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NEWS GOSSIP OF NEW UASTLE a w Malo Onortot- Ic Oroani 7 pH v^Udliei lb « With Major Williams as ' Director ^ WOMEN MAY ALSO nDrAM,7C /-I I in UKL>ANlZ.t GLUti * . • * Special to The Evening Journal. NEW CASTLE, Nov. 21.—The nr gantzatlon of a male Glee Club, eom posed of residents of this city and vicinity, was effected last evening, by the election of James T. Challenger, » president; George W. Kc»!e*. vice president; William J. McOrory, sec retary and treasurer, and Major C. L. Williams, of ihe officers reserve corps, musical director. The meeting was held in the High k School assembly room, with 22 men present. Following the election of of tirera a constitution was adopted. It provides that all member/ must he * residents of New Caatle and vicinity, above 1« years of age. It was voted k tht nam» of the club «hoilld be the Xew Cattle Olee Club. It was decided % to hold weekly meeting* in the as sembly room ea<rh Monday evening to begin at 7.30 o'clock. Several young women tolk have decided not to be outdone by fhe male inhabitant* and will endeavor So form a "Women's Glee Club." The arrangements will be completed for the first meeting in the next few 'day*. ^ began spitting blend Sunday and is 'thought to" be m a serious condition, Harry Sharp is erecting a two »«tory addition to the rear of his The * tory s ot conafete block nrl the second of frame construction, John Tower la doing thé carpenter who was in Sylv**t*r Tidwell. lured Saturday night being run over *by an automobile, thought ttj have been operated by Contractor Nath aniel Watson, was taken yesterday. *tn the DslaMrt Hospital, Wilmlng ton In the Good Will ambulance. He * work. Mr. Sharp 13 doinff th* con Crete work. « Mr. and Mrs. Jamc* Howell moved from Clark street to the Thoma* Leonard property at Seventh and Clymer street Mr. and Mr*. Leon * ard moved into the house on Dela ware street, they recently purchased from the Rev. John R. Hendrix, who * with hi* daughter. Mi*» Margaret. % moved to Wilmington. The water an I 'light commissioners * Ihi ve notified consumers to u*e the water supply as sparing y as pos * Fib'e as necessary changes in the piping at the plant will not be com pletwl for !h» n ext few days. This changing of the pipci is the . cause of low pressure. The work will probably be completed tomorrow. turned to normal présure. At the monthly business session of % the Water and Li?ht Commissioner* yesttrday ifterno n Superintendent rrj/r r^P'»rted *h» electric*»l con . r.fjmption for October. 30.4*0 kilo ater consumption wait*, and the f(*r the same period 9.335,200 gral w Ion*. It was decided to defer the in gtallatinn of the a inch lyater main * on Delaware srreet fr >m the Strand to the Wharf, until the InstaJation of the aerating system is completed j WOMEN! 0YEIÏ NEW Fi 1.1C Draperies Gingham* Stockings Evarythlng Skirts Waists Coats Dresses Kimonas Curtains Sweaters Coverings Diamond Dyes "Diamond Dyes"—no other % Buy kind—and follow the simple direc Don't won tions In every packagî. y!er whether you can dye or successfully, because perfect home dy?ing Is guaranteed with Diamond •Dyes even before. whether th » material you wish to * dye is wool or silk, or whether it 1* i linen, cotton, or mixed Rood*. Dia streak, spot. tint if you have never dyed Just iell your druggist, mond Dyes never .fade, or run. j ■fTn A 9) 1Ï 4-' . j I j { ! I I I : 1 Hard Common Sense Hard common sense is the thing wanted in considering the opening of a Savings Ac count. Hard common sense is the thing needed to keep that account, once started. In a healthy condition by regularity of deposits. Apply hard common sense to the problem and watch results. 