r - GRAND OPENING SALE OF : s PENN - ROSE O Q 0 G On Market Street, Near the New Penna. R. R. Shops. Beginning Saturday, MAGNIFICENT URGE BUILDING LOTsHBHÉlfHIHH July 4th. NO TAXES. NO INTEREST. NO ASSESSMENTS. Free Life Insurance. ONLY Me=» CTg. £ 3 . $149 TO $249 M » 1 .'■if. ■M y TO PENN nnc n l\UOL, A lew higher. Then $1 a Week. 10 Per Cent discount lor Cash. $10 Down; Non-forfoiture from sickness or loss ol employ ment. YOUR OWN HOME, BE YOUR OWN LANDLORD. STOP PAYING RENT. OWN over the Cityline at 3Htli Street, where the Pennsylvania R. R. Shops are being built and where laud from this fact alone 4th and Market Sts., and within a short walk of Shellpot Park. The land itself is almost perfectly level with iust slone cnou perfect drainage, a most essential point for home seekers to consider. Upon this tract, naturally so well located and favored, we are introducing the best possible improvements. Streets and avenues are being laid out according to the official land map of the City Surveyor. Shade trees and other decorative features will be added. In fact nothin® 1 ENN ROSE the most desirable suburb ever opened here. The transportation facilities are of superior character. ~ The buying of land needs no discriminating judgment, simply determine if the prices are fair, ;.nd the natural increase in the population docs the rest. If you buy at first prices Penn Rose will be me a money maker for you. \Ve have marked the lots at prices never before offered you while the H ms and inducements are startling. We propose to have our customers share in the success of "Penn Rose," as they have done in our oilier operations here. You 1 ving "bona fide" bargain prices. is there now. We .have made an effort to place such prices on lots at Peun Rose that every buyer will be assured from the moment of his purchase that he has found a safe, sure and profitable investment. A simple calculation;—Just a few years ago Wilmington was considered a rather slow town and real estate had practically no value. Today Wilmington is a lively, growing, hustling, manufacturing city To those who embark at the outset there are splendid possibilities: First is best always and you might as well be in at the start. PENN ROSE is a beatiful tract of laud right ou Market Street, just rapidly increase in value, of easy access, being only eight minutes ride from is bound to . . The laud itself is almost perfectly level with just slope enough to insure . .In fact nothing will be left undone that will make Cars passing Penn Rose every few minutes. Single fare to all parts of the city. with a large amount of invested capital. Therefore laud desirable for building purposes located as ad avtaugeously as Penn Rose, and where lots can be purchased at these low prices, will within a short time bring large returns to the far-sighted investor. The natural erowth of Wilmington is northward, and the beautiful suburb of Penn Rose is directly in the path of that growth, and you are now offered an opportunity for a profitable and safe investment far surpassing anything before offered in this sec tion. We want you to realize what we are offering at Penn Rose, We want you to see the beautiful suburb, and. comprehend our proposition for a rare investment is not for a home. Remember also that Penn Rose is in a settled neighborhood within easy walking distance of the great Pennsylvania R. R. Car Shops, right on Market Street, only eight minutes ride from the very centre of the city, with all city conveniences and trolley cars passing the entire front of the property every few minutes. lier operations here. You can depend upon the prices at Penn Rose You don't have to wait for these lots to increase in value; the value HOW TO GET THERE : Take any car going up Market Street marked Shellpot Park or Darby, direct to PENN ROSE. Single fare to all parts of the city. Agents on the Ground every day and all day, including Sunday. For further particulars, etc., apply at our office, 838 Market Street. Larter & florris, Managers. The Family Doctor The number of rase« of appendicitis wh 1c > are occurring in these days renders the disease peculiarly interesting. It is as should he well known, Inflammation of the appendix, end the appendix is a wonn afltaped appendage to otic of the bowels call?d the caecum. The disease may bo caused by the presence of some foreign body in the appendix, or the inflammation may appear without any apparent cause. The presence of the trouble 4s made mani fest by severe pain in the right side. An operation for removing the appendix la us ually necessary, and I believe In most cases such operations prove successful and effective. I was much interested in a statement recently made that Dr. O. M. Terry, ott .surgeon-general of New York, reports that out ot'SG cusos of appendicitis only two were operated upon und none were fatal. A physician sflumld always de cide what should be done In a e j|P pondiclth. but