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NEW CASTLE POLITICS ARE HUMMING NOW Leaders of Both Parties on Look Out for Best Leg islative Timber REPUBLICANS HAVE MANY POSSIBILITIES (special to THE EVENING JOURNAL NEW CASTLE, Ang. 8 —New Cas tle hundred has always been and is still a political centre. In the balmy daya of Democratic rule New Castle was always depended upon for th* big majority. Hut things have i hanged since and that is why there Is a stir at present to find the best candidate for the Legislature. The Democrats have offered the entry blank, lied with pink ribbon to a number of men Willard Sauls hury's aspirations have to be consid ered in order that the Democratic dis appointment of defeat of two years ago when John M. Wilson, Republi can. was elected, may be cured. Chaunccy P. Holcomb, Mayor Rod ney. Oak ford Lambson and F. DeH. Janvier are spoken of as Democratic possibilities for the Legislature. Republicans are divided between George Pierce, Charles E. Megginson and Captain Jesse McKay for the nomination. John M. Wilson. William K. Rothwell and Wallace L. Cannon declined io become legislative candi dates In the Levy Court fight Mar lin E. Smith of Hose Hill and Alfred ■T. Davidson are the Democratic can didates. James Q. Shaw and William Leach are the Republicans who would like,to succeed Levy Court Commissioner Daniel Thompson. Willis Blackburr.e met. with a severe loss yesterday, when a valuable mare for which he refused 6226, broke her neck. The mare was hitched to a cart on the Hare's Comer road, and started to run away. She fell Into a ditch along the road and broke her neck. This is the third valuable horse "hleh Bluckburno lost during the nasi two years. While Wilson Ferguson was pass tug the llambrill factory yesterday morning n nail pierced his foot. James J. Lawlor bad him removed lo the office of Dr. Roth, where the wound was cauterized and dressed. Industry Council, No. 25. Jr. O. V. will vislf Townsend Council tomorrow evening. The excursion of the Red Lion Kunday school did not go to Augustine w A M„ of Ephraim Sterling, a member of the school. E. K. Gumbrill is the latest one In the city to purchase an automobile. '•us Devlin has accepted a position In the office of the Edgar Allen Com pany. succeeding Joseph Campbell, who left the city. Engineers arc surveying for th* proposed line of the Wilmington, New fasti» and Delaware City railway. Frederick and Karl Haldt arc at Uehoboth. tci«ù« , Ghî*^?2Î < * , îtîfi* an< l Quakertnuxi p 8 1 n * B * on "*'*• \ti-a i-n.,'oi I'.u a uuj I i I, r tî' ar . r I visiting rlaiv •s in Last on, Pa.PostjU* . . . '. 1 , r" n ' ^J r *' .wl'pafrtclt : th I trw- n 1 * " B uf 8 b * fire ,n I j *\vro Pupils of St. every, one Sister M. arc sorry to learn of her transfer Irom here. Peter's School and w ho hud the pleasure of Genevosa's acquaintance $25 BONUS ON EACH AUSTRALIAN BABE 1 ' ■ ■ J I SYDNEY, Aug. 8 — Australia is in a j ferment over the Federal taxation, proposa », not only because of (he terrific Increase iu the amount of the ; to-is. but because of the moral ef feet of the propositions Tacked on to a hill providing pensions to chll- ! drew until thev are more than 16 years Of age is a clause providing for ?h. payment of a bonus of five pounds for every child horn in Australia, : and ihe parentage will not be lu t.uind into. \ustralia is greatly desirious of in creasing its population, and especially Its native stock. Immigration, eg cept of the very highest sort is not encouraged, but this effort, which will be made by tho Federal authorities at the session of the Parliament re oently convened, has brought a storm of protest from all sources. All sorts of charges are being made against the Government and against the interests which are seen behind the move to grant a pension to the children and a bonus for all children, born, irrespective of their I'lrfb. Telegrams are being published by the Sydney Herald from Melbourne, wherc the center of opposition is, that the bonus for babies is a cun nlngly devised scheme of tho militant suffragettes to get. votes for women iu tho Commonwealth. LIVELY" GOLF BALL PROVES A REAL BOMB Philadelphia, Aug. 8.