Newspaper Page Text
♦ WILMINGTON, DEL., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 188«. ONE Ce.Nl'. NO. 27. J.C. Johnson & Son 5 225 MARKET STREET. The perfe«tion of Oil Stoves, THE DIETZ TUBULAR. Four years of experience and increasing success in their sale. Perfect baking and cooking without smoke, smell or explosion. Steady burning in a draft. On exhibition now at our store Sold only by us and at lowest rates. Also on sale a variety of other makes of Oil Stoves and Gasoline Stoves. Refrigerators, Water Coolers, Tee ^rt-am Freezers, and other goods in season, at very low prices. J. C. Joliisoa & Sod, 225 MARKET STREET. FOREOT WEATHER LAWN TENNIS (SHOES FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. For Me« : of Plain Goat S ippcro, hand-made. Fine Goat Slipper*, pat leather trimmed. Fine Embroidered Slippers, all grades and prie*-«, Ocze Calf Slpprs. Ca'f Low-cut Shore, extra «vide. Canvas Low -cut Shoe», extra wide. Lasting Prince A b-rte, ex'ra wide, I Lastl-g Goiters, extra wide, wi>h patent : leather tip. Will suit tlothy people-easy to put on and off. l'or and Yonliis; Low-cut Walking Shoe*, ßüppew *nü Hase Ü&11 Shoes, For Women: Kid Oxford j les, all grades and price*. Kid Opera «dippers, all grade* and prices. Kid Miranda, new part and sailor «lea. Fine Biack Canvas Button, kid trimmed. For Misse* and Children: KM Oxford Buttons and Tie*. Kid Miranoa, Opera Ties and Slippers. Pine Lasting Kid Foxed Buttons. The best selection for those who come early. 8ég"For Quality our prices always the Lowest. The Family Shoe House, KO. 306 MARKET ST., Above Second. WIUIAM H. BIBCOCK. KYLE'S ICE CBE4M. AT C, A. S'clFenberg's, 8. E. OOR. 9th AND KIRKWOOD. Also Confectionery of *11 kinds. Tagfrort & Bro , Munuacturo'SOf FINE CARRIAGES. 811 WALNUT STREET. Repairing Wag> a and Carriages a Specialty JOB*PH H. WOOD. Successtr to B. F r it«ch, Manufacturer cf ail kinds of Hand-c t F lies and Ra?ps. All kin s of Grinding and J hbing done. NO 828 KING STREET._ BANKING AND FIN ANCIAL. R. R. ROBINSON & CO. bankers and brokers, Cor. 4th & Market fcits. FOB SALE: Stocks bough' and sold in the New York, and B «c n mark Ison commission Letters of credit give .. aval able in »11 p T » o' the world, «rts ou England, Ireland, Trance, German, and Switze rland issued. nnHE ARTISANS' SAVINGS BANK, *SO. 50* ItltHKET STREET, .. FKBBCABV 23, 18|6. Open to receive de, o- ts daily t'om 9 a. m. nntii 4 p m.. and on Tuesday a-«d Saturday evenings from 7 <o 8 o'clock , Thechirer "f tbe bank provides that no E refits upon it» tnv strum s, except so much a« i required for the pa-ni-nt of l ecessary ex pense« and (or suitable surplus for tho security of depositors, shall be divided among the do **No manager la sl'owed to borrow any part of the funds deposited with th- corporation, M i.NA'>EBS. T Allen HTles, M. L. Licht-nstein, Alexander J Hart, N R He eon. George W Rush. C. Wes'ey Weinlo, Geo. S C» Cha*. W »pelle, ..Howla"d. Jos L Carpenter, Jr., J bH J «'Saon, Henry F. Dure .A tnony Higgins, Washington lldsticgs MONEY LOANED OH MORTGAGES. Qso S. CiPKU-B. Vice President Oeo. W. h usa Frtscudent. K. T. Tatuib, Treasurer. Jcs. M. Mathbb, Auditor. HELP WANTED. ANTED -AN E'EtiGETI V *1 'N TO canvass and c ill#ct. Apply <01 Market w ir> .-I ANTED—A STRONG BOY TO HELP Blacksmith, aopU *)i î W. Front St w BOARDING AND R OOMS._ OARDISQ.—FOUR NEWLY FURNISHED moms to lent, with or without board, at 802 Market street__ OOM8 FOR RENT FOR LODGI- G AT 1211 Market bt Apply 0 0 Shipley St li K NOTICES. a* OTICE. —1£> CON F RMIlY WITH THE iv umvlsl'ips of the Act of the G-neralAs semblv of tie Stale of D- aw«re pas«od at Dot r March '4, vD , 1883, notice 1-hereby given that an appftc tlon win bo made to the Honorable Ignatius C. G -Utah, saw elate ju ge of the Superior «f the State of Delaw »re, residing in New (We county, on Saturday, June 30, I8xs. at 10 o'clock a. m., et the county Court, Mont , in the city of Wilmington (or the Incorporation of a com. any to bo called ••'Hie Coratooowe lib Beneficial As o. dation , 1 *he oblects of which are charitable and b« eflclal purposes JOKM BIGGS, Attorney (or propos* d lncorpo*atois. * OTICE — ALL PERSONS HAVING COM 11 plaiuts to make agal- et tbe ga b -ge con tractors fo- t rpirn Ing garbage from their premises sh«u!d make the same known at the Health "epsrtnent by 9 o'clock a tn., to ena ble the Board of Hoarh to have it removed promptly. By order of Bwrd *f Health. Wit LIA M H LEE. Hecretarv. PROPOSALS. wEAI.KD P. Ut*o au> )) ILL BE RECEIVED »5 In the box in the Council bamber un'il 6 o'clock Thurad-y evening, June 21, 1888, 'or furnish! g noif. this for the police force of the citv of Wilmington, Delaware, Uniform of chief and (our sergeants: A double-oreasted sack coat, ( 8 ) buttons on breast, ihreeor