Newspaper Page Text
♦ / »• / / WILMINGTON, DEL., FK1DAY, AUGUST 10, 1888. ONE CENT. NO. 70. (or paid on but this We make this remarkable cut . . • , . , , in prices just to close out some . r j . J 1 , j , j very desirable goods for you and undesirable now for US, as we want to make room for our fall lc Children s Ly«!« Thread I lose, „„ all sizes, in black, from 30c down I frk 1 0« I hl« t0 pf n . . 1 , • city Chalhei in several very desirar mI ble pattern! from 10c down to 6C. ! Seven pieces choice pattens in ! crepelines from 12 1- 2c down ^ j flQa 8c. _ The same goods are selling in Philadelphia at cut prices for I ling r It: It It PRICES. 'll in 411 MARKET STREET. on lOc, Lawns in desirable patterns from 12 l-2e to 8c. Eight pieces of Seersuckers from 12 l-2c to 8c. A few pieces of Sateens from 12 l-2c dow<» to 7c. A few pieces of Sateens from 10c down to Oc. Elegant line of Black Hose for" Ladies, worth 18c, selling for 10c. Muslin Underwear way down below cost of making. Hamburg Edgings below im porters' prices. j'» or WILLIAM 1. PYLE of 411 Market St. 1 « Os* HELP WANTED. . E WISH TO EMPLOY A FEW SALES m-n to 8 t*U our go *da bp Htniole to the whoWalo arul retail trade of all the leading cities ami town«. We are the largest mamifac- j lurent of our line *n the country. Send two cen»a in ».tamps for full particular". No i>o* CEMTË.SN1AL M'F'Q CD , W tais answered. Cincinnati. O. (V ANTED—A YCUNG MSN AT VKROEUK. 407 Bhloley 8 t,. to a-sist In the sa es rooms snd Trait- hi mse lf useful._ ANTED —AN KNKKG ETI I MSN TO canvass aud collect. Apply 704 Market w ■trwt. SITUATIONS WANTED. OMAN WISHE8 TO TAKE IS WASH ing * nd ironfug or go out by the day; first cIsmi band; good reference. Call at 821 Bennett Ht. w _BOARDING.__ -»*, ANTED.— GENTLEMEN BOAKDFR8-, Vv alnu tabl e t o ardere. K o 819 Orst ge St_ ENTLEMEN UOAU1)«HS WANTED; ALSO table boarders. No 405 Eo*t Fourth Ht. DRESSMAKING. _ HE C SM » KING IS ALL 1T8 BRANCHES at HO» W. 7th Ft. Cutting done by draught; fit guaranteed. D FOR SALE. olid walnut cabinet organ will he eold very cheap (or cash. Call at th e s * MM Ï NOR SALE.-A TRUCK AND FRUIT FARM Br of SB ucres, K of e mH» from railroad sts rront WTmfngton— MK)poach treea tion. 12 ml in bear! g. apples, p«arh, and pear orchard, straw "ernes. Hacliberrie», raspberries etc. About one acre in asparagus. Good building*, PoesesHion at anv time Would lake pan city property inexcha- g» GEORGE R. TO A NSEND.H PROPOSALS. JJROP08AL8. SEALED PROPOSALS will b* received at the box of ih« City Council, until WeCnesdsy even ing, August 8, at 7 o'clock, for one i vurc-nt and one pair of pant» for 45 men. The material must be of not more than C4 ounce iodito blue cloth or kersey and sleud the test of O.P. nltrl.» acid. All bids must b« addressed to Francis T. Sandon, chair '-»n of Police Lcmrnltt-e. and must lie ac •outranled l ya bend of »50 for the good seomity of ih« bidd-r FRANCIS T. 8AWDON. Chairman Police Comm tree. ! 1 >K0P09AL6 WANTED FOR THE FURN Ish of msterialanii Isbor fortheertciion of toe main exhibition building for tbe 1*. A out) P Association nn their grounds Piouv, etc . are to be seen at the office of E. L. Klee, Jr . archi tect. from Wwdneeday, ths 8th Inst, until Hat urday, 11, at 3p. m .ai which time bids will cltso. The right to reject any or all bids Is re eerv d. T. D. BHOWN, eecretary, No. 814 Market Ht _ JJR0P08AL8 FOR FIRE ALARM BOX. Sealed proposals wiU ha received in Ibe pro M 1 bo t in the Council chamber, in the CPy up to 7 SU o -Iocx, p, m., ou Thursday, August 9, A D , 1888. for one fire alarm box All bids must beoddre-sed to the Clerk of City Council and must have a bond of flfty(»S0> del tars tor good faith of bidder. The committee reserve .he right to reject any or all bids. WILLIAM O BAUGH. Chairman Fire Committee. e- aa JOSEPH H. WOOD. Buooeasor to B. Fritsch, Manufacturer of all kinds of . Hand-cut Plies and Rasps. All kinds of Grinding and Jobbing doas. MO. 828 KING STREET. . pond President Karra presided at the regular mseting of the City Connell last night. The claims of Mrs. Dorrey- for '«L8«; Mrs Adolph Hess for $5,995 Joseph Habnarkorn bu (or $3.47, and Mrs Gregg (or *7 13 for a paid. lhe commute« on law j»re»*eiiiea n petition from citizen. of the Ninth ward regarding the condition of the gutters on srnry Twelfth and Claymont street l Dog catcher Duncan's bill of *01 was ordered gave paid less three orders of $45, $10.51) and $38.85. WB The police committee reported favorably on a bill of Peter Keile,'s for »25 for nsar clothing while on the police force. They wished it charged to tbo account of in- hold cidental and miscellaneous expenses, but Mr. Quinn had strong oh- and jsotfons to chorgieg bills egaiu-t field, this account »0 early m the year. He "bh afraid that if council commenced drawing p the appropriation for Incidental ex I penses now that it would be exhausted be- ] tl)e «nend by charging the bill to the j Hal1 appropriation, lie amendment was car- 1 . . ifdbt6 „.