—Horace Gamble, the professional at tha loir grounds 0 f the Athletic Club of Philadelphia, may lose his sight, as til, result of the explosion of a golf hall with which he was expcrlmcut Q. ing. Gamble started on a round of the course with D. C. Clegg, using a ball of English manufacture! which has been sent to Gamble for bis opinion. The ball, was much livelier than the ordinary golf ball! and Gamble insisted that bo see w hat made it so. At the clubhouse they »urowred the ball fast iu a vise and Gamble struck It with a hammer. There was a sharp explosion, the ball was shattered and liquid with which It was filled flew Into Gamble's eyes. Gamble was rushed to a local specialist, where it was discovered that acid placed In tho ball to give it life bad burned th, eyeballs. He is still Iu a dark com and it will net be known for several days If the sight can bo saved. They were To secure efficient helpers, use the Vaut». I Many Women Delegates and Advocates of Equal Suffrage Applaud Roosevelt's Appearance and Speeches at Convention %(VHKW MJJ 1 ,<'Æ0 f ■» ( .i * . X .f i fi/ a; • ../i \ Û it#* > ' */„ m - . V; PL * A V 'V N4 v I * ? ;* tj-'i ■ HgiW ! .f Jv fa \ i V * s K •v * :■ , ■' ^ n 1 ■ém > m A, |[«WWWaAMgH r.,< Cl ■ \9ili I 5s IMS -— a t> m m i ■ •Sri « t 41 [v* '■t ' J I - j V ' v h. • -> j .V x' • WfM'A ...vk* mm >*kV - * ¥i : * mm 1.1 ; » im *v . . v I ■ ■■■•rS -■ ■ 5 Tvvoii ■ mwiiii 3#. ■t -■ a® PEN FILLER USED AS NURSING BOTTLE NEW YORK, Aug. 8.—The cries of baby triplets deserted by their moth er In the City Hall Police Station, Jersey City, gave Lieutenants Graf, Galway and Higgins an interesting b*'f hour before the babies were re stored to a condition ol tranquility, iba result being accompanied by ad ministering milk that the officers pur PllM „ d from a posing vender TU« mother was Mrs. P. Tippy, whoso maternal Instinct, reasserted itself after she had left her offspring for an hour. The triplets had been carried sleep ing to a quiet corner of the station House while the police were off guard for a moment. Their presence w as not discovered until they began to cry, and then the policemen, men of family In whom the milk of human kindness Is abundant, were Afte» much cogitation Lieutenant Graf suggested that milk be given to them. The milk was procured.. and was about to be given "raw by Lieutenant Galway, when Lieutenant Higgins stayed his hand "Nay," said Lc. "don't you know, Galway, that babies of such tender ago inusn't have milk unless it Is sterilized and dllut Man alive! haven't yon read Oh»«* the great infant mortality that results from improper feeding?" The Lieutenant's advice was fol lowed, and the milk was diluted with! water and then heated over a gas l*L The next step was how to give the milk to the squalling infants,.in there being no nursing boitte. In the; station. But Lieutenant Graf was equal lo the occasion, for he produc ed th* glass filler of his fountain P« n > suggested its use, and his idea Wi4g nut into execution. The filler w » 8 plunged into the milk, and as each baby was passed In him Licuten nnE Galway squirted the fluid into opened mouth. When the triplets *'ad been fed they were replaced In •k* eorner, where they promptly lapsed aRjtln into slumber, rf tGr the mother returned for t* 10 names. __ *-—--, REEDIES VKE TOMIML Reed birds are arriving in the marshes In great, numbers, and there are no more severe storms to drive the birds from the mashes very successful bird season will be had. ber 1. The season opens on Septem Glasses furnished by Spciallst, $1 weekly, Mitchell, Jeweler, Ford Bldg., 2pd Floor.* SEE | i | I ; . | ! H. W. Vandcvcr Co. 80!) Market Slrcel Fer Bicycles Baseball and Grnrral Sporting Goods Roller Skates DESPERATE OUTLAW CAUGHT BY WOMAN CRAIG, Col., Aug. 8—After success fully eluding heavily an-med [tosses from three counties for a week, W'm. Sartelle, alias Wm. Morgan, said to bo the leader of a desperate gang of outlaws from the Hole In the Wall country, Wyo., and who escaped from the Jail here lust Tuesday, was made a prisoner here today by a woman, Mrs, Annie Decker, wife of a Snake river rancher, "covered" ihn outlaw w-itb a revolver while he was eating a meal which she prepared for him |at the point of a gun. The woman j disarmed the bandit then "hog tied" ' hint. i Afterward she telephoned Sheriff ' Davis of A'arhan county, Wyoming, J and until hie arrival the woman was allia'One with her prisoner. Sartelle is i now in Jail at Dixon, Wyo. ; - 1 - 1 "" 1 ■ 1 • — M0RE "primping" IN HOTEL ELEVATORS | PHILADELPHIA Aug. S.