Newspaper Page Text
MST EDITION of LEVY COURT IN SESSION. They Do Sont« Busincs». raying llt-avirj; (ur Examining The Levy Court met in the Levy Court in the Court House at 10 o'clock Index. room this mornlQ'-^fflth' «11 ' the BienilMks present. A jielîtîoh was received from'a number of citizens of Bt. Georges hun dred, asking that a committee bo ap pointed to viow Gic Silver Run uauseway. A largo t.raet of hfnd was flooded through a break in it. A majority of tho Silver Run Marsh' Co. objertt-M to thft court interfering with fhe matter. Tlie petition was ighl on tlie table and a com mittee of live, composed of Messrs. Grubb, Hoheit«, McCall, Toy, Shnllcross and Morrison appointed to view the cause way and report. À committee (joinposed.of Messrs. Jor dan, Wicr, Tay, McCracken and Both well were appointed to view the bridge Mill Creek in Mill Creek hundred. h over witli a view to repairing it. The New Castle School Commissioners were given permission -I)» tap the drain loading from tho. jail to' tho Delaware river. Messrs., Bhallcross and Roberts were appointed n committee to examine the road book fur Bt. Georges hundred. It was reported correct for 1835. arid 188(5 was paid in full, except ing lf2,913.3'' subject to errors and com missions, '1 he year 1837 was paid in full. ___ The attorney of tho'CoWrf was directed to enter satisfaction on the official bond of Ji r ttr« (t um. — rnttvetor-ftri— R e d M e n Hundred for 1887, The- ivimmiUet* on the road in Christiana hundred, along Brandywimv hundred, along Bratldywlni* ereok from tho Harley Wood mill to Break's mill, about l(io yards tong, re iug.that it hutttknn.a.ia.. report of tin* cqm resoluuon was suli por comity charge. Thq mittoe was-fost. A 1 mittwi, Tudcing for.arixmunittee of live to view tho rtnut'Tunning' hear Ward's mill in Mill Crook hnmh'eii. If, was. tlie.opin ion of the court, that it had no jurisdic tion in t hi (émise, mid an amendment to tho resolution was passed stating this fact and aiso'rtatiilg t-hM citizens should apply to the''Riijler!or'erturt for it rnhiAdy. The following statcniont, showing the amount» received 011 1 account 01 oawirty tuxes for W88,'wus rhdS and udoifted: uEr'Ril'TB. Received from TiioRid*. Bird Brum wine bund red. Patrick Ni*iti*t, Nortiurti district WilmtrtgloivhuudiV-d!. ■ '. :*. John T. trtcVty. Houtljccn ilistriet Wlirriinglou iiiii.*lr*il Robert Wadslcy; Nrv.- Castle limid'd James H, 8. Uadi, Ri*d Llort bundrt-d. William H. Deocton. 81. (Werges (ttraareo . 4 I,mm lay»«*,«» ».noo.oo «».DO 1 ( 1V17B AND t'KI'AID'FOT. 1887. James T. Richardson hundred. . ... . . S 2.571.28 John A. Muffin, White (,'lay Creek liimdred Janu-s R. Uniehtou, J'cncadir lid.. Duval ('tihwi,'Apneqviimmlnk Hit., li. T. (.'. RolLjWcll, Blackbird lid.. tfffifc Wirt 18S0." John P..Iju Fcvro.l'em'ailer huailred. I'uinal J. Ljuih, 8;. litornes JiM.. Mill Creek 1,564.99 4.50. 2.577.49 44.23 1,258.11 ?lï,45B.r*l EnwM'.n .IIamiv, County Treasurer. August 44, 188*4. Messrs. Weir, Roberts, Morrison. Shall anff'Toy were 1 tipprtln'ted a eom nlt t.ton 1 j* f-ollfee will. Mosarit. J aim. II. and Alexander B. Cooper, 00m 'missioner» appointed hy tho Legislature to ojapihip and 0* rtify tin* jiew imle,*; for the pretlnmtitary's docket, in regard to thofçoT*|*iBi*t:i«i to he dWiirded totham.i After exïmÿiing tlie index and eoiiferring witli tin* commis* tuners the committee recommended that lj>5(MI be paid to each on completion of the work. This was adopted, after- some disenssion. - <*oinnùtJhjÿ(ki!lht! horse injured hy tailing through a had bridge in New Castle liuu drod refoirtnl that, they would sei* the horse after adjournment and report at the next, meeting. Adjournment was then :on«e until SepUnnber lllh. ero! 'J VM " r STREET MARKETS. l'ruvi^lirm T« . «MAU Tbing». •eonUng to Indications, to-morrow's market* *r)U b<' xvi-ii sup|*li<*d with all that the housewife needs, * To-zlny.duajer» report sales to is* dull/ luit rriit'rcif ate nhetter-merkét to-morrow are better .although There 11 re ph iity, rather ti*rt many, small, 1 and premature peaches, that ër 11 n vr 1 m'T-Ti TirougTi f îôTôwn, for sale, 1ml the good peaches an* not ver -•lay. Plenty of The a'. Peacht-a scon'er ■j havii^ ) slnrtibi ■ry ph 1*15 rill ' Best prices are 25 Irt 30 cents a hilf peck, for Troth's Mom York basket. Melons arc §t>5 to i|25 per him dreii, and Hit 1.0 40 V*nt« a wie**;*. -Gante loupes, yfirt-igh but i>!ä»if*»L in greater ijuantity. They sell at .K) to 60 ccr.Li a liasket. Egg plants are 45 cents* « t^ket, 5 cents a piece. Corn is 40 Cents a iiasket, 10 to l.*i cents a I dozen; tomatoes tire holding their own at 35 to 40 4*hntn a basket for good quality and BUo 15 for inferiors; they sell at 10 to 12 cents a Jmlf peck. Lima beans are coming down and now sell at 20 onart ■ souashes eafd.age, '* II \ml | Ö iu illo.-o, Susquehapoas, .Early, *3noth( e xfcirfeiM. taut iff15 par] arc com mg 25.. ciints a S cents ; tu 3 to Knlf'TW.-U • 25 cents a half .. .. ",i ' <v¥ ", < * The wigwam Ve ■ TieTd a rteffi in# last »M . figg, H. b Grtidmy. holder,; declined to accede j »requirements of the C4>»mitU,u„WM! îpsve up tho cuulr*ct. Thv voamiitcv .m'li bark on trie) mjtk; liJwefi't.biiWêi . WtiüjptV t. sä ■ irJSrJs »ary'pap«'^ wrx-y^irrtt *>. W'p.lrd afïd db- ' l l y gn wt . , be.'irt^rled iu Achtln b price wa» * |I4,4lHb * The contnû l * re- i quireM^Jn*sam4 + ,: L i; < aafi fWnfiWjug by i îebni^fjpifefi ^ sW* " " ZUm V.Ï TaxHè^: _ J County, taxes .iittt ,pnid. ou.aud sHtsr Sep»é4^-rf*wlHts.rtré;,wtrt«vnnw«!^^n n'.- ± J-—Li 1 || 12 liraiutaol iWr k.q.i t.y vi,.i.