Newspaper Page Text
The Evening Journal • The Weather Circulation Saturday 19,419 Snow or rain probably tonight; no change in temperature moderate variable wind» moHtly aouthern. ! Non-Returnable 3 LATE NEWS EDITION I .1 :rr WILMINGTON, DELAWARE. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1922 16 PAGES. TWO CENTS. THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. NO. 145 HOOK READ Y TO TELL OF INCINERA TOR DEAL; U. S. WINS "OPEN DOOR" FIGHT IN NEAR EAST RECOVERS HEB 9 LOOK FOR TOT Amnesia Victim in Hos pital Is Marie Brogan, of Philadelphia CARRIED PHOTO OF McGEE, THE GUY .. The mystery surrounding an at tractive 20-year-old woman, who re orr-'d to th* p" hit- Saturday , rtei-noon 'h reroll her name addresa or how ahe hap pened to beln Wilmington, hae been ' "a/ the Delaware Hoaptal. where I rrr, ' . . - Investigation In Ph'laddnhia con- 1 OrmeAth^'a Information and y.o f ££Lt «ït .£ rXhat .he fa mVr ' rled^Îd ha- I baby daughter Search la hem« made for the' Child.l The Brogan girl also revealed tha the name "Kitty" -he mentioned, veral tmes during her stay at the. nolice station and in the hn.ntml , meant KlttV Murphy her roommate 5çp=#s MpSS: charge of the matron at police head- : • luarters. the Brogan girl exclaim-, (Continued on Page Bix.^^i^jviake DOLLAR FINE ON Mr. Bird in Trouble After Auto Passes Car on Wrong Side i j ! I , Pleaded gulltv and was lined 11 and oats by Deputy Judge Lynn. Officer Devenney Charged that Mr. Bird passed a trolley car. which w.-i ^topped at Fourth and Market! streets, on the left hand side. In entering the plea of guilty, Mr. Bird said he desired to make an explanation. Ho stated that he hnd been to Camden. Del . and had with him some produce. When he roach ed Market street, driving fourth, the eel him. he said, when the car stopped at the Intersection. He wo.« given the signal to proceed, he told the I court. and admitted thnt he passed! the stopped car on the Isft-hand side. The former Mayor said that he continued on his way nml was over taken Dy the traffic officer In another automobile near Washington street, It was In no gentle tones, according to Mr. Bird, that Officer Devenney "called" him for violating the law. Mr. Bird said he attempted to ex plain to Officer Devenney that he did not Intentionally violate the law but that the officer opened the door the car. Shoved a turkey aside and j ; COP GRUFF TO HIM Charles D. Bird Former Mayor was a defendant In Municipal Court this morning on a charge of violat ing the traffic regulations which wae preferred against him by Traffic Of ficer Edward Devenney. stationed at Fourth and Market streets. lie (Continued on Page Twelve.) W. W. Douty. grand Vccretary of the Grand Lodge of Delaware. I. O. ceived word today that Past Grand Sire Pinkerton of the Sov erelgn Grand Lodge died this morn Ing. The telegram, which was from Grand Secretary George H. Fuller, 1 stated that the runeral will he held at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon from ihe Unitarian Church. Worcester, Mass. I. O. O. F. PAST SIRE DEAD. 12.01 P. M.. .42 1.00 P. M...43 ; .6.53 A. M. 1 .4.37 P. M.! TODAY'S TEMPERATURE At The Evening Journal Office. S.00 A. M.. .37 10.00 A. M.. .40 Head of Christiana. . High water.. 7.15 A. M. 7.58 P. M. • Low water .. 1.10 A.M. 1.40 P. M. i SI N IND TIDE. Sun rises .... Sun sets ..... LOST. LOST—A black and silver earring. Sat urday night. Return to Kennard-Pyle nov27-lt. 