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ASKS EOR CRIED Peterson Tells Court Moth er Is Not Fit Person to Have Custody FOUND TOT WITH SCANT CLOTHING proceeding* In habeas corpus started In Superior Court hy Frank Petereon against hla daughter-ln lew, Mrs. Beulah Peterson, the plain tiff seeks to gain the custody of his two-year-old grandchild, C. Peterson, the daughter of his son Alva Peterson, and his wife, the de in the suit. Kathleen Lllbume fendant Chandler is counsel for the plaintiff. The petitioner and hi* wjfe live hear Hockessln. charges that while the child was In the custody of its mother, it was in unclean condition. The petition In the petition. Frank L Peterson alleges that his sqn and daughter-1 in-law 1918, and that the daughter was | horn November 5. 1920; that thej child remained in the custody of Its parent* until about July 16. 1922; that while Tn the custody of said parents it Mved at Middletown in a tenant house of Leonard Eastburn; «! Salem, Va., at Havre de Grace, Md., and then at the home of a Mrs Millmon on dirPpnt street, Wllmlng . married December 24. vere . . . .... ... in. 1922. took care of, tira child. his and his wife's expense entirely." i The grandfather alleges that he| and his wife prvided for and kept. the child, permitting the mother to j visit her; but that on November 10 j ] the mother requested permission to ; take the child to Wilmington, carried j her to the residence of her mother. toil. The petition further alleges wanton neglect of the child, and that Its mother ''is not a fit person to have custody and control of the child:" that on July 16, 1922, the mother left the child with the grandfather, the petitioner, and hla wife, who reside near Hockessln. and "that at the time of the leaving of said child with the petitioner and hi* wife, the said child was In an unsanitary con dition and practically without cloth ing: that the petitioner took the child end surrounded it with a sanitary environment and provided It withj suitable and comfortable clothes, end from that time until November; Mrs. Clarence Crossley, who together with the mother, refused to return the child. The petitioner claim* that the child Is unlawfully restrained of her liberty by Buelah Peterson, and asks that the court award the custody of Kathleen to him. ANTHR ACITE SEALED TO PREVENT THEFT Anthracite Is being shipped to MlddljS-Western and Western eitle* in sealed box car*. Instead of open cars. ' "This Is necessary," E. D. Hll-1 leray, freight traffic manager of the Philadelphia and Reading Rail way. said yesterday, "to assure full shipments reaching destinations." Otherwise, he added, the cars would arrive with about one-half the orig inal shipment.-after passing through communities where there is a short age of coal. A Genuine Pimple Remover How Stuart's Calcium Wafer« Work Out to the Skin and .Clear It of P]mples ( Blackhead«, Boll«, Muddlne«« and Such Blemlehe«. The manner in which Stuart'e Cal- | cium Wafer* Influence a beautiful ••omplexion le one of nature* mir .-els. Their firat action 1* to — ï ■-■? imi y ! j AKi" m- cm move the fqur fermentation* that are apt to pQiBon the blood and ihn* disfigure ihç pkin. Then the calcium j self is a natural aaency to akin health d is appropriated by the tiesuea for I own •parriçular use In repair work, if'se effect* are visibly noticeable to those troubled with a pimply skin, or one ihat Ir muddy or red or blotchy, scaly and roujh and coarse. The Cal .'iduce a reaction *o thler ton.denc'. pinkieh complexion begins to assert it self, -th« blerpishes fade away, the 'em animated and the en tire appearance Is bounty instead of unsightliness. EaBèt it <0 cept box of Stuart** Cal cium Wafers at the nearest druç store and note the .wonderful result*. You will «urely be delighted. ■ . and Boon th* of vivacious THE FAITHFUL SLAVE Wouldn't you like to have a slave of your own? There is such a slave. Its money. Save your wages regularly, deposit it in the Bank, and that slave will be yours to work for