Newspaper Page Text
Ws ♦ V / 4 v ■ V ■ V 'V k. WlLMIiNGIOiN, DEL., rufebDAV, JUNE U), 188 «. NO. 5 fi 6 . ONE OJST. I i | cm k HOLLIS BIG FALL 1H WATER COOLERS | 1 AW) OIL STOVES. , . that are slightly damaged, but good as new, that we are sell • , , ,r • mg at about half price. A 4-gallon Cooler, $1.75. We have a lot of Coolers A N0.Î13 Adams & West lake Oil Stove with three 5 inch burner?, with top and oven complete, $1050; price heretofore, 8150b. This is the best Oil Stove ever offer -1 . , . ... ea at that price. We will send them anywhere in the city on trial for a week, and «/ill miinntoo WlU guarantee them against any Cll Stove made. Jewall's Rsfrigerators, Ths Only chircoal-fillpd Re r • . 3 , ,, Inge, alors made. I 3 uy no thing; but the Jewett. You ran run if rn •yz nercenf I can run it cn 25 percent, less ice than any oiht r, I» lUMi c • CtlGSp. V V ill IrCCZS cream in 7 miaute? by the watch. LlguLIng Ice Créas Fnczirs, We have vet a few of last ti _ year ^ pattern Refrigerators that we are selling at less than cost. CLEM ft HOLLIS 221 Market St. FINE GOLD AND SILVER A. E. WILLIAMSON, W5 W, EIGHTH ITBOlT. TT*! ,-y 8CWEKNS _ _ ,o-.. * . , Fop Doors««! W Hdonr* made »»d put up in any style, liepairla* done. Wire work of ary kind made Co order, a; W. li. Allison'? Wire Works, NO. #03 »II T*IaEY KYLL'fi I«'K CREA11 AT C. -A.- ^ ufitjnberrr'H, 0. E. OOR. Ihm AN ii KIRKWOOD. Also Confection ;. y o' all kind*. ISAKKR & JARRELL, Wtu*v u.eaa d Retail Dealern i« t'uec Ciscars, KO. **3 WES' FiiüäTH BIKES-:, vc u . . i JOrfcMI H. Wt-OD, 6u ecs*«« v* B. F-itsch, Manufoa,. ; v , f all sind« of Hani-c t h nea ana Ha c jp*. All kin c cf Gr ndlnV.and J bbirg done. NO 8*8 KIAJ 8IIt,-EI'. BANKING AF<0 FINANCIAL. — R. H. Ä03J«bD« & CO. K A NU MM AK0 RltOKEIIN, «Cor. 4 -tii <*« Alarkdt bts. Ff \B SALE: Rtock^ hoa rh^ wvl »H)?d ia th« N»»w York. |?bilA4ielpliia »^nd fi >t a murk '» OQ ODfflfliksiûli L tier 4 » of cfkxilr 1 »- vu . MViil Hbl*> la all l) r * o th« worlit, and Or • o i Kk /lm-i, Frft-uiu, U-M&;ij âOuI ÿwiiwrkuid iB«u«d. f|\BE ARTISANS' SAVINGS KANE, KO. $02 nißKET S litCET, . r-ccBv-Rv »?, 1ST8. U;«Ihrrc-lre - e o U daily f om 9 a 10 ax**iii I t> 111 .. and «»eilio,;- from 7 10 8 o'ciotk The «boner --f the 0*ak p-ovd-ai that no profiMup .u Its lev s m*o a raceyk as much a Is requir. d for ihe pa.m -nt 0 / sowe .ry ex pen» -- and for meat 1* turplus for rba reciirily of del'.« i;u,*, -a- divided araong the d, - po-ilorH. ' Nu ma aget I* t l'owed to borrow ary part of the fund* depjittea with ih • o irparstiou. UiSA Kits. DrcoasaiaaTi o. Ti.»a* .»y aud baturiay George W Piu-b. C. Wes'ey Weialo,' G«-o. 8 Ce (elle, Ctiaa W. Howiaid, Joe L Ca- peu -or, Jr., Job H J • keoa, Tl«WIJ F Dure, MONEY LOANED ON MOKlGsOSa. M AU n III lea. M. U Ll- hi -Deteln, Alezarüer J Hart, ' H- Beeson, A- liner Higgins, Ora. W. • can. Goo. 8 . CUraix*. Vice President. ;-r*«id*nt. B, T. Tatuos. Treewu er Jca. M. Matbik, Audi'or. rau O 1PHKBS CLl'B. A ''Vtt-aw" Kido to Brandiwln« I evoning in a f .ur-horse team provided h, ! Jam«« D. Gorman. Toe party wa. larg» j ■ a th . ,«,i,t.nca of theR*cretarv »ud left the rwiil-no* or tneoecrotary, MBs Jo ie F-igg, B80 West Vîlh St. about Ttoy arrived about 8 15 o'clock : of the spring« The parlor of the hotel j had been PDg*ff'dfor th* occaaion and the ; the number« of tto clnb enj >yed them Mnaic wo« furnished i j - I The Final dice tiny of she Season ' sprtna« nod Who Were There. Toe Orphans Club of this city, of which Jos-gh H, Mendenhall is president, took a j straw ride to Brandywine Hpriogs |,*t I o'cl. Boires to the otœ .8t. and literary and vocal exercises wers At »hcnit 11 o'clock tbe r*rtj | ftiven. started fur tbi? city. This was ths lost j meeting of the dab for the season. T*>*y 1 will com* together nixt September. Those; who made up tbe party were Misies Ali-e : Smith, Hue Tram", Emma Carey, Josie ; Fcgg. Elith Crow. Blanche Crow, Elsie j Foord, Mamie Thom peon, X'llle Rancum, M. Liztie Merle, Lillian Plummer end j Clara Boot', Joseph H. MerdeuhaB, Frank I Laudon, Percy (4au>e, tSeorge N Marl« | William K. Reyncl Is. Chari»« Dubfll. E. I Dravo, s n rri« T'cgg. Wii um 8*vory, j Aubr °y Thatcher, Fred. Gause, Robert Bmedley, Swithin Chandler and E. Ï, 1 Baldwin Springer. II I8TOR4C.IL «»(IKTY. L DèVon, Dr_R p. aubn«on, wiiurd Haii Porier, E-q , Dr. C.'E, Such. F. L. Oilpm, Oanrgs W. Bush, Jr.. Dr. L E. Wales. Dr l p. Bush. a. r. Brtnibw* 4>tfi Bd * ... ... , . .. , i TbeoammlM».»«*«...