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Evening journal. [volume] (Wilmington, Del.) 1888-1932, July 03, 1903, Image 4

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SThr €t>?mng Journal.
Wilmington, Del. _
Enlerad at the Wilmington poatoffica
aa aacond-clasa matter.
Poatage free In the United State* out
side the limits of this city. All sub
scriptions payabls In advancs, at
By tha weak.
By tha month
By tha ysar.
in oh
<ng order, give old as wall aa
new address.
Editorial Room*
Bualnc** Offic*.
r>«lmarvla -JJ. 470 D.lrnsrvi* . . . 248
975 D. & A
D. A A
New York:—The Vreeland-Benjamln
Agency, 150 Naseau St.
Chicago:—Tribune Building.
1'rltla.V, July ». UN»»,
l.«*l Hit* Ia cuing .liMiniiil
I'allen Ion,
Readers of the Evening Journal
who are leaving the city for their
vacation may have the paper sent
to any point and the address
changed as often as desired. Don't
tell Someliody to tell us; drop us a
card. You can't keep in touch
with home affairs unless you read
the Evening Journal every day.
In honor of the glorious Fourth, In ac
corda nee with our
usual custom, the
Evening Journal will not Issue an odl
lion tomorrow.
g «Ht 1
Are you going to observe "Independ
ence Day"? We venture to soy Huit you
-.atd'-not*;-<:Mio good old Fourth nf j^Jlif*.
shoijllt Is* good enough for boys and
men with good red blood In their veins.
We had Just ns well submit gracefully
to forty-eight hours of noise. We have
figured It all out many a time that pa
, . ti iollsm Is not shown by « series of ex-'
plosions, but somehow our theories fall
to work out In practice. Even while the
editor la engaged In looking Into fhd
philosophy, psychology nnd Hie meta
physics of the event, the boys Just bf
yond the window are celebrating lu u'
more direct and practical way; Bang!,
Whlxs! Bourn! Thus all arguments are
met, all fine distinctions exploded along
with the crackers.
He it so; most of us were boys once;
in fact, since we come to think of It,
that has been the state uf all of us.
True, in a former generation there was
less noise.
When a nervous old lady
or an irritable old unele bade
us be
quiet, of course we obeyed.
But the
latest edition of young America must
have Us noise, and he
1 s rush
enough to protest must bear the eonse
Well, we are told that 127 years ago
there was a struggle between English
men and Americans, and Huit Hie cause
was taxation without representation.
That L* a mistake; it minimizes the real
rcope, purpose and meaning of our
Just get down the history
of England and turn to that page which
chronicles the event ot Hie year 1215.
That was the beginning; the American
Revolution was the climax. It remain
ed tor the Anglo-Huxon In America to
construe the English BUI ot Rights.
Tbe treaty ot peace marked the end ot
tyranny. From that event, not only
America, but England dates her eman
cipation. Canada remained loyal to the
crown, but Hie success of the Revolu
tion proved her virtual emancipation.
Ellice that event England lias been able
to count upon the loyalty of her col
onies, although they are field to her by
bonds that are almost entirely senti
mental. The American Revolution war
a struggle of the people against the
prerogatives of the crown, and Hie re
bellion happened on this side of
water because it
vas our branch ol
the race that was oppressed. It niark
ed u great forward stride for the Anglo
Baxon race, and paved the way for Its
supremacy in world affairs a little over
a hundred years later.
Far this icusuii the day will be cele
brated ln England, und in her colonies.
Forth!» reason tomorrow across our
borders the cross of St. George and Old
Glory will lloat side by side.
For this
reason George Washington is Immor
talized In English literature.
The little handful) of struggling col
li ithout
oul.sla, poor and despised;
money, arms or Other equipment, left
behind them a nation, and that nation
lias outstripped the Mother Country. We
bave long since passed that stage when
we were the object of Englinh Jealousy.
Every true Englishman regards Amer
ica with pride, and would sacrifice much
before he would «ee an end to the pres
ent friendly relations.
It is said that scientists have dis
covered that certain kinds of music will
kill mosquitoes, and plans on an exten
sive scale have been drawn for their
We believe in the the
We have listened to the strains
product! by an amateur cornetlst that
would prove the death even of the mon
qulloes. -
The practical decision of the Water
Commission to locate the pumping
station at a point further up the Bran
dywine will arouse conflicting opinions.
