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SOCIAL AND PERSON AH WALKER. TALKER, BXLKEB. vas a young lady named Walker. Who sometimes was quite a great There talker. When a man came around £he would run like a hound— At cheese she was always a balker 0 V. P. MKKTIXG TONIGHT. The official board of the Federa tion of the Young Peoples' Branch Oi the W. C. T. t T ., Will meet this evening at the home of Mrs. Kath 113 West Thirtieth ' erine Watson, street. EVENING AT CARDS. Many prizes were awarded at the card party given last evening by the Catholic Daughters of Ameri ca, at the Girls' Catholic Home, 909 Delaware avenue. Mrs. O'Toole and Miss Estella Lange were hostesses. The proceeds will be given to charity. J. Fred —o ERSE UNE RE MAI AGE SALE. A rummage sale for the benefit | of the Ursuline Academy building fund will be held tomoroiv at 1027 Onange street. All persons having donations are asked to phone 7504 and the articles will be oollected. — SURPRISE PARTY. Friends of Mrs. S. Leon Ennis. • I 1121 Gillts street, gave her a sur prise party at her home last even ing. About 25 guests wer« present. Mrs. Ennis received many pretty gifts. CARD PARTY FOR SICK James A. Draper Branch of the Delaware Hospital will hold a card party at 2 o'clock tomorrow after noon at the nurses' home, Four teenth and Washington streets. The proceeds will be given to furnish Thanksgiving and Christmas cheer for patients In the public wards of the hospital. Reservations may be made by phoning Mrs. H. W. Briggs, 1477. SUPPER AT UNION The Ladlos' Aid Society of Union M. E. Church will give a turkey sup per on, Thursday evening In the church house. Fifth and Washing ton streets. The first table will he served at 5.30 o'clock. Mrs. Arthur Allflton and Mrs. Milton Roger.«, chairmen, with Mrs. William Church j Mrs. Daniel Jester. Mrs. Joseph f Brinton, Mrs. Willard Wright and Mrs. George Ward are In eharge of the tables and with their waitresses will give ready service. Tlrkets will be on sale at the door by Mr«. Theo dore W. Francis. ful • is -0 CHORES SINGS TONIGHT. The weekly sing of the Wilming ton Community Clforu* will he held it 8 o'clock this evening In the Wil mington High School annex. Next Tuesday evening the ThankeglviTig aervlce will he held in the echnnl Auditorium, rence, chairman for the evening, ha prepared a delightful program. Under the direction of the chorus, a radio concert will he given In the ichool auditorium on Friday even ing. MIm Anna C. Law CRASS SOCIAL SESSION. Mlzpah Sunday school class of STORK or«*» DAII.T AT S *. M AND CLOSES AT 5.30 V. M. B HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE I © D ■ h . • o, r oAH fii JL fi v. M !■ : O ■■ , MJ ' , Market Eighth One Yellow Trading Stamp With Every 10c Porcbase All Pay seventh I'll 1 LA DELPHI WOMEN'S & MISSES' i CS 30 - '50 Coatsis A 1 With Luxurious Big Fur Collars ill An Anniversary purchase that takes rank among the / best achievements in our history. Sketch shows several of the stunning styles. • ; U ■ft rva 7 a .. \ il I t ,r OH Vil A™ « / •f r \ ©r, lül vC. ' I V t Æ 1 [A O 01 -t A 4 t fit, AL.» F IJ, *■ i î . > •, 8 i \ > t ii I /'j , , V F i / ? f] 25 - km 5* 2Ï5-T [>2*y ).y fc 25 Beautiful, dressy wraps, swagger sports and utility coats developed from superior qualities of— Plain and corded bolivia, suedine, Scotch tweed, chamoistyne, plaid-back coating or seal plush and topped with handsome collars of caracul, black opos sum, raccoon and beaverette. These coats are all richly lined with plain or fancy peau de cygne and warmly inter lined. Many have their beauty enhanced by effective embroidery, braiding or buckles. All sizes, including stouts—and styles to meet every need. TM Sro»5fr,--AECOND FLOOR MAIL OB PROM ORDERS FILLED—BELL. WALNIT «300—KETSTONE. MAIN 4101 KLAN IS NOT IN POLITICS, SAVAGE SAYS ATLANTA, Ga.. Nov. 21 (United Press).