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The Evening Journal The Weather Fair ami slightly colder tonight. Friday fair; freah northwest winds diminishing. 20,127 Circulation Yesterday Non-Returnable LATE NEWS EDITION THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. NO. 136 WILMINGTON, DELAWARE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16. 1922 TWO CENTS. 16 PAGES. EBERT ASKS CUN A TO FORM BERLIN CABINET; LA W'S CONSER VA TIVES WIN ENGLISH ELECTION 1 I A IN FAST RIDE ( Attorney-General's Stenog rapher Suffers Severely in Accident AUTO HITS BRIDGE STANDARD AT NIGHT William R. Mllnor, stenographer Jn the office of Attorney. General Townsend, sustained serious Injuries about the head when the auto mobile in which he was riding! i -ashed Into the support of the I rÄllroad safe y gates at the P., B. & \ IV. Brandywine branch crossing, Jus; | north of Market street bridge, about' ■ 2 o'clock this morning. Patrolman Littleton R. Bishop chauffeur, of the Police Department's patrol wag />n, was operating the car at the • time of the accident. Mllnor was removed to his fath er'« home, 728 Pine street, and) Bishop was taken to his home. 510 | Bombard street. Two machines | luring the scene of the accident ( «n -itly after It happened picked up »hi two and conveyed them to their | l| tc oective homes, seriously Injured. Delaware Hospital, he ha"d suffered a fractured ekuli. f t The Nash car In which the two •wiTe riding was wrecked, havings landed against an iron support along j the Brandywine hranch of the Penn- i I «yl'ania Railroad, which runs past 1 the. north end of Market street bridge. The car was running at a r Bishop is not Mllnor Is in the, It was thought I rata of appert south on Market *ire»t at the tJ m o of the accident. lug' Jn making the turn over the bridge., the machine evidently akidded, against a light pole Anally landing »ucsirat the iron support. The sup (Continued on Page Seven) Dfflclale of the American Car and received • word that Elwood I.ewis. of Sixth «nF Jeffareon streets, this city, a < oiietntctlon engineer In the employ of that company. In charge of con »•tiuctlon work for the concern Chill, Is reported safe in Santiago, The New York office received a i raMegram from Mr. Lewi« early yea-j \ Jerday that he had escaped harm , the earthquake and .floods that have, ravaged large sections of the Chilean| LEWIS ESCAPES CHILEAN EARTHQUAKE i have Foundry Company. country. , . . The concern was also advjsert by I he was in, rare which railroads and < barge of assembling, are Mr. L is left here In May, j undam I|M. arriving at Santiago early In July. I MUST CUT JAZZ AT MIDNIGHT HOUR ✓ With inatructions to stop the pay ing of nvuslo at his cabaret in ^al Eleventh. at no than 11 o'clock each 1 nul street, near later an hour night. Frank Becton, Negro, was dis missed upon payment of costs byj Hastings in Municipal. Court Neighbors had com Judge this morning. _ plained of their sleep béing disturbed by the music In Becton's place at late hour«. COUPLE QUARREL 1 For the support of his two chil dren Victor Baker was ordered to pay 1 8 a week by Judge Hastings Municipal Court thi« morning. The court instructed Mrs. Baker if her husband fakes habeas effort to 1 that corpus proceedings In obt«ln custody of the children, she should bring the children Into this jurisdiction for tho hearing. PARTA" ON RETURN ROME. Mrs William T. Church, who has returned home after spending three week» In Pittsburgh. Tarentum and given a party last Wesley. Pa., was night at her home with about fifty i persons present. Her return was j delayad hy n snow storm. She also visited Washington. D. C. • TODAY'S TEMPERATURE At The Evening Journal Office. ; 8 0(1 A. M...47 12.01 P. M... 52 to 00 V M.. .49 1.00 P. M...52 _ 7 SUN AND TIDE. High water. 9.41 A. M. 16.65 P. M. i 4.55 P. M-j . —— [ ' .6.46 1A. M. .4.44 P. M. 8un rise*. Sun sets .... ITcn»I of Christiana. Low water . . 