p* Evening journal ONLY democratic daily newspaper IN THE STATE. ■VERY DAT EXCEIT SUNDAY. JOURNAL PRINTING COMPANY PUBLISHERS. FOURTH AND SH1PLE T STREETS, WILMINGTON. DELAWARE. Entered at the Wilmington post-office as sso ond-ciMB matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES, (IF SUVAS os.) 3 « One year. Six mont)«... Three month« One month... 1 -■ * ADVERTISING KATES. Dards furnished on epnllcetlon. 'SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 7, A Verv Good Time To Settle. The Board of Street and Hewer Directors has been, if anything, too kind to those property owners who failed to pay ilene for curbing, psvlng and putting in sewers. Home of tbs claims run back to 1887 and the other* are scattered through the years Intervening between then aud the present time, and during all that time the Interest has been socnmnlstiug. For the department to allow the bills to rna so long Is a hardship on ths debtor, who dtes not relish the Idea of paying Interest on money which he earned himself. The delay Is profitable to the department, howavsr, for had the collections been made aud tho mousy placed In bank It wonld only have realized three per cant thereon: whereas, the property owner will pay the legal rate of six per cent, for bis procrasti nation, If the board Is sincere la its action of Tuesday evening Claims aggregating $8? 604 68 were placed in tbe bauds of City Holloltor Harman for collection by legal process. This will have a wholesome effect upon the property owner. It will teach him that nothing 1» to be gained, but much lost, by playing at falde-aud-aeek with a bill which the city has against him. The interest Is accumnlstlng all tb* time tbe game Is going on. Unless he settles before legal steps are taken, he.wlll flod that tbe interest and costa mors than equal the original amount of the llsu. A French doctor claims that nail biting 1« hereditary. We do not believe It, and cite as Instances tbe perform ances of Senator Higgins and J, Edward Addloki daring the senatorial datdlook at Dover last Sprlug. Fach could blame It on the other, bat neither ooald cast a look of reproach at bis genealogical tables. Wbst Barbara Freltvhle Flagged. One by on« onr idols are shattered. Colonel John F. Porter, of Jacksonville, Fla , provost marshal of the dlstrUt that included Fredsrlektown, Md., during the war, raya that there Is no truth In Whittier's popular poom "Durbars Freltchle," ao familiar to every Wil mington schoolboy and schoolgirl, and known to many grown parsons. Hu say* that "Stonewall" Jackson and ids troops did not mardi within two blocks of Dame Freitchle'a house on Patrick street, and consequently she could not have waved the star* and stripes in tbe fsces of th* Confederates (rum the wlsdow of her home. The colonel admits that she drove off some straggling "Johnnies" who gathered on hur porch and tiled to flirt with her two pretty granddaughters. We are glad, for tho sake of Whlttisr, that she flagged somebody. It eater the situation and goes to show that Dams Barbara was a good grandmother. Bused on Colonel Porter's statement the most heroic verse of the whole poem should read something like this: "Shoot, if you must, tills old gray he». I, But spare my irraruldaairliterV." sho mild. A sluule of sannee», a Mush of sbuiue. Over the fare of tue (liners came. "Who flirte lu toe presence of yon gray head, * Dies like a dog 1" "March on." they «aid. While Colonel Porter '« alatemeut may have more truth than poetry In It, aud that of Whittier more poalry than truth, we are inclined te btlleve that Barbara Frsltohte will bs th* school-child's idol when both Colonel Porter and his contra diction are wholly forgotten. Tbe elceletnQ of * UchbUq has beeu caught by a fisherman al Slcnlplnk Lake. New York The Ackerman will be suitably rewarded by restoring It to the cloiet In Republican headquarter! at Sercnth aud Market alreeta. About Fablto School*. We have entered upon another school year aud It is well to remember that not withstanding tbe pride of «very American In the public school system of his eonutry, It I» still very far from perfec tion. Those who have carefully and conscientiously .xamined the problem of supplying edu «tioual advantages to the people, or more properly the suns and daughters of the people, can but sc knowledge this fact and It is a hopeful