4% INTEREST PAID ON AIL DEPOSITS Money lo loan nt fi% on Approved First Mori gages. . j t WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY S. E. Cor. 9th & Market St*. II M . ■ '■ 4 I at the local water plant. The system, was thought to have been completed several days ago and water was turn er) on. but It was found several ! changes would have to be made in I the piping and valve settings. A 4-inch water meter has been; ordered and will be installed the first of next week. Bill* to the ordered paid, I amount of »412 were A " soon Äs lho «Tating system is In x V orkir>s order several samples of water to be taken irum the sprays when thrown at various height* will | be chemically analysed to determine the amount of other materials need sd to make the water fit for htrmon tnd plant consumption. Joseph Clendaniel, formerly cm-, ployed as clerk for Bobert Newlyn. • sustained a broken leg yesterday by failing from the stoop of the Old Loman Hotel property. ?finth and j young street*. He was taken to the] netware Hospital in the Good Will ambulance, Fourth street. Is home through illness. The unit leaders of the Methbdlst .Church will meet in parlors at the ing. The leaders will plan for ae live duties during the evangelistic campaign, w hich begins in | church on Sunday morning, Rev. George W. Cook and party evangelist«, are expected to arrive the latter part of the week. Th'-re will he three preliminary Miss Maggie W. Gordon, of West confined to her < church mid the f the cloee week prayer service tomorrow even ; MI Th* cottage prayer service* held at the Thursday the home* of member* on evening, in preparation for campaign. Mayor LeRoy Harvey, of mington. will address the Current Wil Events Class at the New Castle Cen 2i39 o'clock. Lausatt tury Club parlor* at Friday afternoon. Roger* will present a musical pro added feature for the Mr*. gram a* an afternoory Tea will he *erved. M;ke Catrona. driver of one of the running over It on Delaware street near Sixth street. It was testified that Catrona did not stop to s»c if he had done any damage. The ' Blue Hen ' Girl Resert the .y. \v. C. A . have completed arrangements for a party to he glv < n :n 'be old Town Halt. Thurs Vew castle-Wllmington buses, was last evening for violations of the m ntnr vehicle laws, on Saturday, , „ h en ho badly maimed the dog be longing to Major C. L. William*, by fined $2 and co*ts by Mayor Pram day evening. ed. William Wipf is constructing concrete top # ce*spool at the resi dence of Former President of Coun cil John T. Stoop*, on East Third street. Mr. end Mr*. Warner Gnre mov ed from Clayton street to the George McKnltt Ea.t^Third property on s reel, ye.sterday. Industry Council. Jr. O. U. A. M leet in Masonic Temple at S pm o'clock this evening The Good Will band will hold It weekly rehearsal in the Good Wi flrP house parlors at 8 o'clock this evening. Miss Carrie L. Gemmill. worthy malron 0 f Caesar Rodney Chapter, rp| K niini/ il i n IHI.S LADY HAO LOST ALL HOPE i j Then Found the Plant Juice and Says She Now Is Like New Woman HAD STOMACH AND KIDNEY TROUBLES "I Just felt miserable all the time before I took your Plant Juice but since I have taken this remedy. I 1 am Jike a new woman." declared Mr«. S. L. Muffley. of 325 West Canal street,' Williamsport. Pa., while talking with The Plant Juice M m recently. c * '♦i. & J rts» .. J ~y ' tT* . ■■rh ■»- ' II I * . » W; ; ;V Sw-T ' i , MRS. S. !.. MI ITT/EY I suffered with jny slomaeh and ! kidneys and never found a thing to Help me ond then The Plant Juice ' Man came," Mrs. Muffley continued. | "In a few day* I saw a testimonial j that had been given by a woman I kjiew and who lives In a nearby : city and I wrote to this Indy and ' asked her about Plant Juice. Sh» i answered my letter and said Plant Juifce was fine and advised me to try It by all means. "My stomach was In, such bod condition that my food would sour within ten minutes, after I had eaten it and then gas would form and I would bloat badly. I would ! suffer terrible pain because of the j My kidneys were badly dis- \ ga*. ordered and gove me a lot of trou- I ble, especially during the night, for ! I would have to get up 10 or 12 ] times. My liver "was inactive; com—| plexion was sallow and I just felt ■ miserable constantly. "I tried many remedies but none ; of them helped me and 1 had about given up all hope when my friend j wrote me about Plant Juice ^nd I.J started taking this medicine. The truth Is that Plant Juice has made ! a new woman but of me because I 1 can now eat the heaviest kind of ,<^mpal and not suffer the lenst bit ■«f trouble afterward. I sleep sound iy now. My complexion has cleared tip. I think Plant Juice is the great est medicine on the market and I'm only too gad to recommend it to everybody." ' Plant Juie is sold In Wilmlng ton it the Ml!» Drug'store. 