you night and day. name is ARTISANS' SAVINGS BANK 505 MARKET STREET OPK.V TUESDAY EVENINGS FROM 7.00 TO 8.30 4% PAID ON DEPOSITS ll MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST MORTGAGES I* f MRS. LE KITES IS SPEED* VICTIM ■ I CÏCÏ-JÏTD HIPH 1 (j. M. rlSUCK UIF.U 1 OF SKULL FRACTURE I j A Jury of Inquest summoned by; Jury Finds Son Was Driv ing Fast Just Before Accident Coroner Bullock In the cast of thej death of George M. Fisher, who was struck by an automobile on the Ken-1 nett Pike, November 9, death fol- j lowing before he could be removed ! the hospital, returned a verdict! „i-u, ,k, t aeafii followed a fractured skull sustained in conse 1 * , , . , ... „ _ one rated * hv Franklin V. Flînn ° P y Georglanna Griffin, colored, an employe of the Fllhn family, who , was in the car the night of the ac-,«y client, testified that "she knew. something had been struck." She admitted going back with Mr. Fllnn I to | au , .the scene of the accident and found and finding the injured man. . Harry Carlin, a nephew of Mr. j Fisher, testified that he had made j examination of the highway at, tracks showing that the car had slid a distance of 76 feet, after hit Iting the man. Mr. Flinn attended the* Inquest but did not testify. In the case of Mrs. Eliza J. Le Kltes, of Philadelphia, who died in the Delaware Hospital Sunday night ; as the result of injuries sustained inj automobile accident at Georges. Sunday morning, the Jtiryj returned a verdict t.hat death wasi the result of a fractured skull, and I attributed the accident to the driv ing of the car at an excessive rate of speed, hy Harry I.eKite, a son of| the woman who was killed. Harvey E. Nichols, deputy «or- I oner, made an investigation of the j case yesterday. He talked with Harry j LeKite, and obtained a «tatement | from him that he had been driving a, "about forty miles *n hour ' he-| fore the accident, but had slowed. down before the accident. I I «-'(FUNERAL OF MICHAEL FINN, Thp fllnBral of Michael F. Finn. who dl , d st hla home, 204 East g B venth street, on Sunday, w-lll be hp , d tomorrow m0 rnlng from his ] ate home with a requiem mass at g t jj ary . s c hurch and interment in HoJy Crw , 9 cemetery. Dover, S' an ESTATES OF THE DEAD. Letters of administration have been granted by Register of Wills. Isaac R. Brown, to William H. Robinson the estate of Sarah A. Robinson, and letters on hundred; Wilmington the estate of Jesnnebte C. Godfrey, the estate of Jeanette C. Godfrey, Wilmington hundred. So That He Cannot Forget — a Those last hours together. ** 71Æ F sweetheart la toini to OrL Europe, next week, for three months. I went our last hours together to count. I want to look my best so that the memory will stay in his mind every day he Is away. Tm worried about my hair — my weakest point. / must make it beautiful somehow. Can you tell me how?" — -JEANNE P DR hair that gleams and glows with innumerable lights there is one proved for mula—a touch of henna in the shampoo. Whether your hair is blonde, brown or brun nette, the " touch ot henna shampoo" will bring out all the radiance it should have to heighten your charm. You can have your touch of henna, scientifically prepared, in the fragrant liquid of Hennafoam Shampoo. It is blended with pure vegetable oils. These, in the quick lather of Hennafoam Shampoo, cleanse, refresh and invigorate the hair and scalp. The touch of henna, by ita beauty-magic, suffuses the hair with light. C ■ bottle at Drug Stores andPerfume Counter* For Sale by Eckerd's Cut-Rate Drug Store*. 50 Wetrna foapj Shampoo "Mal« the hair glitten 1 VrOTUDH 4 I ATI? ifcaMulU/Al oIj/aIIj XlFIIfCt i m ^1« t \irtri jVRIYS I IlLAill lj handle without "White ■ WASHINGTON, fully able to situation Louisiana Ku-Klux-Klan Federal Intervention, says I House statement. Kxtra session of Congress opens with introduction of Ship Subsidy bill and two measures to legalize the sale of light wine« and beer®, the revenue to be applied to the soldier bonus. 1 Mrs. Rebecca L. Fulton, of Georgia. 