sign that the imperfections of tho system are receiving mure attention thau ever before. Only a few years ago education was based upon a stereotyped form, or-tab lisbcd in onr schools more thau a ceutm-y ago, and continued dining the time when onr fathers aud grandfathers were school children. In thore days It had not dawned upon teachers that the wisest course of education wonld hs one that would teach a child knowledge that would help him In that business of life to which he wonld eventually bo called AU bad to go through the same course of study, and no education was deemed to he fairly begnn until the pupil bad commenced a course In Latin —an ednea tlop was an education— It bad to be begun aud ended according to tbe ancient rule, formulated for the instruction of certain olass.o of professional men. A father could not have bis son edu cated to follow bis own calling without he happened to be either a lawyer, minister or a doctor There were no sell> 0 Is In those davs to educate farmers and mechanics. Of course they could receive the professional education re ferrod to bat It was not what was wanted The world had been ^increasing for generations In scientific, agricultural and mechanical knowledge but a very little of this was deemed necessary for a professional life aud as a result It could only be learned outside of onr regular educational Institutions or through apprenticeship. Of course there must he preparatory study which will be commun to ail Reading, writing aud arlthmetlo, with grammar, are essential as a basis for any kind of an education, bat when a child gets beyond these primary studies every thing that be learns that will not be of use to him in after life is useless, If not absolutely detrimental to his future suc cess. The greatest change in educational methods has been brought about by the establishment of schools and colleges to teach the arts, sciences and economies of every day life. A child can now graduate from onr public schools and go to an Institution where he will be taught those things which are essential to his success In Ilfs In almost any calling, not, in order to consider himself, or be considered by his friends su educated man wade through four years of classics. This Is one of the educational problems that has been solved by the present generation and apparently the most Im portant of them. At the ctmp-meeMngs down the state the revolver and razor seem to be doing much more effective work than the min ister and chorister. He need Blind Urldearoom aad Barber Addloke. A queer Arabian Nights tale oomue from the Pod jab A few weeks ngu a party of weavers formed a marriage precision and started for a village in Perozpor«. The bride groom was bald aud blind ul one eye and his father feared the bride's parente would re fuse him, so the weavers advised thorn to present a barb r's bey, who was with them, us the groom. The barber was dressed lu the groom's wedding ganaunts mid won accepted. When the marnage was over and they had returned home, the weaver demanded Ills bHde, but the barber refused to give her up. and now they have gene to law tosetllu the iiuesllon.—New York Hun. Assuming that the United States sen atorablp was the bride; Senator Higgins th* bridegroom ; Colonel Henry I. On Pout, best man; J. Edward Addloki, tbe barber's bay; the people, the parents of the bride; and tbe contest In Washington tbe notion at law, how closely this Arabian Nights tale coincides with tbs Republican senatorial fight here last Spring. _ Kedesb, ths city of Nspbtali where Harak and Daborab scrambled the tribes of Israel, baa been songht for by M. E. Gautier end not found. Two spots in tbe valley of the Orontc* were supposed to be tbe place, a tumulus on a «par of Mt. Lebanon near tbe Lake of Homs, and an Island In tbs lake. Did h* ever look along Front straet la tbe city of Wll wlugtouT EDITORIAL COMMENT. Tbe people have cooled down and Senator Carter ooolsd down along with him Timas ara bettor aud they are In a healthful stats of mind The frsa stiver dog has had hi« day.