404 -1 0G M.'.."l'f :« .--trr'.et; In New Castle I by E. Challenger £ Son; in New-,/ •j L. t ld.UIÜUI L CUll. ill .MCA" port by C. B. White; In Newark by W. E Brown.—(Adv.) S FARMERS BADLY IN NEED OF RAIN I The prolonged drought will no j | doubt mean a serious loss to farm | era throughout the state, according i {to reports today. While there have 1 rainfalls during the been several past three months, not enough rain ' has fallen to replenish the wells and aid laie crops. Wheat has suf fered most. The greatest danger according to the farmers, is that freesing weather wilt set in before there is a heavy rain. Until the present time the wnter supply in this city has not been i affected. However many wells are dry. In some rases farmer* have to hatiK water from the creeks for household purposes. The"Weather Bureau holds out no hope of early rain. In many *ec tlons throughout Pennsylvania con ditlons are even worse than here. Many mill* in that State dependent on water for tj^elr operation, will f h a ve to shut down, it is eaid. order of Ka>tern Stor, who repre sented the vhapter at the Triangu lar convention at Washington. I). C., laat week, ha* returned home. S Hickman Hewitt, of near Rose Hill, it» enjoying several day*' gun ning a* the guest of Mr. and Mr*. W. S. CoUi*on. of Clayton. Mi** Cassia McCue, of the Hotel Louise, who spent the week-end with relative*. Philadelphia home yesterday. , returned RUN DOWN PEOPLE NEED RICH BLOOD Y OU never heard a doctor sav. i "He is all run down, but his blood is pure and rich." The best thing—the biggest thing— that Gude's Pepto-Mangan does ;« to purify and enrich your blood. Then those weary, run down, dragged out feelings will disappear, and the oldtime vim and "pep" come hack again. Get Gude's Pepto-Mangan today. _J -,t \JU.CICS mm Pepto-Mangan Tonic and Blood En richer At your druggists—liquid or tablets, as you prefer. I ✓ / rrnen \MXG ORDERS AC4FPTED 6 and 8 West Sixth St. / / / / / / Ç '* Q / / / * / *• * / / / * / * ✓ ^ By Comparison ^ Tucker man's IE ✓ / r / ✓ / % V Ï s il Prove 1 1 / ✓ V bjl : 5, To Have the Best y ✓ / I / M. lI* 4-v / i : / I f. s N * ,» ) -• : ! / 1 s * ✓ COAT VALUES y ** ft * * ' D / ✓ * r y y y y JA y / î'. in * /" * - y y y y & \ / In the City! ■ y A y ✓ y / y 15 s 20 '22^ >29a s 35 ; / $ / /■ f *. y Capes and Wraps Coats, ^ ✓ / 5 ft SUPER-WONDER all-wool fabrics that have taken a .. pt-flnest semblance to silks In their softness and sheen With luxurious collars of fur. combining cloth and fur in a rarely distinctive manner. The most remarkable coat value* In years. / y SALE c y ✓ y y y Tremendous Underpricing! Silk and Cloth Women's and Misses' Beautifully Tailored Trico- Twill y y y DRESSES y / Suits $19 - > y $4J5 $g05 *12^ ^ y y y y y y .50 Business Frocks jA Afternoon Dresses y_ v Poiret Twills, Cantons Velvets y Street Frocks Travel Dresses / / y y 9 y 1 X FASHIONABLE LONG LINE MODELS Tricotines, y y y Velours Every new fashion thought in dresses for afternoon and informal wear. Cleverly trimmed with garnitures, embroidered and beaded ornaments or draped innovations. ^ / So becoming ontan. to most ev%y The tailor, a / typ* of 3Uit ts Indispensable. ✓ y y H Tlicac eitle Milt.^ ib-pi'ml entirely on g.»*! line«. Fine fahrlr. rxre'lent tailoring, the ttttttnlsli like notch collar cud high grade finishing touches for their smartness. / y y t t I NORTH EAST CHURCH PRESENTS ORGAN TO Special to The Evening Journal. EI.KTON, Md„ Nov. 21.