Newspaper Page Text
y A A Hl f A mv MV y' / / v ■ t WILMINGTON, DEL., Wr-DJNEcDAY, JUNE 37, ISSN. NO. 33. one Cent. P.J.WALSH&CO i ■J 506 Market St. To the readers of the Jou ß. nal we do not feel the ne ces sity of an introduction, A 9 no doubt we hav« had a business acquaintance with the, major ity of them previou A to this What we have to say to day we think will interest those who have favored us with their patronage, and who oaa vouch xor the reliability of our remarks, as well as those whom we are desirous of making patrons of. That which will be of most interest to buyers during this excessive hot weather is that class of goods which is most conducive to comfort We have made this class of goods doubly interesting at I the present time by reason of | the sweeping reductions we have made, to hold good until July 1. Comprised in this class of goods ia our ex tensive line of REFRIGERATOR«*, BABY CARRIAGES, ICE CHESTS MEN'S, BOYS' and YOUTHS' CLOTHING, DRESS GOODS, MILLINERY, CARPETS and FURNITURE. As a rule Refrigerators and Ice Cheats are generally sold at the price shown in the maker's price list. To dispose of what we have by July 1 we have made a reduction allowing 20 per c nt. discount of mr.kers' list. It is merely turning our stock into the cash we paid for it Wise buyers call early. Things that keep moving right along and that we feel little necessity for giving an extra push to by reducing tbe price is our handsome line of Baby Coaches. Nevertheless to make the reduction general and give prominence to our special price sale we have cut tne price considerably. Coaches that were $8.50, $10.00, $12,00, $15.00, and $20.00 are now $7.00, $8.00, $10 00, $12.00 ana $16 00 All others reduced likewise. In our Clothing department comprising all the best styles of reliable makes for Men's, Boys' and Children's wear the same general daughter has been carried on. All-wool Cheviot*. #iä ' 9, wer* $I*.00. All-wool Wo-ste's, $12.00, w*ro $'5.00. All-wool Cas ,1'iieive, $ J Ml, were $1« 00. Mack F. A. »ill's, $ 800, were til,00. Boys' and Children'# likewise. ■ Furniture. Oak Cham bur huits. Walnut OhatnhrT 8uits. Hair Cloth Pailor Suits, Plueb G roup Parlor Suits. Dining Room Furniture. - Library Furniture. Kitchen Furniture. Mattrerses, Bedding. Stoves, Carpets. Ingrain Carpets Tapestry CarpetH, Boely Rrus-Bela Carpets. Rag CaipetB. Matting, Drusgets. Rugn, I)oor Mats. Stair Rod«. Oil Cloth«, etc. Handsome assortment of Ladies' Dress Goods, (Silke, Satins, etc. Millinery Department in ohargt of practical milliner. Oa a hill of $1000 $1.00 Down and $1.00 per week. P. J. ffiLSH 1 CO. 506 MARKtT STREET. m B. SHARP & co Fourth and Market Sts. purchasing pOWCF of A ° A tllflt SfUQO dollar j us t n0 w ill Certain % thejlillGS, IS nearly 9 enC6. nearly ÖS lllUCll 8S T'W O. Is tllO busy little mosquito aft>r you yet ? We are here to prob et you. Cano pies were never bet ter or cheaper : i The ordinary size of a silver dollar is 4 1-2 inches in cir cumference. The inches in circurnfer One dollar gets ümbrel a Top, $1 05, white. Umbrella Top, $1.95. pink, Dmbn Ha Ton. $1 75, white. Umortl aTop, $19'. pink. Uinbr-'ls Top, $9.50, » hi e. Umbrella Top, t2.<5, white. all ot the very best materials and work manship. We send a man to measure your win dows or porches for awnings and put them up comp'ete. 10 cents p?r square foot for average size windows. A fine assortment of white Swisses in polka dots, etc., for curtains are reduced nearly one-half—reg ular price 50c, 40(% 35c-^-all at one price of 25 cents. A great bargain in thin curtains—all over pfinted work in blue and red—what have left we are $1.25 from $3.50 a pair. Thin white goods for hot weather dres-es: Victoria Lawns India i inens, Linen de • »«cca, India Lawns, the finest line of nie * white goods we ever had, 10c. to 50c. Some odd lots of Annie ta Checks— good sty es yet we have 1G c nts in stead of 25. Leno