—Denial that the Ku Klux: Klan as an organisation is "in poll tic« in Louisiana or elsewhere," was made In a statement issued at Klan headquarters today by F. L. Savage, chief of staff. Replying to Governor John M.l Parker who conferred with Presl-J dent Harding at Washington regard lng activities of the Klan, Savage declared that the action of the Louisiana executive was of "cbm-j paratlvely small Interest" to hla or-1 ganlzatlnn. "Governor Parker's rabid anlag onism to the Klan Is a matter of general knowledge and of little lm portance," said Savage. "If he 1« unable to prevent law lessness In Louisiana It would be in better grace for him to ask the K - Klux Klan to help him than for hint to attempt, as a sort of political alibi, jo lay miedeeds of criminals at the door of an organization which stands for law enforcement." WHIPPED FOR ROOTING FOR VISITING TKAM Special to The Evening Journal. ELKTON. Md.. Nov. 21.—Because he rooted for an out-of-town team. In a recent euceor game played at Rock Hall. It Is alleged that B. H. Cohourn. Jr., aged 15 years, of That town, was given rough treatment bj me of his pals. Cohourn. It Is alleged, was stripped of clothing. hands tied to a rafler in a stable and whipped with a carriage whip. The ease will come before a Rook Hall Justice of the Peace, warrants hav ing been sworn out for the alleged offenders. I Mrs George R. Ash, editress of the "Cecil Democrat." of Elkfon.who has been undergoing treatment for the past eight weeks in a Philadel phia hospital, has returned home much Improved In health. COUNTY BALANCES Waiter S. Burris county treasurer, reported to the Levy Court today the New Castle miscellaneous *3.447.85; Red Lion, 12,853.84; St. George«, $1.790.07. following balance»: county, $277.428.86; road account. $22.795.44; Brandywine. Blackbird. $1,261.76; $290.67 ; Christiana, $8 ( 170.76 ; Appoquini mink $1.776.98; White Clay Greek. $7.61 8.06; Creek, $8,435,99; $4,928.05; Mill New Castle, Pencader. Grace M. E. church met hast even- ing at the home of Mrs. P. H. Stover. 1012 Adams street. Follow- ing the business meeting a delight- ful social hour was held and re- freshment« were served. -0 IT IS HIS BIRTHDAY • Charles A. Taylor. Coroner-elect, is receiving congratulations today from his many friends in honor of his birthday anniversary. yimerican Beauty WE HAVE 'EM, TOO HOME WASHER CO. 4 W. SEVENTH STREET. i 2,000,000 BASKETS POTATOES STORED ; Special to Thi' Evening Journal. GKORGETOW.V, Nov. 21.—A «nr , . , ,. _ • ° e s ,l " ' sex county has been conducted by County Agent -Malloy C. Vaughan and shows that at the present time) there are more than two million baskets stored In the different stor-ifor age houses- in the county. It is es-j tlmated thut the farmer« who do not make use of storage houses during t |ie winter have possibly a quarter of million more baskets buried housed on their farms. Growers at this time seem to be! unable to ilnd a market, and unless^ t he crop i« moved between now and spring It Is going to mean a loss of hundreds of thousand» of dollars •> them. The market is the lowest fo-l years, and at present they ran bo! purchased from ten to fifteen cents! half bushel. or COON SI PPED. A coon supper was- enjoyed at the home of Ç. F. Combs on Saturday night* in honor of the coon hunters,! by C. F. Combs. Those present were Roger Elderkin, C. P. Combs, Paul iRidgon. Robert Cantl < lantier, Jr . John liams, Robert Hollingsworth, Henry Pike, Daniel Toomey, Peck Bu chanan, Dutch, Baird, William Broach, Joseph Combs, Frank Web ster,% Robert Cathcart. George