—Mrs. Elsie DeVallnger Cameron wife Of Paul Cameron, of Elkton. died in Union yoepital. yesterday, after a long illness. She was the daughter of Mr*. Indiana M. DeVallnger of Klk ton Mte la eurvlved by bei mother and on* brother, Har/y De Vallnger. The Maryland Conservation Com mission has appointed W. E. Thomp son, of pear Elston, a deputy game warden for Cecil my. The new Namrene Chtireh. lately completed In North Rost, has been presented with a handsome organ by Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Harvey of that town. • Klor nfl Miss Lillie Jeaeop Tuite have returned from a three weeks' visit to Atlantic City. N. J. John Groome. constable has re- ! turned from an extended busirea« trip and has been spending some- , tlme In Elkton. Mr. and Mrs Francis J. MacBeath. of Chestnut HH1. Pa., spent Sunday with Elkton relatives Mis* B'anche Lockwood, of Middletown. Del« ware. was the guest of .Mr. and Mr*. A. H Walmsley on Sunday; Mi enc© aTTuR© BURN S 'S Easy Electric Washer The Vacuum Cup method of washing has been tested d approved by hundreds of Wilmington housewives. Let us demonstrate an Easy in your home—there is no obligation. See Them Today or Phone 787 The Royal Electric Cleaner Utenco Ironer Judson C. Burns, * 102 W. SEVENTH STREET Just Below Hotel Cassidy Phone 787. Open Saturday Evngs. W. C. Porter, Mgr. An 1 . <f> » 8 ;\ Ra , lr " : 'V T n r , T l ' nl T «-111 be held «' the lathor Tempi- t'ARMFV Ml ET TONIGHT. A meeting of Brandywine Lodge, Tenth an<t Tatnall streets tonight. All ragmen and helpers on strike are urged to attend. QUIT TOBACCO i So easy to drop Cigarette, Cigar, or Chewing habit .So-To-Rae nas helped thousands to break the eostly. nerve-shatter-1 ing tohacro habit. Whenever you have a longing for a smoke or chew. Just place a harmless No-To-Bae tablet In your mouth instead All desire »tops. completely broken and you *re het ter oft mentally, physically, flnan ,dally. It's so easy, so simple Get a box of No-To-Bac and if It doesn't release you from all craving for tohac/o in any form your druggist will refund your money without^quea Short ly the habit i* tion. wm * r* V» It's a Real Story / about a REAL STOVE lilllr this and linker mill do Ihr ini possible don't e.rpeel pou to believe it until i/oii sec him do it, mail! I m e iU f fV V ^ vAa />, Oji & i» i • k » v/ : wt « » 1 4 A • ! ,h > > .5 v ». < f r 1.» * A : > I* r ; si N V C \ % V f) l / Gm hardly keep this secret ÏU tell it here ^to-morrow 1 But Today, With Thanksgiving So Near < VV^e are Showing Furniture Appropriate for the Day Sale on the Entire Stock So Look Here First and Remember This Big Store is Conducting a 20 % OFF At ti Illustrated ^ M 11 t ; ! ar-a " AH ! 1 r itzfi .1 » s 0 1 1 * This Aluminum Self Basting Roaster 7 Pieces For the Diningroom Table, 5 Chairs, 1 Arm Chairs Made in genuine American WalrfUt. The table top measure* 45 by 54 inches with a highly polished surface. The flvo chairs and arm chair upholstered In gen uine blue or brown leather, are strongly constructed and of the same high grade make as the table. $68 10*/a** n cH tlx©, large enough for meat roasts or chicken. Heavy alum inum; will last for years. Spe cial for ono day at thla price. 95 - 9, I 'I 4 <e ym mm T * - s _ ' -.a. a i l HR SB 'a 1 m m A VT ^■a. 1 * : • « U-, A New Livingroom Suite to Greet Visitors on Thanksgiving Day, Only Three pieces covered In heavy durable tapestry with lpose cuahfons — spring construction throughout, rich in appear ance and very comfortable. At this price and on our terms you should not hesi taie in buying. '116 t Let Us Send This Hoosier Wednesday Specials $24.75 $ 19.75 $19.75 Home For Thanksgiving or Prolect You for Xmas Delivery" GOLDEN OAK CHINA CLOSET 100-PC. DINNER SET (gold decorated) 9x1 2 TAPESTRY RUG (Seamle»»).., 5-PC. BREAKFAST SET . $1 Will Do It $ 31.00 Saturday Till 9 p. m. Store Hours: Daily 8.30 a. m. to 5.30 p. m. 0 J/, A n À y (• Furniture Leaders in Wilmington , Del. Ninth and King Streets >.