Newspaper Page Text
T i i' / ♦ ♦ WILMINGTON, DEL., MONDAY, AUGUST 20, 1888. NO. 78. ONE CENT. HK'l.r WANTKD. W K WISH TO EMPLOY A FEW SA1.KS * " men an salary to sell our Roods by sam ple to the Wholesale and retail trade or Wil mington, Del., and adjoin in« states. Wo are tbe largest moae facturera of our line in the •ounti r. Send two cents in stamps forpartien lars. No iKistals answered. CENTENNIAL M'F'G CO.. ritaclnnatl, O._ U r ANTED A PARTNER. SILENT OR active, with $1,800 to $-.'>11 in a firmly established paying business. Address W, this •dice. ■WANTED. AN ENERGETIC VIAN To Vt can vase aud collect. Apply 704 Market «treat. DRESSMAKING. hkssmaking in all its braches at ÄÄ W. Seventh at reel. Cutting done by draught; fit pruarautein!. D BOARDING. nnjTEa oektlembn boaeokm; ▼ ▼ also table boarders. No. üttt Orange street. INSTRUCTION. ÙHOKT-HAMU AND TVPK- WRITING P SCHOOL» MONDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS. B*>ard of Trade Rooms, Exchange Building, SEVENTH AND MARKET STS. The above nahool will rtnipen Septembers. 1*88. Both HcxoB admitted. A number of voung ladiee and gentlemen have already en rolled. No (Mlditioual charge for instruction in type-writing. No text books used, students being instructed from Fay's Short-hand ©oiiinendium, which is conceded by former pupils to be far superior to any other method of instruction. Terms reasonable. For full particulars address R. J. FAY, Stenographer. P. O. Box 326, Wilmington. B©|. I ^KIUNDS' SCHOO L, Fourth and West Streets. Will reopen Pth month (September!, 10th, 1888. Primary, Intermediate and Academic De partments, The principal will lx* at bis office after ttth month, od Catalogue© at C. F. Thomas A* Co.'s. ISAAC' T. JOHNSON. Principal. NOTICES. J^OTIOR. State or Delaware. ) Treasury Department, - New Castle, Delaware. \ All person*» who are liable to pay a state tax for ill© manufacture of spirituous and alco holic liquors for the year 1880 and 1887, as required by Bee tion 6. Chapter 3S4, Vol. 16, Law* of Delaware, are hereby notified to settle at once ©r the matter will be placed in the hands of the attorney-general. William HERBERT, State Treasurer. j^DTICK. TAXPAYERS TAKE NOTICE, CITY AND SCHOOL TAXES FOR 1HH*. The nndcrsigBed, receivers of taxes for the ©it y of Wilmington, will Is* at No. 10 East Sixth street, between Market ami King streets, during tbe month of July, 188«, between the hours of 9 aud 12 in tho morning, and from 2 to 6 In the afternoon for the purpose of re tiring taxe«. On all taxes paid during July ©her© will Ik» a redaction of five cents on every foliar, and all taxes paid on and after the first day of Äugest shall be payable without a luction an aforesaid; and all taxes unpaid by the first day of September, shall be in ©reas«-d by th© addition of five per centum on •be amount thereof. i. EDMUND P. MOODY. Receiver Northern district, iucludiugall north ut .Sixth street. MARTIN J. MEALY, Receiver Southern district, including all south of Sixth street. OTK 'K.— DEMOCRATIC STATE CON VENTION.- By order of the Democratic fihEecutiveOommltte© of Delaware, a State Con vention com post'd of sixt>' delegates from each •rmnty will be held at Dover on TUESDAY, August 28, 1888, at 12 o'clock, in., for the pur pose of ttelectiug three Presidential electors, being one from each cotmty, and also for the purjK»se of selecting a candidate for the office •f Representative in the Fifty-first Congress •f rb© United Slates; and the Democratic Cen tral Comm ittoe of the several counties are requested io iesue calls directing the Demo cratic voters of each hundred and election district, in the respective counties, to assemble at the usual place of holding such meeting for [ tho purpose of selecting tbe delegates to tho l>emocratlc State Convention to which they [ are respectively entitled. I Tho officers holding the primary elections in the several hundreds ami election districts are requested to prepare two certificates of elect ion of delegates, one to be forwarded to the chairman of the .State Central Committee immediately after the election, the other to be given tho successful delegate or delegates. JOHN P. 8 A U LSBUK Y, Chairman. P. A. Horty, Secretary. N LIfiKNSE APPL1C ATIONS. fOTICK. — 1, owner and N JOHN HESS I ON, THE •enpant of the house situated at Northeast corner Second and Van Buren streets, in tlw* Tenth ward of the city of Wil mington, county of New Castle and State of Delaware. !■ compliance with the require ment of the acte or the General Assembl such case in.uie and provided, do hereby give notice that ! shall apply in writing to the Court of General Sessions of the Peace and Jail Delivery of the Stale of Del a warn. In and for New Castle county, on MONDAY, the ITlh day of September, A. !