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RICH COIVCERT \DeIightful Program First - Offering of Delaware ; Musical Association ROSHANARA CHARMS S WITH HER DANCING •were represented in their best estate i a , yt the concert of the Little ,phony Orchestra in the Playhouse i;»st night. Although not as large the occasion warranted. the audi *>nce was highly appreciative and J*ave evidence of Its enjoyment by «rapturous applause of the first of 'Tu* ring of the mason by the Delà in-are Musical Association. H The Little Symphony Is unique among musical organisations. And Ci'* work stands out with a cameo* like clearness, because of the excel >rnee of the individual players that ■Vorn pose it. Besides George Bar Lr. r. himself rated one of the finest •haullets In Amerlea today, the or » Music and the danco as fine arts, Vhestr* is comprised of thirteen per Yormera, embracing strings wood. tlnd and brass. Considering the Vomparative smallness of the organl- 1 cation. Its work Is truly remarkabls. ' : Moreover the numbers . von Awhile of high order, were plaj-efl j ^with such sp rit and thorough un-| sderstanding as to be thoroughly en jÿayable to those of the public wholtors Mo not profess to understand the I technicalities of music. ! :. «0 With Roshanara. the. famous dancer, occupying tho see end or middle section. Gr.try'a Tephale et Procris." written in Greek form, opened the concert, •This was followed by two sketches | ' Ky J A. OârpMitef, "The Little In aian" and "Th* Little Dancer." | fechmitt's "Pupazai,^ embracing flve Contrasting movements, served to j conclude the first portion of the en tertainment. these the Undoubtedly fine as were compositions, th* offerings of orchestra ln lta concluding section of ihe program eaught and held the audience to even greater degree. These comprised "Calaeera ". by La-j , narra; • Mexican Lenten Chant. by • Curtla-Burlln; "Sequedilla" by AI-i°" henlx: -The White Peacock" by Griff"«; and "For My Little Friends," by PI erne. Zt I ,voting that they were greeted with prolonged aipplnuse. In acc °f da '*;® ] with ills rule.^ Mp Barrera ( declined to live eneoiws responding to the repeated calle for •'more by | _. __ „ . bowing and calling hi* orchestra to 1 Its feet to acknowledge lta thanks, j particular mention i* du ® P'* rn *'* •For My Little Friends. A1 ' hoa f h wa lts caption written Tor children, Its alluring message«, told in rythm and melody, jnade-She old voting and thus appeal ed to every one without regard to Its cloeftiir movement, "March *ge. of the Little Tin Soldiers." ln which a member of the orchestra Intro duced a pfano part, was Inspiring ln Its military effect. ! Of Roshanara, It t* literally true that one must eee her to appreciate to the fullest her art First explain ing the motives of her dances, all ef which were from India, she formed an entrancing flxure as she txampUfled their meaning ln step and posture. She gave four—Ptin tybl Kit* Dance, In a King's Garden. Ceylon Harvest Dance and Hindu Kauteh bave been delighted to have hid h.-r She ran 1 the nd the audience would add a doxen more, gamut of human emotions from joy to eorrow, love to hate, portraying . v w ^ There was naught of the baser n.» ■«wes, nor was there need of *l»*| of "art f°r arts each and *11 with * vividness that elevated as well aa exhilarated. yrorn-out excuse sake.'' to explain away any lack of tttlre. phrase, when one could not go to the temple to partake of lta gor geous festivities, the temple came to one— dancer and all. In this instance, to para COUNTY OPENS BIDS FOR PRINTING !. Letter* from the Five Points and th* Holloway Terrace Civics Associa tjons were received by the Levy Court today thanking that body fori the recent appropriation of $300 to «ach allowed for the maintenance of their fire apparatus. The Holloway terrace Association asked the court to ass'.