to south westerly winds will prevail, follow«.! by local rains, and ouHiturday slightly cooler, can Ch but j Partly cloudy to fair weather and fresh to by who , uear me coasts. Baynard's thermometer; 7 a. m., 63; 10 com a. m.. 89; 1 p. m , ogo get Ben the Sher is to to of A'ger Wis the have The tin nil. loqueet. Tbe j try in the css of John Martin this morning, after examining Edward Sheri dan, Asaury Mackiem and Hallie Kennard, came to tbe verdict that John Martin came to bis d.atb on Tuesday miming, June 13, 1888, by being struck by a car attached to eagina 353, of ths B & O. R R , and tbat tbe employes of that company are exoner ated from all blame. Professional competency, toget'nex with business integrity, should bo very conspicuous characteristics in tbe man agement of a drug store. The reputa tion ot Bolt's Pharmacy is well known, having been built up during a career of over 57 years. The correct com pounding of physicians' preserptions a specialty. Oor. Oth and Market Sts. C. j "fuihirg Alserzir's foot and btsakmg Lee's m. j little Arger. J. I j Î ad now. Q. in ( their tbe and to are John 8«lleburj'a Oriole. Balisbary with characteristic energy will give an Oriole. A fine d splsy ot industrial and fan Iful product# on June £9. Hpooiai trains will bs run to tbs town from Cape Charles and tbe country and great time is anticipated. Injured by an Iron Bar. An iron far tbat Harry Aleei zer and Robert E. Lse were working on at tbe F., W. & B. machin» shop# fill yeaterd«y i National Guard of Dclawtr«. Tn*op B enliated flve now men.ben* on ! Tuesday eveuing and two more will join î tbe company next week. It is the inten I lion to Increase tbe number to ICO if pos sible. the 1 sion on the City of Chester on Jane 19. ^ First Regiment Hand. Ho! for the grand moonlight excor-