>., 1888, being the next term of said court, for a license for said house as an inn or tavern for tho sale therein of in toxicating liquors In le*H quantities than one •uart, tobe, drnnk on the premises, and the following respectable citizens of said ward recommend the said application, viz: David I lang« I, Andre w J. 1 ravis, John E. Jenaiag*, James Murray, Charle« A. Ryaa. Ferdinand Smith. Thomas.?. Killoran, Dennis Dougherty, Thomas ('raven, Frank Emmons, Themas Walsh, James F. Ryan, Victor Dehan, William O'Meara, Jr.. Hubert Cassidy, Fergus Kelley, Thomas Hass©©. Henry T. Sim juts, James Whittaker. William O'Meara, Thomas MuIrooney, John Dollan. P. J. ('ruinlielv, Timothy M« Swiney, Patrick Connor, James McNallv, William Kelly. JOHN HESSIÔN. in KXCIRSIONS. .U'E MAY c* n v THE WILMINGTON * NORTHERN R. R. AND STEAMER REPUBLIC, Oa and after JunefS trains will leave FOOT OF FRENCH STREET At 8.45 a. ns. daily (except Sunday), on Sunday ; at V a. m.,to o©unect with steamer ut Delaware River Pier. Returning the train will leave the pier on arrival of st©am©r. I FAKE FOR THE ROUND TRIP, WILMINGTON HOUSEKEEPERS, BUY YOUR GROCERIES CHEAP, oo TO 102 and 104 East Fifth Street, And get one of those fine Hams or Shoulders. Salt fish. The finest Coffee in the city, the most délirions drink of Tea and Coffee know n. Tea direct from China and Japan. A perfect blend. Our Spires are pure. Nothing but the best print Butter. Many people have a hard time to find good Coffee, Tea and Butter, but I you can always get It here. The celebrated Magaw's Cheese. Flour marked down. Buy the Old Wheal Flour for health. Bnsmis for * song. 100 Cigars, best of all, $1.25 per box. Potatoes arc ripe. DENNISON & PEACH. JOSEPH H. WOOD, Sncreraor to B. Fritsch, Manufacturer of all kinds of Hand-cut Files and Rasps. All kinds.of Grinding and Jobbing done. NO. Ml KING 8THF. ET. I'KNNIHS AMI SMALL CHAIttiK CAN BE HAD AT THE COUNTING ROOM OF THE EVENING JOURNAL. REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE. ■VfOTICR QCARRYMEN. i-v For sale cheap, and on easy terms, a con veniently-located lot with stone quarry already opened. Apply to PIERCE & BEK- i SON, 3 West Seventh Street. TTioR sale. - a truck and FRUIT 1 Farm of acre«, V4 of » rail© from rail - road station, 12 mi Ins from Wilmington- 80» | peach trees in bearing, apples, jK'acb and orchard, strawberries, blackberries, ries, etc. About one acre in asparagus, buildings. Possession at any time. Would take part city property in exchange. GEOROK K. TOWNSEND. | iH'iir raauber- I ■i. Good ! I Turiri cTU IU A D n ! TWfc.LP 1 ti WAKU j i _ -- rr _ _. j HTJTT,TjT 1 M(jt T if I I Sn j Forty-live Dollars and Upwards. Over tour hundred sold to the I past year. riue locution, pure air and good water. 1 Cars leave every half hour within _ _ . .1 „ i , f .... ] a square of tliese lots for V> ater and . , . .1,1 Mai ket streets auti 1 lo lu wore avenue, Fare 5 cents. I Look at the improvements: City water and lamin' one-imdit.Ii tax \satu ana lamps, one eigntn tax rate ; streets being graded ; new | school-house ; street CUT line going to be extended. WORKINGMEN AND LA DIES. READ ! Had a I great many people taken this advice J r F, , : wnen we gave It several years ago, VOU would have saved hundreds of I 1 11 are fl'-i— 1 1- 1 1 - ' dollars. Take heed now and buy. I Ttniblino- lots no o-iaw forms in nil . F , ' . . | ,. . I soction* OI tue city. 15uiluing loan*, stock, or orders on any saving bank j tuken «S cash. " For information how to secure *« , . •*' home apply to ( ontinues to transact a general Real Estate business; selling and renting property, collect- , ing rents and negotiating mortgages. Wills, Mortgages. Bonds, Hoods aud other documents _ -acre P No. 3 W. SEVENTH STllKFT. ! I , I j j j : : i JLzWlv WAXWy - 0 n , c* »i e*. 1 id iliclSL beventil OL. i I , J 1 For dead-sure safe investment, where you can see your money every day, this cannot be equaled. PETER J. FORD, ; 2d and Webb Sts., or THOS. M. OGLE, 602 ;i -23Market7St 1865. 1888. GEO. C. MARIS, GDI SHIPLEY STREET, legally prepared. REAL ESTATE ON EIGHTH STREUT HILL FOR SALK A new dwelling, containing 10 rooms, ©ver modern convenience, front porch, large yar Lot.25x11*> feet. Must be seen to be appreciate Apply te H. D. WALTER. WILLIAM J. FISHER, Real Estate Broker, 80S MARKET STREET. Fourth' ll ypnrs «xperlenoe. Collects rents and settles prenerty. PHILIP E. CLARK & CO. Real Estate asäMortpp Brokers 824 Market Street, 1 ' WILMINGTON. DEL. Real Estate bought, sold 'X changed. Loans negotiated on city or country property. One door from King, CHINA, GLASSWARE, FRUIT JARS, CROCKERY, LAMPS, Etc. IN GREAT VARIETY. No. 12 East Seventh St. ONE DOOR FROM KINO. GREAT BARGAINS! Large Stock to Select From. Parlor Buttes. Chamber Seite», 7 pieces, hard wood finish.... Wardrobe»... Baby Carriage©.. I keep all kinds of $25.00 up. . 18.00 up. • 7.50 up. 7.UU up. FURNITURE, CARPETS, BEDDING. STOVES, Etc. Cash, Weekly or Monthly Payments. THOMAS GRINSELL, S. E. Cor. 2d and Orange. WILMINOTON. DEL. Opca Tuesday and Saturday evenings till A30 o'clock. iT r rn i r.«—• . — Congressional and Department | | ■ D Affairs of Interest. I ! BUSINESS IN SENATE AND HOUSE. I Ttie Weekly Weather Crop llulletla. Old Prob Kind to Growing Vegetation. Personal Mention—Change fu a College Presidency. WASHINGTON, Aug. 20.