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j Special Sermons and Music To Be Heard In The City Churches Tomorrow' ~ ~~.~ LMOVER CORNER-STBNE Ceremony to Follow Union Service in Church on Thanksgiving Day SUNDAY NIGHT SERMON ON TURKEY In Hanover Presbyterian Church Boulevard and Eighteenth streets / tomorrow night, the Rev. Charles H Bohner, pastor, will prsach ths third , .. , „„ „ of his senes of sermons on the gen oral topic. "What t. the Matter With the World?" His subject will be: "Turkey-the Scourge of the Mod-j ern World." At this service the church choir will sing the anthem, Come Unto Me" (Roberts). A trio will sing ."Hear Our Prayer" fAh-1 bottl The sermon will be Ulus- j trated by views of Turkey. At ths morning service Mr. Boh subject, on the ner will preach Business Qualities In Religion." At choir will ! this service the church sing the anthem. "Look on the ; Fields" (Rogers); Walter H. Ben-! nett will sing "Judge M», O God." ,pi, pk , ! Immediately Bohner will the Men's Bible class will be mg organised. Mr. Charles H. dr»ss th« Senior Christian Endeavor Society at the usual evening hour. The Girls' Club and Westminster Guild will meet In the church Monday evening. The mid-week service omitted next week, because of the Thanksgiving Day service In the church. The corner »tone of the new Han over Churrh. will be laid next Thürs day morning, immediately following the union Thanksgiving Day ser vice. The thanks service will b» joined in by the congregations m!% T >icCabe and Eastlake M. F 81*255 " a SïTS.'ïïSd -- , .---.a tbr crlnture: thi Re'v S E Wicker will offer prayer. ,k. p.v William Leishman will read the President's Thanksgiving proclâ matlon* the Rev A. W. Goodhand Governor s proclamation, and L B SmKh will preach The service will begin The music will be of Hanover choir; will the th© Rev. the lerraon. at 10 o'clock under direction H. 6. Drew, director. musical program AT GRACE CHURCH The R»v. Benjamin M. Johns will nr-ach at both services,|omormw. at Grace M. E. Church. The mus! the day as fol for c*l program low*: 19 15 o'clork. the Chimes- From Skie»." Dwell Below the Ye Thankful People rom*." all That "Com© Praise God From Whom All Hies* ing*» Flow." *'Come Ye Disconsolate ; lft 39 o'clock, organ prelude, theme and variations. •'Duke Street." Gaul. Processional, 717: anlhem. " the Lord. O Jerusalem." Maunder; offertory, baritone solo, "Gloria. Bugat-Psceia; Mr. Taylor: reees a-onal, 4«1; organ i.ostlude. Post lüde In C." Orison. •clock, the rhlm«»—' " «'rb „f the Night." 'Lead Eternal;" "Jesus Calls 7.95 man. Tell us On G King Us O'er the Tumult. 7.15 to 7.30: "Festival TorsU." at Twilight." Frysinger: feet Melody." (Organ recitaD — •Told •The Por ••Proc©* Fletcher; O'Hara; "A Song of s.ona! 408»ç-Anîhem. Thanksgiving." Old Put<-h;_ "O Fnr the AVings n Recessional f a Dove." 5 45: in F tory\ Mendelssohn: postlude. •'Fantasia organ Major." Polleri. Sundov ftrhool at noon in all de partments. At the Epworth League, a t 6.30 o'elork. A. E I.indley. of -h» Y M. C. A., wil add res« the meet j Blai'kistim will he the soloist. A h usines »meeting "•<" H held immediately after the servire first vice-president, to Mis* Marjorie j I : j John IC select a take the place tn of Guthrie. On Thursday mnrnine. ,,'rlnrk. In First-Central Presbyirr lan Church. Grace and Union Melhn at in.30 dist Episcopal Presbyterian West and Central churches will hold » Joint Thanks giving Day service, jamin M. Johns will be the preacher of the morning. The offering taken a t this servies will he for Ihe benefit of the Peoples Settlement. On Friday, the Standard