«t them in getting the Dia mond State Telephone Company to extend telephone aervlce to their fire ! ; The request was referred to Com taissioner Buckson. Commissioner Btr&horn suggested the clerk ot the «oun extend an invitation to th«| r.ewly elected members ot the court ie meet with the court. The invita J|ons will be sent by the clerk. ri Bids for furnishing record books, Mationery and printing for the varl Mts county officials were received as fellows: H ing Company $388.02: C. M. Smith [Company, $444.50; stationery and printing, Walsh Bros., C. M. Smith Company and MattheVrs and Com pany, unit bids. I 1 ooks—Wilmington Prim SECOND COMMISSION AWARDS 12 CENTS ' A commission of review, appointed j by Resident Judge Rice, has selected j the present line of Twelfth street *» : the route of a new road ln Brandy Wine hundred to . connect Lore ave nue and Rodman road, awarding the 'Spring Hill Company, and Isaac M Lenderman damages of six cents each. A previous commission had »fleeted the line of Eleventh etreet npd awarded about $2,000 damac»* 1 The commission of review was Composed of Dr. B. R. Veaaey, ■Charles B. Palmer George Sellers fSmüh. William G. Robelen and John J- Monaghan. I MUST REMOVE Street Department Issues 1 At the suggestion of Clerk of the ! ■ Final Notice to Some Merchants CELLAR INLETS VIOLATE LAW MakPt MeAteer - to the St . rpet and Sen-er Directors, this morning, the board decided to request all patrons of the curb markets In King street, who desire fo park their cars, to back the cars on the opposite side of ihe street tt> the -market and at an angle of shout 46 degrees toward the north The director* also instructed Mr. McAteer to give a last warning to operators of business houses at Third. Fourth and Fifth streets cor ners on King street, that their poQo curb awnings must be removed im mediately or the department would remove them and aesess the cost ag«;net the properties. Hugh C. Boettger, reported 54 front door »tep« and cellar inlets In King -treat, between Front and Nln th streets, maintained ln viola thon of the city regulations, which permit an extension step or inlet of one x#ol dn!y beyon d the building 1!ne . T h e rsport wa* In compliance with Instruction Issued by th, dlrec-J last week to gat this data and prt .,« nt it to the board at today's meeting. The aecretary was instruct c ,o mall Anal nonce, to these »I ; . K , d violators with the InjunrLon that refusal to obey the warning wou ld be foHowsd by proaecutlon. Councilman Mulvaney appealed to the directors for relief from the bad condition of Lancaster avenue. between Âtlamn and Jickwn street*, where about 15 feet of the Wil mington-Phlladelphla Traction Com pan Jr's tracks are greatly depressed, causing noise when ears are operat d - He also complained of a hoi. III Second street, between Harrison 1 and Franklin street*. The directors said efforts would he made »0 re lleve the conditions, The Wllmln g ton-Phlladelphla Tract ion Company Informed the dl ! rectors that work on track repairs Mark<> ' had hf> «" bt * a » ALLEN WOULD OUST KLAN FROM KANSAS TOPEKA. Kos.. Nov. 21 (United )_i^ a , artlon t0 ouit th , Ku K , ux K[nn from Kanliaa wllI be takPn In the State Supreme Court today, Oovernor M enry J. Allen told the , Tnitpd Hr#«» The actlon^wlll be on the grounds that the Klen. a Georgia organlza , (on , g operatlng ln Kansas without a charter. Governor Allen said the action would he taken by the Attorney General and would name secretaries and other oitlclsls of the "Invisible empire" ns defendants. •'The action !» taken because of; the> number of violations of iaw be- [ few weeks "Lady Baynard." a cow buffalo, will be added to the Inhnh Hants of the Wilmington Zoo. This fact became known this inorninigiin when a communication favorable to |h( .« curlnc of th<> anl m*l was ro eafyrt fr<Mri a commlealoner of a p ennMr , va|lla reservation. "Lady | Baynard" will be placed In the cor raU with "Sir Baynard," who was ! obtained last year from Wichita Park, Kansas, by the zoo manage Jng committed by men wearing masks. They may not be klanamen, ,hut it Is necessary to stop the prac tloes." Governor Allen said. LADY BAYNARD" AT ZOO IN FEW WEEKS Board . of Bark Commissioners that within a It is expected by the ment. Samuel II. Baynard. president of »be park board, la awaiting the ar- 1 rival of the new buffalo. ELECTION COST COUNTY $12,496 Th* court also received end or dcred *l pd «>* p !