—The senate com mittee »n order of business will control the proceedings after the linal vote on the flsh ! cries treaty to-day. It has fixed upon the j bills te admit to statehood Washington and j Montana territories and North Dakota—the former unfiniahod business—the general land j bill repealing timber culture and pre-emp tion entries; the Chandler resolution instructs istoiui and private pension bills. Mr. WU I «j» - "» It w the purpoao of th© house to complet© 1 consideration to-day of fcc anti-Chinese im WU. which wa»takenupSaturday. WORK OF TUB FIFTIETH OONUKBS8. ~. The Fiftieth ccngreas to-day passes the | south day of actual session. Only three con I gressestbo Twenty-ssventb, Thirty-first aud Thirty-second—sat later than this 4at«. The Twenty-seventh and Thirty-second each re- ! InaiDe a in session unUl Aug. 81, and the | Thirty-first sat until Wept SO. The general impression now is UuU the Fiftieth congress | will brtsak the record and sit until sometime | Fx_a_i j The number of bills and joint resolutions introduced ia this congress ia, in round nuns- i I 15*000; of whiclb about 11,500 were ia- | "L lhe and 15 ' 50<> th# . : aty- Of these 15)000 measures introduce« apil seirf to committees about one-half Ua»a I bèonre|H*rted upon. The number of reporte ' from ecn^miltsss has about £.01X1, but siasy of them include mare than one bill in a single report tha hone» has passed ortur lusasnre«. I Aram committees has Ipseu abaut 6,0Ü0, but m»o]r of them trCtuda mere than one bill in j I a single report The hon« has passed «tot 1*000 its'own bills and htiosenate luaasBree. j The senate has passed over t,100 of ite »SS biih and 758 house biMs. the wkrki.y »orlbtin. tu, wakther cron Imflethi for tha week ondine Sntnrday Au» in, states that tho westker ilumig the week has l>een favora bis for erowimr arena ia tbe wheat and corn regions of the northwest, where reports in dktete that the crop prospacte have been impr©votl lu Vr kan sah Tuinnomo© Missis sippi. Alabama and Ifciutb Carolina tho - j—:— «.1 -1-#- Rnf1 tttTowtox crow Wh4 wtre from drought in tlu. early pert of tho weelc were much benefited by recent raina Rain has nroved fieiiofloLal to th« tobacco nrm, in Kentucky although the niant in some sec tlons has'been orematurelv reononed br previous dry weather lu Now England Oiul tho middle Atlantia suites the weather dnmr the week was caerallv fuvorabla foTâlfgrowirm cro,« Y chakh. » A ooluoh PHE*p E NT. BonieWiiug of a 8©u*ation was created by tho statement that certain importent change« , are to I« made in the leading offleers of Georgetown university. It wasi »Id some *7 a ^'. m the Bov. rattier looney was tobe relieved, which coming to the atten tion of the alumni of the university, stejH -acre taken to countorart it At a full modi mg of the society a resolution was paw»! re quesung th. provtnoml general dO*V»tai . ate, in Kg. atfc " r tampliell, not^lo make any changes in tha prvs doncy of the institution until after the oeotenmal of the umi ors. y, which takes place m IBtw. P The alumni thauglit overytlong settled to the S U 01 !."', n ,°, tlfle< b 7 kh '' P rovinola J on F r^ay that a cablegram from the general directed tom .0 carryout tBeonginal orders, Father Doonen wll be sueceedeil by tho Rov Kathor Hiclmrile a recent graduate of Woodstock ooUoge Maryland. Ho Is ;the youngest man who ha. ever been given such 11 Th^°re ^ ° POS | t, °r 1 'tl 11 The centennial of the college next year wli le a tended iy nearly all the leading Ti « U 4?..tUoG î V , i 0,n * 1 ,J' nrts , l of ! 4 K Institution is a* old as tho I American government, lUscir. JOSEPH PULITZHR s NEW ENTERPRISE. story afloat, that-Mr. Joseph Pulitzer is going , to establish at an early day a two cent I morning Democratic paper in Washington. j It is said that by utilizing the special cable j dispatches of The World and tho extensive j nows facilities of The World and Fost-Dis : patch in this country he expects to be able to render a press itervioe superfluous. PERSONAL MENTION. Congressman Benjamin F. Shively, of In : diana, has accepted an invitation to occom pany Mr. Thurman and other prominent i Democrats to 1'ort Huron, Mich. Secretary Whitney hasgoneto {iar Harbor. Commodore Harmony will act as secretary i iormg hto ahaence. I ,at h. striking upon his fare, and blood issued fron, his mouth in considerable quantities. I l)r. Kennedy was summoned, but the young , man dieu before he arrived. An examina tion showed that the young man had only been stucaed by the ball, and that death was J caused by a broken neek, sustained in fall tag. Murphy had until a month ago been 1 omploye»! as a brakeraau on the Buffalo, Koche>t>r aud Vittaburg railroad, ami was a young man of exemplary habits H© leavt« a widowed mother and tbrJe-sters Wound l „ W..M P»,. „ ^ l P with Poison. New Havex, Aug. 20.—William B. Cat lin, Jr., on© of the best known young men of New Haven, ended his Uf© by poison, Until recently Gatlin was superintendent of the letter carriers' department in the post office, but resigned his place, owing to a dis pute with the postmaster Since his resig nation he ho* been despondent His wife, a few weeks ago, went to Long Branch to spend tho remainder of the season with a relative, and since her departure Gatlin ha* been on a spree. His neighbors were awak ened by th© barking of a dog. 8om© of them forced an entrance to the house and found Catlin dying. He wa* 35 years old, and was a sou of Deputy Sheriff William Catlin. in October. A local Sunday paper says that there is a Death Caught Him Out. Rotitsktf.r, n. Y., Ang. 20,—Michael Murphy, of this city, about 23 years old, was killod while playing ball here yesterday afternoon. He