„u «tl, and King. Try L. A G. and,be happy. string tsjan:*,* 15 eehts a 5 cent« « InrtX'h , onion« peck ; sweet potatoes, 25 to 50 cents a half p**ck ; White ]*otatoes, 85 cent» a half peck ; yellow tomatoes, for pickling, 50 cents a liasket, Apples are 10 to 20cents a half peck. Poultry is 16 to 20 for old and 20 ♦** 25 for young chickens, per pound. Butter Is 25 to .80 cents a pound and egg« 23 cents a dozen. Fish and meat retyvn samt* ibices. - Plllllp ('.'lulls'., ('«»llllitloil. PhUjj* < '-ui4j:n h' ld his own to day, and. although tl'CT. tear have been no im provement in lit» condition over that of ye»t*sHlay, yet Ite took mon* nourishment He api*oars to have- rallied somewhat, The innarumati'-n ivhiclt had set in has abut d '! w ln I •' Dr. 1., A. Kitteuger, his pnysieian, gives no en courage in « at, iio taw not tost all jiopc of hio-pat ienl s tec -twy. .Ha ir<m conta iv tution has stood him in g<*od stead since the accident. At jtrea in lus thruak He q Should he recover, i somewhat 'rri-ppUc there is trouble h», a good dugl.* will always be r ..mj&iiß. _of ..füllt icSi_ Mr. Mare Is Oat of the Kare, lint Mr. Donahoe I« In. As the day for the nomination of Dem ocratic candidat«» for legislative honors approaches, the factional lines are becom ing igore and more drawn and the candi dat«» are blossoming. "Up to within a few days the only can didate who had appeared represented the Salisbury faction, hut yesterday after noon a Well-authenticated rumor was cir culated t liât tlie Wolcott slate would be John.P. Donahue for senator and James W. Ware for representative. A reporter of the Evenin'« Jot us.u, met Mr. Ware to-day and asked him, if lie was g candi dat« foi* the llottse of Representatives. Mr. Ware replied: "No, I am not a can didate.'' "But will you run for the office if your friends desire," asked the nqiorter. < He replied; "No; 1 prefer not In run. Sbme of my friends wanted me to run for senator, and 1 had about concluded to do , but circumstances occurred that led ■ to drop it." "Mr. Dinuihoe is U| by a candidate for senator, Ik hi* not?" uske'd the reporter. "Yes," replied Mr. Ware; "lu* came to me veut onlay and told mo that tie would not like to antagemize me. and 1 told him he wonld not . and he then s aid he was going to ran and WM a > candidate with out any ifs or huts , "Tlumi can say for you positively, Mr. Ware,.'' asked the re[*orter, "that you will not be a cinulLdatu for the House,' "Positively, sir," replied Mr. Ware, "Under no cireumstaiiees whatever," rsistod. the repoffdf,' "irilt Vou Is* a euudidntc'/" ,. "No! no' don't say that !" said the ex eepresefitlttive, and in a mildertone, ns he smiled: "There might be circumstances that ,wonld make mmi candidate; 1 haw* been asked by several partie»; sud bave told them I - did lot believe el could air ford it," e « ••( J_ Ware's nntlioritativo aiinolineeiueutsif M r. p.ogah'.ifis; caiidjdaey places , three candidates in t.liHinclii for State Senator. DiaighjK*, its the enudidate oftlie tVph qtt forces und Miljlin and 'Jninu lending separate hosts of t,he Knul -hury forces. That IHjhnh«»* ïs » .strong .capilhlate T.*r his faction is doubt '4, so it is said, by miuy rtf tin* strongest , adhv.t'i'tlts of Mr. Woleot. They say that one way to oh nin local option is tin ijeuionsivute that 'the saloon in local politics, has enough influence to send ntipof its repfer-cntntlvoi to Dover. ' Sesslhh after sessiori it "lids' fiben with dilKeully that, the banlslmn* Wty leader» In Kent have prevented tho . .. 'ago of temperance laws nml lhi*v threaten now to keep ' hands off" shoufà tlie Deiinn*ruts 'of Wilmington deride Id send to Doter a senetor 'so diunietrieully opposed td thehi. Tho' StaiiläHury party leaders in Kent also say that aside from l other considerations they would tie utterly' unable to control the members of the Législature in temperance legislation if strang in thé hall fmfn t he tttetrdpolis of the State was a representative At liquor interests. The other wholesale Hanot'' itit-ii of tlie city therefore could not gdve 'Uiolr support to Mfl. DAtmtröe, lull will divide it between the.other can didaffls, rei'Ognl/Jng hoir fatal tt wimld is* to their imerëçks! Tt ts also' claifned against Dotlahoe' tlWt the saiiie VloMent that ihdted in defeating JtfliVi J. Dough <*rfy Will do mtrkli to defettî fritVi. h I" : 11 ■The Haulslmry forces are divided and an* fur apart at present as the factions tbemtielTe«. Thf» id duo to eAVi didaey. • Mr, (Juinn's iVwi 'irt claim timt : the uaadidaoy of Mr. Donahue is tin* best 5 ; ! 11 >* »■ ned to him HU cut Mul lin'« suppo rt. In twain single also claim for him a nmitlM-r Snfheieni to Mr. Hu Inn is certainty Hi* bus thp members -thing that could hi; us it and not injure Quinn e. iThev vote. L-Itiff :V<)t(*S, iioniumte him. strongly backed, of the County Executive Committee, nearly all his colleagues in City T Council, mid a number of. city officials, He will obtain a groat proportion of the votes in the-First, Booonrt. Fourth; Eighth amt Tenth wards» ^ , . The irt for Mrfllin . comes mainl The »nwjort for Muilin /comes mainly from sffcfeties in which he has Hindi* him self very popular by his -pleasant man ners and intelligence,-' From present tip pearancea on the surface of tué field the main fight is between Quinn and Donahue, witli Muilin third. * : ' r For the house there is as great a dearth iof candidates as they are unraeronsfor the Seimtortol VhapiW. 'i'hrt'rtniy persop Who lias thus far appeared is Mr. Bates's own eandidatc, 'Wflliard Hall I'orten* the deputy judge .that is not',"' There hr;* likely to be some not days, before, August is over (tnd from - present appearance« Mr. Porter's am lilt ions >vil! witherq^J ( ... -, ar , ' and anotluif riin'ditL.tô ; wili afip«* *Bpeakmiiiihaa htyartp'oiuinutb' myptjou ed as a entiilidate T(V''1hl'' rtoHso His strength is undDubtrtfid(|ad tfapsc krgiifg Turn claim tiiat a hidTor ntémoèr* eoilld not be secured and that there should !»• a business mafl - in the House. George McKee has also been mentioned, hnthe piiS#Etw4y iAtctlmtB w* run. N» * 1 iWK Uunawaj Horne». , , . .. . , . , U A 1 ™' r of r.