«Çt!°n |«P p ctor* elected in the rural county. BID* totalling $12.496, the costs of the recent election, were approved by the Levy Court today, cost* of holding the election In this city were $10,230 and in the county. $2.266. The clerks who assisted the Board ot Canvass were allowed $76 each. I e BUILDING PERMITS Inspector Preston has issued the following building permits: George P. Booker, 900 Notting ham Road, addition $450. Isidore Rosenick, 527 East Sixth street, alterations, $250. Margaret C. Steffenberg. 616 East Ninth street, private garage, $300. William Mooney 602 E**t Ninth street, addition $45. Mrs. Isabelle H. Biddle, 807 West Ninth street, two public garages $547. Edward E. Dutton, 2302 Lancaeter avenue, addition $60. MEXICO CITY, Nov, 21 (United Pres*)—The Mexican government to day 1 «ent a note to Washington «tat Ing that the recent I ncide nt In IKEAD NEW BERRY RESIGNATION WASHINGTON Nov. MEXICO SATISFIED. gard to the petroleum project has been agreeably ended by a state ment from Secretary of State Hushes. 21.—The resignation ot Senator Truman H. Newberry of Michigan waa read in the Senate .today. There was no démonstration from the galleries. Newberry wa* not present. CRITICIZED FOR Rhoda Told He Must Stop It by Street Director Johnson President Andrew L. Johnson, of WAS REMOVING DIRT ON SABBATH £ * 6 strp<H al '.'?, SeWer ®ir* clor, > f* the moeting this morning, lectured, Tony llhoda owner of a lot on Bay-; a *'d avenue, between Beventh and Eighth streets, when he applied to the directors for an extension of time for the removal of a large quantity of dirt from the side walk in frcyit of the lot, and said he was having it done on Sundays. will give you until Thanks giving evening to complete the Job. but )must cease this work on thfl Sabbath day/' Mr. Johnson said You nnjBt hav« some r€ & a the **ws of ^ h ?*î c 5^ nl ^ y ' ' violate the Sabbath. > ou m * ** <>ur of your head you can come to this country and work on . n y £ ,8 bad enough for you to w Th^keglrtW Day_ If this work i» not completed on Thanksgiving :Day , the department will do the a j charge you for it. dec are. * ^ j 0 " 1 "™ '* ;»*> clud ' n « hla ln ' elruetlo,,. to Rhoda. _; Rhoda with several other P " *>*'■• ,all9d to comply with '''•true 'ions of th* department to r«m !h «' lar * a «mount of earth from allewalk and bring U to * rada - 1 ^''"„Mer thU mde partment had be<> n a .«veral . "' la ' !k Improvorrtent for e 1 : months but it had gone untl > ,h « working men of the de partment went to tho place to be- ' Bin operations, when the Owners. promised to have it done. This wa*,to, »>* weeks ago, according <0 Mr. * Pierson, and little work Ivas heen done by the owners since he said, Mill Tpp MAIfP JVFW 1 lflrAIlIj lllalf TRAFFIC SIGNAIiS j The police ambulance and patrol crews are busy at this time ln the manufacture of new traffic signals ( use. The new signals, similar to , that at Tenth and Market street*. 1 have paddles placed on an angle of ! 45 degrees, which enables drivers to ] easily distinguish them more than a block away. The use of the members of the am which is to supplant those now In bulance and patrol crew* for thi* j work Is not a new thing, as the Bu- | reau of Police for a long time has had all traffic signala made ln the garage workshop. Members of these crews not only overhaul all police car« but in tbelr . spare moments don overalls and turn mechanics, or painters, for the time 1 being, much preferring lending a helping hltnd In keeping the depart-1 ments machines in good order than 1 sitting around waiting fora call. I 1 ! 