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XMAS SEAL SALE 10 OPEN FRIDAY „T«BC*ipts to Be Used to Maintain Sunnybrook Cottage MSO HELP VETERANS OUT AT HOPE FARM the Delaware campaign for the pre of tuberculosis will „ _n.nn.v begin Friday. ^• rn#r D * nn, " y has accepted the position of hono rary chairman of the committee and Mayor Harvey will serve on aid Sale of Chrlstmaa seals to vent!on or m .uv committee In charge of the Xm«i .eals rale. Mrs Joseph Bancroft, known all over the State In connection with her work for nursing and hygiene. and Mrs Emalea. P. "Warner, whose name is familiar to every club worn an in Delaware, will be on the|| Christmas Seal Committee this year, Two doctora will be on the com mittee, for the Chrletmaa seal has already enlisted the co-operstion of Delaware physicians. Dr. Meredith I. Samuel 1« the head of the Veter ana' Bureau, and Dr. O. Layton fixier ta well known el. over the State. Mrs. Alfred D. Warner. Jr., will act 's secretary and John S Roe-ell as treasurer. The campaign head quarter, will be at 911 Delaware under the direction Of Miss Constanoe Moore, with Miss Alice Richey as h * r a ^* ,ant ' ' nd h ~ Mnt . .. " h avenue s'amp quota«. One object of the »eat campiifrn this year is to maintain Sunnybrook Cottage, fhe preventorium for ch 1 dren which has don# auch wonder ful work for elck children threat wlth tuberculosis. Sunny cned brook Cottage is really in technical language « "preventorium." but that| i such a hard word to rememb»r that most of It# friend# u## it# Msr##quo name. In thi* |nvntor* um. rhlldren who have tubercular ion# dleoaaes er# rescued from hetnp cripple# for life, and 'under nourished boy# and *1rls who are n n vetersns st Brsndywine Sanatorium at present. the brink of tubernu'os.s er* eclen I mcplly fed and nursed back to I <■ a 1th. The veterans at Hope Farm a 'so eupplied with special comforts the ChrLstma* Seal, and rhe gen oral work of the Anti-Tuberculosis ftoelety Is furthered. There are IS LAYTON TO SUPPORT SHIP SUBSIDY BILL Spealal to The Evening Journal. WASHINGTON. Nov 27 —R-p reacntatlvs Caleb R. Layton of Dels wa*» »aid today he hed not chanced hl« position «n the ship subsidy bill. pointed out that by paaolng the ni . . _ t fHÎÏRPH SPFAKFR unuiiun or 4 - Chief twetsep indien .van*, '1st AddrsssB« a terse eonereeetlnn in De'aware Av-enue Baptist cîTurch Tast night. HI. talk was chiefly on hl« own life and how he hed come to hellevo in 0*4. flnally embracing! STSRjfcsvv/r,s±rs, bflMhegovernment would have a chance of saving twenty million dWlarn whereas if the bill fails and no «top» are taken to keep th# Amer loan flag afloat there would be a] much greater loss. Final vote on th« W11 1» expected on Wednesday at 4 Il J» Intimated that Senator Bayard wm not support fhe bill In the Sen at«. Despite vigorous and continued effort* mad Try the House Demo crate to strengthen the opposition to the bill by eeouring the aid of Re publican# of radical tendencle*. the paseagsof the meaeure is looked for by at least 3# votes, according in statement issued today by th* Na tion*! Merchant Marine Association. <y<sTock. INDIAN CHIEF IS venra '•I was the biggest «Inner, bum and drunkard In the world." do dared Chief Manitowog." and was the greatest thing In the world for me when I was Incarcerated in Sing Sing Prison." Chief Manitowog said that he did not believe In God or religion until he had rend the Bible. He display »d a Bible that had been aent to him by the Christian workers of the prison, with his name and length of sentence, which was IS months, for carrying a concealed deadly weapon. inscribed on the outside. He carries It with him always, he said. He told of his travel» to Central Africa and «11 of the countries of Europe. Asia and the Near East. He cited sev eral interesting experience» which had occurred to him during his travels. 