An the plant will he located on an ele
vation at least fifty feet higher than
at present, and ns the distance through
which the water will have to be pump
ed will be greatly reduced, a vast sav
ing through the course of years will re
But It seems that the beautiful open
race along the Brandywine will lie
abandoned tor want of further use.
This Is one of the most attractive fea
tures of the park. The Brandywine
may be almost dry, but the water of
the race flows on In an undlmlnlshed
stream. To abandon the race would
leave an unsightly cut that would have
to be filled up and sodded over. There
would he general regret should It ho
dope away with.
The President of the United States
can communicate with the Governor of
the Philippines In ninety minutes.
From Washington to Hun Francisco,
thence to Honolulu, to the Midway
Islunds, to Guam, to Manila. The
Philippines are not so fur away aa we
have Imagined now that the new cable
Is an accomplished fact.
In 1896 there was something of a news
paper sensation over a disgraceful scene
winch was enacted at Sherry's, a noted
New York hotel frequented by swel
doin. A grand son of P. T. Barnum was
to he married the next day, and In older
to celebrate the Joyous occasion the
prospective brldgeroom was entertained
at the fashionable hostelry.
\Vî* lelnoliilier Hint the whole crowd
yimv'led because of certain fea
lurejj'un tile program that even the yel
jf*w jf^perv were.compelled to puss over
Tightly. *i|d that' certain charnel ers
dike 'Tattin Egypt" 1 became thoroughly
iMnoWfn. If not well known, because of
their part In the entertainment.
Now conies tin* sequel, and there Is
it 1,19«
The denoipnent
nojlilijg ipive! In It.
iV'eiifcuV what might have beeil < X
peeled. The wedding followed the day
after the Hherry affair. The revela
tions of the arrest did not prevent the
brWe-eleet from carrying out her agree
ment.., Bln* doubtless regarded the ar
rant and the spectacle which led to It
us diverting Incidents. And did they
live happily ever afterwards? Oh, no;
,1 marriage contracted .under such dr
uuinstunees lias but one termination—
the divorce court. And It Is true In
thl« on sc. *
Between the dinner at Hherry's nnd
the present, six years He. It Is impos
sible to Imagine the horror of those six
years. There was money, hut It wouldn't
buy happiness. For six years the logic
of a certain sort uf living pressed on
ward with Irresistible force toward the
divorce court.
I-uuk at the picture.
Shprry's, with Us light. Its music, with
drunken young men celebrating an ap
proaching tmirrlnge—dancing
islng every art to entertain Hie*vulgar
spectators. Then look again, the mar
riage vows broken, haired that 1 ms dis
placed affection and trust, a public
scandal that even wealth cannot sup
press. and a solemn decree of the
court showing that one or both were
aot capable of -entering Into a solemn
marriage contract.
It looks ns though we are to have a
lUlet Fourth.
Ot course, we use the
word "quiet" in a comparative sense.
Twong of the Dipper.
When out of the well the bucket
Climbs cool to the gray stone's edge,
And. poised by eager rtrqfei».
It rests on the mossy ledge,
Then sweeter than hart» or viol,
Or chimes In slçeple dim,
•s the liquid twong of the dipper
Against the bucket's rim.
William Hurd Hillyer in the Atlanta
We May Need the Lesson.
■'Tom riie Ohio Slate Journal.
In tose anything unexpected should hap
pen m August, Sir Thomas has shown us
.low a good loser shodld act.
The Machine Would Break.
«•"rom the Wustdngtim 1V*1.
That Washington gentleman «ho ha«
nnchlne for measuring thought and feei
ng» wta cojifcr a favor by turning It on
Mr Cleveland for a few minutes and re
porting results.
And Weaver in Philadelphia.
-'rom Hie Louisville Host.
Brlsiow 4n Washington, Jerome In New
fork, Folk In St. Louts, and Byrd In
SKOlWtt, show what great good a fear
can accom
le»« man In the right posltton
\ i :
If Shamrock Should Win,
From the New York Wortd.
We need not be downcast, however the
coming yacht races may turn out. If we
Making Bad Worse.
From <th# Denver Part.