in general the following treatmen t J* recommended to be followed ; First, empty the bowels. This may be done by colon enemas, flaxseed poultices, and the application and internal adminis tration of eweet oil and castor oil. Dr. Terry uses them combined. The cantor oil is cathartic and the sweet oil soothing and relating. The dose of Ihe castor oil is from an ounce to one und one-half ounces, and the sweet oil may be double elds quan tity. The awcet oil should be 'ollowed by a glase of hot water, and the dose may he repeated every three or six hour*, accord ing to the degree of sqreness or pain. Ene mas must be gl ine, or soap and water, or sweet ol! are the agendo* used. As long us liiere Is any sensitive condition In the region of the ap pendix. Dr Terry continues the use of sweet oil, giving one half an ouncs to a wlno glass, with (tot water, half an hour before meals, three times ft d«y. The diet should be liquid. of up without delay. Glycer A writer give* tlw following aouil advice concerning tho care of children: Tho fam ily w.ctor »h.iuil din It Info the molh-r'e h«i»l all of the fine that the heuitti of the children Ile» In the feet. Keep the feet dry. Never let them get wet. No child should be allowed to go out In the »now or rain, or when the walking s wet without rubber*. When children's rubber» cost only twenty-five to thirty cent» a pair, nobody can plead expense us an excuse. Many a i, fond n»other who ha» lost a child weeping ly lay* it all to the inscrutable dispensation of Providence, when the whole trouble was, the child had no rubbers. It is said that at 3 o'clock In the morn ing every nlght-slccping human being and animal 1» nearer do death than at any other moment in the 24 hours. It 1» then tbot the more active of the vitals' come the nearest to stopping or running down. They come so near to It that If they came an atom nearer they would *top. Tide 'tfeought is one of great Interest. The rea son for the machinery of life coming so nearly to a stop at 3 a. ra., I* explained os follows: The composure of the body when lying still produces not only rew but that some element of danger present to all machinery when left unattended, the absence of a waitchful bruin. When we a are asleep our physical selves are- running unwa.tc.hed by «he engineer. The supply of fuel IS withheld ftnd the steam In the pipe* get* low. The neglect continuée un til about 3 Of. m.i whoa the machinery al most slops. Fortunately the shock which the coming of ihls moment produres, ent of the arms or limbs, causes nutvci the person turns over, draws in a long breath und the muchtnery starts up II ICC In. As a proof t liait this theory Is correct It has bee deaths at «bout .1 noticed that the percentage of 'clock In the morning very large, especially among old people, and hyoleians dread this hour for ex tremely feeble patients. There was a good detil of truth In the belief of the «noient Jews Unit disease und slckn are consequences of wrong do Ing. II is «"doubtedfly true that « ! ,T, ' , ° J "Î SUff " rl,,K . , , . . ami Often sinful net on .he part o some oe I 1« a mos tencouraeung thing or "„vanity IIml roUglou. teachers «re «flv lug up the theory that a thing I« sinful hiev' 1 ' " Is forbidden b> divine - Z *1 U ',' car n.L T y : ,V °, OU : ÜO:trl of the punislum-rvt for the »ln hut I regard it a strong |4roof of future retribution that the »offering which MUcflt » »tu c«ii»c» the innocent eontixinlon or children of live drunkard outweighs nil that the »Inner can suffer In this world. With brain stupefied by Intoxicating llq, uors, he t» Inca pu Me of realising (he In jury he Ikw done himself and other«, but In somo. figure slate the vision may be revealed to hlm lu ail Its horror. I believe this Idev should Ik* carried into all the detail* of ea'ltog and drinking, working and »lee-ping. 1 believe }l 1» a »l n to oat gluBonously of p4es, pudding* and co nfec tkmery, until the organ» of UlgesUon up»j». the temper poured, the mind eloud «I. end hour» and day* of previous time are lost because of headache or more iou» Bin»» It IV »er It 1» equally sinful lo work too much nnd sleep too little. These bodlc* of our», guarded as earned thing», and each faculty should be used only for the purposes In tend d by our Maker. raarvnoiMly made, should be Our Doctor. The Dear Old Bell. The Liberty Bell of world renown, Is truck from a trip to Boston town; With the same old clapper and long crack, To 11« home retreat we welcome it back. O the Hub has charmed which we don't deny, And an intellect that we can't defy; But the lay of the Bell, could it ring, would be: "Old (juukertown 1» the place for me!" —Philadelphia Bulletin. same No one would ever be bothered with constipation Jf everyone knew how naturally and quickly Burdock Blood Bitters regulates the stomach und bowels. TRAITS SAME AS MEN They Will Show Signs of joy or Anger Over Victory race h of pro|P „. »ions to class has