Newspaper Page Text
n\ ❖ fié / / ■s? / /^v WILMINGTON, DEL., FkIDAY, JUNE 29, 1888. ONE CENT. NO. 85. iNO. 206 MARKET S C., ABOTR SECOND. Hot f COMFORT. For Ladles, 51 Is sc » and Children : Fine Black Canvas Button Shoes, for sea shore or country. Kid Opera Ties, ail grade« and prices. Kid Opera Slipnera, all grades and prices Kid Newport, Miranda and Sailor Ties. For 5ÏCH ; Embroidered and Goat Slipper», all grades and ptlc ». Fine Calf Prince Alberts, band-made. Fine Kangaroo Oxford tlee, hand-made. Lasting Congres« Gahera. IjiAtv g Low-cut Prince Alberta, Tennis and Base Ball Shoes. StSr-For OaalltT our prices , ., , ' r alWHVS tbe Lowest. Headquarters for Base Ball ClanAfl ön ^ eS * _ , Special rates to clubs« For Bts nod Utile Boys Bt 1 « B all sa l Tenais Sboea Fin« Hmbretdered and Oeat Slippers. The Family Shoe Hcuso, NO. 206 MARKET ST., Above Second. WHIM H. BÂBOOGK. EXCURSIONS. 1LM1NGI08 ANT. N* H 1 HE BN RAIL ROAD will issue etc u»« n tickets Juiy S and 5 inclusive, goo fo-r-tern on July 6, to •U peints on Wilmington and Northern road. AV GOU LEY'S QRA.ND SIG HT-SEEIN Ö EXCURSION TO WASHINGTON, «rer the B. und O. R. R. ▼!* Canton, Ba'Mmore, th«*n on steamer Columbia to Bay Hiclge, from Bay HiJge on cars to ANNAPOLIS AND WASHINGTON. ON THURSDAY, JULY 12. 1888. It will b© more ooa?ente r t for those Urine «ear the Delaware avenue station to jet on the llret or tdc^nd section rpom Phiiadel• *hla. Fir fc «ectl n will lea^*" Ar. -nue Station at 7 a second section 7 10 a. m.; third section will leave the B. & O Htatio.i foot of Market s'reet at 7 a m. s f opp r*K at 'Ki meml, 7.20; Newark, 7.12; Singerly 7.44 Returning leave Wa»hlnc ton at 6.80, cire, t w ithout change of cars for Wiliu ajiton, arrivir g Vera at 9 4\ Partie* stepping i ff at B »? R dare and AnnapoliÄ can •with taelr ticirets tco the day from Bay Rid^et Acnap iKorthofle stopping at Anna polis can g » fco Bay Rld<e. all eicarsiom ts at Annsp ills an*l Bav Ri ige to b** In »■etdiu* s * to leave B iy Ridge a 6 p m direct f or Wilmmg «ou. Whole tic. e;«, f : tJ; children from 6 to 12 the years, _ GOULEY'S (BRAND EXCURSION TO THE DELIGHTFUL RESORT, TOLCHESTER, ON THURSDAY, JULY 19, to leave the B. & O. station, Wilmington, foot Marset 8t„ first sect on to leave at 6 SO a m. tha second section to leave at 6 45, Klnmensi 7.05, Newark at 719a. m., gingerly, Î.Ï1 for CANTON, BALTIMORE. From there «n steamer Louise, arrivb g at To'ohester at 10 45. r« n ni 1?, leave T iV-heoter ot 5 p tn . a riving r Wilmington at 8 45. K«- n*4 tr ptlcvet. $1 10 ; Child-»" from 0 'O 12 - ears. half price Tho second L.p ist Sabbatn school will nc Compah? rhe exeui siou. * çafai; hay THS WILMINGTON * NORTHERN B. R. ▼IA AN» STEAMER J SEfUBLIC. On and after June 23 trains will leave F0f>T OF FRENCH STREET . dal'y to connect with steamer at At 8 45 a. Deinen e River Pier. Returning, The .rain will leave the pier on arrivai of steamer $1 00 FAKE FOR THE ROUND TRIP. IfiOS&S GK1LELL, DEALER IN Furniture, Ca pets, Ma tings, Baby Carriages, Ref igeraterk, lea Chests, etc. S. C. Cor 2d and Orange, WILMINGTON, DEL. Open Tneeday and Saturday evenings until •A0 o'clock. Cash, weeklv or monthly payments. C OME AND SEE Ne bett-i beets and Shoes at the pricer we are selDa^, can be f ou ad in the city «ustom wore and repairing gi T. Hi. TES TUY-OU. Ou» ve satisfaction 834 E. ilhSl. HELP WANTE D. ANTED - AN EVEhuiu M tN TO can. ass at d collect. Apply <01 Market w ■ DRESSMAKING._ D RE^SM'KIMJ in ALL IT 8 BRANCHES at 8Ü9 W. 7th at. Cutting done by draught; fit guaranteed, board and rooms 0093 roH KENT FOR LODGING AT 1411 M arket Sr. apply L1 9 Sh pl y at._ WA TED, ANSWER STATING f ddrew G. L.. this office. K B° VRD terms. LOST. L ost mislaid -policy no st kti, Ifwued by he Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company on th • life of la«» B. Pr»**tou n h * tlud«r will please return It to tte imd-r sada for »he is signed. Application haa be-, suing of a duplicate. Big ed _ K WILLIAM B. PKF9TON. L O*T OU M11LUÜ -POLICY NO. 3)411, tan«! by the PrU'z Mutual Llf* tnwi anco ]C mpanv n the life c.f Bamuel MoO. McPbereon. j The finder will pleaao return It o ihe u»d«r ) fii/ne i. Appiioitfon baj been made for the | i-^of •' 1 up^' EbMc0 ^ ra30N . NOTICES. N OTFT, -UN DEK a N D I U K- r \ NT TO -1111!: Act of ibi-G nerel Assembly of theS'R'O'.f Delaware, entitled "An act «y notre Ing private coroo allons,'' passed at Do-er. March H-h. IHHt, not c« is hereby given that an app'ication will be made to the Honorable Ignatius O. Grubb, associate Judgeof the SuperiorOourt oi the State of Delaware, refliifne in Newcastle county, 3 turday the seventh day of July 18S8, at ttnoclcck In the morning, at the county court bons- In the City of Wi.rolngtop, for the incorporation of a company to be cal ed. "The Law and Orcer Socl-ty ( f tVLmingion, D-'a ware." th-purpose of which are charitable and religl ue. WILLIAM 8. PHP KF.TT, Attorney for Inoorpora'ors. OTICE.