lace plaids the same fw T ay—19 cents in stead of 25. Panama '•tripes a very preity lace all effect with inter woven blue and red pin stripes—one of the very nicest hot weather thin dresses here—reduced from 20 ceins to 15 cents. An extraordinary opportunity in white Flouncings on Swiss for white dresses. The very handsom est patterns this sea son; a late purchase gave them to us at a remarkalfiy low figure; you get them i he same. They are 1 1-4 yards deep,fine and stylish. There's 4 1-2 yaids to each dress pattern, $4.50 $5. $5 50, $0, $0.50, $7.50 for each pat t. rn. _, _ Another Simili lot ., . ■ of Jean drawers for IVirtTl 1 Pfrill aU TVPIPfi lilt'll) JtgLll'll l-f-f fcLy n(\ nanfn nnr UTIPP ÜU LLJl IB, UU1 pi ILL . rpi *- 1 2K cents. 1Ü1S IS till - . fit tile price. WM, B. SHARP & CO. Fourth and Market streets. HELP WANTED. M N TO Apply <04 Merket ANTED-AN K'iniOEIl cenveae aud collect. w •treeC. DRESSMAKING._ RE a PM ' KINO IN ALL ITS BRANCHES At «09 W. 7th kt. Cutting none by draught: fle guaranteed. 1> BOARD AND ROOMS OOMS FOR - ENT FOR LODGING AT 1311 Market S'. Apply 619 Ship ay 6». R 1311 Market S'. Apply 619 Ship ay NOTICES. OTim- UNDER aND I URW0ARTTO THE Act of «he G neral assembly of theUlateof Delaware, enetled "An acte noemlng private con<o Alio«*,' pweed at I'o»er, Horeb Mils, ift-s, notoe is herebv given that an application »ill hs made to the Honorable Irnatlu, G. Grubb, associate Judreor th* Superior C'onrt of theStareof Delaware, felting In Newcastle «.un'y, 8 -turday the seven h day of suly 188*, at tan o clock in the morning, at tha county eoun iu-uS' In the Oty of W1 mingvon, for the inoorperation of a comp -nv to be cel ed. "Tbe Socirty of Wiinungtoe. De'e ware," the purpose of which ere chat liable ui religious. N Law snd Of WILLIAM S. PRI'"KETT. Atto-ney t *r Incorporators. v O TICE.—IN CON F RMI IT WITH THE In i f .visions of ihe Ac of th- G-neral As sembly of He suie of D- awere potted at Dov r "orrh '4, s D, 1883, notice t- hsrs y given hat so .pol c tion win b" mad- to the Honorable Icnatius C. G ubb, ass elate Ju ge of th-Hoped T Co it. f tie Ht vie of D l-w«re, fsi login Newcastle county, on Saturday, June DU, 18"S. *t 10 o'nlocs ». m., et *he consty Court H<-u,-. in the city of WU-nlngtin for the Incorporation of a conn aoy to be o* led " ' he C irnmoiiWs Ith Ben- flclsl As o dation," the objecte of which are charitah'e and her eflclat purpose« JOHN EIGGH. Attorney for pro nos d Incorpera o s._ T"ÔT'.CE— TE»C9ER8 EXAMINATION.— AN Tuere wil be an exam n-.tlon of readier* for se i d -nd thi rt s are eer • in Mid dletown on June 38: I N nark on June 39, and in v i inlniilo-i iln P'-n-ol building No. 1, oa Ff-nch St ear 6ih. t on J one 30. HERMaN BESatY, Superintendent. 1 agqrart & Bro , Manufacturers of FI NR CARRIAGES. 611 WALNUT STREBT. Repairing Wago s and Carriages a 8 iecialty. FINE GOLD AND SILYKK W A. B. Wl L.LlAYit-ON, m W, EIGHTH STREET. .lohn A. Parker, Beal uta e. and Fmp oim j nt Aaeacy. Orders received for Wok) and Cost. OFFICE. 508 WALNUT STREET $4,000 to loan in small amounts on good mort gagee ■ MdKH'S SHOE REPAIRING LIST. Gent's, soled an1 lu» led. La les' soie* an-l heeled . Cniluren's, sol d and b-eled. G MB O'B REPAIRED Wou Tons « biub YooWm. . TScte t'c-i* Mois wUminrto*. Del Kl King Bt.. PLY »»CHEEIVH For Doors and Window* made aad pul up >oy style. Repairing done. Wire work of any km* made to order, at *V, B. AUlson'n Wire Works, HO. 408 SHIPLEY STREET. BAKER & JARRELL, Wholesale anA Retail Dealer* In Fine Clear», HO. 338 WEST FOURTH STREET. Wilmington, D*L FUlUlirfl'L V 1,00DN. ■ In ml red« Drowned Along tbe J!«i lean Central Hallway. CITT op Mexico, June 27.