sleeve, and shoulder straps w ith the word chief or sergeant on them. Straps to One K slngle breasted vest, i8 buttons on vest. Two pairs of pantaloons lined below tbe seat, W Coats t^be^iniforinin length, and In all cas-s th y m"st be 27 Inches frem bottom of skirt to SO pamaloon- to be at knee 1» inches, and at ) }4 iw h-8, buttons to be fl*e gift. Uniform of patrolmen, 44. Bingle-breas'ed -aok coat, square cn', five buttons on broast and 2 on sleeve. Bu tons to be nic««l. . . Coats to be same uniform length as chief s and rerg»ar.ts ' Veai ard pants to be cut aame unifor w sir, - as hereinbefo e menti ined. «am ples of material aod lining to be sent to the clerk'some on or before 2 o'clock on Tburs day the 2 et of June, 1888 .... The maierial must be 14 or of indigo blue, and stand the t* st«»f C. P. nitric acid. The committee reserve the right to reject a ty or all bids . . _ „ Th« bids must be addressed fo Francis T Paw don, chairman of the Police Com olttee. City Hal), sni a. o mpaoied bye bond of glut) for the faithful performance of c utract. FK NCIs T. 8AWDOS, Cornu it tee. Bids wi'I also be r ceived for uniform hat , to be be inet >hape, and of fur similar to th se in use in Ih sci'y or i h i deiplna, until Tburs ay »venin , 'm e 31. ' 888 . at « o'clock, «amples of bats t>> b< sent o the eleri'a oft Ice b fore the ■i ti ned our. li ds to be accompan ied bra bond of $i0 for faithful per-o manoe of contract F. T PAWDDN. I- 1 Chah man Pol »hive Notice is hereby a ven that the following oro visi n of oroimmee In relation to ds charg ng t un-, pistols. Cf.vuon, lire cacsera or ■or! 8 within the coy limita will be CITY ORDINANCES. Jÿ OTICE. FOURTH OF JULY PROCLAMATION. otner ft strictly cnlorced : «ITY ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE FIR ING OF CANNON, GU B. PISTOLS, CRACKERS OR OTHER "REWORKS r. o»' THIS CITY. WITHIN THE LIMIT« Be it ordained by *n* Council of Wilmington: Ramos If any person shaft at *nv Urn hereafter within the .Units of this city Are off or discharge a y cannon, gun, i istol ftre crackers, squ bs or other fireworks of any kind or if any oer> on. except in regalor course of some la fu business, trade or profession shall make a bon Are or any Are In any of tbe pjbl c strut t-. lanee o alleys of this cl'y or In any other pia e in the open air within said citv within r> ya -fa of any street lane or alley, uch pe sonso fleuJinv shall for every snch offc nee forf it and pav « fine of n t le s .hao $1 nor mo-e than $10 provided horvever that public dbpl«y« Of ftre-woiks may be held and give . in the publ c pa kof ihecl y. sliu'te no tweenS ve .th and Eighth and Fra kjlu and », on '.he we tetly sldeof theci y, and in such place o- pinces o- the e sierivsJU' of the oi y a* tbe City Council ha 1 at any time or time«- h re, 1er by ra Jorlty vote d | r« c Ç Kidniblio (lispl.yof fireworks shall et all flmes P w hr reatsever They may he held be.under th»* control < f * epecial commit!«« i>f C Juncil to be anpoioted fro -i time ta time for that rpeclflc purpose ^ . ,. Bkctios 2. All ordinances or parts of ordl nances 11 relation tn ih. firing of cannon, guns, pistols, fire er euer«, or any otuer ft o-w .rks of any ki'idw Ihln the city 1 mita i he.e'ofore or d in li a d p '»ned Dy the Cl.y Council of this 0l passaa »*1*111' cl y aft. Wilmington,Dataware, September 7th, A.D. 1 "« HHOAP3 . Mayof . FOR SALE. HEAL ESTATE. ON EIGHTH STREET HILL FOR SALE. A new dwelling, contninlng 10 rooms, every modern convenience front porch, lerge i«r;. Lot, 2 x115 feet. Must be seen to be appreciated. Apply to H. D. WALTER, NO. 3 W. SEVENTH STREET. f.VdR BALE—THE , OL P^^EBTAB^UI'HED I saloon 801 O mch. N. ' v . Cor of 8 h ht , has been carrie i on for ;0 years. T. H. QUI LL. NOR BAI K -FARM OF 75 ACRES IN DEL \ AWARE COUNTY, PKNNA. M1LF.8 FROM THIS * ITY. Improvements e st ELEVEN THOUSAND DOLLAR*. Will sell the whole for SI-TEN TT-F1VB BIO" Dll ED DOLLAR», on e*sy terms. Ap FOR RENT. «iÖRKNT T:oor?H5wTod«5SD 1 ro ms. p * sau ly situa ed.wi'h board, Table „Parder-* wai.t-u ft so. 408 West ,t ' ■ b_ ply to EVANS PENNINGTON. Ho. 1 East Eighth St. POLITICAL. j^'OR BUtRlFF NEW CASTLE COUNTY, 1888. or WILLIAM 8IMM#NS, OF WILMINGTON HUNDRED. Subject to the decision of the Republican pa. tv. _ FINE tiULU AND 8ILYEB W atctLes A. B. WILLIAMSON, 105 W. EIGHTH STREET. John A . Parker, Real litre, aid FmilifiRnt Agency Orders received for Wood and Goal. office st» walnut street $ 1,000 to loan In small amounts on good mort TWENTY-ONE NEW' POLICE. Flayor-Elect Harrington Names Nearly Half of His Force. Tbe Mayor-elect announced last evening twenty-one of tbe new police force as fol lows: Sergeants, Paschal H. Peterson of 1101 French Bt.; Abram P. 8 etser. 