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The Evening Journal 1 19,556 Circulation Saturday The Weather Fair tonight and Tuesday, colder,! 1 I fresh and strong westery winds. Non- Relu rnablo - LATE NEWS EDITION • WILMINGTON, DELAWARE. MONDAY. NOVEMBER 20, 1922 14 PAGES. TWO CENTS. THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. NO. 139 GRAND JURY PROBING HALL-MILLS MURDER; GIRL HOME UNHARMED, THOUGHT KIDNAPPED THOLIBHIHER i % 12-Ycar-Old Athlyn Reed Says She Jumped From Stranger's Auto Truck SIRE'S COMPANIONS COMPLICATE STORY ; f Ethlyn Reed, of Mr». Vettie 2-year-old daughter 404 North need •ntly jeropt Adam» »treet. by inn .ng without her mother'» knowledge. an invitation of a stranger to take an automobile ride yealerday. caused much excitement in that neighbor hood because of a report sh* had been kidnapped. safely were offerd in SI Paul s M. E. Church last night, by the Rev. C. !.. Hubbard, while a large number ofl police officer« and men In automo biles searched the country in an at empt to find her. About 9 o'clock the girl returned' home, unharmed, ex p.ainlng that ahe had taken a ride; and detained longer than she had ex-! pected. The police at first were In-J dined to carry the investigation fur Iher. but in view of-the fact that the girl was unharmed and the desire of the mother to avoid further publicity they derided to drop rhe matter. The three compalons of the Reed; girl were Mary Newell. 1 1 years old.-j 400 North Adams street; Sophie Mc Veigh, 13 years old, 1112 West Sixth street and Margaret Haney. 12 years old. of Front and Jackson «treats. The Reed girl is a pupil at No. Ptibflc School and her three cotnpan ions attend St. Paul'« Parochial School Ethlyn and her girl companron S started for a walk yartarday .ft» noon about 2 o'clock. When three of Prayers for her the girls returned at o'clock told of being taken fo an automo (Continued or. Page Two > Dm PEDDLERS GET THREE TEARS Anderson and Brunswicks Also Fined $1,000 Each by Judge Hastings ONE THROWS HAT IN AIR WHEN SENTENCED!' Two accused drug peddlers were each sentenced to three years' !m-jt prlsonment and fined J 1,090 and costs by Judge Hastings In Munlci pal Court this morning. They were Clifford Anderson and Ueon Bruns released on hall on Saturday on a charge of] larceny of two automobile robes. was charged with selling drugs to a white msn and Brunswick was a nnne o ■ _ charged with basing a a,nied in his possession Anderson denied the accusations a f alnat "„f while Brunswick p ea e< gu y the charge against him. In the case of Anderson, a wit testified that he purchase o the Ne*ro a capsule of supposed heroin at Dafayettc and Wa»hln*tpn street* Friday niffhf and two r *P~ and a one dollar deck of the He turn-! wick, both Negroes. Anderso. who was ness su I Brunswick. who was arrested in a j raid on a house in Third street, neat Orange, several nights ago. plead ed guilty. Assistant City Solicitor j Green stated that the Negro evident-1 ly was dealing heavily in the pur- ( veylng of drugs, stating that 54 decks of drugs and a quantity of ■ drugs in other form were found In the house. After sentence had been Imposed, Brunswick grinned and tossed bis 'dope" Saturday, ed the drugs over to detectives. sfl me hat in the air. 12.01 r*. M... 30 1.00 p. M...55]T. I I ....0.51 A. M. ....4 41 P. M. TODAY'S TEMPKH ATI R C At The Evening Journal Office. 15.0(1 A. M.. .SO in no A. M . .57 SUN AND TIDE, Sun rises . Sun sets . . . . Head of Christiana. High water.. 12.32 A. M. 12.57 P. M. Low water . . 