—Telegraphic communication, wnich b«« been Interrupted for several days by the fl K.d*, hae been re stored, and 'he particulars of the terrible disaster on tbs Hoe of th« Mexican Central railway, particularly at Laon and Bllao. are obtaimd. During the past '.0 days the table lands between here and Z matera* have been visited by unprecedented rains Leon and Bllao bava been partially de atroyed by floods. About 325 houses have been destroyed at Bllao. On the 30th it was learned that the floods had been more destructive in Leon than In In Bllao. Ou Monday, the 18 h, the river broke over He dykes at d fl >oded the city People believing themselves secure from the flood went to bed In those parte of the t *n where tbs water bad not found Its way. The steady downfall of rain with t k e extensive water bod of the outlying conn try increased the flow of the river and rapidly «xtanded Its channel until over halt of Leon was ander water Houses tumbled in rapidly, having been worn away by tbs water, and a 1 ne of life began, unparalleled in the history of any of tbs great inondations of modern times As the buildings fell the sleepers were either crushed to death cr drowned. Or e whole night of terror followed. Men wom*n and children fl-d to lb» streets in their ntght clothes. On Tuesday mornH g rain was still falling and there had teen no perceptible decrease In the stream of water. A mammoth lake extended Its length and breadth to all points of tha compass. The loss of life up to this writing has resched Into hundreds All night It poured until Wednesday morel- g saw the late sur ronndlng the city nndlmtnl.hed in Bis», with steady rain diotnrb'ng Its surfscs. It is estimated that 1,800 persons perlshrd There Is a strong odor from neaps of ruboisb that once farmed houses, aud one it led to believe that there must he bodies burled nnder them. There are also bodie s still fl eating In ton water. One hundred and eleven bodies were recovered without moving any ruins of houses. Tbs ds *<roy*d house* srs estimated at 3,000, and the loss at 83,(00.000. Bllao and Leon. The Mexican Central ho* ! guffereef very severely. 8-vnral washout. I occurred betweeh Ad uas Callentes sod j Lon but they have no» been repaired, ! and traîna are turning from Ei Paso as Car south as Loon, to Irapusto, a distance of 3» miles Toe last reports from L'on are heart rending. The wh 1« population Is bu.ily working into the rnin. of the f dien houses, Nearly everybody bees lost rela tions or friends, and those who have no have seen their earthly possessions disap pear in a night Tha estimated loss of life and property given are the smallest report and in the bounds Cf truth The last siateroent places the number of hou -es destroyed in I .-(in at 3 234, and the humaines families at more than 1,000 More man 250 bodies have been recovered from the rains. Leon and Bllao are rs pactively 80 miles west norlbwe-t aud 10 tulles northwest of Guaue-j late. Leon has 6,000 and Bllao 4,000 inhabitants. Both are well built towns, and Leon is an important Industrial centra. KEGVL1B mOR.HIXG COI BT, Obtained Coeds I'ndrr Paisa Pre teneee-A Fresh Prisoner. Clara Lewie visited yesterday Joseph R E. Montgomery's store, 603 King St and obtained a pair of shoes and idea Mbs Blackmon's, 6 and 9 Market 8t, and ob tained a ladles'h«t and some ribbon. A' both of these place* eb* claimed that she bad been sent by Dr. Josephine M. R White. Judge Cummins held her and* $300 ball on each cnarge for her appear ance at th* Court ot General gestions Isaac Venn *u very drank yesterday morning and started out abuut 4 o'clock In the morning with a herder named Lee They git a couple of drinks at one or two pieces end at Frank Boater's place, &06 Ceurch Bt., obtained a final diiak. Here Venn became very noisy end both of the men went to tbelr home and a quarrel ensued and Venn pulled ant e revolver, pieced it against L*e's head and threatened to kill him because be would not leave tbe bouse Venn was arrested and »h»o brought Into Court tbl morning, ahqnted; "Here 1 am," and winked et tbs polie» end r< port ere and made considerable nuisa. blowing his nose and o lUgolug. 