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Evening journal. [volume] (Wilmington, Del.) 1888-1932, September 25, 1895, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Delaware Library, Newark, DE

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Pupils Who Were Re-exam
ined, Passed Satisfactorily.
RESOLU noua ABOUT mb. hebbebt
HI» Forty Yean of Service In the Manage
ment of the School! to Be Appropriately
Remembered By the Hoard An Evening
With the Work, of Poet Lowell.
Special Correspondence Evening Journal.
N«w Castle, Sept. 25—Board of Ed
ncation met in Its rooms last evening
with President Ferris In tbe chair
Members present were: Messrs Fnzir,
Deskyne. Ellsson and Manlove The
Text Book Committee reported bioke
purchased to the amount of $286 72
(Committee on School Property reported
bill of William Deskyne for coal $47 50;
aud Thomas Frazer sundries, $14.04
Orders for tbe shove bills were drawn,
siso for salaries of teachers and janitors
for month of September.
The principal's report showed tbe
number of scholars enrolled during tbe
month as 554: tots) sttendiuce, 541;
average attendance, 482
George Matthews, John Reynolds sud
John Atkinson, having been re-examined
by Professor Andrew, passed a very
satisfactory examination. and were
promoted to room No. 1. The matter of
electing a successor to fill tbe vacancy
canted by the death of William Herbert
was postponed for one month
William Deskyne, S A Stewart and
J Manlove were appointed a committee
to draft resolutions of respeettnpon the
death of William Herbert, who was e
member of the board since Its establish
ment In 1875, and Interested In tbe
management of tbe schools for thirty
years before
An Evening of Literary Brüllt,
At tbe "evening with Jamei Rusieli
1. > web In tbe M. K Sunday School
room last evening, his biography war
given by one of tbe membars also several
obolea poems were read as follows: "Tbe
Heritage" recited by Miss Jodie Adams
Th* "Vision of Sir I.auufai," read by
Miss M Draper, "Rbaeons." read by V
h Collins Mias Basale Wilson also re
cited one of the eame authors fine poems
It was learned thet Prefetsor Kaapp,
formerly of tfaie city, bed attended th»
funeral of the author about two years
ago in Cambridge, Mass Some very
Interesting facts In regard to hi»
»rtuage were alloted, and those who did
not attend lost an opportunity of spend
lug a very pleasant and instruative
Incidents of the Day.
Past National Rsprsrsotatlye Georg»
W Nautzs, of Eureka Council, No 1,
cime over from Wilmington las; avening
nud Installed tbe junior past councilor
of the New Oastls lodge, John H. Hess.
A driving-bslt broke at the New Oastls
Woolen Mills yesterday and mauy of tbs
employs had all day to rest from 8 3J In
the morning.
Manager Hofmann la thinking of taking
th* C. A. 0. football team to Dover to
play daring fair week, probably on
Sat ui day.
Tbe new steam yacht Anita, from
Baltimore via Delaware City for New
York, reached tbe Delaware Breakwater
yesterday afternoon wltb ber machiner)
deranged She will proceed to day
Farnharat cemetery repairs bars begun
In earnest and yesterday a carload ol
alaba arrived at tbe place ready lo be eel
House oa Fifth St. fur rent. Mrs. Hewlett
Hazleton having failed to agree to
Manager Huabebsca'a terms, next Satur
day's gam* of baseball will probably be
played with the Crescent, of Pulladel
phla, winners of th* city championship
Tbe Crescent is one of the C. A. C 'a
"Jonah" teams.
Mrs. Alexander ProudtU and Miss
Proudfit left for Springfield, O., yeeter
Mis) Annla Wright, who recently
returned from Chester,
Wilmington last night to attend a dance
at the Brownson Library.
went to
What We Want.
Ws want the name 'and address ol
every parson who desires to build a oozy
aud taatafal home—over on tbs North
Bids. If the plan of your house Is attrac
live we'll make you an offer tbat will te
hatd for you to resist. If yon need funds
to help you build ws can furnish any
reasonable amount.
For plots of lota, pilose end terms ses
William £. Hawkins, Manager, 712 Mar
kst street, Wilmington, Del.