111 nivtm n mni t » SriillVn TRIAI 111 uEilVnl/ lUlAL - ' j - FIND H0UUE GUILTY After a Jury h-td been drawn In Court of General Session* this morning to hear the case of James jW. Lockman, Negro, charged with larceny of $13 from Kate Smith, j Negress, a nolle prosequi was enter-j ed by Deputy Attorney General Finger. Philip L. Garrett was ' counsel for Lockman. Retrial of the oaso of George Hogue, charged with Improper con-; duct toward* a girl, was concluded, wh . h a Jury disagreed yesterday, va* finished before Judge Harrlng-; ton and a Jury before the noon re cess. Tho Jury returned a verdict oEf BUllty with n recommendation or >uercy earty this afternoon. James ; fbiuhbury, oounsel for the defend M 1 «* asked for an arrest of Judgment , land will file reasons for a new trial ! ADliVD Dcnnrcn DTTT llul/Uvul/» DU l mi TOT! nilf innrinC MUoT I AY AKKLAluS Order against Samuel J. Buck for the support of * child was reduced from $5 to 13.50 a week by Judge Hastings, in Municipal Court thi* morning, but lie was instructed to continue paying $5 a week until «hej arrears of $242 are caught up. Buck] said that he earns but $15 a week and has two other children to sup-! port. A temporary order was placed by| agreement against William. R. Ash-| ley and the ease was continued until December 30. J. p. Oann was coun sei for Ashley. VICTIM IN HOSPITAL CASE IS CONTINUED ■ Mi»* Ro»e King, 204 Madison Street, who was run down and In jured by an automobile driven by Michael Grcenwaid at Fourth and i Madison St»., several morning« ago,I will not be able to leave the Delà- I ware Hospital for about three weeks, j Assistant City Solicitor Green In-1 formed Judge Hastings, in Municipal! Court, thi* morning. ln asking a continuance of the charges of speed, ■log and assault and battery against Greenwald until December 19. continuance was granted by th* couru The BISHOP UP lYITt HEARING. The Department pf Public Safety, this afternobn, in addition hearing of Chauffeur Bishop, of the patrol crew, on chargea of conduct unbecoming an officer, and that of another policeman, charged with negiert of duty, will examine a Hat of fifteen or more candidate* for po eltions as patrolmen. Bishop was In .charge of the automobile Which was smashed at Eighteenth and Market street*, last week. to the \ WAR DEBT IT ! I Few Countries Take Definite Steps to Refund U. S. Loaned Money / ! INI EREST ACCOUNT __ BY WILLIAM J. LOSH. ! (United Press Staff Correspondent). Convrlvht io?» hv l-nitna I " s " ASHINOTON, Nov. 21.—Ameri ca*s chances for obtaining quick ac tlon his winter on refunding of the ' debts owed her by foreign countries | eggijegating over eleven billion dol iar*. Appeared dimmer here today as SEVERAL PAY ON inquiry revealed that few oourtrieo have made any actual moves toward establishing contact with the deb: fe/unding commission. Of twenty na-.ions boneflciarles ot the American treasury during the* war years, oply seven, according to ! records of the «commission, have 1 made wrtures looking lowar(1 re . * funding negotiation*. These are England, France, Bel- | ^ Jugo-Blavla. Rumania. Italy >n( , PoIan(1 _ | The degree of responsiveness to American Invitations to "come and talk It ov-r " varies. n,«. beI! s f hpId her , th , t the procrastination of foreign countries ocneoioned not only by their In *T,,iiiy t „ SPM ih eir way toward pay ing even if the debts are refunded. but because In 191» they were all ^ ,h,a # ^»".ry was w , ni , nK to de<:lar ''• three-» ear n,or ' atorium on paymente pending re funding arrangement. If th. coun tries w,»u,d Immediately enter such negotiations. The proposal was never acceeded hut the Impression apparently prevailed that the three-year mora torlum nevertheless remained valid This expired In April of this year. England has tentatively named a commission to visit Washington and talk refunding, but has recently paid the Treasury $100,000,000 on account of Interest. The coming of the debt mission was delayed by j the British political crisis, but It is now expected before Christmas France, during the past summer, who a number of weeks. The nature of «hese conferences has always been|'* shrouded ln secrecy. Parmentier, however, was suddenly recalled -to I his home country, leaving behind him "unfinished business" and the 1 debt refunding oommlsskm hae no named M. Jean Parmentier, conferred with the commission for word of his return, France, which maintains that payment of her debt Is out of the question. Is nevertheless paying