1'hs judge tu d him If be would keep qul-t bs would t y him, If he was fit to be tried Venn e "That is e metl.r for you to d< eide 1 am as ready to be tried es > ou are to try nii.i At tbe end ot the hearing the j nig • asked him why be pointed tne pistol at L«e. Venn said: "Because be would not leave my bouse, and be cao thank God that b bas Dot got a broken head tols morning The court bold bun in $5611 bail fur cou ■ on the charge ot a s.ait with intent kill. Bester'« pine -, where tbe men were drinking, bad been open ail night. 1'. »«s refus« d a license at tne last term of the county court, and probably ti engaged in selling I qaor illegally G. of at y ge the he the oa Water dam tu I sal on in Seaaion. To* Water Comm.asluueit at their regu lar session last evening granted th petlthm ot Dmtel M- K-un- y f .r the ex tension of 170 t«et ot w.t r pipe ou Si Bt. from Freni- lia. It vest d<oided to lay 1730 feet of 18-meb pipe to to* Bast Lake Park and 4000 fs»t of 34 men m-du to run from 11th 8». to the Cool Bpriog R s»i voir. Tue Chief Engineer was directed to procure bid for the new pipe and award tbe con tract to ta* lowest bidder. Tb« halt ee bank waa r. p irted to b- $83 662.68 The weekly, moutnly and q r>i y pav-ro-lv omoiintiog reap, ctively to $439 64, $324.67 and $335 were paned. mort TScte t'c-i* Mois Del In any The members of the B bnaan L'br«r> Association are requested to meet their room on Ttmrsday morning, 38ih instant, at 8 o'clock, to attend • aneral of their la'e member. J-imee F. Gallon. M. J Malonbt. President We have » good oasoriment shape«, which we will clone oat greatly reduced price*. Mis* Stsiuickeo, 317 Market St. HOWARD SCHOOL CLOSING EXERCISES FOR THE YEAR 1888. Eif«II«n( Kin^inc hf (he ( ItlMrFii Moulded Map« bv Pup U of Sev er«! (fradet-lradruif of Visita tion. The cloving ei«rci«e* of the Howard public school N >. 16 colored, on Orange 8t , between 13th and 13th Bt., were held yeetrrday afternoon lu the class rooms Fresl lent B ilrd of the Board of Reloca tion was present; al-o 'he commltiee of the board for tha school, composed et M-ssrs Morgan, B.lley and Bennait, Superintendent of P-iblio Schools Harlan, Mr. Ksaeter. R-v. Be Jimin P. Moore of Shiloh Baptist Chu'oh, and a number of other persons, parents end friends of tbs (Cbolara The efficient young women who compose the corps of teacherr, deserve ranch credit tor the falthfal teach le g and training that has resulted in forming classes of each bright, neat children. The exercises con sisted of singing, reading and recitations, and the presentations of rewards of merit to tbs scholars who excelled In penman ship. The seats In earth class room were Ailed with bright, oid-rly, intelligent look ing onlored children They sang with a s.est and with peif-ot confidence; with the melodious and harmonious blending of voices that U eharact-ristic of their race Homa of the songs were accompanied with gestures, which the cbiidien enjoyed greatly. No Instrument e»as used The teacher "rslseel" the song by singing the Urst two or three words aud the children carried It through bravely. Tbe reading. and recitations were all very good Tbs o-rtlflcatis of reward tor Improvement in peumansh'p ese-e tffsred by James H Morgan, chairman of the committee for this school. Tbe exercises of the scholars of the 8<1 and 4th primary giais* were held in their class rooms They consisted of singing and tbe recitation of old maxims tike "a penny saved U a peony earned," "a piece for everything and i verytntog In its pi tee." Mr, B.lley addressed the children UurfD A. Ward received a reward for pucc'ual attendsncs tor the pest year Bpeclmms of penmanship on slue* «i»r> exhibited, showing a high d-gree of profl deucy f r soon *m 11 coil Iren Mi s Alice O Baldwin is tbe teacher. In the 5th and 6th grades there was more si- ging, Elals» Chase read a selec tion with remarkable expression andern