trait, and characteristics lust tho same ns a roan. They have theflr "i»iwn likes and dislikes, just like persona, a race mo * t Mkely , how somp , g* tlm to the ,riu*ted wflU Indicate Joy )r or „„ p of Jcfent or (0 ., Tho B | K . akcr wafl a who lias been connected with tho racing game for twen »■ y««, and who flrobaWy has known '"O™ h <>«" time than any -thor. He is a close observer of them. In - . . . . . . _ , ^ he h " 1,0 tn hto buaän# "' "Take old Advance Guard, for instance," ho said. "There te one of tho gamee-t old horses In «he country. Did you ever notice his ear* during a race. Probably not, and thero are very few who have done bo. \ have seen him work them, In a number of races, and after I once got on to the trick f looked out for It. When he has other horse In front of him ho moves one rar backward and tho other forward, al ternately. The moment he nail* hi* horse ■it that very instant ilhe ear* remained fixed, one pointing forward and tho other laid l ack. Fact. Any one connected with hl» stable can verify tt. There are horses which seem to realize that they are In a real battle when they are racing. Why, old Juggler used to fight the othere Ing down the stretch. He would put his Inxnl nround with his mouth open and hip anything that come 4n his way. He didn't care whether It was a Jockey's leg or the body of a contender. He pulled Fred Tarai clean off hi* mount at tho poet ilay. when that Jockey had a position on another horse near him. Ho beflkvod In trying to lessen the chance* of tho others ng.ii'ist him. Klkwood was another thor oughbred that did the same thing. If 1 remember right, a Jockey lied rather a sensational experience with Juggler In a race. The horee tried to bite him. and tho rider tilled hit eye* full of tobacco Juice. That was tho story tfliey told at the time, anyway. There are plenty of horece which try to kick tho others at the poet. "Sir Walter wua a horse possessed of many peculiarities. He did not want a boy who hud ridden him once to do the trick agism. Sum Hogget t broke him os a yearl ing t.nd rode him ae a 2-year-old and af ter. IXiggott got the idea nt one time that iwnhaps sir Walter woo not doing the best he could for him and suggested that other boy be tried on him—an excellent plan. "Old Herbert has a number of funny irait*, one of them Is his fondness for a kittle cob pony, which la ridden by Mr. Roi lln*' »on. Herbert, after whom the horse wa» named. Herbert is fonder of that ooit than a young father 1* of his fleet Infant, and, t the pony le not taken to the pad dock with the thoroughbred, there's noth ing dping. Herbert would probably hove a lit—or might do something desperate. Well, anyway, they don't run any chance# a* to what he might do, and when a race is to , ..in. com one Ml lio run, with Herbert In It. the pony lias to bo around close, somewhere. The horse probably looks upon It as a comforter—like the woman who take« her female friend with her when she has to appear at a court trial. It's a funny thine to ace that pony on the track with Herbert when the latter is warmlne up, trying to keep up with his fleet-footed friend. It looks like a race between a river tug and an ocean greyhound. Herbert, however, 1« not the only one that has to have on equine friend to lean on near race time. "Miss Woodford, that great race mare, knew perfectly well when she was going to race. She learned It from the fact that a. munie was placed on her the morning of the day she was going to race, so she would eat nothing If the chanoe should be given her. If she was feeling well and ap parently considered herself In a fit condi tion for a race she would hold out her head and allow the muzzle to be placed on flier without the slightest reslstence. It she was out of sorts It was hard to place the muzzle on her, and the chances she would be scratched or flier owner would bet very little on her .In the other Instance they would go down the line and clean up thousands. They fliad her tip that she was all right, and when she was that It was like being left a fat legacy. me a good deal of old Kurus. Before this season the horse had a habit of quitting when another horse challenged him—in other words, chucking' the race. I don't know whether he has been quite cured of this sulking habit or not. I did see him In race at Morris Park when he made as game a finish under unfavorable condi tions ns a horse ever did. Mr. Vosburgh has stated that perhaps Blues' disposition has boon soured by his defeats. And that may bo the case. Kurus had a habit of quitting In the stretch, and, ns In the case of Blues, it was attributed to temper. When the horse died, however, an exami nation of the body was made, and It found that the horse had been carrying a tumor weighing something like cflghty pounds. 