'Continued on Page Fifteen) Co. office. Women Kluxers Organize in Atlanta Jl > • m K* ■' >r dP I w I > A Ç , I « i r * 4 s v*"" < * % » y 4 ? t —. «=*> s~ * * V V v Uf Mr - v « I - AAAhÏlk'wC' * **39*'^HBMSST/* * « _ BI «Mr | vK*L'' - . *» * ? ÄPT7 V V ^ ^ A W -J-l f\ WA * ' ' I ' . N y * *, ' f m m V* \ * V \ f* ^ i V * iMh '■ •' *Jh vA « * • V , V » 1 W *vJHL; \ ♦ W "**' W i ^ tf, ' w • ' iMfllHT 1 ^. "" 1 -- - Masked women, member* of the Dixie Protestant Women'# League, are shown .here in the regalia of , heir order whoh has been patterned atter the Ku Khix Klan. This picture ahow. tirs. K. N Olbha (w,th , he floweret commander of the order, with .lx of her staff whose itime. she refueed to diedose. The conn hear {rom u . from now on> - My9 Mr. Glbhe, known through Georgia as "Mother" Gibbs. e - - —-- -- ■. / * f « ' RUN DEFIES MAYOR DYLAN : _ N e w York Greatest Stronghold," Is Chai lenge to Executive HAYWOOD SEES WORLD INFLUENCE NEW YORK. Nov. 2 Press)—The Rev. Oscar Haywood. (United C .Xuluneou.iy the Klan became a While rabbis, official, and others Sunday services. «abb! Wise, noted speaker and ! leader, condemned the order as "li) the Phase of a world wide anti-j Semitic movement." Haywood in an interview answer- j | n g critics, declared thtt the Klan, j standing against birth control, fern i n lsm and crime and for the pro hlbitlon law In America. would eventually become world-wide. j - ( >1A [lltlim |i> IDIOII I L.\t III 111 1.7 Ihl.'ll DPI»! mi IP k AT niAT 1 IlElI UBLILAN KH/1 - ; NEW YORK, Nov. 27 (United Press)—Twenty persons were in jured and four under arrest today os ' the result of rioting when 5.000 Irish Republican sympathizers routed fire men and police reserves here last night. An effigy of King George wa« , burned at the height of the fighting' which was precipitated when the i police tried to prevent an overflow ' meeting outside the Karl Carroll 1 Theatre hold to denounce execution of Krsklne Childers and "murder" of Mary MacSwiney. The rioting raged around Fiftieth I street and Seventh avenue for hours. : "'»men lead the "Irish rebels" claw- ; lnff fo^ea of policemen nnd tearing th ' ir mi,orm ' from them. The of fioPr * V r «* Anally forced to with-' draw and watch the disturbance di" out shortly after midnight. I Peter MacSwiney. brother of Mnrv MacSwiney and Mrs. Muriel Mac- ' «»'iney. widow of the Kord Mayor 1 Cork, were among the speakers [ Ir.side the theatre. | I i Kolkftrd of New Tork, todey defied Mayor Dylan and announced that the Ku Klux Klan will "make Nervv j York Its greatest stronghold.' ! The organizer answered I Mayor's order to police, to treat the j klan as they would "disorderly houee* and gangsters," with the an ; nouncement that E. D. Smith, Buf falo grand dragon for the State would come here to help in forming nt» ' UNION CHURCH W. F. M. S. The Woman's Foreign Missionar.v Society of Union Methodist Episcopal Church will meet at 3 o'clock tomor row afternoon in the church house. It will he an important meeting and all members are urged to he present. --—— 23 SCARLET FEVER PATIENTS, Scarlet fever is still on the in- : crease in the city, additional cases 'reported this morning bringing the total up to 23. ■ Nohl* Cafeteria. 9th St. Entrant« Wil. Saving« Fund Bldg—Adv. N. ('. WAFFLKs V DESPONDENT OVER I0VE U I 11 U F L __ TDICC RCA TU I Ifllll III A I H II1ILU ULJ1III Harry P. Lane, Axed 26. Shoots Himself, in Room inx House un Pinrn l1Mn „ HE FIRED aSHOT • : Harry P. Lane, 26. a machinist. % j Canal work, shot h-imself througn j the breast. Just below the heart at Ls^edlo^he ''oeTaw^e '«ospT,"' ^rreTjTl T^ I o2.un.nV« f the »IseTJÏrlh».