-Mlrrora , p hillldolphia [„valors are doomed. ( . ' h , rclnoval fron , I"*™ c^ v , T ro o o ^ ' n ,a»r« " n< J nL.^miV I" thc leading hotel» and office build * n ' 8 '.J •"'/«ï ' b ? Bcllovue-Stratford an ^, ,nr '' ana , Ta< ' mirrors are being done away w 'th tb.e result of numerous com plaints made, f'onduetora In the City i Hall elevators assert that nearly every glfl who rides becomes so engrossed "primping" before the silvered! glasses in the elevators that they for get^wljat floor they want and cause; delay. In the hotels and office buildings the conductora of the elevators, who are instructed not to speak to the oceu-i pants, utilize the mirrors to flirt with f a | r passengers, with the result that they pass the flours while ogling the f^irln. Another reason (he hotels will eliminate mirrors Is that occasionally , a p aflSrl ,g Pr from the roof gardens be 1 comes too boisterous and puts bis list 1 through the glass, cutting his hand land afierward siting tho hotel com . )nn v I*— if' j a i i Chas. J. Winkler, The New Buffet, lOlh and Shipley Sts j j j Imported Beer B?seb»ll Ticker Service I w iMë'* A I » i BttCHWOOB SEX JOHNNY JONLS . CHICAGO. Aug. 8,—There ' were [ many women delegates to the conven- j tlon of the National Progressive i Party, and there were many limes psl many women präsent to advocate equal suffrage. They enthusiastic ally applauded Colonel Roosevelt ev ery time they had a chance. The low er picture shows a group of suffragists on thoir way to the Coliseum, headed by a brass bund. The women in the carriage are; 1. Mra. Charles Blaney of California: 2: Mrs. H. M. Wllujarth of Illinois; 3, Miss Jane Addams of Hull House, Chicago. These women wore delegates and occupied seats witt their state delegations. JOHN STOTT DEAD. Special to THE EVENING JOURNAL. MILFORD. Del,. Aug, 8—John Scott colored, of Milford Neck, who was («ken to Parnhnrst, a few weeks ago, died there on Monday. His remains w«re brought hero Wednesday and the funeral held at John Wesley church. Scott, had been a member of the church for over fifty years. medora ! j j | j I I 1 I | A LOWER BELMONT M .duett, Peabody & Co. maker* ef Arrow COLLARS BRADFORD'S K Automobiles For Hire Bell Phone 398. Distributors for "THE BRADFORD," HITCH ELL, FORD, and KFGAL Automobiles, and also t'H ASL und GHAMH TRUCKS. I The Bradford Co. Delaware Ave. & Taloall SI. HTming on. Del. JOHNSON LOOKS GOOD FOR RECORD Walter Johnson, the Nationals'! great pitcher, is due to break his own 1 strikeout record, made In 1010. und standa an excellent chance of not I only topping the Amenran l.'.ign j pitchers, in his present form, but of j breaking the League strike-out ft I cord, buna up by Hube Waddell In 1904 , Year Laines, SO. Avg. 4 g 1007 .... 1008 .... 1903 ... 1910 ... 1011 ... 1912 ... It fit 147 4.11 . OR 164 members of the Benevolent Pioneer Literary Association at their monthly 31fi 200 41 . I *■ 6.9 7.4 86 214 . 30 114 11.0 Totals .1*6 PIONEERS PLAN WINTER OF SOCIALS the The enthusiasm shown by meeting last Monday night gives, promise that the amount of money taken from the treasury of the as sociation to refurnish their rooms will soon be replaced. Four propos sis for membership were received. committee to draft new room rules sppolnled, and with the expectation that they would he able to submit the same next Monday night the meeting was adjourned until then. Plans for ihe fall and winter en tertainments will also lie taken and commute*# appointed to arrange for smokers, lectures, debates, read ing of essays, spelling bees and card and pool tournament*, and It Is ex pected that every member of the sociation will bo present at this meeting. Plans are being made to have large delegation of members accom pany the delegates to the C Y, M IT, convention at Buffalo, September 1 to 4. Special railroad rates has been secured. r SPECIAL CIGAR SALE!. In Order to Introduce La Marca 10c Cigar ■ Wc Will on Friday and Saturday Sell v This Cigar at the I KS 5 CENTS i % With Each Sale of 5 Cigars Wc Will Give Away a Leather Cigar Case II REDUCED PRICES On Patent Medicines That Arc Not Old or Spurious Only Genuine Goods Sold By Us Nimrod's Asthma Cure Huy's Hair Health . Mum . . . ; . Ozomulsion . . . Mellin's F§od . . Pape's Diapepsin . 