^* reportedtW ' " n ü . en *l ln . , . Mr Mal ory, wse In the band* of the pub Usher and would ebortly be pr.s^dted to. j j I j Last FAiiilnz. I The Historical Society held Its finej meeting for the season last evening Among the members present wer»: Judge Wales. W T. P >rt-r, Colonel C. Febiger. J tbe people. A letter was read îrcm Csptsln Thomas 'R idnrv of Hasses to General C m>ar Rod "December 3'J 177d " ney of Dover, date; The treasurer reported a b-.lmee of $117. Among th«don»«l -o» received I»st even- j ing. were a p"mohlot from tns Hi-t» society of Teon»«-»«. cu the "Uound Bonder»:" n little bot*, en Bladtbe "Star Spangled Banner," con(«luiug a eellecUon of W)0g , an(i prjntBd by James wiisonin tuis oity in isn. ! 'I lie Cb»ral l liib The Choral Club b*ld it» wec.klv and rehearsal laut tvculig in Biynaro'* mtdjo p pl irt. Tt o club «ill hold its 1-Bt nrd rcbearaal f »r the rearon next Monday fr^ning. An f-'ection c£ officer» ^ held and nemo conclu ion «ill be fencbecl in relation to lha ccnterupluted week at Atlantic Ottf. The electric cars will tak? you right to the 8 rawberr y fe8tival ht a3d ,u - d Market StH. to-night. Don't fail to go. : BrRndywin „ church aiwavs makes a «wt-ciaes festival. ! i f __ ! ANTED-AN E v EnGE I ■ M N TO Apply tal Market j ; j L.OB5T. OStT Ot MISLAID.—POLICY KO 37 8:3, i«au -d bv rh» Penn M dua* Life Iienranc Uompahy on lh li e of *'il i» « B. Pre-don. ' I;» tlodir wld ulease rein—it to tte ced-r al» tor ihe U Mg (HI WILI.I' M H PiU-STON, The best flour in the city in called L &0., sold by Nichols, 6 th and King, HELP WANTED. V canvas* aed oclleut. Street AN Te D—A tiTftONJ lOV ro HELP tutfli ß'. ; NV. Front Ot NV L Appn •a*lo i has b«*n huitig of a duplicate ; ' OST Oct *11 il* »Iß — OLIO Y NO. 8 ) 444, | i s i-J hr tlv P na* uuiil Ufa Ineu a*>ce * ihe life « f ta .m »-I McKberson The ; (i-ider will pl»ee* toMuro It o ih- iir.d«.sig-«l. ; App ic t oj has b?en euaJ * f» nh*» ireuiuK or a UUP loa Uî. L V linn ms 8 v»-»i. BAMUF-i. MoFHkRSON. ■ 'BOARDING AMD R OOMS._ TjyaPDrta —four nkwi.y fubndhkd | % rn -o-s to .rut, w,Ui or w.lhout IsxirJ, at b04 Market et reel iiGOWS FOB REN" FOR T.OtKJISG AT ^ A »'x* 9 N OTIC DC. (^OT2CK.-IN ÔOSF HMIIY WITH THR • TttviMt'HS <*f the of th» t2*o«*ralA»* AfmbJyof 8Ui© of pa-^el Ht l».»v r 'iRP h 4, ^ D, notion y 'è^tiAn »vppl c •»! »n «'lil.bfl rnad»- to th«* Honornivi«: l^Q^riat) O. (■ ubl\ ciftt« ji gr*» of (t^Anoe i tOo it • f t* «* 8tuo cf D-1-w p**«5 NfwC«* >• cou«»:. . ou ttAturiay, Juutf J)«!, 8-«o. 10 oVloc 4 w, io , »t ♦h« t*o inty OMirt h>iu< *. iu the» dry of *?U *u for ihe info-po* , aNön of a errn- a«»y to be cn 1h 3 * " ho C'immonwe !ih Hen-flotai A».oiUtion," ''h«A » J ».'taof rrtUitrh are coarkob tA.*io<< b* yflfjial lltQOi, Attorney for p o* 1 «)] d ieo n-o a o r. purpoat- < .FOR SALE, OLDK6B.aBtI?HED ciw. jjj 9L1 C u-ch, N, v Ctr ot 8.h 8t ; has been carrle i oa fo.- *0 years. T. «.t'JILL. b NOR HAIM - ..-THE ki:al estate. FOR SALE. A two story hriok ard mansard roofed dweP b g; <-OBt*ir* Sroonw.. bUb.e o; pa-Siy pay* red; rronf po*ch. Two tut. are« trom Dei aware Stve. • Inly $2,709. H. D. WALTER, NO, s W. SEVENTH STHMI'.T. ,1R Hit F. ~FAI!N OP 75 .».VRES IS DEL AWARE tOUNTT, PFNNA, MIL"* FROM 1 HI? ' ITY. lmpr..veirent* c-st LLVAKN THOUSAND IOLLARL Will «eil the wbol- for M«T»M|-rlVR nil' ll ItUJ llilibi K», s* city term«. At LVAN? PENNINGTON. No. I Last Eighth St. 1 NINE ply to " mo cteriUT —-_— -|V9 KENT T - O OIt 1 BREF, if ' 4M8HKD X ro me. pe-saniy situa-ed. alih board. lable o.-arder* wanton a so. 4*8 VVrgt 7th tit. POLITICAL. jpoa aa^uirr or NEW CASTLE COUNTY. 1368. WILLIAM SIMMONS, OF WILMINGTON HUNDRED. Subject u> the declares of the Bepubtloaa party. Banc Hull ïeatpriaf. At Philadelphia; Athlete. OOnoi 0 6 0 0- » I OI**ri«nd.0 0800000 0— Bu>- hl'a—Athle ic 9: Cleveland, 4. Krrore— | Atbl»tlc, 4 ; Cleveland, 6. j At Borion (morring s-snicfi ! ...0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0- S j 00000910 1—4 bÄÄ!« 71 C1 " e *' < ' , *' Errorf ~ j At Boston; I «o to*.1 4000*00000 Η 9 j Q * 0210*0000 O- 7 I Bote bit«-Boston 18; Chisago, 11. Error«— Boston, 8: Ct icago- 7. I % At Washington , j o o o l 0 u 0 u 2- 8 II»*.' b'le-Washington. 8; Philadelphia, H j Krrore—Washington, 3; 1 hlla lelpbla, 5. " I 1 , -, A great gam, is expected. - Ills the first time the Amerlcus hare met , 1 tTV .. .. , .. , , , 1 Bob Ferguson says the Athletic teem the dark horse in the Association race this season. He bae watched their playing very ! closely, and says they will keep Ht. Louis, Bto iktyn and Cincinnati on the con.Unt ! jump to beat them. Colonel Bob further -ays that the acquisition of Welch and ' ••Brudder"BiII to their foroee has strength- 1 er el them wonderfully. ! The Athletics appeared In new uniforms i yesterday, which ere about the prettiest ever worn by that team. j Up to June 14, Tlermsn of Now York I leads the League baiting wi h an average i of 3sl, MiGuire of Pbtiaddphla is fontth : with an averege of 850, Kelly of Boston has ! .1 j Boston., Chicago Toe eutomary ; > RHOCl ATKWI. Brook'yn . 