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LUXURIOUS HOME IX WHICH HANKER CHARLES T. BARNEY ENDED HIS LIFE S3 r i Wi , ■ 46» V, "■ *4; • -:i v li A ■■ ,*• M* : V I»1 r ■?. .5 ÜI - 2*2 îÆk'.l? fit U'A r • m w: 1 V * ■i m ■ ... rj&m Jp, sfli * ft ,y ifij ■ Jt« , / mm & mtmm Km* i m ■ ■ Wm figgel Mm 'A*. mMm m »? ■sp ■vT'*'* '■< i.. mart . mu r ill Il ' i '•*«* 1« a**# ' as»» & Ms& W ■4i ... 'iWAil- ■' Krry-, ■ £*< r i 45 Pi - ff;V - - . v ■ * ■■ [é***%î mi * $ is.$£l » ■ ?n,. ■ Wr • m . , <j Je jfSH : ' -, It ■ i&f vs mi »I ■ Wi > .v Smmt ! 4 m ■ ?4S. / ■ i IËI Jm iiùzSi*™- - • i '-e, • ,A -, '■» _ 9 tè»ÊÉ,~* ' i Sr 'i. - , 4 • Ai v? ■ -U ' s TE £.31X5 wee. or CHWÎLEJ T. (^mcr fVi^k Avenue «na Sö^peetrr* CHMÇLES Jt- CTi«âl-E$ T. lîfMÏM'f.'üT NEW YORK, Nov. IS. —Charles T. Barney, who shot and Idled himself In ei'-hthTtr^t IK-J amM * 1 luxur!^ street, ll\i il mnl*l Iunuiuu. everythin« for vthleh to live. Iho shot j I I ] 2208 CHICKS SAW THE FAIR s Custodians of Delaware Build ing Regrets State's Exhibit Wasn't Larger , i • rv- r n t»na ', Ht num * j *T<t' n ■' lutiifl and 'Sussex * W l ' C X 3 art- x 1 " si in"« nf | l n. T, ' -f".., ■ l! ', Vomit *«.* mm it'.i • Townsend 9' Blackbird ° 'i'Va-o •' j, xew-irk 68 - Blanton ' «• Newnord' 11 - Bumnitt itrldee i clnvî ni i '! Marshallton, 1; I'.ctowai-e CUy.'T; «Vaî trevtlle 1 - Grubbs Henrv ciay •>■ Coach's' Bridge Overbroo'k 1- Fls-I »mr- ■> llockesHin t Yorklvn 4 Telleyvllle !• Bt Georges 5 - Brandy I (Wine Springs.' 1 ; Faulkland, 1; McDon ough 1- total 1151 Kent'County. ' , | Clayton, 14: Bmyrna, 32; Chcswold, 10: Dover,. 9S; Wyoming, 20; Viola, 3; I Kenton. 3^ Magnolia, 3; Felton. 39;! , . . 4 xt-it. « n »* l^mslslde 4; lllllow Grove, - : Har ytngton, 44; Mmin, 1; Uamdftn. . : | J armlnirton. K. I* ii ilerlcA» 14, f Hgus • ton. 1: Mary del, 1; total, 308. Sussex County. Green wood, 10; Brldgevllle. 43; Bea-j ford. 111; Cannons, 4; Psuircl. 23S; i Dclmar, 75: Columbia, 7; Milford, 32: 1 Delawareans have been liberal pa tronlzers of the Jamestown Exposition. According to Mr. and Mrs. O. K. ttmlth. custodian of tho Delaware Building at the Exposition, 19 eons registered at the Delaware Build ing since the fair opened, of which number 2208 were Delawareans. New ; 1 per To contradict certain talk and to pwt the consuming pteb lie in possessiod of the truth, we say in plain words that no one in this town can sell as good coffee as Arbockles' Ariosa for as little money. Misbranded and make-believe Moch^ and Java, or coffee sold loose out of a bag or a bin, is I not as good value for the money, nor can it be sold at as narrow profit, nor reach the consumer under as favorable conditions. When you buy Arbuckles* Ariosa Coffee you get more than 16 net ozs.of straight, wholesome Brazilian coffee from the largest coffee firm in the world, with that firm' assurance that they are giving yoijthe best coffee in the world for the pioney. I * t ftred through his body by his own hand ended the troubles that hud crowded r™ »'»-t' Kni< Us i IiucIot \ rust Ci>inpan>, ot r;"" 1 , h :z toned on-October J 2 to suspend pay l.lifcoin City, 8 ; Kllendnle, ii: 28; Btockley. 3; Mill shorn, J9; 'both, 1 it ; Dagsboro, 8 ; Frankford, 28; j Belbyvllle, 9: Ocean View, 8 ; Millville, j 8 ; Bethany Bench, 4; Slaughter Beach.) 1; Georgetown, 59; Harbesun. 3; Mil-, ton, 8 ; Roxona, 2: Gumboro, 1 ; Lowes ]X-Ronds. 