2317 Tatnall; James B. Tucker, 319 East 0th. Patrolmen, Thomas H Butows 309 East 2d; Martin R Butler, 424 Esst 31; Fs di naod Cheulrs, 300 King; Alex. Burleigh, 503 East 4th; Charles A. Broomall, 827 Bouth FrankKn; Samuel J Brown, 107 East 4th; Charles H Crawford, 329 East 2nd ; Thomas J Galnor, Clay mont Bt., above B; Wiftiam L Heal; Samuel Mo Clenaghnn, 307 Kennebec: Richard Km raons, 821 Orange, Jnrrett G Hauna, Geo Hart; William H. Rherer, 1C» West 6tb William H. Updpke, and William B. Walker, 110 East 8th; special officers. Draper A. Dewees, 1014 Washington; J. B. Kittenhouse. Tbe medical examination of the men appointed will be made by the physicians of the Board of Health, at the rooms of tbe board in the Water Depart ment building, corner of 8th and King St»., to day, beginning at 3 o'clock p. m. Of the new officers. Tucker, Heal, Bherer and Walker did service under Mayor Wales. Heal has been a policeman every time there has been a Republican Mayor Cheairs was (ormetly driver of the Dela ware Track. R'chard Emmons Is a bro ther of Robert Emmons tbe letter carrier, and a cousin of Harry Emmons, Esq Draper A Dewee» was for years mail agent on tbe Delaware railroad. If a few days Mr. Harrington will notify Mayor Rhoads as to what officers he wishes to jj ave retained on duty after July 1. Oa that dale he will announce the final list of officers, but the new ones will not go on <lu * î immediately. A GOOD tUli 14.KT On the Cnrbs'one thin VG>rnlnc—A Large Amount »I Froduce. For the first time for révérai weeks the farmers bad a good market this morning The market was full almost*to overflowing, there being an abundance of all kinds of country prodace. W hen the market opened tbe buyers were plenty and continued so all day, consequently good prices were obtained and at noun empty wagons presented them selves. The price* are as follows : New potatoes. 25 to 39 cents half peck; old potatoes, 10 c.-nls half peck; green pees, 13 cents a half peck; string beans. 15 cents a half peck; o- ions, 12 cents half peck; scullions, cents a bunch ; radishes, 3 cents bunch; lettuce, 3 cents a head; cab b,ga, 5 to 7 cents a head ; asparagus, 15 cent* a bunch; very floe strawberries, 7 to 12 cents a box; pineapples, 10 to 20 cents apiece; huckleberries, 13 cents a box; gooseberries, 8 to 10 cents a quart; beats, cents a bunch oranges, very scarce at 35 cents a dozen ; tomatoes, 12 to 15 cents quart; lemons are 15 to 30 cents a dozen. ficKKl» COLLECTOR After a Pleasant Evening ■-•«»Hi at Wesley M- u Ctonrch. A concert wm given in W ealey M. E. An excellent pro Church last evening, gram of snered music was given. Miss Eva Crouch, Miss Mary Tbielman, N. R. Ben son, Jr., F. T. Clymer, H F. Pickel* and the church choir rendered the vocal »elec in the Intermission H. F. Pickel*. tlon* leader of the choir, was presented with a handsome, gold-beaded ebony cane by tbe latter in token of their appreciation of hi* service». Rev. W. G. Koons. pastor of the church, made the presentation end Mr. Pickels replied In a short speech. Th* o«n* will be on exhibition in Harry C Mehaffy'» window at 229 Market Bt».. for a few days. An Outrageous Assault. Samuel Smallwood, a quiet, Inoffensive employed by the Christiana Window Ola«« Co. a* night watchmen, whose work« are beyond the 3rd St bridge, was knocked down end kicked in the face by Michael O'Toole about 6 o'clock Monday night at the B & O. dock near the works It seem* that O'Toole had a younger brother who we* employed by tbe glass company, and is a bad sort of a boy. One night Smallwood attempted to c rrect him for engaging in a fight and the bay threw a clu b at hi m Smallwood m «n bln. thereupon cuffed O'Toole told his big brother Young Michael, who determined to punish Bmall 8o when he met Smallwood on wood. Monday aft-r-ioon, he asked him why he cuffed bis b-olher. Smallwood referred him to the factory (or information, where knocked him down O'Toole upon over klckedblm his forehead and one eye severely. Small wood did not attempt tn fight. He got out a warrant for O'Toole's arrest, which wa; placed ia a constable's hands, but he has not yet been arrested. Young O'Toole was discharged from the gluts works yesterday morning and foi bidden to enter the plaoe. lumber, and the (ace, catting of pile a perional |*arngraph«. Rev. T E. Martindalo of Salisbury is in town ro-day, Dr. W W. Day has been suffering with f «cial neuralgia. Morris B. Moses returned from New York yesterday afternoon. Frank Took r of Mount Vernon. N. y,, is on b vieil to friends in this city. ^ jg ^ ^ J(im . a A Bjrke wiU independent candidate for bs an sheriff. Mi«s Zuell Preston of this city ha« returned frein a visit to friends in Philadelphia. Dr. Hugh Martin was in the city yesterday and left for home on the midotgnc train. Dr Jacob Derrickson and family of Ö03 West