84 àihledc 8 18 Cincinnati. ,'.U Chicago WOT». I/*Bt Won D»sfc. Baltimore .22 r.lor© au l.. 10 1 KfiriH-vR c.tyia I Louisville. 18 14 v. ■A . I L' f I UOI ■ Won. . Won. IsOHt. .80 18 {** *>■» . » jj Y 0 rk,.A'4 U PhilalelpVIsa* Inuianapolis iS > i'U'hurg... 14 Washlngloo 14 *■ u To morrow a{nrnooa , h *j Bcford boys „m i— h . r , NOTES. pi„ed fn 4 o games, i. third .i.h an n». egeofSIS O Uourk» of New York le«d» the catchers; Morrill of Boston, thellrst Mmen . B , gtU(1 of Pb(la!e , phlfti baremen; Nash of Boston, third basemen;'the I)f cf , udla ^ , hort 8topt; Hor . nur(t Qf Bf8|fC Mt flï|derB . Haclon rf j De.rrit, certre fielders; Coleman of Pitts- I burg, r'ght Beiders, end Krrck cf Ch'oago I leads the pi' eher« »ith Bufilagtnn of Pbila dc-lpMa eecond 1 he Detroit club leads in 1 bn>h t atting and fielding. • In the American Association the Athletic ; Iced* in batting snd the Cincinnati io field Btcv'y rf Athletic, j first bitemcn; Barkley of Kansas Ciy, sec b'semrn ; Bauer o? Attleiic, third ta?emen; Fenneliy of Cincinnati, fbert storsiO'Br'en j ot B' 0 < klyn, left Criders; Corkhill of Cin- ! elnnati, centre fielders, end î'onrm«n cf Atblrtie. lift fielders, and Huybes of Brook- j iyn th» pitchers. i leg with the Athletics a good stemd. Lyons of Athletic, leads the list cf plsy- j 1er* iu bsttjrg; RoVioson of Athletic, | bads the catchers; Tbe Delaware F ! old Club will play tbe never Club nut Friday afternoon on the Field Club grounds. W It, It KL,IPS ■'HOC LA Fl AT I ON. - 1 Vl,rni <ir,, i ,,,,r Tribute to III» Father. h Bitai.ix, Jans 19 —Emperor William II. is l-.-u-d the following proclamation to hi* neopie whicH hs «igowl "Wilhelm;" To My People: Gad'« dacrei ba* once more plunged us irto the most poignant sorrow The tombs has scarcely closed over tb» mo-tal remains nf mv nsver-to-be orgotten grandfather,when Hi Maj I' «eatmly loved father, Is also nailed from (;(l | 9 lif(110 everlesting peace. The heroic energy, prompted by ths Christian self sacrifice wish which, derplte Uie mitering, be knew bow to fulfil bis kingly dutfm, seamed to justify the hope that he would bl preserved »till longer. God willed differently. ThB rnv .i woo«« heart hent 1 ne r °y RI ,arI ' r » r . wnose neari neat responsive to »11, was great and beautifnl. to tbe fatherland Ho onlv had a f««r months erant*d to him to digplay on the thron« the noble qualities * m n _» _ _t r » _li.l lj .l « _ of miuA an<J he ^ rt whtch won lh * 1 ,VR of his paoph*. Tbe virtu»» which adornei him and Ihe vlctorlis which he achieved on the battlefield will remain a grateful retneoibrauo* as long as German hearts beat. An Imp-rishahla glory wiK illumine h s-cbivaUou« fl nr« In the history ft the fatiieriand. Called to tbe throne of my*. 1 have areumed the gerrernment looking up to tbe King of kings, sud have vow-d to Gul that after the ixampls of my fat here 1 will be a juit and clement prince to my people; that I will foeter piety »ort fear cf God; that I will protect peacs and p oui-ite the wellfare of the country, end Inti wi-1 t-e a helper cf tbe poor and dis tressed, and a true gaardisn of • lie light. In prey irg God for strength to fulfill 'be/o kingly duiie-, which His will bn[*.s*s upon me, I am eupporteal by* in tbe Pruseicn people, which a g'anceat ht-r pasi bi*t.iry gives me. in good and io evil day* th* I'tv-uia-j re pic have tlwi-ya stoed by their king Upon this fidelity, »hka my fathers have found an ioiii»« luble bond at all times of difficulty and danger. 1 r«-.'v, wKb a < msciinsness of re uraing it the bottom of my heart as the faithful princsof a faithful people, both «quellv strong in »heir devotion to their ci me; n fathetiaod From this conscioueuessofitle recipr.tevted love uniting me aud my p«o pie, I derive confidei.c* that God wilf vaueb-afe me slrsug h and wisdom to ec. ercis* my kingly (files tor ihe wetltapeof the fatbeelaoti the United Htates was taken in tte J»:iURNAb c--m pacing room y es-orday nfterooou. Blaine was elected by A plurality over Cleveland and 2 m-j .rlty. Tne total vote foil <w.; Bialoe, 7; Cleveland, 8; Uanouck, I: Hhe. man, 1 The .xeitemenc was tremendous The devil was not allowed to vot* on . occ unt of having 1.0 taireclpt. Ms coo tented tiioiself bv wavL g » roa bau lanua W 8 d shouilng for Dcpew Une m«ri s vote w^s ch-ilieuged on the gruiio ' b "* be ^ niter i f I b A terV long search h.* p.o osteifaliasd. After a loy ~mr cb h. pt * taeVmp^i.'g'room. oertiMog that be woe burn in Chrisiiana tuodred and bad lived in the 5 h ward for twenyeais It is believed that tue man who voted fur Ut>ocook came from Berk* eoantj, Ps The Hherman vole wss pulled by a "comp" who always draw* bis sUary in «Jiver dil(ui - » -—■ Tbe Fl-st ii«u, A vote fur President ot W* have a good assortment o shapes, which we will close oat at gieatly reduced prices, Stvmickpo. 