yraa at bat, and was struck over tho jugular vein on the right side by a pitched ball He started to run ta the base, but after going fifteen feet fell across the A Present Declined. Washington. Aug. 30, — Congressman Matson, of Indiana, has declined to accept the silver service which was presented to him Saturday by the employe* of the government printing office, on the ground that it to not proper for him to accept any reward for th, performance ot a doty imposed upon him a, a member of congre«, and that it would eel • vary bad precedent. A BLOODY BATTLE EXPECTED Siaua Indians Go ta Join tbs (Jkey.nuei, and Cavalry »rf I., Pursuit. Thm. « H,DIJE a °. ~ The.e wa, a great oemmotlon hare yesterday r > * ol . tw . M * a » <* large band «f Siomthml gone to the Cheyenne country, on the Tungu, river, in defiance of oh lections interposed by Agent Gallagher. T..oy left word that they ware going to attend a gun donee, butit is feared they have more serious Intenfl.««. as they have often threatened to join the Cheyeunes and maainore the uupro tocted whites along the Tongue and Powder ^ 4 . The Indian, requested Agent Gallagher to ««. W te i*U t< \ g<> . V > ., tU r.. TonK '" r |T° r country last week; but the latter, suspecting that there would bo trouble, refused to l«r mit them to leave the reservation. As soon as it was Irarneil that the Indians had gone a telegram was sent to Gen. Huger, who wired Col. Dudley at Fort Custer to send out treopi at omw to intercept them. In the aftoni«., two companies of the First cavalry started in hot pursuit across the country to meet the recalcitrant reds. The troeps are in command of Mnj. J. W. Hamilton and Hrst Lieut, a P. WainwrighL It Is bo- ! lieved that a bloody battle will he fought , before the Sioux are taken back to tboir reservation, as they are in a bad state of mind and reported well armed. FAILED TO GET INTO JAIL. Farmer Osborn Laid Ithaca, N. Y., Aug. 30.-Jacob Osborn, a middle aged, well-to-do farmei of North 1 Aiming, encouutered Sheriff Folcott in the street at this place and said :"Ishota man Out a Chicken id then TriAd to Give Himself Up, but the Sheriff Declined. Tbief dead on my premises last night I did not intend to kill him when I Äiot at hlm. I have hud a hundred chickens stolen lately—eight last Friday night watched my hen house last night At about "' ,,ni * ht there waaonois. in h. aud presently a man unknown to us ran away from it in the dark. I Bailed to him several times to'halt' and throw up his hands. I fired the first charge of my double barreled gun into the ground to frighten him. The second barrel 1 discharged in the direction in which he was fleeing, and he fell. Before going to kirn I aroused my neighbors and secured the presence of Justice of the Peace TebolL Wo identified tho dead man os John Gallagher, of North Lansing. He had chickens iu his With another man I 1 called to bun several times to 'halt 1 charge of my double barreled gun into tho ground to frighten him. The second barrel 1 discharged in the direction in which he was fleeing, and be fell. Before going to him I aroused my neighbors and secured Uie presence of Justice of the Peace Tuliell We identified tho dead man ns John Gallagher, of North Looaing. He had chickens in his hands and in his pockets. I have come to I*Kacm f° r Uoroner Brown to go and hold an inquest and to put myself in the hand* of ^«atnoriti,«." The district attorney being absent from ^ city ami tho sheriff ducliumg t© take bim into Mr. Osborn returned to tlia soon© of tho Hh©oting with his coum©1, D. M. I,ua "' Lawyer J. H. Jennings. Coronoc Brown a,ld ,lia brother diaries Osborn, who bad accompanied him iu his iinouc.-essful at tempt to got into jail. The man Gallagher, wbo wa * bas of late developed ou un "° Tor y record in bis immediate neighbor* b°»d, although he lias lieen a constable, an Î a ^«to«t to the United State, deputy mar »hal and a deputy sheriff of the county. -! «E WANTS TO DIE. - s©«ond Huauvcenaful Attempt at Snlcld© nf „....uu.epcr, , Al . BPRNi N Y ., Aug. 30.-Francis L. Vincent, of this city, attempted suicida by cutting hU throat at his residence on Uhret ; nutitPBPt . Ho will be remembered as the keakkeeiwr employed by the Auburn Woolen . OOIup&tlv ot tbis «tv, who hwl some j difficulty with his accounts. The matter : t lblod him „ much that ho left the city, Whsn asxt heard from he was iu Rochester, I wlwre be attempted the same deed. After | the R t>t -L,eeUjr altair be was taken to the | Utica asylum, whore ho was hold till batur <Uy, when he was brought borne, apparently ; fully recovere.1. The attempt on his life WM lnnile with a rRzori botcher knife and j in jj erMser The frightful gashes made in , hta t hr.*l were sewed up, and the attending phytictans thinks he will recover. | - j i*,t Act of « Tragedy. Long Branch, N. J., Aug. 20.—Mrs. Millie Harmon, w»i was murdered last Thursday afternoon by her husband, Adolph, who then shot and killed himself, was buried in the CO metery at West Izmg Branch. The funeral services were held at the house of her brother, the Rev. George R. Reed, of St. Luke's Epis copal church, officiating. No one claimed tho body of Adolph Harmon; the husband, j and it was taken from the undertaking es | tablisbmest on Broadway and interred in ! the potter's field at Eatontown. \ -- j A Knife Duel at a Party. PirrsiifHO, Aug. 20.