It m rumored *th*r%t Alfred Aimtto i?* at
work upon a poom-on the* late Bervlan hor
ror. but It Is hoped the rumor 1» without
foundation. Tin; ufTair Is bad enough as it
we shall nil be happy, of course, and
If we tone we shall have an assurance of
some glorious sport An gelling the Cup
There would he a healthy shaking up In
the methods of our boat-builders. For a
with an eye single to the weather condi
tions of like Sandy Hook comse and the
measurement rules of 4he New York Yacht
Club. To 1>. compelled to meet an entirely
different s-l of requirements would be a
wholesome experience for our naiiltrat Ar
We shall put our money on the Reliance,
of course, but .all the spice of life will not
be gone even If the Mpton derrick does
succeed at last In wrenching the old pl£i*e
of silverware from Its fastenings.
e have built cup-defenders
Our Strenuous President.
From the BaAtlmurc American.
If «lu* average man lived as Htrenuously
during his busy season as the President
lives during his vacations, life would he
regarded ns a hard proposition.
Dry for One Day.
From the I-eat River, III., Mirror.
The Ilev. Batchelor, 'till.* Methodist min
ister recently elected mayor of Popular
Drove refused to »1*71 the license for a i«i
loon there Friday mid had the satisfaction
of making It a dry .town for one day at
lea,«. The thirsty ones nearly wore the
town pump to « frazzle trying to allay
their illUrwt.
A Hard Summer Before Bryan.
From the Atlanta Journal.
With the octopus doing tardiness at the
me old stand, John D. Rockefeller aril!
superintending Sunday schools and Oro
levelatid giving out 'interview», we
can let William
Jennings oft for a vacation this summer.
really don't see how
Merely an Estate.
From the Chicago Evening Post.
"la this a republic 7" asked the
"We like to think ao." answered the
man who was temporarily at the head
of u Mouth American government, "but,
as a matter of fact. It is only an estate."
"Whose estate'.'"
"Why, it tho mutter could he taken
Into court, it probably would he decided
that «unie guileless Kqrojieaii lupital
Isls have advanced more than enough
money to buy It, hut they can't seem to
be able to take possession."
Anarchy Taught By Example.
From the Chicago Tribune.
When a rich and powerful oorpora
tiun..enju>lug the privilege of period
raies of
with a
lag a publie service at high
compensation not content
profit of a million dollars
year, but
seeks by unlawful means to double or
treble Its annual receipts, that corpora
tion Is teaching anarchy by example,
— W hen a merchant occupies -one of
the principal thorough fares uf the city
as a private shipping yard, und subjects
all passersby to great inconvenience,
loss, und delay, that merchant Is teach
ing anarchy by example.
Wbcp,a corporation .or group ofuur-i
organize the Legislature of
Illinois for purposes of public plunder,
the persons responsible for that organi
zation are teaching anarchy by exam
When men corrupt and debauch the
Lily Council to get from it exclusive
and profitable privileges, they
teaching anarchy by example.
Men who, as private individuals or as
tne.noers of a corporation, have been
teaching anarchy in Hie manner de
scribed may «rise at the meetings of so
cial or reform organizations and de
nounce lawlessness, as practiced by the
"lower classes," but their words will fall
«in unsympathetic ears. They will not
gain the confidence of the community
through hypocritical pretensea. They
must practice what they preach. Talk
ts cheap. Actions ate louder than
Vain War Against Ritualism.
From the Now York Mall and Express.
In his letter to the English clergy
man Filllngham, who has evidently
come to this country to try to make
trouble for the ritualistic churches.
Bishop Potter distinctly transgressed
the Scriptural command. "Answer not
a fool according to his folly, lest thou
be like unto him.'' The Rev. Mr. Fll
llnglium's raid is bused on the notion
that the Protestant Episcopal Church
In this country Is somehow a state In
stitution, like the English Church, and
Is open to the resistance of any crunk
who may come along to make protest
on the ground that his constitutional
Magna Charta guaranteed rights to
see Just such und such vestments und
no other, to hear Just such and such
times and no other, are being violated.
This Is not the basis on which the
American church ts run. It was quite
open to the Rev. Mr. Flllingham to save
his feelings from the shock which they
received at 8 t. Mary Hie Virgin's by
going to All Souls'.
Chicago Diamonds.
From the. New York Times.
