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YOUR LAST NAME Copyright. 1*20, by The McClure Newspaper Syndicate BY MARY .MARSHALL DUFFKK If the facts could be known no a Matthew doubt the romance or Mattnew Maury and Mary Ann Fon an would offer many In **^t!ng- chap ters. They were both Rugm n refugeee In England. In 1.16 they were married. Three years later they set out to com. to the new srorM. They aettled In Virginia, Their son Abram Maury became a prominent colonist and married Sus annah Poinderter of an English Colonial family. Their eon Abram,; married Martha Worsham, further adding to the Englieh infusion ln th« blood of the Maury's. They went from their home In Lunenburg eoun ty, Virginia to Tenneasee late In the: Eighteenth century. Their eon Abram Poindexter Maury becam prominent In politic» and was a prominent representative In Con-f grew ' It la said that the parent« of Mary j Ann Fontaln were the Rev. James IS IT MAURY? j I I ncle Tod 's Bodtime Stories Harding Administration Brings About New Era With Japan Far East Republic Keeping Pledges "I haven't any use for them."] »aid Freddie as he launched In the bathtub the little ship model which he had Just completed that afer noon In manual training class. 'Those Japs are ready to «tart war with ua the minute they've got any excuse at all and I don't think they would even wait for the excuse." "Maybe you don't know what you're talking about." replied Jack. "As I remember from some of the things Uncle Ted has said, there was a time when we were clo'e to war with Japan but not no.w. Presi dent Harding and those men with him at Washington have changed all that." "That's all talk." said Freddie, "where's your proof?" "Listen here Freddie," said Ruth who was watching the boys run their ships, "Uncle Ted Is down stairs now and he hasn't told ua a story for some time. Let'« go ask him to tell us about Japan and then It trill al! be settled and you boy» won't be scrapping about It." "That'« • fine idea." «poke up Jack. "Come on. Freddie, take rour boat out. We'11 take them Jown with us." "Another story, eh?" «aid Uncle T»d aa the trooped Into the room, «hips and all. "What have you been doing?" "Sailing our boots In the bath tub," said Jack. " "And Freddie's been saying the % oAnnouncing Good MAXWELL \ Club Coupe I Representing an advance in vehicles of its class which everyone can instantly recognize, the Club Coupe presents a contrast so striking that it is bound to take precedence in a market waiting for quality leadership. A car whose greater value the public can grasp at a glance. There can be no question that in sheer beauty it is entitled to and will receive precedence from the buyer— in blunt words, that it is the handsomest two-passenger coupe on the market. Note In particular the unusual quarter «de windows, which can be lowered and raised; the larger window at the rear, with curtain; the advanced type of w indshield; the visor, windshield wiper end rear vision mirror; the exceptional hardware; the leather upholstery; the devices for raimng and lowering all windows; the comfort of the driving position; the ample leg-room and roominess of the searing arrangement; the convenient package compartment back of the seat, and the unusually large rea'-deck compartment. Heater, disc steel wheels and cord tires are standard equipment. In view of these superiorities, mark the price. Prices F. O. B. Detroit Revenue Tax to be added Tourir* *885; Roadster, *885; Club Coupe, *985; Sedan, *1335; Four-Passenger Coupe, *123S / : RENICK MOTOR CO. 901 DELAWARE AVENUE PHONE 2182 $985 i. ' ' - 1 / id i ,o] a rj ü rN/j - / ë \ ^===T E=a mais 5 , - : J -, v . Fontaine and his wife Ann hi zaoe Bowisiquott. They had fie og . - ** r t0 Er * Iand \ n 1685 * 1 00n a or thfy were married. A distinguished member or the line was Dabney Herndon Maury, born In Fredericksburg. Virginia, in is... He was a very prominent major general In the Confederate arm y In the Civil War. Hater organized the Southern Historical society and waa I'nited States min ister to Columbia under President Cleveland. Then there was John Minor, Maury, born in ]7t>S, In Fredericks burg. Among hla ancestors he counted the Minors and the Brookei who as weJI as the Fontaines and Maury* were of Huguenot origin. John Minor Maury was a naval of fleer,, and was engaged to fight theY pirates. He married Elizabeth Maury, a kinswoman and made his home when on land in Texas. Copyright. 