6.20 A. M. 9.00 P. M- 1 ■ ■= ' I/OHT. ' j poodle dng. Phone ! •20-lt. (Continued on Page Fifteen.) white toy to name of Buster. LOST—A Answers (185-J. J Who's Sonn lor? cm W qpS'V I • ' ¥5 > iiZ La A ; . ! j , j «P 1 ^ ,arm of ,he lat * Senator jgiTom Watson, says st\e will. Judge W ' F G * or 5T.' elected to the gen »•« « ****??' election November 7. says he will. Both are In Wash -' , ^r^ 2*® on ~. * P ,0 the * ■. A % '1 M X - * V ; \ Senator W. II. Fellon, ahotc. and W. F. Cicorgc. Who'» goin^ to represent Georgia S. Senate? Mrs. W. H. Felton, 87-ycar-old appointee of Governor Hardwick, to All the un BAYARD 10 TAKE SEAT TOMORROW " Delay of One Day in Swear ing in of Delaware's Senator-Elect THOSE WHO MADE TRIP DISAPPOINTED WASHINGTON, Nov. 2«. —United Special to The Evening Journal. States Senator-elect Thomas F Bay ard G { Delaware, was not sworn in 0( ) av a* originally arranged and consequently a number of his Dela ware friends who came to Washing ton fo see Mr. Bayard take his seat were disappointed. He will be sworn In and lake his seat tomorrow. The delay of one day in Mr. Bay »cd taking his seat wa« due to t)»o fact that the Senate almost iminedl »<«!>' "f«»r convening recessed until tomorrow out of respect to the tate Senator Matson of Georgia. The s » na te had never been officially notl fl<>d unU , morninR of the d , ath Senator Watson and as soon a* t h|« notice was received a recess wai taken. senator Ball, the senior Senator from Delaware who will escort j? Pn ator-elect Bavwrd up the aisle when h#a i<s sworn in. had a hu»y morninfr, re^ardie»« of the fact that 7 Senator Bayard did not take his seat today. Senator Rail was busy getting detoil* relative to the swear j n g in of the new^Senator fixed up an< j his office was visited hy most 0 f the Delawareans here today, who wanted passes to the Senate gallery and other such favors, Some of Mr. Bayard's friends will remain In Washington overenight to be present when he take« his sent tomorrow. Former Senator Wll lard Saulsbury was among the visi tors today and was on the Senat* floor for a time where he shook hands with some of his old friends. Among thoae who came here to [ see Mr. Bayard sworn in today were: | Former Mayor John W. Ijtwson of ; Wilmington; R. M. Megginson. John I^iyfield, E. T. Cooper Frank D. Baldwin, J. D. Cannon. City Coun oilman John E. McNabb and Mr. and Mr«. John W. Longfellow. I_ ' TO GET Oil» STATION The Pure Oil Company i* making! arrangements for the establishment j of an o:i station or 'corner of Lancaster the southwest > nd avenue i Union strset.. For Clover Dairy Safe Milk phone 15(0-1541.—Adv. AUTO WRECK KILLS MOTHER, I SPARES S0N| \ Mrs. E. J. I>e Kite Killed When Motor Car Hits Tree on State Highway ! WERE ON SUNDAY TRIP TO MILTON .Mrs. Ellxa J. La Kite, 65. US South Philadelphia, »«reel. i Fifty fourth ] died In the Delaware Hospital last ! night, from Injurie* received afiout 9 o'clock In the morning when a Bulck Fix roadster, In which ehe was rldlnir. and driven by her eon. i Harry l.eKlte, collided -with a tree along the roadside, at the northern entrance of the State Highway to St. J Georges. The car belonged to Mra. ! LeKIte. Mr». LeKIte and her »on were enroule to Milton, where they for merly resided. when the »on failed to 1 note the »harp turn in the highway, j ; and ran the auomobile into the tree. The right aide of the car wasi »maahed ^nd Mrs. T.eKite crushed in the debrl». Dr. W. W. Kill», of'Dela ware City, fearing the woman had i suffered a fractured »ktill, called the county ambulance and had her re moved to the Delaware Hospital. She died without regaining ronacloua The eon eecaped with »light ' Philadelphia > {„ends In Milton ... oner Nichols this afternoon will go to St. Georges to Investigate the ! ne»». ; »cratche» Dr .Tam*» called to th < who was A. Dr» per. a hospital, trephined the effort to save Mrs. l«e- ' his 1 »kull H Two bon«» of th* right The left leg were Kith'» life. arm. and on* of Mr. I .'Kite said he and shattered his mother had left* their horn* In J visit relatives and Coroner Bullock and Deputy Cor- ; CAPTAIN fiEVBOLD flee of {he Public Archives Commis Sion In the Public Building, was run; SPARED BY AUTO 1710 Philip ReyboJd. Washing!nn street, clerk lit the of Capt^n down by an automobile at Tenth and iTatnall streets early last night, and rely bruised about the bod>* and He was able to report for duty «eve legs. this morning. , The driver of the car a man named Fisher, stopped the car a» quickly as possible and h ,ain R e y bold to ,he »i d » w « lk - and £'!