—Chicago Trlhnne. One thing the $35,000,000 paper trust will have to oo when It begin* to out shines and show Its teeth will be to meat the newspapers of tbe United States In «nob a fight the paper truet won't knew whether "It is a foot or a oritterb.ek " The American people are against traita —and the paper truet may be just the "feather to break the back" of all snob monopolisa, —Chicago Inter-Ocean. The plan of typewriter girls to do their work In hloemer costume has received a set back in Beet eeter, where ooe young woman tried It and was discharged by her employer, it attracted loti of men to bia olllse, but brought very Hill* business. The type writer operator must drew ths line at bloomers.—Council Bluffs ÎDally Non parlel. The levy lug of a heavy Indemnity In money has had an excellent effeat In stopping outrages in other lands, and would have a npeelally healthy effect in China, where capital punishment la regarded with comparative Indifference. —London Saturday Review, The division of Africa among tb* Powers of Europe fata gone so far •Heady that there I« hut little of tbs continent left to afford a field (or tb* Independent development of tho black man on his owajlne aud his own way. It la ths more desirable that the small portion of hla inbsrltance which hat escaped the greed aud grs*p of the white man aliould be saved and reserved to him.—Charleston Newt. He said CONTEMPORARY OPINION. The City and the Country. from the Spring held Republican, llveeutly published vital statistics of all the New England Slates for 1892 show that almost exactly as many poop e Ut# lu cities of 10,000 er more popuia2iuu In this st clou as in tb. villages mud rural dis trlc'.s, tbe urban population being 2 441, 410 and the rural 2 441.98T Taking t bs vital statistic« for three two groups It Is found that the city population has a mar rlage rate of 30 0 against 1fi4 (or the country ; a birth rate of 29 0 against 20 far tb. country, though the real difference Is not to great, there being deficiency In the birth registration In Mam. aud New Hampshire, while the cities havo an average death rate ot 21, against 18 7 for tbe country, llulme. Versus Hcrldlty, From the IMtuburg Dispatch. la tbe case of Murderer Holmes an attempt has buea mad* to prove that heredity has nothing to do with the de velopment of criminal Instincts. An investigation of hla ancestry develops the fact that they were all peaceable and law-ahldlug citizens, honored In the Now England community where they lived.. It. has also beau discovered thaï the environment of his early Ilia was well calculated to develop a good disport Mon and bonnet character It is even learned that be was an exceptionally good boy, with an abhorrant« of violence, cruelty end the sight of blood Yet is now regarded as the arch- éliminai bis time. All this proves little in regard to the prevalent.« of hereditary disposi tion. The altogether an — a mouatroilty, If you please. is an extraordinary criminal in varions respeciH, (ar above tbe average criminal in intelligence, In lugeuuily and In eon ducA His murderous practices are no way shown to have auy connection with murderonv instil ct. bnt to be result of deliberate plans to gain other purposes. Ta fact remains that erim a murderer, liolmeu, abnormal Individual Inal Instincts, In the great tnsjorlty of cates, mi'T be traced to pre uai.il sources or the influences of childhood. The rule applies particularly to oases where crime I» due to an Impulse, rather than to isolated exceptions In which persons become criminals through fores of elr rt!instances or by slection of their own will. In the Holmes case Is true as it applies to him individually, but is not applic able to any considerable number of inmates of our prisons or those who have died npou the scaffold. The argument against heredity Feminine Glorification of Criminals, From the Galveston News. A cynical French philosopher of th« present century coolly declared In one of bis works that it was best not to take women too seriously st any time, insisting 1 that their provoking didoes infinite vagaries, while calculated to producs, under given conditions, some degree of apprehension, were really too inconsequential to excite any interest other than that of oolite curiosity. While this Is a broad declaration and strictly in keeping with the chaîne teristle persiflage of s certain school of French philosophy It should not be dismissed without some measure of dlsoreel consideration. It must be clear to the reflective mind that the character of the crimes committed in this.country and elsewhere within the past few yetrs is hardly mors remarkable than