Newspaper Page Text
HOPPE, SCHAEFER CASE IIP TONIGHT Former Must Win to Cop World Title From Jake OLD CHAMPION IN GOOD FORM High I I Run ! 192 195 ; ; ; 244 Jllt 140 178 STANDING OF THU PLATERS L. W. 0 4 ; Hoppe I Schaefer ! Horemans Conti . . . I; Cochran . Hagen'acher .... • 3 1 3 1 4 1 5 mPBB NEW YORK, Nov. 21 (l mted Pros)—Willie Hoppe nearly stum bled last night on his path hack to • 18.2 balk line billard : to takf advantage of the form*») title holder * mistakes and ; the world's champ, on ship but Erick Hagen lacher. German cut artist, refused Hoppe's road to victory appeared clear. Hoppe had a narrow escape. | playing his poorest game to date in the tournament, but Anally ran out| his fourth straight victory. The Anal j score wftfl 500 to 462. Hoppe averag- ' ing 22 16-22 and Hagenlacher 22. Jake Schaefer, present title holder won his game from Welker Cochran teat night Ö00 to 303 by playing fine , Is and as a result I« In position ; to tie Hoppe, providing he can win tonight at which time Schaefer »nd Hoppe ihect. Schaefer displayed • steady stroke In yesterday'« exhibi tion and finished the game with an average of 31 4-16. In esse Schaef- | fer is able to defeat Hoppe in the all ( important match tonight and Edgar | Horeman's. Be'g^an champion «I« 1 ** j as expected and defeats Conti, the Frenchman, the tournament will be deadlocked In a triple tie. If Hoppe, beats Schaeffer tonight the tourna " ment is over. If both Horemans and SchaefTer j win the triple tie resulting will j make it necessary for an extra series of games to be played and in that ease many of the experts think win be a toss up as to which wins Sport Tabloids !! II NEW HAVEN. Conn.—Yale d not look with favor on the proposed ; Eastern football conference, accord- | lng to C. W. Mendel*, chairman of the athletic board at *Yale. "Yale looks upon the suggestion with re luctance because of fhe excellent in which the Yale-Hirvard Princeton agreement i? working," he said NEW YORK—Harry Greh. Amer ican light heavyweight champion and G-eorge Eagle, his manager, will | relations on December 29. acj cord mi v bOXP I Their md Greb will Jo efter that. WORTH. Text*—Dick Kerr. »tract his own i 4 w*. T former Whit* Sox pitching *Kir » n held eut all last season, has applied to Commissioner I.andis for rein-j .statement and hope* to he hark in the American League next se» son. NEW TORK— Pancho Ailla. American flyweight champion, haa been ordered by the boxing commis sion to fight in. his own class. The commission stopped arrangements being made for a Vllia Terrv Martin fight and told Villa there were plenty of good flyweights for his attention LONDON—Ted Kid Lewis. English middleweight champion, successfullyf defended his tit!* last night winning a twenty round decision from Ro. j land Todd. Lewis won only because, he was more experienced. | I ! ■ BRITTON Will GIVE $10,000 FOR SLEEP ^ NEW YORK, Nov. 21.—(United Pre^j)—Jtck Britton will give $10. 000 to the man who Will prescribe a remedy that will make in the ring but! hl« health depends on getting rid of Insomnia which has bothered him i for a year, t-he former world's wel terweight champion, declared. After losing the decision to Mickey Walker which deprived him of hia title, Britton went up Into the Main* woods, but h« found little relief He returned to the city for a while and he is now back in the wilds , j , again. -It ie nervous trouble and not due I tQ any organic disorder*." says "I have been training for tun ty years and I guess the straii too much Britton was ittl# Britton, by the way. ssv* that Walker was not given tile credit due feim for winning the championship.' "He's the beet I've met and he'll surprise ail those heavy lightweights 1 who are figuring on having an easy' time getting the title from him. They are wrong when they say that any one could have beaten me that night. I one who tried to box hut Walk ou'.d hive beaten any BL fought me and I don't know of any one else in the class who would have done that," Britton said. JUNIOR LEAGUE MEETING The Junior City Basketball League will complete arrangement* for it« first season tomorrow night at a meeting in Brownson