* ! ' ,ceu P'*"*'" ® r '^ pl "' ^ "•J""' Jt * b< d ,0 1 * " fallure *® « w »'» employment and to uure |quited Jote. j 1-atie came to Wilmington from j Louisville, Ky., about live months 1 ani ' obtained work with the | government. Of late, however, h. had br, ' n w,,hout occupation. j He spent several days in New York ( last week, returning ln-i Thursday I He aald he had O 1 " 1 * mornln * . F ° r '° m, ' r0:l * 0n , ' lne wa * ,obl return to Harlan's at 5 o'clock til. ; afternoon. He went hack to his ,room in Tat nail street, reaching , (Continued on Page Six.) | ' --- — TU(1UR RDDTI FFFFRÇ I 111,all IM M /1 lÆ.UlIIjIl J L'H I PI) IAP | I AtlTC IlILLEill Jfljj LAlflUiJ , _ i CHICAGO, Nov. 27 (United Press) ' Operations of a gang of bootleggers 1 "' pr <' prohed hy police today as a P°* 1 'l bl « > c,up t° < bp mysterious mur «1er of "Handsome Joe" Lan us, mil lionalre auto dealer. The wealthy! I automobile man who was shot and : killed from behind In the rear room ; of his garage, is now believed to have been a victim of the lender of * fine of bootleggers l-anus. according to authorities was financing the whiskey ring of which the man sought la the head. I The bootlegger'engaged I-anus in a violent quarrel shortly before the murder, police said and disappeared suddenly after the shooting A woman's glove was found hy ; police beside Lan us' hody. - TELLS OFFICERS formerly employed hy the govern ment on Chesapeake and Delaware ' SUES TRACTION CO. FOR $750 DAMAGES Judge Rodney in Court of Com- ! mon Pleas this morning started to i a hear testimony in the ease of Harry j Miller against the Wilmington and j Philadelphia Traction Company, Miller is suing for $750 damages for personal injuries and damage to his automobile as the result of a col- [ lision with a trolley car at Richard son Park some time ago. ' Î50 FROM KLAN FOR CITY'S POOR - a ,,. ^ one y Given to Kingswood Past 01 " Wil1 Provide Thanksgiving Dinner WHITE ROBED MEN SCARE W'ORSHIPPERS I Eight member- of the Ku Klux Klan clad In lodge sor«ion rohes, walked to the altar rail at Kings wood Methodl.-t Episcopal Church "'* ht " nd • ,r ^ on '" d ,bp p» Rtor 'the Rev. Cveorge . Hounds, an en : velope containing tn cash, jvith % to"n r rovideVha*nksg*v[ng n dinners U for in protide I nank.gmng dinnirs for poor famille* j Just as the pastor was about to! j make the usual announcements be-j fore the sermon which was delivered perint'endem of fhe^ddletow^di" ""ch Z'Ï'wnXZ shoe- being white), entered in a die mfled manner, proceeded to the altar ;ini1 handed the envelope to the pas u>r Mr .Round- read^ ,he letter to th , congregation and then made a t ) ian j <s invocation. The delegation th ^ n retlrPd jj r Boun,)« «.,ij t h|- morning the y , , t w> un c XpP cted and the gift , |0pt _ nr | ollllIv received. As the „„gets of Thanksgiving cheer nr. | -trihuted hv himself and hl« com Following the service Mr. Bounds d one woman member of his con rogation came to him and said "Mr I have always said I would run , f j PVPr MW ,, nP of the grol)p « n f Klansmen. but I Just could not move tonight, while they were in here. I was so badly frightened.' 'This woman. Mr. Hounds said, was or "* "f the largest members from the viewpoint of avordupois. The letter reeolved with the do ration read as follows: ThctRev. G. W. Bounds. Pastor of King-wood M. E. Church. Wilmington. Del. I Esteemed Pastor:_ Christian Protestant Patriotic t (Continued on Page Twelve.) ____ /irvi • nor nnnmri I v/LLUlIj Ur T II la nnnnrm nn »tor KlVKKKI) I IP SlDD The office of Misa V. H. Huntley. dietitian at th > University of Delà' » „re, In Old College, was broken mto some time Saturday afternoon or Saturday night and S16. r » in money and a check stolen The robbery took place between the time that the stu-1 denis left early Saturday afternoon te <mn ■ to Wilmington to attend th* Delà ware Dickinson football ; and ear y Sunday morning when it wae first discovered. Business Ad ministrator A. G. Wilkinson, who ij Vea j n Wilmington went to Newark a „ soon as notified of the rnbberj yesterday morning and started an in- j vestlgatlon. He, also notified the state authorities who are working on the case. Payment is said to have bffen stopped on the check. j - . I MIAN'S Wilm. Morris Ulan Bank.