the effect which some of them appear to have produced upon a class of women who ordinarily contrive to maintain their mental equilibrium. lu this connection the above cited remark of the cynical Frenchman will be found not inapposite In the way of directing attention to the ourlons freaks recently committed by numbers of morbidly affected women In this country alone. Abundance of instances in paint could easily be adduced, but It will be sufficient here to ennmerate only a few of the most singularly striking STORIES OP THE DAY. His Démocratie Example. "I was mneb amused a day or two ago in the dining room of the hotel at which I am staying by the efforts of a transient guest to eat green corn from tbe cob,'' said a Wilmington magistrate. "He was sitting at a table next to mine. When bis corn was nerved en tbe cob be looked at it critically and dubiously and set to work. Taking hold of one end of tbe ear he began picking the corn ont one grain at a time, witb a teaspoon. I pitied the man and felt like going to his assistance In an advisor that I should without speaking a word. The waiter brought In my ear of I pat salt, peppir butter on it, picked it up like a flute and, in true Democratic style, began eating It from the cob. Pretty soon 1 felt that his eyes were npou me. Tbe only effect of his stare was to make me eat the more heartily. At length 1 looked over his way. He had profited by my example, for be was eating corn from the cob with all the gusto of a half-famished horse. y capacity, little dreaming be of assistance to him corn. and He Wna Looking for an Increase. In one of the county departments Is a veteran of the late war who never loses an opportunity to tell of it. day an Evening Journal reporter qjet him in tbe corridor of the Oonrt Houae, aud extending his hand, said: morning, colonel, raarkably well, day." Tin- orhei "Good Y on are looking re HYou look like a boy to The veteran draw back with Injured air and said In a hoarse whisper; " 8h. want to say that I am looking well, am trying for an laoreaee In my pension," and be walked away with a stoop sud a limp that would have got him the in crease if It oonld have been seen by the department officials. \ •n Don't talk so loud. You dou't i Kosuty Didn't Kiss Him. "It isn't always th* dog that Is at taohsd to a chslu that btcomes the big gest nuisance," said a well known business man to au Evening Journal reporter, "Sometimes tbs owner Is ths nuisance By the way, It makua mn tired, as the boys say, to see the manner in which sum : women treat thBIr dogs The dog has well bseu called 'man's b»st friend,' bnt the silly way In which same of the fair sex fondle tbelr pels would make a woman hater of many a man. 1 went to tbe ball game I he other day aud, after I had seated myself In the car, a woman entered and took the adjoining seat. She had a png dog with her. It was fat and ugly aud wore a harness decked with bells and ribbons. A niokls chain connected mistress aud dog. 8bo lock the enr on her lap and be at once began to make friends with her neighbors. After a few momenta he turned to me, aud with tongue hanging from hla homely month attempted to reach my band. The woman beamed on the png and as abe stw my movements of repugnance remarked : 'Come,Beauty, don't kiss tbe gentleman.' 'If he does,' I said, 'I'll pitch hiut oat tbe window,' and th* woman tried to wither me with a look. She l»(t the ear at the next crossing and I know I have made an enemy (or life " • a of He In the They Held Up the Ttaln, There was a hold up on tbe P. W. Si B road tbe other evening which the detectives failed to get on to. A pa'ty of yonug men from this city, whose acquaintance among the fair daughters of Chester is extensive, went to Gordon Heights, on Information received that there would be a moonlight exenrsion from that city, and that some of tbeii fair friends would be down. The moon light didn't materialize bnt t he girls did, aud the boys had a royal time until 10 40 when the Chester maldc js took tbe train (or home. Theu tho boys looked (or a way home. Tbe 11 0-1 signal (or reasons unknown, refuted to give. AfUr argument and expostulation'bad (ailed th* young men decided to take tbe matter in iheii own hands, and remov ing the lantern from tbe post In front of the station, one of the party was stationed with it in tbs centre of the tracks. The train came along, stopped end was held until the lantern was replaced It was a hold-up purs and simple, but tbe conductor excused the voting men when ha was told of their plight. train ouly stops on and this tbe watchman, How's This ! - We oiler One Mutnlre«! Dollars'reward for any cam« of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hairs Catarrh Cars. F. J CHKYNKY de OO«Toledo. O. to e, the unanrslimcrl hive known F.J .Chey ney lor the last 15 years, and believe hlmt*»*" feetly honorable In all business transactions and financially ao)» to carry out auy obllga tjpn» m%de by their llrm. Trimx. Who!