Hall. Man agers of all teams are reques ed to' be present at 8 o'clock. Tomor-| row night's meeting ha« especially been set aside for :h* posting of the $5 forfeit money. ST. LUKE'S WANTS GAMK St. Luke'« Academy would like to arrange a game for next Saturday! with any second class team of the city, St. Mary's Kitten and Marshall ton preferred. Call .lames Whit taker, 102 West Twenty-fourth •treet. Wilmington, after 6 p. m.. phone 4403. » LEATHER FRINGE. An overblouae of xray crepe de chine achieves somethin*- original In th* way of decoration by adding A fringe of green suede »bout the ••liar, cuffs and hem. ' HIGHEETS STILL HAVE NIGHTMARE Never Will Forget Defeat bv Salesianum on Foot* ' ball Field TWO MORE GAMES, AND THEN - By POLI/Y HY That W i I m i n g t o n Silnlanum I game I* «till being discussed, cepe cially at both Institutions. At on* institution the students are Justly jubilant and at the other there are great goha of gloom. That gam* exhibited clearly which of the two] teams was the better drilled, which'fall had the lighting spirit to the Isst j minute, which had the players who 'knew what position they were to I p „ y for aach play . 8ppÄk(l I High School deserved the lacing ! it received. At the Delaware avenue institu The result j tlon they have no alibis to offer and j^ey shouldn't after their clean-cut defeat. While Poach Malloy was ending his team through drills every day, Wilmington practiced only once outdoors. That was on Thursday. t'nach Ashton r»ad J rharge of lhe basketball squed and Assistant Coach Foulk went with the teim to Ravnard Stadium. It sa|(1 that the tf>am did not take !,he practice seriously and that very f aw 0 ( men were in uniforms, wi(h t h, entire squad at a tneet jng held in his office yesterday af ternoon at which all the fomhHll p| ;l> RH m* were present bave very much to my. th at the te*m was a fall Coach Ashton showed his disgust who were in the Raleaianum He did hot lie thought ( | team does not j their next two likely, with Wen mrn w j|j their "W." „bout all some out for. According to Coach Ashton, if Ihe come through in games, which is not To date the Wenonah goal line has not been! crossed and last week they trim-j clined Downingtown High 105 to o. • h next, very few That is f them have been There is a rule In the which allows f letters. The will really he entitled This *«»»* Athletic Association j f or ,he eliminating j only one wh to one is Captain Stout, son is about the worst yet at High it'school. On Saturday afternoon the Htgh iets meet Wenonah Military, game may he a preliminary to the Delà ware-Dickinson fray. The ' i The latter eleven won 7 ti 2 from Wilmington. Coac switch place Stout and Middiet hacks. The last named played such a hang up game the time that he in the fray that Ashton thinks that the little fellow should he glv Ashton stated that he will hsckfield. He intends to u as half wi en an opportunity. As fer the physical condition of the team is concerned, all the are in good shape with the Milikln and men ' xceptlon of "Puss" Norm Whit*. Boxing i: |l 1 1— Evans on Rendering n decision in any form of athletic competition simply nar " hl ' n " ' «nders a nl,in * ni ' * om ® v '" r ?' rlns, ' b ' ay il ,s always a rue for any number of heated disputes, Th,> difference of always confined to the active con-! testants, because the fans can take a* deculed exceptions players ll is the same hall. The spirit of o gotten so keen lhat it ia a» difficult if not more (to satisfy the college authorities as j jit is the promoters of lie professional ; game» i w* Itself into a question of jtidg ( ment. I old .story in fool-! petit ion has! in college circles, piniotf is not he Some college football coaches are ». Football i raise havoc wiih,t«»n If exceedingly hard •<* pi . short, and a couple of «lefeats ofte rhe prestige of a football 'the poor official happens to play % ! part in the defeat he is immediate-! ich. j ess a joke xmong iffieials ns to the l.v scratched Pnnthnll t ausca Trouble. ft is more college football way they are treated. Whei sn offl-; rial gives a ruling that proves the determining factor in Ihe game, he *' on< " > '* k " n for 'hat he is through working for the defeated "That is ihe last time you will ever offb-iate for any team that I | college. coach." is a stereotyped expression the fall for the gridiron Judge* ' °« P-*y. All of which brings us up t boxing situation. Decisions that fail to please in boxing circles are as numerous as on gridiron, "1* the the the diamond or I y stem of having two judges work in conjunction with the referee a success as far as boxing is concerned?'