Bishop Coleman the Orator,
semi centennial
celebration of tba oonresratloa of the
Protestant Eplseopal Church nf the
Nativity, Eleventh and Mount Vernon
street«, Philadelphia, was closed last
night by an anniversary sermon preached
by Bishop Leighton Coleman
viewed tbe history of tbe church during
Ita fifty years of progress, and the greet
changes that have taken place In the
Epiaeopal Church In this country during
the last half century. The celebration
was largely attended
He re
Quick Lunch
At Beckett's, Noe. 6 and 8 West Sixth
s treat.
A Blow and lie Iteault*.
Mary Morne and Josephine Harris, two
maids of dasky hue. entered Into an
argument a few nights ago, ou Ta '.nail
■treat above Eighth and worle were
followed by blows. Msry claimed tbat
Josephine was the aggressor aud sued
bar before Magistrate Kelley last night.
Tbe evidence was too stroog for Jose
phlne to successfully combat and she
was obliged to pay 50 cents and costs
Now she threatens to get even by &
Rich Red Blood
Is the Foundation of tbe Wonderful Cures
by Hood's Sarsaparilla.
That Is Why the cures by Hood's Sar-
saparilla are Cubes.
-' That is Why Hood'» Sarsaparilla cures
the severest cases of Scrofula, Salt Rheum
and other blood diaeascs.
That Is Why tbe sales of Hood's Sar-
saparilla have increased year after year,
until it now requires lor Its production
the largest Laboratory in the world.
Is vße only True Blood Purifier promi-
nently In the public eye today, fl ; 8 tor $5.
easy to bay, eas y to take,
Hood's Pills
easy In effect. 2Sc.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Is a splendid month in which to visit tbe
Yellowstone Park. Shut np your honte
end take your wife and family to tbe
Park Have the greatest outing you ever
will have. Two weeks In that mountain
region with such scenery will do more to
re-lnvlgorate you than anything elee you
can do. Bead Charles H. Fee, general
passenger agent of tbe Northern Pacific
railroad, 8t. Paul, Minn , six cents for
their Illustrated tourist book.
Grand Oners House.
Edgar Saltns has written that In fiction
"it Is tbe shudder that counts " It Is
tbe shudder that counts ia s drama also,
even mure then in fiction. Mr. Saltus'
remark was la Hue with his observation
that Balzac, In "Le Grand Bretic'ie," bis
added a new shudder to Gallon. Tbe in
cident by which in this story BUzio pro
duces the new shudder Is similar to tbat
presented in Edgar Allen Poe's story of
"The Cask of Amontillado.'' A situation
of tbe same kind la presentid for tbe
first time on tbe stage In tbe Isst set of
R N. Stephens' new drama of New York
night life, "Tbs While Rat," which is
superbly produced by Msnsgtrs Davit
aud Keogh,and Is to be seen at tbe Grand
Opera House on next Ftl lav night,
Messrs. VVageubsls aud Kemper, Louis
James's managers, bsve.giveu Ihtir star
such eurrouudlugs as have rarely If ever
been seen before oa oar native stage.
They have spared no money in equipping
him with the finest scenery and costumes
in ' Othello" that could be procured and
farther enhanced his productions by
■applying him with every accessory ol
even tbe must trill mg description to
enhance tbe besuty of the stage
pictures In tbe selection of tbe stage
nsrspherualis the greatest care has been
taken to prêter vs historic accuracy In
every detail. The scalier portrayed are
faithful as far as they could posai >ly bs
ascertained, aud tbe arms, heraldic
device«, hauliers, accoutrements, are the
result of months of study end tbe work
of the moat skillful laboratories of
America, England and France Tbe
scenery is all by Bushier aud Linpbear
aud the coetamis by Herrmann
James will be rein *at the Grand Op:rs
Haase next Saturday evening
The B'Jan.
The let np from tbe exceedingly hot
weather whloh has marked the past week
was highly appreciated. etp.clilly by the
theatre-lovers, and very m my of them
took advantage of tbs nleasaat evening
and attended the seernd performaaos of
"The Midnight Speslal " The Bijan was
fairly well filled and tbat tbe entertain
ment was heartily appreciated was shown
by tbe eppiease accorded tbs hero and
here toes and all tbe good pople, aud tbe
storm of hisses with which the vllllaas
were greeted. Tbe entire company w*e
farced to appear before tbe curtain at the
doss of each act This evening "The
Midnight Special" will leave on time, and
all who et joy a really exciting, realistic
aud interesting melo drama should bs on
baud to wltuees its departure.