4.15 A. M. LOST. LOST—Ten.dollar bill, between Fourth and Market and 22nd St., on \V.»I Reward If returned to Evening nov]€-lt. n-rday Journal Office. (Continued on Page Fifteen.) Area of Chilean Calamity AWrOFAf I n w CALDERA ! ! I O GUAftOO CHANARAL rf* UMAA v • OQQU1MBO V *A VALPARAISO I K o o IALCAOLAN CONCEPCIO ÎO K • .VICTORIA A 07' — • | £J-J ££JNQ UP ON 50 WITNESSES r Mott Says Grand Jury Will Be Responsible After Hearing Evidence THE GIBSON STORY Snv. j NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J., is.—The Hall-Mill* j(| rM< jy f or Mrs. Jane Gib malnltay of the Is o be no , _ General, made It clear that when e has presented the case he will have discharged his duty and that [the responsibility thereafter will rest with the Jury. Subpoenas aae bsing sent out to about fifty persons and It 1« probable that before the end of next week „tore than that number of persons w iu have in|Jury. j ne done. The State troopers, or most of them, are off the job for the time being, and Mr. Mott and Ihibis^ chief assistant. James A. Mason. ar e doing most of the work on the ra _ an j n Xewark. not In New Bruns wick or Somerville. murder case presentation to the Grand Jury and son is to h* th# prosecution, hut there forcing af an indictment. A. Mott. Special Deputy Attorney ' Wilhur been before the Grand But no detective work Is he Amazing as it ay «eem In view of thl« state of affairs, there has not been developed as far as the publie an rt the Independent investigators know, one single scrap of evidence incriminât ing the ma against whom it Is bsing said an Indictment will be found. This Is ground for the assumption that some of the official« in bringing this man into the case at the eleventh hour have deliberate ly drawn a red herring across the trill to divert suspicion from the (Continued on rage Two.) BOY ON BIKE RUN DOWN BY AUT0IST Sykej Ewing aged 15 years of] Richardson Park, was run down! and badly Injured by an automobile at Race street and Maryland avenue, Richardson Park early this morning The youth who was riding a bicycle aware Hoepital In the police am bulance. It was said at the hospital that It would be necessary to take an X ray of the boy's head to de termine the extent of hls Injuries.' The caf was owned slid operated by Miss Ida Trego, of 824 South |.xs| Ifoitrt f? A D'PII/AI T AI/I? DLLILVE/ Mil 1 HUUAbb IIIInr , n rt,,™, ,o, . .rn Wlrrll III II ISI AND " u l ikJlin.sis — • - ■ SANTIAGO, Chile Nov 16 (Unit-1 ' ' 51st «treet Philadelphia. ed Press).—Rumors were persistent here that Easter Island completely disappeared In the recent earth quakes. This report could not confirmed, however, and many gov ernment officials declared It untrue Easter* Island is looted off the South Chilean coast. It has an area of fifty square miles and haa a population of 1.250. HAGLEV MEETING. Tho Mother's Council of the Rag-1 ley Community House will meet in the hous« at 2 o'clock this after noon. Tho first pagt of the after noon will he devotest to games after ivhlch a musical program will be given. Nob « Cafeteria, itth St. Entrance' N. U. AVAKFLES Jwjl. Saving« Fund Bldg.—Adv. * 1 _l WttJ . TW : ' V : Ui -, _ Maps showing the are« covered by the tidal wave and earthquake along the Chilean coast. Above, the dis trict in relation to the whole of South America Is shown by the dotted rectangle; at left, detailed map of the territory Immediately af fected by the recent upheaval. Janitor Accuses Board of Education Members of Snooping RESIDENTS AWAIT FINAL ACTION Special to The Evening .Tntimal. NEW CASTLE. Nov.. 1«. —George 1 W. Bacon. Janitor of that New Castle j public schools and msmbers of tbs 1 Board of Education, and Puperin j tendent of Schools H. E. Snevely, ,arc having a controversy over locks pj ace< j on *oni* doors of one of the «chool* by Baron. Residents of the city are waiting the result of the' ' contrnv ,.. sv w .