* r£ B /r* elped Cap rch for the captain's minutes pone of the to locate the searchers was able missing headpiece until some one looked fin top of the automobile and found it where It had been thrown by the force of the collision. Twenty-one dogs were killed at the incinerating plant on Saturday, all homeless animals, or those gathered! lr bv Dog Catcher Kopf for running at | arg , without license tags, 21 HOMELESS DORS DIE IN INCINERATOR The Incinerating plant last week consumed 301 ton» of garbage 3% tons of rubbish, and 2 tons of dead the burning of animals, requiring 21 4» tons of coal. PROBE AUTO KILLING. Coroner Bullock will resume the the death of George M. inquest Fisher, who was killed on the Ken nett Pike recently by an automobile. been operated by have said to Frankly Mr. Flynn has informed Coroner Bullock that he will appear tonight .md tell how the accident occurred. B. Flynn. Dnesn 7 Want Drug Prolonged Life ;( NEW YORK. Nov. 20 (United I Press). — Georges Clemenceau. i|| visiting ex-Premier of France. . does not want his present ripe old age of «I years prolonged , by artifla lal means. He so told P'rancols Leclercq, a New m York physician and o'.d of the 'Tiger" today at the home Of Gharle« Dann Glhxon, j where he is staying. Dr. In a characteristically fero cloua manner Clemenceau 'aaid to Leclercq when the latter he- i to tell him of some die for pro gan reveries of medicine ll longing life: "You keep quiet or I will kill |l; Treat the »nake» and dogs ; want to hut let human I j I i ! you. If you beings die in happiness." SENATE GETS NEWBERRY'S j RESIGNATION / If Washington Wonders Henry Ford Will Be Candidate for Vacancy REGARD HIM AS PERSECUTED MAN 1 ■V * j "7* ■ j ' t«o' ut t««v,»a^' TRVMAN h vewbcrry. DETROIT. Mich.. Nov. 20.—(Unit No Republl -an who fig ed Pre»»> ured in this year's Senatorial battle 1 i ator Tnrman H. Newberry. Gov. Alex will receive the governor's favor a» a successor to Michigan » retiring Sen J. Groesbeck declared in an exclu wiLh »he United This will eliminate from among the possibilities Sena tor Chari*» H. Town«*nd in whose behalf th. governor -poke not . word. Representative Patrick H Kelly. 8'ate Senator Herbert F. Bak- j and John G. Kmery. the latter! being rivals whom Townsend bested | I give interview press today. er. in Among the possible appointees mentioned by the Governor are Meut. Gov. Thoma-S Read, of Hast who Is believed by many to ! have been "inside track" and Wil-jond ham M. Potter, chairman of the . public utilities commission and State Fuel Administrator. r WASHINGTON, Nov. 20 (United i Press).—The resignation of Senator Truman H. Newberry, of Michigan. I was filed with the Senate today'high (Continued on Page Two) ,n s» > ÛIVESI.DÜ0T0 , ■ AID GÖEF LINKS I urnnrr, ..... UNE HUNDRED SIGN General and Mrs. duPont Spur Workers in Mem bership Drive UP FOR MEMBERSHIP ! Members of the board of governors of the Municipal Golf and Tennis Association team captain* and some others interested in the campaign for 600 members by Thanksgiving gathered at luncheon at the Hotel duPont at noon today and talked j over their plans for arousing inter- j est and signing up members at |25 « year to provide f dr Improvement of the public links at Porter reservoir. ! Informal reports made at today's j luncheon were that ma already signed membership card*. | y persona j some paying a once, othersijn paving $10 or $5 down and agreeing to pay the remainder in regular In- * »(.ailments. . I Applause greeted the announce ment that former Senator and Mrs. 1 It. Coleiman duPont had donated I $1,000 to the association, contingent | ihpon it raising the $5.000 needed I within sixty days. This donation spurred the team raptsins ; others on to greater efforts to cap- : ! ture the $1.000 for their fund. Gen eral and Mrs. duPont will he made life members of the association. (Continued on Page Two» friend-making SRR THF MOVÎFS TOMORROW. j i nvi i a tlons to the Movie« «re ex and tended fo aix persons today through Look through the classified dur Classified Advertising Depart ment, adva. and If your name is