—Adv. BAER PLOT OF RATLEDÜETO ESCAPE JAIL Honor Prisoner (Jets letter; Bared Scheme to Scale Rope Ladder RESORT TO GUNS TO HALT PURSUIT Through the lntereeptlng by an automobile theft». and of O Briggs. serving 20 year, for h*hway ™ bb **7' try *° e " oapa fro '' 1 » the iSs.Tcs't-'rrms: a g t!S^ JL , aS&Sp?S the workhouee eaerclee yard wa Diecorery. by a pnaoner of a nota . arrled by a relative of Ratledge die rloaed , he bold teeape m heme The development* will be laid before ^ înve.t?itu,7 wh ch mav . ,hor ? u * h T° n . t " b<h " " if | pnaonment for Ratledge. who*e >en ! •honor prisoner" of r note, a plot of ItatlPilK#*, M*rvinc ! three years for being Implicated 11 . Clarence T '' nr * °* ° n,Jr three yeara for hl. ~ the warden, and were found guilty. .. Recommendation wa. made that th • v. -b. . B ... ... , case be brought to the attention of Attorney General, for such ar , the : tion as he may see fit to take in the j premises. Ratledge and Briggs hav been deprived of all yard and visit Dg privilege« aod expelletf troux .tilg (Continued "on Pnge Twelve.) SUNSHINE ASKS Society W ould Extend Work 7 , in Behalf Of Sick, Crip . , D ,. , I pled, Dima | -- j MRS. ALDEN, FOUNDER COMES TO AID W'ORK f'+ VÈS&® T'V^-v* "J r*Fî " )S5v' '« HCb. , 1 jeffij- jv UgflftB jf , ;a . ^ % | « | Mi .''AWHSSKi aÈ «HH JH I ' v * ; 0-J ' ^ÆtiÊMmilà I I I , sJH H I ® «É' HHX MRS JOHN AI. DUN Prc-ident-g-neral of tbe Interna si„ n , h | np q„„ i(>lv ,h. . founded 2» years ago. The society nr,B ' ba '' branc hes In many Stat.j and several European countries. Mrs Ald*n lives in New Tork. Her husband is a direct d 'scendant of ' ,ohn Aid, ' n ' hero of Longfellow's : PPPm, "Miles Standleh," and la city editor of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle, - An Intensive campaign for a fund of * r '° 000 to maintain and extend its w °rk In behalf of the sick, crippled and hl ' nd w«* *|ven a flying star, lfK * a - v hy the Delaware Division of ,h e International Sunshine Society, A t a luncheon-meeting held in the duBarry room of the Hotel duPon' (Continued o n Page Six.) game SEE THE MOVIES TOMORROW I $50,000 FUND tended to six persons today through our Classified Advertising Depart tnent. Look through the classified advs. and if your name is there come to the Journal office and receive free tickets for two (war tax paid) to see the special production, Helene Chadwick, in "The Dust Flower," at the Majestic, and Alice Brady, In |"Anna Ascends," nt th" Queen Tuesday night. See page 15 today. Invitations to the Movies are ex BRITAIN WILL GIVE OP REMO OIL LEASES American Delegate Wins First Contention Before Lausanne Conference RUSSIA DEMANDS EQUAL STATUS LAUSANNE, Nov. 27.—(United ). American won hrr Hprht on : mant ' considered « ■«. »• divergence of vlowa *xl»ted be tween England and America on the open door queatior» The crucial point In the confer-1 rnre wa* between the Brltleh and " r . k " Xorka* us na f the I< flnw» n 1 », h.Jd. m to , lor" "heir i " n h cU " n t# • nf ° rl# th#* "op^n door** In th# Near Ea*t Jn|todajr when the British delegation ( announced that Britain hnd «bun doned the San Remo oil agree ,"" °' be . r .. „.„h. The Itusslan contingent demand „jual matua with the other power., iSësK?: .... ,, , .... ,h. otl region today threatened the -tructure of the league of Natlonk The British claim they oenno. sur i Marquis Curxon. foreign secretary announced officially today that Eng land and America were completely agreed on the open door policy In the Near East. The Turkish fight for th* Mosul and the whole system of Near East ern cb-r mandatory right« entrusted Ixam [ (Continued or» Page Twelve.) LAY FIRES TO Grocery Shop, Homes Dam n r aged by Over-^Week-End m OlaZeS __ CHILDREN, MICE RESCUE SINGED CATS FROM STORE Firr - by ,h ' »« mice nibbling matches, caused t.100* , .... , h , ,. nr , ** ' t ,, ' * ° Uharles pertor. Heald and Cade street ». shortly before .1 