Bearer« he churrh Th© Rev. Ben will hold . in houae. from lft A. M. until 5 P. M N e p d | p work, home hiked oak»« and candy, Christmas cards und flower novelties will be on'salc. E. rm nun. The service? at Mâdeley M. will begin with \ William MA »ELF V M. Fa. Church tomorrow class meeting. led by ÉMHrk:' the Rev. L. M. Henry at 9 o'cb Broadwav. the pastor, will preacli lft.30 a Thanksgiving sermon at o'clock, subject. "The Loving Kind ness of God:" Sunday school at 2.15 O'clock. John H. Ford, superintend Silo« K rsey w.l! direct a song! 'clock, which will ! . ' ent. service at 7.3ft be followed with a sermon by the pastor SECOND M. P. rHYRCH. M. P. Church. Fifth the West - Second avenue and Anchorage street. Rev. F Rrvan Bailey, of minster Theological Seminary, pas- I tor. Services tomorrow a= follow? Sunday school at 2 o'clock: Junior Christian Endeavor at 6.45 o'clock: . evening worship at 7.45 o'clock, sub Jfct of th" sermon. "Where Are the Nine." Got TRgP nip»»ting ♦ very Frida? evening at 8 o'clock. prayar I ui TALK ON CHINA -. Dr. J. H. Franklin Will Preach at Second Baptist Church Tomorrow FLOYD W. HARPER TO SING SOLO Tomorrow morning af Second Bap i »1st Church, the Rev. George D. A. llson, Ph. D pastor will continus ; W« -'Ties of "Portraits of Chris»," his subject being "Te Shepherd of, 0ur Sou|a .. The chlldren - s SPrmn „ theme W |!l be "A King Who Was Beloved," and the usual nursery | hour „U1 be.observed[following the ( Children s Service. The quartetic clioir. directed by Floyd W. Harper j will sing Jesus. Shepherd of the Sheep by Briggs and 'Praise ths Lord O Jerusalem" by Maunder, Sunday school mceis at 13 o'clock This is n one-hour service with a good orchestra and lesson study ! I ! The Business Men's Bible Class in vit es men to discuss "Jesus as the 1 Missionary;" at 6.45 o'clock People's Union ! Ideal ! the Baptist Young will m>et with Group 4 a- leaders | Their topic will be "Praise God"-- ,• : o'clock Dr. H James I Franklin, whose efforts in behalf of reconstruction work in France led At 7 45 j lo the «ward by that Republic re 1 cently of the declaration of Officer, j of Public Instruction, will be the principal speaker. His theme will be '«Christianity's New Day In China." On Wednesday evening. the of lht 1 Thanksgiving testimony rbunch will be held at 6 o'clock, Thursday morning at 19 30 o'clock t bp Thanksgiving service will be held j , vhpn a n Baptist congregations will unite at this church to hearth» new j past or of Bethany church, the nev. A j. Williamson. This I» to be a great „„e-hour service in response ' r ' r J- 1 VISITING PASTOR __ tr »/«n | \J BETHANY CHURCH rtl ULil 1 - ! At Bethanv Baptist church. Elm! I and Jackson street». Rev. A F. Wtl I Ramson. P D. pastor. The Rev James H. Franklin. D. D . of New Tork city, will preach at the morn ing service tomorrow. Dr Frank lln ts connected with the Mission I ary Society and has worked with the I missionaries. The choir will render [special music at this time. ' The Sunday school will meet at 12 I o'clock In the chapel, the j Bible class will meet at the same I hour. The finance committee the church will call on every ni»m-j her of the church and get their pledges for the coming year's work r Is the largest The budget this y that the church has undertak mise In several years, hill the inter cKt that i* heinir shown the com »king forward ti a large mlttee i* 1< amount over what the. budget calls for. eeting at 8:45 o'clock will be the regular -111 be in The C. K in the chaper. Thanksgiving service and charge of Misses Edith Crossley and Violet Martin. Tip' song and praise j