St. will leave this week for a summer re'reac. Mrs 1 tot! van H way no and her chtlare'i «jf 619 W. 0-h 8 . have gone for two weeks. tu tb© Miss E»m i C«.re y of Kennett Square, a niece of Bayard Taylor, is visiting Miss Josie Fogg of this city. E. Glen Co' k, son of Rev. B. B. Cook of this city, has returned home Madison University for hts from vacation. White Milan and Imported Leghorn Hate a specialty. Mias L. Steinicken, 217 Market 8t, Prices very low General I'oHtleal Newa. If the Chisago Convention were to have a big dinner and 1st the Tarions candidates make some speeches before the balloting begins, Cbauncey M. Depew might capture the nomination. Grover Cleveland was elected by the al literation "Hum, Romanism and Rebel lion ;" and the ticket will probably go down this year with the cry of "Rum, Rheuma tism, and old Roman."—Philadelphia North American. Tho Republican National Convention did the work of temporary organisation yester day. The conspicuous passage of the speech of tho temporary chairman. J M. Thurs ton of Nebraska, was a reminder that Mr. Blaine's friend could not and would not dare to disregard his expressed wish that be should not be nominated fur tha Presi dency —New York Bun. It is now proposed that tho eloquent Mr. Dougherty of New York, had an eye be yond the interests of President Cleveland when he nominated him for a second term The elegant silver tongued orator was gaz log longingly at a seat In Congress, and doubtless ho will have his wishes gratified by Tammany. He will not be able to vote for the man he nominated, however ; he has not lived In New York long enough, It 1« said, for a Presidential vote. Men and women known all over the country were sprinkled all through the crowd at Chicago yesterday. One group which attracted great interest was com posed of Mrs. Logan, Mrs Foraker and John A. Logan, Jr., a young man of about 25, who, with bis raven black hair brushed back from his forehead and his black mustache, bore an unmistakable likeness to his falber. In tbe front row of a balcony to ihe chairman's right, with a bunch of roses on the rail in front of her, was Miss Rachel Bherman. Back of her was Walker Blaine, who watched tie proceedings with great int-rest. A few seals distant Alex under Sullivan, ex-presldent of the Irish American League, and his wife were located. General New* of the morning. "There la The A special from Paris says: little douht that Stanley I* dead, families of persons who accompanied the Zanztbra expedition have worn mourning (or several week*. Tippoo Tib has taken revenge for Stanley's having thwarted him in his efforts to con tinue the slave traffic." It Is believed tbst This bulletin, signed by Drs O'Reilly, Matthews, Byrue and Yarrow, was issued '•General Sheridan was last evening; troubled by coughing before midnight, but after that hour he bad but little difficulty and rested quietly, To.dsy he has been quite comfortable and there are no change« in his condition worthy of mention." Dr Mackenzie has left Berlin tor tbe Hague, whence be will proceed with his and daughter to Norway, returning to London the first week in July. Before his deparure he was warmly thanked by Empress Victoria (or his devotion to tbe late Emperor Frederick. He looked fa Rimed and ootawara No date has been ßriuce*» - n "»» return of the Prince and 'I"a 1 ca to V. - There was a scrap ln th» Hause yester day in regard to a half-million dollar ap propriation in the Sundry Civil Appro priation bill for continuing work on tbe. Congressional library, and the item afterwards stricken out. Quite scandal was occasioned by the matter and th* debate took a very sensational turn. Fraud was openly charged by several speakers and an effort Is being made tu slop all appropriations until an Investiga tion can be made and a definite plan (or the new building agreed upon. Th# bulld |ag bat the (ooudation walls laid and was originally estimated to cost $3,000,000, but Indicated by present plans will cost new a« probably ever $10,000 000 This Isiconsidered by R«puhlicans a terrtole blow at the re form administration of the President, and it tha conspiracy is fully exposed it will hurt his chances of being re-elected. The municipal Court. Deputy Judge Lynam prerided In his usually refreshing and businest-llke manner over the Municipal Court this morning Hiram Veohle was charged by Special Officer John Pierson with jumping upon tbe cats of th* 4th and Bpruoe Bt». line. The boys have been a good deal of a nuisance to the road of late, necessitating tbe services of a special officer, was by t he judge. Ulysses Melton, colored, was mulcted I. and costs (or druokenness. William E. Latterly, arrested for drunk enness. wa- discharged upon condition of early depenure from the city. Patrick Ford. James