to this country approximately $21.000, 000 annually on account of Interest on note* given ut the time she pur chased vast stores of surplus war materials left ln France by the American army. Belgium has named a delegate to appear before the commission, Bar Ion De Cartier, her ambassador to this country, _ De Cartier, however. has vet made no approach to the commission to set a date ,for com n.encing negotiations Jugo fllatha ha* likewlns appointed her diplo mjitlc r ^ preie ntatlvo* in Wasblnr*! ton to negotiate reffindlng. iw. | Tarter, however, outside of making his nppointmei)t known to the com- j mlsolon, hae made no definite over tu res for refunding the $58,000,000 indebtednes* of his country to the United states. Rumania present in Washington who are ac-| lively engaged 1n conversations with . the debt refunding commission. 1 ' ! u possible that the Rumanian obli gation will therefore be the first on e to pass through the refunding s ; a g P s. j It alv inquired of this country last |summer when ah* could send a re undln g mission. The United States informed her that a mission would be received in October or later. Since fbB t time no further word has been received. Poland, with a deht of $153,060 - i000, and a currency quoted at 15,000 marks to the dollar, ha* declared her willingness to enter negotiation* for lefundlng her debt hut hss not fol l0WPd ' hp m a "c- up pending final d J Many intelligent mothers overlook these few simple facts about food £2 w Y 6 •* MB ni à > Every mother interested in her children's welfare meets a problem in the proper feeding of her boys and girls. Parents often do not realize the evil effects of mal-nutrition; and that care in the selection of food will avoid a large percen tage of children's ills. One of the best of all foods for providing proper nourishment for growing boys and girls is Grape-Nuts—made of whole w4ieat flour and malted barley, and scientifically baked for twenty hours. This long baking brings out a delicious flavor, makes the food easy to digest—without fermentation. Grape-Nuts with milk or cream is a complete food. Here is a suggestion for better health: Serve Grape-Nuts as often as the folks wish it. à© **• X WW: « W a There's a Reason" Y Sold by Grocers Everywhere! Made by Postum Cereal Co., loo., Battle Creek, Mioh. A Edison's "Dope ?? on College Men Wrong , Educators Say Dallas. Texas.—"The trouble with Mr. Edison -Is he's never been to col lege,'' said Dr. R. S. Hyer, presdent '"nifrTare" o^oS?** 1 'SÏL'Xr'p'™»" Vthem a little more and so probably save a great many who, If they had not gone to college, would not have been saved." Palo Alto, Calif—Prof. Lewis M T-rman. paye hologi 1st of Stanford [Univers.ty, Inventor of ;he army in telligence test who, probably has ex amined more college students than an J »her man, said "College students are not afraid work and prove it by working:. A t g a nford. a majority work part of their way through. Our engineer ing students are not afraid of dirty work. Edison has made a general hzation which sounds fine but which is not borne out by facts." Karras City—Prof. L. N- Flint. Kansas City University: "JSigtuy per cent of our men work their way through «chool eo they don't have chance to ge; out of the habit." g t . Paul. Minn—"The pleasure t loving, irresponsible sons of the rich and near rich, seem to be the only einm of , tudflntg who sh , rk work sr , d are un-*mbltious," said Thomas E. { Cullent, president of St. Thomas' College. At i, nU .—"Edl.on's denunciation Is evidently the result of observation of men who are not really represen tatlve. Approximately nine-tenths of ,he positions ln the business world are held by college men," said It. M iTesldent. Georgia Tech. chlea«*.— L C. Fllcklnger. dean ot the School of Liberal Arts. , Northwestern University: "I think • ..■■■■ ______ a* a IIIHIIIB THRIi'p' M Af!HllVFÎS niVTiL. lYlA^IlIllLaJ ÎN fAI 1 Kïfi\ l.