„ BLd c , v v „ teof is to 4 nea ny an eye ana nay vine or 10 . 0 « The law committee reported a petition in reference to the erection of frame build- , lc £* . . J „„ «w»ll >r • J L" I tetter fro'n John r Donaöoe, atktag that ex I hl« Demi? be cleared from the bond of the city treasurer for the last term. The com mI f tM on law rgportfd adversely on the j petition of Aiburv Starling, janitor of lhs j npw ! police station, for extra work done, ! " r - Ch, ™ bl Q , I | a * lte ^V' ï.""-ΰS'! I j flQa P De £ o( th6 ^ tt y, ; atltpa c (l0rpi , gU and down on this t ill. He thought $45 a month enough p*y for the jtnüor. "It is hard I ling the people's money as chaff and .cat tering it to the four wind«, to allow such bills as this," exclaimed the member. Mr. off Johnson sail: "If ic is the duty of the man to do the work he should be made do tab It: if not, he should he pai l." • Mr. Chambers moved to omend by post poulng consideration one week. Tbe amendment was lost. Tbe original report of the committee was adopted. A resolution was adopted authorising I Horace C. Johneon to sign all checks at the j office of the city treasurer until tbe next j A resolution was adopted asking H H ' Carter, superintendent of tbe F , W. & B j railroad to repair the bridge at 14th and j Cloy mont streets. Mr. Quinn introduced nn ordinance to | on amend an ordinance providing for the ep thft pointaient of pobce and other purposes. | It was read twice and referred to the cum CITY COUNCIL. It Pawn a Long LUI of Bills and Dock Routine Huetnreo. on (ore tbo end of the year. He moved to meeting night. I mittee on law. | , A resolution relating to tbe running of 1 oattle on streets and iota was referred tu , the law committee. An ordinance amend- | ing tbe ordinance preventing the erection or removal of frame buildings, was read a j second tiras and referred to the law cum . ' mittee with instructions to g-t the opinion of .he city solicitor in regard to the law lu | M tb«» matter. Tbo contract for a nf>w fire »tlarm box ; was swarded to the Utmewell Fire Alarm I and Telegraph Co., the only bidder for $125, and Council adjourned. j Tbe report of the city treasurer wss as follow«; Brlanet of current expenses, 1 $259,368 87; «preial deposit,$427 04-,«snd lot, | $3,103 87; received front E. P. Moody, 1 j j ing bill, were ordered paid: Delaware ] Printing Company. $106.50; New, Print . u.i 1 ing Company $103.10; btar Printing Utm pany, $10510; Every Evening Printing * Company, $104.55; Journal Printing Com patty. $99 40;Uspublicaa PiintiugCcmpany, 1 m $87 21; Wilmingtonian Printing Company, $87 50; Wilmington Printing Company, $7; Thomas Ferry, $1.98; J. V. Carlisle & Co., $3.78; Adams & Brother, $7 80; J. D, Findley, $49.90, Kennebec Ice Company, $5.51; Elisa Frazer. $11 ; Nsal Duffy, $3 50; Owen Cassidy, $ 8 ; W. H. Hartlcve, #150; J. M. Boioroon, $5 83; R \i. Griffith, $4; E P, Moody, $512 60; George H. Murphy, $3; George H. Brown and A. E. Sanborn, $75; Gsorga H. Murphy, $3; Ashury Sterling. $9; M. F, Kelly, $5; Dr. Howard Ogle, $18; Perpetual Loan Assooiatlon, $4 40; James E. Wirt, $fd; Kent Iron and Hardware Company, $1.10; N. B. Dunforth, $5 95; Alexander Chambers, $1.45; Adams & Brother, $5 58; Groves & Company, $ 8 ; Johnson ft Barnhill, $2.50; Delaware* At lantic Telephone end Telegraph Co.. $40. j $3,235; M. J. Moaley, 81,000. Tb« follow R e Neglected HS« Children. * Timotny Johnson of 8 th end DnPont etrtets, was before Justice Monaghan last night on the charge of cruelty to his chil dren, preferred by special agent Btout Of the B. P, C. C. It Is said that Johnson forced his little girl to sleep out of doors and bis boys in tbe hedges at night. List winter be made them go barefoot, wnile ho was well shod. This unnatural father was fined »10 and costs, and in default of pay ing be waa locked op at (he police station, Tha children will have proper attention. T. the A IDsfctniati's Arm Amputated. Robert Y«roa!l, formerly a resident of this city, brakemsn on a P. W. & B ae-ommodattoo train running between Wilmington and Philadelphia; and latterly a brakeman on a freight train on the New York division of the Pennsylvania R. R. ; bad bis arm crushed, one day this week white coupling cars. His arm was amputa ted and he fs how In the hospital at Tren ! ton, N. J., doing es well as can be expected are will re 814 Tbe monitor Amplillrlte. The machinery of the monitor Ampbitrite lying at wharves of the Harlan & Hollings worth Co. will bs given a dock trial to. day. The engines will tie run two hours. This trial is made by tbe company for their own satisfaction. A shed of boards baa been built on the monitor's deck, pro bably to protect visitors from tbs sun's heat. On official dock trial and sur vey ba g been ordered by tbe Navy Department, but the time bas not been fixed. pro CPy City del any A Delightful Trip. Oouley'e exnrelonists bad a delightful trip to Toiobeetor yesterday. They left that place (or Canton at 6.40 p. m., and at 6.33 p. m. a train of nine cars left tbe latter pises (or Wilmington. The