Co»l»y, James Butcher and Robert Cassidy were fined $5 and cotta (or leafing In John P. Donahoe'a stable. Veohle ditcharged after a sharp reprimand an I» Will Certainly Surprise To«. When you have an occasion lo pass 406 Market St. be good enough to look in the show windows and tne aston ishing low figures on many suits will j surprise you. The Pleasant Valley Wine Com pany's champagne is undoubtedly the best American wine in this market. P. Plunkett & Co., 108 and 110 Market St. Wlliu'ngton Clearing House. The «xchan.e« Of tbe Wilmington Banks at tbe Clearing Hon*e tots sior- ing were $97,601.22 and the balances $22.877.15. Wtst Choir Moonlight, June 25. Our systematic methods employed iu prescription department, reduce th« possibility of error to the minimum. Z. James Belt, apothecary, Cor. 6.h and Market feta. There is no use talking, the Boston House is the cheapest plaoe in the state to buy clothing. The Vanderbilt yscht Alva is still lying at the mouth of the Christiana river. We have a good assortment shapes, which we will close out at greatly reduced prices. Miss L. Stelnicken, 217 Market St. FIRST DAY'S WORK. A HALE-DAY SPENT IN TEM PORARY ORGANIZATION. Gresham and Kherman (he Leading Candidate) Oilier — Ptaelpa Good for Second Plaae, If He Want» II. ■They !?Iar Help Each Chicago, June 20.—The first day of the conven tton of 1888 is over and the dele gates are as much at sea as ever. They spent a blistering hot day yesterday and an nncomfortsbly warm night. There are a good many tired men here this morning. The convention struck one as an eminently deliberative body. The delegates are a grave, earnest collection of men, who seem to be aware that they cannot afford to lose a single chance if they wish to beat Cleve land next autumn. The convention will not be stampeded. Whatever shall bo done, will be the result of the utmost delibera tion. Clay ton Me Michael In editorial despatch to the Philadelphia North American says: "It looks to me as it Senator Allison,of Iowa, has the best chance among those whose names have thus far.been heralded as candi, dates; yet (bereis practically nothing to night to warrant any change in tbe opinion of tbe situation already given to Tbe North American in my earlier diipatches. Tuere has been polling and persuading, bnt there has been no essential alteration of the for tunes of the several candidates Tbe under standing that Pennsylvania will practically vote as a unit for John Bherman after the first ballot, antll be is oat of the fight, is an excellent achievment of Mr Quay's diplo macy, tor upon the plea of making the state a recognised factor in tbe settlement of the nomiuatian be brings encouragement to his own camp, and pays (all price for the yielding of Philadelphia by promising to more than double for Mr. Filler the national measure of strength as demoostra ted In tbe vote in the first Pennsylvania caucus.'* Senator Sewell of New Jersey, says that New Jersey will swine its vote (or Sher man after Phelps. He soys New Jersey is not very friendly to Depew. and will not support him. Tbe Pennsylvania delegation held a cau cus last night and called James MoManes to the chair. Senator Q lay was ohooseu (or tbe National over Chris Magee by a vole of 45 to 7. They took a poll and decided to vote that way to-day on the pew, 2; Blaine, 1; and Alger, 1. Considerable surprise was created among Pennsylvanians yesterday afternoon by toe distribution of these circulars at tbe Tremont House; "What is wanted by the conservative people of tbe United States for their next President is a practical, thorough business man. lo selecting as their representative John Wanamaker, the merchant prince, they will find a man who towers oonspicn SDW,apiUJVMisty > af JJ*"" •" I tes of a strong candidacy înT'W'Au'Bessful administration, combines them all, and with a personal character so far above reproach that even the foul breath of slander would not ven ture to assail It, and a familiarity and pop ularity that embraces the whole eonniry. His candidacy would from tbe outset pres age and assure a triumphant victory for our great and glorious Republican party." The most strikiag parade of the day, however, was that of tbe Cincinnati Blaine Club, who appeared several hundred strong They wore white bat* and glove* and car ried parasols They marched in column of (ours, open order, the parasols of the suo oes-ive ranks being red, white and blue These they twirled rapidly, giving an ex ceedingly brilliant kaleidoscopic effect Their banner bore the words "Vim, Vigor, Oi here He, John Wanamaker, Victory." Thsofflalal talkers for the Gresham bu reau are In better spirit*. They wt re Im mensely pleased to see men wearing badges, reading, "Indiana, Ore-ham, Protection." Boomer John M. Clark said tbe new* was more