«-hale firagglsia.Tolfi^lo.O. \n aiding Klnnau A Marvin, W Uoleeale Drug gist*, loledo, Ü. Hall'« Catarrh Cur« is taken internaPy. acting directly is tii. 19 ,-m! ami mucous the a) .tew. Te.lla-onlals e--nt ga*. Price iic. i>er boule, Noid hr all dru.- OFF FOR THE BIG RACE Thousands Watching Today's Contest Off Sandy Hook. ; BIO FLEET FOLLOWING THE BOATS. Tho Moimaroinonts of tlio Yu< fill* Allow the Defender leCts Thau Half a Minute Over Hie Valkyrie, Much to the Surprise of tlie Wise Ones--Interest In New York. New Yokk, Supt. 7.— Wie fi*st of tho America's cup races is on. Down off San dy Hook the two big white sloops are bat tling for a trophy which at tlio present moment is being gazed at by a crowd of people who surround tho window of a well known up town jeweler. An imposing Hoot of steam craft went down tho liny this morning to witness the contest. Some of tho big sound steamers found it more profitable to abandon their regular trips and take out n load to see tho yacht raoo. They lod the way down, gay with flags, thoir decks black with people and their Imnrts playing merrily. Behind them trailed tugs, yachts, ex cursion steamers and craft of every de scription,carrying the fortunate thousands who were to witness one of tho greatest sporting events of the year. Up In town here the general Interest In tho great International event Is very evi dent. Around every sporting ticker there is an exulted group of men, who watch tho tape us closely us if they bad thousands s V 4 M m nr« % [y ■3 MBS. C. OLIVER ISKL1N, WHO BAILS OS THB DEFENDER TODAY. depending on the result. Tho open spaces lu front of the newspaper office« are crowded. Newspaper row at the noon hour was a surging muss of humanity, gazing at the bnr One newspaper indicated tho progress of tho race by moving miniature yachts labeled Defender and Valkyrie along a cornice half way up tho building. That thousands of strangers came here to soo the race is evident from tho fact that last night every hotel In tho City was llllod with guests. At tho principal hos tolrlos cot lieds were at a premium. Many of tho out of town people found on arrival that It would be almost impossible for them to soo tho race, as all tho best ex cursion boats had already sold tickets up to their passenger limit. Tli« vi41 of mystery which has kept the public in ignorance of tho actual dimen sions of the competing yachts has been raised. Honest John Hyslop, official mea surer of tlio Now York Yacht club, passed his steel tapo from bow to stern, from deck to masthead and along boom aud bowsprit of both craft, and the result was at tho Now York Yacht clubhouse. Val kyrie III allows tho Defender 29 1-10 sec onds. bitin boards. The Mciumremeuta a Surprise. This is lues than yachting sharps have guessed. Tho appearance of tho Valkyrie and tho calculations which huvo boon made credited her with an excess of water lino and sail area over tho American boat which would allow the latter from one to two minutes over a 30 mile course. Tho cutting away of tho after body of tho Val kyrie and the lighter steel boom which was recently substituted have undoubted ly given her n saving on load water lino, which reduced tho time allowance to less than half minute. Tho result of tho measurer's work was a great surprise. No good judge thought that the English yacht would give over a minute and a half in a 39 mile course to tho Defender, yet many capable critics said Hint the challenger would give a min ute, but that she should yield less than half a minute was astonishing to all tho smart people. When Mr. Hyslop brought tho measure ments to the Now York Yacht clubhouse, ho said that tho Valkyrie would havo to allow Defender 29 1-10 seconds. It was only his business, ho