train ran to tbe Market street station of tbe Baltimore and Ohio road In two boars and twenty minutée. General News of the Morning. A mule belonging to tha straw-board works at Chesterton n- Md., committed suicide yesterday by walking into the mill pond and drowning himself. paroen Conim ,„, on W1 , r ,M»d the House 0( L )rd , nW|t> j^.Honsaof Commons tbe Oates bu , WB9 re|)d thj thirJ , jme aml by a VQte o( m M . lnlt W . G* Idle Frederick Schulte and Michael _ . . . al , Baum-r were fixing he cornice r. 11ee s x srnry tenement. No. 1 Clinton stHNew T»»'»rd«y afternoon., the oormce gave way and both men fell to the street. Hr Schulte was instantly killed and Damner WB * ,f ' riou,ly iD -i' ire<, ' A young lad,*on of William Washington, at nsar Ch.rab^borg P. wa* ' fas shocking manner last evening. He esugbt hold of the tall of one of the cows canning 1 loose, his arm became tangled in tha hair, and *h» child was dragged all over the |) field, m a.nKied and killed. Well's College, at Aurora, N. Y, where ' p rarCÄS Folsom Cleveland received her 1 fduoa „ on< ig in Bgh » 8 . j t is believed thnt ] tl)e f!gmfg started in the kiteban. The m-iir. budding is a total loss and Morgan j Hal1 and tb „ laiindry „«re only , av , d b y 1 . - .a.,,, r (g , JJOO.OOO. Breitetro - * , . a small dynamite cartridge was found iw#tw| in I Wajtngr ileepiog-car on the , Mjch , gan Centr »i Riilroad, Chicago, yes terdav nom. It wss about the sis» of an J L" ta. P l.»d an !.. ib.wi-..ol ex plodioß it. . ' . . . Professor Brock, secured good obwry. j tion.jLt Geneva. N.Y.. last evening of tb. j npw con!et f° 8t <!Uccvered by him in enta 1» '» ***** I '"he cornet ha. a large head, and »short tail which strangely enough, nppar.uDy points toward the sun. John öniitb, who was injured whlie^s mHiilag the rnnnlrg °f Genera! Sheridan*« funeml train when It wu hauled off the Maryland at Jersey CLy yesterday morning, wssremovod to the City Uotpi tab Uis recovery is considered doubtful. Smith h 85 years old and single. Ho re sides in Jersey City, I Canadian Pacific Railway Company (ora j monthly mall service between Vancouver's L-lsnd and Japan and China. Forthisser j vice the imperil.I gyvernnient will pay ' $45,000 per annum and the dominion gov j eminent $15.000 j lt jg 00 r,cidcd that the French govern ment passed through n dangerous crisis | on Wednesday with success. It Indicated thft ghjqty 0 t t he republic to preserve law | BIid ord(ir The disorders were promptly HE d by of his at to to The Pacific mall subsidy question has been definitely settled. Tbe English gov ernment will enter Into a contract with the I euppmasd. and the military and police | , cte d with commendable promptitude and 1 di-cestion. There was no renewal of dts , torbatineg yesterday. The strikers were | DOt j 0 gccord with the communists, j Governor Moorohouse of Missouri bas refused to gratst n further respite in lb« ' Maxwell ca*a. Upon reoplpt of informa (j(m (bat Oovernor Moorc hon«e had refused | M la , er{erei Maxwell w», rent ,ved to a cell to guard against euicidf. The nf Governor Moorehnu»»'» refusal ; I b)9 e , u(w . gor< Färber j i,l«c.chci1 and his lips trembled, but he soon rtcJTered 1 | 1 new no«s was conveyed to the condemned men by Maxwell 1 iimn. Cried» Coomb*, a Coi '»go boy. sg-d 7 j years, accidentally shot himself with a j revolver taken from fais father's desk: The ] mg probably fatal ir: ur^s Ibut Idild «^ 1 tell his pirenta that no was injured when ^ submitted a chastisement * TbrN ho . jr , , gW r hi. "'7 . . . . . 1 m °ther learned what h-d bappensd by ; finding blood on his clothing. By that time the boy was so sick that hecnold not rise from tbe floor,where he bad lain down. A fiendish crime was committed Wednes Jay morning by train wreckers elx miles from Waco. Tex., on the Tex»« Central rood. Pieces of timber were fastened to the track and the night express was de railed. the locomotive demolished, and several cars badly damaged. Engineer J. R Moses was killed outright, his fireman terribly tcalded, and half a dre-n paeeeo gers injured. A sheriff's posse is scouring the country for the criminals, and tbe ratiroad company otters $ 1,000 reward aaeh (or their capture. It he» been learned that a iiold mail rob bery was committed on the Missouri Pa cific Road between Jefferson City, Mo , and St. Louis, August 4, in which over »17,000 was stolen, of which »5,800 was from the stste treasury. Two farm-re near Wash Ington; Mo., were approaching a sutpictaus looking man on the highway, when he be came frightened, and In attempting to flee dropped a large package. Tbe farmers se cured it, and at once discovered that it was plunder from « mail robbery.They turned It over to the postmaster,who notified the pos tal authorities, and a secret service agent (rom Ht. I/OUis is now endeavoring to trace the robbers. Of ho Dr Beth Pancoast of Philadelphia re turned home in feverish haste last evening. He was excited over additional details of the location of the location of the sunken English