service will begin at 7:45 o'clock, song service In charge of J. R. Slaw ter. followed by preaching by l»r. Williamaon, his subject being "The Masters Anxiety." I The monthly meeting of the Men's -ill be held on Tuesday k. The 7;45 o'clock on 1 The churrh will Join 1 league evening at 8 o'cl prayer service at Wednesday. with the other Baptist churches j in their Union Thanksgiving service •eekiy ' in nt the Second Baptist church on , Thursday morning at lft:30 o ciock. « ZION LFTHFIIVN mt'ltCH. I Zion Lutheran Church. Sixth and fourth Jackson streets, the Rev. Frederick i Morning topic of sermon A Secret of the Kingdom of God." At this service fifty men. Hasskarl, B. D m an o rlork pastor. « German » . make the every member visitation, will he commissioned Evening service, 7.3ft o'clock (English». sermon. "Will Some Be Honored in Heaven More Than Others?" Th s is ?be eighth in a series of sermon« "Eternity." Sunday school.«, o'clock and 2.15 o'clock. vhn are I>n 9.30 I ST. JOHN S CRERCTL St. John's Ghurch. th© R©v. Alban rector, servir 7.3ft o 9.3ft o fo 'clock. 'clock. Rich©y. D. D.. morrow a* follows: Holy Communion; Churrh srhool; 11 n and aernmn; evening prayer and sermon. Bishop Cook will prrarh at 11 o'rlork. Vlock. mornyig 7.45 O'elork, prayer \KW\RK UNION. Al Newark Union M. E. Ihe Rev. W. W dav School will be held at 2 and preaching at 3 n'rl Phurch. Sharp, paefnr; Sun lock \ rk. ! Second Baptist Church J NINTH AND FRANKLIN STREET5 George D. Allison, Ph. D., Pastor Tomorrow, 7.45 P. M. Dr. James II. Franklin ——of the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society will speak Christianity's New Day in China t J i t j PASTOR'S THEME - Timely Topics at Harrison Street M. E. Church Tomorrow THANKS SERVICE. LEAGUES TO HOLD The order of service* at Herrl eon Street M. E Church. Rev. WH Ham E Habbart. pastor, 1 omorrow VLo^VleLder-'(PSo'o'clock' 1 ' B roSbHft ' oiii<k,; preaching service; anthem after Prayer. " I *° rd . " f , " arve *'' ® raeket '' °* er |°!2. d " e . ,t ; ' 0 past01 , , u ' bJPCt . • cross Bpar i n _ •• 0 . rI „ ck Sunday srho „,. Elmpr Pprl . v , supPr , ntende nt 3.10 0 . cl0ck Scninr Epw0 r(h ' 1 ! League. : topic: "Thanks Living." leader. Mrs. Jacob Orr; soloist, Mr. Wallace. 7:30 ociock. preaching service, - song service; anthem after prayer, ! "Love Divine " Weidner; offertory ^ anthem. "Rock of Ages." Niles; ser- ! ] rnon by pastor, subject. "Near to the Kingdom." AI 7 o'clock on Thanksgiving I morning there will be a "Union Ser Epworth Leagues the city in ibis church. This is t men's meeting, but all th •omen members are Invited also. : j bp „ j Those who will take part in the «er vice are Rev. W. K. Habbart, Rev w. G. Harris, of Cookman church. Mr. Brown, from Scott church, wilt! [direct the singing. District Presi | d ent Staats and male quartet from ! c^Hwlhfleldwm ' Preside"^ *he or The topic for the morning "The Motive and Perfec of Gratitude.' Speaker, Her gan. - will he : li j man McKay. , - |U> L'WIMfi U'II I I'll. UfUllU If ILIj PREACH ON "DEBTORS At Union M E Church Fifth and " «shington streets, the Rev Harv. y Winfield Ewing. D. D minister, se r - vices wll be: Claais meeting at ».3ft o'clock; public worship at 10 3 0 o'clock subject. Dehtors "; Sun day School at 2 o'clock; Epworth League at 6 45 o'clock; His« Fran res Evans, leader; Harold Gibbons. president Evening worship at 7.30 o'clock; ) subject. "For or Against Christ." Music for the day : Organ postlude, j "Chant Poétique,' Giggle, «nthem.i "The God of Abram." Gleason: an-. "Rejoice in the Lord." Knix- j ac hmar; offertory. "Paatorale.