217 Market St, Uks L (iriirrul New. oI the m»riitna< by a »hiirtag« of ♦115,000, ruining many poor patpie, died id toe Joliet prison on Sunday * I uu "* The St Joseph'«'Catholic Ort ban Aaylora. *•»»■> "»«•• •outhe«] of Newport. Ky *" *"*?**: """ 73 orphan* ln tb« building, all of whom .»r.nad 1 «.«oao ' ' ' ' The town of Dubol«, in the northern lum pca oul or fX ' WfBPfl \«wra*iy d? a tun fl'C r «tlon. Nearly 800 bnases are in rutoe and 4,000 people are honule««. The report of th, commute» of the Supreme Lodge, Knigh'« of Pyth ««. t* said to lustsin Chancellor D.iugla«« In «uaproci lag tbe Grand Lodge ot Pennuylvaiil», hot not In organizing a new one. It rrq lires, however, that the Grand Lodge «hall com ply with tho demands made by Chancellor Dougla?« Uyriadi of grasshoppers havs appeared 1 lu many puts of southern Iidlan.and sre devouring all vegetation a* they .o 'They destroy meadows first, thm t(j . ( fo „ of , cn(J nfSt c7f oaU „„ j gtrdl n „ gelaU ,, Thousand, of acres of meadows have been devastated by them. . . . . _ 1 , hß f" 0 *'* 1 ot "■P*«r *»* P*"» in ,h » FrleJemklrche •*] '' Ud,ni ' twy thing pa«*d off q iietlr * n,J »" accordance with the previously • r | r " r, ^ d P r08r « m Befor, le.vh.g, the *' d °wed Empress hentov.r the oofflnand ««* • »tern» Newell look at her dead huBb4nJ 6 fape ' The civil formalities of the marriage of K.oia We<t, second daughter of lion kiocel Backviile 8. West, British Am basaador to tb* United Beales, to M. M al° D80 u, recently third secretary to the Fre, »ch Legation In Washington, took rdeoe 0,1 bouday. Lord Lytton and Count Debeon acted a, witnesses for the brlio. Toe mar BerjmiinT O Hubbard, who wrecked | the First Nitlurml Bank of Monmouth, III., I j nage took place yesterday. Tbe 8: Louis jury io tbe $150.000 damsgr „„tin wt-lch R. d. Lmcaste,. euiveyor of port, was pUiniRT and John M Gl0 ver defsndsnt. returned a ver diet Sunday. The rase ha. been bitterly fought for more than a year. It grew oat of e'-arges tiia.Ie In Washington by Glover when the President appointed Lancaster Lancaster is given a total of 13 cen s This bulletin was issued by D s.O'R illy, Maaliews, Byrne and Yarrow, General Sheridan's physioians, at y o'clock lust even • For the pis; 'J4 hours General Hberl Ha el-'pt well and restfuliy lest night. H« has twen quiet Sand composed all day exo-pi that he Ci/U*bed rather more than usual lid* aftrr factory, streogth of his ru'ed is improving, daranges. lug; dan ha* been comfortable Tbe body of Captain H. B. Ryder, of tbe jj rJ1 0 j L»wi* & Ryder shipping agents cf K,. 57 West sirwt was picke t up in the Nortu river, Sew Yo.k, yeatelday morn ing by tbs cwptaio of tul tug boat James Watt aud tag iu ti pier A to awatithe action of tbe coroner. It wo. then Ms.ul fled and taken to the morgue. A week ago Mm.ita, be cm. into hi* uffic, at 57 West street and wrote three letter*, all of which be afterwards lore up. Then he wrote »Dottier letter to bis wife, which she enbsa quently receive 1. Ja this he etafed that he wn* growing old and seeing nothing t*f ire him, he had made up his mind to take bis lifa. He than left ihe offl re, aud waa not »een again ualil bis body w*a found. Cap tain Ueder was about 69 years old and leave* a wlfj and family of up children. noon. His pul»e and respiration are s»ti» He is gaining In muscular HI* nppeUte is good. The tone Ui-allor. Delaware and Uaiyland, 1 p. m: Warm >r, fair to partly cloudy weather, followed by local storms. The New York Herald weather forec««t: The ri*e of pressure in the Uko i igloo ye* t«rd«y ju eveuled the eastward advance of tue trau» Mississippi depreseloo; the 1 nwr will probably move east to L ke Hoperior t i-ciay, causing oon.inued but weu bei, with alight lutenuptlou* in tbe country, till Thursday. Lolled Beales yesterday; tha chief mini Tem -«rature rose in the 5* degrees, at Duluth; tt« maxima reported Were Tri at Fblladcipida, 93 at Fstlsoorg, Ooluaibus, Ohio, and Bu marck;-04 at iudiauopoo* and Ij/neiiburg, and Hi r.t For; Bu o- d, D. Ï. la the Hid die Htates aud New England fair to psriiy cloudy Weather will prevail, with sliguti< lhertua j oiiaotfe4 BUl j IKU ( northerly to ivi-sicrly winds, beomuiog variable aud rollo*v 4 *ri ny wanner weather. Oa (Vel „„»jay j u mi* section auf m New England mum wa* wuinar, (air to parity cloudy weather wll| pf&tab |y prtVa ii, fallowed by l«x-al tbunlrr stoi ms m tbe northern and western pans of tali sectiou; and cn Tuursday cou limn <! tot, partly cloudy weuiher, fol inwid by loander storm* cn tbe seaboaid 7 a. m., 75; 9 Uaynaid's thermometer a m . 