OCR Interpretation

Evening journal. [volume] (Wilmington, Del.) 1888-1932, March 10, 1908, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Delaware Library, Newark, DE

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042354/1908-03-10/ed-1/seq-2/

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GOP-607 009 j
Two Dollars' Worth ol Green Trading Stamps Free Wednesday.
They are the "Best Stamp," ol Greater Value, Every Premium High Grade.
Tailor-made Suits, Skirts, Coats and Waists
This month will prove to be a record breaker in our Garment Department,
judging from the sales of the first week of the month. But there is a
reason for it which you will easily discover upon paying this S P
section of our store a visit Our stock is very representative ot all that
is new in Suits. Skirts. Coats and Waists for women, misses and chil
dren. which are marvels of style, beauty and value. Many new garments
arriving daily.
Prices $8 00. $10.00, $12 50,
$15.00. $18.00.
$22.50, $25.00, $28.00 to $35.00.
Skirts and Coats
$3 00, $3-50, $5.00, $6.00. $7.50 to $15 00.
Wajck The nobby stylish man-tailcred effects are here for your
TfOlSla choosing . The pretty dressy Lingerie Models are dainty
and prettier than ever, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 to $5.00.
Women's and Misses' Suits
$ 20 . 00 ,
New Spring Dress Goods and Silks
No matter what your idea may be as regards the weave, color or
to find it here- Panamas, shadow
quality for your new suit, you are sure
stripe serge, batiste, mohair, checks and fancy suiting all are inown in
black and colors. Prices 25c. 39c. 50c. 75c. 85c, $1-00. $1-25 and $1.50.
All silks sold here are guaranteed for sa isfactory
Kmb The best black si.ks are the C- J. Bonnet &
Places $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 per yard. Come investigate
Black Silks
Co- dyes,
for yourself.
Muslins, Sheetings, Crashes and Linens
We are so widely known as giving the "best values" at less money
than you pay elsewhere for the same quality that we rarely advertise
theas lines, but we mention the following item as an illustration of the
superior value to be found in this department
A 75c pure linen silver damask, excellent value, for.
Muslin Underwear and Corsets SPÄ'ÄSS
of Corsets, in all sizes, are sold on the balcony, second floor.
Our Muslin Underwear is of the kind you want as to quality and
style. The variety is such that every taste can be supplied, simply
plainly trimmed or the more elaborate styles.
Corset Covers, special value.15c, 19c, 25c, 39c. 50c to $1-50
Skirts, dainty, pretty and useful styles, $1.00, $1.25, $1 50 to $5.00
Gowns, muslin and cambric, splendid values, 69c. 79c, 89c to $5.00
Drawers, many excellent styles.25c, 39c, 50c, $1 00 to $3.50
Children's Drawers 6.12j4c, 15c, 18c, 20c, 25c, 35c and 50c
New Gloves, Shoes, Underwear,
Hosiery, Belts and Neckwear
Special mention of.Ready-to-wear Trimmed Hats,
$1 75. $2.00, $2-25, $2.50
y /
/ Two dollars' worth of Green Trading Stamps Free- Present y
» this coupon at our store after purchas ng one dollars' worth of Ä
2 goods or more and you will receive Two Dollars' worth of Green y
y Trading Stamps Free on Wednesday, March 11th. A
> E. J. CROSBY & HILL. £
605-607-609 Harket Street
That there Is a milkmen'« trust. It
milk trust, was given emphatic
not a
color this morning, when a resident of
Thirty-third street notified the Street
and Sewer Directors that his milkman
has gently, but firmly, declined to serve
him with milk so long as his street Is
unpaved and his sidewalk muddy.
CommlR»ioner Pierson will
to alleviate the milkman's In
jared feelings by placing ashes along
Shirty-third street near Market.
directors granted Plumbing In
two days' leave of ab
■pector Kane
On request
worth, of the Board of Health. It was
of Secretary Wiggles
Frederick Walls.
Jsffry J. Brown.
Martin J. Filliben.
Robert McCaulloy.
Sarah A. Graenman.
Amanda C. Buxine
GREEN MAN—In this city, on March
#. IMS, Barah A., wife of the lata
Joaoi'h H. Greenman, aged 77 years,
notice of the funeral will be
' *
McCAULLEY—In this city, on March
». 190$, Robert McGaulley, aged *6
Relatives and friends arc Invited to
attend hie funeral services from his late
resMer.ee. No. 1408
Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock,
terment Rivervlew Cemetery.