«« oflvaulkes; postlud». "Grand Choeur." Frysinger: organ recital, at 7.15 „• f .| 0( , k Misa Johnson, organist: an thPn) '-rom» Weary Boni." Lanstng: [solo. "Stek th» (Terry 1, Mrs. I Lord In Prayer," Ellis : nffertroy. "In postlude, j Mendelssohn. service M n „ n |j,h!." Kinder: March." Thanksgiving •Heroes I'nion a* Presbvterian Central Sermon by the Rev. Ren-, minister of ; a nd First Church. ja min M. John©. D. IV. Grace Church. Service at 19 o'clock. FIRST M I*. CHURCH. Chili h ; Methodist Proles ant below Walnut. First Seventh Hev. Fred O. ^Holloway, service* tomorrow as f°lb h© street paator. -*: lft.45 rorshtp. the Church at 2 o'clock. Sunday school; ermon. o'clock, morning •The Sin y t Letter So ci 7.45 o'clock, prenching by the I a : G. W. Fnrriitg. a former pastor of the church, now' of Baltimore. Christian F.ndegv bv Mr**. 7 o'clock, r. led Rev. « Rif ILF STVRFNTR. the Church." t* Hie for the lecture hv W. H at 3 o'clock ''Promise* ti tomorrow' I subject r>icker*on i afternoon in Jr. f». F. A. M Hall. «»ft7 Tafnall street, before the lnter-J national Bihle Students' Association, ^rf t «1 1 Bible classe* will be conducted a . the *anie Address at 2 and 8 o'clock. and special classe* for young people and children will be! held at 2 o'clock.» 'hurrh ts, the Rev. sprvires GRACE A. M. E. 7.IOV. AI Grace A. M. E. Zion Third and West st! J. H. Tucker, pastor, the will bp: Sermon by the 1 o'clock, subject, "fsiah's hoot. 2 o clock. The pasior. fall:" Sunday pastor, members and friends ar© in vited to bold nervier* at the Rev. Mr. Morphy'* church at 3 o'clock;! Christian 7.15 o'clock; .Endear prrarhing l»i. the pastor. 8 »'cb •k. f Piece." subject, "The Print e MT. PLFASWT M F. At Mi Pleaeant M. E. Church, thr Rev. W. W. Sharp, pastor, there ft.30 o'clock clock: Sunday .Srhool. 9 30 1 .eague. will hr preaching and 8 « o'clock : at Wpwortfh 7 3ft »Vh ek. An Acceptable Thanksgivin tr Ö v By the Rev. George Henry Dole Pastor of the Church of the New Jerusalem When ye will offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving unto the Lord, offer it at your own will.—Lev. xxii, 29 Israel a our*, a feast. rifice (eacer facer©, to make eacrerl) of thanksgiving." which originally rnpant a sacra thanksgiving. H oly Supper, wIiptp the bread and wine i a ken was like It was called a "eac ent or sanctification was like the n ■anctiflcd and then par of in remembrance of the When sacred worldliness Lord s sanctification. ,. amP (f) mpan ki|1 to _. ive , jp '"'V' ' 5an '' ,ifv a , nf oId 1 , ))P ;l Ours ►a netifleation' of ThaqksgivJng in d itude to the Lord for His loving care throughout the year. How external. superficial, hollow and unicc-t p: ible to the Lord our Thanksgiving if it te only a sumptuous feast, a day of sport, a holiday on which va seek p and holy grai our own pleasure, without being sanctified with gratitude *o the I. ord for H i s constant care and un fa''nc Move. He will not look upon the sumptuous table, but 'nto the hearts around It. Then 10 t the mind. Mr a moment at least, be lifted up to the bountiful giver of every good and perfect gift that ,Ht may make our crament, a sanctification aa n f old feast a CHÎFF MANIT0W0G WILL BE SPEAKER ; The s»rvcles tomorrow, at the Delaware Avenue Baptist Church bp a .