—Frank Waltz, aged 11», and August Blettnor, aged 21, became j involved in u quarrel while on tho floor dancing at a birthday party, at the resi deuce ot Mrs. Stinger, on Plumb street, Simultaneously Waltz and Blottner drew knives and sprang at each other. In an to stant the light was ended and Blettner was prostrated with a terrible gash iu hto loft breast. Waltz was badly cut on the wrist, Blettnor 's injuries are fatal. Waltz to under arrest. How the Thunderer will *>a,ri n..f r , , — .... „ Dublin, Aug. !» .-The'Freeman's Jour* nal, in a leading article, declares that Mr. c^l n frl rt* 9 Ti 10 0 case to provit^; The Tim«» totters to be forgenea The artmlo further says that j proprietor and the editor of TlmTimes 7 wiU al , knowledge of the origin of the lete p. rs and swear Ulat tliey received them from I their manager, Mr. McDonald, who in tara | «in j_ 1« _ tustifv S ___ t lioeors to the Dead. ! RMa-ncm „ Mos« Ann- -n* n, i mo rial service for Gtm ' Shen.iaii hold at th« c i ty ball T©©terdav afternoon bv Grand \ * • » T » .... Army posts, asaisted by c.v.c and military i wasagramlgath I er ",^' at , toade f b y f "' y '.«J» I^P 1 «- BW j erallocal speakers addressed the assembly, eulogizing th© dead hero and reviewing hi* 1 past career. "Sheridan's Ride" was recited by Professor Croy aud was receive«! with much enthusiasm. ---- Tlion*Hi»d* at th© Seaside. New York, Aug. 20.—Canard© was thronged with visitors yasterday. For tho ; first lime in history Canarsie's supply of clam chowder gave out before the doe© of the day. It is estimated that at least 50,000 people visited Coney Island yesterday. It was the biggest Sunday of the season. Rock awaj Beach had 50,000 visitors yesterday. A number of pickpockets who went down to the beach in the afteruoou were turned away by detectives. ■ Large Gathering of Lutherans, - Washington, Aug. 20.—The third Luth «ran reunion will be held next Wednesday at Pen Mar, Md, It will be a gathering of the Lutherans of tho states of Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia and Pennsylvania, and this year It promises to be one of tbe largret over held there. Luther's famous battle hymn. "A Mighty Fortreu to Our God," wiU b, lung by many thousand voie«, 1 .,|||| I |, I U I 1111 I IJ kHill lUllUlIl Ul 11 till • ; O - ■ -- - Correspondents Seem Bound K Duullu t 0 Have It. I _ GOSSIP t ROM T11K OLD COUNTRY, - , i Th " Ten.lon Between Germany and Run ela and Germany aud Meant', Alleged I to be as Great as Ever—Turkey Out of , Caeb—Earthquakes in Italy. ' London, Aug. 20.—The British and the ! continental press are alike disposed to treat the bombastic speech of the Gorman em |>oror at Frnnkfort-ou.the-Oder as a post- ; prandial address of the brut um lulmen order, and are inclined to the belief that if it meant anything at all it merely indicted that the j usual se saw relations between Germany and i Hunla and Germany and Franco had under gone no change, despite the recent meeting of the two emperors. For the ptemml, per-' haps, there may lie no open manifestation of tbe fooling of insecurity which prevails, but I it is freely predicted that when the existing tension caused by the Balkan troubles and Italy's action regarding Massowah becomes slackened the unsatisfactory state of the re- 1 lations of Germany to the northern empire j aud the southern republic will make them- j selves alarmingly ap|>arant | Apropos of the eastern question, a new phase has been added thereto, which em- | pirn sizes Turkey's helpless condition. The increasing impeenniosity of the Ottoman j government has lately been observed by the * sultan's European neighbors with grim satis- j faction, and an incident which occurred at ! Uie Turkish capital a few days ago, in con nection with the expiration of the term of I service of several German officers in the Turkish army, must greatly add to their gratification. Three officers were willing to renew their contracte with the I »Unman gov emuieEt, but declared that their stijiends must he ineraasod and {irompt payment thereof guaranteed, as a condition of contin ued service. The porte refus«*! to accede to threw demands, ami three of the officers im mediately resigned, white others pected to follow their example. It is nutori ously a fad that the influence and methods of the German otlcers in the Turkish mill tory service have wrought a wonderful ini provemout in tke efficiency of the Ottoman troojis, and it there!ore seem* very improU j able that tho sultan would |*>rmit them to s leave his service at Urn, time .1 be were able j to pay thenv I Mr. John Mo r ley, iu his sp©^-h at Unoolo, | »truck the keyuote of tho Liberal attack 1 Bnlco will bo mmle upon the gov©rmm>nt | during the rocete in his «Hustens to the Par "® n commiteion bill, and it is ex (as -tes I that ( Mr. Gladstone, on the occasion of receiving I a deputation at Hu warden to-day, will bava ! mu °b to sny about the way in which the bill * as rushed through. The ex-premier, who i *• ruralizing at Hawarden, is invariably i < W.d by the numerous picnic partie* and . <'H»er visitors whenever he appears in sight. "« '»tended divine servie iu the elmpol Ftoterday moroiug, mol mad th. Umou. of tnn nay Homk, Aug. 30.