BUZINE—In this city, on March 10 th,
1908, Amanda C.. widow of Martin
Buxine In her 66 th year
Relatives and friends of the family
are invited to attend the funeral ser
Vicsa at the residence of her mother.
Mrs Mary T. Lamplugh, No, 1002 West
Second street, on Friday afternoon,
■arch 18, 1908, at 2 80 o'clock. Inter
ment at Wilmington and Brandywine
BROWH—In this city, on
Jackson street,
March 7,
1903, Jeffry J, Çrown, aged 79 years
Relatives and friends are Invited to
attend the funeral services from his
late residence. No. 818 French street.
Servic es at Union A. M P. Church
at 2 o'clock. Wednesday afternoon. In
terment at St Peter's Cemetery.
Ö Lmbalmer
No. $14 W. Ninth Street.
Careful attention day or night.
Bodies In Boarding Houses, Hotels
and Hospitals removed and cared for
_'"i claimed. Carriages furnished.
HS, Appointments first-class. Both Phones.
Xjrnf** Ä ,X ' a z "LgO ' X »Q » a O a ! PIOD r«o ui>3
omojfl aAi|»x*q
" ■« ♦•H» ..'ïNlHinO OMOW. «O Ajuo
£j»a* UO
decided to make newer extensions to
Nos. 10 and 12 West Fourteenth street
The secretary was Instructed* to re
quest the city solicitor to 'collect out
standing liens due the department as
early as possible.
Request for a sewer on West street
between Twenty-third and Twenty
third and Twenty-fourth was consid
ered, and the requested sewer was
placed on the list to ta he built.
Complaint was made of the condition
of vacant lots owm-d by non-residents
around South Broome street between
Oak and Beech streets. The directors
will act on the complaint on their
presentation of a petition signed by
fifteetn résidons.
Notice was given of a resolution re
quiring that sidewalks shall be ot ce
SEAFORD, March 10 -As a result of
a carousal last night several arrests
have been made. A partv of men ruth
ered around a two gallon V»g nr
key at the home of Edward Allen and
after the liquor had oen coniun.i-u .v -
len was beset and badly beaten, and
threats to burn his house were made.
Frank Conoway was arnsted and be
fore Magistrate Parks was ned $2 for
acting dlsodrerly. He escaped from
the lockup but later was recaptured*
and reclased on ball.
Allen was arrested on a charge of
selling liquor and was released on bad
Two other men who It is alleged were
Implicated In getting Conoway away
were arrested and also released on bail.
PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to
cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleed
ing or Protruding Piles In « to 14
days or money refunded. 60c*
Several Arrests Made at Sea
ford and Men Are Held
in Bail
moves the cause.
rr •
«,11 , HP lo fret the genuine
call for full name and look for signa
ture of E. W. GROVE.
To Ratify Trolley Merger.
Directors of the West Chester and
Wilmington Electric Railway Com
|pany, ot Pennsylvania are In session
at West Chester this afternoon for the
purpose of ratifying the merger of the
Delaware corporation w! 4 h tho Penn
sylvania corporation. Directors of the
Delaware company ratified the
at a meeting here two weeks ago.
MH r
Accused of Having Attempted
to Persuade Persons to
Commit Perjury
Trial of the case of the State
Alfred N. Schaffner was begun in Gen
eral Sessions Court this morning. It
attracted an unusually large number of
auditors, principal of whom
hers of the bar. the latter filling the
space between the court room railing
and tKo bench. -Schaffner was brought
Into court shortly after the hour of
opening, and occupied a chair to the
right of his attorney. William W.
Knowles. Mr and Mrs. Schaffner sat
nearby. Schaffner greeted his mother
with a kiss.
The trial is likely to continue for
several days, and threatens to create
as much of a sensation as that of the
Klscnman Mlvorce case, disclosures In
which led to the arrest and Indictment
of Schaffner on a charge of having at
tempted to persuade persons to give
alleged false testimony In the divorce
were mem
Attorney-General Richards and Dep
uty Attorney-General Hastings con
ducted the prosecution. ,
State Outlines Its Case.
