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DEEP WATERS Adventuring in Romance By Zoe Beckley » 8YNOPSIA Th« deadly monotony of married life palled on * JOHN BARRETT. He did not dislike bis wife. 4 ANITA, and he loted his two children. Finally the breaMinsr point wns reach ed and when Birett could stand the tedium no longrt* he announced that he was poing: to seek adventure be Nor would 4 fore passing middle he seek alone. M he intended to shar « fcfYRA DEAN, a 8uee*>V fu l woman of the world, apartment and offers himself to her. age. » announced that this lot with to Myra'a Barrett My re. Dean regarded Barrett In tently for a moment. i -'Come In." She etood aside for Mm to enter. "You—aren't you - jolting a 1»H heavily today, Jack?" "I'll admit the heavy but not the joke," he growled, entering the big, » plquantly attractive living-room, so j reflective of the woman who had made it. She was as alert, elastic and dainty in figure as a jockey, clad us she was In well-worn riding togs I that had seen service In many a, land; a wind-flushed, eager little [ face In which an amusingly virile will power quarreled with a very feminine prettiness; the embodiment « of all that Js modern, foot-loose, competent, ready for any worth while adventure. < Her brown eyes rested on Bar rett now with a gravity imcharacter * Istle of her Impulsive self. "Sit In the fat chair," sàe ordered, herself remaining standing "No body can be quite as silly foundered ▼ In that chair as erect and ready to ' fly north, south, east or west. Now what am I to eay in reply to that •joks?" . ''That you aocept me—only lt's not a Joke." Barrett sat down heavily in the "fat chair," his gaze brooding about the room that so ' eloquently expressed the life of the woman to whom he .ad come. A huge desk, not handsome of un pretentious dull wood, was heaped I with manuscripts, note books, copy paper, letters. A 'shining up-to-the minute typewriter, business-like, but ! portable, and ready to be snatel^d ! Jup for a writing trip to France or Egypt, a motion picture trip into : the wilderness, or a war correspond-! enfs gambling j6b in the Balkans, j , eat there, with a half-written sheet I «till-in Its maw. Books, a Are. flow ers. a deep divan—the makings of and a partly packed suit » case with remnants of foreign labels. , jgraplng Impatiently for Us equipment j » .for a quick Jump abroad. How ex-1 rpresslve ol Myra and her life, with j ;tts wide gamut of change! . 'Tve «imply some," went on Bar rett, ''to the Jumping-off place. Anita and I have nothing in common ,. 'any more except a poisonous monot We're neither of hum temper 1« boorish. To me she is—■ , Oh, Myra, I don't know—just a •oman who sees nothing In me, who ■'bored with me, hate» me Oh, j I I j i ) j j ! ' ; I J j ' '£ or. y of «xlneno«. us dead enough to endure It anyj longer. "To her I'm only a creature who' , spille ashes on her favorite rugs, ; comes late for dinner and whose fr.J TOO MUCH!! A FEW TABLETS CASE STOMACH Instant Relief from Indigestion Gas, Sourness, Flatulence 5 I - J j > / / X 1» • ' t 1 1/P S So mach full! Digestion stopped! 2 The moment you chew a few tab- g Meta of "Pape's Diapepsln" your y «tomach feels fine. All the feeling lef Indigestion, heartburn, fullness, lightness. i stomach palpitation, acidity, gases, or sourness vanishes, j * Eass your stomach and correct J» your digestion for a few cents. 1 « drug j y Pleasant! Harmless! Any ' store. I Brocades For Evening B rocaded Evening Slippers are the pref erence of the most fash ionable women. As the silver cloth brocades fol low the metallic trend in formal apparel, so are the satin brocades a pa~t of A the popularity of cloqy ,1 and matelasse weaves. | i' You will enjoy comple menting your evening gown with Brocade Slip pers in one of the newer designs—they harmonize so beautifully and add to the attractiveness of the ensemble. A brocaded quarter le the distinctive feature of this attractive wishbone style, with satin vamp. $6.00. ». : I' I * Patont Satin Cninhiimtlotui. i r HOME OF GOOD SHOES, A xl22 AVAßKET ST. \ 1 N \ ! ' H -t®, k:» 2 ■ j I [ 1 ^ P ' v aa . x 'n . 1 t •'5, I&d ü _J — "And you want to advonlure abouti a bit with ma?" I Pinkham's Vegetable Com _ ounf J -, Mother Advised P ouna 88 momer MQVI&ea because I loathe yes. she doe settling down to a father-of-a-family existence spiced with breakfast quar rels and bill-paying—" "And you want to adventure about With me. Well. Jack. I'm off to a bit? I'm flattered—but busy. Smyrna on the 'Cedric' In the morn ing. When I come back—" Barrett leaped to his feet, grasp ing her arms. Six months' writing work. (To Bo Continued) (Copyright, 1922. NEA Service.) GIRL NOW WELL AND STRONG Daughter Took Lydia E. Wauseon, Ohio.