— Additional v©1cau le ©rup »ions have occurred in tho Lipari Island^ i a *»d « shock of earthquake was felt at Port Mauri«-, in the Riviera, yesterday. Premier Crisp! started for Carlsbad yes torday. He will visit Prince Ilismarok at Priedrlohsruho during tbe wsak. TlM > P»l>« is suffering from rheumatism, but was able to give audience to tho cardi uals yesterday. Berlin, Aug. 2ft—Lieut Wissmau has l»en mode a member of the Emin Bey relief committee. If the expedition for his rescue is 8UC ■***» uI *» 18 intended to form a commer c *al highway from tho interior lakes east war d, with a number of stations. - Beulanger Again a Deputy. I>A#,S ' Au t- *> -<'<>"■ Boulanger elected to the chamber of deputies to repee a nt the department of Somme, of which Amiens to the capital. Hi. majority Wa. ,M ' 7Ä fbo announcement of tbe figure, created grout excitement here. - ^ Lynched In Mln'salppl. 1 New Orleans, Aug. 20.—A few night, ago, near Sylvareua, Smith county, Miss., 1 a partly of men went to a house to arrest a negro for some crime, and were fired upon! 1 By »be negroes. A white man named Is*« | " " s fatally shot and died a few hours after ( wards. Four negroes were put in jail at j Raleigh. Saturday night an armed crowd of men went to the sheriff saying they I wanted to put a horse thief iu Jail. The i «benif opened the jail, when he was over puwered by the mob, who shot and kill. <1 two ot tho negros. There has boon a gréa» of killing in Smith county of late. ! --■■ 1 Sixty-live Tears u( Wedded Life, ! Louisville, Aug. 20.—Rev. Gaoiga Sw« • < «ml wife, of Jeffersonville, Ind., celebrated the sixty-fifth anniversary of their marriage [ Mr, Swartz was born 011 the site of Jefferson. ville Jau, 33, ISUo, and has lived there con tenuously since. Tho couple had twelve children, and it has been their custom to have a family reunion 011 their wedding au niversary. Only five children are now liv-1 in K . At the reunions Mr. Swartz would k ive " Hch of the children a $20 gold piece, They had no celebration this year, as Mrs. s «nu tz to hopelessly ill. , 7 Z ; - Lancacsttr* Pa' A..v"m hu"""h v Hn^^nfVj' W „ ' ilTl^nbr hin. fr « tra8b *' r fc " HS '"** >een o ruu ght home after wandering for months. He doesn't know his name, hie family or his friends. He was a banker to Florida, and on Jan. 33 he disappeared. 11« «©thing un f il on Jan. 27 he fouu4 © ship bound for Key Wcat. j had registered as J. 1*. Williams, au<ft itl „ thinlu he u williams. After much j «.arching his family discovered hto »her» I about» and brought him home. He seen» j physically well but doesn't know bis family P - - Big Haul of Chin©«© Gambler*. Baltimore, Aug. 20. No 320 North Howard street Is occupied by Quong Yum osa laundry. It was also a big gambling house| but the latter faet on , l>ecaintJ know> to the police recently. They rahled the plac© last night and found fan tan and other games in full blast and the house crowded with Celestials. Forty-seven Chinamen wer© arrested and hauled off to the Wester© police station, where they are all under lock and key. This is by far tbe biggest haul of Chinese gamblers ever made in Baltimore, are ©i Charges of Crookedness. Lockport, N. Y., Aug. 20.—Some very serious charges have beeu brought by politto cal enemies against H. H. Bervess, sectios superintendent of the Niagara division of tha Erie canal. It to asserted that Bervess ha been charging manufacturers along tha creek for water from the canal and the state has received none of the money. The acte» Ron ot Superintendent Shanahan and Oov wnor Hill ha- been railed to tbe matter an4 an investigation will probably be mad,. Mr. Servant says it to a li,. - NEW RAILROAD ENTERPRISE. TU« P.nn.rlra.i I» to HuHd Th Snolbari. Part of the State. Hrr run tint», Aug. 30.-Th. Pennsylvania lull rami rantpauy has in coutampUlion the .»««of aim« through u* southern taat lM .&lon ,.t 4he«tate, which WHI >« grad- J uiflly extended until » connects with the M *teu*w,,t Pennsylvania. and will parade! , *he«outempl«led 8ou»h Pennsylvania rail-, mad Ctd. 1'eter Ahl oae of the project.inj .* the Konti, IVnutylrania, end wh„, wlthi Ifc hroUier, kim.mel AW, loef eery heavily in i venture, slate, that a number of wealthy * Cumberland and Ferry coitaly citizen., do-1 eoaiidug ut the construction 6T The South * '^«u.ylvnnl«, have, during th. «tiling and] «miner been negotiating with the 'Ponnsyl «mm railroad uHlclals to imlnce them to ' build a road. As u result the capitalists sub-, eeribed »li.oüo for preliminary expenses ' awl a careful survey has boon made and re-* estimate» ëwurod us to the oo»t of con-' ktrucUng the line. President Roberts of the Pennsylvania road several director* and »corps of eughieers are ibis week to * «he prapotel Hue and make a persona' teation The projectors are certain the read will be built by the Pennsylvania com pan*. and that the Month Pennsylvania uro Jectis dead, Baseball Record». 1 *>u following tables show tbe relative positions of the clubs in the Notional League ' l "'* American Association up to Maiuruay «'K l >t: national uuovk. York Chicago. Detroit . Philadelphia.. Boston. Fitmburg. Washington. •th tha go overv exam «. , Fer I >nt* won. Last, riavvd. Won. . ÛH 5V! 8. '•84 4i 41 8H m 48 48 45 45 M* .517 iA! f v .5U# W4 4Ô to jjJ - iê» , .. unllanapolto. Orest Ilsy St Ocean Grove. P * Kk - - N - J -> Aug. 20.