* \> w System In Doubt, Personally 1 am of that the three-way ruling is the opinion n«>: m » sa tisfa«itory as in the old days when a competent referee handled angle of the hout. gave his derision without fear or favor and then stood j his gmund. every, j years with three experts doing the Judg plaints It seems to me that of late in*. th*r* h»v* b**n mnr* r as :o th* decisions r*nd*r*(l tha ever before. Of course it is only natura tha« the judge* of any sport will often err In making a ruling Sport official* are human. Yet it I In the boxing game as well as in all other sports there is a dearth of does seem as if conditions were far more satisfactory in the boxing game when the power of giving a decision was vested in one man rath-j er than three. The scarcity of capable officials, jrood boxinx officials is largely du* to the poor rompensa;:on for th, work It doesn't seem logical to! stage a bout in which two men con-j test for supremacy with thousands! IN CASE OF MEASLES FOLLOW THESE RULES The alarming: desth *rate messies in Philadelphia, and the, fact th-st the disease has begun to show an increase here, /has caused the local health authorities to take every precaution to prevent its fur ther spread. Dr. Kotiert S. Me Birney, .* rretary of th . Board of L „ Health, has urged that the follow ing precautions be taken regarding from the measles menace in this city: a !to the Board of Health. 'It I* highly contagious. "It causes twice aa many deaths as scarlet fever. "The old Idea of exposing chi! ,dren to meosles so they can get It jover with is an idea horn in Ignor /ance. "One might aa well let a rhild down stairs every day so It can become accustomed to automobile iaccidents. ''Keep your child from "Keep out of houses guamntintoJ against disease. "Keep your child home from school, if it has a cold in the head. . "rail a doctor if the eyes are full of tears and It is tired and aleepy and complains of a headache. 'Don't send the child to Sunday! away measles. school or to the movies or any place : 'where there is a crowd, "Keep the child isolated, let no ; one see it but the nurse and doctor. 1 and maintain isolation until one ! week after the appearance of the, rash. ! ï "Do not let a child take cold while I «Jims masles as broncho-pneumo nia is the danger in measles." j j JOE WOOD IS SLATED FOR HEAD COACH j By NE A Servie». NEW HAVEN, Conn —Jo* Woo<l | of the Cleveland American League team, who has been signed to coach th» Yale pitcher*, will eventually have entire charge of baseball at that insti: ullon. < Yale, at the present time, is nof using the professional coaching in baseball, who coached the Yale team last varsity player, excellent success under his direction, it is understood that his business demands are such ,hat cannot give so much time 10 ' a,H athletic?*. understood that Yale is de *lrou* of having a high-class pro fessional athlete lake charge of base hall. as Kill clarke at Princeton. I ! ysiem of Topi mers, , year, was a former While Tal® had I Ja.k Slat lory a. Harvard and Joff T*arj>atl a. Dartmouth. Thta trio of i Ion I former big league stars have met Bill Clark® has charge of hasehall at with great success, been i Princeton for about 2A yearn. Yale feels that Jo» Wood is just the |ype of player desired and that he will fill ; he hill. Report has it signed a three year contract t coach the pitchers, would occasion no great surprise ifi. before that contra«-, expired he was appointed head coach. It I I 1 HOPE TO SETTEE SECOND Cl,ASS TITEE , : West Wilmington, one of the fore most contender* for the so-called «econd clas* football championship] of the State will practice tonight ini preparation for a big battle on the 1 coming Saturday, was arranged early in Ihe with Nl.ith Ward, but It is not now whether West Wilmington will meet the hoys from over Eleventh' street bridge or some other team. I Ninth Ward was to .