The assurance of Professor Alfa
Robinson Crook that the alluvial beds
on which Chicago Is bullded are full of
diamonds deposited there by the gla
cial drift of the Ice Age will doubtless
ifford the good people of that city
great satisfaction. It It should cause
1 stampede from the barrtm ureas of
the Northwest, add a few millions to
the population of Chicago, and greatly
enhance the value of Its real estate.
New York will be the first to wire
>Ve are not a bit Jealous. Why
ihould we be? Years ago It
conclusively demonstrated on the very
best of geological evidence that the
Palisades rest upon 11 bed not merely
itudded with diamonds, but scintillat
ing with every form of precious stone
known to the mineralogists and lapi
daries.. We have but to tunnel under
that interesting ledge of rock to
sess ourselves of gems beyond
dreams of avarice,
tact however, our people have been too
iusy in gainful occupations less labor
ious than tunneling to care much about
the gems which await the taking,
was very
As a matter of
Bathing Is Getting Better As
the Season Advances.
Beach Crowded
''•C'iipe XlUy;;^:^., July The first
big rüÄh of the'.summer season forced
It's \yfiy liit'o Pape Mfiy logt Saturday.
When Vt|«V aavhiu e giiunl which slays
over Sunday began to come in, as it bus
now come to he ti fixed fuel that the
regular visitor to this resort, aa well
as to others, makes It a habit of passing
Saturday as well as Sunday at the
shore, and In consequence uf this con
dition the Friday night arrival has come
to be a tory large one. and when there
Is an especially large Friday arrival It
Indicate* lhaji B^Jvirdqy'qi qqqta. will not
tic anlllfeTL^ .\mwjl,lis,ttMi<ïlPg,llu,' fact
that It tyffl bi*(Çpqool,fiythe v 4nl^rul. these
who nave been In the habit uf bring
ing tlieir families tu the shore' have
done so as heretofore, rind are Just as
WHl ftpttsll*«r vililÄ HÎHrllt evenings »peal
at Çap$, ^ax v as Ifiiingli they .were
spent at home. The season has opened
auspiciously, the world of society has
been set In full motion, and the events
which are taking place are well attend
ed and are being thoroughly enjoyed by
the participants.
While Philadelphia, of course, takes
th eieud In the number of visitors
here, all other eitles come in with large
contingents, so that the mingling of
these crowds give to the place a cos
mopolitan appearance, and make a di
versity which Is thoroughly appreci
ated by those who have been coming
to Cape May for years, and who for
seasons were only able to find, fur the
most part, residents of their own city
of Brotherly Love.
In order to accommodate tike rush of
visitors who are coming to Cape May,
both the Pennsylvania and the Phila
delphia and Reading railroad systems
put into effect their complete suipmer
schedules of trains last Saturday iiioi'n
The bathing, which has been good
for some time past, is getting better as
the season advances, and the number
who go in the surf has nearly reached
the normal summer proportions. They
all report the ocean as excellent and of
healhful temperature on the beach at
the fashionable bathing hour.
The Cape May Real Estate Company,
known as the PIMsburg syndicate, have
mad* wonderful strides during the week
as far as appearances go, fir the de
velopment of .their newly acquired land on
llv*. eastern end of the resort. Yesterday
their drl'dge arrived and was brought in
Cold Spring Inlet to the sounds, and It is
now being put In readiness for «ihe first of
the work of the IllUng of the S,(.00,000 cubic
yards of land which they must finish in
order to raise the land which they own to
• he height at which It must be before
buildings shall be erected upon It. Another
dredge, wh'ch 4s probably the large»! bne
In the United Stales was launched for Ills
company at Norfolk. Va., on Wednesday.
The machinery for this big n 1:1 chine li*
irrlveff'and Is here awaiting insulation
the dredge, the machinery -»lone for this
weigh.; more than 110 tons and It will oroe
materials of any kind through lubes forly
wo Inches In diameter. When once started
It cannot be stopped until Its work Is com
pleted, op great Is the expense of running
the machine.