„ h | ntPrP „, t Baeon recently placed locks on the doora of the cloxela 'under the stairways and to the cellar of No. 1 building, and is alleged to have made the remark that he would stop the members of the board and Pro-I fessor Snavely from "snooping around." Professor Snavely at a meeting .of the hoard last nlght repopted the f*e-1 that Bacon had placed locks on Ih»| dongs and alsn told th© m©mh©rs: that th© Janitor msd© th© remark; to him that h© would atop th© m©m b©rs and himself (Snavely) from "snooping around." This Incensed the members who instructed Profdkeor Snavely to in form the Janitor that the lock© must he removed af once or the Janitor ship would hecom vacant by action of the board. Professor Snavely also reported that the Janitor had refused to r© move leaves near the two frame] portable buildings Word was also sent to the Janitor that he must e move the leaves. Those who know of the Incident see what the are now waiting next move of Bacon will he. to DUPONT POWDER BLOWS, NONE HURT of black hlasting powder stored the Oliver Mills plant of the E. I. ^ ( .p on ( Nemours and Company WILKES BARRE, Pa . Nov. 16 —j (United Press).—A large quantity at . . , . , .... .... here ' < >5 'P ,0,,,>d todayVomplete-. •>' wrecking the press and drying department and rocking the country foe some distance. Rumors of a great disaster »w about until It was officially announc-Ihis od that no one was-killed and that no damage was done of the] destruction of the one building. The engineer. Thomas Shea, was the only man In the building when the explosion occurred, and he had a miraculous escape from death _ lu9t |, efore blast he stepped down Into a bomb-proof apartment "nd the building went in ruins above him without hls even being scratch A few persons were slightly In and the be[Jured from flying debris. An Investigation to determine the cause of the explosion^ [amount of the damage was started at once, ed. TO ADDRESS >1 A SONIC FRATERNITY the Methodist Episcopal Church and the Rev. Dr. *B. M. Tipple, pres idenf of the International College in Rome, will address a meeting of members of the Masonic fraternity in the auditorium of (the high school tomorrow evening. . Bishop Theodore 8. Henderson of Waterman P» ell«, Eversharp Pens. Eng. Free. Brofeky's, 815 Mk. I—Adv. PLAN TO SHE GOLF COURSE Campaign Under Way to Enroll 500 Members by Thanksgiving NEED $5,000 NOW TO PAY FOR NEW GREENS Mayor Harvey today came out unqualifiedly in favor of the move ment which aims to provide funds sufficient to maintain and extend the Municipal Golf Course at McKee's Hill, near the Porter Reservoir. Declaring himself In sympathy with the project and that the coursa la a ''great asset to the city," the Mayor Issued the appended sta'ement from his offlc* In the Pub lic Building: "Wilmington claims to be a progressiva city and one of the fact* that prove this claim Is the existance of the Municipal Golf Lniks. About a year ego certain public spirited citizens and Board of Water Commis sioners reached an agreement by which land around the Por ter Reservoir wa* converted in to a nine-hole golf course. The success of the venture has been astonishing, 000 men and women, boys and girls from all parts of the city have played on these links, and if we can judge from the ox - perience of other cities, thie ia hut the beginning 000 have done 30.000 to do if the facilities a Over 1«. What 1«. wifi want re offered. (Continued on Page Two ) , ) ON DECEMBER ! I I PaStOTatC of West PreS J 12 I EARS IN * | j I I I I I 1 I I I I I i 9 Formally Accepts Call to byterian Church NEW JERSEY PULPIT I m \r ^ (i « I I I t I * I I I , J ■ ' I II P I . 1 TIIL KI*.\. A. \\. SONNE, I). I). % \ V ! Th( , A w >Sonnp D n Flcmington. N. J,. has accepted the pastorate of West Presbyterian Church. Eighth and Washington I streets. It Is expected he will begin duties here «bout the first of j December. On Sunday. November 26 Dr., | Sonne will visit Wilmington In the morning and formally thank the church for its call. At an Informal dinner In the Hotel duPont last evening, h« announced to the psa (oral committee of the church that j he would accept the call. After making a few colls about the city this morning. Dr. and Mrs. Sonne. who accompanied him to Wlimlng ton yesterday, returned to their home In Flemlngton, Members of the pastoral commlt tee. of which Frank Sheppard is (Continued on Page Twelve.) issued a permit for the building of «n addl tlon and the remodeling of the old TO REMODEL GR ANT PROPERTY' Inspector Preston has Franklin street*, now owned hy the Ursu line