In presenting the case to the Jury
Deputy Attorney-General Hastings
said Schaffner was Indicted on a charge
of instigating and attempting to per
suade ariother to take a false oath,
which If taken would have been
perjury. He defined perjury, ns well
as subornation of perjury, pointing out
the penalities for each offense, and de
clared that while there was no particu
lar statute covering Schaffner'» alleged
offense he was Indicted under the gen
eral statute which provides prosecu
tlons for all offenses against the com
mon law which are not covered by
specific statutes. Then Mr. Hastings
rend the Indictment. It substantially
charged Schaffner with having unlaw
fully and wickedly attempted to per
suade one. Roland C. Daniels, to give
certain alleged false testimony In be
half of Isaac Elsenman In his action
for divorce against his wife, Bessie
Elsenman. Mr. Hastings, getting down
Int othe facts of the cose, said the State
would attempt to prove that Schaffner
had approached Elsenman and offered
to obtain him a decree of divorce upon
payment of $100.« Elsenman accepted
and later was taken to a, lawyer's of.
flee. Mr. Hastings said he would at
tempt to prove that Schaffner later ap
proached Roland C. Daniels and three
other young men and offered to pay
them a certain amount of money for
giving testimony In the Elsenman case,
Mr. Hastings said the men refused be
cause they did not know Elsenman.
They both agreed, however, to give
such testimony as Schaffner Is alleged
to have outlined. According to tin
State, this alleged testimony was that
Daniels; a man named Harris; another
man named Phillips, and a woman
known as Znne, had been In the Elsen
man house, at No. S12 East Second
street, and while there one of the men
mentioned had given Elsenman legal
ground for dlvoice. For this testimony,
which Mr. 'Hastings aaid was later re
peated by the men to Elsenman's at
tomey, the men were paid.
The men who will give this testimony
are not perjurers and are therefore en
titled to belief," sand Mr. Hastings in
concluding his address
Frank L, Speakman. prothonotary of
New Castle county, who Is the ousted
Inn of the records of the Superior
Court, was the first witness called by
the State. Mr. Speakman testified
that the records showed thee ntry of
the divorce case of Israel Elsenman vs.
Bessie Elsenman, and that the hearing
In the case had been gone Into on Feb>
ruary 1. of the present year. The
record showed further that Elsenman'»
petetlon had been denied.
Daniels on the Stand.
Roland C. Daniels, who said he lived
at No. 112 Justtson street, was the sec
ond witness called. He said he knew
Schaffner, whom he Identified, and tod
of meeting him In Cohan's pool room
about five weeks previous to January
22. Daniels said Schaffner asked him
If he wanted to earn lift, and when the
witness Inquired what he was to do for
the money. Schaffner said "get Into the
Elsenman divorce case." Witness said
Schaffner subsequently asked him to
swear that while the witness was in
the house of Elsenman, at No. 312 Ea-it
Twelfth street, on September 4, 1BP7,
be saw Mrs. Elsenman, another woman
named Zane, and men named Harris
and Phillips In the house and that Mrs.
Elsenman had been unduly Intimate
with oen of the men after they all had
drunk beer and smoked cigarettes
Dane 1 assdhlle'DIPn'ntoyltyL rOEh
Daniels said he was to identify the
Zane woman and the men. who were
not to apepar In court, by means of
photographs which Schaffner had In hie
posaelon. Daniels swore he had told
Schaffner he could not give such testi
mony against Mrs. Elsenman, but later
agreed to do so, whereupon Schaffner
took him to Elsenman's store and from
îi 1 *""® t0 t,le ,aW offlces ° r Howell S.
0n » Iand wher0 Daniels said he secured
U aftCr hC had outllned t0 Mr England
the " t * BUmoa > r " wh,ch wltneM »Md
Schaffner had outlined to hlm. Daniel»
sald SchalTner wa » ,n Mr - England's
pff ' c * whe " he received the money,
In concluding the direct examination
of teh witness, Mr. Hastings had Dan
leI » deny tha he had ever been In the
Elsenman house, that he knew Mrs.
Elsenman. the Zane woman. Harris or
Phillips, and that he had so told
Schaffner. Daniels said he had not
sentence at Atlantic City for larceny
Mr. Hastings objected to the witness
. , '. . ....
answering, but the court ruled that
Daniels could answer the question If
he desired Then Daniels emphatlcallv
denied ever being under arrest In At
lantic City. ...... . . _
Daniels then denied that h» had offsred
sworn as Schaffner had suggested.