-IN CONF titMd lY WITH THS i ri »visiere of the Act of the G-neral As sembly of tbe State of D-»aw»re pa^ed at Dov r March 14, a.D, 1883, notice I-hereby given '.hat an application will be made to the Honorable Ignatius C. Grubb, a«», oiat« ju gc of the Superior Com t of the Stale of D- 1» w are, rtsimgm NcwCssti« ccunly, on Saturday, June 30, 18s&. at 10 o'clock ». ro„ at *he county Court H.>u<., In the city of Wilmln/t m for the gSSRKSwf%SS3BSf"TS objMk of which are charitaWe aorf b-reflclal purpose*. JOHN DIGOS, _ Attorney for proposed ipcoryora to a. r%, OT CE— TEACHXRS EXAMINATION— Tûere wll* bean examination of teac«»*ra Ident s in Mid A for se ■ nd ni Uii d g - 'e June 28; in Newark on June 29, end i orington (iu school building No. 1, on Fr-nch St ear 6tb.) oh June 30. HF.HM » N BUSILY, Superintendent. dletown iu CITY ORDINANCES. OTICE. FOURiH OF JULY PROCLAMATION. Notice ta hereby g ven that the following • ro vLl n of a city oriduancu in rrlatiur to d s charg rg .-un-, ptotok. cannon, fire c-ackers or rks within the city limits will be fir st. Ictly enforced: CITY ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE FIB I8G OF CANNON, OüNP, IISTOL3. FIRE CRACKERS OR OTHER FIREWORKS WITHIN THE LIMITS OF TIGS CITY. Be if ordained bp The Council of Wilmington: SEcnos If an/poison sba'I at an? tim hercaftoi w ithin ton imlls ot Uns city fire off ~ «^TbsSr'cSTMft oïÏÏSÆS Qr f „ny 11.-r-on. except In regular cours* of Honii- hi f »1 burin."*», i.-vd'* or profoesion ehail make ft fl re or any flro la any of tbe p .id e stro- 1-, lanes o. alleys of this city or in any other pin e ii tho open air wohin sa d c ty within 5e yar 's ot any street lane crailey, 'nch po son so - ffend'.n? shad for every -*''■:li offence forf baud pay e fine of n t le.« hau $1 nor KO-e tha.i $10 provided howeve- that public di*pl.yv of fire-works may be held end tive In tne publ.c pa-kof ihe cl y. slui-te re twetm S ve (h and Eighth »nd F-a kit i aid Broome st ee -, on ihe we teiiy side of ihe ci y, and In such place o ■ place« ou tile o «terlv aid. of the ou y a« the City Council ha I at any time or lime, h re- her by ra-jorily vite diriCt. Sidpubli,- display ot firenorks «hall »t all time» wli-res«ever ihey may be held be under the control > fa special colon l.t»'" uf Council to be aopoi-ted fto-r timetn time for that » pacific purpose Section 3. Ail ordinance« or par's of ordl relation M th« fl-ieg of cannon, guns, fl «works of n«»nc s ptoto'«, ftr© cr often», or t*ny of* -nv kl 'd vf thin th« city I ralU h**«tofore or d In d a >d p 4»«««d by tha CLy Coarcii of thi« city «.re r«p* aled. Pasvfd at th-ciiy ball. Wilmington,Doiaw&re, September. 7th, A.D. 3H82 C. B RHOADS, Mayor. THK I.ATFSr.—Dennison* Peach, 102 Hast Slit KI., defy you to bent It. A Set. »egar for $1.25 per hundred; you will never duplicate It. ITIore honey at 10 cte. a lit The floret tees and c-otrees a specialty; mixed Ira at 60 os. bears Hi« world tor flue flavor; fora delicious dn k of coffee K nr new to 102 and 104 Hast Stb DENNISON & PEil'M . Nt FINE GOLD AND HlLYtK ■W atclies A. E. WILLIAMfriON, 105 W. EIGHTH 3TREET. '«iisoa Stmt Wall Pap r stor I L. W. ELIjIüü, Ko. 413 Madison Street, I» prepared to do PAPER HANGING at short notice end at reasonable prices. "Prices aa T ow aa Ihe l.nwwt. .lolin A. I'arker, Real Esîo, m EianSoîient Agency. Orders received for Wood aod Coal. OFFICE, SC3 WALNUT STREET $4,000 to loan in Small amounts on good mort gages. _ HAYTEK'S PHOE REPAIRING LIST. Gent'», soled and heeled. La ie»' eo:.d and heeled ... Children's, sol d and h«clad G M B jOTB REPAIRED .Wet« .#' els . tocts Woks vt bip* You Wait. V. iirnineton, Del 223 King St„ Taggart & tiro , Manufacturers of FINE CARRIAGES. 811 WALNUT 8THFKT. Repairing Wsgoii» ana Carrlagts a 3 eclaity. JO.-VfbPH H. V- t OD, Successor to B. F» itsch. Manufacturer of all hinds of Hand-cut Files and rta<=ps. All kin g ot Grinding end J jbbltig done. NO. 838 KING STREET. FLY («iCHEKNrt For Doors âud Windows made and put up in soy style. Bcp*iri«g done. Wir© work of »cy kind ruaue to order, at *V. B. AUInou's Wire Works, KO. 41W SHIPLEY STREET. CITÏ COUNCIL. The Reform Ordinance of Mr. fiksrkcy Gats Over. The regular meeting of City Council wss held last evening, with President Farra in the chair. The Public Buildings Committee's report, that It was not necfssnry to pince a copine aronnd the city lot In the Wilmington and Brandywine cemetery, and reo^mmeadiog the erection of four marble posts, wee adopted Mr. Forrest from the Law Committee re ported nothing coctrary to the city charter in the ordinance repealing the ordinance iv* relation to the Mayor appointing »pecia» ■ ffleere, end that the ordinance regulating he meetings of Council and committee meet ii(s wjs imperfect fjr want ef enact ing clause Both reports were adopted. Mr. Sharkey endeavored ti have the in relation to committee meet ings referred to the city solicitor, claiming that it was only lacking three words Thl« opposed by Mesara Qilpn and Baugh the ground that the adoption of tha committee report had disposed of It. Finally the motion of Mr. Beale was .