1 congregations of Delaware Avenue 1 Second Baptist < hurt he. Will meet at the latter for union service», The Rev. A. F. Williamson, the new j pastor of Bethany Baptist Church.! will deliver the sermon. _ j itlt. TRAPNKLL III IBM » YEARS, Ppeclal services will he held in St. On Thanksgiving morning, the Andrew's Episcopal Church. al 1#:3# o'clock on Thanksgiving #ay. *!Yie #oy will also he St. Andrew's /Day end the ninth anniversary of Sie Rev. Richard W Trapneli's oc '^tancy of tho pulpit. The offer logs on Thanksgiving day will be de voted to the Babies' Hospital. There will also he Holy Communion in St. -H'•row's a t 8 o'clock. W F/VIi.VHGI5 TjFATHKR PLANT. Contrary ha# been «warded to J. A. Rader and Company for the erreo tlon of an additional atory to the plant of the J. B. Rhode# Son# Com - P*ny, at Eleventh and Union street*. The <iO»t will he $10 000. It will give the plant added floor apeo# of 5,600 *• FATHER fiRANT SCORES BIOOIS > Arraigns Societies That; Would Create Discard in the Social Order SAYS IDEA IS UN-CHRISTIAN White not neming any specific ! bodies, the Rev. Jam«. M Orant, J jy. P., sharply arraigned organize tiens which, he declared, tend to ,nm ' nt religious bigotry and aoclal , d.scord. In a sermon In 8t. P.tnrk s R c church, yesterday morning. j I'slng the verses from St. Mat-1 tho'thew which narrate signs that are to proc-de a Day of Judgment, Father Orant declared there are ! "many false prophets in our very j midst. j "which tends to disrupt good fellow jship. brotherly love end soelal order "Any teachlnK." he continued. R un-American, un-Christlan and diabolical. Such prophets are a so cial menace and should be treated as auch. Thank Cod! the deye of the -Know Nothings' ere pas*. We er« now living In unity and harmony. Let us not countenance any attempt of any organisation or individual to disrupt this harmony." The need Of ,he dav according . to Father Grant Is constructive re- ' >igio n which will teach love of God and manhood H» declared the found , rs of , h * Constitution had this ideal in rrJnd and anything subversive of ; this ideal was In reality an attack on j the Constitution. FATHERS, SONS DINE TOGETHER AT Y Blxty-elght fathers and their sons! and "Fathers' the took part In ; Song -•• di nn „ r at the T. M. C. A. on Saturday night. . Th# program wm lnt#r#p#r##»1 p:<*~|wlth mumoal number*, th# following I artist* takirwr p#rr: Mlt##a Marfery Hill. K. Anderson, Mr# Guy E. Ford j, pluck^mn and F. F. Palmer. Then I ram ^ the Introductory roll call, I #&r h man Introducing hlm#e!f and business he Feme explaining what i connected with. amusement was attached to this, as one man arej^jjj business was "income fori j nfe,' 1 another "doing everybody he, After the program F E. Ballsn I tyne, director of hoys' work, an nounced thst th* building would he I thrown open for the visitors' use lend that any desiring a swim could nan," and another prominent men I nn "office boy." - have It. A committee of th* Mothers' rouncii, an efficient asset to the Y M C. A., composed of Mrs H. X. Jefferson Mrs E. r Bardo Mrs T'„ C Sinclair. Mrs W. J. Davidson. ■ : I ! , ... , _ 4 _ • W : r .\T rlM Saturday Aft /r- ! the home ^,r 5 g. <■ piram Mrs C. M. Gar | v *r and Mrs. L W. Syfrlt. j competent y served the supper. next affair, wh ch will be held on j the la - c December. i ; i given a- K I Thursday evening by Edward Rus ; sen Catlin. choirmaster of I M. E. Churrh. this city. Mr. Catlin ! was assisted hy Miss Carrie Biddle land Ralph Hughes, vocal soloist*, Tht, 1, the fleet of a aerie* of con cert# which the trio of entertainers will give this winter. __ D. O. K. K. SCHOOL DAN'S DANCE j ~ ajAdv. ! very Ail are very enthusiastic for tha E. R. CATLIN IN CONCERT. A pleasing pipe o-gnn recital was blesville. Pa.. last Aebury Tonight, Tythlsn Auditorium.