„ follows: 10.30 o'clock, the ,h,> n,,v ' Jo, ' ,f,h T ' ,rwin S ' r '- preach on th« topic "Harvest Rejoicing." The Sunday lSrhoo , B ., M mpPt Rt ]2 0 >| 0Pk The Intermediate C. E. at 6 o'clock, and the Christian Endeavor at 6.45 The evening service, at 7.30 o'clock will have for the speaker. Chief .Manitnwog. an Indian evangelist, will preach in his native ens -turne. His topic "From Sing Sing Prison to Evangelist" o n Tuesday evening the Sunday School will hold a Thanksgiving so rial at the church. On Monday evening the FI-T-a Or-Cla-Del. will m««t at th« hom«L of Miss Martha Baugh. Lore av Gordon Heights, nesdav evening, al 6 o'clock, | In (charge of the paslnr, followed by the class, on "Christian Training." Th« church will unite in the union Thanksgiving service morning, at 10.30 o'clock, Sprond B ap ij s t Church. p> i .service on Wed Prayer and prai: on Thursday at the BISHOP HAMILTON AT RICHARDSON PARK Park The service* of Richard h. the Rev. V. P. Nor Ihrup. D. D. pastor, will be •orship. M E. Chtl s fol lows: n * r j 0.30 at M or k with sermon by Bishop John ill on. k* D . LL. D. of Wash Sunday School, from Men's Bible Cl W. Hat D. C.; ingf 12 t t o'clock; meeting at the same hour; Kpw devotional meeting, at B 3" Junior ehoir l-th i. r ,gne i/eloek Music by th© worship «t on by 7.3« Bishop will Evening Harnil |<e giV'P . .. irklnnd. leid ith ser Special music ton. by the choir, F. E St f at both morning and meeting 7.3ft o'clock. Junior Will meet this »'»sk on Fri 2.30 o ciock instead evening ser Wedncs n Prayer vices. dav evening it glie day afternoon at of*on Thursday. ANDRF.Y'fi t'R< H - r nt St. Andrew « ■pi s. PT. Service* tomorrow rhun h. Shipley anil ^* h ' h -" r nil-hard \Y. Trftpnell. rei Holy Com the Rey. tor w i1l be as follows: munioh at 8 neb I Rn , k , rhurrh «rh .1 o'clock ; 9.4 5 nt Bible claw ing prayer and Bishop Cook 1 1 sermon ai vitl preach 7.45 m or 0 >i ■k. at evening service the o'clock. at I'R ITI'JIN Mi SPIRIT!' MiIST. I Th» Fraternal Spiritualiat Church ' F.den Hall. Sunday. medium. Mr«. Webster. o'clock ; 7.3ft ; The Spirit of Thanks jrivinir and of Advent r é j I s©, Ci j i i j Within Ihe week the nation will, celebrate Thanksgiving Day. And immediately there after we shall look forward I») Christmas. How much the nation has lo thank God for. How much we each have to he thankful for. >011 know better than anyone else what I dess have been yours, you know better than 9 \ I Ü : > * I! fl ings anyone else why you should thank God. JB-f-Üi Mc 1 hank fill for your blessings. Thank God in His house, and look forward to the coming of His Son on Christmas Day. f «r 7 J£&i GO TO CHURCH e - M "l ' I Put further—the request was. ''offer at your own will" the sanctl-1 firation of thanksgiving. Do we de rive any pleasure from forced, re liVtant, unwilling servi the service ever so great? Vet how No. be sweet is the joy for the least thing done for us in love! Nor is forced, reluctant, conventional service ac ceptable to the Lord. Nothing that we do counts in the Book of Life thaf is not done from the will, from love. In doing from reluctance, we con firm reluctance. In doing from com pulsion or mere conventionalism we make ourselves slaves of circum stances and cqsloni. Thanks be to God that by His power and presence, whatever our circumstance, that which is before us we can do as His humble, obedient servant with joy. * i v ... _.. . . b * a 1 a sacrament, from .he, "ove Then ,he true Tmru^TbsnùU stivinz Will inflow and hie— n with ! giving inflow and bless us with , àndX I the day an acceptable offering, and God will j sanctify the heart, the family, theje home with true. Thanksgiving love. divine peace. Make Thanksgiving a ; sanctification from the to friends, family. Father above. Then KINGSW00I) s. s. TO GIVE PROGflAM Conclusion of the fiftieth anniver sary of Klngsvvnnd M. E. Church Fourteenth and Clavmont streets, to 'he Rev. George W. Bounds, pastor, Sunday program follow«: 