1 occupies seat on Senate flour and ex pacts to be arworn in today. I Alvaro Obregon, President of j Mexico, reported to have deolded to resign on account of ill health. FORErON. laiusanne Near East conference formally opens, adjourning business j eeesions to today; Allies reach final ! accord at. last preliminary talk. High Dublin court issues order suspending execution of sentence «gainst Erskine Childers and eight others. DOMESTIC. Georgp Bronson Howard, play »'right and novelist, found dead In gas-filled room in Los Angeles. Police it ie a case of suicide, SPORTS, National A. A. U. convention fuses to accept seven world records made by Charles Paddock. Professional Golf Association next tournament re recommends that be held in June, 1923 in college« n ece 3 - j «ary for fair comparison® in football, ' says Grantland Hire. j laELr! lar her, ßftft to 4fi„, and Ja.k® ! Schaefer is victor over Welker Coch ran 600 t o 30 . 1 . in world's title bil li ' ra ,„,™. Industrial shares firmer as.rails g rnl , armrest nrngalst for n Box of Ko mnrkal>le. Jn , hB prtvncy of your own home Pvrnmld Tile Suppositories give blessed relief from itching, bleeding Three-year rul For Belief from Piles or protruding piles, hemorrhoids and auch rectal troubles. And It Is a comfort to know you can call or send to tho nearest drug atoro and f et a 60 cent box anywhere In the r. S. and f'snnda. Take no suhatt tuts. A single box Is often sufficient. You can have a freo trial package hy Bending name and address to pvramtd Drug Co.. 619 Tyramld Bldg., Marshall, Mich. WiïËWÇ flj ft \JSJ it V« Tr Tl * Öir> %)*■ p " * r I» ^ LL.f » r * se Ù. glituj * V' HI r r / a r ; a I l c *e. w f p r r r r t z 'eSA ALFRED LEVY CO. OFFERING HIGH-GRADE MERCHANDISE TO THE COMMUNITY AT PRICES THAT SHOULD FORCE THE EN TIRE COMMUNITY TO OUR STORE WEDNESDAY. READ THESE ADVERTISED SPECIALS OVER CARE FULLY, AS EACH IS OFFERED DURING THIS SALE AT A PHENOMENAL REDUCTION. Canton Flannel 36-Inch Chamois Finished English Long Cloth 36-Inch Outing Flannel This Is the host Sr»p «tripod and outing flannel;I .Tfl Inches Hide* 32-Inch Dress Ginghams All new pat tem». a 35e value; beaut i f ti 1 etireks. stripes and plaids to select from, nt Community Offer Community Offer Extra heavy unbleached, 25c grade of canton flannel. 72 Inch Tiiblo Damask. Tills Is heavy. SI.26 gratte of Mer rrrized Tallin Damask, in b«an tifnl patterns; full 2 yards «Ida; Just In time for Thanks giving, yard, 2 7-inch extra heavy White, Pink, Blue and Cream 20c Outing Flannel; limit, 10 yards to one customer, at checked Extra fine grade, value 30o; bny It during sale at at at 9%c 17^2c 17 ; /2c 17^c 17(2c 59c Mill Ends Woolnap Blankets Large full double bed Hill, Fruit, Lonsdale, Bride, Red Rose and other brands of 36-inch unfinished Bleached Mus lin; values to 25c; lengths 2 to 1 2 yards. MEN'S UNION SUITS 40-INCH SHEETING This is a heavy Unbleached Sheeting Muslin, value 20c. Community Price Extra heavy ribbed fleeced Men's Union Suits in all sizes; $2 value. Community offer size Blankets of woolnap finish in pink, blue, tan and mixed plaids; good weight. Strictly perfect. Community offer 81c 98c BOYS' AND GIRLS' UNION SUITS 81x90 SEAMLESS SHEETS Ironclad, Belvedere, New Era and Nevertear Bleached Sheets, strictly perfect; QO $1.50 value. t/OC 9 3 /4c 98c Choice of fleece-lined rib bed and waist body styles: all lizes. medium and heavy weights; value $1.25 at 75c ï Women's Alliance and Other Heavy Ribbed Fleeced Union Suits. High or low necks, short or long sleeves. Value $2, at. SCOUT PERCALES Coats Dresses These are 36 inches wide, strictly perfect 25>c Percales, in pretty patterns; yard. V'V Sample line of coat*, one of a kind; vaine* to $50. consisting of bo Itvtna, velonits, mar vellas, novelties, In the new blouse or straight-line*; silk lined with I fur collar* an .is;' sizes 10 to 62. nt 150 Hn this lot, con sisting of Canton crepe, kntin char meuse, crepe do chine. Poirot twills, tricotincs, law and combinations. In all color* and size*; val nosjjn this lot up to $20.00. OommtSnlty offer. 