"All the Comforts of Home," Wil
liam Gillette's most laughable comedy
which will be seen at the B^oa,
Monday, is pronounced by compilent
judges to be tbe very best work of th*
author of "The Private Secretary," aud
the more recent saeo*sa, >, Too Mach John
sou." Far the reason that It has no star
pert and requires a large and expansive
company it uas never been played much
outside of New York, but the present
production Is s faithful one aud includes
members of tbe original oast when tbe
piece enjoyed a run of over 400 nights ia
New Y-rk oily The scenery, witch is
carried entire by tbe present company,
and all the equipments are now, aud
money has not been spared In making
this one of the notable dramatic events
of tbe season.
Has Given Pleasure lo Millions,
Daring the last ten or a dozen years
millions of people have been delighted
and Instructed by witnessing tbs wonder
ful exhibition of wild
Weat life given under
the directlou of Cal.
Wm. F. Cody and Nat*
Balslury 0*1 Cody Is
bstter known as "Bif
Dp (ff V e falo Bill," a name tha'
♦ r r\tad& * now * household
V word throughout
Christsndom. "Buffalo Bill'' represents
In propria persona tbe romance and
reality alike of tha troublous times of
pioneer days when tue borders of
surely. bnt
cultlsa and dangers extended weitward.
Tb« Wild West has been exhibited
throughout Europe, was In Chicago
during the World's Fair In 1893 aud
entertained tremendous audiences for
many mouths In New York last year
For th* present season It has bssn
enlarged end augmented, aud wltb
Cody and Nate Halsburj
la now associated Mr. James A. Bailey,
who is at tbe bead of Barnum'a great
enterprises. It is impossible to go luto
detail and describe all the features of
this remaikabi* entertainment. la ad
dition to a reproduction of life In tbe
wild West, U comprises a comprehensive
congregation of tbe finest, most daring
horsemen in tbe wide world, Including
those from several of the most powerful
Indian tr bes, Cowboys, Mexican Va
queres, South American Goaohoa, Bedouin
Arabs, mounted battalions representing
five of tbe great armies of the world, a
troop of United States Cavalry, detach
meuts of Royal Irish Lsucers, German
Uhlans, French Cuirassiers, Kassian
Dragoons, which will afford an object
lesson to every military man In America
Tbe exhibition will be given lu an
enormous arena with a covered grand
stand having a seating capacity of 20 0011
persons, who will be assured perfect
protection from sun or rain. At night it
will be lighted by the largest portable
doable] electric plant la ths world,
exceeding 250,000 candle power.
In tbe morning there will be a free
street cavalcade with detachments from
every division, enlivened with three
bands of music, including tbe famous
Buffalo Bill's Cowboy Baud
it;ia hardly ntretsary to say .that this re
markable eutertalument, which combines
so much of Instruction with entertain
ment of the most unique character,
merits a moat liberal patronage. Buffalo
Bill will appear at every performance
The Wild West exhibition will
being slowly,
und<ir enormous
bete on next Saturday, September 28,
afternoon and evening
another FLUKE.
The Half Hater« Failed to FlnUIi
nnd the Hare la Declared Off.
In Time,
Ovstkii Hay, !.. L. Sept. 25.—The sec
ond rnco In the series of the liest three out
of live between Hpruoe IV end Ktholwjrnn
for the Perpet ual challenge cup offered by
the Hoawauhnka Corlnthinn Yacht eluh
wns u linke. The event ended, as did Sat
urday's, by the race being railed off.
The outlook from a wind that preceded
by an hour or two the time of start wns
very poor, nnd even when the boats got
away on the first leg of the triangular
course it was doubtful if they would be
able to finish the race within the limited
time of five hours.
The course was sailed twice over. On
the leeward work of the first leg Kthol
wynn outsailed the Uritisli yacht and
turned the mark 1 minute 11 seconds
ahead. The second leg was a long reach,
and liero again the American Is wit showed
her superiority, for when the second mark
was turned she had increased lier lead by
4t( seconds.