\ lAJLLlolUll Three machines figured ln a col lision at Fourth and King streets, at 2 o'clock this afternoon. None of the automobiles was greatly dam vea anyone Injured al aged nor though a large crowd gathered about the arrange sight of a triple col liai on. A Vim delivery truck owned and driven by Harry Matt going east on Fourth street, crashed into a Hud * on touring car New Jersey cen * e ,a ®' No ' t ,r< ' ce ® dln * north on F- in B- T,® ^ " J ur ^ Jammed > nt o ,b ® delivery truck or Earl AlllsonJ who wah making the ,ur n from East Fourth street north | on K,n S street. Patrolman Morrow was on the scene but no arreets were made. mrcnr™ WM NOT DAUGHTER OF MRS. MORRIS OOLLTNS 'The Evening Journal on Bftturtlay, waived a l^ter fr^ Townseno. Del., signed Mrs. Morris touins, a. ing this newspaper b ®'P "•*' locate'her daughter\ Edna -<r . who disappeared from n r nora ! Whlteford, Md., she being « n m * " a " "*" d a Today 'Si* letter from Townsend signed - * r ■ Morris Collins and apparently slm liar handwltlng.edylfig the glr w a dAughter of Mrs. _ . rk. of Whlteford. and not a daughter of | Mr* • Morri. Collins The girl had J' interrerted on November j •, pa by ,h e police and * 5 Delt Pb _ ___ COMPLETE ELY TO RIO. GEORGETOWN British Guinea. , (United Press).—The Sam 1 r flown fr o m N>w P * ' R n<> j anPr!o , ^ ork eb r trir..,,,, ,.,,1 b >' Lleutenan ' ' , American crew, r 1 ' ■ > American contin n p . • ■ The big p'we which hart been la> Ing over at Trinidad «.hl e a new propellor WO being fitted, landed at the mouth of the Essequibo ri er. J j adjudication of the amount shown to be owed. Cuba occupies perhaps a unique position among the debtors In thit she has not broached refunding to this country but regularly pays In terest on her $7,000,000 every six months. the av . race college or university, f e « ow willing to start at the bot- I . m w ut t] 0etin 't want to stay h ' . He wanls to get experi enr _ then expects to be promoted." \ Milwaukee The Rev. C. A. Fox, DrM ident Marquette University, ' declared Edison's statements were i «weeolnir assertion« which could not b * substantiated. "The college men are i n college because they possess | t he very qualifications Mr. Edison 1 i (Copyrght, 1922, by the United ||{ Press) Educators aM ov< 4 the Unit i ed States are taking issue with Thomas A. Edison, who in on I interview with the Daily Prince ' ton. said college men are afraid of work—especially dirty work. The celebrated inventor's criti ! clsm of collegians has stirred up ! almost as much excitement as his famous questionnaire. Mr. I Edison, it was stated at his of . tire, has no intention of ampll j fying or explaining his remarks, despite the counter attack from the colleges. i 1 denies they have," he said. Lewiston. Me.—"There are thous andg of younR men now ln college { who are practicing the goepel oft hard work,Clifton D. Gray, presl dent of Bates College wrote to Edl-! son. Princeton, N. J.—"Mr. Edison's experience wih college men is very narrow due to the requisite of tech „leal knowledge !„ the men he em ployes." sold Dr. Henry Van of Princeton faculty. "That the eol iege man, does work is shown by , flgures given out from the bureau of student improvement." --"- ■ = OPhTT'CMr'I? CnPCTYPDC SKlVTKlll'/Ti Sl KKI)r'l>N 1,^ » . Tfi SFF OFAO füll 0 IV OfÆi DUtUf ViIllLL/ Judge said, "because I believe that [ you deserve to witness one of manyi scenes of tragedy which careless! driving has brought about in Cleve Iand " I The autolsts left the courtroom under guard of two patrolmen for, CLEVELAND, O., Nov. 21.— (United Press).—Eight autolsts con victed of violating traffic laws were sentenced today by Traffic Judge Swwickl to attend the funeral of seven-year-old Catherine Gilmore who was killed by an auto Saturday night. T order you men to do this," the St. Phillip Neri Church, where the funeral was held. NEW EVIDENCE JN DAUGHERTY CASE WASHINGTON, Nov, 21 (United Pr®*,).—-Important n»>w evidence" hag been dug up by the American} Federation of L ah or in Its efforts to *"(impeach Attorney General Daugh erty , it was stated today aa the exec utlvo council of the organlxatlen met to complete the cas e against Daugh-| ert >'' Todays and tomorrows *e« .1 #,,a wl " * iven over enllreIy to the Daugherty case it was stated. The nature e f j^g "important new f . wdenc g-. w;iB not divulged, but It wfts held to be in the nature of a bombshell. The movement to throw Daugherty out of office developed! after ^«ghert y secured his lnjunc- ( , ! 