9.30 o'clock, Love Feast. conducted by the pastor; 10.30 [o'clock, sermon by th» Rev. William Powick, who was superintendent ofl Kinw,wood Sunday School, 1677 and 1 676. The Sunday School program follow?; Song, bv the school ! » prayer, by S. H. Pippin, who nerved : as superintendent for se „. , n , } ' Mr " : i »Mm. Mpssio Wilson: class re ports and centenary offering; child's 1 A lice Rinker Shot-' k, of Norristown. Pa. which »,s first Christmas enter- 1 the school. np . I recitati-'n by Mrs. which She| gave at the age of 3 years, in th« first Christmas entertainment; brief remarks by te Rev, William Pow Ick. D. D.. Miss Reha Smith fl nd - Mrs. Sara E. Hoffman: duet bv Mr. and Mr,, g. H Pippin; remarks by S. L. Bowers. Charles N. McKaig!i i«nd Aubrey Vandever; sido by Prof ; j. g. Dailey j 6.45 O'clock, Epworth League ,d-i >'|ork •' sr>ug. by ti sung In the ta in ment held by 872; Rachel Metcalf Baldwin. dressed by Dr. Powick; 7.30 rmon bv the Rev. W. A. Wise, P Prof. James G. 1 ). ; Dailey, of Philadelphia, will slnsr at vices during th* day. all ©or- ! I ! ST. U'KI-rS IL K. rtfl-RCR. Luke's Reformed 'hurrh. flu* Rev. Willi .st. Episcopal » i mming, rector, service* tomorrow as follows: * 'hurch sch I at 19 o'clock: morn rmon a» 1 I o'cl prayer and ! ing^rayer and evening k: » rmon at 7.3ft Mid-week «»rvice Wednea o't'Iot'k. day at 6 o'elork. TRINITY epincop \ l( rni Rrii. Snndav The «»rvieea Tr nitv Epis next a Pal Chumh will be f ^ ,,n w«: Holy I'onimuni k; Sunday 9© n. at 7 3ft ; at 9.30 ' and ser-• ° Si ' i clock, mon. at 11 o'c| ami serin oh at F. Kirk ii* and evening. ng prayer *k; ©< ntng prayer 7.45 will preach 'clock Th** Rev. ' morning «N TURKEY THE SCOURGE OF THE MODERN WORLD * • ♦♦ Being ihn third nf tin- veri M *»f illiistraiofl sermons ... WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH THE WORLD?" bring dditcrrd in Hanover Presbyterian Church Biitilnai'il anil l-lghtccnlli street TOMORROW NIGHT. Î.RO The Rev. («harte« R. Rnliner. V!iniv,er VO! IN V ITFfl Special Music NEW PASTOR AT 1 I WEST CHURCH Rev. A. W. Sonne to Preach Here Tomorrow Morn ing and Accept Call i MUSICAL PROGRAM A-r Al I C rrru/lf^tre AT ALL SERVICES! The Rev. August Whitman Sonne D. D., pastor-elect of the West Pres byterian church. wiH give his formal acceptance of the call, which has been extended to him by the con gregation of West church, tomnr row morning at the J0:30 o'clock service. Dr. Sonne will use for his sermon theme "The Coul Passion of Jesus." The choir, under the direction of; Professor J. T Clymer, with Misa , E Viola Moffltt at the organ, will | ~ive the following numbers: Pre- : lï de " Hand *' : an,hem " L «t i f ount Z on Herbert; sol-j oists. Annabel Groves, Oscar Steig quartette, "Jesus, Lover of My| fnMv Heà'J rd 7 S; 0 ^ rtOry ,: :° , Con,e | ?Uso.o"l UH Muligef Ambrose. The Bible school will a~emble at ' „clock. Dr , 8onne will'teach the ! |. M „ n , h e men's class. John A ] er; ) Pyle's orchestra is also a fea C. E. meeting. 6:45 P M topic. "Praise God." A J. Bock. Jr will he in charge, music. Special orchestral oi?t. ture. The Rev. Thomas Kerr, pastor of i Drepnhill Presbyterian church will ,•f'"«•"h at Ui» 7:.m o'clock service. "* ,nK ^ >Ua suhjert ' " A ° reat * n - | The musical numbers will Include |' k « following: Prplude, "Verset." anthem, t Was Glad When ! ■Tle^WUl"^^ Me^simplrins ! soloist, M. P.' Hastings, Jr.: ' post 11 " 1 '- ''Rmcessinnal March." Rafiste ! 1 h " " uar ''*'; «'""»nofwrt of Os-| 8,#l * ,, ' r ' K ' M Ochelir»». L. H. ! »rt-i» w." unsrer and M. P. Hastings. Jr., will amgr immediately after the sermon. : i CHRISTIAN ALLI ANCE. 1 Services at the Christian and Mis sion,ry Alliance. 