phaeie, Mr. Bennett addressed the chesses and Hirry Hot kins »«d Maggie Dixon were given rewards for penmans' ip Mies Josephine J, fferson and Mias Luis Wil liams ore the teachers of toes-, gr ids* Toe scho'ars of the B"vsalh and eighth primary grades, chanted Longfellow's "Psalm oi Life " Bom» of the scholars ere old eooagh to sing the alto and tenor parts, and the siuglug wa. excellent. They rec ted sums mors maxim, and tbe Rev. Benjamin P. Moore made an address. Can is H. Chippey end George H. Mercer won tbe pr ess for pen oausbip. Miss Mery E Payer weather Is tha teacher. The ninth ai d tenth primary grades sang also. Beruh Ball recited "Tbs Bplnoing Wheel,"and Maggie Walker read "Guilty or not Guilty," with clear enunciation. She also sang a solo. Bsmael Flamer and Mary R Johnson received the rewards tor Improvement in penmanship. A unique ex hibition or was made by the scholars of these grades They were moulded out of clay on pieces of board and painted. Tbe risers were marked In the clay or painted and the mountains were represen'ed l-y small lumps The outlines wer* excellent. Maine was msd* by Wanslia Porter; North America by Junes Welch; New York by Gilbert M'Nitt; Minnesota by An.rew Smith; Mass-o invstts by B.mnei Flamer, ana Floridabi George Walker. Mr.Morgau addressed tbss* classes Tbe teacher Is Mbs Maggie N E las. On the w« I* of the rooms occupied by toe 1st. 3d, 3d 4tb. 5th and 6:h grnmmai grades and tbe High school grade ware t U' g -peclmens of toe penmanship of the coolars, which .bowel oou-1 lerable excel ence The exercises as In tha other grade. Consisted of .lityi ;g.«u 1 readings by Barab Clinun and Lilia» SpenoT Laura Vin cent, Annie L. J ff-r»oo, Betsy Sadie., I one Howard and Arabilla Scott, received I be rewards tor pi nroaiiehip Brief ad 'reason »'remade by Mr. Mo.gan, Mr. Baird, Mr. Hart n and Mr. Bailey. Uap were exhibited by the first, second, aud third grud a made of putty, on hoards South America by B Blackis tin and Barry Lome; Pennsylvania, nv R Week. ; A trie », by A. Smith; Dela ware. by W. Hinson, ertid North Americe, by E Black. Tne o her grades exhiruieo e >i maps of N >rth Am.-ii -a. by Ralph Spencer and Man. ice Spencer; South America, by William Flamer and issue Howard, and fri-'a, wlih genuine sand on ihe Sahara, by Harry Auder.un Mi Uary Dover is the teacher of ihe fit si , see ud and third grades, and Miss Eiwina ß. K a*, ihe p Inciptl of the school, ne si.ted by Mi-s Franc » E Lewis,teaches the fourth. Bub, sixth and Higu School grade.. Academy of Viallatlon. The closing ex-rcl.e* or the Academy of Visitation were held yxterd.y afternoon Thune »ho took p«rt in ih < Interesting pro gram were; Vilas-* Theresa Guthrie, Mamie Callahan, Agne* Curnley, Gelt Dde Byere, F ancre Q.llagber, Anna Gorman, Mi ni» O -nahoe, Agnes Curley, Ft mb* B roe. Poeoie Carlisle and Kate Ferren. A large number of pii* s for varions .ranch«« were presented. Those rect-lv mg prises were Misses Gabrielis Farce!!, Q-rtrude Byerr, Theresa Twthiil, Amelia Louergsn of Pollsdelpiiia: Mis*«* Minnie Omanoe and C-t arias McDowell of Batavia, N. Y ; Ml-* Kate Farrsn cf Bo* ton; Miss-s F ences Gallagher. Katie Dmsboe, "tool«Callahan, Mary McMahon, L -refo B Immer, Hay Moore. Theresa G itbri-, Kate Bradford, Annie Sheeb), Mirgarst Dunesn, Margaret Lynch, Madeline Gorman, Alice Mnnr*, Ag»e. D -nahoe C-cilia D jhahoe, Marion Clave«', Ida G.Uagh r, Florence Brennan. Pa-. he B rue, Anne* Cutl-y. Hattie 8'*rr*tr, Hlsoeh* R-arney, Eleanor Coasmerford, Minnl. D >u*hoe, an* Rate MoMaaon. ef H ilmingtoo; Miss Helen Wllmot of New Castle. _ _ - at Tbe best flonr in tbe city to called L. fit O., sold by Niohoto, Sth sad King. General New» o( tli» Rlotntii». The two mile race between the Yale and University of Penney lr «nia freebmen erewe was rowed yesterday orer tl# Thames coarse, off New London. It the m ist exciting freehm n race pulled there for yearn Yale wn