—"My daughter always had backache and leg-ache at certain periods and could not be on her feet at those times. We read about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound doing girls so much good bo ehe began to take it. That is two years ago and sh« ? different I ■ girl since then, obie to do any work she wants to do -although she is still careful not to do heavy work — and so well and Strong. We recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to all mothers with ailing daughters, and I give you permission to publish this letter as a testimonial. —Mrs. A. M. Burkholder, Route No. 2, Box 1, Wauseon, Ohio. Something out of balance will af feet the finest clock, causing it to g3in or lose. The proper adjustment made, all is well. So it is with wo men. Some trouble may upset you completely. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will correct the cause of the trouble and all disagreeable symptoms will disappear. '£ Ill ft* ; ** ■ 5 Kern's - Xmas Gifts $ > i^e very latest shapes In £ Mesh Bags: Slver plated ..... 95.00 Gold plated ..... 90.50 —A special hag for Xmas. / / / $ II ✓ 2 g y Joseph Kern ' JEWELER. i 719 Market Street ✓ < 3 J» « y < Second Floor. Store Open Saturday "nil 9 p. m. j < S 'WILT'/lLNGTONiS LEADING »STORE CHWARTZ-BROS eio-eiz -^VIAJUCBTT SX Noteworthy Offerings in Fashionable New Apparel And a Few Timely Suggestions For Early Gift Buyers A Pre-Holiday Sale of Felt Boudoi r Slippe rs at 95c Buy Now Pay in January— Start Your Christmas Shop ping Today While Assort ments Are At Their Best. @ Charge Accounts Solicited Purchasing Orders Accepted \ T Smart Apparel for Women and Misses For the Many Gay Affairs on Thangiving Day Admirable Blouses For Gifts Hand-made Dimity and Batiste Blouses $2.95 An exceptionally attractive group of waists, actually worth up to $5.00, made in elaborate hand-drawn styles of plain and stripe dimity and batiste, made in Peter Pan and roll collar style with turn-back cuffs. Ideal to wear with sweaters and tailored suits. Hand-made Silk and French Voile Blouses $5.75 Exquisitely made and cleverly styled blouses of heavy crepe de chine and finest quality French voile, iq smart roll collar, vestee and Peter Pan styles, effectively trimmed with genuine Irish crochet and filet lace. Actual values to $8.50. 450 pairs of exceptionally t fine quality felt slippers. All fresh, crisp and new ; just unpacked. Made in the wanted comfortable soft sole style with pom-pon trimming, in rose, taupe, copen, American beauty, light blue and purple. All sizes in the lot. RL4. A R H * V A Brushed Wool Hat and Scarf Set $4.95 Smart Slipover Sweater $2.95 Handkerchief Linen . Squares 15c each These are all cut in 12-inch squares ready to be hemmed and em broidered into dainty gift handkerchiefs. There are about 40 different ' shades to choose from. Satin Camisoles $1.50 and $1.69 Br Good-looking warm sweaters of zephyr and brushed wool in plain and block weave in a variety of good colors. In models with belts and throw sashes. These are made in smart tailored and elab orate lace - trimmed styles of superior qual ity satin in flesh, white, navy and black. I I \ Fluffy warm sets for motoring and all out of-door rose, blue, heather mix tures. tan and combina tions. occasions, in 1 5 ß I 5 Gift Gloves Two Attractive Groups of Breakfast Coats at $3.95 and $7.95 A f QK Goad looking corduroy FAX. XpD.Z/ÏJ Breakfast Coats In smart models of fine wale corduroy —toall wanted colors. QC Changeable Taffeta Breakfast Coats — in several charming ruffle trimmed styles, with and without pockets; all colors. Continuing the Extraordinary Sale of Women's & Misses 9 Street and Afternoon Dresses at 1-2 to 1-3 Off $19.75 , $25, $29.50 Attractively rriced Fownes $3.00 French Kid Gloves $1.95 Another lot of these fine glove« in the same good quality and styles as those offered a week I ago. Unmatched Values They are made in two-clasp style» in black, white, tan. brown and grey and have heavy embroidered back. Buy them for gifts tomor row and save one-third. Three Groups This collection of Dresses is so diversified that any woman or misa may choose a lovely dress to suit her individual personality and place her in the front ranks of smartness for a minimum of expenditure. Included are Silk Dresses, Velvet Dresses and Twill Cord Dresses in simple unadorned or elaborately trimmed styles. » 12 and 16 Button Fabric Gloves 85c and $1.00 Fine ebamoisette gloves in two popular lengths in covert, brown, grey and beaver An Unusual Group of Dinner Frocks at $39.50 These are fashioned in striking Dignified Gowns For the Evening Function Exquite affairs of lace, sequins, metallic cloth, chiffon velvet and combinations, in adorable models for the Thanksgiving Dance. Some draped and elaborately trimmed bouffant, others in slim straightline styles of grace and charm, featuring all the latest style