«Helu*d to one of Murphy « ««1 wagon»van awayonPop lur stm-t tfi , morning. They started near Tenth stm t and ran to E ov-ul h street, where they wc*v check «J by r;ni '?^ n ? int0 , a Um P .V"* broken off near the base. One of the horses were slightly hurt- No one was on the wagon. ., , n .-. « ' i T, David Reis is a candidate for the leg islature in Kenton hundred. Mrs. Gwfqo \^*, Ovriip hu»', th» big tw* , of hrtr rightToor mr«! y *d' olhvcstertoiv hv, aJfiAh'nrTiarlirffiUBffig unftl t*r. TV W. MiïuTl dreséasU the «ouml bv scwin#. ioj the dtattffih.hcrWl iwidKf? < I __ •* ! "" v ...JT-Vt *» ' M n - } , Minummod ..n* i-oin. **/ . " '^'îSjai r>t " i *•' 1 ^ at i l' ra " ■' ' 0 ^ al Pfoééss. • -1 -> • , s ., n NpjIÎ*mùTe*rti»fi».;.e. 1 Thlnimuil illUHirlJilll, Itviai. amung-lhmm. Intoynaÿ)^ Jn •matew -athtatuu , dariflfi iWdiué'pi'r WVlfeC »? qlÄNr^t, f«r.liS( || ni». There IfajÄ* Be«St a niMÎiher of tour naments so faf prell up nar v to the hig one tu ho held at Newport* and it looksi BROUGHT IN LATE. Miss Mary Ford bus returned from a three weeks visit to Philadelphia. A. L. Alnseow of the, firm of A. L. Ainscow it Co. of this city has determined postpone Ills deuartni" from Atlantic CRV Mr ten tlrtys longer, having found his company at the Hotel Ridgway very attractive. tu Lewis O. Gmtz, «eeretnry and trea surer of the ihiyuomt Stutjj Cpr Spring Co., will Mean* UhiLnidiorria to-morrow en -route for Europe. He will. cuU-'W/k btltjincss with plcuhurc mid will be affqy for several weckt». ; cAyé / I T*C in lierai te émmty <'**»;e. The Democratic Comity QonmfWi*«<is ] iri'çcssirtn this, aftepriortn. M jUß. t»* | ciuttmUW were looking d7>j ways and mears. 'eA'rêïl v,*m he 'JiähM f'or'dclvgrttt'S t'ffrtro tbe : értnmUtce risy».' t ■- - '--trr 1- h . v i.., , I Mr». Ge«fgo Oérilp hud the Ifig tae \ of llfir rigltt lioit m««!ied ot?y (>«lei>ioiv bv a^yiljiirJtf^falÇ^.m'1»;. Dr, : D.' W. ! c rj oéld! ru .'>''°.' s J the ertro ! Tot Cof'Oif, as it t hase ot Chicago, wtm ha» takei first pTacr aï N«T lànl Hiul WénfwôHTi,T will fie near the front. The old time .Truck players are not drtinir no well a« irmprb'j y.n<i Urn.younger, ones, like hllip'Searp, McMullin ami Chase, will beat them at the scientific trame that (îeqtlIMt snt'h skill when the ehampion •ship crip Is competed for at Newport. fi 1'1 ASSAULT AND BATTERY, Distinguished Visitors Toying Off Com pany Ur-A fishing Iposrtelle. ,Iiy Letter to Evcnlna Jourual, New Cjisti.e, Del.. August 14.—A huge crowd gat boxed at Mayor Janvier's office last evening to witness a trial there. The trouble was this. Mr. Rambo, a man living on Cherry street, has a peach tree ladcued with fruit, which .slant» to ward the yard of a man named Tracy. *Mr. Tracy 's wife in Home way managed to obtain Some of I hr* peaches. On find ing this out Mr. Ramis* went to the Mayor *0 have Mrs. Tracy arrested, hut he was persuaded to let the matter drop by a «dative. Mr. Tracy on being in - fonuod by his wifo of the affair, wailed for Mr. Itainbe to come home from his work. When he met him he cursed him, 'and brutally assaulted him. Bam bo is a delicate man and thn harsh treatment he received may end seriously. Tracy was 1 p«t under if'-kki hail to ap|*ear liefere next court. * John H. Utslney went his had and he was reluasud. John Herbert ami wifi* of Mt.Holly. *N. J., have Ixsm visiting his brother. Stale Treasurer William H. Herbert, iu this citv. 1 be Rev. '1, h. 'lorry formerly pastor (>f the M. h. church in tins city, but now of Dover, arrived m this city1 to day. U be almost 1 tu pm»,bln for a man to come to this city who wunUl rcceiyo a !U "3WWfftrtj' welcoimi. ■ 1 ho «TmniiH in tlio M. B. ( bufi;l|,ui thin fitv u Off. Suiuluy *>v iliti ReV. J. l). C. Il»iijnic l Uil )'residing Lider \\ . L. S. Murray were verj 1 loqueut and we-.p higld)-appreciated by the congre tW» Mips Regina Mahoinjy of this city 1» visiting relatives at Kirkwood. I Ad. Harry W, Herbert informed the com* ■»pondent that ho saw a shark in the Delaware river yesterday. A fishing party of four gentlemen Spent yesterday afternoon fishing. After Staying in the. sun for. several hours « rithout a bite they succeeded in catching ne eel. which they cut in four pieces, giving «ach man apiece. . ' Miss Aggie Wiimot of Ibis city is visit hig friends at Wilmington. The members of Company TI were paid Inst nifflit fot tb(*ir sirrvU'4* nt tne en Caripiiieiit. ,, lion, Frederick Worthington and wife, of I'hiladelpliia, John T. Thatcher, wife and daughter of Philadelphia, Miss Lillie (Hover, daughter of Thomas Glover of Woodside Mansion. Wlssnnoming, Pa., and John Truitt of Philadelphia are the guests of William C. Worthington on Delaware street- Mr. Thatcher is a prominent politician of Philadelphia ami vom sent as a delegate to the Chicago Convention. Mr. Worthington, after his visit tant accompanied by his wife, will go to Delaware Water Gap to spend a few weeks. A life and drum corps has been organ ized- by tho Lenape hire Company, with James Doria ns leader. They ara ready to miJm engagements at liny time. • Cards nrivont announcing a delightful mooniight excursion to leave this city on 1 the S4th of this month for Augustine 1 Eic*r, <fn tbcV st<sini»»r Wilroln^ton. | will bo acGowpftUitxl by a »r i »-! bnw?s baixi ; anil-orclioatn*. I Rev. K, L, Hnldwrd ef this city rd- | turned from Church Mill yes . rday.uinr« ( heclpenwl Kchwreh onNmmay. I .Mrs. .1, b. Munlovo u*i<l K. h. j Hubbard are at camp meeting at Brandy wino Nummlt. ' Cadet Herbert L. Deakvne of thismty, whit* is visiting ut Kmyrr.n, will ret urn home to-morrow. He will leavo for West -Foiot on the 2Nth of lid« month. Judge Tumor went through the docket in hlfi business-like manner this morning, John Callahan -was the first