«sued, referring It Under tbe herd of new business't subse quently was Introduced, read a flrst and second times and ref sired to lue Law PU to Mr. Bharkev Committee. Tho Band Committee's report thst cer tala bills be returns 1 to tbe Btrsrt and Sewer Commission, was adopted. Sawdon from the Police Conmitiee re ported adversely and th« report adopted, on tbe claim of Elward Bodle. Eighth Street Park pdiceraaa, for lid GO for clothing. Mr Sharkey from th« Com mlttro on Navigation, reported favorably the name of Alexander Kelley as a Mr. wa upon member of tue Board of Port Wardens Tbe report of the eommitte» was adopted, and Mr. Kelley elected as a member of the board by Council. The report of kbc city trsasmer showed a balance In bank of $11391.83. divided as follows; Current expenses, $7 869 63; sand lot, $3,108 87, and for park purposes, $427 04 Doting tbe week there were received $850 50 from E P. Moody and $6 .0 frem Martin J. Mealey. Mr Whits presented a oomminicatlon from E J. Maguire, inspector of the 1st district of tbe Il^b ward, aekin; to bs paid for aa extra day's service. Referred to the department of elecliuna. Tbe resolution of Azro Lofman. special policeman on the Brandy wine, wes referred to the Law nod Finance Committees, It stated that as tbe law allowed policemen $50 a year for clothes, and he bad only receive $25, that ho was entitled to $25 more. Mr. McMenanlm moved that Council go into an election of th- flrst assistant engi neer of the Are department. Or. Mr. Norton's motion the matter was laid ever for one ws k. It is claimed that t-'cuncT has no right to fill the vacancy. The charter provides that Council has the power to HU vacancies in ofHtss elected bv the p*opls and by themselves, bat as this Is a special election by firemen, it has not power Toe city so'Htor will give his Oi lolon next week. Adj rarned. During the evening the following order* were direct««! tob« drawn: Miceilan«ous pay roil, $1,C98 83; police pay roll, $3,111.681 interest due to sundry bondholders on July 1, $10,500.27; Journal Printing Co., $38 30; Frist & Davis, $1.75; Freie Presse. $21; Southern Electric Co., $72.84; W. J. Leonard, $3 which left Tbe al for TOUPEDO AND A IKOUfiK. Flsei for Faat »riving, Altkaagb He Could N«t Help 1*. ty Lett* r to Etekino Jocbhal. Dovkb, Del., June 28 —A case of peculiar interest was heard before Alderman Jester last evening. A yonng man employed by Frank Moncor, harness manufaeturer, was driving one ot Mr. Monear's horses, a spirited animal, on Lnoakerman 8t., when the animal became frightened by the ex plosion of a large torpedo propelled by e The horse, despite the efferts of his driver, ran down L ockerman 8t, and to add to his terror, just as h* reached Governor's Ave., a second torpedo ex ploded on the sidewalk. The driver on information was arrested for fast driving, and on bearing tost mony Alderman Jester no option be was fined $10 and costs, amounting to $13 30. derman said that in his opinion the law was decidedly severe, as It left him no option In Mr. E. T Graham, a livery smell boy. the premises, stable keeper and thorough hor-eman, says ba will swear to the facts os given above, and it is thought that Mr. Monour will to day enter suit against the town demag. s. Court of Errors aod Appeals adjourned yesterday afternoon. nitla' Wagon Works Bney. James Mills the wagon manufacturer of East 4ih St. is quite bu.y at present. He has just finished a coal wsgoa fur the Harlem coal pockets at 119 h »t. and East river, New York, and has two more to build (or the sam» firm. Other ordtrs make a total SIX wagons under way (or New York firms Three heavy coal wagons, with a capacity of 7900 lbs, are being built for a coal dsaler in Boston. Mr, Mills has shipped wagons te New Orleans, Chicago. Baltimore, Hart ford and other cities The superiority of these wagons consists in certain improve ments, on which Mr Mills has patents, and which are ot such utility that ba has no trouble in placing hla orders all over the country. llarriugton'a Force Nlayor-Elccl The newly-appointed policemen bonded this morning and were immediately m-as ured by Councilman Quinn for thefr suits. All of the men announced yesterday suc ceeded in na.8ing the physical ex imination exc pt George W ingate of the appointees, it is alleged, is not a voter in tne ci.v. Hoott was formerly em ployed on the Front and Union street car tins. He will make a good oflloor. James Bcott. one There is no use talking, the Boston House is