— An im own« throng flocked to tbe several meetings ' yesterday in the Tabernacle, Young l r op*e» temple and auditorium iu Ois nii Gove preliminary to tho opening to-day of ^vêlî' T, ' # >hky WH * <** Ocesn niT foa, '^* ntU .* n " lv , , ? Mr - v of Hl « Gr©w auxiliary of th« Woman's For £6» Mntewiary socioty jiresnle-i over by Dr. E. H. hLoken. 1 he more important "'«ting was held at 10 o'clock k. the "'"*b Uj ". «nniversiuy sermon Is-iug (irenched *> '*'• Osborne, of China. Every * lv «Baole inch of ground any where within b'wnng distance of the s; maker was occupied, •'*urf meeting was held at 0 o'clock in the ev *| ,iB B. alltl lv " K attended t»y the largest | ^J5. ht togeltier this season, «.t " U,au *0,000 people taking jiurt. Tue «»rvlce was held at the water's edge. ni» *-■•*( Sumlay on l.m iH. New York, Aug. :.U— .Slowly but Mirelv i the grim shadow of tho gallows has Jo,, m-epiug over the Tomb* prison, aud now it ""ts near the cell occupied by •■fiaauv'' Lyons, the condemned murderer of Joseph Qumn. He arose yesterday with the fact staring him iu the fare that it was his last day hut dim on earlli. Lyotu Is scarcely i,. H cheerful than he was a mouth ago, when be yet had strong hopes of life. Ito, w with kirn only gave place to resignation, Religion came to his aid, and has strength , ®'>od bis resolve to accept the inevitable ! penalty of his misdeeds with as good a gr «« possible. But yesterday was still a Irving 1 day to hihi. He imde adieu to bis a-od I mother, bis strong, agile youug brother und i the other members of his family. F.t.l ij.arrei. Pktersbkro Va Ang JO-Avlm.r IT | Py„c. a farmer'and citizen of this c" v w'a, ehot and iurtantly killed at Church Road , about 12 mile* from here, bv Thomas Elam.' j They Iwcamu involved to a quarrel at tlw store of Benjamin Barker an '. Elam invited Pvne out to settle the matter. After walking a short distance Elam dared Pyno to strike i tom, anti upon iieing pistol and shot him. in business aud warm friends. ] , rmulug Tartar lie Unie, ! New York, Ang. 20,—The New York Free j Trade club has challenged the New York I Protective league to a debate on "Protect; or Free Trade,'' Henry G orgo to ropro enl '.lie Free Trade club and Lob Ingrrsoll the Protective league. Thu debate will probable take place iu September at tho Metropolitan j Llpera house or Cooper Union. Lock PORT, N. Y, Aug. 20.—A B'lvn Lockwood polo has i»on raised in this city I Mis. Lockwood was formerly a resident .'if ! Lockport and hue many acquaintnuc j abouts. Stanley Patten, assisted bv a large 1 number of todies, raised the pole. It is tho ? only pole of the kind iu the country. - j Boston, Aug. 2ft-The Democratic state ! committee decided to hold the state conven i , .on at Springfield. Sept ft The executive committee has selected John J. Donovan, of T*' î 0 ^" 1 ' 0 "' "f 1 nf ' f Y cba,rm, ' u ul lkit j commute« on resolution.*. - Sulelde of a Clergyman. Newark, N. J., Aug. 2ft—Tbe Rev. F-d- , wähl H. Camp, a Presbyterian minister, ' . who had juat r©4urne.l fron Palestine, com- \ j mitted suicld© by rurimg his thK-oat and th©« jumping into a cistern. Ill health wan th© ; auw. \ Boston, Aug. 20.—A. M. Haugcom, ci. ief inspector of th© Boston polio©, ha* j copied the position of associate ©a»tern nmn i ©g©r of th© Pmkertou detective system. j a; te AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Won. Lœt. Played' •. «0 a» mi ui Per Out. Vm hi. IjOiiI». Cincinnati. Brooklyn . Athletic. IhlMinmre. UnnaviU©. Cleveland. Kansas City..., .*»74 56 Ä4 W» 87 SI .nor Ai 85 Hs . W M wa . 41© &V 45 9 . 92 . 56 .Kid «1 WO re truck l>_v Pint, drew a I lie men wore fiarlncrs . r< piii lielvi nil t< I Hay State Democrats. Hi a New I'uftitlon. » ex Nominated for Cougrnui. St. Livis, Aug. 3ft—The Democrats of the Fifth congressional district of Missouri have nominated John C. Tarsuey, of Kansas City, for congress. War© lionne Burned. San Francisco, Aug. 20. —The ware bouse of tbe Sbippee agricultural works was bm no«l yesterday with contents. Loss, $100,0U0; in surance, $00,000. Weather Indications. Fair; slightly warmer, except nearly sta tionary temperature on the coast, winds generally westerly. Robert «larrett Improved, Nbw York, Aug. 20.- Robert Garrett to -sported much improved. Robert Liurolu's Ratura. N«w Toax. Aug. 3ft- Robert Lincoln ar rived on the Auraaia fro i Liverpool Yiow Fever Reports. Hhe Present Situation in the Infected Districts. MOKE SEVERE AT JACKSONVILLE. Thtrly^ljUt Thorn 9p to I>oto* lanfiroreinoat ml Maootoe, Palmetto an<1 Tampii—Orango Countj*s U«u>< Mtraaco— Evldenco of Awither Foi Jacksonville Fla., Au^. 30.