6 ; Oak Grove, 3; Bethel, 13; total, 749. Mr. and^Mrs. Smith say Delaware lost a great opportunity in not show |lng to the many visitors to the Dela ware Building the products inf the State's varied Industries as well ns photographs of those of her sons who have contributed to tho nation's his tory. Ä ! FIRST COMMUNION, Bishop John J. Monaghan adminis 'fared the rlta of confirmation to 1251 scholars of St Paul's parochial school in st. Paul's R. C. Church yesterday afternoon. The clrls wore White dresses, veils and wreaths. The boys wore attired ln *'* fu 'V nuits, with a white bouquet 111 , ' 1 ° lari ' ls ° r ,flclr coats. ' 1 the close of the cot,Urination cere rnon y benediction of the blessed nacra "Tu '°m "'"Z ^ !' y Managlian. assisted l>y tlie ,tevH ' tUTllllam Temple, D, 1»,, and EJ "tird Hick ins. i I ' 1rlrt >' 0, y comtnunlon was given the «'''f 7 '"? oc . h,ck -f"" ^ the Rev. W lillnm Temple, assisted by Father Higgins. _, _ -, . .... ^reo'tep. Stripping the, Arsatenpruo Ino-savcr« Imve tolo graphe«, to Lewes that a diver, after oxamtning the Uherapeake Ashing H t -amor Wicomico, which was blown ashore at Assatengue on November 7, (pimd that the vessel's keel and gar board wore gone. IV rockers have strip ped Hie steamer and she has been abandoned to the underwriters. 125 CHILDREN TAKE ment and close Its doors upon Its twenty-one thousand depositors On ^ •'H»ro the suspension Mr. Ba"" ney, umlcr |treHur«V from Iniiuentiiil ^ ^ ïSff to resign the presidency of the com DOVER IS TO BE DOUBLY "DRY DOVER. Del. to all consume Nov. 18—Nofllicatlon of municipal water that yio supply will he shut off at 7 o'clock to-night until the mammoth new pump cun he p ot the pumping station laced in position i lia» added dryness to the already *Vlry" situation here alnco tho county went for prohibi tion. Users ot municipal water are! Informed that they may d users of intoxicants did last Monday— Two largo Worthington pumps, with a capacity of 2,000.000 gallons per day that have been purchased by Çoun ell's committee will be Installed fo-'i night. Tho adjustment of the new pumps to the city service necessitates* shutting off the rupply temporarily. Water users have been nolifled to ueo extraordinary precaution during tlic nluht, or at least the four or five hours that the supply will be thus stopped, to prevent any conflagration.' The prohibitionists nnd temperance '-.k great delight on Satur day night at tho large crowd of shop pent on the strtets. all patronizing tho merchants and business people. —-time. what the lay in a vupply. Special to THE EVENING JOURN.VU nnvFr» in v , c ,,, , J . r ',y° V ,\ "alter Mor ca ' , " le '; of ,ho Par,nen ' 1,ftnk Delaware, has issued a statement ask-, ■ 'k u people <d Kept and Sussex < o i es to form a large stock com pnny and subscribe $230,000 at once for the equipment of modern electric rail Mr. Morris says in part: * SEEKS DOWN-STATE ELECTRIC ROAD j ways. "Tho Delaware Hull road ^cannot eater to. tho needs of ihe people of Dolaw j rc. They are bpsy hauling through freight from the South. $82,500 to lt would only tako | , rMi '' ,5cr Cfntu m on the j "I" BI1 8l "' lv o: an ''k'eirlc Une.. Electrtolty la less expensive than j steam, and gasoline is cheapest of all. The gasoline car is a success, quires no central power house. would be 450 a share farmers, business and professional man should all subscribe, ford not to. business. value 20 per cent, senger rates would decrease cent. Bus ness would increase because more people would move to Delaware If we bad good railway communication with Wilmington and Philadelphia?' Mr. Morris in conclusion urged the