the cheapest place in the state to buy clothing. Parker & Stanley, harnea«, trunks, trav elling bags and all kinds of hi rse tquip Enterprise H»rn«s» Works, Ö. tV meats Cor. 2d and Orange St»' The best flour in tbe city is called L, & (i», »old by Nichok, (kb and King. Cieucral Neiyi of Use .Horning. Fred May. the young man about town j and athlete, of New York, la still confined ! to his bed from the effects of the olnbblcg he received at the hands of « policeman. It I is said that erysipelas has set in. The till rial canvass of the vote of Oregon on the Congressional election resulted as follows; Herman (R«p ), 32.83d; John U. Gearing (Dem ), 25,413; Georg« M. Miller (Pro,), 2,974. Hermann's plurality, 7,470. The Pennsylvania, Lackawanna and Read leg Railroad Companies bare entered Into an agreement to advance coal rates on July 1, and again on July 15. The ad vance will be 25 cents a ton, and the second advance from 15 to 35 cents a toa. A scoff.Idlng on the nearly completed ten story tulldb g of the New York Life Insurance Company, Kansas City. **«v. gave way about noon yesterday, and pre cipitated three bricklayers to the sidewalk o iieatb. Gas Clifford ..nd William 1'nm lia were killed outright, and Dick Thun lived but 15 minutes. Gen. Adam Bidean's suit egaiost Mrs Julia D. Grant, the widow of Gen U B. Grant, to recover about $10.000, alleged to be du» as compensation for services ren lered Gen Grant In the preparation of hi memoirs, was called in Supreme Cour' p. oial term at New Yerk yesterday. I was stated that the trial would take we- k, and it was accordingly adj lurned t > October. The new Training School for Male Nurses, built at a cost of $ 00 000, on the grounds of Bellevue Hnapi:al at NewYork. was formally turned ov r to ths city yre terdey by the donor, D. O. Mills. Chaun cey M. Depew made me aooress of ioe oc casion and read the letter o' pres-nfetior from Mr. Mills Mayor Hewitt sroeptsc the gift in behalf of the city, end thanked Mr. Mills, whom he eulogised in glowing term , The Icc.l committee, have about ccm p.eted arrangement, for the h mngerf e.tcf tbe Eastern Singing Confederation, which will commence In Baltimore to morrow and emtiane until Wednesday nex and the Fest premises to he a most gratifying succès,. At least 8,000 siegers are expected to attend and they will represent 07 .oele M w H^ZJnn' Vaterbnrv Conn phto Washing on. W.terbury, Conn,. Reading, 1. tteburg, N warb, Biffa b Syracuse, Altoona, Lancaster Rochester. Briîscpporf, Jersey City, Trenton. ford, Richmond and other eastern Okies. ' After the most exciting local cp ion fight ever known In Missouri, the Prohi bittoulste t f Independence, the oldest town in Missouri, won a great victory on Wed nesday. carrying the elects m by over 809 majority, and ending the sale of liquor for four years. Women were every»hire at the poll», at tbe lunch s'and-« and on street corners, wearlag sl'k badges and with '*dr>" ballot« in th®ir banda. Ciirla stood at the polls, and at every voting place was a banner on which was Inscribed: "Tern poranes beaus or no beaus at all" Free Mrs. Kate Crawford, a young mother, whose home wan with her husband, en hon est truck mar, at 85 McDougal Bt , New York, lie* dying in 8t. Vincent Hospital from terrible Injuries received by a fell from a third story before daybreak yest-r day morning. Her story is brief hot sad. Twelve years ego the couple wer» married. Tbeyonngwie was only 17 Four chil dren were born to them. Two of them dbd of diphtheria. The oldest, a girl of II, and the youngest, a baby at the breast, remained. In her grief she took to drink Ing. Last week ths had a fit of delirium tremens. She recovered and promised her husband to drink no more, but the promise was no sooner made than broken. Wednes day night brought on a fresh attack of de Hrinm, in which she leaped from a window and mortally Injured herself. Charles Deckler, a farmer of Busen Vista, III., sent his children from the hou-e Wednesday and then or«pt np behind bis wife and shot her through the brain. Deekler then went Into the eittlng-room and sent a bullet through his heart. Throwing the revolver away he drew a razor and cut bis throat so de»p"rate)y that his head was almost severed from bis body. Tbe shots were beard by Dockler'a little dangnter. who had been sent to the well. She hastened to the house audMo I log in the bed-room window saw the dead body of her mother on tbe floor. 