favorable for Gresham than at any time since the besdq tarter* were opened, and Senator Farwsll talk* straight from the shoulder, as it were, and say« Illinois ho\ s are all solid (or Gresham Gresham men also claim to have some Nebraska men at their their back. Boomer Clark Insists that while some of the colored delegates are (or Bherman or Alger as first choice,they are (or Gre<ham after that. It is the assumption of the llliooieisns that Bherman and Alger will be swept away as in a torrent, and that Gresham wll 1 sail In cn the flood. Mr*. Lagan has deferred her return to Her determination to leave a I. of $5 Th" town on Monday greatly startl <d tbe Alger men. All that George M. Pullman would say to-day was that she was still his guest. Mrs. Logan ha* visited tbe Alger headquar ters in the Grand Pacific and the Pa.mer, and was very heartily greeted. Connecticut delegates are emulating The their Jersey brethren and lying low. difference is that th* Jersevmvn know what they want and are lying low to get it. while the Connecticut delegates have their hearts set upon nothing in particular, but going to jump (or anything that comes along to« ir way. They will He in ambush behind Joe Hawley until th «y s«e whether it will be better to hold up the Depew coach or wall until tbs J w '"" mules cornea aloatf and then «0 tor that. Another slight breez, beside the one inci dent to the selection of Tboretoo as tem chairman ruffl -d some In Chicago *r. last night Berne of toe Irish Catholics who have been and are Mr. Blaln*'» stance supporters are of the opinion that they not sufficiently represented In tho early proceedings before the convention They contrast the selection of tbe officers ai-,g clergymen with those at the Bt. Louis Convention. Th.y speak of P. A Collins and Dan. Dongberty as catholic« with a food love tor the green Isle and recall that an Episcoia clergyman was select-d to make tbe opening prayer nt Bt. Louis. They add that the select! *n of a Congre gational minister, and other features of the day's proceeding, will lead many of tbe supporters of Mr Blaine to make remarks, and lead to the suggestion that tho national committee were Impolitic la many ways Accord lot to the present program the vole of New Biglant, which, exceptlog Connecticut, has no candidate, Is to be split among *11 the candidates at the out set, Maine wiU give a vote to every oan WITH dldâte in the field. Vermont will vots for Bherman. Massachusetts and New Hamp shire will split. Rhode Island will vote for Allison, and Connecticut, of coarse, for Hawley. New York is solid for Dspew, excepting John O'Brien, who declares he will vote for Blaine; New Jersey is for Phelps; Pennsylvania has 35 votes for Bherman, 15 for Fitter, and 10 scattering; Ohio Is for Bherman, Indiana for Harrison, Michigan for Alger, Illinois for Gresham, Wisconsin for Bask, Iowa for Allison; Minnesota, 10 voles for Gresham and 4 scattering; Kansas Is for Ingalls; Colorado and Nevada doubtful; Oregon for Gres ham, and California for Btanford. The Bouth I» divided between Bherman, Gres ham, Alger, Depew, and Harrison. An In telligent estimate of the first ballot shows It candidates with votes about as follows: Bherman, 350; Gresham, 100; Deoew, 100; Alger, 80, Harrison, 130; Allison, 50; Phelps, 18; Rusk, 33; Ingalls, 14; Fitter, IS; Btanford, Id This leaven 85 votes nn acconnted for. Missouri and Arkansas ere still doubtful quantities. Just now one fac( Is pretty well settled, and that is the nomination of a soldier in one place or other. This fact militate« much against Allison, who otherwise is in good position. The opposition of the Pacific Htales steadily weakens Bherman Just now Harrison is lo high favor. New England and Near Jersey are leaning to ward him, and it is nod impossible he will nltimately tie made the choice of the com bination of men spokeivnf. If the nomina tion comes to the West It will probably go to Han-lson. Alger or Gresham, and the chances of the three men are in the order named. Phelps I« almost certain to be narntd for Vice President if the nomination comes W est, and If Blaine or an Eistern Is namsd Governor Porter of Indiana or Algor will bo taken. If Bherman should he compelled to fall back beaten, Gov. Foraker will be sprung on the convention, and at the same time many of Bherman 's supporters will go to Gresham, and many of the Gresham men ore Inclined toward the Ohio Senator* If their man cannot bo n mlnnted. The Gresham managers have a card to ploy in a break from Harrison In the Indiana dele gation, where they control nearly one third of the votes. The election of Sales for permanent chairman Is construed os a Blaine victory by the outsiders, but it Is known to Insiders to be the result of a trade by which Cali fornia droi s the Blaine