added, to turn in the measurements to the regatta committee aud let that committee say what the lime allowance would be. Nevertheless he felt that 29 l-lo seconds was the fair thing. The committee considered tho question for a long time and then posted a notice on Hie club's bulletin board to tho effect that tho allowance would bo 29 seconds, leaving off Mr. Hyslop's added ono-tonth of a second. The races will perhaps be very close, but no tenths of seconds will separate tho lioata at tho finish. It will ho noticed that the load watet lino lengths of the ships show only a dif ference of forty-hundredths In favor ot Defender, and that tho length of Defend er's gaff went considerably toward render ing tho small advantage gained on tho water lino. It will also be seen that- tho sail urea does not produce so great a dif ference as was expected, and that the gen eral rating of 100.3ft for Defender, as against 101.49 for Valkyrie, displays n margin between the bouts so small that nobody guessed it. Mrs. I-el in Was Aboard, The mendier* of tho syudioote were rep resent«! by Messrs. Iselin and Morgan, and they were aided by Messrs. Leeds ot Boston und Kane and Thorne of New York. The other members of the Defender'* amateur party arrived at the Erie basin drydock upon tho Helvetia, tho yacht ol Mr, O. Oliver Iselin, which has been used ns a tender by the Defender's party (or ferrying purposes during nil tho Now York preliminaries of tho America's cup match. Mrs. Iselin was with them. She wore a light yellow Eton jacket suit, which was n marked contrast to her habit ns she hnl been soon uihui the deck of the Dufendet while standing in tho main hatch at th« start of the summer racing of the syndi cate sloop. Tho Valkyrie was measured, with hel whole crow aboard. Every one besid« Katsey was also aboard. He wore a sun set suit aad staid alxiard the City of Bridgeport, widt h is the steam tender of Valkyrie III, It is interesting to not* whether or not Mr Katsey deenu-d his presence unneces sary to add to the weight of Valkyrie III, and iu this case, who was his substitute aboard tlio l>ont nt tin* period at whim snu passed under the oyo of Mr. Hyslop? XTo lui. si he measured. That Mr. Watson conned carefully the proceedings which were essential to the measurement of the Defender is note worthy, while It is significant that ho alone of the British party deemed it nec essary to watch the work of Mr. Hyslop, The rest of the Dunraven party apparent ly absented themselves personally from the bee. The syndicate and their yellow dog mascot took a short sail upon the Neckan during the Interesting period. The Valkyrie got out of drydock after her official measurement, and the work upon Defender was not especially interest ing from the standpoint of the English party. They were numbered ns they stepped aboard and promptly tabbed by Mr. Ily slop ere ho measured the base of the boats at water lino. Each was measured with a full crow aboard, and after the measure ment Was completed Mr. Hyslop journeyed to his home, near the" East river, upon an Eastern Manhattan terrace and carefully ramie his computation. Among the crew of the Valkyrie are seven sailors from tho Amorito, Mr. Brokaw's now Cary Smith schooner. They are imported sailors and may be more ac ceptable to the foreign party for this rea son. Meimnrer Hynlop'« Official Report* Tho following Is tho offlclnl report of Measurer Hyslop : "Tho following measurements of tho sloop yacht Defender; owners, C. Oliver Isclln and others, taken in accordance With the rules of this club, wore made tiy mo on this instant aud are hero certified to ns being correct: "Length on load water lino, 88.48; length from after and of main boom to forward point of measurement, 181.79; from foreside of foremast to forward point of measurement, 78.66; extreme of spin naker boom, 73. 