nufortu nath. Hi* hàd become very drunkyestot day, and Wfka t âîî;ehargiMl l viffoii a proihiSiV BEFORE JUDGE TURNER. to h ave tujrn Itufrieffu.': ely. CoÄh-ITTTs Karl, a Iff .von Th» CtMft Dhpvflcd of ln th» Municipal ! Court. yi-Ar old boy front had boon in the Peuln Philadelphia, sula picking peaches ami w a» tin hbt * re turn home. He «hopped, over Just nijçht tinder thp shod of the Ki'unqhqc. lw & Coal Company whope he wy.s found by Officer Gaynpp. Ite was lot oil, on a promrso to kwv a going "" his way to Philadelphia. The case of Andrew (J.iiley of 205 West Fourth street, charged with selling pre dial« without a license on the street», was next taken up, CaUoy has a grocery store at the above number uud on *K*varal wdkiceasious ho hr.» loaded up his wagon .with produce and sold it on the streets. The Retail Grocers' Association deter mined to prosecute him. T. ' Ttiil appeared testified to purchasing products of William as a witness and ('alley. After hearing tho testimony tho city solicitor abandoned tho casa on the ground that the fact that Galley was a storekeepor entitled him to sell out of a wagon. The Pattons and Uannums live ami East Fifth street near Si)race and at on iscaSi ruiu Mtreei utav time» disturb the peaoa of the surround mg community wttb the row» arising out family Yesterday Hannum« 0, pitrick n amr'^l-htget' areest^d fo"4t^dbattery. Tim {.*stlmonj' against Patrick wa- w.*ak and he wa» discharged, but that against Bridget was suffleient, and was to tho effect that sho had inflicted sundry »ud iliyers wound» upon I be 1»T:,oil of Ellen Pa'tou, suffit; iont iu amount to cost $5 und costs. Henry Robinson, a .»trujige negro, came to towu.veiitc.rdiiy ami ulduhamI by getting drunk and insulting the female denizen« of (trecieV street. Officer EvansJ arrested him and found upon him a razor. He \vas held in $300 bail for carrying' concealed deadly w-apm.s. The cas.* sgainat Thomas Davidson s ol j.yjnar pent UP ic tat)day in tow ei , An acld hi rit, loaded will) sulphuric arid, wns taken up i,o tho Waltou î-'i Whaun ,Ct>. s-Xvrtiuaer works this morn ing.. • . I Vtirwicti line' ■»♦earner Glfv nf ! , , * , . 4 * • { nv l- » .t J *» ^ ii- koUl V ' •'r.., } The stram barge Mary wns takm n*f. Pi 28 cy & ,^1# jppsterday l, i > Y> ta»» sbo^H t») have ypppirs tp tlie ftiachijjjrÿ finiklnifi. -1 Th' 0 stettm bar*r.> Frankie of Trenton' N T ta raiTtaJwJÂrV 1 .nTa* 'K^l B ,oj LL*J *" V müîii.^ i R Tlio Olnirlés W.nnihflCt*. sfrelÿif h«it^, Philadelphia while ,lLa steam barge Eddy stin^of (Tv'stef tin-Ff<ight h'tie is being lO^nlre'd at Moore's shipyard. of Malone charged with !.. and John I obtmeting the aidwwullr with largi* hloe.ksl ] of msible whs cimtinilcd until August 16.' | t Six schooner loffffs of poplar went tip I to the Pulp IVofks, tho tug Rambler. J:«* \ An netd-h r.t, lor.ffAj witli sulplmric a'-id, wi.» taken up L* the TValtou ! WTiaun .lÜWü&tr v.orks this morn . . .. , . prwich une . «teamqr Cffy off . >« IrtVtng new steel hollers rj bujjt, by tine Kariani; & UpUingswbrÜi Cifijipany, .ra-o r .■, r ■-. ^ -v't f J The «team barge Mary Was taten ! t, _ «. i..*. ..*.:_ ..'tii... . »... . i WILMiNGTON HARBOR,' "i** f** ' LILLY'S DEATH A MYSTERY. Accumulating Evidence Create* Uncer tainty In tlie *lury. The coroner's Jury In the Lilly poison ing case reconvened last evening in OorA-' nor Barnhill's offleh. Louella Adams, the colored girl who purchased the meat, was the tirst witness called. The little girl-is about lit years of age, anil as she had fmrelumed the meat some snspichm had been attached to her, hut tho perfectly Straightforward story told by her dis-, polled this suspicion. She testified that on tlie evening of the poisoning, ntiout 5,30 o'clock, she wont to Toppin's store at Pi ftli and Lombard to purchase a quarter bound of dried'beef. When she obtained, the meat there were several pieces left on the ihoftt Mock'. tjhe went front the store to a milk house on Fourth street hear Lombard ami obtained some milk. She took the articles to Mrs. Singley, placing the meat wrapped np cm the talile. She wont out for a while, and when who came hack Mrs. Singley had cooked the meat. It was thou put on the table. When the . throe men were taken sick sin* was present and Mrs. Singley told her to take the meat und throw it out. At that time them was little, if any meat left, and the witness threw it over the fence. She hrtd been with thé family fourteen weeks andnever had had any dispute with any of 'the family. Shq had not been in a drug store ■for some time before. She was seht to call a doctor on the night of the poison ilig When the men were taken sick they all asked her what was the Matter with the meat and she said that she did' not know. The riish and frying pan were clean before the meat was cooked. Hlhvood Singley was at homo when she went after tho meat and when she came, hack, but left short ly thereafter. ' Mrs. Mary Marlindale, -104 Lombard wtreet, Mrs. Annie (lultius. äUö Lombard »treat and Mts. Fanny Rntli testified to purchasing dried boef out off thn name piece ut Toppin's and about the same time and had cooked tho beef and used it ■with no had effect s. Mrs. Collins was in tho store when the Adams girl purchased the meal for the Singley's and it was cut she took 11 linif pound, the colored girl took a quarter of a pound. K.i -h of "he huiles hint eaten overv particle of the m „,, t !lU( , Wl , rt . ln perfect heaUli Gqorge W, Singley was sworn and testified lo the incidents of the jailsoning Areally Ho* bud but lx'pf und it l»ad )uid no iwirti^u p ir ] v | JH d ellcet upon him, lie* hud voniited because his mother had n*ques,ed him tkf do «t>. There was coffee at the table, hut very little of 1, was drank. miwinsl »aid that he had thrown Hie meal nwav, hut the witness did not »<*e j,j m g (1 ' j Markley