61; U a m., 34; 1 p. m., 88. Htt11 A4on « ' he •►»«•■•«»'■lï. »T Le tsr te> ttvxm.NO JocExat Cdkssa, Del, Juue 19 The Bonday Beb "'" ut Urawyer's Presbyterian Church " 1 « br *J» d "Uhlldreo'eD«y"Buu.l«y mo.o 'og Iter. * ouatnan b. WilUs of Mifford I deliver«*! the address. Usais* filled the pu pit iu the evening. I Tn« extent of the Injury done to the cops and the peach trees b|* Saturday'* I hail storm has ,aot yet b»«u determine -, ■ but it is feared that much barn- was doue In town it broke seme panes of gi»*s aud f blew down some trees i Tbe Misw-s Jodie -Biggs, Hes'er Jones and Mov Biggs spent Huoday wita Mra. Gourge ' Folk ' _,_ Kelore Folie« J urige ( oiuwlos at i*«r „< . Ih .. AUlSt l*Ve!Ulit 0 >e8^.'U HI Ibe Mauioipal < :<)Urt Jubü Hurley was reoauimittMl until tb(t m.'rnlog lor o/uukexm «« John Curby charged that "Jack" Hanley hai Induced him to go u tbe shed at t -e ,oat uf btaurch Ht., whore ila-.ley r- bo.d „im of $4 Tbe evidence was in.uffl.i«t »ornlnit. " _ 1 _ ' w _ * <w metier u.-x. An rifort Is belog made to plate a letter box * 6 4 ' h an(1 Öwple? Ht*. Tkero is a P r «»lok **e«d l r on. at tbs corner, o-log to the number ot bus! ots« places in the vicinity. "In medicine, quality is of the flrst importance." Z James Belt, Apoib ecary, Cor, 6 :h »ud Market Sts. LOUK AT CHICAGO. Arin Cn.CAOO. June ».-At the meeting of | • _ _ *_ 1 " * ''V' n ' 5 *" 1 tr rday, Jobn M. Timrelon of Nebraska wns <* 0 «en for temporary chairman. B. F ! JnrB "? the chairman, casting the decisive | V0 *- 3 - 1 he contest in ti e third Maryland j district vn« laid on the table. The Vir *| n ** conte«', involving the seating sf the 10 Mahone district delegates, was reopened b * Btol» of Virginia moving a reconsid «rattan. E-klne and Lawson of New York ^' ned ,' n » .ny rwoon -'■1« r ";'hn eh*tsye- U consideration ... s U. M L.teo of Cal. omis who con lb* temporary chairmanship, roull "are the permanent chairmanship. I THE REPUBLICANS AS MUCH j I I i ' ! . .Wepew, Alger and Blaise j Impossibles. 1 AT SEA AS EVER. nid Not iiincriiient Min in polo the ■lid *«l< > hmlm Definite shape has been given to tbe I rumor that McKinley is Oclo's second choice. Among tbe Congressional arrivals | from Washington yeeterdsy were two or three whose first inquiries were about Me l Ktaley's chances. The ucual Indignation I was vented by the Ohio people. McKinley | was sought out and gave the usual em photic denial, and so on. But (ha Con gresimen were persistent and it finally leaked out that a l.ttir had been received la Washington from an Ohio delegate This letter stated iba; the great danger to ; Sherman wss a Blaine stampede, and that | the Ohio Senator's chances were never so : good as now, but that there wes danger of I toe field combining against Hbermao and j forcing Blaine on the Convention. This j view of (he situation was pretty generally ! accepted two or three days ago, aud an Uaio delegate writing to a friend would probably rtfleet tide opinion Whenever j Foraker is mvntfored tbe "8inu.n-pure' ' "bred in-the bone " Sherman men grimly j remark tbit whatever happens, he will not he the dark boise; bat cf McKinley they At the emeus of the New York driega tluu to day, U was decid-d that Mr D*p»w >houl I ha placet In nomination by ix Ben ator Warner Miller of New York. Tbe speech seconding the mmlnstion will huVe nothing to lay. probably be maoe by General Kn tpr, al lb ugh the ilelegatiini has not dtcldsd d«0 mtely wbe hor to have asrcjodlng speech or BOÎ. Mr. Sa-rmio w ill be uonilnatiil by I> It. Hastings, A^j iiaut General i f ths State of PeuasiivauU. Governc-r Foraker of Ohio, will second the nomiiia-I tlon. Tbc speich placing Governor Alger of Michigan, in nomination, will be made b ' E. Fiaz-r of Detroit. The 1 *°°' H»pbum ot Utareadon, lows, w '"' nominal. H»o»tor Allison of that " u ' e ' Mg. Harrison's nomination will be io lhe b " ud * ot »»-Uiwronr A. U. Porter r J Th# name of Mayor Fitter of »'•»ladeipbl. will be p'aoed iu nomlnaUnn ' V ^nory Bml* ot the PnlUdil T *"" ba '» At a msetlag 0 / the Missouri delegation j 'bis afternoon, at which there were but 1 ttiree absentee», U w 1 « dec! le I by a vote of | -» 1,1 place before the ivmvaot'»n as « ! Presidential candidate sx-Henator Jobo B | Raudereop. Colonel I» Pat Ilyer, of B'. L mis, or in William Warner, of Kansas City will make the oominatln. j speech. There are two forera lathis Cou- ! vent Ion. One is a Sherman force open and | avowed ; the other a Blaine fore*. >ylog on der cover, bal of grwit »treo^tu and j-Mjwsi bditiif. Tne Pennsylvania caucus had a warm time oarer it. Chur!