110 ; main ga(T, 04.95; top mast, 87.43 1-6—45.9i; height upper side main boom to topsail halyard block, 138.48; square foot of sail area, as per rule, 113.30; sailing length, as per rule, 100.80; tonnage. "Tho following measurements of the sloop yacht Valkyrie III; owner, Karl ' nnrnven and others, taken in accord ance with the rules of this club, were milde by mo on.I his inst. and are hero tost ifind to as correct; John Hyslop "Length on load water lino, 88.88; length from after und of main boom to forward peint of measurement, 180.03; from forosido of foremast to forward point of measurement, 78.04; extreme length of spinnaker boom, 78.91; length main guff, 69.'50; topmast, 88.98 1-5—44.78; length upper side main boom to topsail halyard block, 189.80; square room of sail urea, ns per rule, 114.14; sailing length, as per rule, 101.49; tonnage, - "Jons Hyslop." General surprise Is expressed at the smallness of the time allowance that Val kyrie will have to allow Defender. Brit Inh Fin Their Faith to Valkyrie. London, Sept. 7—Tho Chronicle says this morning: "If Valkyrie III does nut hoist tho winning Hag today or on Tues day, wo shall probably never build a yacht that will do us well in tho dry air of American waters ns in tho moist winds of Albion. Yet wo may be sure that tho rivalry now established will not die." Y r eIlowstone Park Geysers. Advices just received at the Northern Pacific offices from Mr. W P. Howe, in charge of tbe Innch station at the Upper Qeyser Basin, state that the geysers are playing better than ever. They are muon finer than last year. The Giant,on* of tbe finest in the Park, plays to a height of about 350 feet Last year its eruptions took place once in about five days and continued for 00 minutes. This year It Is playing more frequently. Ur Howe is regularly noting the temperature of the Giantess, another of tbe large geysers. It Is also playing frequently and its tem peratnie at time of playing ranges from 103 to 10S degrees Fahrenheit. For six cents sent to Charles 8. Fee, general pas venger agent Northern Pacific rail road, ht. Paul, Miuu , yon will receive a fine tourist book thateontains THE DOCTOR'S COLUMN H.L.G.. e f. Paul—Wishing to pursue a course of hard tudv. during the cemlug Wlnter.that, 1 fear will tax my mental strength,ask what 1 can lake o keep myself fortifiai? 'lake Corebrtne, extract of the brain, in five drop doses on tbe tongue, twlee daily, iu the morning and fonr hours be for retiring. Get as mnch fresh air and sleep as possible. J K.A..Louisville—In the small of my back and between my shoulder blades, 1 suffer a sued -leal of pain: am very conuipated. Take Mednlllue, extract of the spinal cord, lu fire-drop dores, on the tongue, three times dally Tivies a week take two tesspooufnls of Natrolltbio Salta,In a tarn bier of water,* half honr before breakfast KUa„S racuse.N Y.— Have a greasy skin and a few plmplts. What can I take? NatrolUblc Saits, a teaspoonful In a half tumbler of water, before breakfast, tor two weeks Thyroidlne in three drop doses twice dtllv. Oleac.N.Y.—Am troubled wl h malaria and Indigestion. Kfndiy suggest a remedy. Tsk« cue Febncloe Fill, tnrte time] daily, for two weeks. After each meal, a teaspoonfnl of Gastrins. Natrollthlc 8»Its, teaspoonfnl iu a half tumbler hot water twice a week W T Parker, M.D Med. Dept.. Col. Chem. Co.,Washlngton, D.O. THE ANIMAL EXTRACTS. CERKHRINK, From the Brain. MKIIl'l AINE, From tbe SptiiMt Cord. Cl A KOINE. From th..Heart. XE811NE, OVARINE, TIIVROlltlNB, ft • r->|m Price, Two Drachm«, »I 2ft EC/ UM ici kk For «kin diseases »1.35 1'ETKm.KINB. For restoring th - hair $1.25 FU trtol.i s K.Fer throat * lung diseases $ I 35 FEKKIulDK For Malaria, Mruralgla.Ac 60c UATAKKHINK. ForCotarrtl. Hay Fever, ef Month's ir-atnien .inetadlug Insufflator, |2 5U (lAsritlNE, A new aud valuable remedy for Dyepep -ia ÎI '5 NUhUl.irino Nalls. For constipation,50c At all DcngKisIs, or from COl.l mit I umil- n. i;o , wash , DC. (IPS) Send tor l, , lerat*. fcw*>Ml * Sou, FLiiMKij Lia. tà. Ask jour druggist ■t: • - SSJ Ç What iNerve Berriej '*("9 have done for other/ they will dc ] for you. r tV 1ST DAT. ms» 4 Of 19TB DAY. fcAyJ, t M Easily, Quickly' and Permanently Restored. A positive cine for all Weaknesses, Nervousness, Debility, and all their (rain of evils resulting from early errors and liter excesses; the result of over work, sickness, worry, etc. Develops andgivestouc and strength to thesex ual organs. Stops unnatural losses cr nightly emissions caused by youthful errors or excessive use of tobacco,opium andliquor, which lead to consumption and insanity. Their use shows immedi ate improvement. Insist upon having the genuine HERVE BERRIES« no other. Convenient to carry in vest pocket. Price, $1.00 per box, six boxes, one full treatment, $5.00, Guaranteed to cure my case. If not kept by