people io let the exit of liquor bo tho advent of the electric train. It re "Stock ami They cannot uf We ail need it in our Farms would increase in Freight and pas 20 per which »Dt 1 always''in'flrst condl" nliich are always In ilrst-tluss condi km, gocHi music and courteous nttcu J. on ', The management has achieved the feat of conducting an amusement resort where women and children may **Z Ä'u th *T e .l ,n f C T"r chllilren «o' 'hn V SU i re * hU * the ( children fire having lnncK*ent nnd healthful amusement ami are safe when they are at the Eleventh street rink. At Eleventh Street Rink. Polo is likely to Ijo one of the popu lar sports in this city now that it has bom made a feature at tike Eleventh street rink. There are sen oral thing:» of which the patrons of tho Eleventh street rink are always sure. These Preached at a Dedication. A new chapel to be used as a Sunday school room was dedicated yesterday by Trinity M. K. Church. All day ser vices were held. The Rev. J. Howard Gray, of East lake Church spoke at the. services in the morning. The Rev. C. T. Wyatt, of Harrison Street Church preached In the afternoon. In the evening the'the church was congratulated in an elo- ; fluent sermon by Presiding Elder A S. Mow bray. The Rev. J. H. Thornton Is pastor of the church. many Mr Barney's home Is only a few b.o^s mun mo rnarblè tenmfe o.t th^ site of the old Stow'irt mansion where fho^èf.k^Tu«t"o.tpân^ its main uptown headquarters WANT CHANGES IN MILITIA LAW Genera! Oliver Will Confer With National Guard Off icers Relative to Subject Shaw Oliyer. tho Acting Secretary of War. has invited the Interstate Na 4tonal Guard Association to send a with him and members of the Gen cra l Staff relative to changes in the Dick Militia law which many guards- 1 men believe should be made. Under tho provisions of that statute) 'the various militia organizations must) conform in organization to the regular) army in five years after th# measure I " :l " tipproved and bc-amo eiTtK-Uve, In 'h" efforts wlili-h have been made dur the past year by the War Depart nient and the State militias to carry tll lS ttatute to effect it hiis been found 11 will be necesary to extend the There Is also WASHINGTON, Nov. 18—Gen. Robt. I'ommittee of its organization Washington on December 12 to confer to a movement on foot to remove the nine months' ser- ' vice restriction as well %s tho provi- j ston which withholds militia organ!- , Kations when called into service for I the United States from ' going beyond the seas. „"fa"?.^ b "' ,leve that ,ho national guard should i, e , na d e the "second line of defense''' the country and that their actlvl t)M shollU , not be confln0( , morely t:l ' s, u t e duties, but their usefulness) should be broadened, Those who advocate the General Oliver desires to have a committee of the national guard ; organization confer with members of tho General Staff relative to tho pro posed changes. Whatever recoin inondation ia deckled on will be suh milted to tho National Guard Aasocia t(„ n •• ps next meeting in January. Tp c association can then bring prea 8ure to bcar u „ on congress. In co operation with the War Department, to procure the enactment of modifica tions and changes in the militia law. WHAT'S IN A NAME? Revenue Officers Wonder Whst New Cutter Snohomish Stands For. Senator Piles, of Washington, has plunged the revenue cutter sm vice Into a dilemma from which it has tried in vain to extricate itself. The officers of the service are, in fact, whiting pa tiently to have some kind-hearted cit izen come along and define the name Snohomish. Bargely through the efforts of Sen ator Piles Congress appropriated $200, 0(10 to build a revenue cutter to be stationed »In Pugei Sound, ly completed at Wilmington and re cently the Senator was asked to »ug- j an Indian* name for the 1 vcnnel. i H * h,,tl praotl<e<1 la "' Rt «nohomlsh. nn d suggested that. The Treasury 1 >( -p artrn( . nt thouKht wrt , of , t and then t j,c d.