8he hurried to a neighbor, who at one# went to the bouse and found Deekler on bis knees tearing at his throat and gasping (or breath. Ass it ance was sent (or, and when it arrived Deckler was stretched out In a pool of blood dead The murderer and suicide leaves a family of nine children, all highly respected. The cause of the tragedy is an on known. F. T. Lantrv,a guest at the Astor House, New York, was found dead In his ro m yes erday morning. He bad out bis throat with a razor. Letters found on a table In the room show that tbe men killed himself with great deliberation. On a slip of paper found in the room was a record of tbe ef feci of the m rrpaiae upon him According to this, be »wallowed enough of tbe drag in tbe form of pil e to kill three horses. Lan try was a school teacher and lecturer He was formerly principal of the Union School at Manlius, New Yon. He left there to a position as lecturer under the State Board ot Eluoatiou. His busi ness was to visit tbe various teachers' arso ciatloos turoughout tbe state and deliver lecture*. ing tbe Union school end bad some trouble with bis wit on account ot bis habits. Sbt separated from him and tried to procure a divorce. Uls salary was $3,009 a year from the State Board of Education. Be fell to drinking before leav \tlna a Medal. Charles Yetter was presented with a gold medal by tbe taMgerbuud (or selling the most tickets for tbe Cape May excur sion. Tim with the owner'» name engraved on lt3 Hanging from tbe scroll is a wreath in which is a lyre with a scroll underneath, having the words "Delaware 6seog<-rbuud" on it Tne badge was made by Smyth and Fell of this city. medal consists of a scroll The Pleasant Valley Wine Com pany's champagne is undoubtedly the beet American wine in this market. P. Plunkett & Co., 108 and UO Market st. Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, White and Shadod Tips, etc , in great variety. Miss L. SUlnlcken, 317 Market St, REPUBLICAN LEAGUE TWENTY -ONE CLUBS FORM THE ORGANIZATION. An Kantest Heating Iterates a Half Itay to llnelneet—Or. Hareitall of Milford IG.eied President. The'convenUon of the Rjpublloan clubs of Delawars, held at the hendqu.rtere of the Y M. R C. in tkls city, continued I t 'easiness yrsterday afternoon by deals eating tbe following delegates as number« of the several commutes; Oa Credentials— W. H Hayes andC. F rbumas, Wilmington; George B. Mouey. Delaware City; Francis M. Walker, Ml'! 'reek; George W Marshall and Washing 'on Redden, of Mi ford; I) W Cumpbel 1 , Halhy ville Julia« Green, Georgetown. Ou Rieilolione—B. A. Maoalllster. Esq. ri. M. Curtis, Esq , Francis H Walaer, George B Money, Kev. J 8. Willis, Wash oigton Redden, McKindree Dywnbam and J R. 8 tec le. Oa Constitution—P. 8. Anderson, Me Pherson Johnson, Jo<eph H Chambers George B. Money, J. 8. Willis, Washing con R«dden, Julius Greene and J. J Plunkett. After a brief recess the committees re ported. There wore no contesta made before ths committee on credentials, and they reported the folio » Log clubs and dele gates as reprssented in the meeting: Walter H, Hayes, Esq, f m tbe com mittee on credentials, appeared on the floor of the convention and announced the re port of his committee. The membership as reported by this committee was bb follows: New C««tl« County: Mermaid Republi can Club—Francis H. Welker, L H. Ball. Joseph H. Chambers, W. U. Penncck, Jl warecfty Republic» Clnb-Qeorge u w . A . Pricp , Oaorge W Rey w „ a , rk william C Hick «y. Republican (Tub, UittorJ-Tbe , 8 wil'f., Dr Q w MBr , bal . D j p 8bowar j w H , Harris.' L ^ R b)(oM ciub-Wartl»«** R , d(JeD| La, ton. John W. Truitt* «' rk Ch » rl "' Shockley, Crdar ' Crert Republican „ m r,_.T J. PIunkett F c W,«swell, « D.C.Hrga Marshall H Prettvmen, D H Lank. _ ... ... * . . . r Cr " k "" P " b ,m " Clu>> ' ™'°. ned ~ F. U Ferrett, Robert Y onng, R ibine on Shockley, Havalow Pettyjohn, Madison 8boc fc(*y. Georgetown Y M. R. CIub-McKendree n )Wnhsm j B aaon. Julius Green, Dr c R L »ytnn, Caleb L e p reiD tford Republican Club-J. R. HtPe | ei a c l 0 „ Ki l g Murray, D. Ü. Wap | 9g _ p p Turpin, HelbyviUe Republican Clnb-D. W Q^njpbell. Wilmington: Central Rspnblioan League w R. Berry, John Dillabay, D A Jack #0Bj Johu W m i(vnMi w. M. Winston, ljru( . e Association—Asbury Sterling. Samuel J. Tilghman, James T Bell, H. D p 0 ,tles, W. J. Anderson. Sixth Ward League—Simeon Hood, Charles Loud, 8. y Loper, J. W Tilghman, J. W. Davis, Ntoth ward Republican Clob-Thtodore Anderson, Robert Hutchins, W. H. Fur rnUK he, William Briggs, N. P. Laws Eighth Wald Republican Club—8eth H. Feaster, John W. Stmisoo, Frank R. Par rni jf, Frank Tibbett, James F. Campbell. Fifth Ward Republican Club _J. Walter Woodrow, W. H. Pierson, J. p. Pierce, A. J. McVey, James 8. Moore. Seventh Ward Club—Washington Hartings, Draper A. Dewees, Frank A. Mitchell, James Dauby. Charles M Curtis, Eighth Ward Republican League—George tl, Adams, George Coursey, P-rcy Coursey, 0. A Jackson. Lawrence Fisher. Ninth Ward Republican Clnb—Jam s L.Hawkins, James Lynn, Lewis Woodoox, A. B Mc Pherson Johnson Twelfth Ward Repub lican Club— A. G Anderson,T. 8. Anderson, J. H. Woodlin, L. H Collins, Thomas Bird Republican Pro.ectlon i lu"— John O. Baker, H B. Duncan, JamesCargill.Ueorge H McCall Tippecanoe