-uriiig a neutral field for A return game season/ ertaln j rra ng e for se he Ka j West Wilmington will probaly meet j a contender f«>r the se«»ond class title if Ninth Ward is not available, Practice will be held tonight At Banning ami Broome streets, and embers of the West Wilming squad are requested to be on hand at 7.30 o'clock. ! but as yet lias not succeeded, resentativea of tha .two »'• I' will teams light ti alk over (lie «letails. meet i< all —— ' of dollars depending on the decisl and have the^man wh Ihe important me psrlson wilh the fighters. ConipciMittlnn Is SiiihII. In the pn«t few years boxing nffl is to give decision receive _ pittance for hi* work in onm cal* have worked in cha pionshipI contesta for anywhere from $300 te $1000 dollars. while ttye fighten | were getting purses Hu in the hun* dred thousand«. Too many cooks spoil the broth a<b«gp from à culinarj standpoint. The same holds good in many judges often l* sn .old the ring, t seem to sour the decision. Boxing is sadly in need of good; It means much to the' referees. game to have intelligence to capable officials of handle the big bouts. I that the promoters 1 ie, would realize thi* terms It would seem of the ring ga fact and offer lake it worth that would for many to > now Ignore 'hile the game wh< get int it entirely. Big IMnnml f«ir Ri'frrcci». unlimited his. Restore to the boxing referee the authority that once was Attract high-class officials to the sport by offering worth-whi # compensation. Do away with the judges and put it up to the referee. but have competent referees. No one is In a better position to points than the referee.' Often some with the judas battler kes a hit. crowd hy a lot of wild 1 swings, the crowd cheering wildly j as many of the blows appear to; To the referee things) n many « ase* the! being blocked sol they do absolutely no damage. Th«»; noise as ihe punch lands being due, to contact with the reach home, often are different. I wild swings are Blove or some] part of ihe body where It does litti* 'nr no dams»* Rasehall and football are not th*| only sports In need of officials, box I .ng i* a* badly off if not more 6oj than the rew. 1 Shot ly, Hercules Golfer, Joins "Hole-in-One" Club / der Company ia receiving the con- I gratulations of his many friends, and well deserving is he of it he cause Mr. Wholly has earned a place J or hi* name in the golf hall of fame. He quite unexpectedly has accomplished in a comparitlvely short space of time What, thousands of golfers have striven years to achieve, but have failed. F P TT. Sholly, assistant pur chasing *gent of the Hercules Pow I Sunday morning at the Wilming ton Country Club, under most fa vorable weather : foursome consisting of H. H. East mon. C. A. Higgins. R. I. I,a Resume and himself. Mr. Sholly approached number eleven tee, tnositened his hands .look his trusty mashie in hand and executed what waa oon ceded hy all In he a perfect shot. Those who play over ihe Country Club course will recall lhal the elev iditions in a ent h green Is considerably higher than the tçe nnd it is Impossible to accurately determine from the tee just how close the hall may be to the cup. Sholly was paired with La — .. .—.^ rv A ,, nn ____ Mil hillf |J J * I\| I p A Ï TTfT *** Olll/IYri LiCuiUUEj Special to The Evening .Tourna 1 . SALISBURY. Md.. Nov. 21.—Dover and Miford were added to the roster I Baseball of the Eastern Shore League at the annual meeting hers ast night; rounding out the circuit, 923 season. to eight clubs for the M. B. Thaw ley. of Criefleld Mil., elected to lend the league through I the coming campaign. replacing resigned as ( I having the ; I M. ; Walter R. Miller, vhi pres dent of the circuit, Representative.