sloop of war Break and had been hustling about New York city all day for tbo best divers that money and glittering prospects could hire, with his work, for he secured yesterday afternoon the crack diver of the country, Hickman, who was prominently connected with tbe raising of tbe sunken Oregon. Pancoast is confident be will soon ba hand ling bis coveted treasure. He is arming bis men to repel expected attacks of tbe river pirates. Burgeon-General Hamilton at Washing ton has received the following telvgram from Dr. Goiteras at Jacksonville, Fla.: "There is a circumscribed focus of infec tion in one block in the city. Two more cases discovered traceable to same centra. County Board of Health yery active in isolating all four patients. Home suspi cious cases sent to Band Hills. The board will communicate with you to night, 1 be lie va." received a telegram from Dr. Murray at Manatee Fla , saying: "Four new oases, making a total of thirteen. One fatal cess in Palmetto, acroee the river. No other case known or suepccted." Many southern cities ere declaring quarantine against Jacksonville. of B ; He was satisfied to. for g but left at to The beet is the cheapest. Try L. A G Soar, sold by Nicholfi. 6tb and King. RIEDEL IS HANGED. I Im The He ner a Hr Telsphcne to Evaxmo JotmsAL. Ngvv Carti.k, Dei., August 10 —Sheriff Lambsop cut the rope with a slng'a blow at jo 43 p m and Charles Henry Riedel, fas wife murderer, swung off Into otaralty. * , 1 ae body swayed around and around, bat there was very little twitching of the |) m hs. which is so common in men stran gled to death. Life was extinct 17minutes the rone wa.cut 1 HE EXPIATES HIS CRIME WITH OUT A TREMOR OR TEAR. TIip Itrop Fall» at l i 43 F. M , and Itealli Itnsiira Ftl.een Minute» Later—Tbe ilody Turned Over to Neveral Fbyalclana for Iitveetl gallon. At 18.30 p m , Warden Toner went to Rledal'a cell, secured his bands behind him and led him down the steps from the sec ond tier of call» along the corridor to the d ior which Dads to __ the yard. Wardens Toner and Smith walked by ths prisonar's side. Fallowing them came Revs. P. B. Ligbtner and E. L. Hubbard, Sheriff Latubson, the reporters of thi Wilmington newspapers, tbe sheriff's jury and a number of other persons. Riedel walked without flinching, glancing what dl aiiout merely to see rection was being taken. He ascended the Bc»ffold with a firm, brisk etsp and stood quietly while ths iliisl preparations were being made. R-.v. Mr. Ligbtner stood by his side, reading to him tha beautiful con solatory paragraphs from the Episcopal service. The minister then repeated the Lord's prayer and closed with n few t simp!«, heart-touching words in behalf of lb« prisoner's salvation. y ester was It was 12.40 p. m. when Warden Smith pinioned the prisoner's legs nt tbe knees and at the ankles. TUe naoie was than adjusted to the neck, tbe prisoner elevating hie cblo to permit the tops to pae» ander his beard. All this time until tbe black cap was drawn over it tbe prieoner'a (ace displayed not a sign of emotion. Not a quiver was percep tible anywbe re on hie etern features. He Food erect without a tremor in bis straight, atrong limbs. After the cap was adjusted there was a moment's pause. Then the sheriff took a hatchet from a piece of hoard and with a quick, sharp blow severed the rope. It was precisely 12 43 p in. when tbe drop (ell.The suspended body turned round and round, bat there was no struggle. Tbe slightest po-rible convulsions were percep tilile In tbe leg» At 13 48 his pulse beat 108; at 12.48 It had sunk to 81; at 12 49 there were 73 beat»; 70 at 12 52, and at 12.53 the onise was barely perceptible. At 12 54 bis heart was heating faintly. It 17 minutes after the fell he was dead. The body was cut down at 1.08 p_ m.. life having bean declared extinct by Dr. J. J. Black at 13.58. Ths body was turned over to the sheriff's jury, which was composed of George Hllla lay, Thomas I. Rutsell, H W. Uaclntlro, E G Guslin, Benjtmin G. Gam, H. B, Vandegrift. C. Wesley Pyle, W. T. Jones. J. G. Kaau«o, B L Foster, Joseph H. King and James B. Toman, aud a verdict of death by banging was prom ptly ren. dered. Thera w t< no evidence on the dead face of any pain, excepting that tbe teeth were firmly clinched. The wound In bis forehead, where be (hoc himself on tbe night of the murder, bled slightly, • Drs. Black, 0<l», Springer, Drava and others were given tbe body by tbe sheriff and they will make a post mortem exami nation of hie brain this afternoon for evi dences of Insanity. They will look for the ballet which it la supposed be fired into hie bead when attempting to commit suicide after tbe murder. Tha result i t this In vestigation is awaited with profound in terest. It Approaching Hie Fate. Riedel, tbe murderer, baa pa»s«d a reet le-s night. Several times be rose during tbe night, dressed, even putting on bi« shoes, and paced the floor. Ula friend Gottlieb Wächter, called on him last evening and treated him to a glare of beer, but he drank only a few