Academy. The cost Is c.stl-j mated at 570,600. Joyee and Ker rigan are the contractors. Elwood Pierson of 2207 Boulevard Adv. Grant proper«- on Pennsylvania avenue, between Harrison and a permit for an Addition to see it re.i cist 1500. Mundy Bros. Sell Furnitur Fascisti Chief Marches Through Romo c % A ** r \ '■*' - OI-, #^ 4 41« ****** ' W * % ▼ ©C-i 8 I x * C KEWWfT»? in :î dL * ■74 <0 in w* me r , (r « A V v.a ifc'rf V 'ft * ' mat i© * 0*Vj £S^ This photograph, Just received Jn America, shows Benito Muesolinl. premier of Italy, leading hi* tri umphant Fawlstl through Home where he was confirmed In office by the king. HINA TO FORM KIM SAME RE OPPOSED BERLIN CABINET I Drunken Drivers and Rum Harrington Senator Not Financial Expert Expected Sellers Won't Find City Judge* Merciful to Invite Business Men Satisfactory to "Drys" for President Pro Tern to Aid Germany DISAPPOINTED OVER JURY ACQUITTALS Since the announcement by th© court of a policy of imposing prison sentence« on drunken automobillsts, the number of case* of operating au tomoblles while Intoxicated has about tripled, indicating that prison sen fences have no effect upon reducing th© offense, mented in morning Judge Hastings com Municipal Court this Judge Hastings a!*o remarked that In oases of liquor selling he has fol lowed a course of some moderatlon, but that in appeals front the son tences in th© case*. Juries In the county court have refused to convict a* they in about half the appealed case«. "But I'm going to continue to «end them to Jail; let the June« d -plea«e." the Judge «tated, announc ing that hereafter he will «u.pend prison sentences on no defendant« (Continued on Page Seven) DANIEL 0. THOMPSON NAMED MAGISTRATE Special 1o The Evening Journal. NEWARK. Nov. 16.— S - ate Aud-I itor Daniel O. Thompson, of New arki ha* been appointed nop Denney Justice of the Notary Public. A. McKelvey week* ago ns State Auditor will expire in .Tanu ary. Ho will have hls office as Magi strafe at hfa residence on Main street near College avenue. Magistrate Leonard W. who has been ill for many month* in a critical condition. K Govrr eace and He succeeds James who resigned some Mr. Thompson's term Lovett .Mr j liovett has served ai Makler rate un- | der four Governor's he having been j j ( first appointed by Governor P will and reappointed by Governors Miller. Townsend and Denney. CONVICT MRS. PHILLIPS OF "HAMMER MURDER n LOS ANGELES. Nov. 16 (United Press).—A Jury today found Mrs Clara Phillips guilty of murder In the second degree In connection with the slaying of Mrs. Alberta Meadows. Mrs. Phillips beat Mrs. Meadows to death with a hammer because of Jealousy of her husband's atten tions to the woman, it was found. The Jury, by its verdict decreed that Mrs. Phillips In Isoatlng Mrs. .Meadows to death, acted under ireme prov»>cntlon. ex •hloh was return I Cd after approximately 23H hours; of deliberation at 10:30 a. m.. today, Nino men and three women ren ! dered the verdict. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING. Delamore Neighborhood Associa-! tlon will meet this evening at 1661 Mapl# «treet. Plans for the coming vear will he discussed and officers j For Clover Dairy Safe Milk pitons 1540-1541.—Adv. Ten years to life Imprisonment ' will he the penalty, --- elected. PROPOSED BILLS BEING DISCUSSED, j of the General Assembly early In 1 January and proposed hills to he : offered for the consideration of the : Legislature are subjecta that ore Organization of the two branches causing much discussion in political ' circle*. The Democrats have a ma Ithar rural Naw '•*.!> or Suaaax Frianda of Frank Collina. of Nawark, hava advanrad hl» nama for Spaakar whila tha Suasax Damo (■ratio dalagallon it I« understood «v ill iiark Ssmuel \ Uulver of Del mar. for Speaker. Thor© are many metiers of Inter e*t In the ©hap© of proposed legisla- f tlon that ara also balng dlsruaaed «t , 'thlatima. Although both tha Damorratio and riapuhlican partm. advorafa tha ra-* paal of tha $3 filing tax law In thalr platform« thara will likely ha oppo (Continu» d on V age Two) ijorlt^» In both branc he* of the Leg islatur© and consequently will or ganize the Senate and House. While friends of Senator Charles D. Murphy, of Harrington, are booming him for president pro-tem the Senate. It now develops that Senator Murphy, who is n hold-over not entirely iwllsfactory to some .of the other Democratic Senators. It | ©tor* would prefer naming a presl-| has not been I'■ ,airt ,hnt «orne of the "dry" Se | dent pro-tem wh closely aligned with tho "weta Senator Murphy. a* Should Senator Murphy a' i n out for Pr^si«lont pro to f the House would no doubt go to the Speaker !