« rial the \*nt proceeding* in * Pocomoke City, Md. sey; Parksley. Va., Harry . a u, au M / Tl r' ,y 1 i nmbr.dK, Md.. S. H. H*nry; Laurel.! Del.. A. S. Williams; Salisbury, Md., ..... . i Milford, ere: L. V Rew; Crisfleld. Md. L. W. Gunby. The application of Del., and Dover. Del., ac vas • f 4 to 2, Pocomoke : cepted by a vote . , , , , City and Parksley requesting hat the later meeting represented the dation, while represented, vote on before the league. final vote he delayed until a Dr. Walter L. Grier ! j Milford Athletic; Dover was not I Each was given a ' measure which later came! As The league treasurer reported a I 0,, *h bn Inn*« of *1.628.29. A dtvl <lr*n<1 of *130 of thi* amount wasj Kl'*n *«oh of tho oriK'mU olubî. Th« "»J*'» , ' rni, , of ,hp | « ,ta > r « P V l,he Shore circuit was increased from $150 per mon h to $2000. The limit j will apply to players only and not j Ion the salary of the manager a.« long as he occupies the bench, but. should the manager of any club participaie in any game, then hi» salary will be deducted from the amount devoted to ,the players. ; The schedule waa increased from ( 0 to 84 games, the season to end on Labor Day. a* formerly, «ml in number of open elude a necessary dates. The schedule committee is posed of Henry W. Ruark. Harry Rew and Dr. Walter U Grier. Optimism prevailed at the ■essful season next year. oet Jng for h su Th* club officials were bsnqueted h* Penineula Hotel I« .he eve ning as guest* of the Salisbury Baäe ' I at {round team, teama. so «'an guarantee a good fast igame. We would like to arrange a [game with Defiance, Uhesrook. Fort du Pont. Parkside or some other team WHO WANTS IT? Sports Editor. The Evening Journal. Wilmington. Del.: Dear Sir: 1 am,desirous of ar e with some team in t ranging a g: Delaware, if they hav »pen date. a n bnckfi. <l] heavy nds. and the team Ihe we defused Aberdeen ti and they defeated Klkton the! AVe also Proving I We have a fairly averaging 173 P<> will run about • hi. . I w« same least Sa t unlay 20 to - previoua Saturday, 7 t the M ,i»»f«« Al»er«leen and several Baltimore j «*«1 [that ran give us a game. Last year we were runners up with Mount Washington and Camp Meade for the indepemient State championship and e of the leading. this year have teams in Maryland. in advance for any ay give this, I am. Thanking y< publicity y Very truly yours. REX SIMS. Coach Eilgewood Arsenal Football Team. :MILL/mDS~ The Shops of Sensible Priest Philadelphia Atlantic City Baltimore Wümingtem Dress Sale I m « The Remarkable Values Offered were made possible, through the Special Purchase of a veil know Dress Maker's Entire Winter Stock. Uä my i I u m Today and Tomorrow We Offer Three Different Groups at _ CR 1 A Il S $15—$19.75 and $25 P ' ii, f Values up to $45 *7 Poiret T v ills. Jacquard Crepe, Satin Canton, Plain Canton. Crepes de Chine, Tri cotine, Wool Jersey and Novel Sports Materials. The model illustrated is $15. r Lf rill l L I ft Poiret Twill. US 919 Market St. and 918 Shipley St. ' when The suspense, however, was soon turned into enthusiastic when on examinati Heaume, this year's Hercules open champion, and it so happened that Higgins, their opponent, turned in par three for this hole, making necessary a birdie two to win. There. I of curse, wan a hrealhles* suspense ( the players approached the > because they were not posi-j green. live, that the ball had not ovprrun.l the green being trapped on all sides, j reality. 1 the ball which | Mr. Sholly was playing was found to he resting ^nugly beside ihe flag | • in the cup. Mr. Sholly Is n granting interviews, explaining just * how these eagle» on par three holes < can be Thi» Is nY»t the first time a hole has been made in one stroke ovi the Country Club course, however, it was so long ago that the specific date and player's name could not he secured when inquiry was made yesterday. It Is understood that certain manufacturers of golf equip ment have a standing prix»» for such an unusual achievement, so the new hero may he suitably rewarded for his trouble. Mr. Sholly also howls I ' BATTERIES C, A WIN CAGE GAMES The Delaware National Guard Baske: hall League opened its sea son last night with two close games. Comba 8 to 6 Battery C nosed out the Train by the foul g nal route and « single point a fou 1 goal, sepa rated Battery A and the Medical msK'orps. the former winninig 13 to 12. Scores: FIRST GAME Field Foul Pta. ' Battery C— aW. Baldwin, forward.. 