Then Mr. Knowles began his cross,
examination of Daniels by attacking
his reputation, the object being to dis
credit him.
lels If he had not served a six months'
Mr. Knowles asked Han*
to get certain testimony for Schaffner In
the Elsenman case, that he had procured
for Schaffner tho photographs referred
too and that he was ever In the Elsenman
house. He admitted accepting $4 for his
promise 'to swear to a lie" and denied
ever telling Pchaffner that he would havo
to keep the witness until the Elsenman
case was adjudicated. The court cau
tioned Mr. Knowles several time« against
what It considered abuse of tha witness,
but did not rehuVe the attorney until otter
Mr. Knowles had made reference to "tills
Cut glass, furniture,
pianos, oil paintings,
rugs, curtains.
It is for cleaning just
such articles as these
that Ivory Soap is ad
mirably adapted.
» I
It is so mild, so pure
so entirely free from
free" alkali that it can
be used for hundreds of :
purposes for which ordi
nary soaps are unsafe
and unsatisfactory.
— 1
dastardly plot which had been hatched
Joseph Mitchell, one of the man refer-1
red to by Daniels as another ot the men
who were to give testimony against Mrs, (
Elsenman fallowed Daniels on the stand, 1
Hie testimony of his meeting Schaffner
relative to the Elsenman case was In cor
roboratlon of Daniels' testimony. Mitchell
Ivory Soap
99 4 54oo Per Cent. Pure,
In the mind ot this man."
Daniels is Corroborated.
said he also was paid $5 for his promis«
to give testimony which ho said had been
outlined to him by Schaffner. He did not
toll the lawyer Inaerested that the state
ments about Mrs. Elsenman were false,;
but did Inform Attorney-General Rich
ard* later of what Schaffner had asked
him to do., Mitchel, like Daniels, swore
that he had never been In the Elsenman
house. Neither did he know Mrs. Elsen
mftn -
The examination will bo resumed this;
Third Representative district, first elec-|
Bon district, one, Graham Building, Clay-,
ton, J. L. Bradley; second election dis
trlct. two. Kenton Hotel, Kenton, Edward
J. Boggs.
Fourth Representative district, three,
Melvin's store, Hazletvlllc, Jacob Ross,
Fifth Representative district, first elec
tlon district, three, Danner's office. Do
ver, W. C. Jostlng; second election dis
trlct. two, Lewis' carriage house, Dover,
George F. Jones,
Sixth Representative district, one
Smith's shop, Willow Grove, J. Colby
Smith; second election district, ole Town
send's store. Masten's, James Townsend
Seventh Representative district, three,
Town Hall, Camden, H. Reedy Vosheil ; 1
second election district, two, Fluke's store
DOVER, Del,. March 10.—The Kent
County Republican Committee, of
which Dr. George W. Marshall Is
chairman, has selected polling places
and officers for the primary election on
April 5. The dumber of delegates, the
voting place and the inspectors for
each district will be as follows;
First representative district, First
election district, 3 delegates, polling
place. Dr. T. C. Moore's office, Charles
B. Dally, inspector: Second election
district, two. Alderman's office,
Smyrna. Frank B. Postles.
Second representative district, two,
"Levy Court room, Dover, William T.
Smlthers; Second election district, two,
Alonso Jones' shop, Lelpsic, Alonzo
Wood.'is'«. S. H. Derby.
Eighth Representative district, first
election district two, K. of P. Hall,
Felton, Walter J. Harrington: second
election district, two, Town Hall, Fred
erica, David Phillips,
Ninth Representative district, first
election district, two. Town Hall, Har
rington, Robert K. Jones: second elec
tion, two. School House, Farmington.
William Thorp.
Tenth Representative district, first
election district, two De.Velenger's
Hotel, Milford, James W. Cannon; sec
ond election district, three, Central
Hotel, Milford. James C. Ward. v
Public Meeting of Residents
of East Brandywine Hun
dred to be Held
Having appointed a committee to In
terview the trustees of Ml. Pleasant
Church to obtain permission to meet
there .the first definite step to hold a
public meeting In the Interests of the
consotdatlon gf the Claymont, Shell
pot and
trlots in Br&ndywine hundred,
taken last n
ized Holly
elation. If the church Is obtained a
public meeting of the citizens of the
three districts will be held within prob
aby two wegks. The church was se
lected for the meeting because of its
large seating capacity and Its cantral
location to all the districts the three
school districts.