0n a * aln,t the 40 °' 00 * Ffr,kin * : ! Sh »i Pm f; n J aSt ® u J n " er - i \ Hearings on the impeaument will j h<! h,>,d by the House Judiciary com- . mitt ®° w '' hl n a lew day«. j , HT RT AT TODD S OUT. j ' < ? ra , h ?; m ; 31, 4Î * , East | Elflh 8trf ® t> f ®" from " scaffold ot ,bp erecting shop of the Pcnneylva- 1 nia Railroad at Todds Cut, this. morning, ffustalnlng injuries to hi», hBPk a 4I< W a« i.ken . o tite Dela war* Hospital In th* police ambu lance. His condition Is not thought DR. PFTYNOCK'S CONDITION. Dr. H. R. Pennock, who 1* ill and - away from the city. Is reported to be in an encouraging condition. During his absence from home hi* office practice is being looked after by Dr. J. Asa Adair, at Dr. Pen nock's residence, 508 West Ninth street. SCHOOLBOY IS «ILLED BV ADO) , Morris Webb Slipped in, Front of Machine at Hamorton ■ EXONERATE DRIVER; LAD'S SKULL BROKEN Morris Webb, aged 11 years, a school boy was killed by an auto- 1 mobile while on his way to his home at Hamorton, Pa., just beyond tho I üelaware ^ lne on t * ie Bennett pike - va8ter< *ay afternoon. He was a son of Howard Webb - a farmer. The lad wa ® ® tnick *>y an aul0 driven by Dodd Shuster, who is em ,,lo ^ ed by P S duPont. Shuster WAa the only occu P ant the car at the tIme of the accldent ® and he nearly wrecked the car ln trying to a ™. d *** Th ® Webb boy ran out Into the concrete road at Hamorton in front ot tho car And in l ryln f/? f et out ts way he ellpned and fell directly ; * n t f5 ontp a "-**• Shl i 3t f^ a PP lied th ® brake ® and v * 9re , d ' h « car . ^ JT" wheel struck the AVebb boy, crushing his skull and h.s shoulder a * waa dr *k*ed by the cai '- "* 1 f" 1 n, ^he an embankment along the rond OI f^, t id^hu!rt*r*#™m W»m th* °"* ra, * d Shuster from blame for the a l -_ i _ /i/\wTawitxr « a ai 1)01 IBT TOI INTV C AN ,,,tendance nlAAJvl llUO lUUlluI Samuel H. Baynard, Edgar L. Haynes and E. R. Mack, represent ing the Board of Park Commission ers, appeared before Levy Couri today, and asked for an appropri atlon of $4300 for the erection ot a| comfort station and other Improve-! men:« at Christiana Park. Frank L. Speakman, attorney for the Court, was of the opinion that Levy Court did not have the authority to grant the appropriation. The matter de f err s<j to the finance committee and jj r speakman. The error j| St 0 { Joseph C. Hutch j ÄOn( tax collector w»a allowed. It amounted to $354 for county and p 00r tax nrad $169.79 for road taxes, A motion W!is mad * by Frank L . j onee .commissioner of the court that permission be granted County Engi neer Grubb to attend the national convention of highway engineers to be held in Kansas City, Mo. The motion was carried. Another mo tion that Mr. Grubb make reserva tlon* for member* of the court who wanted to attend the convention was a tiSjtf TAKES MARIAGE LICENSE Magistrate Black has Issued the flowing marriage licenses; Robert Spense. Newark, to Sarah natrlel. Havre de Grace, Md. charges E Salfner 235 North Harrison «treat, to Maggie Bradley, T2S West Fourth street. fTHR NATION'%L P\RK ™.™K N' I !1. ^* n j le( j p re f6).—Fire, aided by a high wind, swept along a street here parly today, destroying ten houses and bungalows. The - damage was g s[imaM(1 at $75,600. The conflagration started in John Hanley's bath house and gained such headway that for a time the entire village was threatened with destruo tlon , --- _ — lost. Lawrence D. McGee, 2111 Market street, to Selims Holgate, 2204 Mon roe street. —_. . . .4— .... . . 