«» Emory Bmlth m v -d th * t th * candidacy of Mnjor Killer be en dorsed, which was promptly nut bv the warm and earoastio opposition of 3 K Gilkyson of Bnst 0 and D.stnc; Attorney Whitebonse ot Potteville. Tbe Utter said that Foil »del phi a waa always trying to bad the state by tbe uo c, bat thls.time sbe would fall. "Hhe presents," eaid h», "a man who Is uot c'lber a slilwart or u bal brted, but a com promise between lh* two. No one "»U-* to know anything sb /Ut hi* reputa ilou; oot even a elate reputation. Why,| we doa's evao know that lie's a protective tar if man. Charles Emory HmUh hasn't i *eo tb «b»ader«oftbeFrfBsarjylutoima turn upon that subj -et yet. It we want to stand by a Beans 1 1 van ion let uits&e (Hie who hoe a national rvputati m. 1 therefore uummate J. Donald Cameron, Heoator tj iay said that Henator Cam " r< > n bad pot-nively refused to permit tbe use of hii name, aud Mr. IVhiCsbouse with drew hie motion Charles Em-.ry Hmith then, at tue rrq lest ot severri delegate«, withdrew bis mottou to endorse Killer, an I 11 was-then decided that tbe driegat-s should express their preference fur Fr*«i dent. Tbe roll wa* then called, w|tn .hi* For Hbermao, 35; Filler, 14; Cm ham. 2 ; Harrison. 3 ; Biaina, 1; Alger, 8; Depew. 8; Cameron, 1, and Lincoln- 1. Tne New Turk Hun midutgh; editorial despatch says: To night's Innicationo show that a* the result of the day's »traggle, i toe relative Strength of the leading caodl ! cates has cot greatly ebang <d rince y w terday. Tusk.-p** boom ha« not giowu j ►iocs it was go vociferoetdy launched this j miruirg;. iu his struck »Tiii-u» ' roage. aud it de s no; look a* though U i would ever make land. There i* 1 every pro.-peot of au early break 4it ne N*w York delegation, probably afti-r a \ result ; b ' ,ll ,t or ' l,ut h ' , *< , «'i«g between Harneuu and Alger with a alight tendency | (odweli on Uarri-on. Whene ver be notifies W arm r Miller tust bi. foltawing la '*-• ! New York driegaiiun wishes to change its ; »«.„ il nrs Is I)» - nil -ttlur U.iu. H .|| I r °.uv to give pp Ueplw M 9 lr to LS Igam-t Alger n.fd nut .verre lo uLr. on ,, r a dml g hurrf. If Platt contents to Irin I MllUr lo a change w Uarrl.ion. be w ,n pr ub.bly make it a part of ih* ^ rgalu lh *t New York «ball cart eD * i,e ^ or L vl P Mocton for I Vice President, 'ihe Harrison phol.ox sudaaudsllrm a* a rook, a wal ring develop mens, Th* Hosier, expect 10 mate their Ura . ai^.ifleint gam by the break of New j er , ey f rum Phelps It is not improbable | lb «t New Yo.k wdl be isady to break on j tbH ,ame roil cell. Mr. Depew's nearest' friends begin to think that they mads a mistake la i -a- hing their candidate too fast Ths western delegation« have suffered their lines against bis advance and blocked his way to tha nomination. I The mint singular feature of theeitustlon I here Is the persistent dele]- la cryetalbtt-1 lion. "*"»«. Ohio !) p»*w New York *»nTj!î"V J 11 !» 0 !» '«'.Ve h.kbi .n B «1 Wisconsin,, p*,q p « T '|ij,. w "n,'J^ l .y Ut Isgails, Louisiana «.nd Kansu* The roeult is a dullnes*, so far as outward indications go, almost equal to that of the cut and -dried convention at Ht. Louis, and a degree ot uncertainty which the veteran politicians sgree is without a parallel in former convint Iona No I««s then 11 "favorite sons" are in the Held, tying up II state delegt lors with two (lfth< of the vote of 1 be convention, taking Into consideration the votes ot their states alone. The Let is as follows; ,, 4fi vo»#« .. 72 vof«» 41 vnt»« .. iß rot» s .. 80 voie . 2ß %otni .. rotiw 12 ror<M IHroftB 84 voir* Total.. . .830 votes A iliisalan Foie Killed. Joieph Volick, a Rnieh n P«ds. w., killed nrsr Landshth about .45 last even ing, by being .truck by ei g, P.. W & II. U, R. The body was taken to Detective Jones's offles and by him tears ferred to Coroner Barnhill. train struck the mau, bis body was terri bly mangled HI. leg was broken In three places and (op of his head knocked off. morning and at 10 o'clock, after viewing the body, the j jry heard tbe evidence ot Charles Wentz, John Worth and James Murphy, teepectlvely conductor, engineer and fireman ot tbe train, and nf Vincent Theberbltcb, a half-brother of Volick T' e testimony offered waa that Vollot single man with a mother an I fa'.b*r In Russia. of be «5 v4 lu6 W hen the Coroner Barnhill summoned a Jury (hi. ■» is a that be was 36 years age, and about two wrekj ago came to this country and went down country to secure employment Failing in ttis he returned to W ilmington and was given employ meat at tbs Eigs moor Iron Company. He was returning from work last evening iu company with his hi If brother, asd as tbs two approached a small bridge over the swamp ditch near Laudslltb, a freight train was going north and tbe passenger train