1J2Î. by The McClure Newspaper Syndicate .. Japs are going to fight us." replied Ruth. "You tell him that'« wrong. Uncle Ted!"' "So you are talking about war with Japan and «ailing your little boats in the bathtub. Well that gives us a good start for a story. In the first place the chance of war with Japan was pretty good three or four years ago but not now. Never since our first contact with Japan have the relations between the two coun ties been as fine a« now. President Harding, through the Washington Conference on the limitation of Arms, accomplished more toward bringing about a spirit of good feeling and understanding with Japan than through anyth ng else that has been done in this direction in the history of our countny. This was followed by an unofficial vielt of Secretary of the Navy Edwin Denby to Japan thl* summer." "But didn't they agree at that meeting to destroy some of their ships? asked Freddie. "They did promise Freddie, and ,not only that but they are keeping their promise. Not only their prom POMPEIAM OLIVE OIL Sold Everywhere ise as to the junking of certaJn ehipe ia being kept but they are also giving to China more than Shantung which was also agreed at that conference- When wo «top to remember that Japan did not have to keep her pledges in these mat tera until the treaties were ratified it means even more. Japan com pi e ted withdrawing all her forces from Siberia on October 25th and she will shortly withdraw from the northern half of Sakhalin, whiqh 1« a province of Russia The program f>f 8crap pj nfir her phlps and cutting down ,. naval e , ren gih ha« al reftdjr b *. n „, arte ,j. .... , , . ■» « <» P «in that a re ® u,t of these underetandinge, apan B " ot , to . a <nv any ' ,hl ' 1 * to * top her determination to carry out every pledge she made ° 1 ,e wor ' 1 ' na . ura ' y improving h ?r position wl,h tha J eat , of the wor,d - So L) PS ® nt Administration. through the Anshington conference and th notP • , exchanged with Japan by Sec re,; " y State Hughes. P»a,s not onlv »wept aw nfa lh 9 cloud of war with that bar Eastern Republic but ha,i ;tIso * le, P e<3 Japan reach the position where »he could take her P ,a/ ' a among The nations of the world who are looking to better days. "Two of Japans biggest ships. the Kaga and Tera will be destroyed by using them as targets and the battleship« Kashlma. Ikoma and Ku rama ere being stripped of their big guns end turrets. In December big naval port of Japan at Port Arthur, the ecene of heavy fighting Hy doing this she is O vercome that itching rash and enjoy skin health/ y., J Decide now to rid yourself of eczema, ringworm or any other equally tormenting *km trouble from which you are suffering, by using Resinol Ointment, because: — It slops itching almost instantly— Cools inflammation at once, and pro motes the return of skin health— Contains nothing that could injure or irritate the tenderest akin— Is a doctor's formula and has boas prescribed by physicians for nearly 30 years. Can be obtained from your nearest drug store at small cost—one jar good for many treatments. # A r Résinai Soap i* an invaluable aid to Resinol Oinfc for the toilet and hath Is sufficient ment, and its daily tr> keep most complexions cle$r, fresh and rlowiaf. The ideal aoap for the family. RESINOL Ark for tSm Rtrtnnl product! todof Ü k during the Rueeo Japanese war, will be abandoned and the naval port! at Malzuru will be changed to a naval station next" 'Hasn't the United States cut down the number of officer« and men in our Navy? Why doesn't Japan do that too?" naked Jack. "Jack, on December first, Japan reported through an announcement from her government that 12,000 men and 700 officers will be dropped from duty." 