^partment, as a matter of official ! rel . ord : asked for the n,easing of the word , senator Piles did not know No one knew. So far tho best the i department has been able to do Is to , . . .. . . • ^ thBt B > \ es,e / n ° nC ? ,h, ?. UKht lt nleant ,nnd of " hlto watprK - It is near I Recovering From illness. The Rev. Dr. Hiram W. Kellogg, pastor of Grace M. K. t'hurch, who has been suffering from an attack of typhoid fever. Is recovering and hopes to be able to occupy his pulpit on Sun day next. Priests in Conference. Tho fall conference of the clergy of Wilmington Diocese took pin, n. the home of the Rt. Rev. John , J. Monaghan, bishop of the diocese, last Thursday. Tho .priests were t&lned at dinner by the bishop. enter The Lehigh and Lebanon Ranges are (he Ideals of Kitchen Comfort. Absolutely guaranteed in ma teria), construction, workmanship and opeiarion. You run no risk if .t's a Lehigh or a Lebanon. Every Lehigh Range has the Star Patent Perforated Covers. One of. the most important improve ments made 6n stoves in recent years. The entire prevention of all coal gas and sulphur is one of the great advantages of this de vie^ ar.d imtantly commands it to every housekeeper. The per forated cover, whiie permitting plenty of draft, absolutely pre vents the possibility of a piece of coal ever flying out, which is another valuable point. With these covers, the fire is damped off to the extreme limit, thus avoiding unnecessary combustion and the wast ng of coal. Come in and let us show you the line. Prices range from "■ij V'SÊÊsï ■m ■ BSE m I . $18. $23. $23, up to $58. W. S. HOFFMAN CO. Cor. Third and Shipley Sts. Store Open Tuesday and Saturday Evenings. S—W BBMtlWI ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ " 125 CONTRACTS FOR— \ AUTOMATIC TELEPHONES -IS OUR- Record for October. This is evidence of the merits of our service. Let us show you the advantages these subscribers get in taking it. Wilmington Light, Power &, Telapbons Co. 838 MARKET STREET. Phone or write our Contract Department. Pennsylvania Railroad $ 1.00 TO BALTIMORE AND RETURN SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1907 SPECIAL TRAIN j ' Leaves Wilmington Returning Leaves Baltimore (Union Station), 6.38 P. M. TICKETS GOOD ONLY ON SPECIAL TRAIN. NO HALF TICKETS SOLD 9.45 A. M. J. R. WOOD, Passenger Traffic Manager. , GEO. W. BOYD, General Passenger Agent You insist on full value when you make a purchase This When you need Coal mm means GEORGE W. BUSH & SONS CO., Foot of French Street. i TWO ARE COMPANY. when a bottle of our red wine ia be tween them. We have the Imported and the Gdllfornla brands, also a full line of white wines nnd champagnes. We also have cnolce whiskeys by the gal lon, quart or pint, of all varieties, of the purest and best. In both imported and domestic goods Our prices are as good as our stock. m y IV JÎ1 HOLT'S : j | whlch COI(l , cs aftor dluj at IioU . 8 re8 . tnnmnt u nmnf .„Nitivo thm «..