there come V the Journal office and receive free 'tickets for two (war tax paid) to ed •The !aee th* »pedal production. He Loved." and Buster Paleface.'' at the Woman K*aton. In The Arcadia, and "Rich Men « Vlive*, at the Majestic Tuesday night. page 13 today. See I ITALY MAY SHAPE NEAR EAST MOVES * Mussolini, "Black Shirt Pre mier," Expected to Play Leading Role DEPOSED SULTAN LANDS AT MALTA CONSTANTINOPLE. (United Preps)—Abdul Mpdjid Kf fendi. Turkish crown prince, ha» been elected Caliph of tne Moham medan church by the Angora iu«m* My following: departure of the Sultan Mohamet VI. St 7 « MALTA. Nov. JO—(United Prea»> —Mohammend VI. Fultan of Tur key. arrived here today on hoard the Britiah battle cruiser Malaya. The Sultan fled from hie palace In Constantinople 1a»t Friday after be ing: deposed by the Angora govern ment, The Sultan stated he had not abdicated but wa* merely "avoiding danger." 20 —^(United of LAUSANNE. Nov Press)—Premier Mussolini of Italy | today showed every plavtng the leading role of the l«u-j sanne peace conference. After forcing Premier Poincare . and Viscount Curxon. British for minister to go to Terrlet yes « Intention elgn terday to comult with him and hear before meeting viewpoint with the Turks here in the parley that may nettle the fate of the Near ( shirt" prim* minister resumed his conversation with the British and French states Rast. Italy*» ' black 'TIIIL'VCC QTIT4I ItllljVIjiJ 01 CAL 1»D1CÇT , Ç VIDTAR . PRIES I S IHUlUR __ A Ford sedan, the property of the Saleslanum School and register'd Ini Rev. J. Francis Contlimed on rage 81*. Tucker, was stolen from in front of Harlan Fjeld along the Causewty^ on Saturday afternoon The ma *hlne disappeared during th. eec ouarter of the game between Sal»slanum and Wilmington high school footbsll tesms, A report of ** the Bureau of Police about the same lime h tsxlcsb driver reported to the Detective Bureau that he had been passed by a Ford sedan going at a rate of speed near Farnhursi The driver reported that the Ford ■cupied by two men who ed l«ck continually and that the machine bore license tag No. 23-095, on the Salesia *VH - which was the one nom car at the time it was stolen. ,-hlch if not Beside the license tag remov'd, the stolen car ran be iden tified by a ffplaeh of steel-gray paint dashboard and bolls used to repair and by several on the new nut» the machine. 'REACHERS WOULD BAN CHARITY GAMBLING 11 0b Gambling under the guise of so as the theme of an at today's ses Rplscopal Gnce called charity informal discuss! Methodist Association It was the opinion slop of the in Preacher* church house, f the clergymen present that some thing should he done to stop the practice of children selling chances for various benefits, » ft (was announced by ivande Willis, of the Marshal It on Methodist Episcopal church, he had conferred with legal author Jtiea about the selling of chances in day's charge of *Hearne, of Ulaymont. - — the Rev. that his district. The Rev. V. P. Northrup. Richardson Park, presided at to sessloh and the devotions were the Rev. W. A. JUDGE EINES 2 flned $12.50 Husbands was fined $15 and costs by Judge Hastings in Municipal Court! this morning. cused by Traffic Officer Barnes of! a short and swift turn at Eleventh and Market streeis. nearly caueing an «crident. Motorcycle* MORE SPEEDERS Charged with exceeding the speed limit. Frank Harding. Negro, was and eoala and Harry Husbands ™ ac Officer Blackiston arrested Harding. Daniel Ventrola was fined J1 and costa for disregarding a «top aignal given by Traffic Officer Belgier at Front and French a.treets. He plead guilty. • --- « -The Greeks, GRFFK, CABINET OUT. ATHENS. Nov. 20 (United Press).