boom end abandons her Intention of throwing a firebrand is the i convention. man erly Tbe Tbe Dakota, easterly coast local end May. Htales imum tbe Ne vier—Borreil. Edwin C. Bevler »•« m«rri»d to Miss Katherine Borreil at 9 o'clock (hi* morning Ht. Patrick'* R C. Church by R»v. George B Bradford. Wadding March was played by Julius He** the bridal party advene «1 to the i-teanoel. Miss Uni* Taggart •>. bridesmaid and George Burrell groomsman. Tb* others were A. O Bowe, F. U. W inchest, r, Sam uel Baring and Cheuncy P. Holcomb. High moss was celebrated. The bride wore drees of corn colored surah, and carried a bcuq-it of Bowers. Tbe trout of the church g«v»'t<l6 Votfm »election» *ere ». uasoane Cloward. Joseph IWberstooe, Joseph MoCulllo, Francis Borrell, Mrs Howard Ogle, Miss Kate Taggart and Miss Lizzie Borrell. The groom, Ur. Sevier, is a P., W. & B. R- R. employes and a large nom ber of tbe employe of the company were present. Among tho** present were Mr. and Mrs William Brown. Dr. and Mrs.. Howard Ogle, Mr. and Mrs. David Ken nealley, Mr. and Mrs. Cuslek, Mise Fannie Crurolish, Mine An nie Burns, Miss Ellen Finley, Uls»ee Gibbon*. Miss Helen Taggart. Miss Marne Mowan of Philadelphia, Mrs. Thoma* Ferry and »Ister, Mr» P Taggart, Mrs J. Hen. Jams» H, Price. J. W Bailey, Ed ward H. Truman. John G Crawford, E A. Elllcott, J. E Hunter, A B Starr, W. A. Denio, W. Wright, James Bevler, How ard Hayes, James B. Ogden and Joseph Taggart. A recaption we» held et the residence of the bride, No. 8 W IUh Bt., from 10 to 12 o'clock. This afternoon Mr. and Mrs Sevier left for a two week's bridal trip to Saratoga N. Y. The Mendelsohn fair vail. by day, by and bis v I the a a God «tard— Beaman. Hiss Jennie Beaman, a daughter of the Rev E. A. Beaman of Cincinnati, and a William Ferris and of sister of Mrs. Arthur Beaman of this city, was married last Thursday evening to Asa Goddard, professor of literature and languages In Washington University, Bt Louis. The wedding was bold In N«w Church, Cincin nati, the father of tbe bride officiating. Mr. and Mm. Goddard have sailed (or Eu rope, proposing to «pend the summer iu Switzerland. Mr*. Ferris who was present at the wedding will return home in a week or two. Mrs Goddard t* a slstor also of Mrs. W. W. Gilchrist of Germantown, Pa Mr. Gilchrist 1« a well known musician and will soon bo installed in this city as the leader of the Tuesday Clnb in place of Professor D. H. Morrison of Philadelphia. a on And Don't Ton Forget It. If you study the interest cf your wives and little ones, you won't throw hard earned money; lake it away your t0 w t, e re $1 in money will buy |3 wort (, 0 ( Clothing; it is at 406 Market g t an{ j t ^ e Dam e of the bouse the „ Eoonomy u a n." The p'oprietor, the dtgurvin(j ,, el)ter p r i 8 i n g citik-n, L.Uis Fellheimer, and his met; od of doing * * . busmess-hobesty and tquare dealing, and don't you forget it. a to the tbe the be out oan Tl»c Health Guardia«». Tbe only matter of interest transacted at last evening's session of tbe Board of Health was a complaint rec*iv«dby the citizens of the viciuity of 8th and Madison Bts. to reladon to the smell* arising from tbe pork butchering establishments of B. Beste & Brother and Daniel Bickta, located on 8th Bt near Madison Bt. John Martin, fresh shrimp and fish bait, 1401 French St. Orders promptly attended to. Orders by mail will re ceive prompt attention, and carefully packed for shipping. Orders received by W, H. Hartlove, gunsmith. Oak Suits shown at prices sure to please the buyer at Johnson & Barn hill's, 207 Market Bt.__ Don't miss West Choir Moonlight. The A ppllrittlon of the Festal Tele» i:r»pis Granted. Tho regular meeting of the directors of tbo Street and Sewer D.-pirttnaot v.« hell last evening. The weekly pay roll of 1208.88 was ordered paid. The following petitions were granted: To allow the Water Department to set curb on Jackson Sc , between Tenth and Hu vielt street«, ami on Ua dett Sc., between Jack eon anil Van Boren »treats; Lynob & Unary to construct a viult ander the sidewalk at 4th and Madison Be«., on con dition that the work; be done under tbs direction of the directors; the Costal Cable Telegraph Company to set polee for their lines on Union Bt., on Sixth to Green Hill Ave. to Tatnall, down Tatnall to Fifth, down Fifth to French, and thence to Front Bt, with the proviso that It tbo company at any time sells its lines or consolidates with another company, the poles are to become the property of the city. Tan carloads of stone wore directed to bs procured from David Comssll by the street conmii-akiuer, five to ba delivered at iUh and Bcott Hts. and five at the foot of Bbtp isv Bt. For the purpose of devising some plan to regulate the drainage of the Brandywine, the secretary was instructed