— There wa© ©ne<do(ilh from yellow fever ypatofdby—Ubab •of William Adame—and five___ qaportml. All of the new «'aaosaae traceaM© to tbo t wo knowa fool of infection, and It is not believed that the disease in epulemk\ Dr. Mitchell, president of tho county board df health, statut that the fever ia Ikhmiiihij more severe, b'aaea under treatment, eight een; top* l number of cases to dale, thirty eight ; deaths, srx. Ä0111 Manatee, Surdon Murray reports that the total number of case© there h&v© been twenty-five, but there has been_ ■bice Aug. il. Every house in the village wliero yellow fever has existed ha« beets thoroughly fumigated aud th© bedding cleaned. At Palmetto there was o«ie cam on the 15th, two on the Ifth, two on tbe 17th aud none on the 18th, Restrictive measure* have been adupbnl there. From Tampa, Dr. J. P. Wafi, of tbw county board of health, telegraphs tha© there lias been but one mild cam sine© bi» hu*t report. Up to dote there have been ele\en cases, ©f which three died of tha the black vomit. Rvkieuce of another la -©aunts, probably mild ileugue. There U bub ou© case of yellow fever now under treaft >umiM at Tampa. Th© following UUgrams to M»o surgaom general at Washington are seif explanatorys "hf amp St. Mart (Boulogo« Fla., Aog_ 18.—The tent« and supplies for the camp on hand. Will be ready t© receive refuge©* ©IITuesday,possibly Monday. "GmiekraHw 1 * "Office of the Boa ut» of Hbautb, OeanoeCocEty, Wo. "There Is no yellow lover hi Orlando amt Ban ford, or in Orange county. Ifeir mail© are threatened to bo cut off. Pi your most reliable expert, nnd itotaii bim I© make a thorough investigation as t© the exist* mice of yellow fever. tFrange «amity hs vites investigation, and demands that it bn ml right before the entire roaniry. "H. J. Ukrl., "President County Board «f Health. 1 * The appeal was also signed by J. W. Hick% secretary Orange county bo«ud ©f liealth; fWer H. Chapin, mayor of •rlaudo and A. M. Thrasher, mayor of Sanford. Ln n*s{H)ns» to this appeal Urn MM*g©on g©a »«•«4 wiU ord©r a surg©«>n from New Orteanaa to Orange county. Germans liar© a (inod Tim©. Cleveland, O., Aug. 20.—Five tboimaadt strangers wer© present In ttii* ©Uv at tbt animal Krieg ortest of tho (remiaa WorriorjT b*s©ciation. Tho exercise©, consisting mainly nf Bddi i^ses, music and spirts, wer© l kehl at Beyerle's park, and tho crowd nmmliered nearly 20,000. The only incident ©f tho day worthy of notice was Uie open violation of th«> Bunday saloon closing law by Uonxuua saloon keepers, it is expected that manj nrrosts will follow. Lien. HarrUon*« Onliwg. Indian*, Aug. 29.—Gea, Il.vrrinet quiet Sunflay, pre]Kivatory to hto pa»» si trip to Middle Bans Island. To-day fc* hi» 5.'»tli birtlulay anidversai*y. lie will loavw ■oino time during tho af terno©» or ovetiin^ ftur Toledo, but the t ime ©f his departure and. the route he will take Itave b«'©a rare fully withheld from the public, uwiag te th© gen eral's desire to make the trip as quietly and unosteulutiously as possible. I Mortality Among Washington Inf« Washington, Aug. 20.—There is terribl» mortality among the chiidren in this city, them being tt00 deaths of children under 9 y©it» s of nge since April 7. For the last two wocks th© deaths have averaged ten \ »er day. •ne of tho Kmdav papers axsortu that hi» than fifty gallons of pure milk is sold in Uu> city daily, and to that cm ils© is duo tho A tghtlul mortality. N«ii-l;«'»idi'iit, Exempt. Four Smith, Ark., ».ug. 3ft—cummissioiMto Brn.dove has decided that the Chickamsr Ballon has no right to collect the cattle tax ef fl per head from non-citizens of the aatiun. This scltleuient of a much troubled qacstlon to of great importance to the 75,00) non-citizens who have inrgo cattie Lit. -reste and who, in fact, comprise the greater park •i the papulation. Ifirnatiu. Donnelly Return«, Hew York, Aug. 2d.—Ignatius DonnaBy* who believes that Bacon wrote "Snake epeare," aud wants everybody else to ogre* with him, arrived from Europe last evening eu the Auranin. M f Dunnolly has spent Ubcut live months 11 the United Kingdom, where he went primarily for the purpose of having hto Injok, "The Great Cryptograph* copj'righted. * Rebellion Against ttie tVkid, Trost. Sr, Lot is, Aug. 30.—A combination ot kquor dealers, twenty-four in number, bava organized with a capital stock of (100.ÜUO ta hptkl a distillery with a daily capacity ot SM barrels. Tbe nr,:nmzatiou to a reU-Uioa against the whisky trust, which, it to claimed, has fixed the price o' high wines entirely of proportion to that of dtotilled goods. Will Lynch Him if They Catch Him. Seualia, Mo., Aug. 3ft—A few days ago Jehu Tabb, IS years old, interfered ha a quarrel between a man named Biennal» sad bis wife, near ( liflou, Pettis county. Saturday Brennan shot and killed Tabb, who was working in a field, and then flad te hie woods. A strong posse to in pursuit, sal Brennan U caught wnl be lynched. Tariff Talk Iu the South. Charleston, W, V«., Aug. 8#.—Repre sentative Mills, of Texas, and Senator Black bar a, of Kentucky, addressed 5,(M0 Demo crats here Saturday, mainly devoting them selves to the tariff and its hearing upon tha tedustries .of the country. In the audienoa wer, at least a thousand coal miners, who cheered the orators to tho echo. : Killed by a Hart*odor. Wiksipko, Man., Aug. 30.—Frank Qte gros, wn of a wealthy citisen of this plaça, was killed in a barroom fight. ~ ■truck oa the head with a bottle by the bar tender. The blow caused co no nation of tha brain. He died almost instantly. The bar tender was arrested tost night for murdtoe. Hs / » The Galena Sails far Hartl. Kiwpobt, H. I., Aug. 2ft—The United States steamship Galena has left here lor Kayti to take whatever action may be mry to view of Ik, reporte^ InmrrectiMa