1 Hour to Make Pine Cough Syrup at Home Kfl, ne equal for prompt rratilts. Take, bet a moment to prepare, and aarra yon about $2. Pine is used in nearly all prescrip tions and remedies for coughs. The reason is that pine contains several elements that, have a! remarkable effect in soothing and healing the membranes of the throat and ehest. Pine cough syrups are combinations of pine and syrup. The "syrup" part is usually plain sugar eyrup. To make the bee tr pi ne cough remedy that money can buy, put 2 '/, of Pinex in a pint bottle, and with home-made sugar syrup. Or you can use clarified molasses, honey, syrup, instead of sug Either way, you make a full pint more than you can buy ready-made foy three times the money. It is pure, good and tastes very pleasant. You can feel this take hold of a eough or cold ia a way that means business. The cough may be dry, hoarse and tight, or may be persist ently loose from the formation of phlegm. The cause is the same—in ounces fill up or corn ar syrup. named membranes—and this Pinex and Syrup combination will stop it —usually in 24 hours or less. Splen did, too, for bronchial asthma, hoarse ness, or any ordinary throat ailment. Pinex is à highly concentrated com pound of genuine Norway pine ex tract, and is famous the world over for its prompt effect upon coughs. Beware of substitutes. Ask your druggist for "2'/ 2 ounces of Pinex'' with directions, and don't accept any thing else. Guaranteed to give abso lute satisfaction or money refunded. The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. _L ymW4MW4M44M4WH4WMWWW»4WW* w * WWHWW M w li I! Rodney Street Garage 14tli and Rodney Sts. WM. HARTZEL, Mtrr. è Phone 569 Phone 569 4 Expert Repair Battery and Ignition Spe cialist-Storage Day—Night Service Cars Washed and Polished Purol Gasoline and Tiolene MOTOR OIL » 3 SHM44H4 H 44H44W4WW4DWW4444444 4 4 H »MSMltH4 WMS « « J > * TELES THINS OF SUNSHINE WORK Mrs. G. W. Dorsey, JrT, Asks Club for Its Support DIST. ATîV. HUGHES TALKS PROHIBITION president of the Delaware Division of the International Sunshine Society, addressed the Lions Club at Its week Mrs. George W. Dorsey, Jr., State , luncheon-meeting in the grill room 0 f the Hotel duPont. \hia afternoon. j She told of the work accomplished !by the organization in Wilmington an d Delaware for the worthy poor. 4n( j asked the support of the club members in the movement which will be held next week to raise $60 - 000 for maintenance and extension of the organization's work, James H. Hughes. United States District Attorney, spoke on the re Jasons ot his department to prohi ; bit,on. He declared the Proh.bltlon law ^ u *-l ^' e rl eral. State and c in y ffloers would a Vn/n'tve. Frank A- BaHantyna aecretary of e •- P ........ n ,' ' n J ^ ,,. hlch _ ni t held Wto Atoï-I Frida* night Councilman Alexan on city zoning and the advantages ^ ^ accrue from its estab llahment in Wilmington J Edmund Ful er president of the'club occupied the chair At w« Urge Among ' ors w-ere J. V. Lenox. Trente j an(1 H K Q reen xew York j ! j ] I (Continued From First Page.) was-over the Greeks wipes out their de feat In the great war and demand recognition as an equal among oth er nations with special rights ln the N«r East. NEAR EAST SAY The conference was opened this morning With lernet Pasha, Lord Curzon. British foreign minister Premier Poincare, of France, and Premier Mussollnt, of Italy, meet ing behind closed doors. The press was barred. TOO LATE TO CI.ASSIFY, NOTICE— In pursuance ef the statut** of the State of Delaware, In relatloaJ to th» sale of goods in bulk, Joseph Wrob J lesky desires to notify his oredltors the/ he has agreed to sell the stock in h/ store and the contents thereof. Iocs'/ at 100 Stroud street, this city, to F J Wilczyneki All claims of creditors in/ » he died with the undersigned- on fore the 27th day of November next V HARRY P JOSLYN, \ Attorney for Joseph Wroblesky, ' novîl - Jt. 400 Ford BMc JAS. T. MULLIN & SONS t * r % « Z0 » Double Service Two-Pants Suita, $25. $30. $35 Blue Serges, Brown Tweed«. Gray Cheviots and Neat Mixed Worsteds. 35 to 42 Cheat Men's Blue Sergesand 8Tlk Mixtures in All Worsteds— Special, $30 Sizes 36 to 42 Four-Piece Suits Extra Golf Knickers $35 to $50 Latest styles in Tweeds and Homespuns, Browns, Grays, and Heathers. Odd Knickers, $6 & $8 New Big Overcoats, $25 to $50 Belt Around* and Raglan Shoulders. f A « f » * MULLIN S HOME STORE 6th and Market