Singley, out* of the men poisoned, was next sworn. tllBt ns nH thl . n „. Bt ^ nt( . rP d his stomach ho felt a horning sensation. Thp witness' mother prepai f(lr mi p p p r She pared tbo' off and made a gravy ' John Collins bf 513 Past Fifth street; hail purchased some of the meat and ate 0 f it with no had effects. When he heard of the poisoning, be cautioned the family not to uhp tho meat nn«l rollwl up some of it to give a cat, This was on Tuesday night. On Wednesday night ,)ie cat was dead and the meat goms hut he coidd that tie* 1 He testified ted the meat emtsbh* ritid lliea t killed the, oat its the eat would eat an vtl*ing tint It could get. (j* Kllwood Siugley testified that »tarnt o 0i p m i,iy v caa ^ to the store and to1(i«Uinvhis i^othor wiiasiok. Uaviug bwi ^ fuiii^ing Mjiel)* Up went hoiue« appum• tianieil by Lilly who vomited ou his wav \vbeu they arrived at the lll( .y found tha other two hoy* sick, , They had blamed it on the meat. bis Itaowlcd^v of ybenüstry lu* knew it was poison and went right out and met Dr. C. B, Nuudain. who gave him a pmscriptiim. {,otter from phoned for Dr. Snitcher. was positive thut he threw away what nient t libre was, hut could not say for cert nin when* ho threw if. James Hane», I he last witness, testi fied to purchasing fhe meat and feeling 110 ' iai * ''fleets. The jury then adjourned until tld» ino.-niug at 10 o'clock. The patients not getting this trealinent witness tele The witness iNyrrsT rroN gk'anukr. lb Th« Jury Klml a Verdict of llrnth by Accident Yesterday. Deputy Coroner Lee empaneled « jnry yesterday aftefltpon trt'-ihijuire Into the cause and marmer of the death of Arthur Granger, the dt-mented man who was killed midway between the East and " i»t ,Jüui*tion» ou Sunday evening. Richard Clegg, wjLh whouj, Granger boarded, was firatowom, Willie»» luul,known Oranger since Christmas. Ho was always of a qniut, more*»' din position Witness did not notice tiffs utu i until lust Tuesday when Granger's actions became, very queer, ,ho becoming convinced tlsit he was mesmerized. The last time that tho witness saw him was about 8 o'clock on tho evening of his, disappearance. At Unit time he had about SjtHOm Ids pocket and was dressed in a different suit of clothes than the one in which ho was found. Richard Gray, conductor of train 88, noticed Granger on tho track about 5.31? p. m. on Saturday, He .Tossed in front ->f the engine amil stood about six feet frnm the track His.strangi* appearance t > u , attention and he Th" ' u,, h i,® , „" Jl t of hln *af J h* ■ *» bi m utiM hi lost »iRbtcf him . ., . witnetu*^heard of Granger ite w'ns kilbsl. The train at the time was midway befreed east at.d ^ brftkwnttn of th( , G. G. .Whitt, the Drakeman of tftt tram, was standing on a gondola ear, next to the caboose, when ho felt a jar as if a board had been passed over, amigo ing to tho end of the car he saw that the truck of the gondola car and wheels of the caboose had passed oyr'tot man » ueck. Witness at once notified the yard master Hmt tho train had run oyer a man James Slieny and Bam O'Neil testified to tbo finding of the W®J' James Lee was tho last man that saw, Granger an the night oi his disappear ance. Granger and la-e were sitting on the step tajkmg, .wln,'U suddenly without warning Graitgcrju:up.*d up and started out Marylivutl avciaie ^ u suiuo oije was after him. * AttLattiuu* lie ka^l a very good suit of clothes on. , , . I'nruier U sttmeiiv V'.'is heiird n» io thl mart s conditioti in l .nglVtd. and that h., had (wo iq-otl.cre In Ni-w Y-tI, and oi',;. JjHIranger. In M.nhi.r» r. f.nglan 1 „ P'ff'' '''bfi-.yinr- vertuet : "R'* , '7lv<'d, Fhat Arthur- iri-ingep came to Ms death hy beiptr f-'V.ihpinlly run '•'''TA''*«." first r-ecn« td 1 tre'n No. W, im tin* M. »v <>. tii ft. p. iji., cm : Atwrust ta/* \ • n ^Thä ÂSSi-ffiiisî'*' ofl!rr tliüi mdxnîfîjj and stntod tiwit to.ûis WWI aixitlt  o>l6<*k <»n Snrulby Tnornhï,?. Hia rk» f lu*a wn ; very wcj île h»d jalloft Int» the fhri» ««* M« been flrit'éd ont hy flifi*: \*M&**W. ' Hh W' »«» lR *? Ä,i> ' j He jfnâe'GYajIçt r n «inr shH nf elothrt. und fixed a plaée ht thé hn'r tomn fiff him te Ht* nnon-: • lie htaj bééA Uiért hnl s ont of the window, ran aror u passinr milk min and exclaimed *1 i *m iuit*.q ci.-c.ncit* .nul I wfij sok -h*' J'H'I , ' ,rn ' 1 P' r - 'V i" Mgland |t jurt riqi i er " I tlm ful'mcintr- ven.n j^lj^* over hv fin* first r**cti ti train No. 88, tlm'B. é: O. ridîtoad,, «1 ff P ffi. Alufust ti" •-■ • t ( Further tcstunpnv yn.» heard ns to live WnfM on (In*. ' Thai was the hod Mr. wt-tw Htnrgmn still at the hoteh Sturgeon fotind t'oropef .UacuhlM T'i" take out letters of administration gpd wm take care of tile' effect» of the deati nian unt il his brother is found A friend is now In New York loofeifig f • >r the Wot her. In the pockets Mr. between *40 and iAo BASE BALL GOSSIP. Walton Will play with Un* (Juicksteps Saturday. Tin* Americas will put up a siroug nine next Saturday. Stanna.rd is ls*eouiiug the best dressed nn t lx-(Juickstep Club. Aiken of the Quickstep» will go to tho Catskills for several weeks. If the Americas win next Saturday they will lead the League, A meeting of tin* Leugnete arrange a new schedule will is* held in a few days.. Tin* Wawaset Club want a game with tin* South Side tiravs at Union Street Park. , ,/ The Camden will play tho Sen ford teflm today on tlie grounds ef tin* ,laU«r, 'Smith and 1 hi vis will he tho opposing ' pitcher*. One of tin* local player» who rejoices In the use of about seven diiferent names, no one of which is Ids own, is said to 1 m* having a now one fixed up which be will use at t lie next game. W names, »fill he is nameless. The record npw stands— A nierions have won jive out of eight—,t'.25; Quicksteps, six out of nine—,(itHl; Wilmington, five out of Itj—.41(1. An Americas victory would raise it to .060 per. cent,,, and the Quickstep would Ik '.0 [M*r cent. Will win? Ith so many Who ■Th Seal'ord Review man says he will not come to thin city* unprepared ' is ready for him.. H(* wont to Philadel phia yesterday and purchased a windmill to counteract tin* iutlneucivof tin* Seafurd man should ho again aiquairin this cBy.