Now began the lient to the starling
point, and here the Britisher outsailed the
Yankee on every point. Hy taking- ad
vantage of every hit of air that was stir
ring and lulling up Into the wind continu
ally Skipper Brand was aide not only to
diminish the lend of the Yankee, hut ac
tually to pass her. Hpnioo kept gaining
on this leg, and turned for the third leg,
amid the screeching of whistles, T min
utes and 2 seconds ahead of the cup de
The fourth leg of the course was a rope
titiou'of the one first sailed, with the ex
ception that Hpruoe was lending this time.
As the bouts neared the turn it plainly
appeared that Spruce had increased her
On the reach from the fourth turn to
tile fifth Ktiielwynn decreased tbe dis
tance t>etween herself and her lender,
turning the mark hut 5 minutes 13 sec
onds behind,
The bouts had almost an hour to run
the Inst leg. hut ns the wind began to die
out it was seen that thorn eould be little
chiinco of finishing within the required
limit. On the ben* homo the yachts met
with several difficulties In the shape of In
terference from other bouts. In the first
place, the sound steamer Richard Pock
stenmod directly between the contestants,
und her swell aided Hpruoe, but retarded
Kthelwynu. Hardly had the Peck got out
of the way when a big throe masted
schooner, tiro Bello Hnllnday of Boston,
Captain Fisher, sailing before the wind,
made It necessary for Spruce to double on
her tnok. Before coming about the Brit
isher was nlHiut three-quarters of a mile
ahead, hut this action put iter hack fully
a quarter of a mile. Kthelwynu began to
pick up at this time and was constantly
nearing Spruce when the time limit laid
expired, and the race was declared off.
lloiilng For a Defcnder-Valkyrlo Iluoe.
London, Kept. 25.—Tho Sportsman
says: "There is reason to believe that a
race will be arranged between Valkyrio
HI and Defender for tho 411,000 offered
by Laycook, Goodfellow A? Beil, the bank
ers. Yesterday Mr. Laycook received the
following by cable; 'At present cannot
answer definitely.
Illg Storage Warehouse Horned.
Nkw York, Sept. 25.—The big six story
brick storage warehouse of A. B. Yet ter
at 305 nnd 307 East Sixty-first street was
burned down, nnd many families who
livud In the huge douille docker tenements
that adjoined it on either side were ren
dered homeless.
1-kun.' "
Tho Deep Waterways Convention,
Cleveland, Sept. 36. —Tho delegates
to the first animal convention of the Deep
Waterways associai Ion, whieli assembled
hero for a three days' session, constitute a
representative body. The object is to open
a deep waterway from the great lakes to
the sea.
Tlioutaand* of Ton» *»f Coal llurnrcU
PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 25. —The tilg coal
sheds of the Twenty-fifth Ward gas works
at Delaware avenue and Tioga street,
was destroyed by lire, together with thou
sands of tons of coal, entailing a loss of
130,090. _
China ItrfiiH«'» m British Brnifftml.
Shanghai, Sept. 23.—It I« reported
here that China has rejected the British
demand for the Itaulshrncnt of the ox
vlcoroy of Szecbuon.
Goir at Tuxedo.
New York, Sept. 25.—Tho W. Fulton
Cutting silver cup was won at Tuxedo hy
tho St. Andrew's golf team. The game
was most exciting.
The Duke of MarUioruuirh*. Trip.
Toronto, Sept. 25.—The Duke of Marl
borough was driven to the places of intur
est about the city. Hu left In a private
cur for Montreal.
Fred Ulego was accidentally shot and
killed by Kotiert Scbondaubo in Chicago.
The pope ia aald to Intend protesting to
the ezur against the treatment of Homan
(tatholle« in Russia.
Altoona, Pa., is on the verge of a water
famine, there being at present hut eight
feet of water in the reservoir.
It is rc|Kirted that the town ouuneil of
.avingou bus voted to restore the old pal
ace of tho popes at a cost of over 80,000
m ■. m « w.
Irçfcrçt Health
S it b a n.ttfr of vj't importance to mothers. ?w
The mtnuuctur. r, of the GAIL HOKUKN #
t-t eagle grand CONDENSED MILK jb
0 l-tur . I.mphlet. entitled IN KANT HKAI TH. ' ib
Hi »'ni-h»hn<iMb.inrvrry home. Addrn. Nf.W s'*
£ Streit, New York.
Uellef In Dix Hoars.