couth, There were a large na ubsr ot per sons returning from work at tbe time •ud tfaeee men were in adviroe, wh»n tb» two trains approached each other. Volick and hi* half biother crossed ahead of the freight and walked on tbe path to the tight of the passenger train aud within four' .quart» of tbe engine. The fir m in corn minced to ring the bill, lui Volick paid no heed to It and when 00 fest away be blew the whlsrie five lime*; to this Volick paid no attention, rut mi the c mlruy itt p./ed on the lies as if to cron* the track. Brake* wer« opp.ied Immediati ly und tue train stopped at three osra'lengths, »nt not id ;lm> to nave the unfortunate man The j n y after hearing tbe r*n dered a verdict, that Juneph Volick com to Ms d.eth by being struck by engine No 85 ot the P., W. & U R. R Co.,aliout 5 45 ; p m.. 00 Monday. Jon- IS. and .bat tb. | e .glaeer, flrwnaa and conductor are exon j -.rated from all blima T T ' »' »'*««•" Last evening . as nomina len nigh; al tbe Y. M. T. U.. bui it w». molded also tu bold the regain- election instead of on next Monday nl»bt. The 1 (Heers elected «re president, J. Elmer P»rr> ; sics president, U Dukit; reotudllig secretary, | Charles J. Hieogle; flaancial secretary, Mablun Hil'g; t.-eaeurrr Frank Willing; chaplain, Harry D. Basler; sergeant at «im«, Jrsph Cooke; a-sUtant, Harry {) bhs. The board 1 f inanagen : William B. Smith chairman, O<orga A. Hslmon, Jobn W. B*rr, George F. B. Bishop, i homes D Holmes, Jr , Charles U. Fergu s.u and Elwood U Crie. The élection f an organist was postponsd for one week Frank Willing who was elected treasurer was the only edicer reelected. He bas held (be position sine* the formation of the union, which is b,-coming more prosperous every year. A Ware'« am Uncovered John L. Hall, munng.r cf the Western Union leKgrst-b ofilce In this city, was s.en this morning In reepect to the rum- r published last rvei lug that be was about to re/ign Mr Hill sud that he ha I no; re signed,that he bad not contemplated resign log and that be bad Jii't been assured from headquarter* iu KolUdelpbla that his resignation bad ntvor been suggested or C inaidered in any le-p-ct hy them. Mr. Hall could not cxi-lulu bow lari night's - umor g it out. Ue ih ught ft very pruba ble that it bad been manufactured out of the d-sires ot a newspaper reporter. A iigiiwll ne Flor, ani.aodïgm and reiuruing leave tbe Pi* r at IU a. m. and 5 p. m . slopping each way Ot New Canlo ou i Delaware City. Go Sundays tbe boat will 1-ave at the same hours, cad et Xa» Caeilo and Delaware i lly, but Inetea I of stopping at tbe pier will keep on snd make a pt. usant trip down the bay. Home of thé stîraclions of Augustine Pier are good sait w ter bath lug and flue ILbiog, a be-iutifal grove with tables au i »ea;« in which fa-ulUes o m piwk. end n du* -U: u g pavilion where music will be famished. In addition^ to these there la a g nui hotel, and the usual merry go-round*, «ho ning galleries, etc. Augustin* Fb-r is at tie head of the bay. Toe distance there and back is about 40 As has been s.-.ii-rt, tne steamer Wi' mington will begin tier trips to Aagustino Fier ou Tourrdiy of this week. The boat » 1 1 leave 4;h ?t wharf oa weekdtysalh .Te»«*, « a , miles The rate of fare l* to be 3J ots. for ihe-rouud trip. J I |H John Martin, fresh shrimp and Sab , , , . „ „ r M ' 1,1 * re,ich St ' "' l,nd " <1 Order, by mail «ill re "De prompt attention, and carefully pack-d for shipping. Orders rtcgiveU by W. U. UnrUovc, gunsmith, T 1 « Peasant Valley Wine Com pany'e champagne is undoubtedly the 5^4 American win-« in this market p Plunkett & Co., 108 and 110 Market Sc. Oak Suits shown at pMcea «are to please the buyer at Jabnson & Barn hill's, 207 Market 8 t. - Call and see what a nice suit you can hoy at the Boston House tor |10. kPKMKUTOIt IN 4VI I.JIINGTON. _ Looking Aller Ihn A iiproprialtnns» Th« mils »Hl Will Fass. Congressman John B. Fsnlngton was Id town last evening and this morning. The congressman Invited among other gentle men. K Tatnsll Warner. O?orge W, Bush, George W. Todd, Cant. George It. Thomp son sn I Capt. Kdwin Ksrshaw to meet him at the Clayton House last evening to dis cuss the Improvements of Wilmington harbor. The wharf line* of the Christiana "wer* flx*d Is 1871 hy a board of enmeitsalonera appointed by the legislature aul slue* that time they have been under tne charge of (bo Board of Port Wardens. Sometime ug . I bo Biard of Trade bad a survey of the Christiana river made by Engineer H»ept of New York, iu which a number of improvements These involve some government ascertain exactly thsai changer, the Coo gn sstn in rrq lasted the Interview last even It g Mr. Peulngten stands ready to aid io the Improvements sought. The River and