504 West Fifth] Sunday will he as follows:! 1 9 30 ft ' c,0<?k « I ,ra V er sf'vice; lft.80 I O'clock the Rev. F. B Colllt of Corn ' nK speak on "The M-dnighi rry ; U * n o clock. Sunday Schoo! '' ociocl{ ' the Rev. F. R. Coliit will on ' R ugh t l p. a Mvsterj :,nd * Grace". Mr Col - Ht Wi " !,p '' a,< thi " '' v ' lnin ' ; on ' Wh!U W1U •"'«us Comes? "j rt> * W McGarvev of Hunt ngt ; in " *' 7 j Sin and the Greater Punishment."; Thi " wi " hp e' 0 "" 1 * Sunday of, •' the rnnv ^ ntlon now progrre»» at thi* rhurch. . Pa... will speak Sunday even 'clock on "The Greatest SALVATION ARMY. ! At rhp Salvation Army Citadel. Fourth and Shipley, Ensign John O. Sinipson. oflioer-in-charge Special service* will he conducted thi* week end by Adjutant Arthur Cook, of' New York Pity, wjjo left Wilmington over a year ;igo. Hi* many friend** ill he glad to hear him Saturday; 3.30 and 8 I meeting Sunday •k. Mrs. Julia Irwin. K o'cl nV 19.30 « Young .People'* lacgion, Sunday, 8.15 o'clock. ■k; Sundn y, Company ►'cb GRFF.NFTlLfi PRFSBVTFRI \V. Greenhill j left P»k©. j hoo| and Bible j preaching I i salon , Service* tomorrow at Pre*byterian*Cburch, Ke W'ill he: Sabbath j at 9.39 o'clock; at 10.45 oirlbnk: cla«* ar 7.39 o'clock. Th© . Rev. Thomas Kerr, minister. da«* service study I CHURCH HISTORY PASTOR TO REVIEW At Epworth Methodist Episcopal Church. Temh and Lombard streets the services will be: Sunday morn ing class at 9.30 o'clock; preaching 10.30 o'clock, by the minister, the Rev. Essel! I', Thomas, on "The Divine Friendship." Special music will be given. The Sunday school ses sion will be at 2 o'clock. Dpworth League will meet at 6 45 o'clock. Miss Elizabeth Moore will the singing. Panics popular services be carted «I 7.30 The special selections to be given by the choir are: "As a Hall, with Herbert Mike.-ell as so loisi. and "Soldiers of Christ Arise," by Meredith. Mrs. Hplen Merrick will sine as a soprano solo. "Trust land Obey." Charles Gamble, tenor, will sing 'God be Merciful." by Will m. S. Brown. • James Alexander's class will meet Monday evening at S o'clock in the Sunday school room on Wednesday evening the ser-. vjcp for praver and pra ise will be he i d On Thanksgiving Day. at an hour be alwouced . Asbury . Scott. First P and h l'"' or,h Churches uill ho!d 3 Un !° n J hanks * lvln * service Scott Church ' vl II o'clock. Prof. George E King's chorus choir of forty voices will cad in a song ser vice before the preaching hour. Mr. Thomas' evening subject will be: "Christ Dwelling: Ii The Heart." Hart." (by The Junior Epworth League will j ! 'Services will be held at the Els mere Presbyterian Church at 11 ana 7 o'clock ; morning subject: "Thej Seventh Commandment: 'he White meet at 3.45 o'clock on Friday. I7LSMERE PRESBYTERIAN. - Work Franklin Wagner, minister, ! ! A Cross of Purity;" evening subject Jesus and the Sinful." Sunday School at la and Christian Endeavor Society at 7 o'clock Mi3s Mabel a- leader. The Rev. Irvin: NORTH RAPHST CHTRCH. North Baptist Church Lincoln L. re'tingill, pastor. Will b» preaching at 10 30 k. hv the pasior. suhjoct, «'Warning Against Lav»n;" evening. "The G.ving of Thank«." Rihl® School at noon. '»ar f»**lawar« avenu«», th«» Rev. W'illia There and 7.45 o>l \!ornin~ Harrison streets. Services will he;, Kir „ pay (Sunday) at It o'cl Rjhl P C 1 as« t at 10.15 w -eek meeting on Fourth Day (W»d „«*<<«> , a 7.45 o'clock. A cordial -„vj'ation is extended ! VU I KS I>S* M F.fTHNT,. At Friends* Meeting Tenth and k; -Mid VI k the public. A Church Home in the Heart of the City FIRST CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sermon Theme*: I o. 30 —"MEMORY IN ANOTHER WORLD" 7.45—"WAGES AND GIFTS 12.00—Church School, all department* Rev. Aquilla Webb, D. D., LL.D., Minister — Sunday Services REy. BENJAMIN M. JOHNS WILL PREACH AT BOTH SERVICES—10.30 A. M. AND 7.30 P. M. GRACE CHURCH Sunday School at noon in all departments. GRACE CHURCH IS EVERYBODY'S CHURCH "Kt WESTMINSTER CHARLES L. CANDEE. D. D. •• "FREEDOM OF TRUTH. 