by three lengths after a bard pull la 11 3'J. Pennsylvania's time was 11,41. Home of the graduating essays In female colleges hare been compared At Vas-ar the tone Is rather pees! n!s Is, and at Wel lesly hopeful and enthusiastic. The reason that this tone is so different is found out to be because at Vasasr there Is a great deal of plrkle satin ■ that gives a morbid sense to the culture the girls Imbibe. Mrs. Chlarl Cignaralt was sentenced yesterday by Recorder Binyth of New York to be hanged on Friday, August 17 The unfortunate woman bad 'o be carried into court to rerslra the sentence. Dsn Lyons was also sentenced by Recorder rtmjthe to be banged on the same day. This makes tbs third exrcntion for the same day—Qtblin, Clgnarall and Lyons. This bulletin was issued by General Bhatidan'« physician* last evening: "Gen erel BherUlan,» condition continuée eboni the lime si It baa bean for some Jays. It is proposed, anime an unfavorable cbarg» should occur, to removs him to his cottage at Nonqulet, Mass. It Is possible that be will leave Washington on Thursday next going by a vessel of the United States navy, which bai been tendered by the Secretary." Frank, a 13 year old eon of florist Lewis Hancock, now Ile« at bis home in Burling ton, N. J , In a precarious condition hover ing between life and death. It is the same old story The lad feeling slightly Indis posed, his mother thought a tet.pionfol of quinine solution would be In order. Instead she picked up the wrong bottle and gave him a teaspoonfal of K i"lor's soluti .n of arsenic, the dose of which for that age Is two to three drops. in 8<1 "a for Rev. Miss sang The Cherokee Legislature met In exk-a session at TahUquah on Monday, the meet Ing being oalled to consider Ihn lease of the Cherokee strip, a body of Itnd embrso'ng •lx million acres, which In 88* was leased to a cattle company for $100,000 yearly. The land «ill probably be Irused for a term of years for $150,000, s-veral par le* being anxious to secure It. Tbe Imtli u C< uuoll at F rr Gibson, Cherokee Nation, adj 'Orned on Monday. It was the most Important gathering of Indians in many years Th> resolution which was token up Thursday last relative to tha unlflcat'on of all tbe civilis >d nations was fudy c msidered for four days and unanimously adopted. Mrs. Poltoro, tbe mother of President Cleveland's wife, arrived at New York on ihe R<d B>ar stesm-bip Weeternltnd from Antwerp last evening. Surveyor Beattie, Deputy Colbctor Peters and Bup.rln tendent Whalen, of the barge force, went down the bay on the revenue cotter Grant and met the vaael at quarantine. Mrs Folsom and her bsgg-ge were taken aboard th* cutter and ennv-yd to the foot of W. 83d Bt. From the pier Mrs. Folsom was conveyed to tbe Vlot irfa Hotel In a closed carriage. Her daughter, Mrt. Cleveland, arrived in the city on the 915 p n. train from Washington and met her mother the hotel. Mrs. Folsom appeared to be excellent health. She hod a pleasant time la Parla. Mrs. Cleveland and M-*. Folsom , went to Washington this morning. Lightning Lifts a Man and newer. The West Chester (Pe.l Local Ne»e says: At Berwyn the lightning of Saturday afternoon seemed to hav* concentrated it* force upon the lawn ot William Wayne,Jr It Brat struck and «battered a tree «boot 54 feet from the boose, then dug n furrow on tbs pebble drive, scattering tbe screen logs over tbe grass and timing np large rooks underneath, which weis isld for a foundation to the drive, nnd it then struck the ground at tbs wa'erspoot at tbe edge of the poicb cocher*, turning up fresh earth end scattering thing« generally. John Higgins, tbe care taker, was on the lawn »iih th* mower and was lifted bodily (together with tbs lawn mower) two feet in tbe air and drtpprd down again. He was s -eeohless tor a moment, bat doe* not fee) any evil effects from the unusual no currence. dr fore J ii afire IHiiisibs*. Jns'loe Monaghan last