*-* Tjife Morning News. Charles AVnlton, Wei Icy Wicr and John Tim y'rnn arrtnml the haset) at Union Stns't Park yetfferffky. They wi re timed by J. Piercrt, (ifid made thedndrinAe In 15, Iff »ml III second« revjK'ct ively. The captain of the club say« lie will race 1 either of the 1 hree at any championship gnnie in which' they pljiy The Houstons and Wilmington» will play thl*afternoon at. Union Street Park. NViluiiugUni* team will as : follows; Noisier, p, UiuclU«, c; G, Syhcu, lb; L, Beheu, X'b, Knight, s.s, Kenny, 3h; Allen, r.f; A, Srlicu, c,f; McDauiol, I f. The fichcg family as usual 1« w«ll ri'Wre senlcd. Gunn* U* is* called at 4.o'clock. SeUk This about the lover of base bull 1« too bad, It is said that on thoeafs of a street railway Hue not far from this city, are cards with the word«; "All persons rid ing on this read must pay si* cents far#, except crunks and imbeciles. " According to one interpretation of this fnlt* all lovers of the national game arc allowed to ride free. • v v The amateur gomes scheduled for the rest of t he season are as follows ; Angtfst 18— Quiekste]* and Vtnerleus; August 25— Quickstep and Wllptihgton ; September 1—Americus and Quickstep; ScplenibiT S—tjulckstep and Americus; SupictubiT 15— Amerit'usand Wilmington. Scjitein her 7J—VViJiningtiqi and Quickstep; Sep tember 29—Americus and Quickstep. To the Editor of the Evkmnu JonisAI, VV- have read M. Jf. I'rcttynuui's state ments iu yesterday's paper, and we be lievu every statement to bn correct, know Mr. Rreltyniuji as a peyfoct gentle man, and his treatment of our club when we were iu Milford was of the best, one will dispute* his knowledge of the .rule» of the game, and his umpiring is as impartial as we would desire. When wo played the Milford club we always hod a fair show, and when the Milford club played in this city, it was through Mr., I'rettyunm's efforts that nine innings were played. The. above is endorsed hy all the member» of the Wo N ClJIVF.Il Cl.DII. Wilmington. August 14, 1888. GENERAL SPORTING NEWS. The members of the New York Athletic Club have just taken potvesshm of their handsome new boat house at Trav4*r's Island. It is the largest and most corn plete eue in the country and cost fib,(HR). A Seventy-five hour go-as yon-plrnso race at Troy, K. V.. elostsl t*n Saturday night with the following won*: Hart, 292 müh», 0 laps': CArt weight, 289 tnilos, 1 lap: Elsitn, 2x4 mlh*»,'8 lap«; Campana, 281 miles. It laps! Burn». 2011 miles |! Probabilities are tluit the preiio»«vi ; visit of Irish athletes to tills country will bocutail u .fact. 'fJiey will number fifsy of Ireland's best. They propose to parry mil thy idea of Michael Davitt, by holding a monster national festival in 1889 and reviving in their Irish brethren in this Country a feeling of sympathy with the "Old Country." William OTonnor hu» sent the Boston Herald ÿ l,in HI to bind the match with John Teenier for )|l.(KK) a side and the chiMupionahip of America in a Utreo mile sculling race with turn, the rpce to take place on (any fair lake course to Is* mutu ally agreed u[kmi on, <u' about Wednes day, September 12; the winner to take 60 per irtiit. of the receipts am! tiie loser'4rt ^ _ . mt< weâ Nmet> juchtw havi far twnn «nterefl ^he combinatiuîi repitta t<» he held mt the Delaware river -n September 27 It ^ ^ ^ ,, a( . h p)tA nha]l , ttt | under it* own rti le*, bht that cat boat«. »loop«, gutters and schöner« over twenty « T * W^it v ràchTau^ The renJ^s ÄlrWÄ "lhÄ Katioiml Garnie Association Nauinmi cum«* Association. The Gunard steamship (Lmbrlu. ■ which arrived in New York Sunday, bad on board tha record smaalimg team of the Manhattan Athletic Glufi. G. M. L. Saclis and Cieorge A. A.Very. ntu* of tho vice presidents-of the Miuilcittou, had charge of the party which mnssiatedi of T. P. ( ouneff. J-red Westing and 11. M. Bunks. Jr., who with 0. NV. Clark und Tom R 11V English athletes, who here the Manhat irtn «*«>, «auposed Uiewrti kmg part of (hy team. . ^ The "Jaunml'K Or*"»"»». ^ Hfip!»<*A- imvliipf tak<m cliarrv of the c ity circulation of the Kvkni:nu Joi kn ai.. will hereafter Attend tu bavingth« papers M-rved regnhirly and promptly lw car ■ E„th. Thfrtrtntfe» htv** rt.rtn rreonsfriicted ! I ,, nllBr h , , ^»rAjle»,. ,„d if ««y -'IrBYrohixtey »I, field 'at first occlir through stick ci)»*ig.j; »iPwcrilsin* arc 1 resnoctfully rroneslrd to have j «alienee . „port all ' irreçolsriHi-* 1» the J«r*s*i: Rfll«*,- wlmrfwptff. Mrliersey J ^\\ hoick#" ♦^vfrjb VflfrN to y!v<* satis j faction. CoUçctnms wHI h* every 1 *'...... * -w-»*—U—* J iver«»«»••'* to Tfu* Yv\vuv<s- Firj* ( »»mjiauy willjH» i*' | Heaffuig, l'a . tojuotrew <m un excursion. TÎieÿ vPrO hé'jrerfived.' l*> Üie^ WhyqrjuM <5 tlif ptofc-wBl JS» UttéVif »h.i'-flîtllrf«? tfrgtstef AHarfra Ü. Wr whort.*r and City Auditur Johi* M wil [ aecompuny t)*e uompany. a» { „ftScsoiqü, , ... .. : 130 Jtbls. of L. 4 G. gold in «1» week«. Best flour on earth. Nichols, 6th and King. SERVICES UNDER THE TREES. I,t.r k -e r..i. B re K «ti.