« binet which has h/*en. office under arMnc Premier Cm- , kidas resigned today. MOTT CANNOT PREDICT INDICTMENTS IN RECTOR, CHOIR SINGER KILLINGS i. _ CONGRESS AT IN SENATE __ Mrs. Felton Throws Kisses : to Galleries; Cheers for I^odge HOUSE WETS TRY AGAIN FOR BONUS WASHINGTON Nov. 70 (United! ongress is again in session. I Press > As the gavels of Vice-President Cool idge and Speaker Gillette fell In tha| two Houses on the stroke of nonn. In response to President Harding's call for an extraordinary session, the the 1974 Presidential campaign was I under way. Bo, h parties as the result of the startling upsets In the last election will use the special assembly and the -'»«Ion to follow as a battle ground j for the Presidential campaign of I U24. . . ' . attempt» to revive th»* bonus and *®j «mend the prohibition law» were to feature the special session. Fhlp atibffidy. appropriation bill« With the usual formalities, but lacking any pomp and other cere n ^° n * n a ^ ! m-aa called to order at 1-.01 and ih' \ 1 * f ' 2 » Th. u,n»l <r.r. nimeO " ho ' h yi '" u ' r ' no ' ,,y Mr Harrt i »"« *•*.. m obedience to his aum-j 1 Congre«» waa In aenalon. or-1 gaimed and ready for business, Interest at the opening of thej Senate centered around allflle oW lady in black, with « while collar She appeared old enough he a grandmother ,for many of th 1 younger member* of that body. She was Mrs. « _ V b*'>"n. »h» "grand old lady of Georgia ,h ' fleet woman to re«ch the I nl,ad «lg Mrs Fel Kightj-seten jeans old. Mrs. Fel ton was sppomled by Governor Hardwick, of Georgia, to All the va cancy created by the death of 'he! , late Senator Matson. Mrs. Felton's appearance in the look-|8enale Chamber on the arm of Sen ator Harris. Georgia. »«, the s.gnal for a burst o' applause, to which the animated old lady respond'd by (Continued on Page 81*.) AGED MOTHER IS HIS ACCUSER A. . uaed of breach of the peace by t, . mother losonh leindthaler hi* aged mother, Josoph Bnrt pitifully (•«me hom* fighting and generally'* . charge Municipal Court this morning was sentenced prlsonment. The »(4>tie(l that her guilty to the . pleade. to ten day«' im mother son drunk and starred creating a disturbance about the houa«. mitted that "too much liquor" was the cause of his conduct. Harry Griffith was fined 110 and charge of breach of the Hall. 619 ad I«andthaler j j | ! cast« on a peace toward Mai French at reel. m il lMNG PKHMITK. Inspector Preston has issued th« 201 West Thirty-! following building permits: Dr. 8. L. McKee, avenue alterations. $700 Peter Ruane. fourth street, garage $50. 405 Delaware I FINF.D TOR BUGGING. I Pleading guilty to « ch«r«e of 1 ktfginr Thoma» Hart na« fined $5; 'and cnnt.a h>* Judge Hastings In .Municipal Court thl« morning. Pie Pumpkin Sprouts ! Special to The Evening Journal, j NEW CASTI.E, While Mra. Eliza Townsend, of Eaat Sixth street, waa preparing & pumpkin for plea on Saturday ahe found a number of aprout- ! the vegetable. 20 .— Nov, The Ing seed 1 «hoots were topped hy green small but perfect in The pumpkin was pre- | to Mr*. Townsend by ! Frank H. Long of the Strand, who raised It on bis fa the Bethlehem I leaves, shape. sented lo rated south of steel plant. * Raymond Schneider, Mlw With Pearl Ha fi rner. Found Bodies of Slain Couple, Among First to Be Examined by Special Grand Jury Silting at Somerville — To Call 50 If if nesses—Body Will Decide Plea of Minister's Widow to Be Heard on r. * J V A L\\ \V ! hitherto unpuh F.d A recent a nd H»hed photograph of the Rev. warf | wheeler Hall, murdered New Brunswick N. J., pa»tor. n T . Nov 2«.— ^United Preos)—With a cordon of ^tate police guarding the Court houir t ^e grand Jury today started i n vest i gat Ion of the Hall-Mille mur R , ymoBd arhn .lder. der ca I cannot predict that IndlcltnenSaj will he voted." Special Prosecutor Mott said, 'a^h^wsntbefors th* Jurors. A mon» the flrat wltne»«es railed who with ^ , Pear | R„hmer, found the corpses of the R>y Edward W . Hall and Mrs E | eanor w Mills on the Phillips September M. „ r h n „ d , r -, testimony was Intend Vd to prove that Hall Is dead a teeTi 1 nlra |j ty ,hai must precede any mur ,1#r '-t«« The young man , ntera< | tha courthouse in custody of ( 8her|ff Wycko ff an(t hs io under s , u charge for having falsely , „ , - - , , / V- ,,, / / n i • , c.f rt FI ri Y jOLizt /if/# 'tf XVI HI l ti I ( II l f L j - A /, 0 JPst/Js* P/t / 1 iV/ /»» 1 .'I.S#lo J ('(If Idl /iff/ III : Curbing Ku Khix Kinn WASHINGTON, Nov. 20 (United press).