Harbor bill now bsfore Congress, thanks to the efforts of Mr. Pentagon, does mors for Delaware than any previous MU of its kind passed. Wilmington will recslvt $.'10,000; Breakwater, $100,000; pier at New Castle. $7 500; Duck Creek. $10,000; Ht. Joses river, $15,000; Broad Creek. $S 000; Broad kiks creak, (10.000; Mtspllllon, $8 500. Under the provisions of surrey, surveys will bj mads of Mahon river Nanti ooka river from Bisford t> Coucord, Prime Hook creek, Bcssex, aul the Appoqninl mlnk creek, The bill tor the additional appropriation of $100,000 for ths Wilmington post ofilca has every show of passage and as soon at Ur. Pennington can have It broegfat up, it will go tbrongb without difficulty la regard to lbs Mills bill. Mr Penlng ton thinks there I« no doubt of its early passage through the House "There will," be eays, "be turns Démocratie votes against ths mesiore, bat as It will b« finally atm n led, It will receive as many vote» from the Republican side of th ■ House as it will lose from the Democratic." "In the Hen ite, however,' ho esys, "the bill wl I ue apt to rest; U 1* late in ibe see sion and as nearly all the in mhers will want to eiy someth! ig upon It, It will hardly come to a^vote." Mr. Peolngtuu went to Newsrk to-day to attend the tru t ei meeting of Delaware C-'llrge, after which he will return to Washington. He will not return to Dover before two weeks. reoommsndsd. little change work. To wem In the The aridre*. ... dHllv»r*d l„ L h * ThG ariTmoon rh^ art "f "fj nP&d n / v «IUcc'unv.tlnZ; „L «ra7n^^.ndThÎ.Vy.nta«^ erci e. take plaça TbegrsdnaHng oUh R.tensd to an sxml lent eormon preached lor tbrir benefit by R. v. Ur. Terry at tb* M E Church on Sunday motuiag. Principal Goodlr g was t 0 deliver the sermon, but Illness prevented p,|, n jhe f- l owing l< the com-dsta pro gram for Thursday night when the gradn a'.lng class will hold forth at lbs Open, Unuss ( OM'hltlSM'K ACAÜ1 inj. I' «minez cement on 'I limaday r.vea Ing—(I(ilex «n Culture. By I.e'ter to Bveniho Jocesta Dover, Del, Juue 111 —-Culfare" wse e su* j ct of L-musl E Q 1 ge's ad ire-aea b-foro ths Pc itt Literary H<K*iety last even Prayer. Oration—Ths West, A Johnson Lynch; O.-atlin—Hawthorn*, H. Clay Tur n.-r; K«say—Iphlgenfa In Tauris, Uin Vlary Gibson; Piano Duct— Mm ehe« Mili taires, H bubsrt. Ml-«»» McUath ar-d Bar nard ; Oration-Destruction of Troy, Fran cis A. Cochran; Oration— Prie Trade. Jos *ph W. Holland; Joan of Arc. Miss Bessie D TinDy; Vroil ».do, Good Night, My UblH, Frai z *bs, Prof. P. Hamm; Oration —Socialism, T noma ? B Conwr; Ora'lon— Mctbodl»m Iu tha Uci't. d States, J W. Fogle; Eway—Michael Ansrio.His» Minnie I/navertoa; plano solo— Mouvement Per pétuel, Weber. Georg« Dunn; Oritloo— Immigration, E S J McAllister; Oration— Our School System, W. T. Richey: F-risay— Music and Civilization, Miss L Beatrice Ma«t; Vocal suta—Cava'ina »• n No r ma, Bellini, Mi»« Mary ('a -non; Oration —Alex ende- Hamlitoi, N»wt >n F. Dlggius; Ora tlnn— Strikes. C Kingsley Wtljn; Vocal solo—Tue Vagabond, Uolloy, Prof. P. Hamm. ■Nl.kHTIN'a CONDITION. Tbe hearclt itlade by the dlayoi tor kwceucy. Martin, Sweeney's v ctino, remalcs la about ths same condition es yesterday. Tbs doctors entertain no bops of hi* re j " Umiogton ha* been rotifi-d either by leUer or telegraph. Tbe mayor believes that Sweeney has not left town. He says in regard to the charge la a m >rnIng con temporary, that sufficient efforts bad not be n made to apprehend Sweeney, that It mad. bo difference what wa* said upon the gut j lot »8 they did not know anything »boat it. It would bo the worst policy upon the part of th* police department to >uform th* public of «Horts they were mtk j *'E- Sweeney i* a man with « great msny - IrGnd* ond if it were known just what was bring done, some one of those friends would i keep him prsted. To a representative of ,b - JoukSal tbe Major told of soma of the plans end there is no doubt that Hweecey wiil shortly be safely lodged in tbe cells. ouvery. Hweeoey bas not yet betn appreheudsd. but the police tore* are vigilently looklug tor him Every town within 10) miles of Or. Coleman Icrrpu, By T«'»graph to the Kvamno Juca»*t. Dovik. I) I , June 19 —R*v L ff. Gib «on of D iver reached here tbi- moroieg. A telegram received by him yesterday while at Banbury, P«„ from Rev. Dr., tbe newly elected bishop of Ibis P. K. Diocese, aooounces tbe latter'* ncc.ptance. He «aid that bi* letter ot acceptance had been forwarded. Attention is called to MUs L. 8 einicken's slock of ready trimmed Bonnets and Hats for ladies and children. Good work, bent materials and low price*. No 217 Market 8 L White Milan and Imported Leghorn Hats a specialty. Prices vwry .low Miss L Steimcken, 217 Market St.