80 there was some excuse for his bad behavior." :. re own 'Blues' notions In a race remind one « DEER PARK HOTEL, DEER PARK, MARYLAND, Moat Delightful Summer Rezort of tho Alleghenies. Swept by mountain breezes, 2.800 feet above sea level. Absolutely free from malaria, hay fever and mosqui toes. Reached without change of cars from nil principal cities via Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, convenience. Rooms en suite with pri vate baths. Electric Lights, Distance Telephone. Elevator. Turkish Bath», Swimming Pools, Golf Links, Tennis Courts. Bowling Alleys. Mag nificent Drives, Complete Livery Ser vice, Annapolis Naval Academy Band. Hotel remodeled with additional con veniences and renovated throughout. All cottages have been taken for the season. Open from June 20 to Septem ber 30. Every modern Long For rates and information address W. E. Burwell, Manager, Deed Park, Garrett County. Md. J10-ltw f t Scald head Is an eczema of the scalp —very severe sometimes, but tt can be cured. Doan's Ointment, quick and permanent in Its results. At any drug store, 60 cents. THE LITERARY WORLD The theme which Jack London has taken for his -latest book Is "The Call of the Wild" and how It cam« to a St. Bernard dog on the Klondike trail. Buck is ab ducted from his homo in Southern Cali fornia, taken to Alaska, and put to work drawing sledge« for travellers and modi carriers during the recent gold fever. His good blood, his muscle, his spirit, and Ids breeding rise above brutal hardship and serai-starvation; he conquers his wolfish mates, and becomes the best sledge dog In Alaska. But when Thornton, the owner whom he loves, dies, the primordial beast, which lias been reviving for a year In Buck comes out, and Buck bears and heeds "the call of the wild." Itj is a thrilling story, full of wonderful descriptions of the "toll of trace and troll," and of the whole vivid, daring, picturesque, primeval Ufe of Alaska during the last six years. The Mac millan Company announces the book for issue July 15. The larger part of the contenta of the July Chautauquau makes up a. eouvenlr of permanetit value 4n connection with tho celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary Of the founding of the Chautauqua Homo Reading Course*. The souvenir features Include "Chautauqua Reminiscence*," by Bishop John H. Vincent, which will par ticularly- appeal to hundreds of thousand* of Chautauquans os a message from one of the founders of a phenomenal educa tional movement. Under the title, "Ideal« and Achievements," a symposium I* pre sented from "Recognition Day" addresses since the first C. L. S. C. class was gradu ated. The Review of Reviews opens a new volume with a number that exhibits very clearly the international scope of the magazine. The shocking end of the Obrcnovitch dynasty in Servia is the occasion of »ome interesting editorial comment on the politics of southeast ern Europe: the British tariff debate centering about Mr. Chamberlain's proposals especially in Its bearings on Canadian trade relations, also claims editorial attention: W. T. Stead makes a scathing exposure of the plunder ings and atrocities perpetrated In the Congo Free State for the profit and aggrandizement of Leopold. King of the Belgians, and his arraignment of that monarch is authenticated by the per sonal observations of the Rev, W. M. Morrison, an American missionary in the Congo country; a wholly different kind of exploitation is described by Joseph M. Rogers under the title, "The American Invasion of Uganda"—an ac count of Yankee bridge-building in the heart of the Dark Continent; this year's remarkable migration of European peo ples to the new world is the subject of a well-informed article by Samuel E. Mollett, and the recent work ol the English, Scotch, German and Swedish Antarctic expeditions is effectively summarized by Cyrus C. Adams. These subjects arc all timely, and their treat ment by the Review of Reviews writers is fresh and suggestive ■The Metempsychosis of the Ogdens," by Edward H. Van Zlle, the novelette with which the July number of the Smart Set opens, is as humorous a piece of fiction as has recently appear ed, and for summer reading it will be wind delightful to while away a pleas ant hour. The father of a beautiful young society girl, through the Instru mentality of an apparently harmless Oriental curio which he possesses, is forced to assume, for a short time, his daughter's identity. The udventures which befall them are ludicrous in the extreme. There la a laugh In every line of the story. The same issue is rich in the num ber and variety of short stories. Cyrus Townsend Brady contributes a strong bile of the plains, entitled "How 'The Kid' Went Over the Range." "Jane's Gentleman," by Owen Oliver, is a charming bit. "Knvoy Extraordinary ami Minister Plenipotentiary," by Guy Wetraore Carry!, Is vivid and dramatic. "The Fatted Calf," by Juliet Wilbur Tompkins, is a striking episode from the page of a woman's life. Other stories of equal merit are: "Fayal, the Unfor giving," by Miriam Michotson; "Blue Blood," by