Club—Walter H. Hayes, Edward L Hay nee, H H Ward, Edward R. Johnson. Young Men's Repub lican Club—8 A. Maoalister, E<q , H. C. Pickels, W. L. G. Thomas, Elwoad C. Jackson, Fred E Bach, The report of tne committee on pro d-ntials was promptly adopted. Col Bamuel A. MacalHster, chairman of the committee on resolutions, offered their report, which was adopted without a dissenting vote, The resolutions endorse the Chicago plat form, urge the election of Harrison and Morton, declare for equal rights as lietween the races, demand the repeal of the assess nsent laws of Delaware, favor district representation ia the General Assembly and a state convention, ratify the platform of tbe Republican Btato Convention, and close with a call to Republicans all over the state to organize cluhs ' and thus artist by organization to redeem the state from the odious laws and tyrannie >1 uraotices of the Democrats of Delaware." a Tbe adoption of the report of the com mittee on oonstituti in developed the only difference of the day. Au .11 at was made to eagrafi individual voting instead of voting by oiabs, each club delegation to have only one vote, as :he national scheme of tne dab league provides, question wes pat to a vote alter an konr's warm discussion, It was decided by a vote ot 1«X tn 4,'4 * n favor of the unit vote Dr. Georg» W Marshall of Milford was then elected president of the state league by acclama Ion. taking the chair, thanking the convention (or the unexpected honor and pledging himself to go to work actively. Tbe eleerion of vice-presidents, two from district as provided tor by the om.sti tutlon ws, then proceeded with. 8 A Macallister was elected for the Firet, Francis M. Walker for the Second, R* v. J. 8. Willi« (or th ■ Tuird. and Dr. C. R. L»y ton for the Fourth district. J. J. Plunkett of Milford was elects I s cretory,and William H Piereoo of this city treasurer. The ex ecurive committee was next elected on tbe various districts as follow: First district James L Hawtius, Seth H Feaster aid Tbotnas Bird. Second district, George B. Money, Joseph Chambers and Richard Buckingham. Third district, Hiram Rudy, Harry Richardson and F L Fourth district. Dr. Frank M Gumm, C E Bacon and D O. Moore. A motion was adopted to mee. at Dover at the call of tbe Oi airman, and also a vote of thanks wag tet dered to the Young Men's Republican W hen the He spoke britfly m a lt3 in and Colon« the Club fur tbe entertainment given the con vention. Adjourned. (Aencrul • «llilral New., A protest from 800 ra.nufactares of Phil adelpbia opposing the Mills bill wa. yester day read in the U iu»e. Tb« article« re tained on the freelist were looking glare blown and silvered, chicory root: v-geta hies not otherwise pro' <1 for; acorns ami dasdtlion root; c>ooa; fine; books and pamphlets printed in oh*r languages than English ; bulbs and bulbous roots. The following were struck from the freelist; Plums and nruae>; pulp and papermakers: fuis not on the skin ; lime ; Unseal ; flaxseed ; marble of all kinds, rough or iqiarel, and plaster of purls when ground or calcined. It he» b»«n reported for several days past that the Democracy, fearful of the free trade attitude taken at Bt. Louts upon the party's fortune, would again try to have «x-Spreker Bamuel J Randall stamp New York, New Jersey and Connecticut and explain the tariff plank in a manner calculated to quiet the empiétons of the industrial wage workers, but It takee two to make a bargain. Mr Randall is re ported to have said that when he takrg the slump to say that the Bt Lints platform doss not attack the protection of American Industries be will lie Inline Ha knows, as well as Ur. Watterson and Ur. Cleveland, that it is an anti protection platform.—New York Press. The Democrats of New York held a largely attended meeting last night to ratify the nomination of Cleveland and Thurman. Speaker Carlllas and Governor H.U were among tbe speakers. Congress man Perry Belmont, in a letter of regret, wove an Ingenious fallacy In regard to free trade, in which be repudiated the actual principles of the Mills bill, as well as the pronounced prosllvl'les of President Cleve* land. He laid; "The Mills bill simply lowers the rate of t riff taxation from about 47 per cent, to about 43 per cent. It is not a tree trade measure, bat Is a step directly in accord with the growing needs ofonr fiscal and commercial system, namely, n reduction of the surplas and an Inc ret B3 in our foreign trade." K °' It is in'imated that the Praiidaat favors making California tho theatre of an ag gressive campaign. Tbe Republican leader« manifesting coucidfTable anxiety to git The bustle and »re started Iu their campaign activity among th« Democrats ha* demon strated to their miuda that ih. no iriuations n»w before tho country mean an eggres sive and determined er ntest from tho word Tbesuij'ct has already been talked over informally, but unlit the national committee meets in July, can bo suggested. The general sentiment, however, is In favor of making the objec tive points r f R publican attack in Indian», Connecticut and New Jersey. New York to be made an Independent Arid. An effort will be made to carry the state, bus being tndl.penrible to Republican sneer»», the chief energy of the leaders will be con cantrated on the three states named definite plana •'You talk about John Bherman being cold hearted," said an enthusiastic Ohioan at Chicago. 