Among the visitors -to Cape May who are
fond of long walks on «he beach and sur
rounding country Is Henry C. Ijeo. the
versatile writer on Ecclesiastical Middle
Age History. Mr. Lea takes long walks
for exereise after he has spent the morn
ing In hlo Grant street cottage writing lie
and Mrs. I-ea have occupied for many
years except one or two seasons wh'ch
they spent on the coast of Maine. In nd
dltlon «0 'his historical writings his work
upon Medical Jurisprudence, has come to
he a standard among the profession, al
though Mr. Lea himself ts not a physician
as many persons might believe the author
of •such 41 book to be. He works Indus
triously every morning hut finds tlm>- «0
lake «ui active Interest in and makes ser
ious and excellent comments upon public
affairs generally.

I-ewis T. Steveni.
"Williams," said Fweddy, feebly, to
hi!< t Jnan, "what Is the mattali with my
head this mawnlng?"
We «ere very drunk last night, sir,"
said his man, with a respectful cough,
aa he came forward with the hot water
and bandages.
Magistrate—Next case! Who've we
got now?
Constable—Joseph Biggins, alias
Muislrale—Ladies first. We'll have
Alice Skptes take the stand.
Mrs. Gallup—My husband lias abso
lutely no taste In clothe^. Sometimes
he looks almost ridiculous.
Mrs. Spcltz—Yes. I saw him yester
day. and tie looked quite ridiculous.
Mrs. Gallop—Indeed! What did he
have on?
Mrs. Speitz—A Jag.
"1 know," said Uncle Allen Sparks,
wincing us he felt another twinge, "they
say 'better late than never,' but In the
case of rheumatism, by George, that
doesn't apply."
Mrs. Browne—You don't mean to any
you use ammonia for a headache. 1
Mrs. Malaprop—Oh! Not the kind
you mean. You get It at a drug store;
Just ask for "acrobatic spirits of am
Mrs. Homer—I can't understand how
Mrs. Meeker can waste so much time on
that horrid poodle.
Mrs. Nextdoor—Why, Is it possible
that you have never met her husband?
The Patriot—I fear lest we do not
take our rightful place among na
Th World Politician—Oh, that's very
simple. We have only lo take every
thing we see that Is not already taken
by u nation bigger than we are.
- I
a . . ^ . . , _. ,
Appointed Chairman Ol ri-jthe
. , _ /y '
liance Committee uy Presi- ,
dent McNulty
The much looked for announcement a-s 1
to who would comprise the members of
the various City Council committees, .was 1
made by President Francis J. McNulty an
the first regular meeting of the new CltvJ
Council lost night. While several of »he
old members were changed about, as
heads of committees, Messrs. Kane and
will retain the chairmanships they
held In the previous Council. Mr. Can
non ol the Second ward was transferred
from the law to the fire committee and
McCafferty of the Tenth ward, who held
the chairmanship of the former committee
In the old body w-as appointed chairman of
the public building and park committees.
Mr. Zebley received the appointment of
chairman of the law committee and hlS
former position ns head of «he police com
mission was delegated to Mr. O'Neill, of
the Sixth ward. Messrs. Kane und Willis
retain their former
committees are as follow, the first named
being the chairman;
ppulntment«. The
New Committees.
Finance: Messrs. Kane, McCafferty and
Public Building: Messrs. McCafferty,
Reilly, O'Neal, McGovern and Taylor.
Law; Zebley, Willlls, Lynch, Cannon and
Accounts; Messrs. Lynch, McGovern and
Fire: Messrs. Cannon, McCafferty, Retfiy
O'Neal and Taylor.
Police; O'Neill, Lynch, Zebley, Cannon
and Simmon«.
Printing: Messrs. McGovern, O'Neal and
Parks: Messrs. McCafferty, Lynch, WU
Engineering: Messrs. Reilly, Wtllls and
Bones: Messrs. Kane, McCafferty, Zeb
ley. Cannon and Spence.*
Navigation: Messrs. Reilly. OINeal,
Lynch Zebley and Taylor.
Elections: Messrs. Cannon, WUUs, Lynch
McGovern and Simmons.
Engrossments: Messrs Reilly, Kane and
Speht*. <-,.,0 jff
Crematory: Moejirs. \yilji/, MqQakerbM_
MeOovern. Zebley otyl TUXlcD cl
Flqwtra.for Members.
Us. Kane and Simmons.
Hardenme*. floral bouquet»'«idafrtod the
desks of Meieim. Kune, Lynch uatUSpenop,
having been presented to the-three council
men by* admirers.
Former President of fount'll 'Jesse K,
Beylis occupied a seat directly behind Pres
ident McNuHy.