■■ < ounly. j i ! HRYS TO FIGHT NULLIFICATION TRIES PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 16 (United Press). - Following the »world'. Women's ch rt« t l an Temperance 1 nlon convention which "japped I out plan* to dry up th© world within eight years, the National W. C. T. U. . von Yen Ion opened here today to ' formulate It* program for the next • two years to prevent any nulllfira tlon of th© prohibition laws in the Every S at© is represented at convention and plan* will be drawn for a battle line of th© white rib A. O. F. W. ENTERTAINMENTS. Arrangement* are being made by the entertainment committee of WI1 mlngton Lodge No. 1, Ancient Order ©cries of United Statea. boners from coast to coast. United Workmen, for a musical entertainments. ■ The committee has also arranged to hold social meetings following the business session* of the lodge every Thursday evening, master workman, is active John J. Milter, on the at the Park moving picture theatre this afternoon and evening will be devoted by tho WoodUwn Nelghbor hood Association to the purchase of playground equipment The association will hold Its next meeting Tuesday night, Novem Iber21. committee. VLAAGROI'ND BENEFIT. Proceeds of a benefit performance HANDLED ECONOMICS DURING THE WAR BERLIN*. Nor. 1Ä (United Press) Wilhelm Cuna, director-general of Hamburg-Amcrlcan Steamship Company, today accepted the offer i of President Ebert to organise a new I ih. It is believed will be German cabinet. Uuno's selection of aasoriaies mad© from th© industrial ranks andi*^ thnt he will invite into the cabinet ,, . * [ He organlx-d tho «mp r» food da L ' .... nrmlotlce maatlng at Travaa. Bal a | um and at t h. paaro masting at vnrullla, ' I ......r,., ..... .... Hr.JVI|Y MfIlyllKI.MK _ DFÂf) \FW ( ASTÏ F ULjfW /it llDff '■ Rpac | al to Th . Evanlng Journal. I XEAV CASTLE. Nov. 1«. —Hanrv I W| „ lplln . w . hn for nPar ,y a half rantlJ ronduf , t „i „ harh»n.hap and cigar «tora at Sacond and Delaware ' atrae , diad at hls homP th , 8 m „ rn - 1 man high In the bualna«« world. Herr Cuno. who Is forming a Ger man cabinet, was born ln Suhl. Thur ingia. July 12, 1876. Since 1807 he has been connected with the govern-^ ment in some capacity or other. Hi* first position was in the treasury de partment. During fhe war he <le V oled hls time to handling the varf-j sojou* economic questions brought by! Then he became dlrec-' the ronfllet. ^tor of the German grain ottlee. périment. He was a Ing from pneumona, following a two weeks' Illness. My. Wilhelme, who was born In Germany, came to this country and located here when a young man. He spent several month« in Philadelphia, where he m«rrled j hls wife who survive« him. -Mr. Wilhelme was one of the beet ^y W "„^^ w Lber of the Flr«t ; ; bytaritt n chur.-h sine young manhood aBd for s ,. v eral year« wae Mr. and Mrs. Wilhelme U. to a trustee. were married 62 yeor* *ro TVicy re sided for 46 y rar a in the house in which ho died. H© is survived by hls widow, Mr*, ; Dorothea Wilhelme, and seven chil dren and several grand children. the.xh© children ar© Mrs. Samuel Rob * r t* a nd George L. Wilhelme. Wil-e mlngton: Albert, former council man, Howard L.. and Miss Pauline | Wilhelme. New Castle; Mrs. Lauin Campbell and. Mr*. Margaret Sal mon*. Philadelphia, and two broth ere. George and Delaney Wilhelme. Although funeral arrangements have not been completed it is likely that , Interment will he on next Monday, ' *100 EINE ON STABBER. Joseph Row. who was given a [hearing yesterday, was fined *i, 00 and costs, with the alternative *of spending 30 days In Jail, on ft charge ; i of assault and battery on Joseph Labors, by Judge Hastings in Munf- j i accused of stabbing Rose and Labors a DLLAAAARK LODGE, : *• *»• « F " Tonight. Eden Hall. Ur.res In cold. The Peerless Orchestra. Ad-,|emlc, imlsslon, »Oe.