Distressing kidney and bladder diseases re-
lieved lu six hours by the "New Great South
American Kidney Cure." Ihlg now remedy
>• a areal surprise tn account of 1U exceeding
prompturas In rellevimt pain In Hie bladder,
kidneys, back and every part of the urinary
paeeap-s In male or female, it relieves reten
lionet water and pain m pasniLi, It aliuest
•mine«lately. It /ou want quick relief andoaie
this Is your remedy, -eld by J. 8. Beetem ami
A Janie« belL druggists, Wilmington, U*L
Could Not Decide ou lb* Chuns of Alien
Lnle'N lti*nlh Thx Coroner Advance» u
Thbnton Sept. 25.—Coroner Biwers
yesterday belo an request at Princeton
on the death of Allan Dale, the civil
engineer of tbe Pennsylvania Railroad,
whose body was found la tbe canal at
Princeton basin last week A verdict
was rendered that Dale came to bis death
from causes unknown to tbe jury .
There was testimony to show tbat Dale
was seen the night before in Princeton,
having a gold watch and chain aud a
package of private papers. These were
n»t found on the body aud word was
received that they had not been
discovered lu Reading, as had been
alleged. County Physician Cantwell
testified that the autopsy showed a
diseased heart Coroner,Bowers advances
tbe theory that Dale was attacked and
robbed; tbat he died from heart failure
euperindnoert by tbe attack, and that his
body was aftarw.irds thrown luto the
Beckett'« lUitaarant,
Nos. 6 and 8 West Sixth street.
Yellawatone Park Geysers.
AdvlcoH jnat received ar. the Northern
Pacific offices from Mr. W P. Howe, in
charge of the lunch station at the Upper
Geyser Basin, stats that the. geyters are
playing netter than over. They are much
finer than last year. The Giant.one of the
finest in the Park, plays to a height of
about 250 feet List year its *ru|ti>as
took place once in about five uaye and
continued for DO minutes This year it Is
playing more frequently. Mr Howo Is
regularly noting tbe temperature of tbe
Giactsqs, another of the large geysers.
It is also plsylng freqnnntly and Its tem
perature at time of playing ranges from
193 to 198 degrees Fahrenheit For six
cents sent to Chsr.es 8. Feo, general
passenger agent Northern Pacific rail
road, St Paul. Minn , you will receive a
floe tourist book tbatnontsins.
Fall Opening, '95.
Wilmington, Del., September 25, 1895.

: -
The magnificence of variety, the harmony of colors and
the quantity upon quantity of this Magnificent Array, go to
make our GRAN D OPENING the finest ever in the State on
To-day and Thursday,
September 25 and 26.
The display will be grander and more gorgeous than
ever before.
There are 300 of the prettiest hats of our own work
room creations,
A cordial invitation extended to all.
Our store will be open in the evening during opening
Store will be* closed all day Saturday,
and opened at 0 o'clock p. in.
A Handsome Souvenir Presented to Each Customer.
ERSONS returning from the seashore end country will do well
to call and see the rooms, en suite or single, at the CLAYTON
HOUSE before making engagements for board elsewhere
Families will find the CLAYTON HOUSE a superior place
to live, »II looms being steem bested, with good service
Tbe management of t ho CLAYTON HOUSE will be pleated at
any time to show persons through the rooms
Thanking the people of Wilmington for pzst patronage and prom
Ding to merit a continuance «f the same In the future, by strie*, atten-
tion to the wants of gasats, I am
•Jealous? Mar Result In Marder.
Salem, Sept. 25 —Jemes Cbeney, col
ored, wee placed In the Salem county jail
last night for baaing shot Matthew
Mitchell, colored, at the camp meeting in
ClaysvUle. The two men bad been
jealous f >r some time over a woman
named Jobbcon On Saturday e.ening
last Mitchell, accompanied b i
Mrs Johnson, visited Washington
Paik, where they remained un
til Sunday evening, and then
took a train for this city. After arriving
here they proceeded to Claysvllle to
attend the camp meeting, where they
met Cheney. Tbe latter want op to
Mrs Johnson and knocked her down
Mitchell then strung Cheney on tbe head
with a club. The latter immediately
drew a revolver and shot Mitchell, the
ball striking him in the abdomen.