'T guess she sure Is playing fair then." said Freddie. 'Tm glad to know it but I'd heard so many mean things about her that I couldn't bo i|„ v - it ,lev * it. , "That'e Just It, Freddie. There ! has been too much talk of war with Japan. I know there was a good chance of it at one time, but not If the big men at Washing now. ton who are running to a good friend. It not only re moves the chances of war but mean« much In trade for times of peace, So wherever you are, kiddies, re the|memher this and remember how this new situation of which we should all be proud was brought about." ment today didn't do another thing until the end of President Harding's term, they would have earned the gratitude of every good American! citizen by bringing about «uch a wonderful understanding between our country and Japan. The accomplishment of that sort of thing Is not easy. Thfe slightest mistake might have changed it all. From a country to be watched and even feared, Japan has tAen changed COP ESCAPES GUNMEN'S BULLET congratulating himself that he is alive, following an exciting exper lence in the neighborhood of Front and Engle streets yesterday morn Ins. He charge« Oliver Green, a Negro, with deliberately shooting t' vico at him. and declares that at I «"-at 15 bullets were sent In his dl rectlon by other gunmen while he wa« chasing Green "g ireen. Nov. 21—Ed CHESTER, Pa., ward Handy, a city patrolman, Is. While he was petrolling his beat e fusillade of revolver shot« caused klm to run In the direction of the ehootlng. He eaw two men firing at " ach OIher - and when they not!cprt the approach of the officer, Green ran and the officer gave pursuit, ¥ Li iy i Ft For Constipated Bowels, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Bilious Liver The nicest cathartic-laxative In the world to physic your liver and bowels when you have Dizzy Headache. Colds, Biliousness, Indigestion, or Upset, Acid Stomach Is candy-llke "Cascarets." Ope or two tonight will empty your bowels completely by Lindsay-Tucker Furniture Company 219-221 Market Street, Wilmington SATURDAYS, 9 P. M. STORE HOURS: 8.30 A. M. TO 5.30 P. M. Three Beautiful Beds at much less than their regular prices. They are the nationally known "Bernstein ' three piece Beds, each being sold complete, with a 20-year guaranteed Spring. The designs are exceptionally good, and all have a fine, smooth, dull finish. The colors are American H al - nut, Ivory and White Enamels; shown in twin and full sizes. Now is a good time to make the spare room ready for the Thanksgiving guests. It is our business to assist you. Make use of our service. New Dining-Room Suites I ., Tudor design, 60-inch buffet, square-shaped dining table,jdw enclosed serving table, large china closet, five srde and one arm chair, covered in genuine leather. Priced, 0Q0C hfl complete.. f ... . $Zdü.UU A very handsome 10-pieee suite in the Italian Renais- 1 design, beautiful American walnut, large buffet, din-j china closet, serving table | Priced, com With Thanksgiving so near, naturally the thoughts of the housekeeper turn to dining-room furniture. We have prepared for this with a fine selection of new dining-room suites. i:; I •A' - :v -■ IT GJ""* ) I ■ir mu ill mfimm t - I sance ing table (square-shaped), and genuine leather chairs. plete. Other suites in golden oak, mahogany and American walnut, priced from $100.00 to $500.00. I S275.00 f| 704 » ß FULL SIZE BERSTEIN BED Just a Hint To Christmas Shoppers Complete with 20 year guaranteed spring, in a beautiful American walnut finish. illustration, has square-shaped posts, cane effect panelled ends, with square filler rods. This bed can be had in 3-3, 4-foot and 4 6 sizes and aimort any finish desired. Special Price, $3o.00, With Spring You can leisurely, carefully and intelligently do your Christmas shopping now. Any selections from a 25c candle stick to a $500.00 dining-room suite will be carefully put away and delivered on date you may desire before Christ mas. I i\ ¥ In this connection we have been receiving quite a lot of novelty goods for the Christmas season, dainty and use ful pieces, that make excellent Christmas gifts, and the prices are very reasonable. We suggest an early visit to our store and an inspection of our stocks. t V ljj I l = I - ^ TÎTîT" Mattresses ir i?