After the chair announced «he commit.
•lees Mr. Kane moved that a recess of ten
minute« be token and at the expiration of
that time the members resumed their
seats, ready to proceed with huslnens.
President McNulty called -the members to
order nnd the first regular session of «lie
new body began.
,1 .-.* H
G ,
Active Account Changed Again.
The resolution adopted by t'he last Coun*
ell changing, the active account of the
oily from the First National Bank «0 t<he
Union National Bank was. upon motion of
Mr. Kane, brought up for reconalderatloa
and quashed, A motion was first made to
reconsider the resolution followed by an
other for Its adoption or rejection. Aji uye
and nay vote was taken both time« and
Mr. Cannon and the Republican members
voted each time In the negative.
Before the matter was voted upon Mr.
Cannon said that he could not see by wliat
right the present Council could und 6 what
the eld' body did and was of tihe opinion
that the procedure was Illegal.
Mr. Kane answered Mr. Cannon by say
ing that Council was u continuous body
and could therefore net without violating
any law. The chair ruled w4th Mr. Kane
nnd the vote was then taken.
City Treasurer Mammele reported a bal
ance In the Union National Bank of «53.14.
Die First National Bank. J90.10I.77 and a
special park fund of $1,200. He also report
ed the fallowing treasury receipts: Eugene
M. Bayers, JOT; Thomas 8 . Lewis. $912;
George H. McCall, $3.846.87.
Street and Sewer Gets $90,000.
Upon motion of Mr. Kane an order for
$90,000 was ordered drawn In favor of the
Street and Sewer Department to be used
la constructing tho Price's Run sewer.
Reports of City Officers.
Gas Inspector Kane reported having ex
amined the gas furnished to the people
of Wilmington during the preceding month
and loimd It to stand an average test of
21.15 per centum. The result of this te-at
was reached on Hie use of five cubic feet
lier f our.
MPk Inspector McEvIlly reported having
blade 175 Inspections during June, examin
ing a. total of '7.560 quarts of milk.
THe Society for Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals reported having taken up 164 dogs
during last month and killed 163. The reg
ular iponthly appropriât Ion of the society
Of $150 W as allowed.
JOHNSON—In this etty, on July 2, 1903,
George W., infant child of Caleb R. and
Llzile L, Johnson, aged 6 months.
Relatives and friends are respectfully
Invited to attend the funeral service« at
the residence of hla parents, No. 922 West
Sixth street qn Friday afternoon, July 3. at
2 V*iofk. Interment at Mt. Salem Ceme
tery. '
Imported China for
June Wi ddings.
We have the richest line of
Dishes. Plates. Bouillon», Itamaklns.
Chocolates, Sherbets, Bowls, Trays, etc.,
we have ever shown. Second floor.
Prices exceedingly low.
0. F. Rudolph,
Market and Fourth StsJ
Can Will Not Be Run on Middletown
Line Tomorrow.
Contrary, to expectations, the trolley.
road between Odessa and Middletown,
now *n the course of construction, will
not be in operation tomorrow'. It was
Intention of the company to have
ears running by July 4, but the work
has been greatly delayed.
completed but about half way.
The line la
Old and Young to Play Rail.
between the old and young men. The
men say If they win this game (hey
will take the youngsters' new suits and
declare themselves the regular team.
Sevan Dead and Many Proatratad ana
Injured In New York.
New York, July 3.—A terrific storm
here followed a period of most Intense
heat. There were four deaths from
the beat and a score or more of pros
traceable to the storm, have been re
ported. and many persons caught In
the fury of the wind were Injuted. At
one time the gale blew at the rate of
72 miles an hour in the upper part of
New York. Many places were struck
by lightning, which played continu
ously for an hotrt- or more.
Fannie Klnslcr, a 6-yeorold child,
frightened by the storm and blinded
by the rain, ran directly tinder a
swiftly moving wagon and was killed
Instantly.- '
John Dominick, a dock laborer, was
knocked Into the East river by a plank
which had been picked up by the wind
and was drowned.
The wind swept the embers of a bon
fire. klndlbd by a number of boys, over
the pinafore • of 3-year-old Clarfmc«
Hadden, and he was burned to death.
Two Deaths From Heat.