Cbeney gave himself up- to the city
authotitlee. Mitchell was taken to tbe
Cooper Hoepltal, Camden
A M Bailey,a well known ciCzrn of Fu
gene, Oregon, says his wife has for years
been troubled with chronic dfarrlw i and
usad mauv remedies with little relief until
»he tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy wh cb has cared her
sound and well Qlvi it i trial aud you will
be surprised at the reuef It • (fords. 25 and
01) cent bottles for sale by Z James Belt,
druggist, corner Sixth aud Market Sts.
She—"Why do you 110k so unhappy, George?
i't you know that we »re one now?"
rge—"Yes. darling, I know that; but
king from lbs hotel bill I've just had
handed to me. the manager doesn't seem lo
think so."—Tld-H'ts.
And someone who has
It Is the
Everywhere we go
been cured hy Hood's Harsaparllla.
greatest curative agent. It is the one great
blood purifier and n• rvo tonic.
Hood's Pills for theliveruud biwels act easi
ly yet promptly aud effectively
"Doyou Intend to marry again'?" said Mr
Riverside, of New Yora, to Mr Oe I tree, of
Chicago. "Of course." replied Mr. lie C'roe.
"1 here are two ceremonies s ill unimnched In
the cnninmtation msrrlsge ticket 1 bought of
Comfortable Weather
Bright and bracing mornings, crisp and cool evenings,
viting Comfortable
Cut and made by the best Philadelphia workpeople and sold
direct to you at Comfortable prices, saving you the profit of
tbe middleman at all times—at least BO per cent.—often
There is nn air of Comfort in every nook and corner of the
New Stoie. There is a look of Comfort on the face of every
customer, a Comfnrt induced by the saving of one dol
lar out of every three. Comfortable HaTS and FUR
NISHINGS nia'ch the Clothing and, above all, Comfort
able business methods.
Largest Clothiers and Furnishers in the World,
» HÎ?». ed&lMi
Representation of the New, Enlarged, Greater
And Congress of Rough Riders of the World.
The Wild Spirit of the Wild World
The Earth's Noted Horsemen, the Globe's Confirmed Nimrods, led by the inter
esting Aborigine of cur Continent,
The North American Indian
; vö* V
4 1
V* '
vH j
L .Jif
\ y
«w. i
Cowboys fvn = ftidinj \Vîld ,
vVßuciyqq Mvs1ai)q n
Tae Skilled Shooting Expert.
25 Bedouin Arabs,
20 Russian Cossacks of theCaucaaus,
Detachment of U. S Cavalry,
Royal Irish English Lancers,
French Chasseurs,
German Cuirassiers,
Petit Corps D'Armee.
The Peerless Lady Wing Shot.
100 Indian Warriors,
Ogallaila, Brute. Uncapappa. 8ioux, Chey
enne, and Arapahoe Trloes.
50 American Cowboys,
30 Mexican Vaqueroa and Kuralies,
30 South American Gauchos,
60 Western Frontiersmen, Marks
men, etc.
Oa tbe first day of arrival there will be given
At 9 a. m by!« detailed Datacbment from each Division,
livened by Three Magnificent Bands of Music, led by the Famed, World-traveled
The March will b» en
At night, a Brilliant Electric Display by tbe Luges', Portable Double Electric Plant
of 250,000 Oandle Power yet constructed for any similar purpose.
Every Afteruoou at 2 o'clock Every night at So'olook. Doors open one hour earlier*
General Admission, HO Cento. Children under «years, 25 Cents.
Seats sold on dsy of exhibition at Rabeleu's Music Store, 710 Market Street.
Valter H Podesta S Co., Optlc&l Specialists, Pblla.,
1 Will be In WILMINGTON, UKL., as asnal, every FRIDAY, In
I the olUc* of MH. WM. J. F18HK11, No. 809 MAKKKT
/ 8THKKT, so long occupied by him. Appreciating the kindly
favors of patronage he hoe received from the best citizens ol
Wilmington, he respectfully invitee all those troubled with
Headache, or whose eyes are car Mug discomfort In any way to
coli on htm »ml re,etve FKKB the sdvtee bis knowledge
long experience warrant him In giving. ttJCMEMBKti,
CHAKGK (or ex* mining vont eyes. KsUstactlon luvailably guaranteed.
/ *\,

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