It is propose dto have one of the
old citizens of Brandywine hundred
preside at the mass meeting. Profes
sor A. R. Spald, county superintendent
of schools, will be one of the speakers.
The mass meeting will be an ex
pression of the èentoment of the people
of Claymont. Bhellpot and Holly Oak
c ° n, °' lda -
'"'!£! °^** af br * n *
a graded grammar school within easy
jacc „„ of tho chlldren of those dls .
The meet!ng , a8t nlrht
was attended
by members of the school committee
and a large delegation from Montrose
a^ d others Interested In the movement.
The committee met in the home of
Charles Paschall, of Holly Oak.
Oak public school dis
l(ht by the recently organ
Oak Public Service Asso
Entertaining House Party.
Miss Kllen White has been entertain
ing a house party at her home, No.
1228 King stret, and her guests have
had a delightful lime. They include
Miss Vivian Marshall of Portland, Ore
gon; Miss Bertha Jones of Baltimore,
Miss Estelle Hash of Dover, B M. Clapp
of Philadelphia and Benjamin Perkins
•hssidatV. Wyoming.
Street and Sewer D rec'ors
Pass Ordinance to Give
More Sidewalk Space
Prospective owners of buildings other
than dwellings who have contemplated
having area ways placed before their
within the sidewalk line will
IlSCSUnM.. ,«™.. **
tlcms lnvlew of an ordinance given
Its third reading and adopted by the
Street and Sewer directors this
Dlrector George Gray is the author
of the measure, which Is Intended to
apply particularly to the business part
of the city where pedestrians have been
restricted to small walking space by
areaways and abutting approaches.
The ordinance provides that here
after no cellarway. passage way or un
covered openings, porches, approaches
to buildings or other structures shall
be built, made or maintained in the
sidewalks or within the sidewalk line
fronting or facing any building block
of this city where a majority of the
bulldslngs in said building block abut
ting on said sidewalk shall be used
as stores, halls, hotels, places of busi
ness or amusement or any such pur
poses other than solely as places of
offender to » fine of }S as a
common nuisance and an additional
fine of $5 for every 24 hours the nui
sance Is continued.
A violation of the ordinance will sub
Thomas F. Bayard, chairman of the
Democratic State Central Committee,
Issued a call today for a meeting of
the committee at Dover on Friday to
determine upon a date for holding the
Democratic State Convention at which
The body of William Borroughs, a
member of Kensington Lodge of Rail
way Trainmen, of Philadelphia, who
died In that city on Friday, of heart
disease, waa brought to this city this
afternoon at 1.30 o'clock and Interred
In Rivervlew Cemetery, where Brother
hood services were held. The body
was met by a delegation from Brandy
wine Lodge, of this city, w-ho acted as
bearers. The delegates were Ham
Dougherty .George Hansburger, Thos.
Tlaly, Daniel Regan, Frank Taylor and
Frank Hardcastle.
delegates will be elected to the Na
tional Democratic Convention at Dover.
Mr. Bayard said no other business
would be acted on by the State Central
Committee on Friday.
Patrick Fahey, well-known contractor
was arrested today by Constable Wig
glesworth on a charge of spitting In a
stret car. The warrant was sworn out
by Lee Corkran, a health officer.
Mr. Fahey will be arraigned before
Magistrate Broman tonight.
Meeting of Workhouse Trustees.
The monthly meeting of the Board
of Trustees of the Workhouse ts being
held today. Routine business was trans
acted this morning.
Titus Robbins, colored, supposed to
have been from around New Castle,
died at the county workhouse this morn
Lng of tuberculosis,
to the workhouse from Wilmington In
September, 18<S6, to serve four years for
assault and battery,
whether he has relatives and his body
He was sentenced
It Is not known
Brotherhood Meeting.
St. James' Brotherhod or Grace M. E.
Church met lust evening at the home
of Francis W. Heisler, of No. ÎQ5
French street A pleasant social hour
was spent.
Its Power of Changing Color For Self
The tree frog is found throughout
the eastern United States, ranging west
to Kansas and Texas and north into
Canada. It Inhabits woods and or
chards and is found on trees, stone
walls, fences and houses. The eggs,
which are deposited early in May. are
attached singly' or In small groups to
grass or dead stems at the surface of
the water. Early In July the young
have passed through the tadpole stage
and leave the water. They are green
at first, but soon Jura to gray or gray
I largely
s ou In
sects. It is notable for its many color
changes and varies from almost white
to green or dark brown or various com
bina Uons of green and gray.