-, : h TT » T 1 hpT All our mattresses are guaranteed new,, clean stock and are made under the strict Pennsylvania laws. No matter what price you pay you are absolutely assured of getting a fine new, clean, sanitaty mattress. We are showing a very fine soft, comfortable, resilient all-cotton mattress in a specially woven tick, one or two parts. This is an all-cotton mattress, one that is absolutely guarantaed to give comfort and service. Spe- CQ fin cially priced at.. v" 1 »« A superfine all-felt mattress built in layers on soft white felt, with a satin-finished tick. Special price $15.00. A silk floss mattress, just the acme of comfort; 33 lbs; part; covered in a very handsome ticking. Special , Ï ' I _ r 703* BERNSTEIN" BED ♦ Exactly like illustration is in stock here in twin and full size, ivory enamel and American walnut finishea; it is a very excellent design and will enhance the appearance of any bedroom. Special Price, $25.00, With Spring * in one price $18.00. . . Special imperial edge* silk floss mattress m a decidedly durable tick, $30.00 each. ft T\ r SPECIALS 4 WILLOW CLOTHES BASKETS Natural finish, 20x28-in., fine, closely woven willow; strong, servjp.eable baskets. $1.00 each. Furniture Polish. 4 bot tles of the genuine Non pariel Polish for $1.00. Kleeno Mops, a good tri angle floor mop with handle and can of floor oil, 65c each. Bath Stools, clean white enamel finish bath stools, 16 inches high, 11-inch seat«; have rubber tips on lega $1.00 each. CUPS AND SAUCERS m I it! Imported cups and sau all white glazed finish» ¥ u cers, very fine for everyday serv 10c for cup and sau / e pmn, ft* Tn\ fmfpv. ice. cer. ftT JÎJ ' nu 7 i Soup and dining plates to match, 10c each. / |j/ JL 4 ï DINING CHAIRS I quarter-sawed box Genuine golden oak chairs, frames with reinforced cor joints; seats are covered good grade of imitation TWO-INCH CONTINUOUS POST BERNSTEIN BED ner in a leather, $2.45 each. Wood Seat Chairs, regular golden oak finish, $1.75 each. ß white enamel and American walnut within reach of In 3-3, 4-foot and 4-6 sizes; ivory, A very desirable bed, absolutely rift'd, at a price finishes. any purae. $13.75 With Spring V j calling upon him to halt. Green turned and fired two ahots in quick succession at the patrolman, but both bullets missed him by a nar row margin. About that time 15 or more bullets were fired at him from the opposite direction. Green was « ipped by Miller, a He was arraigned special officer. In Police Court yesterday, and Mag lstrate Elliott committed him in de fault of $800 ball. HOUSEHODD NOTES A cteyer idea for the dessert of the Thanksgiving menu Is Individual pumpkin pies decorated with whip ped cream forced through a pa«try tube. onion. Potatoes are said to be very in digestible if they are warmed The only safe way to reheat them Is to saute them, adding a sliver of OVM morning, and you will feel splendid. "They work while you sleep." Casca rets never stir you up or gripe like Salts, Pills, Calomel, or Oil and they cost only ten cents a bax. Children love Cascarets. too. 1 m ftPJ I .-V .4§3fs! C ORDIALLY invites his clients and friends to view the Fall Importations of 1922 of antique furniture and anytMhg pertaining to interior decoration of the home. All foreign and American periods represented. Write for our Wedding, Anniversary and Holiday Gift Booklet E. J. W£gs> MAKE A Lima JOURNEY TO KZU-8JL» Ferdinand Keller 216-224 South Ninth Street Philadelphia, Pa. mm ( W M Oils Gas Storage Local and Long distance haul ing. Household good* and pianos moved. James S.Lowe GARAGE and TRANSFER 1211 Pine St., Wil., Del. D. & A. Phones 2374-1810 ! j I ! Machines to Order