0 Montgomery, forward... 0 offl-lMmray, center . Wiggins, guard .... Willis, guard . Mctjauehlin. forward \ o 0 n ■ ■ ■ 3 0 Comb«t TraIn— B rl:tnn. forward Ray. forward . ParvlS, center .... H. Baldwin. %uard purkee, guard . o ' - » Foul rts Field " . . I " 1 I i • • n A ; A O A A . . . 3 Totals . Referee, Vetter; scorer. Condon. SECOND GAME Field o g Ô! o 6 (l < Foul Pts Bader, forward . Ruppert, forward Sullivan, center . , g ua cd . Battery A— n M . 3 A Walt (Taswell, guard 1 .erson, guar A : . i " o 13 . . .. 6 Field Totals .... » . Medical Cprpe— y elter> ,.eni«c . »«».'««•* .2 ' Totals .6 Referee,* Condon, Foul Pte. . A I A " " " " 12 n ; SET BATES FOR TEACHERS' EXAMS ! ] Rpectal to The Evening Journal. Superinteifrlent Hollo following ^ , PO\ ER. Nov. -1. of Public Instruction H. V way ha* announced the dat^f and place* for holdins teach examinations throughout the I S 'White Teachers -December 2 »n,l!'*j»; Wilmington: high school. Dover: high school. Sea ford; The px ers' 1 school, 9. No. , „ high -chool O«;»™«»»"' ... pVacTin The'n* w colored »chool j po^pr All"per.on» doeirihg to qualify as Delaware are urged to | 1 examinations provided teacher* ia take these they do not already have certificates from other States in full forre that ran he recognized in De aware. On Saturday. December 2, exam inations will be gi in the follow to th plied for same: Morning—American history nnd. civics: child study; English and American literature; psychology. I Evening—The teaching of his tory and civics; history of the United States 1763-1848; the reaching of arithmetic; English composition. Morning methods; schoof supervision: the teaching of persons i : ) • suhjr« t only who hav«» nppli«*«l for same: Elementary «chool ««lniinDtration : school geography; the teaching of elemen tary science. Evening—The teaching of Eng measurements; educationa llsh; physical education; drawing and in dustrial art. On Saturday. December 9. the fol lowing special subjects will he given persons only who have ap ROUND OP TARDV 0. S. TAXPAYERS I ( mormn * until Saturday noon, Collec tor of Internal Revenue John W. Hering announced today. Il, was announced that the Delaware (Continued From First Page.) a! A^ld deputies under Chief of Field Deputy R. E. Curtin, not only had 1,01 a record for the lochl office dur ln K the month of October on income tax work, but also had led all col of the Third di lector's districts /vision of the revenue departmen*. I comprising Maryland. Virginia, West < Virginia. Pennsylvania, and part of New Jersey, as well as Delaware, with an average number of returns secured per deputy of 81. and aver age collections of $1397.83 per deputy. in the amount of collections per deputy the Twelfth Pennsylvania I district only equal ed the local rev enue force, while In the number of { returns filed per deputy the nearest , competitor to the local men'« 81 average was the Twenty-third Penn sylvania. with an average of 46 and West Virginia with 33. These results were made public upon a report from ' th» office of the departmental visor. These averages fndirate that ; in the email district of Delaware these income tax men were able to super secure over 400 delinquent taxpayers during October. The men are con- j «idered well-trained for the work of investigating required by the Bureau, and have maintained a high standing! during the past three months. The fif'd force which will attend the lectures given by the Treasury Department tomorrow under Chief Field Deputy R. E. Curtin, include! Charles J. McDaniel and George Schafer, of Wilmington, Fred D. j Bendler, of Delaware City; William ! M. McCoy, of Hare's Corner, and W. ! Morris Ttlack, of Milton. FORE! SIGN OP FOR GOLF LINKS (Continued From First Page.) pay for improvements recently made Jjand the laying out of new greens to {replace the present old ones, which, makes necessary the payment of at i lea«t part of the annual dues by members as they are signed up. Many of the 100 members who' have signed up or expressed their in tention to sfgn thus faf* »have paid the $25, others have* paid $10 and others $5 as the initial payment. If $5.000 is assured by memberships. 