—Governor John M Parker of 1/Oiiistana. earned the mutation resulting from alleged activities of ,h * KU KIux Klan In his State to Prealdent Hardjng and Attorney, General Daugherty today Parker wilh hia Slate attorney general. Coco, went Info executive oon ^ rPnce the President at ,h ' Whlt * H 0 ""- *hortly after 11 m ' Attorney General Daugher ty joined the meeting a few min utes later. Although «H parties to the meet ing were reticent in discussing de tail» Governor Parker admitted that he intended to lav before the Presi dent and Attorney-General of the United States certain conditions which he believed existed In his Slate because of the contended -domination'' of (lie Klan. President Harding and Governor Parker are understood to have ex changed several letters regarding the j n a np^ech here Saturday FIVE DRUG ADDICTS COMMITTED TO JAIL Three Negroes and two Negresses who we found to be addicted to the use of narcotic drugs were each or dered to be committed to the work* house for treatment by Judge Hast Inga In Municipal Court thia morn-i Ing. One other Negreaa, l.uellle Mar charge of tin. was dismissed on a being an addict. The addicts committed were Anna M. Chase, Viola Price, Charles Price, ■Joseph Wolcott and l«eroy Brown. GRAVER CASE AGAIN POSTPO.V ED As the defendant I* »till unable to appear In court, the v.-wrd Graver, charged with assault Jand batterv on Patrolman Hultberg laat August II. «a» continued for »«'o w.eka by Judge M unir i pa I Court this mornlnr. Grav shot hy the of case of E<1 cr. it I» a*<d. was flrer after the alleged assault. 1 -4 m' A recent and hitherto unpab llahed photograph of Mrs. Eleanor Reinhardt Mille. »Inger in the Rev. Hall'» choir, who wa» murdered with ■the rector. accused Ralph Haye»*of committing | lh# nU irder. Another early witness was the ; newspaper man who found the dead j rMtor < a vlalling card at his feet J where the slavers pul -t eo he would I surely be Identified. * The grand Jury eat around e fable, littered with maps and diagrams of More maps of WA II#. ihs Phillip« farm. rhe vicinity covered the Prosecutor Mott had a pointer with The wllnem eat ed in te»timony. at one end of the Iona table. Every rar brought more specta tors. who huirtled for point* of vant age where they could keep their eye» on the little wählte rourthouae with its statue of blindfolded Justice. The »rate police, however would per mit none to approach the building. Because the bodies of the New (Continued on rage Two.) Seeretsry of the Navy Denby de noupeed as a menace to the nation 'hose secret organizations which af a"' oMu'Ii"^^" and the admlnlelralion of justice. He did not specifically mention Th " U»P»rlment .of Justice has a large mass of Information regarding th " klan a activities. Parker denied reports that hel would a«k rhe Federal government! to take over the state government! because of the klan hut indlcafe^l he would seek tho assistance of thaj Department of Justice in collecting information that woutyl make po»-J sible the punishment of certain out rage», eral aid followed futile efffforta to solve the mystery of a double mur der In Northern Louisiana. Two men were slain under myst. stances. Parker found himself balk ed at every turn of thr Investigation and was forced to abandon It, he (Continued on Page Two.) Parkers decision to ask for Fed ACCUSED OF DRIVING CAR INTOXICATED with an As a result of a rollish automobile of -Mrs. A. G B. Ander son. 1614 West Fourth street, n*sr Tenth and French streets early ye* d „.„rnlng, Wilbur D. Huffman ,_ . "•« arr ' a, * d on a ch * r * < ' ° f " P ' r ' allng an automçblle white Intogl rated. He was held for a hearing Judge Haalinga in Municipal Court this morning. Friday by TRESPASSED OV R. R. PROPERTY Tonv Zaniorskl pleaded guilty (o a charge of trespassing on the prop erty of the Pennsylvania when arraigned In Municipal Court I his morning and was lined »:. and coots by Judge Hasting* Raifrwn N. C. WAPFVjK*. '«feteria. 9th S'. En Wll. Saving» Fu»d Bldg Adv. Nobis 0 ■