10.30 A. M. 4.00 P. M—"AN UNSELFISH HERO. i VERA CURTIS,.of METROPOLITAN'OPERA CO., Sing at Vesper r m / ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL / / METHODIST / ; ✓ / ft The Friendly Church ? At 7.30 DM. HIBBAHI) will preach a \ THANKSGIVING sermon to members of ÿ i .IM. O. r. A. M. In Ihe course of the sermon J £ he will discuss the result of the recent elec- é (ion in OREGON, BY WHICH IT WAS DE- $ j CIDEl) TO CLOSE ALL PRIVATE AND i \ .PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS AND COMPEL J ^ ALL CHILDREN UNTIL 1(5 YEARS OF* Î AGE TO ATTEND T H E P U B I« I C J SCHOOLS. Is this wise legislation? Will * other States do likewise? If you are inter- J ested attend this service. Seats for every- ^ body. 10.30—To|>ie. "The Saif of the Earth. Sunday School at Noon All Welcome VWWN KNNN NNWNWNNNNNWNN WNWWWV W << / / > / V » s / / ?• X arscru I r WAGES AND GIFTS, DR. WEBB'S SUBJECT J* At First and Central Presbyterian Church, Market street above Ninth, Sunday morning at 10.30 o'clock, the Rev. Dr. Webb, the pastor, will preach on "Memory In Another World." The evening service will be evangelistic. There trill be a gospel service. Dr. Webb will preach "Wages and Gifts." The choir has prepared special music for both morning and evening services. ^cmg on " vice preparatory to th« commun ion and reception of new members the first Sunday In December, Thursday morning at 1 ft. 31» o'clock there will be a Union Thanksgiving Service in this Church. Grace M. E. Church. Union M. E. Church and West Presbyterian uniting with the First-Central Predbyterian The Rev. Benjamin M. John«. D. D„ the new pastor of Grace church will deliver the sermon. The Sunday School meets Imme« diately after the close of the morn * n "' ' vors hip. The Men s Bible class, ta,I Sht by the pastor, he* been steadily Increasing and Is an Inter esting feature in the Sunday school. On Wednesday evening. At 5 o'clock, there will be a special *«r Church. M. E. BRANDYWINE M. F. » M. E. Church, At Brandywine 2200 Market street, th« Rev. W. Ernest Greenfield, minister, services tomorrow will beijClass meeting at 9.15 o'clock;'the pastor will preach at 10.30 o'clock; Sunday School at 2 o'clock: Epworth League servies ai 6 45 o'clock, with special muela bv the young people's choir, under« th' direction of Mrs. Walter Talley. and Miss Evelyn Elliot, pianist; at 7.30 o'clock a short recital will ba given by Miss Lillian Stark, organ 1st. and special music by the choir. including a vocal solo by Calvin Short, and violin solos by Mrs. Roy Worth; sermon by the pastor. BT. STEPHEN'S LUTHERAN. Services at St. Stephen's Luthera.n( phurch Tainall street near Seventh street, the Rev. Frederic Doerr. pas tn r for Sunday follows: 10.3ft o'clock. morning servic*. subject "Th» Blesse« Innumerable«.'' The morning ser vice will b» In m*mory of members rt f St. Stephen's who died during the 2.IB o'clock Sunday 7.39. evening norvle«, *ub "A T/*»**on Frr*m th© Analogy church year; school ; jeet. Of Nature.'* Peing on tbo eve of Thankajivtn£ Dav there will b© * special program ev#n of Thanksgiving mualc in the lng. Thanksgiving Day at 3 Sende© on ►'clock. X