evening fined Mira Laura Mon II,teacher of ihe secondary department of the New p .rt public school »10 and costs for e-vereiy whipping Th' mas Dougherty, a small boy who at tended her school A lew red marks the boy'* back were «.ff-red in testimony. Georg« T. Brown, E q, acted for the 8 P. C. C , whose agent, Frank Btout, bal road« the arrest, while W. T, Lrtia'n, E-q , act-d for the def -no The commissi mete of tlu> di-lilot pr p e to »e« thst Miss Mon ll is sustained They tsy that she is a good teacher and do ti t bslk've that she wbippdl tbe b y, who Is e. «ad ore, as hard as ba, iwn alleged boy. tb»y say, went through a rough and nimbi« fight r. day prevl >ns rothe whlppi g by his teacher. In winch be liierally - Ipe 1 op the floor «lb hie contestant, tearing the clothe* i ff his bsek. The com missioners think It y-r r prob« bl* that be got bis marks in that fight At any rate Miss Morrell will be retained and the will be instructed to maintain order at any cast. Late Trip to Phllsdelnlila. After next Bandar eo extra end late trip will be made by tbe ete-rnsrs City of Cheater end Brandywine, between Pbile delpbls end W Umleg un 1 h« Cheater will leave Philadelphie ei 6 45 p ro., end the Brandy wine will Lave (A limlugton at the same tim*. This makes five t'lpa« day each way end an opporiU'illt of ap«i ding I mg day In Phil «deipois, aud returning th« cjolot tha evening. -ui ni of of he ef In admioiateriog medicine, success is measured by the quality of same and the degree of c-tre with which has been prep tred Only the most carefully prepared pharmaceutical préparai ions are used in compounding physicians prescription* at Beit'*, Cor. 6th and Market Sts The Pleasant Valley Wine Com pany'* champagne is undoubtedly nest American win«- in this market. P. Pluuk r.t (t Co., 108 and 110 Market SL Clothing at astonishing low price* at the Boetca One-Price Clothing House. L. RiCKiELOU BOAT CLUB. They Took Out the Biggest Crowd for tlie Sfsson. The largest moonlight excursion of the season was taken out last night by the Bachelor Boat Club, on the steamer City of Chester. The crowd was very orderly and the evening passed most pl-a.anily. The boat left the wharf and atesmsd down tha river In the twilight. It became dark before the moon sociable crowd that o mid have been brought together. The hurricane deck the favorite of the excursionists, and fold ing chairs were In demand. ' It was a noticeable f.ot that many of the bachelors took their w .ves along, tha twilight had faded into darkness tha rots. It was the moat Whea happy crowd 0 )rj -otured on th* many ''light* along tha shore '' A short distance down the rlysr tbs tug Taurus, with a private party oa board, was pamed. tag taluiad with a gorgeous display of fireworks, amid the admiring ebssrs of tka party on tha larger boat. Tbe steamer went below Fort Delaware almost to the Rsedy Island rangs lights. Tbe hour wae 10. Suddenly a cheer broke from many Ibroets, snd looking toward* the Jensy shore the golden moon was eeea to rise. It cams ap q ilckly and toon Mied Its refulgent rays in a silvery path on th* water. The scene wae worthy of a painter; many of tbe excursion party became moon struck. About the tlm< Ihe moon had started to show Us prlciue beauty lb* City of Chester turned and steamed np tha river. In tbe wake of the et. amer the raya of the moon ou tbe whit* ceps from the propeller made a handsome disp'av of the rustic scenery of tbe river. Th* wind blew strong snd shawls of stylish shades were In use. a Ou the homeward trip the Tauras was passed, with another display of flraworks. The force of tbe wind w.s shown by the feet that a large number ef young men tryed to keep ibelr sweetbeaits from blowing overhead. N I drown accidente bave yet been re ported. Two young men wer» sitting on the hurricane deck. One knew a little ,n * about stars the other knew nothing Tbs knowing one asked the other to point