G. 11. Bürgin; "At the Year's End," by Martha Flshel; "The Beau tiful Woman's Narrative," by the Baroness von Hutten; "Exhibit A," by Kate Jordan, and "The Blue Thorn of Kashgar," by Kdward Boltwood. Alfred Henry Lewis, ln lila usually happy vein, writes a remarkably distinctive article under the title, "Break a Heart and Make an Actor." GRIND CONCERT II IHE SPRINGS Special Orchestral and Military Pro grams By Seymour's Band on July 4th. Edward Seymour's Band of America will offer a special orchestral and military concert at tho band stand at Brandywine Springs morrow, July 4, afternoon evening, and also on Sunday. Plans have been made to make this the moat attractive musical program the bond has yet rendered. Following Is the list of numbers to be presented: Orchestral concert; March, American Thoroughbred, Brown;overture. Pique Dame, Suppe; popular. Cracker Jack, Mackie; Tomahawk Dance. Herman; Rubensteln's Melody: Two Eagles March, Boehme. Intermission 3 to 4 o'clock. Military concert: Daibey ; Park to and march, National North nnd South, Polpourl, Coates; Hiawatha, Deserted Conductor, Fahrbach; King Dodo, Korker; Amacazia March, Cham bers. Moret; Evening—Military concert: overture, Rossini : Chaperones, William Tell, popular, Wltmark; comet solo, select ed, F. W. Sutherland; waltz. Impas sioned Dream, I. Rosas; descriptive, A Trip to Coney Island, one of the great est description effects ever written, in troducing fireworks, cannons, electri cal effects, anvil chorus, Gilmore's Band, Seidel's Orchestra, the rush of the crowd, thrilling storm little German band, scene, sunshine and rcflurn to Home, Sweet Home. Intermission from 9 to March, Malnsof, Brooke; scene, the thrilling storm 9.30 o'clock, overture. Cornin' Thro' the Rye. Von Talznr; waltz. Visions of a Beautiful Woman, Tahrbach; Fortune Teller, Herbert: galop, Imperial, Budge. It this thing keeps up. all the darkles who have been taken North to taste Justice will have to come South to keep out of the way of the Yankee mobs. One-Day Excursions via Philadelphia Baltimore and Washington Railroad. The Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad Company an nounces three excursions to Ocean City, Md„ during the present season— July 9, August G and 20. A special train will be run on the schedule given below, and excursion tickets, good only on the special train in each direction, will be sold at rates quoted. Wilmington, Del New Castle, " Porter, " Kirkwood " Mt. Pleasant " Middletown, " Townsend " Blackbird Smyrna " Clayton " Cheswold " Dover " Wyoming. " Woodslde, " Viola. Felton, " Harrington " Milford, Lincoln City, " Ellendale, " Georgetown, " Millsboro, " Frankford, •• Selbyvllle, " Ocean City .. .Arrive. 11.20 a. in. Returning, special train will leave Ocean City 4.40 p. m. Children under 12 years of age, one half the above rates. ev thus—aug20 .6.25 a. m. $1.25 . .6.38 a. m. , .6.53 a. m. . .6.58 a. m. . .7.07 a. m. .7.15 a. m. . .7.24 a. m. . .7.34 a. m. . .7.18 a. m. . .7.46 a. m. , .7.56 a. ilk .8.07 a. m. . .8.15 a. m. , .8.22 a. ni. . .8.28 a. m. . .8.34 a. m. , .8.53 a. m. , .9.08 a. m. . .9.16 a. m. .9.24 a. m. . .9.40 a. m. , .9.54 a. m. 10.04 a. m. .10.14 a. m. 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.26 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.15 1.10 1.06 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .75 .75 .65 .60 $41.75 TO DENVER AND RETURN. Account International Convention Christian Endeavor. For the above occasion the Balti more and Ohio railroad will sell tickets, July 6, 7 and 8, to Denver, Colorado Springs or Pueblo and return, good to return until August 31, at rate of $41.75. Tickets will be good going one route, and returning another if desired. For tickets, reservation of berths and full particulars, apply to ticket agents, or write to H. A. Miller, T. P. A., city office Market street station, Wilming ton, Del. D. & A. phone 1758A. J10-eod Rockets. Roman candles, caps and pis tols. Bader Bros., 221 King street. "Then he didn't really give according to his means?" "No; merely according to his mean ness." Deafness Cannot be Cured oy looal applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the esr. There ts only one way to cure deafness, and that 1» by constitutional remedies. Deafness I» caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucuous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube la inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed. Deafness Is the result, and unie»* the Inflammation can bo token out and Mil» tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be des troyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which la nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous ser vices. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Bend for circulars, free. F. J. CHEN BY and CO., Toledo. O. Bold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family. Fills are tbs best. u