Smith, Mrs. C. F. Combs, Mrs. William j Brown, Mrs. George Smith, Ellen j Combs. Mary Brown, Marguerite Combs, Heisler Combs, Elinora, Oliva and Watson Smith. , Sr„ Robert Ottey, Lea Wll A Ï > I m rtf * &/l / 4ft IFfjBT _ iVeduces swelling, —starts blood circulating ! The pains of strains and sprains are due to congestions. Just I quicken the circulation, and the I inflammation and pain sultside— I disappear. Without rubbing, Sloan's penetrates and breaks up I the painful congestion. Sloan's relieve, rheumatic pains, soothes neuralgia, warms and comforts tired, aching hacks. Loosenscongeationfrom colds In cheat. Keep it handy. Sloan* Liniment*4rYA pain! CATHOLIC WOMEN TO I WASHINGTON, Nov. 21 (United | Preas.—The National Council of I , ... , I alho lc Women, In session toda^ I f 0r a f 0 yr-day meeting, will devote i much of ils time to a discussion of j immigration problems. Commission the principal address. Bruce M. Moliler, chairman, will tell what the National Catholic Wet fare Bureau is doing at the ports of j I New York, Philadelphia and Seattle, j island and industrial cities. j Joseph I, Breen, who has just re )urned f rom Europe where he spent j a y Pnr making a thorough study of - immigration problems will make a ! I of Immigration Husband is down Other speakers will talk on welfare ! work among immigrants at Kills I follow up work in big report. recommending legislation for the council to support. Another international report will be made by Miss Mary €. Tinney, of the New York City department of public welfare, who represented the Cath olic women's council at fgur inter national conferences in Europe. Other subjects to be discussed at the convention are Women in In dustry, social legislation, and the place of women in the professions. j j American Beauty ELECTRIC IRON ¥ The beat iron made It* sturdy construction assures years of service. » No trouble, no delayed ironings with the "•American Beauty" The trifling extra first cost is offset many times by its reliability and durability. Sold by Dealers and Electrical Companies Everywhere. Manufactured by American Electrical Heater Company, DETROIT Oldeat and Largest Exclusive Makers. Established 1884 j' S? / * A y 29 45 American Beauty • Headquarters in Wilmington 4 Lippincott & Co., Inc. 306-314 MARKET STREET * ess*—rr ✓ ✓ ✓ / ✓ r ✓ * ✓ / * ✓ y / ✓ ✓ y y y y y « y y y ✓ y ? 'y jflmerican Beauty ELECTRIC IRON y ✓ ✓ y K ✓ The beat Iron made We push the sale of this iron because it is our policy to sell only the best. Of course it costs a little more at first but is cheaper in the end. I y > y / 1 £ y Geo. W. McCaulley & Son, Inc. 103 W. Eighth St. Phone 2901-W. ✓ / / I ."j6oo y Annual Home Convention of the Christian and Missionary Alliance 504 W. FIFTH STREET Opens Tomorrow Evening y jj y y y 5 . / » î y y X x X ; ✓ X z' * ; ✓ ; ✓ c / 6* t . i at 7.30 and will continue over the following Sun day. Services each day : ✓ ; y y s I. T V: y y at 2.30 and 7.30. y *. y / ✓ Sunday, Nov. 26 th, al A ✓ y i i y / N 14' 10.30 2.30 7.30 The preachers will he: REV. S. W. McGARVEY of Huntingdon, Pa. Bible Teacher and Evangelist Don't Miss This Splendid Opportunity—All Are Invited y y ✓ / y y ✓ y y / REV. F. B. CALLIT, Of Corning. N. Y . who will give special add subject of the Chrlnt. ✓ a Bible teacher, e» »»n the .Second Coming of ✓ y y X y / FIRST TURKEYS TO COST UP TO 65 CENTS | According -to poultry Thanksgiving turkey« will be plenti fui this year a: 60 and 6o cents a ))ound Ducks will sell at 10 cents a pound. j a« f or trimmings, cranberries will be from 15 to 25 cents a quart, and pound, j.