out ihe nortb star. Tbe other gravely sur veyed tbs heavens and flndiug a bright *tnr pointed it uut as tbe Id ntioal star which bad guided so many sailors to tbelr desired bavent. The star spok n of bolds a atrong position In the southern heavens. When the river was reached ■ be "City of Worcester" woe passed. It was being towed by two tags and was radiant with light.The excursionists reached iheir wharf shortly after 13 o'clock. — » Weather. Delaware end Maryland, I p m ; Slight ly warmer, feir «eathur, fresh westerly to snath westerly winds. Tbe New Yo k Herat 1 weather forecasts: The cool surge from tbe lake region will probably continue tots felt < ver ihi- section today, followed by a slow rise of tempera ture. Temperature fell la the United States yesterday. The chief minima re ported were 44 degree* atMaiquette.Mloh.; 50 et Milweukee, Alpone, end E iitport, end 54 at Chicago The chief maxima were 86 et Lyoobharg end Philadelphia, W at Norfolk and 03 at Augusta, Qa. In tbe Middle 8'ete* iHghlly cooler, partly cloudy to fair weather and fresh westerly to northwesterly winds will prevail, pre ceded by showers on the New England coasts, and followed by a Might rite of température in this section. On Thursday in this section sligbly warmer, fair weather will probably prevail, with fresh westerly to southerly winds, followed by local rains In tbe western part ot the former; and on Friday warmer, fair to partly cloudy weather, followed by local raia* in thin section. Baynard's thermometer; 7 a. m.74, ; $ a. m., 83; 11 a. m., 84; 1 p. m., 84%. a Diamond Mete Loan Association. To tbe Editor of Etkbinu Jscbiul. Oa my return home after a few day'* ai srnce I And In one or more of our daily papers a ret- rence to ray cfflcisl relation* wlih the Dl.m .nd State Loan As-oclstlon to the effect that the lest anuual rtport placed tbe assets st a certain sum, while examination e t e. g got be of will the the day a in made by an ex an p«rt, recently employed, piece* tbe amount very much Iras. The cause of such dtscrrpsaoy not being understood by tbe public end I, by implication, being ma te responsible for th* annual report—lays me op n to the charge of falsifying or ot inexcu stile negligence. 1 wish to state by way of txplaoslion that auditors, as a roi», were not ap pointed by the association, or it so, t-»y declined to r quired to make up tbe annual reports from the valu«* as appprov«d by th* directors, which was to count alt securities at their face win« and »11 real estate either at tbe amount invested In it or at a value fixed by a committee appointed by the board t* assess such values, and further tbe booktaud accounts were always open to inspection and nothing was con cealed nor so attempted act; and I was OxonoR C. Maw«, Wilmington, June 37 1888. DIM Not milk Hie t ows. Mrs. Harriet Dempsey, at 1701 Jackson Bt , was before Justice Bmlth yes terday afternoon on a charge of cruelty to animals, preferred by tbx 8. F. C A. torougb it* agent, Frank Bt- at Mrs Helen Harriett, residing at 917 BitI len« Ave., owns three cows They straved into tbe defendant'* yard, «ni *b* locked them np faraday. The cruelty oonaia'ed la leav ing tbe cows unmdked fra d«y, a«<l the owner complained to 8p-olal Officer Burnt. The evldrnoe against toe defen >ant was conclusive end tbe justice fl ed her $5 and costa She was ordered by Officer Btout immediately to let tbe coos out, but she refused >o rel-MS* tha o iws unir*, she re ceived $3 a pico« tor keeping them it most Cor. Health Guardians. At th* regalar weekly meeting of Ihe Board ot Health held l**t evening, th* monthly bille were parsed Th* garbage committee reported that lb* c intmc'ore were performing th-lr work eoU.Notoriiy. A numb-r of complainte were received aad acted upon. the Parker A Stanley, harm**, trunks, trav ailing bogs and all kind* of bone vqulg meocs Enterprise Harneee Works, 8. W. . Cor, 3d aad Orange Sts'