o'clock Sun . morn | n _ Thp loss Is covered b.v Insurance. Th<> b !? Z * was discovered by Pat rolman Samuel I'. Brown, who. In passing the |,,or ''- noticed heavy ' rolman hurried to ihr home of Dec-, **eald and notified tor ' 'him that the store was on lire. There were no occupants of the building at the time of the Are. ex cept two badly singed cats that were rescued by the firemen. The first firemen to arrive found « red hot * ,nv " nn<1 ,b ' > smoke pipe dlscon nected from the chimney District tire companies rherkeil tb * bathes after a helf hour's fight Marshal Alnseow, who made un investigation this morning, said the (Continued on Page Six.). . xINlllW OR RAIN dll V TT Vil UM1 IP U/F \THFR LI IPX'S Id IT Ty.l 1 Ill'll UlJCaJvj - Snow or ram Is the weat her tore be «"aet for today. change In the temperature, an southerly winds will prevail, accord ln * to the weather bureau. The average temperature yester day was 30 dekeee*. 'j degrees e low normal. The highest tempera ture was 35 degrees at 5 o clock yes terday afternoon, whi.e the lowest degree was »0 at midnight. _ (7=--t n , -, JOin Hie Red CtOSS Ro d Cross headquarter* 911 Delaware avenue, is open for receipt of memberships from those whom the workers failed to find at home on Red Cross ^ lindav W If vou cannot renew your i membership^by^'going to h^.d Someone rtl cali^t your home or offiee. n Hall Witness .. 2 * il * ? ,/ jM ; r /**! UK • -/ >*"» Barbara Tough, aeam»tre«a| -. . . nrpniir ifiTT OPPI ill Mil Hr Jill Mr fl il I I - IIUIIW'IL II /ILL II II | O lATfll !ll\/ t I N Ifllll IK I 1TIILLU II lUlJll I X - ^J ew Jersey PrOSeCUtOT I ! I J NOT BE CALLED * i SOM ERVIT.LE, N. J., Nov. 27.— * With the convening of the Grand ... """V' °"/ 6 * ln * nter " te I ,ÎMJ P h l «' tor th » t 1 »» helng, at least, a« the expectation 1» that I <"*"* ■""> ...:,'.r. Vestlgatlon by Wednesday at the| Questions Servants in Slain Rector's Home . v , |r . rkW , . V/M , w ILJvJW W I LI, Jury' here this morning the Hall-! latest and Its deliberations will ! either bring Indictments or the r.r*** ~~ b > - - - ^^^Hwith 'y uMday ' wl,b 1h " ,f ' timo,, v of Mr. i Jane Gibson, th* woman farmer 1 Who figures as the eyewitness of the .murder on the lu. If the Gibson ! lengthy, a* it probably will be. the i S y' Äl^p ' ^w„° wÄr^y^o'T. t. T F It was ascertained that th* t pectation of Wilbur A. Mott. Spe jclal Deputy Attorney-General, and his nesletants la that th* ! Hon of evidence will be concluded ex présenta ght of September testimony la > orty witnesses have been *xam ined so far and1 there are more than * "' 0,> ,n ba heard. From all that can be learned not a member of the Stevens or Car Pander family I» to be called by the P ro,M t ru,or - This la in marked con trast with th* early stages of the In- | vestlgatlon. when Willi* Steven«. brother of Mr -Hall, figured a, one , lf the principal witnesses and was kidnapped one night and taken ts . •'third degree" ex- , and near neighbor of Mrs. Hall, is , Ju « t ou! , Jf the hospital and there Is no possibility of his being called as a witness Mrs. Hall, for the first lime since the murder, walked outside the gar den of her home yesterday. About church time yesterday .«he emerged from the big house, hatless nnd ac • ompanied hy her steadfast eompon ion of many weeks, sally Peters, and started to stroll along the street to ward George street on Nlchol ave nue. She was unaccompanied by the private detective who has been on guard for nearly two months and walked with Miss Pet. rs in the di (Continued on Page T»«.ve.) «vvavT^v-rr, IJIjDDY^ DIET ULD /llrr II LIM» I I L I III .11 V/L 1) RFU'I FV' ÇAY r Ç llllVo. nraTT Lté I UfA I d - . , M hen Charles Bewley pleaded guilty to a charge of breach of the peace In Municipal Uourt this morn lug, his wife stated «rat Ihome drunk Saturday night, kicked out. a panel of a door, and seized her by the shoulder, lea\ing marks, in rejecting her from the house, while only scantily clothed. ^ Mrs. Bewley also said that her b u« b «nd muet be selling w ne for I persona have come to the house and asked for such stimulent. She slated that her husband has i»ot been work 11"* bB ' frequently gets drunk. j L'pon the statement of the w.fe I tbat «he wan willing to give her hus-, band another chance. the Court continued the ca#e until December 30 and referred ,t for invest igation, MR M'VEY RECOVERS. J. E. McVey. 