—Adv. Icipal Court this morning. He was accuser. I b ■ Mexicans. t fl IN ENGLAND Lloyd George looses Fight for Balance of Power in Commons FORMER PREMIER AND FRIENDS ELECTED LONDON. Xov. 1«.—(United ]l Près»)— "Crushing defeat" of il former Premier T,Ioyd Oeorge. I whoee follower* appear to have II loet many seats and gained hut il f»w In Britain'* general elec- ! •ion* yesterday wae entirely un I expected. I.loyd Oeorge did not fight the || election for return to power aa ! PrlmA Mlnleter. Through *. "irentlemans «xree- ! mem" with Bonar Law. Lloyd f) Georg 1 © withheld hi* fire. and I h© and the premier mutually withdrew candidate* where op- ( uofition might prove loo em I*arra*s!ng to the other. All [ Lloyd Oeorge eough to do was jl to elect his mont Influential fol lowers. mHl like Austen ('ham- ji he plain, who was returned at II : Hirmliigliam by« big majority | und so to form the nucelua of a il little "balance of power*' cen ter group in Commons. Lloyd J j George determined. It haa been I known for «ometime. to give Monar lax coslderable rope and ij await the reault. Political observer*, before the j ( election estimated Lloyd (»eorge ; elect between 80 and 40 jj ! member*. This appears llke 'I LONDON. Nor. IS (United Press). —Premier Bonar Uw'r Conserva tives obtained b clear majority in the genera! election yesterday. It wi * officially announced at 4 p. m., today. Indications were that the Premier would have a conalderablo majority, probably of about 40, in the new 'labor's many victories y#s terdav ro**« It likely that this piç W ^I supplant th© Asquith Llb M leading "opposition" to th© Bonar Law government. With 614 returns In, the stand ing was as follows: Conservatives, 308. Asquith Liberals 47. I«abor, 114. Lloyd Georgeans. 33. Independent*. 12. Lloyd George's candidate* wore g bad fourth in the running, hut thla did not affect the result* from hi* point* of view so much as the fact that Bonar Law appeared likely to seeure a working majority *nd banco IoJrd r , aorB#> hanrtfut , he would not ha aufflvlant to ovarthrow h _ nv . rnm . n . A , , o'r'oak with 149 aon«tl*t..n , 0 OCK Wlth fonxtltutll *'*' (<> haard from fha Con -arvaMva. naadad but 49 mora aaats ° r ' 1 majority of which they were considered Fissured. ^ ThC h ° UM wiU composed 815 members so there remain* room for considerable change in one »"Tl 1 "" or """''''T' T f* h » r ■ «Aong ffght, making It roh » bI " » h f «h» P*«y wi" *«* tha aln TOUP In tha next °" s I e ' ha " h " n " f " a ' ur * ot tlla e,ep,lon ' 4 Arthur Henderson, how ever. was defeated. Lloyd Oeorge, Asquith, Bonar Law and Clynes. leaders of the four par ties, were all elected, the first named being unoppoted. Two women. Lady Astor and Mr». (Continued on Page Twelve.),t .,po PAt t n [»UKY MRO. COYNE Ç A TI I<R H A V MDRIMIWl I oAILAIFAl ITIURllLlU | H Cathedral cemetery, Mr fc Coyne, who had lived ln WI1 | mlngfon for the past fifteen year*. bad a large circle of friend*. 8h* born in LaCrosse WI*con*ln. Since coming to this city «he had f aken an active part In a.l charlt able organizations and was a mem , her of many societies. Mr. Coyne has received a large number of ex pression« of sympathy b<<»n«e of hls wif»'s death. Ho Is a vieo-pre* Ident of the duPont Company. Tho funoral of Mrs. William Coyno. who died in a Philadelphia hospital yesterday following an op eration. will '.-ks place at 10 o'clock Saturday mo., r.g from St. Ann's R. C Church. Interment will b« in L„„ „.„"T. t*EE THL ; Invitations to the Movies are «x tended to ala persons today through / , j our Classified Advertising Depart- ! . * Look through the classified I MOVIES TOAIORROW. «ce * I * l " na '" ** l ' e . **•£" " nU ■). How Men and Gold at the Ms Ad-,|emlc, Friday Jloday. ment. adra. and if your name Is there come to the Journal office and receive free tickets for two (war lax paid) to the special production, "The See page 15 ✓