swallows. He had been of the belief that be was to be hanged to morrow. until Wächter told him differ* enlly. He had not understood the reporter of the Evening Journal death watch day. placed over him last evening. Albright muiatto was placed by tbe cell door. { Riedel retired early, but his sleep was This morning Mre. Latubson pre A broken. pared him a breakfast of egg plant, soft boiled eggs, »labber oskes, butter, peaches, milk and coffee. He eta heartily. In the uncertain light this morning a re porter mistook the death watch, who is a very bright mulatto, tor Riedel. The lat ter, who was further bsck in bis cell shav ing bimsslf, came forward promptly, end with a half entile, said: "Hero I am !" In tbe interview which followed, be expressed blmseU as certain that death woold eid hie re of for tbe in be Dr. One career, It heiog the gateway merely to utter annihilation. Before he coald believe in the immortality of the soul he said, he woald have to be convinced that there was a soul. In reply to the suggestion that his brother expected to «ee him in the hereafter, be said that ha shared with him his agnostic views. They were both un eartsin of a future Ufa. It was a mystery that neither bad been able to (atbom. Riedel said that be bad not and; would not answer bis brother's letter. When asked whether anything could be done (or him, he an»wered quickly; some quick poison." It is doubtful, however, that he would have used poison bad tbe choice of a phar macy been at his command. Re shaved himself this morning without tbe slightest attempt at suicide. Wo minister bad called on Riedel np to 11 o'clock. Ha neither objects to tbe presence of the cloth, nor does he seek it. He is ab solutely Indifferent to ministerial consola tion. Sheriff Lambsoo sont (or tbe Rev. E. L Hubbard, who remained with tbe pris oner until tbe end. Bfaortly before noon e reporter found 1 Un smoking e cigar with All I want is G evident relish. He set In a chair tilted bach »gainst tbs wall of hie cell. A clerk erpitorsd at Arlington's Mill, who was I rase it, expressed regrets at the prisoner's Im ending (ate, "That's all right," answered Riedel, laughing aloud; "don't let that worry you." At the request of the Evknino Journal reporter Riedel wrote his name on a card The lines are all trac-d steadily. There was not the slightest indication of ner vousness. Charles Henry Riedel was boro at Fren reuth, Germany, and was 37 years and 3 months old. He came to this country in May, 187(5, having landed at New York. He worked at Rockville, Conn., as a spin ner (or 18 montbk. Afterward he wss employed at Camden, N. J. ; later in Phila delphia. and finally in this city. Ho was married In Germany, one year before be came to America, te Annie Eiaald. They had six children, all of whom died very young, excepting tbs boy W illle, who was murdered by bis father. The gallows up in which Riedel expiated bis terrible crime was built at the north rnd of the jail yard. The culprit wee placid upon a drop two and one-half feet square. This drop was supported by two ropes which were luitaioed by a third rope and the latter was supported hy a slanting beam on the right elds of the gallows. One stroke from the Sheriff's hatchet severed Ibis rope, when the trap fell. and had ing as cal N. In p 8 Ittrdel'» Filme. In tbe early morning of September 17, 1887, between the hours of 1 and 3 o'clock, the residents of that portion of tbe Ninth ward known ns i'candy wine Village were startled by (he report of f tar pistol shots, and were horrified to learn that In the little lion«« at 883 L.Motto street Charles Henry Riedel bad sent a bullet into the brain of his wife, Lena Riedel, and another through tbe head of his little sou Willie. Riedel came to Wilmington on April 1, 1887, and applied (or work at the Arlington Mills, Superintendent Hlllsley promised him work (or himself and wife as soon as the family should resell Wilmington. On tbe 11th of April Riedel and bis wife began work In tbe mill. They continued without any event of note until tbe 10th of September. On that day Riedel gave no tice that his wife was in a delicate con dltiuivÿtnd would quit in two weeks, tbe time required by ths rules of tbe mill for which notice to quit hy either side should be given. Two days later Koperintendi nt Hillaley notified Frank Farrell, the loom boss, that tbe physical condition of tbe woman was of such a nature that she could cot work. Farrell procured another woman (or tbe place and going to tbe loom where Mrs. Riedel was working told her to quit work. She could not understand Englieh and Farrell repeated his words to Risdel, at tbe same lime placing one band on Mrs. Kledel's shoulder and with the other stop ped tbe loom. At this Riedel (Dw Into a passion and declared that he would not work if bis wife was discharged before her two weeks were op. Ho fulfilled his threat at 11 o'clock that morning after com pleting a piece of cloth upon which be was working. After quitting work Riedel In company with a friend called