Philadelphia, July 3. — The torrid
weather which set In Wednesday con
tinues, tho thermometer reaching a
maximum of 95 degrees. Two death«
and more than a score of prostfatlons
due to the heat were reported by the
DO ]j oe
When darkness closes round, at last
And to hla God he has confessed,
r JIe wants to feel, till all Is past.
His head against a woman's breast.
8 . E f Kiser, In Chicago Record
Hw*H,-- .
r V' I
■ .• if.
liiJ V.' Dui" >0 •
nUior »j * »
V lÿ
Gee Whiz!
What it tit y the
l ourih of July Is!
1 1
It's tho day of days.
How are you fixed to
enjoy it? If you are
not comfoi ta hi y
clothed you can't get
all the enjoyment out
of the day there is in
e i.
How about » Flan
nel. Serge or Crash
Suit—n soft Neglige
Shirt—a Straw or
Panama Hat, thin
Underwear, warm
weather Neckwear,
&2. Look over
your wardrobe and
see if there is not
something Wanting;
and thm come fiete
with jour wants and
you'll have plenty of
money left to cele- -

1 n 1 »I
Men's Serge .Suits, two or three pieces
Men's Wool Crash Suits.
Men's Flannel Suits—two pieces..
M ;n's Hands line, Soft Neglige Shirts..
Men's Sncnmer Neckwear in every good shape.
Men's Th n Underwear ...
Men's Fancy Hose for Low Shoes.
Men's Straw Hats .
$7*50 lo $18 ou
,$5.00 to $15 00
$4.00 to $ISrOO
50c to $3 OO
.5c to 50c
. 25 c to $ 1.00
..IOC to 50c.
50c to $3.00
|;.03 tO $15 OO
Men's Panama Hats
Golf Caps, Belts, Suspenders, &c., & r .
Summer wear of all kinds for the boys and Utile fcllow-i.
Everything is here to make your Fouih of July Holiday an
enjoyable one.
July 4th.
store will close at noon,
Wright & Davidson Co.,
Open To-night Till 10 o'clock.
V^ANTIvi) - Ç 'titre-Uiar.l Skiff in good
condition. with or without sail», 16
to Infect kM|{.
journal Oliicc.
''"with ,.ii.v, t
j> 3 3t
v^ANTKD - A good strong, white chain
berm aid. Apply at once. Grand
Union Hotel.
jy 3 -ït
Body of Colored Man Killed on Rail
road Not Identified.
The body of the colored man who
,'vas killed at Mt. Pleasant on the Penn
sylvania railroad several days ago.
Interred In Potter's Kleid, at Farnhurst.
this morning. Deputy Coroner kept the
remains ns long ns possible, hoping
that'somebody would Identify the body.
■ More Offices for Powder Company.
. TliVwo.k of altering and Improving
the rooms above the Flghth street
ket. recently rented bv the
A portion of the clerical force of the
eomnany will occupy the offices the
first of next woe!:. *
On* O'clock Quotations From Scott
and Company.
Amal. Copper Co .
Atpencau Sugar Refining.
Atch. Top, and Santa Be*Com,
Alch. Top and Sauta Ke Bref..
Brooklyn Rapid TraVi*ît..',,.'j - ..
Baltimore and Ohio.*...
Chesapeake and Ohio.......
Chicago and Northwest. '„
Chi., Mil. and St. Paul' Com...-,
Rock Island Com.....
Rock 'Island Bref..: .'..
Erie ist pfnl...i
Illinois Central.
Louisville-and Nashville
Melrojiolilaii Traction..
MfSSphri Pacific.........
N. V,', Ontario and Western..Jin
Norfolk mid Western..,..;
Penna. Railroad Co..
• * «5*
... 121 <i
** 67 '(
- 9-**
•* £7/4
*. « 8 *
• ■ 3«*
- 1 70 y
• I5°X
■ 33*
i to i*
122 *
102 !*
Southern Pacific,.,.
Southern Ry. Com...
■fettU- Coal and Irou Co.
IfalBfa Pacific Cum...,..,.,
tî.'BjlSleel Com.
U. 'S. Steel
23 *
ei, pref'd
Painting Pusey and Jone* Plant.
The plant of the Pusey and Jones
T'orfipuny is being painted and lettered.
The body of the buildings Is being col
ored buff and the lettering black.

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