your drug gist we will send them by mail, upon receipt of price, in plain wrapper. Pamphlet free. Address mail orders to »miEaiCAW meoiCAL co.. Cincinnati, o For »ale by N. H. i) Autor tb. 2ad and Mark® VIGOR OOTH DAY A SPECS ALT YSÄyorfÄ ^-3 HiUtrir bipiiilti pmuuwnUT ourca lu Ij w i-iaiays. ï'»u cad bo innMd ni Unnifl for Fiui'.e prie mu jrwimoKöunMity« K RoMyiin prefer to come boro we willi contra« • to pay raiiroful faro ami hotel bills,and no charge, if rre fail to euro. If you have taken m#T* cury. Iodide notiiwti, u .d still b ivo achM an . pataS.MuooaSVfitches In mouth. More l I'imples, Copper Colored Spots* Cleeriic ony part of tho body. Hair or Fvcbroyra foill .fic out. It lathi«Syphilitic HLOOIÏ1 OIMONija W» Kunrnntc» to cur»». Wo »olirlt tho mortobitt* te ea$es nod dhallojnre tuo world lor a ci*sr* wo oabtuA eure« i'lils di , *c9*o dm «iway» b* ■ -) NwJ'KIWV l, •S ncneoui* in enect mat i-. xs»5. TRAINS LEAVE DELAWARE AVE NUE DEPOT, SAJ6X BOUND. •Express trains. AH trains illuminated with PlntscM i.t ..EW YORK, week-days, »3.05. »7.I0, •8.3U, *9.49, *19.35 a. m.; »12.31, »L6». •AM, •5.32, *7.32, »11 p. m. NEW YORK. Sundays, »3,05, »MO, •9.40, ni.35 a. rn. ; »AM, »7.32. »U PHILADELPHIA (TWENTY-F« AND CHESTNUT STREETS.) Week-days, «8.06, 5.55, 6.27, »7.30. 7.», *3.30, •9.00, •9.40, *10.35. 11.10, *11.45 a. m.; *12.21, 1.20, »1.69, *3 06, 8.25, 4.56, *6.32, S.30, »7.32, A29. 10, »H p. m. Sundays, •3.05, «.27, »7.80. 7.66, A50, »».40, •11.35 a. m.; 12 10, 1.20, »S.U«, A2 j, A56, •«.«, 6.30, »7.32, 8.20, 10, »U p. in. PHILADELPHIA, TWELFTH AND MARKET STREETS. Week-days. »A95, »7.30, *8.30, *10.88 a. m.| •7.32, *U p. m. Sundays, »AOS, *7.10, *1116 a. m.; lit p. m. CHESTER, week-days, *3.n5, S.5S, «.27, •7.30, 7.55, *3.30, •*. »10.35, U.10, *U.46. a. m.; l. 20, *1.6», >3.9«, A3«, A88. *6.32, «.30, *7.31, A20, 10, *11 p. CHESTER. Sunday*. »1.05, »27. »7.3«, 7.55, 8.50, »11.35 a. m.; 12.10, 1.20, *3.0«, A2S, 4.65, *6.32, 6.30. *7.32, 8.20. 10. »11 p. m. ATLANTIC CITY, week-days, »7.M a. m. ; » 12 . 21 , »L6», »3,06 p. m. Sundays, »7.»«, •7.55 a. m.; »3.06 p .m. CAPE MAY, woek-dsys, »7.2« C»10.*8 a. m., Saturdays only), *1.6», *2.08 ». m Sundaya, *7.30 a. m. & tu. R TH •31 WEBT ROUND. BALTIMORE AND WASHINGTON, •4.20, 7.02. »8. 17, »11,05 a. m. ; »12.66, n.07, AM, •4.03, *5.2o. *6.13, »8.20, *8.58 p. m. Sundays. M.20, 7.92. »8.47 a. m.; *1X88, »AI7, A03, »4.03. *5.25. »8.29, *8.58 p. m. WAY I I BALTIMORE AND WAY STATIONS, p. m. dally. Del., *4.29, 7.02, •3.47, »U.08 a. 7.92 a. ni. ; 3.03 NEWARK, _ __ ...... - m.; »12.«. 3.03, »5.25, 7.36, »8.20, *8.58, 1L1» m. Sundays, »4.29, 7.92, *8.47 a. m.; »13.88. •5.25, 7.85/ «8.20, »8.58, 11.10 p. m. PITTSBURG, week-days, »8.47 a. ra.; •6.13 p. m. Sundays, *8.47 n. m.; »5.25 p. m. CHICAGO. *8.47 a. m.; »6.26 p. m. dally. CINCINNATI and BT. LOU IB, *13.85 and < p. m. dolly. EW ORLEANS p. in. orleai ACCOMMODATION, AM a. V'.: 3.113. 7.35. and U.10 p. m. dally. LAN DEN BERG ACCOMMODATION, week-days, 7.92, iu.30 a. m.; 1.62, 6.25 p. a. Sundays, 9.30 a. in.; 6.25 TRAINS LEAVE MA STATION. For New York, week-day*. »6.18 e. For Philadelphia, week-days, A10, ■ a. m.; 3.90, *6.15, 9.48 p. m. Sundays, All a. ra.; 1.09, »6. 15. 9.46 p. m. For Pittsburg and Chtcage, dally, •6.15 p. m. For Raltlmore. week-days; MO a. a.) A •6.15 p. m. Sundays, A *6.15 w'. 1 j9> For Landenberg and way days. 6.59. 19.25 a. ra.; A 6.15 9.25 a. m.; 5.15 p. m. LEAVE PHILADELPHIA (TWENTY FOURTH AND CH ESTNUT STREETS) FOR WILMINGTON. Week-days, »3.40, 6, 7.15, »3.16, » 80. »10.83, 11 39 a. m.: *12.29. *1.19, »1.86, 2. »ASA 3.88, •4.15. »4.4», *5.15, *5.41, 6.60, (.30. *7.«A *8« 19.10 and 11.35 p. m. Sundays. *3 49, 6. *3 15, 3.30, ».30, 11.30 a na.; •12.20. *1.36, 2, »3.39. 3.35, *4.16, »A4». 109, •7.43. »8. 23. 19.10 and 71.35 p. m. PHILADELPHIA (TWELFTH AND MARKET STREETS.) Week-days, *3.29 *7.55, *10.18, a. m.; "7.17, p. m. Sundays, »3.20, •7.65 a. m.; 7.17 p. m. Telephone, No. 193. Rates to Western points lowsr thaa via any other line. C. O. SCULL, General Passenger Asset. R. B. CAMPBELL, General Manager. p. n 8.93, •? ■ via Bristol and Ckat dally. Through N tanooga. Bleepers to Now S1NGEKLY • -J -ans. p. m. HKET STREBT» ■ sta Jo«», week— p. ra. Buu lay A IaKAVJ'J j THOMAS McHUGH, WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALER, »«"» HAKKKT W«»gT,' Wilsalnslea, Lalavar*