at Justice Bertulette's office to ascertain if bo could obtain legal redress for the summary discharge of bis wife. Tbe justice Informed him that It would cost more than he could gain by bringing a suit. Riedel left tbe office and indulged rather freely in beer. That even ing be spent at the home of bis friend, Got tlieb Wächter. Hatold Wächter and his family of the discharge of hie wife and complained bitterly of the treatment that he bad received. Ho said that be woold have hi« tights. He bad been to tue jus lice and could not get them and be was going to take them now himself. He ex pressed a determination to kill Hillary, Farrell end himaelf. Wächter deprecated the threat and Riedel left. From that time nntll tbe night of the murder Riedel brooded over bis troubles. On tbe day preceding tbe crime he pur chased a revolver of Aaron Harris, 112 Market street, and repaired to hi» home. Hie wife and child retired early, but Riedel remained up. About 1 o'clock be took the revolver, a 44 calibre English bull dog, and tired It off »gainst the wall to try it. It worked satisfactorily. A few min utes before 2 o'clock be mounted the stair case and entered the bed room where tbe woman and child were sleeping peacefully. Going up to his wife be placed tbe revolver squarely In the centre of her forehead and Hred, spattering the pillow with blood sod brains. He then went to tbe other side of tbe bed and placing the revolver against tbe temple of little Willie he tired, the bill passing through bis eknll, the bedding wooden slat sod was (onod on tbe floor beneath tbe bed. He then pointed there volver at himself, hut be was evidently nervous and missed Are. He fired a second hie In in tbe he to time, the bullet glancing from hi» left tem { pie and leaving a severe wound. was crawled to a lied in an adjoining room pre- expecting that death would soon fallow. Mrs. Riedel did not die Immediately, but suffered from her wound until about 4 iie soft re a lat end In hie o'clock. Riedel remained on the bed In the adjoining room, bat alter a short time, dis covering that be was not hurt so badly as he thought, he went down stairs and took a seat in tbe middle room. Here be was found by Mrs. Wächter a few hoars later, bolding bis hands to bl» face. Beelug that something had taken place she asked: " What have you dunef' Riedsl replied; "I have done what I told you I woold do." Mrs. Wächter went up stairs and discovered his murdered wife and child. Bbe than ran acro-s to tbe mills informed her husband and he came over to to soul that the him un (or 11 ab E. pris e with the bouse and took in tbe situation. Riedel. after Gottlieb Wächter had gone.'ocked tbo door behind him, took a seaton tbe lou .ge coolly lit a cigar and proceeded to smoke It, while tbe blood of bis victims wn still ooziog from their wounds. In this position he was found by ex Pj lice Officer Andrew J. Sherry and Oast» vus Kolck who arrested bint. He made no is resistance to the officers and went willingly to tbe police station. From that tints up to the present time he has maintained an appearance of perfect indifference. Tbe trial was began on (he 4tb of May, 1888, Attorney-General Biggs and Deputy Attorney-General Davis represented tbe state, and H. H. Ward, Btq.. the prisoner, having basa appointed to do so by the court. The following jury were empanelled to try tbe case: John M. Barlow, James V. Craig, Jesse G. Biggs, William T. Bratton, Penton Bellville, Joseph Kirk, Charles M. Davidson, Lewis Dickey, James U. Fraser and John P. Jester. The state adduced testimony in Soeord ance with the above facts and the deface« was that of insanity. Riedel's' oonneel made an able ftefence, leaving no stone unturned to procure his acquittal on this plea. Evidence was given that the prisoner had met with many misfortunes, and hav ing met with a final Insult at the mill, his mind became unbalanced and that he was laboring under the form of Insanity known as melancholia when he onmmllted the crime. His positive indifference and stoi cal manner confirmed the plea, and teati mony was received in favor of bit insanity from such eminent experts as Dr. Edward N. Brush, of the Klrkbride Insane Asylum, Dr. Charles K. Mills, lecturer on Insanity In the University of Pennsylvania and superintendent it the insane of Bloekley almshouse and Drs. Springer and Ogle of this city, who have beeo for years con nected with the New Cattle county alcns hoase. His connection with socialistic societies was offered and the charge of Chief Justics Comegys was favorable to the prisoner's plea. The case was given to the Jury at 5 SO p m. on May 18. and a few minutes after 8 o'clock the next morning the jnry came into court with a verdict of guilty of murder in the first degree. Daring the formality of rendering the verdict Riedel sat unmoved. He seemed to take no inter est in anything around him. He glanced about the room several times, bat all (motion seemed foreign to him when the foreman pronounced the fatal verdict. This stale of mind be has maintained up to his execution today, and Is a familiar story to the readers of lh» Journal. 