„,- „rilio w. K. w«r -1,1 . , . sittpvm A lau*» Array of MlnUtrrs. liUANDTWlNK HUM MIT. Doh.Aug. 14— tlie morning opeimd cW and bright ye*. Ionian with a fresh breeze quite fool and refreshing. Tbo cin-nenters wen* ■ nt „...I, „„fl . s larpunrH win ai work tarli. trying to get ready for .the opening Moving» came thick and fast tmt ns so many hail mme hen* last woek I hero was not mneh hustle us is often the ease on t he opening day. The linisbing tonelio# were put cm. Names of the »Vennes and number* of traits and more lights were put in place. m , that the grove ia in-good Ahapc. The mud is dried up ami everything is in excellent sl*i>e. Anew feature is tlie electric gong hell to he used in plan* of the old ML This liell has been put up by Undertaker ■hilin ». Kilmer. Ho has a clock attached so that as the regular bouts come round tho hell rings automatically. SrvoriU of the ininintorM who had «mo to,heir Charges for the Sunday came !»ack wntrdaay morning' and many of them hriBied vom iitdping to fiv up ti.eir and Mend»' tents. Revs Harry Ewing and W. (1 (loons were es peeially active in this direction. The Rev. Adam Stengle was seen witli coat off and tack tiammer in hand, busy Un ing tont No. VU. which is the Union M. K, I'atMmng»* durltig camp. Asborr avenue has the most ministers tentrsi 011 it S(*ott avennc has deve(oiH*d into quite adeslralile tenting ground and Is no doubt tho most shady of any. Newport town Is very well represAntefi oh litis avenue and if the name Indicate» any thing, should not the managers change this to New port avenue? The active periodical agent has opened lits ho'iu Store,and is now ready,for Imsi ness He found tin* KvkNINA J01*7111 At. ready sale, and as usual it was eagerly sought fur its cit y news. The new music' hook, called ''Showers of illessing," pub lishetl hy Sweeny \ on sale at the hook store, and will lie used dur inff camp in all the social meetings. The periiHlieal agemt also attends to the mail and distribution of the same on ar rival. Mail matter siioiild is* directed, "Home Valley, Dol.,'" with the-* words "B S. Camp" In the «orner, Tlds will he tin* only regular mail route. Owing to tin* tenters being busy, if was thought that a camp directory had Ik*tier not'he made until to-day, when all will l»* fixed. The opening service was held ! at 7.45 a. m Prayer by the Rev. J. D. 4J, Hanna of Newport, Del. Singing was directed by Harry F.wing Tin* Ret. J. K. Bryan spoke briefly and then introduced the Rev. Adam Bteiiglo, Who preached from Kxislus, 19: 7. An attentive congrégation listened to the itiseourse, and a spirited meeting fol lowed. The arrival» are as follows; Tho Revs.' W. h S. Murray. W. G, Koon«. Harry W. Ewing, W E Avi*ry. Adam Sfongtu and family, L. E.iRarrett ami wife, J. D. C, Hanna nml family, L \V. Uivfielil ami family of East New Market, Wd., J. E. Hryuq nml wife, N. M Browne ami wife of Newark. J. C. Pickel«, presidrnl of the Nihrd of trustees, also made h!» ap pearance and was husy' attending to the want» of tie* tenters. He 1» quite a lady's man, and is never heller pleased than w hen he is making some of them happy by Ins assistance iu fixing np their tenta. Aiming the other visitors an* riotlceif C. W, fhmert and family and F. K. Mitchell, Services to day were held ns follows: fi.HOa. m.. prayer servin*, h*d hy >1. C.. Pickels; 8.80 a. m. prayer rervlce, Rev. W. L. S. Murray; lO.ikia. m., preaching. Rev. N. M Browne; p. m., children '» meeting, hy the Rev. C. A. Urice,3 p m.,, preaching i>v the Rev. F. N. Given of Mt. Ix*liamni; 6.80 p. m., voting people's meeting led hy the II» v. VV. G, Kouiik; and 47.45 p. iu., {ireaching hy the W. R, Sears. Tho following ministers are on the ground to day : IJ. Koons, C. Harvey Ewing, A. Btengle and L. E rott of Wilniingtoii ; J. D. 0. Hanna. Newport; \V. E. Avery. Mt. Kalem. N, M„ Browne, Newark; L. VV. Laytiold of East New Market, Md. ; J. W. Inersly, fiathtd ; George lisldice of Elam, Pa,, and VV. Ü. Sears. W. 1,. S Murray. W A. Grice, J. K. bryan. Bar Ham* THE LUSCIOUS PEACH. A r.itrKF Ouuntlty In nml 1110 HUlfn cntn. Tlie i*eaches this morning presented the best iv]i|»'urance of the season thn» fur * Fourth and King streets wige filled Vith good sized fruit. At' least 2,500 Laskét *r were hi the market, mostly of thé Mountain Rose, Early York, Crawford and Reeve vnt-iettes Thé c 'ruwfofds ainl Heave 1 » are hrttiging 'the best prices, ffO i»*ntS a basket, wh'ilc sale. The other voilette» tin* averaging 110 cent» a basket. wholesaK*. Thi*r»j is very Hille poiir frnit offered frtr »ah*, Arid aiming the retailer» biishtéss wa» timi»n ally brisk. . *'* The shi[*ment»over *tho Delaware rail road exi'eufied t hin»' of auy day of; the season and are for ahead of auy day for years. The Wyoming Exchaugu h* doing an enoftnous hysuie^S. The JMiintH where and the munter t*f cars consigned yoHterilay was*.» follows; . H i'tilladalphla.Al 37 .Hartilird 4 ■ ( o' - TotaUorta.e. - THE PLAY'3 THE THING, . —. .. v Wilson and lUankfii and Ur. Jrhrll and Mr., Hyde. WilH<lll Bnrt Rankin * Minstrels will 0 p 4 . ll Acadé'my of Miwmon Friday e Vening nAatt The companv 1» a strong olw , bi Sj 1UÜN i ,,f tlm individtial nnknirtr* (if the M ha»»- appeared'hnwi M various tin*.-• ' ''VuoviDin Davidson «ni Mis» lltauie AuaUu wi „ Ar iix. this citv ftw. »hr*« aiAghth, commencing>kq.t«»bfr. >M A»n«»lta*4 mat ic version of Hobi*rt Louiè'. son's celebrated novel, "Dr. Jekyll Atld i\j r nyikv 7 Mr. Ouvi<isoto in the diuil rçîe of t.hi- |i/Uè anil Mi^» , jba Winifred. The presentation by ifi'aao artists here Mai 17. 1888 yvou mhijt com ! m. ndatliin Tlie ' comi'.anv next ..ngageMenl hit- lM*ifih,ttc6a|w^»«+nFt^ j,,ned and the' rer«h<it Chanjred^ khtre'ït 1 « 1 pr.-»rtnfrtfS.,i'her**-. 1 The^ff6»tTW»L**eifl mm l,. stroi"* - nirti a vein nf |(gliV ; ertt)i.»b' i,,tt,»lms-d î.. liiff^'-i» njt t*ta l k®4. w : .-J ■ G„ U t il o J-J* '» rtnw riFn*> Jf h:\prrlM"**. It b» .ft rirai • vou T..* ** 1 \nniû 1 walki-d baw; ' : - L* » „ 4 . u ywreelt to that ymjne regular «ot. a «usprétvd •trrhezzlert^Atf^-; , and poor a» a ÿgfd» fcimwet - . California ha« just left him a for tune. "Ob' Well perhaps min ring into 1 our famLy will reform him. JerseyCity Host oil ... Worcester Blnghainptnn Syraeuse. Springfield nv*a* Elmira Kvrbeeter ObFcugo. . .. 