- or a family of five the following estimate will give some Idea how j much the head of the house will j have to set aside for the annual] Vegetables ! Mince Pie dealers mincemeat from 15 to 35 cents a feast: j • j .15 I .60 1 .35 -j 16.35 j I ! illness, j Turkey, eight pounds. I at 65 cents a pound. Cranberries, one quart ••••• Celery . . .. $5.20 .15 Total Mrs. m. v. McDowell dead Following a one week's Mrs. Mary V. McDowell, 77, died at her home. 1222 Market «treet yester day. Mrs. McDowell was the widow of Edward McDowell and had resid-j ed here for 55 y vived by a sister, Mrs. Sallie Han-' cock, two sons, J,. Garrett and Har vey G. McDowell, of this city, and a She is sur niece, Mrs. Frank Stout. Mrs. Mc Dowell was a native of Pennsylvania. The funeral services will be held from her late home tomorrow after noon at 3 o'clock. | I IRE NEAR HOSPITAL SALEM, N. J., Nov. 21.—A shed of Market the Davis Creamery, street, was destroyed by lire yester day. on The building was in the rear of the Salem County Memorial Hos pital, and was creamery and brisk wind was bl surrounded by the several barns. ing at the time, but the flames were confined to the one building, resulting in a slight loss. A BOY SEEKERS KNEE ERACTERE. Eugeni MacGregor English son of Mr. and Mrs. Kugene English, of 2129 Linden street, jured by a Bush Line truck while riding his bicycle at Park Place and Jackson street, October 16, while j.turning to his home from the high schopl. where he is a pupil, was op at the Homeopathic Ifci pital yesterday afternoon, for a frac ture of his left knee, j« reported favorable. 16. ho was in re m His condition ■ RADIO MESSAGE Home Decorating Station One of the greatest of all holidays is near at hand, when we assemble to give thanks for blessings received during the past year. You most likely have a room or two that needs to be made more inviting to your friends and relatives who will most likely visit you at this time. You cannot transform a room or home in less time and expense than you can w ith well-selected Wall Paper. We have the largest selection of up-to-the-minute decorations in the State and will be pleased to assist you in your selections. We have opened a bargain comer; be sure not to overlook this important spot. « « IN THE PAINT DEPARTMENT WE ARE OFFERING FOR THE'REMAINDER OF THE MONTH READ' 1 ) MIXED PAINT for S3.00 per gal ROOF PAINT SPECIAL for S1.00 per gal VARNISH STAINS t for $1.00 per qt JOSEPH THOMAS CO. 511 Shipley Street OUR MOTTO : The Price Will Tell <( > t V > * The Factory Outlet Shoe Store 836 Market St. ✓ / S' ✓ * ✓ 'V . y s % y ✓ * • / V * /, / [• ✓ i J y c 9 s / y • y y / From Factory to You \ - î>, î a r E ;j 4*; ; y / A 4 Hour Sale * y lr lai a:; m y' m & i & y y Tomorrow, Wednesday, Starting at 10 sharp and Closing Promptly at 2 * ✓ s y y y Don't miss it—If you have other enga gements, postpone them for a half hour or an ^ hour and get here at 10 tomorrow morning. Never has such wonderful shoes been sold ■/ anywhere not only in Wilmington, but in the whole country for these amazingly low prices. Jt ✓ 4-Hour S ale >lI pr.$4, $4.50 and $5 / /• y. / V WL t y y > ' y / Women's Strap Pumps and Oxfords, in Tan Calf, Black Calf, Kid, Patent Colt and various combinations. All sizes in this lot while they last. Don t delay. On sale for four hours only. y y y / y / » $ 1-95 K 'y' On Sale From On Sale From 10 to 2 y y X 10 to 2 * * / f y s y y ' 4-Hour Sale y y y O* y i y 'y 368 pairs of Men's High-Grade Tan Calf and Black Calf High Shoes; broken sizes; while they last, for four hours only. « y <5*^ V N5 / On On s? $ 1.95 y f , Sale From 10 to 2 Sale ✓ y y From 10 to 2 y * y y x , y .V\\\V\NV\\\\\\V JHERE can be no substitute for Tetley's Orange Pekoe. No other tea combines that delicate flavor with strength that satisfies. » * m J 9 TETLEY S ♦ Makes good TEA a certainty