0:1 the 7ih of June Mr. Ward made nn A litr who of tim, The by 2nd 8t. $1 To on the to eloquent argument for a new trial, which was denied the next day, and Riedel smiled when Judge Houitun (sparingly pro nounced his doom. Every (ffort was exhamtad by Mr Ward to secure either a commutation of bis sentence or a respite, hut executive clemency was Anally refused TLursdsy. Ha went to bis grave apparently tbe best satisfied man over bit fate that has ever met death on the gsllowx be It K I* (.'TV Jl ll'.K Tl UMU. Judge Grubb Appointe Him In Mr. Lyuuin'a Pince. On Wednesday la»t Deputy Judge of the Municipal Ccurt Lynam tendered his resignation to Judge Grubb. The law cre ating the Municipal Court provides that In the absence of the polios judge, the judge of tbe Superior Court shall act in his stead nr appoint a deputy to act in hla place. Only on one occasion has an associate justice occupied the position, Hearing of the resignation of Judge Lynam, Register Charles H. McWhorter prepared a recom mendation (or Henry C, Turner for the position. He obtained 33 names of leading buslnesi and professional men of tbe cUy to this, including Joseph L Carpenter, Jr., William Bright, Andrew O. Wilson, Wil liam T. Porter. Dr. Jamea A Draper, Hon, Charles B Lora, James Oarmiobeal, James Murray, etc. This recommendation was forwarded to Judge Grubb by telegraph at Bedford Epilogs. Va., and last »veiling tbe judge replied that be would send the commission to Judge Turner by mail. U is etpected to arrive In time for fudge Turner to ait Ibla morning. A to (OLLiDKit \viii» * nnim.F A ( anal Uoat hunk anti a Telephone »'able Itrohen. The steam freight barge Tygert, with Warner's and Bash's hargnf* end seven empty censl boats la tow, cams up the Christiana between 11 end 12 o'clock last night. While going through tha draw of tbe P., W. ft B. cut eff bridge, one of the canal boats oollided with tha bridge and had tbe stem torn out. The boat sank at once. The tow proceeded up the river to the 3d street bridge. The steamboat and freight barges went through tbe draw safe ly. Aa tbe oenal boats approached, they spread ont: one struck the bridge pier, and two others the eontbarn approach. One of of the latter struck broadside on. Consid erable damage wee don« to tne bridge. One of these boats became entangled in a tem porary telephone cable put Into place yes terday. ami broke It off short at the south end of tbe bridge. Tbe old cable on tbe west side of tbe bridge has been working badly letelylend th« new one waa pot in (or use while It was being repaired. Men |tre repairing the bridge to-day. Ra»« Hall (ii»»lp. Dtwn the stale teams always draw large crowds. Rverybouy goes. It looks as if there would h- soma good games here next week. Keep it up, boys A pleasant day and a quiet scorer's stand, with no outsiders, always please base ball reporters. If tbe Front street railway bad mort oars It could easily fill them, l.erge num bers of people walk because they cannot find room on tbe cars. According to tbe present schedule there will only lie eight amateur league games between now and September 30. More gsm^a could easily bs arranged and a new schedule should be made out. This will probably be done at tbe next league meet ing. when tbe Dover aud Camden clubs will be beard from. 4 iie the as a a bl» told up to Discharge Fapers Found. James Ban: hem of tbe Park guards found on Front St, yerterday »(Wrnooa the , di-charge papers belonging to Michael Con B « r , who wax connected with tbe Second tbo ' Marj 'an 1 Volunteers. The owner can .ge obtain toe papers by calling at 325 Walnut still no B t. and proving property. The firaud Antiy ouNharldaw. General U. 8 . Grant Poet, No. 13, and Admirai B. F. DuPont Post, Ne. 3, of (ha G. A. R met last evening and passed reso lutions deploring the death of General Sheridan, testifying to bis ability aud ex pressing sympathies for bis bereaved family. he tbe the to V. Wilmington Cleansig fissss, The exchanges of tbe W itmiagtoa bank* Ibe Clearing House to-day wart »86,088.81 and tbe balance, $18,376.34. at Gouley's next excursion to Tolches ter will come ofi on Monday, the 37th of August. l'ITÏ CIIIRT. A Large Number Judge Lyiiani. At city court this morning a large litr of petty cases were disposed of. Charles Henley, colored, charged with assault on Theodore Gray on August 1, who had been held to await ths result of Gray's injuries, conn. Dr. Farm, who attended the vic tim, testified that he could not give the result of tbe Injuries for at least two weeks. The hearing was then postponed until Tuesday morning, August 28. and attach inerts will tie made out (or several wit nesses for the defence, which is representid' by Walter H. Hayes, E q Daso Anderson, arrested In a Bght at 2nd and Walnut Sts. yesterday was held until to morrow morning. James Murphy, who sail he "had never been in tbe town before" and who had only taken two drinks wss