2 N>w*flav*en 1 Newark, N. J . . It Buflaio. ,1 Cleveland—.... J I'novld < 1 .. It ... ■ euis* . •4 t5 ! ...WK4 ! » .. ■ ■ -4 • •M * 4 .. 1UÖ .* e i d. dH* Hliaauj » .» MOO Philadelphia dume—*^Vhat^ fe n ft Ad.HOAT»». AMO.MOBTEUBBW KAUr- I' ROAD. Ttme-table. In effertTaly » IsSt 1 ,, in>IN(* NORTH. ,..,Snn5.vl n ■* *"**** Dlu| f »"'f T îîTff.'Tt station* au* »ui pm pm p m nin pm , I*.re ach St *.(»1 i.»i n.w AOS ... tt. A-O. .lunrtUia : Ç.(» t;.4s 5.15 8 1» IWrpont.,..,... •Ch , «ld> ford J WV-VomW i - Coatesvill« g'ag VVaymmUax» 4i\ ... Warwlrk . te . t Rpringlield ÎX »jm lV> 4 57 f'j» fh'*9« iJS ÄfiAOO» v«,-. ».St hir. rôoi ' io!» 4M Arritv Rradtau , '* a * 1,w 5 a> ,<u * K & It. ptatUi na. UM IOMC,, mb r.-V. JU-Sti» . ADDITIONAL TRAINS.' "ff' 1 f^lttr**** 9 1 Ch.rter,B aI'o jt Vl/Vol amuV m %TU mmati'D, (1.16 ism.; 1,1, A o. Junction, e.jn p.ia. at 5.20 p. m* NfwhriiU« ».45 n.m. Are* liront A.najp v\ Léayc WlhninSfori T?.iR ft, ä'-^^ÄnrdsLro UM p"»"" awiS -] lUadlug 1.49* m. , / °»» frnndm. j>nhr -Will leave Bt. lS$Uta' at ÎÜ*®' » ■gMtaT 1 ''».» 1 -»" ^T'rbut«fi • ~jJSû^ sOpTH. i-,,.. . Dallyc Sneijay ' (ex Sunday! on jr Intr-SitM» 'U-llna I*. Ä ft" .i ( „i„i, R r0 , ,U. i^}, 4 , ta »M KM» «.UMtlS J MpringOald. .».< « AVI (.11 ».I«) Il.lti «.» Arrivn Ww-wiyk lljl.'«.»i &?&»*£(&•» am «.*5 IMS " . *^^*! ' «'«»atonvillo.. ..,^.. fl.u .VL* , j^Sape . ■ V... ".'.it a.01 ?.«•«,« to!» Dnl'oat__ , tuns k.çi my It. A 0. «.#» IfJB L A *y£»|, A« tu» , . JcIMI'ruiNAL TRAINS, • • D"Uy.e*<'«t Fuuilay- I-eave DuPont 0, Arriv# WilmlA ' ' Saturday arrive Ilinla P', t '|" n ' ,n' w *'' WHminirtvn MB By«* • »vor .„ s,lnil . ll f ,V. n if '"«VC Sprlnftelrl Id.A.a. ra.. (mwM pMngflhdJUBp. at.', .'.j7 sj»,... 11.18 AM 8,rn 1,2s n.ig ».m 2.(0 A.OO H.UO .. ♦.Ufi « *4 n.:e> (.42 7.1» tu.irr .. 4.0* on •?:a T. *( ■ ; . » 11 ""£1 Î." MS 8.32 10.10 S.S0 s.4t -M ■•*'(■>•-. i)4 ■i.oii * : •4 '•»*-' •fe; ; 1970 1 Y Iamivi* Reading I3JH p. nv, to 42..>> ism. I a ■ a v. - lltiP;*iit l-W, , Vf 1.4» 11 , m..arrive Wilmlinrtea H- .S»«7iri(l;t« 7.U0 p. m., arrl»* 1 *■ '■'I ' Ht I>. m. Arriyafll. Htger'» JUSO p. m. / 1o i-i 8nr comicctjme; at Wilmington, at a, &. O. .1 uni-Uon, at rtMotif» T'ont Junction,at roatdé vlllc and WaipMitliilt'ir .lunclion, at tlirdapnfns ' ? al Iti-udln«, as« tl'm* lahlt-s at all AialionS.. \VNII8S llUUiflS. (Ion. Passenger Agt. Mc 4'ATM»WI. Superintendent I» Al.tlMÖniE'/N0 0)11(1 K\jL , RVf(ffiV rj I • 81 lisdhTflii sffset April 29,lSHS. 1'tlAlNB l.Ktffl DHtrAWARE ROUND. • *,, .* Pliila. aoeoun, (hiiij *»eepl Sunday Oil am I 'IdladidpMa acetimmodaflon, dally,. î.fft a in l'liiiB/li8|tM«»rii»Bmmdati(>n. dally. U»« I'Id la. A 1 tinsjAr « xrdwilj «irupt Hum 8.31am Pldlft. uei'oftr. dally exeent Bunday !M>la'H I * 1111 .a. arrommodation. Smnlav only 'l.trtaflt ! l Plillads1|>li1»MBoqimodatlon, daily!. I».3ian» M of K. C.. '» m.,, ■-».■I .HO V.d A.d. •■*1 AY. DEPOT, ( I 'I* 1 1 m • I ■ -1 ; * 1 11 it Jk (Jwelerjcxpross, dully.11,14 apx. PMIudi bililaai eonmimbiuoa, dully. I") pin. Philadelphia aceotAwrtilatlon. daily.. S.fl6 pax Ph)ludiili hl»lil«w*»ilmHti*l Ion. dally.' xMi»nx I'lnlail, iplnii ft Chester express, dully. fi.JOjuu , Philadelphia *cêemmi slut ion, dally, . fiitjeu» 'hliudclnfila ataBBtileedution, dully a4rtB(t* '* 'llilil. ne.^'(>iu.m except .Sunday '. 7.t0gm. I Philudiilphia tavaeslor express daily.. S.4* p|a , PhlUiU'h>htaiBi!UUi)sVail"U, daily s.Vjpiw "■W'-JrnofNli. ~ Wngerly ModMKadaichm. dallv. MJO a m HiiUlrui'i-i i w « a » M lj*Uy except Ron.,., n .4» a w. kiïisa^OTpS'^Siry .vs : z * Itinmre »2— Bmnftmtoii. dally.... 2.46 y* 'bur». CUWMMad Ml U exe, .lally- MOaf, ) r f n l u7 onlÿ, 1U00 jaasOIf i:i»vpt; Sonda r. rSirfij? m.vrkfIt for I'hllaiMfhln, ï.lÿ* p. liniure, iM'ft. m:,daily. For '■ • HI v ■.«dally. « . lfOui4 t'tjffvttf* ' 1 < f'ltM I ilafl and U.Uh a m, el* Sinpliiy on] nilAhnrevv LvI'l'IHLADELTHIA ij'UK W I LMJUjimiM. , Dully. *:.|«I, tUjJTl, >11.01 a. 11*., 12.00 iioinn. 1.4*, «.(», 4.4*. •s.wfwlti, Am,». m. Dally, ciii'pt 8unila>, J.5i aud 7'«a. 01.. *4.25 unit ajUyvnu. 1 Nuaiiay ilply.tMOa. m. •ItinirasH'tram. Telephone, No. MO. Rates to Wt.-uan Fouit» lower than via *«r otliBt Uli«. ,1 * ;, ( .0. SCCLL, Orn't. Pass . A Rent. siosr ifcagi* and Ht. ; 5.;vt p. in. *41 W. M. C'l.EMKNTS. (lcn<*ral Mana«ar. ■•4~T S * > Mi! >i b -}« .tl ' •4 *r» > x ei I GOAL ! nliij ■:■! »: tl • a»»« »« •*»»« if Geo. "ff. Bnsh & Sobs, , ■ it 1*» ttr.i .5 dvt J..'v .1 1 FR!»»' STREET WHARF r » w )V/ 1 Jo for Pi^iily' hse furnish UqmI of we to lut Vl ' QUALITYciU ,iM AND , CA*ARAT10K t s' )!I .1'» 4 »viatuf ■ I ,«Ma; *t Mil * * •«■ita.r.■■*). ' U »<44 *rrl-rru? rtBitn id h> n • ill n.*d PItOMIHI DKUVEKY » t. >i;«-r*or*yl Wf'i Hi, CAEUPUL IlHJiyURB. I C .fataoni'fll a o) I. ' C4 ftoJi J'.lQoI ». t U .f«>f*G i y';*!-.»i T PRICES: ■ H I I | ( ., : I *T, I M Q MfÄlnd N| W il (1 iiiQ.1 lavs Ult II lim 1 Vila * als» na 8 ,:i -sii trmaam fu.vt» hail Broken, p«n»o«.»4Ui. n/. ,.}■.** Eg«, per turn IM0-*. Uiil i*i...4 ShjVf, portMÉa MM> 44 4,1/4» »is.-. stsantsRirtmBpe.iion. sw .. ChwiM'H • rtUylML UHO . at it VitU>IM lia to n loi 11 :[ .«it itool liorftlo I vll errt-fst: iUfitaU* ■r-vi-Yf T-*T , •>« tarfl hi Hofft 2 In Cl JM.M7' f B. i lut J «inibtathtl'.tim COMPANY. ..»j ir. dftial mil nil ■! ii! Wiat rtfl T inU . uit rt baa omut hoc tl,'» if * îtK-int t ! piaster, j -01 Bust, .HOI p.K3 A T ell li.iil.el tUiay, tdl yd •»f-.oH 31 t»ti»jiiA ,,Y ./! to Ja»w taiur x- th* -iiToai Bidt jboIVt* I Jn* d« J . HfJfm Pm* T1 itrub Ina ovitom* Jtftl { ? I-A • f #5 b »Vr*> i ixrtfi : -.Vi' ii/. c.."'- ilw Äf(L»iftV»< • xta ) .-si had *f '*vt t of »4Ü DlM i b ;iit tous* ■/ a :jbrti.rt bu* r* J aJadJ !i- -mM.VhHt finiKsf iK'lft ,8 *)5 , ad» 7 » «,< 4 rf 41 1 Hé V ai» ^ I -At has JaMv* i .amt ijauL-a - - i iJ t » -æI *• . f » Sa '«ijfi rtd fclliVM) ,i 7 ) iitî 1