*• nu tr „ n8 a re not only well served ami fed', i >ut h-ive leid the verv best that the ma:ke"s afford evorv luxury of the season T ' ° f thC * " 1 P. P. FREEHAN, . I < \ Wholesale Dealer, 102-104 Market Street HOLT'S Quick Lunch Parlors THE FEELING OF PER sjg $ ? W' : FECT CONTENTMENT ■m V Our menu contains t p Roast Dinners Every Day at Holt'e. I HOLT'S 5 East 4th Street Open Alt Night. HOLT'S m - •»I w \ To Speak of the Earthquake. The Rev. George W. Stone will speak at the monthly meeting of tho Current Events Class of the Now-Century Club tomorrow morning at lO'iiO o'clock. Mr. Stone, -who was in Oakland. Cnl., at the time of the earthquake, will spook of San Francisco during and following the earthquake. St. Paul's Annual Supper. On Wednesday and Thursday even ings. St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church parish will give Us annual supper In the church I 4 a.ll. Fourth and Van Buren streets. Elaborate preparations for tho event have been made by the women of the parish. y To Confirm Class at St. Peter's. The Right Reverend John J. Monag han will administer the sacrament of confirmation to a number of children of St. Peter's parish, New Castle, on Sunday. He will be assisted by tjie Rev. Frederick W. Campbell, pastor of St. Peters. JP.S. T. IHLLIIt 1 SONS. f>-. 5 ti œs v. No Matter what they are doing they are wearing out clothes, good /clothes cosT because they wear long and look better. We are careful about the cut, • make and trimmings of the boys' clothing we sell. All the new styles in boys' suits, ivercoats and reefers for boys 2 . 1-2 years to 1 ? with knee trousers. 14 to 19 years in young men's sises. Notice new styles In front case. JAS. T. MÜLLI1 & SONS 6 th and Market. AMUSEMENTS. GRAND OPERA HOUSE Only appearance hero of W'O-IVX NOV. 20 PADEREWSKI Scat» Now Soiling. Prices, 12.50. $ 2 . 00 , $ 1 . 5 ), LYOKUM THEATRK.-NOV. IS. 19 and 20. Matinees Monday and Wednesday. The Greatest of all meioUrkmas. ii • Lhe Cowboy and the Sqcaw. Coming—"The Original Cohen." COUNTRY ROLLER RINK THIS WEEK. Monday .First Infantry Danes Tuesday Wednesday..Miss I/lpdsey Fancy Skating .Polo and Skalli g .Mystic Drill Polo and Skating , Mystic Drill Thursday Friday .. Saturday ELEVENTH STREET SKATING RINK Skating every afternoon and evening. Also Saturday morning. D/^I /"\ Wednesday Evening, r U L,W 9 o'clock. COUNTRY ROLLER RINK (Brandywine Springs.) Monday, Nov. 18th (To-night), i OLD-FASHIONED BARN DANCE. Auspices First Infantry Band. 25 pieces. Admission to rink and floor, gent emea. 23c; l-adles, 25c. W. S. BURRIS, Stock and Grain Broker. Bear, Del. Highest market prices paid, railroad j or water roading. Telephone connec ' tion. Horses and cattle for private sale. Chinese Ping Pong 10 Balls 18c Fine Chinese Fancy Hare ALL PRICES. No. 109 West Fourth Street, Henry Toy, JÎ A Full Line •: Reading Standard BICYCLES all high-grade equipment, including coaster brake. Tires ot all kinds, large and small, $1.00 up. Can tit any wheel while you wait. Sulky. Carriage and Roadcart Tires. A lot of good second-hand wheels sold cheap fnr storage charges, $3.00 up. New tires put on Go-carts. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. J. B. M1NN1CK, 605 Delaware Ave. Both Phone» tec 5 Æ At WF I «-npvaiQfnr ROAST BEEF FOR DINNER? CER TAINLY. Roast beef which you can buy here that will make you forgive your worst enemy—palate tickling, body nourish ing. brain building prime roast beef. Delivered to your door, if you wish. Try our sausage and scrapple. I Rfl. MATTHES, I F STORES; 827 KING STREET, t 7th and King. 20th and Market. BOTH PHONES.