While the tree frog Is common
throughout the eastern United States,
its purring trill Is far more familiar
than the frog Itself, owing to Its retir
ing habits and powers of resembling In
color the object on which It rests.
The tree frog Is thus d£te of the best as
well as one of the mottt familiar exam
pies of what ts called protective colora
tlon, a resemblance In color between
any animal and Its surroundings that
renders It inconspicuous and enables it
to elude the eyes of animals.
Miss Mary Dickerson in "The Frog
0o !° ( r Z? a f r* ür
at different times and in different con
dltlons. In bright light and Wgh Tern
perature It may be yellowish white
with no markings. In a dark, moist
or cool place It may be deep stone gray
or brown. When the background of
color is green his characteristic mark
ings may or may not appear. The
changes of color are not rapid, an hour
and green. Tho tree frog Js
nocturnal In habits and feSth
at least seeming necessary to create
any radical difference. But It Is usual
ly true that the given dress harmonizes
so perfectly with the surroundings that
the tree frog, Is as Invisible as though
he were Perseus iu bis charmed hel
Mirage Silk
Have you seen this very
latest product of the silk
loom? No fabric in recent
years combines as many good
points of beauty and excel
lence of wear. Possesses that
rough Oriental appearance,
beautifully lustrous and the
only silk of its kind that will
not wear rough. Comes in
every couceivable shade. We
are showing the most desirable
colorings for suits and gowns,
24 inches wide. Price here,
as everywhere, $1.35 a yard.
Foulard Silks
Tomorrow we place on sale
a complete showing of Liberty
Foulard Silks in the popular
polka dots,
brown. and
grounds; also, figured styles,
24 inches wide, 85c.
There is a strong demand
for these fabrics for shirtwaist
suits and dresses.
Dress Goods
This season's selections of
dress fabrics are the largest
and most complete we have
ever shown and comprise all
the desirable weaves and col
ors that are demanded by this
spring's styles. In addition
to Panamas, Broadcloths,
Cheviots, Batiste, Mohairs,
Henriettas and Voiles we show
many exclusive styles in
single dress patterns of high
class imported Suitings,
Many new ideas in Checks.
Plaids and Striped Suitings.
Every price idea is repre
sented, 50c to $3.50 a yard.
Months ago, feeling sure
that linen fabrics in both
white and colored, would be
greatly in demand this spring,
we laid our plans accordingly,
determined to offer our cus
tomers the best assortment
that could be seen anywhere.
In colors we show every de
sirable shade in plain checks,
stripes and plaids, 37j^c, 45c,
Natural color linens and
pongee shades, suitable for
children's dresses and women's
suits, and automobile or trav
eling coats, 25c, 31c, 37j^c,
45c, 60c.
In addition to a very special
grade of White Suiting Linen
36 inches wide, at 50c, we call
your attention to our very
special 90 inches wide all linen
White Sheeting, $1.15 a yard.
Other weights and weave
in white linen for waists, suits
and fancy embroidery work at
45c to $2.00 a yard.
q showing now of the
" . «
newest nu*dels in womens,
misses' and children's Spring
, ■
JI, , * , . ,„ r
Waists is now complete. We
take pleasure in showing you
through the line whether or
not you intend buying,
T? verv garment new this
; ' , _,_,
; season, made to our order and
1 style confined to US in this
mar t et . All the popular fall
| . . j
1 TICS are represented.
Women's Suits, $15 to $50.
Women's Silk Suits, $30 to
Misses' Suits, $15 to $40.
Children's Suits, $10 to $30
Suits, Skirts and
Women'i Cuat.s, $10 to
W.itueu's Si 1 k Coats, $15 to
Cbildreu's ' Coats, $5.0J to ,
Women's Skirts. $5, $0.60,
$7.50, $8.60, $10, $12, $15.
Waists, $5 to $20.
White Summer Waists,
$1.50 to $6.50.
Large showing of Women's
Neckwear and Laundered
Collars at 25c each.