points, in a veri table rainbow of colors and black. Moderately priced. Boudoir Caps 59c to $2.50 Japanese Lac quered Sewing Baskets 69c to $1.95 Five sizes to choose from in round shapes. The tops are decorated » with colored china rings, Chinese coins and beautiful silk tas sels. These will make lovely gifts. Exquisite Berthas of Lace 95c to $3.50 Beacon Blankets $5.50 and $7.50 At these two prices A wonderful assort ment of fascinating new caps of satin and crepe de chine, effectively trimmed with laces, ribbons and rosebuds. we offer a wonderful assortment of soft fluffy blankets in white with colored borders models of Canton Crepe, Crepe Mystic, Crepe Carre, Broadtail Satin and Chiffon Velvet in new au tumn shades and black. These are a new ship ment of the daintiest styles imaginable and among them charming patterns, in white and ecru. and beautiful block many beautiful boudoir plaids in every imagin able color. in shadN. Coats for All Occasions Hosiery for Gifts Ü Bed Sets and Comforts At Interesting Prices At Worth While Savings Full-fashioned Silk Hose $1.55 silk stockings, / full-fashioned with lisle garter tops and soles; in , black only. Unusual value at $1.55. * V. \ i V Scalloped and Cut Corner Bed Sets $7.95 Beautiful sets in Marseilles patterns in plain white and rose and white, consisting of 81x90 spread and bolster throw to match. 7 ^ Special lot of exceptionally fi T** h Good Quality Silk Hose $1.25 (I These are irregulars of our $2.50 grade, butdn most instances the imperfections are hardly no ticeable. They are full-fashioned of exceptional ly heavy quality thread silk with lisle garter tops and soles and come in all colors. V Lamb's Wool Filled Comforts $12.95 t. w i Handsome warm comforts made with super ior quality sateen coverings which are closely quilted. In rose and blue only. 4 ' f VAY \n h j 0 8 Odd Lot of Children's Underwear 49c This lot consists of union suits, long sleeve vests and ankle length drawers of heavy fleec ed ribbed cotton. All sizes in the lot. Novelty Ribbon Garters $1.25 I Women's Hand kerchiefs 15c and 25c Fine handkerchiefs in white or colors, neatly hemstitched and beau tifully embroidered. A half dozen in a box will make a welcome gift. Nashua Woolnap i\\ (i Mi xm & V Blankets $4.95 Fluffy, warm ! i I Dainty affairs of flex ible elastic shirred with vari-colored and artistically trimmed with tasteful lace and French flowers. blan kets in plain colors with stripe borders and a wonderful assortment of ' beautiful plaids; all colors. I ribbons 1 block ( i Three Notable Values In Thanksgiving Linens * A Little Sale of Leather Handbags Sumptuous Fur Trimmed Coats and Wraps $98.50 Coats that will win admiration wherever smart-dressed women gather. Cleverly styled coats and wraps in straightline, blouse and wraplike models or voluminous capes of MaTcova, Marvella, Fashona, Lustrosa, Tarquina and Gerona; enriched with huge collars, deep cuffs and oftimeg fur bands and tabs of Caracul, Platinum Wolf, Beaver, Fox, Mole and Squirrel. Some of the capes are fur-lined throughout. Unusual Values in Fur Trimmed Coats at $39.50 and $49.50 Beautiful coats of Delysia, Bolivia, Norma Glow and Ormandale, made in many likeable wrappy, blouse back and straightline models with collars and cuffs of Beaver, Squirrel, Wolf, Australian Opossum and Nu tria. In all colors. $ 1.85 Art Linen Luncheon Sets Special $3.95 Handsome seven-piece luncheon sets of genu ine Indian Head Linen, consisting of 54x5 4-inch cloth and six napkins tomatch, with basket dec oration stenciled in rose or blue. at * ) I That Will Be of Special Interest to Thrifty Gift Seekers Fur Collared Sport Coats tor the Game at $29.50 Colored Border Damask Table Cloths $1.25 An unusual lot of beautiful cloths that will prove of special interest to gift seekers. They are 5 4x54-inch cloths of fine quality bleached damask and come in pretty floral and stripe patterns with colored borders in rose, blue and gold, either scalloped or hemstitched. About 250 bags in this lot. each worth eon siderable more than tomorrow's low price, really wonderful values that are sure to hurry out at Coats like these will stand out prominently among the crowds that assemble to witness the game. They are made in smart mannish models perfectly tailored, with raglan or set-in sleeves and big roomy patch pockets. They flaunt deep shawl collars of Stone Marten (dyed opos sum). such a ridiculously low price. They are shown in brown, black and grey in pouch, envelope Colored Border Table Damask 79c yard 72-inch table damask of firm even woven qual ity, made with attractive colored borders in rose, gold and blue in chrysanthemum, rose and stripe pattern. An unusual value at 79c yard. and kodak shapes, beautifully silk-lined and fit We advise ted with coin purse and mirror. early selection.