12k 98c v WOMEN'S HEAVY FLEECE LINED BLOOMERS in flesh or white; all sizes; made vith reinforced crotch. $1 value at. LANCASTER and AMOS KEAG APRON GINGHAMS in all size checks. Community Price *. / . 12k \ 39c n" I «Æ. m $7iS usa $23; OUR - 7 REWARD 'O^S^ÊOMPA^Y 95 » ' H* OMPANY I slightly; «harp advance In francs 11 nd sterling. Northern rnelfle will defend plan for merger with C. B. & Q„ and op pose being linked with St. Paul iahould "Hill" roads be separated. Future activities of Railway Labor .Board depeiSd on Supreme Court re : view of P. R. R. case on employe I representation. Special to the Evenimr Journal. NEWARK, Nov. 21. — Professor |and Mr*. R. W. Helm entertained the j eenlor agricultural and homo econo mics students of the University of Delaware, who are preparing to teach agriculture and home econo mlcs, on Friday evening, at their home on Delaware avenue. After a I)R. AND MRS. HEIM ENTERTAIN STUDENTS . . s Emily I.edenham j Helen Shorb Mabel Smith, Evelyn Spruance, of the senior class, who; are taking the teacher training^ courses under Miss Laura V. Clark; pleasant evening refreshments were served. Among the guests were: Misses Hannah Deakyne, Ruth King, Francis McCoy. : Æmm . * _ 4. „ /va or Blotchy Shin j Wan , t *. cle ? r - healthy complexion. ' re £U' a J bowels, and a j Perfect working li ver? ^ tain "yc^take ! f AnTFR 1 *» Little Liver ^ WIITTLE Pills, the sure ^ E ^ sjs 4.. JPjt -Ls edy. For headache^hrzmc Stomach and despondency, they have no equal. Purely vegetable. Small PM—Small Dose Small Price ,tion CARTER'S upset United States Treasury Certificates ANY AMOUNT OF ANY ISSUE BOUGHT AND SOLD j 1 *>' KV COMMERCIAL TRUST COMPANY Member Federal Reserve System City Hall Square PHILADELPHIA THE UNrrtD ST/Vrrs** AWIDICA OK HU > LRl D1 HOÏ^Vi POL USS . _ __ dJ-V'l aasaaaii » * V 33 tjwCC Marian Hatfield, teacher of homo economics in the Newark High School, who completed the work a year ago; Messrs. H. W. Cook, James W. Hahn, Frank Else, J. M. Lynch, Walter M. Gilbert, E. H. Peirce, of the senior class, taking the teacher training courses under Professor R. W. Helm: F. Allyn Cooch, Jr. teacher of agriculture in the duPont School! and Joseph Wilson, teacher of agri-1 culture in the Newark High School, who completed the work a year ago; Miss Laura V. Clark, Professor and Mrs. Carl Rankin and Miss Freda r.itz. STORY MYTH DENOnTEI). CHICAGO. Nov. 21.—The Rev. j Willard 1-a.mpe. principal speaker of j the opening session here yesterday [of the Presbyterian Conference of j the Bynod of Illinois," declared psr - | \ . 0 ■ iTnriTftd \AOn S I I I i I r^i ill M II , I I ; AND OINTMENT Clear the Skin «.énryslun. fMUMM : rl.i TV,, I Sn»p.n(ntm« .•ftlrtl rflRK : ritlcit.Uk Do You Need Money for Christmas ? Our INDUSTRIAL DEPARTMENT offers special facilities for providing you with ready money in amounts ranging from $50 to $500. $100 cost* you $6 interest and is payable in fifty Installments at the rate of $2 per week. We will be glad to assist you in securing Junds for Christmas needs. Call at our office and let us explain. Industrial Trust Company Tenth and Shipley Sts. Open Tuesday and Saturday evenings from 7 to 9. ents should no longer tell their chil, j j dren the *tork story and other mythological bombast." He advocated teaching sex biology and pathology and the institution by churches of classes for parents for, Beauty Secrets By Bessie Iiove. ••Th« eecret of a beautiful complexion 1b the proper care of the «kin," Bessie Ixjve, that well-known beauty. Now 1b the boat season of the year to lay the foundation for a beau tiful complexion. Any girl or woman can beautify her complexion instantly by using Uiska Cold ('ream to cleanse the akin, And DERWILIjO (which comes in three shades. Flesh, White, Brunette) to beautify it. Over one mil-i lion girls and women use PERWILLO in place of face powder, because it is more life-like and "stays on It makes, anvone look many years younger. That's why discriminating women