Sued $1 and costa. Emma Virginia Hbaw was fined $3. (or drunkenness and disorderly conduct. Hugh Bradley, a battle-scarred veteran, charged with being drunk, was then brought up. He said be worked at Wood dale, and when Judge Lynam asked in what direction he pointed towards Phila delphia. He was let off, however, on con dition that he start towards Wuoddale. John Morris and Thomas McCarney were arrested for congregating on Water 8t. Tbe former was released on hi» promise to go home, McCarney was lined $1 and costs. Michael Redmond charged with begging was then brought up The officer had warned him a few days since to leave Ihncitv. To day he saw him coming oat of a yard on Washington sfrect near 8th, where be had gone to lieg Michael denied that he bad been begging and said that ho had bought bis breakfast from some one along the street. Judge Lynam then informed him that he could not purchase food there, and sent him up (or 31) days (or vagranoy.{| Henry Martin, living at Bridgeport, Conn , and Frank Kane living in Philadel phia, were both released on their promising to return homo. Hlx or seven others were fined $1 each and cists for driinkenne's. I *'«•«» liefore nnm before tfie IIU1VKN UV HKLTF.N. A Horse Killed on Mondaj—Pined $35 Knelt. Thursday afternoon special 'agent Frank Btout of the H. P. C. A. received notice that'three colored men had driven a horse to death and almost hilled another. Yes terday tbe men were found at Hummit Bridge, this county, about 18 miles front this city and arrested. Their names are George Grlfflin, Robs« Htwsiey and Ham nel Noonan. They were brought before Justice Bertolette last night on charge of cruelty to anlmsis. Tbe testimony showed thnt Hansley and Noonan hired a team front William C Martiu on Hundsy, saying they were going to drive to Newark. Instead they drove to Hummit Bridge and from there to Cburchtown, a drive of 37 miles. At this place one of tbe horses gav » out and tbe men had to wait until tbe next morning before it was able to go oa. Then they re turned Co Hummit Bridge, where the horse dlsd. The other horse was driven back to Wil mington, and arrived almost exhausted from over driving Ur. Martin testified that tbe hone that died cost $175. three months ago, Griffin was discharged there being no evidence against him. Hawsley and Noo man were each fined (35, and costa, and locked op in tbe police station where they will remain until the floe is paid. of Blaine Has Arrived. Tha City of New York was sighted south east of Fire island, steaming along toward' tbe Narrowa. at 1.15 a. nt. to day. Bo far aa could be seen she was prccetding suc cessfully on her voyage, The vessel bore no evidences of bad weatbsr or unusual' hardships at well as could be ascertained. Hbe passed over the bar at an early bonr end was at her dock at New York city be fore 7 o'clock this morning Though it waa like a performance of "Hamlet," with the part of tbe Prince of Denmark omitted, the Blaine demonstration last night waa in every way very creditable in deed. With Mr. Blaine atilt on tbe high sea*. It could not ba expected that there would he the enthusi asm which hie presence would have in spired. bnt as it wss, tbe view up Fifth avenue from Twenty-third street during the parade was a magnificent one. isan Square and the avenue were covered by a dense mase of human beings, all ani mated by one thonght—to view the parade and cheer for Blaine. As far aa the eye could reach tbe marching olnma of pa radera, with waving banners, biasing torches and bright transparencies, ronld be se n. All did not turn out who would have dune so if Ur. Blaine had been on tbe re viewing stand, but it was, nevertheless, an. interesting parade of (air proportions. Mnd new will YV «altier. Delaware and Maryland, 1. r- m.. Bligbtlv cooler, fair to partly cloudy, var iable to southerly winds, followed by slight rise in temperatnre. Tbe New York Herald forecasts.—The "cool wave" now ovsrlyiug the lake region will probably be felt slightly in tblssee tiun hy to night. Temperature (ell slightly in the United Btates yesterday, Tbe chief minima reported were from 44 to54 in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Northern Michi The chief maxima were (rom 8 U to the Con can gan. 88 in tbe Gulf States. In the Middle States (air weather will prevail, with fresh northerly to westerly wind» and slight thermal changes, becoming «lightly cool proceeded by clondoess near the coasts. Oa Saturday in this section' slightly cooler, (sir to partly cloudy weather will probably prevail, with vari able winds, becoming southerly, followed by a slight rise of temperature, and on Sunday warmer, partly cloudy to fair weather, possibly followed by local rain* in this section. Bayard's thermometer:—7 a. m,, 73, 9 a. m., 76: U a. m.,80 ; 1 p. m.,83. and (ha reso ex wart Before Ton Go Don't forget the slippers and outing shoes; light,thin,cool and comfortable urprisi ngly low prices at the Family hoe House, W.H. Babcock, 30» Market street, above Second. 37th