1 General and Mrs. duPont's gift and the aid of City Council that is hoped for, the association will he enabled to , start building of new greens for the old course. As a side feature of the member hip campaign, a golf match has been arranged for tomorrow after noon between teams representing the Municipal Golf Association and the duPont Country Club The match 'clock at the will be called at 2 Municipal flolf T.inks. The Municipal Golf ! composed of L r J » h " M«rl*y John Hacken- , ,lorn - J I-yona and Milllam R. St* m will he is B Harris, cap ' l, » d " Po » t "*» m wi " cn ^ * ' of « • Guenveur, captain; H fl. C'hickering, John McT.oughlin. E u Kineler and Dr. E L. Laurie, H Will hp match play for eighteen hole*. These teams are repreenta 1 °t th* best that play on both curses and a close match is ex-1 pected. , ; DRAW ADDITIONAL JI RORS. t Additional petit jurors to report Thursday for the Court of General Sessions and Superior Court were * t 0 Good Lighting 'v is a necessity in every home You Owe It to Your Family and yourself to have Modem Gas Lighting Fixtures 0 f Poor burner* waste ga* and do not give you the light. Why try to get along with obso lete equipment? We have a large assortment of Gas Semi-Indirect Fixtures Gas Simmers Gas Domes mid Lamps t # SELECT YOURS EARLY 0 * 827 Market Street ¥ L 2, drawn yesterday by Jury Commis sioners Jphn R. UmhiNon and Jo seph Qr^awion, as follows: I First Representative district: Charles E. Taylor, William J. Meaney; Second: M*arfin H. Cooney. {David H. Klund; Third: William A. Casey, Alexander Laird: Fourth: James F. Denning. S. Clayton Wat son; Fifth: Adolph Dangel. Willia Laramore; Sixth: Paul Mullin; Sev enth, J. Henderson Smith; Ninth. Smalley; Tenth, John Walter F. Biggs, K IDLED MANY DEER DENVER, Colo.— (United Press DON'T NEGLECT YOUR KIDNEYS I That constant backache—that J "not very well today" feeling— and your life itself—your happiness and strength very often de pend upon the perfect action of your kidneys. Poisons lodged In your kidneys should not he allowed to remain, lest serious trouble resuit. For those who suffer from bladder weakness, annoyed hy too frequent passage of urine, scalding urine, nervousness and diz ziness. give this simple remedy a chance. Don't wait until it's too late. Start now. By leaving your kidneys or bladder just as they are. in that weakened, unhealthy condition you will probably * have to undergo a serious operation as a result of your delay. Benefit yourself at once and get a box of CH ELTONS KIDNEY PILLS Eckerd's—Danforth's— Y our Druggist A NIGHT IN NAPLES The AUDITORIUM 700-06 W. ELEVENTH ST. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 22—8.15 to 12.30 A. M. ORIGINAL SIX ORCHESTRA-10 Pieces Mt. Vesuvius will erupt during the evdoing, that will give you a thrill. A spectacle >*>A\*\W***\***\\\\*\W*\*\\\*W>**\\*V\\*\\**\\V a 5 J J À ^ SOUVENIRS NOVELTIES GOOD TIME Italian street singers n* everything. A Truly Big Night ADMISSION 75c ✓ A BICYCLE ✓ ' » For Christmas, For Health, Recreation ? « > / / ^ 5 'À S À ^ 5 8 ✓ * ✓ ✓ I 0. / !lf< « 5 X 2 / « 9 . And utility there is nothing to take the place of the bicycle. Young America must have it. There are also 9 ' y ^ W y < ✓ ✓ Football and Basketball Supplies \ ✓ / Velocipedes. Kiddle Cars, Meccano Sets. Flashlight») and Bat teries. Automobile Rohes. Spalding Sweaters, Ives Elec tric Mechanical Trains and Boats and a general line of Sporting Goods. y ✓ / «• / 9 r /• ■ H. W. Vandever Co., 909 Market St. 9 . /' / / >\\A \\\AN \VV\\N\\\VN\\V\\\V\\\\\S\\\\U\V\\N\\\\V\ < killed in Colorado —More deer were in the four day hunting: season this before in the eame fall, tha period of time, according to the re port of the state fish and game de partment. Approximately 900 of the killed, which is about ever animals 300 more than last season. vere ELABORATE Hr address. headdresses The most elaborate and evening hats are making their Triple bandeaux of -ith brilliants. appearance. ■ilver ribbon, studded jet bandeaux, tulle* bow», small flow fringes. ribbons, rreaths. silk beads and feathers, are used. • r