75c H $1.50 Eckman's Alterative . Green's August Flower Green's Nervura . . Packer's Tar Soap . Platt's Chlorides . . Hall's Hair Renewer . 33c 17c 17c 67 c 36c 15c 34c 1 35c 33c W 67c il fàhiû, 7» 7 T -M ii - I The Reliable Store 11 M Your Money s Worth or Your Money Back * I MAYOR WEDS PAIR; FAILSTO KISS BRIDE ATLANTIC CITY. Auk. 8. Mayor Kiddle, perform)«* his first marriage ceremony, did not offer to kiss the bride, but instead put on «n almost fatherly expression and (aid to hart "Look out for the liar. Don't be Heve what they say against you or ! yours If they say anything to you j about your husband, don't. listen to: Don't place any credence In li. for) it. If yon dn it Is bound to reuse trouble and dlatruet in th,, home, where all | should be happiness. If either of you j j feel provoked, try to restrain vexation and, above all, don't of you got angry at the same time!" Tne bride was Miss Florence M. Schreiner. 10 years old, of Phlladel ! phi and the bridegroom James W. 1 Laffmiy, a solicitor of New York City. your j both I The contract for medals to he I (.worth'd at the third annual field and be held at Horse Show I Park August 24 by the Irlsn-Ameri-1 can Athletic Association has been | awarded tp Millard K. Davla. The medalÿ will he of gold, silver and broute, for the first three places iu each event. They are round ami have a marathon hero holding a harp stamped on them. This has been j adopted as the regulation medal of the association. v I Quite a number of entries hare I been received for (he one mile novice event. It Is expected that entries for the other events will he coming in MEDALS FOR WISHERS. track meet lo ■ j Boon. H«TARE TOMES BATH. "Buts" McCabe, who »orne years ago was captain and bold down third base for the Wilmington Tri-Stats Club, when It played outlaw ball, has been signed by Manager Curt D1» mond. to hold down second base for the du Pont Chib of the AB-WUmlng ton League. McCabe takes the plate of Captain McGowan, w ho resigned to umpire in the Seinl-Profcsslonal League. SCHICKS HOME TOMORROW FOR ANOTHER SERIES Tomorrow Meyers and the Chick lineup will come a marcoin' ! home and then watch 'em. The boy* j have been going good this week and look good for n first division berth , again. Watch 'em The automobile I Marhcfka, Jackson. I he remainder of _ will be presented tomorrow. Every* | body out. j Trenton raises the curtain again j tomorrow, staying over for the hat j urday game, Lancaster comes down to be sw atted for Monday and Tucs»,. . day games. Allentown will get their. ,T Inimps perhaps on Wednesday and Thursday, and Cheater will be the meat for Friday and Saturday—ot I next w eek, remember. I A two day serli | opens on August 10, after ; Chicks hit the road for ol | returning home on Auguat 30 to end the season . ./'.. c j It Is hoped that the senes about to | be opened will he largely patronise*. j ( ' 01II , t y Comptroller, wishes to u«« f » | #1I 0 ( his friends who are not yet j registered, to do so next (Saturday, 1 August 10th) so a* to be qualified to volo f or him at. the nomination.* in Beading vhlch the with ight. games. GET RKOIHTF.RKD. Clark, candidat» for Edwin C, VI TO DAMAGES WAGON. John H. Talley, of Brandywine hun dred, had his wagon wheel demolished automobil« in a collision with an while returning from Wilmington. Mr. Talley met the auto on the Con*" cord pike It was on the wrong aide. of the road and going at an exc essive »pr»'l for to the : lirforr Mr. Following the collision I auto proceeded but not Lully found the Pennsylvania num A warrant will he served in the lier. , a»» for violating the speed law W ant Ad facta are interesting read ing to many who are wide awake to opportunity.