and well-known actreefles favor these pro ducts. Their popularity speaks volumes for the result® they give. On sale at. toilet counters of Department Stores and; Druggists everywhere, back if you are not pleased. says stage Tour money instruction of adolescent child phy chology. Dr. Howard Always Recommended Oxidaze for Coughs Colds, Br. Asthma ,, . . _ Year# of study and observation con vinced him It would safely, quickly and « U5T-' K- SSMT «&Ä Money back if It fails. Guaranteed harm'..., N. B Danforth Company and, all good drugo'Bts. 1 R. L. FOORD FURNITURE CO. Thanksgiving Sale ■of - Dining Room Suites A special group of six Suites at prices that will enable you to dress up the din ing room for Thanksgiving most reason ably. These suites are taken from our regular stock and will give you a good idea of the low prices on furniture for every room in the house. We advise prompt action as these suites will not be here long at these low prices c SM mm ■p « f, P* * SKT • i>c ' •4 . m. ,0 *1 ✓ Here's a dainty Sheraton suite of beautiful inlaid wal nut. The workmanship and finish are of the very best. It consists of buffet, 60 inches long; round extension table. 48 inches diameter, cabinet serving table, china closet, five side chairs and one arm chair, with blue leather seats. Regular price $419.00. Sale price $295.00. A graceful suite in fine mahogany, of Queen Anne de sign. The fronts of the buffet and serving cabinet have two toned panels. This suite has 66-inch buffet, round extension table, cabinet server, spacious china closet, five side chairs and one arm chair, with Spanish leather seats. The regu lar price $337.50. Sale price $270.75. Another Queen Anne suite in American walnut. It is an unusually handsome suite and would grace the dining room of any home. 1 It consists of 66-inch buffet, large china cabinet, 45x54-inch oblong extension table, enclosed serving table, five side chairs and one arm chair. Regularly marked $400.00. Sale price $264,00. A fine mahogany suite after the Italian Renaissance period. It has oblong extension table, 60-inch buffet, large cabinet server and chin& closet, five side chairs and one arm chair upholstered in blue or brown leather. This is a very new suite and a real bargain at the sale price of $282.15. A walnut suite of ten pieces in Queen Anne design. It has an oblong table, 60-inch buffet, cabinet server, china closet and complete set of six chairs. This suite must be to be appreciated. It was originally $270.00. The sale price is but $211.60. seen There is also a splendid oak suite included in the sale. It is in a beautiful two-toned fumed finish. The design is Windsor., It consists of nine pieces, having no serving table. Oblong extension table, 60-inch buffet, semi-enclosed china cabinet, five side chairs and one arm chair with brown The regular price was $317.00. Sale price leather seats. $237.50. Reduced Prices on Tea Carts The prices are ?■ very reasonable on ' all our tea carta, commencing $18.00 for a Grand \ Rapids made cart L of mahogany, they I, run up to $76.00 for a very hand some walnut cart of new design. Included in our ■tocks of tea carta 1 are many of new ] and unusual de- ■ sign as well as the I ever-popular con- I aervative models. I You will also find A the new two-toned finishes well repre sented. 4 m at V /A With or without drop leaves and silver drawer R. L. Foord Furniture Co. FOORD'S FOR FINE FURNITURE 7th*and Shipley Sts. Wilmington, Del. 1 DR. ALBRIGHT Specialist in-Rectal Diseases If you are troubled with Hemorrhoid« (Pilo«); Abscess, Fistula. Fissur«,'* Ulceration or any other painful or an** noying Rectal Disease, and would liLa/' to be cured without operation, write for ; my free booklet. It explains my method of treatment and frim many cured patients. tains testimonials If in need of immediate relief come to my offir, at once. Examination absolutely freo. oh «tree unless treatment is eivan jj ourg o a \f to ü r \f daily exrpné S n Sr° nly - 602 PERRY BUILDING jfltl, and chestnut, Phila. i