'Tt isn't trn«. I know John Sherman well, and I know a case iu Mans field. Obi«, whore a poor widow would have loht her little home if it had not been "How was that!' Well, there for John Bhermsn. enked a number of lli tener». was a poor widow in Mansfield whose hus band wa« kitted in the war. He bad bought a little home before be enlisted, and gave a mortgage for the payment of a part of the purchase money to a bsnker. The war lasted longer than we thought for, and after awhile the inteiest on the mortgage became due, and tbs psor woman bad no money with which to pay 1L In her dis tress she appealed to Jiho Sherman and be immediately bought the obligation from the banker, and so sored the widow that she used not worry any mor« about It, and she Hare a hearty cheer went up dtdn't. (ninths orowd in appreciation of Mr. Sherman's kindly action. With Mr. Blaine as their candidate the Republicans would have made a strong effort to carry New York, but ander the leadership of Harris m the Indications are that, while making a show of giving battle here, the brunt ot their attack will be felt in Indiana and Connecticut, which, with tne etuea regarded as surely Republican, would give them 203 .lector»! votes, or two than the number necessary to eleci. more Statistics ot election returns show that Connecticut uvually votes the same wsy as New York does, and with New York surely Democratic there fa every reason to believe that Connecticut will be also. As far as Indiana is concerned, tt is by no means surely Republican, even witbGsn. Harris un as a candidate. But granting that Indiana and Connec lent go Republican, tbe states that voted for Blame ln 1884 are not all (or Harrison In 1886 Tbe Demo sure cretic leaders here regard the chances of carrying California, which, it will be re membered gave its elecioral vote to Han cock. as moat excellent, and there is more than s fighting chance of carrying two or three Northwestern states, land and Thurman carry this state, and some level-headed politicians predict that ta-ir majority here will be upwards ot 100,000, tbe chances of their election are as 100 to 1. Connecticut, It should be ob served, has a large independent vote, and tue independent vote this year, as in 1684, wdl tie cast for Cleveland. That much ia already settled.—Baltimore Sun. But If Cleve J. of B. C was tbe wag \ tra will furnish the mcsie (or ths occasion, which promises to be an iliters«;:" g one All ere invited. Tbe Sturm on Delaware Bay. The Gsrmauia Dramatic Club's excur sion to Bumoay U >ok on the steamer TUumas A Cl> de, took about 500 persons yesterday. Tney did not go tu Bombay Hook, however, fur tbs river was to rougu that landing was an impossibility. An at tempt was made to laud at Augu-tiue Pisr, but this, too was unsuccessful. W ben tue boat turned one side dipped lato tbe water. Craft ot all sorts were lying at doable anchor along the snore from Dela ware City to New Ca-tle, unable to pro ceed on account of the storm. Tbe steamer Wilmington did nut make her trips for the same reason. Notwithstanding con siderable sea sickness on board tbe Clyde a good time was spent by tbe Germania exc unionists. m 1 1'atrlotlr Kxrreleca at Grace. Appropriate exercises for July 4 will b«ld Sunday aster nuou in Grace M E. Sunday scnool hall at 3 o'clock D- claratiun of ludepeadsi oe »UI be read, patriotic singiug rendered and »«T»r*l reel tatious and addreeeea given. Grace orobes i bs con " "him. •<*a mili.i.kU J Close of Hie Comme ncein eut Ki ercfaci Yesterday. The cnmmeuoemtnt exercises of Wash ington College, Cheetertown, which dates back to 17811, began in B .ara's hall, Gbester tuwc, Monday night. An oratorical con test for two pria*» took pires, in which seven young gentleman from K nt county, Messrs Harper an! G i igffan, of Dirsrei tar, Tull, of Somerset, and Porter, of Caro Ine, entered. Ur. Wm. F It resell, of Chertertowu, wsa awarded tire first priz\ $10, given by Mr. W. H, Haller, of Philadelphia; Mr. M. 8 Haruer,the second Hood's works, offered by Prof Watts, of the college. The judges were Prut. Clark, Reuben Garey and Robert Mobray. The Ml. Vernon Ller.ry Society held Its anniversary Wednesdry n'ghl. Thomas C. Weeks of Baltimore delivered an address, his subject being "The World " The commencement prayer