2215 West Seven teenth street, who has been serioue.y ill, was able to be outdoors yesterday. ^ STATE SAYS S750H GRAFT FIGURED IN Money Was to Be Paid Dr. Frantz and Son for Davis Incinerator Influence, Alleged Testimony win given by City So COMPANY WANTED 1 TO CUT TO $1500 tSZTtZ^S, Ä -on. Howard r Kram*, former see- f Health, and Henry B. Hook, agent for the Davie O.rbigo Fumic. Company, who w -r- placed on trim in Court of r, * n, ' rRl s rhargee of conplracy, a* to etaemem* alleged to have beenmada In Affg by Hook reI *" v » t0 an *»reement hetween him and Howard Frant* and aa to Dr. Frantxa filing him that he wanted to see him (Hook) jand Howard remain friend* and carry out their supposed agreement. The agreement In question pro vided, according to Hook's alleged ndmbwdon*. that In case of the ao reptanre by th* city of the Davis type of Incinerator Hook waa to pay ten per cent, of the coat of the ln rlnerwtor. which was ITB.000, Howard for his efforts on heh.lf of the Davis Incinerator. The testimony given bj »he <hree Witnesses, the most Important eo far called by the gtate « galant the • hr»* accu-ed conspirators, was praoticallr same. It wa» to tne effect that o ;r h^"s: ïïsa*sâ (Continued on Page Big.) Timill 1 III D I PI/ Wtmm dALA his wife to SOUTH BEND. Ind, Nov. 27 d PrPM> _ Profp(wor John „ ... Tiernan ted h s mâ or er r • today and went back to his first and | P g a l wife. Augusta Tiernan. Tiernan'« second wife, Mrs. manch* Primmer, of Airedale, Iowa, «-hose marriage to the ' professor w „s declared illegal nine hours after , hpy were weddded in Crown Point sturday returned .o her home I« , owa> admittedly disilluslonad. The professor, who wooed and won his second wife bv correspond ence and married her two days after divorcing hie first wife, forsook the widow when he learned he hed been the central figure of at least two former marriage, snd dJvorc entanglements, nan * B ij. whom eh* married In Chicago, wM dead and I understand hb still Uv»s." prof. Tiernan said he and Mrs. Tiernan had agreed to'patch up their differences." agr „ed to recognize "Baby Billy." over whose paternity the recent ac tion arose, as his son. Discards Two-Day Bride When He Finds Her Married PROFESSOR TO RECOGNIZE BABY "That woman deceived me." Tier 'She told me Brimmer. He also said he had Mr. Tiernan said his Crown Polni. Ind., marriage Saturday was the re Bult of mPnta! 'Intoxication." said he and Mrs. Tiernan would drop all action* looking to reopening the paternity case against Harry Poulin, Tiernan's cross bill for a divorce w m p e dismissed, he «id. By an Indiana statute, he added, the see ,, n d marriage is automatically inval i dale( j. The vacating of the divorc. decree restored the domestic rels y on »hip grant | nr 'Mymentalstatelsentlrelyr*« aponaib i e for thp Oown Point mar riB ,e." said Prof. Tiernan. It 1* impossible to conceive of the state of min d I was In. The long trial, tbe divorce and all set „ , . Ication. and the Crown Point affair wan the result. Professor Tiernan and Mr» AuffUM >| -manured th^M- reconcllln (Continued on Pag.*, 1540-1541.—Adv. Ha that existed prior to it* off on a mental tangent, an intellectual intox At the Tiernan household, both For Clover Dairy Safe Milk oheoa 1