to n quest tbs Water and Park Commissioners and the Board of Health to meet the directors at the mouth of Uattlesnake run on Wednes day afternoon, Juno 87. at 8o'clock. Becretary Carpenter aui directed to advertise tor proposals for the grading of DuPont Bt. from 8lh to Delaware Ave nod 10th Bt. from DuPont Bt to Clayton Bt. The chief engineer of the Purveying De partment was instructed to prep ire plans for a sewer to start on the south ride of Front Bt near Adams and to connect with the Used Bt. sowor at its intersection with Front Bt and for plans to establish tha grade of Christiana Ave The power of the directors to remove sidewalk obstructions was directed tobe obtained and if such power reposed in tbs directois the secretary was instruct d to prepare a resolution looking toward the re moval. The following orders were directed to be drawn; J. A. Harris, lift; Alexander Gll Iaspic, t 4 ; Uat m Bias Htone Company, $980.73 ; Franc s B, Bradley. $1,258 0»; T. Leslie Carpenter, $10 STREETS Ann sgrirsat. Weal her. Delaware and Maryland, I p. n». : Slightly warmer, fair weather, fresh south erly winds, followed by local storms Tbe New York Herald weather forecast: Tbe northwestern st rrn centre, now in Dakota, will probably emtiuus its slow easterly movement So day, reaching tha coast by Friday, when it is likely to oausa local thunderstorms in the Hudson valley end on the eossta near and nonhnfCapa May. Temperature changes in tb* Unit« d Htales yesterday were a 1 ight ; tbe chief min imum reported »»« 5» degrees, at Duluth; tbe chief maxima were 88 at Bismarck and Lynchburg; 92 it Fort Buford, D. T ; 94 at Knoxville and 7S at Augusta. Ga. In thw fair weather and light somberly winds will probably prevail. On Thursday In tola section and in New England, «lightly warmer, fair weather will probably pre vail. with fresh southerly winds, followed by cloudiness and thunderstorms in th* western parts of this section, and on Fri day, more sultry, fair to partly cloudy weather, with Might thermal change* and thunderstorm* on the seaboard, followed by a slight fall of temperature. Weather favorable to tbe grain crops prevails and will probably continue. To-d*y the sun reach** the forth**» norhern limit of his summer excursion, and bis radiation over the whole northern hemi sphere becomes most Intense. The t raper rwently reported from B Hilst v I r y »tares America and the Uinted Btat*» are unsea sonably blgh.exooeilng 93 degree« ia many large area« This heat 1« very timely for the belated American grain crops, whit* ba in a much morn must now promising condition than they a fortnight ago. Despite the severely cold winter and spring of 1888, the pros pect now » that we shall have a samtoer somewhat warmer than tbe average. Baynard's thermometer: 7 a m., 70; 9 a m.,83; Ha. m.,80;lp. m.91K a of In Eu iu of and the of Postal Telegraph Company. It Is not likely that the refusal of th* Kennett Square Turnpike Company to glva the Postal Telegraph Company right of way along Us turnpike will be more than a temporary obstacle to tbe new telegraph There are other line In entering tbe city, route* which may be a little longer and therefore more expensive to follow, but the office will d.ubtless eventually ba opened here. Thi.« obstacle will cause soma delay and tbe line will not be ready for business at as etrly a date a* had been an nounced. The agents of the company sra will be, seeking out another It is possible that some rival In now, or sonn route. fluence caused tbe opposing action of th* trustees of the Kennett Square turnpike, but the best interests of the city demand that the comp any come in with as few ob structions and obstacles as possible. The WaierJ Department. At the e**«tou of tae Buard of Water CummiiMloner« last evening a balance 1* bank of $89.7b7 37 was reported Th* amount divitod into. $62 581.70 to tk* credit of current expen««»: bonis and Inter est, $23,577 69; special $3 «07 »8. The weekly pay toll oi $45" 14 wa« passed. Tbe board granted the petition of Danlal McKinney to lay water pipe* from th* pre'ent terminus on Third Bt. near Jackso» to Franklin Bt , _ communication from the Fiona*« ring th# Toe Committee of City Council req • _ the Board to pay L i»n No. 26 of $3500, d "* September 1. -«« received and fll-d. payment of the loans bv th# Board directed, and checks ordered drawn (or tne ioomt loan. Choked C'nder a Trunk Lid. The 11 month old boy of H >b#« * K4r " Ian of Liberty Bt. was put to bed »b -m h o'clnek y este day afternoon and when Mr. Mc-Fatlan returned from work at 6 o clonk, be went ap to th» bed room and discover»* the babe'« neck between to« lid of a «B a< d the trunk proper and the little fellow choked to death. _ The best flour in the city is called L. * O., sold by Niohoto, 6th and King.