was held yee 'erday morning, Lawrence J Smith of Falrlee, K*>nt county, was the only grada ate. and made the salutatory and valedic tory addresses. The junior class also mad* addressee J. W. 8. Jones of Somers«» was presented with a gold medal from tha visitors and governors as tha most distla tioguishid for industry and progress in the Junior class T. H. Breerwood was awarded tbe prisa tor the most meritorious student in Latin In the preparatory department Tbe Alumni Association elected R. F. Perkins, president; H. H Barrol), first vice-president; Oscar M. Purnell, second vice president, and J. Y. Todd, third; sec retaries, R. D. Hyneon, Rowland Watts. February 32 was appointed as their ban queting day. Tbe students gave a hop in the hsll at night THIS Tin KL V HAIN. ' <33 It Dashed the Wheat but Raved th« Totnatoe«. Tbe heavy rain and wiad yesterday dashed a great deal of ripening wtisat to the ground ln New C >atle c mnty Hun dreds of acres are down and will never get np again until the harves'er lifta it. It will Interfere very much with tha woik of tho reaper. la upper Kent It struck much of the wheat ju«t as It bad been cut d iwn. Further down (he state below Dover, tho wheat has been h:r vrsted and shockdB. The rsia emte In good time tor the tomato growers. The drought had almost ruined all prospects for a crop this year. Farmers who had contracted with cannera to furnish a certain number of acres of this vegetable were iu despair. Some of them had resorted to artificial irrigation, carrying water In carts, but this Is as costly as It Is uosatbf aotory. This rain saved ths situation and with prompt and Judicious replanting the farmers will bn enabled so All their contracts. Fully one-fourth of Ihe tomato plants bad per ished for want of rata. Weal her. Delaware and Maryland, 3. p. m : BUgtatly warmer, partly cloudy to fair w alhfr, Irish northwesterly winds. The New York Herald weather forecasts: The western storm has advanced Into east ern Pennsylvania, whence U will probably move eartwardly, preceded hy gales off the Jersey and lower New England coast. Temperature fell in tha eastern half of th« United States, bat rose In the trsns-Hls ■r.url districts; the chief minima were 84 degress at Duluth and 52 at Easlport, Me. ; tbe mexlma were 84 at Lynchburg, 90 at Cheyenne and 96 at Fort Elliott, Texas. In the Middle States warmer, partly cloudy to fair weather and fresh westerly winds will prevail, preceded by rain near tha Jersey coast. On Saturday In this section slightly warmer partly cloudy to fair weather and fre h westerly to northerly winds will prevail. Sunday warmer, fair to parity cloudy weather. Baynard'a thermometer; 7 a. m.. 99; $ a m., 60: 11 a. m., 63; 1 p. m., Accident to Ihe City of Chester. The City of Chester broke one of tha blades tiff her propeller y.sterday after noon, when starting from the F nrth Bt. wharf (or her last trip to rbrladelphia. It is supposed that a piece of timber or an obstruction of some kb d came In contact with the wheel. Tha Chester wss taken to the Harlan & Hollingsworth Co.'s yard this morning by tie Taurus. She will ba put in the dry dook and tbe damage ««cer taine! and repaired Immediately. Wilmington baa been taken eff the route to Augustine Pier and will run on the Chea ter's schedule. : be Kev. U. B Cook on the Campaign. At Second Baptist Church Saudey morn ing tbe ordinance of ths Lord's supper will be administered. Ths attendance is gener ally large at the July communion, because of tbe absence of the pastor in tbe follow ing month. At this service tbe tight hand of fellowship will be extended to ell new members. In tbe evening the Rev Richard B. Cook will preach on "The Successful Candid ate" from the text "They which run in a race, run all, but one recsivsth tha prix».'' __ He Wee Not tbe man. Tbe Evening Journal has tieen assured this morning, by his mother, that John D, Vins: uger of 219 Shipley St dll not threaten to commit suicide on Wednesday and that be was not under the influence ot liquor, but was quietly sleeping, port which did this young m->n a great in justice was given to a reporter of this paper by a member of tbe household in tha presence of at least two reliable witnesses. It appears that the wrong name was given. at ben tbe at pro for con Ths ro Bobbery. A thief broke the plate gloss window »T L Harris's store, 113 Market 8t , about 11 o'clock last evening and abstracted about $15 worth of revolvers and rings. The waiehman was on duty at the time, bet nothii g was known of ths affair until thB morning. __ U lUula'IOB Clearing Hwoee. ... , The exchanges of the Wilmington banka at the Clearing House for to-day wen $108.59155 and the balances $30,761 43. Send to Beit's Drug Store, Cor. 6Ut and Market Sts , for articles you can not find elsewhere. Sea turtle lunch at C. Keller's Satur day morning and evening.