621-623 Market St,
work, white. Holt. 6 E. 4th St.
n 11 '** ■ :i t
Pusey £ Jones Co. the low
Bidders for Overhauling
Tender Zizania
It looks as If a Wilmington concern
Is going to get a government contract
which will help make times better for
at least some men now out of em
ployment Bids were opened today In
the United States Lighthouse engineer's
office In this tcly, for repairs and gen
eral overhauling to the lighthouse tend
er Zizania, which is lu the service of
the local distrlut. Ony three bids
received, one of which was from a
Philadelphia shipyard and the remain
ing two from Wilmington companies,
one of whom was the lowest bidder
of the three. The bids follow:
Pusey and Jones Company, Wilming
ton, $J4,r,Cfi; Harlan and Hollingsworth
Corporatton^sRilmlngton, $41,800; the
Kensington Shipyard Company, Phil
adelphia. $38,326.
The Pusey and Jones Company made
the lowest bid and while the contract
has not yet been awarded. It is quite
likely that the local concern, bs'ng
the lowest bidder will get the work
The repairs to the Zlsanla will be
mostly to her engines and hull, although
she will receive a general overhauling.
Adverse action was again taken this
morning by the Street and Sewer Direct
ors on the application of General Man
ager Richard Crook, of the People's Rail
way Company, for a franchise to extend
the company's tracks from Seventh and
Church streets to Fourth and Church
streets. Mr. Crook by letter this morning
asked the directors to act en the applica
tion. As a reply. Secretary Christie was
Instructed to write Mr. Crook that the
directors would act on the application for
the franchise "when the company com
plies with the obligations of Its formerly
granted franchise" as to the proper re
pair of the streets over which Its tracks
ore laid.
May Invite Conference.
There is some talk of Milford Inviting
the Wilmington Methodist Conference
next yearn, but a sentiment has devel
oped there that the ministers should
pay their own board. Chestertown also
Is considering Inviting conference.
Stock Markets
1 o'clock quotations from F. O.
Lackey & Co., Bankers and Brokers,
843 Market street, Wilmington, Del,
A mal. Copper.. 52 V Ko.&Te* 51
Am. Smelt.Co. 6 tH Nat. L»ed Co. 49
Amer. Sugar... 118)4 N. Y. Central 98
Ont. & West. .31
Norfolk A West 6 *
Nor. Pacific .. 1*5
Pacific Mail
Pennsylvania. 125 %
People's Gas ...fiy lf
Read, ist pfd.
Read. *d pfd...
D. & H.
D . L. & W
Southern Pac. 72
13 H South. R. Com 10 %
Texas Pacific...!
Tann.C&l Co
Un. Pac. Com. noU
96 U. 8 . St. Com. 12 JI
U. S St. Prof. 9 sX
Wabash Com. 8
Wabasb Pro/. 14 . Vf
Western Union ji
....... 7» %
pfd ...84
Tran. 43#
Atchison ,
A tebison,
B. St O...
Can. Southern
Or. West. 4
k Ohio...*8J4
I0 k
Chi. Sc Alton
ChL Sc N. W...
C.M. & St P. 116
Rock Island ...i*g
Rocklsland pfd
Erie, ist pfd .., 27 H
Gr. North, pfd. *21 g
Illinois Ccn. ..
Louisville .
Int. Met. com
Int. Met. pfd
Man. Con. 125
Missouri Pac.. jajj
IC 2
...«s i*
Commercial Markets
In fair request and kept well cleaned
ta firm prices. We quote:
On spot, winter bran. In bulk, and spring
in sacks, at $27.S0a28.00.
In ample supply and prices favored buj «r*
nuder a light demand. Straw was ouist
and unchanged. We quote:
New Timothy Hay—No. L large bales.
$17.S0al8; No. 1 small bales. $16.i0aU: Ne.
$15.S0al6; No. 3, $13al4. Clover Mixed
Hay, No. 1. $16al5.50; No. 2. *Ual4.60 Straw
—No. 1, straight rye. $14; No. 2. $U Walk
EGGS There was a good outlet for the
limited receipts ef strictly fine fresh stock,
values of which were steadily hold. We
Nearby firsts. In free oases. 2$o; nearby,
current receipts, In returnable ormtes, J 10 j
Western first. 22 c; Western, fair to good,
LIVE POULTRY—Fowls, small and me
dium. 13Hal4c; fowls, heavy, 18c; old
roosters. 9aI0c; spring chickens, choice,
Soft mealed, Ual4o.
by. fancy. lSa20o: fresh killed fowls, fancy,
small and medium sises. He; fowl a fancy,
heavy, litte; eM reestese, dry picked. lOe,

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