— QrTNBY-HEYERIN. Mis* Phoebe P. Quinby, daughter | ] of Mr*. Elizabeth B. Quinby, and Tames M. Heverln. of Charlestown. s mother. ha wedding w^# attended by only the Immediate families. Fol "fr * supper, Mr. end «dn'andTn thelr return'wilMlY in this city return will live In _o_0_ TO TALK MISSION SrurFCTS : - » «,.«,«• * I vot |onal^^«ervlos» will be hU hy'Mias i i Kilpore Ml#* Ulllan V Armnur I'land Mr«. Carlton Backus will dts p Uaa th# mihj ects. "The Mountan p era " an d "Sam." A monologue | "Her Morning Mail," will be given hy Miss Ellen Aiken. Mrs Janie« McMullen «nd Mrs. Harry Hobson will sing a duett. _0_#_ ■ CONOKRT AT OLD S\YKDES The Sunday school orchestra of old Swedes Episcopal Church as-| stated by Miss Annabel Grove, so prano , w m present a concert in Old Sw ,„jea parish house at 8 o'clock to morrow evening. jj|ss Josephine Brieriy r harge of arrangemenls. The pro cram j, a » follow»: March "Jolly r' oh hler;" overture. "Poet and Peas ont ; * vocal »olo. selectcr! Answer:" selection. "Sparklets;' cal solo, selected; charaeterjstic sc. jacjon. "Ole South;' «nd "Gallant Hero." j These persons comprise the 'per -1 :,«onnel of the orchestra: First vlo is in march. lins. Harry Lenderman and Alfred ! nahilng; reennd violins. Grayson sparks and William lenderman: clarinet. Wilbur Clements; trumpet. pnarles B. Wright; trnmb'nne, John ! p Danhy. and accompanists, Miss Chaffer and Mra. Leroy Sawin. i q -p_ WALSH-LHWIS. ^ rJ| Arlene Walsh, of this city, R„i R nd C. Lewis, of Rrookiyn. N T f orm e r )y of this city, were married Saturday evening In St. Ste- | phen's Lutheran parsonage, hy the I Rev. Frederic Doerr. Mr. and Mrs. T.cwis will make their home at 207 ! Harriaon atreet. -0 #. t Luke's Re-(wear. formed Episcopal Church will hold a j rummage sale on Wednesday morn ing at 802 Tatnall street. I ST. LFKF.'S IM'MAI AGE RALE The women of St. MEXICAN SINGER WINS FAME j ( - V 4t / ' ; Revolutions und cactus are not the on i y things Mexico produces Here's . , P#nora E.peranra Iris, beaur.fn, operatic star, who hss won fame not on ] v through" it Mexloo hut «Iso 1n _ an d Pnuth Am a r |c a A l! Bur ° P * * nn * ,nuTn Am * p, ' a ' A, ' Mexico City, tfrom President Ohre gon down, paid her homage upon her return from Europe recently. « nnm yinr ill AKKlüI MAUl IN 0 ! * ► * 1*. WAY 'J \ SX v of Killing EmeTSOn PritcH 4 Travers and Collier Accused INVESTIGATES CASE Special to The Evening .Tournai. ! CAMBRIDGE. Md .. Nov. *7 — W iliam S. Travers and John W Collier, were arrested Saturday nlghtjhn. by Sheriff Wheatley, of Dorchester county and Detective Hourhorun. of Baltimore. charged.with shooting Prit ett From Ambush CORONER'S JURY from nmhii«h of Emerson Prltrhett. on Wednesday of last week. Jchett died in th« local hospital Sat rrt , y Travers and Collier were h#!4 „nd»r IS... ha:l each t# await the aoilor» of ih» Coroner'» Jury , which meets today. According to the poi ce, Travers 1 and Collier have been identified by j Gordy Pritchett, who was with his brother when the fusillade of hut lets drove them from Deep creek where they were tnngtog for oysters A special seesion of the Grand Jury will be railed by Chief Judge John R. Pattison to hear the charges against the accused men. According tn the Information! given by Gordy Pritchett and Ivy Bramble, they. In company with the , dead man^ were tong,ng for oyster, in Deep Creek, a tributary of the | Namicok* River. Suddenly they wrre startled by th# #tacr*to h#rk inx of nfl«»* and a number of bullet# #anx by the boat. Simultaneoualy. Em^riNon Tritchett dropped In the boat with blood epurtin* from a wound In the head. The *hot*. they #ald. oame from! the mar.«hw alonsr the river .they hurriedly made their wav to Cambridge where th. injured was !a ken to the hospital. Hi« death occurred about 9 o'clock Friday n)g ht. T ),« started «bout three I «° °7 r ,h * "'•bll.hment of ownership of private beds in th. rlV * r ' and ha " " lnc * b »' on "' ln,6nf,e ' Th * Prient affair will. , V .. I 1 at,nar ,n ,hw water» were required *" fl ' , ' c,alma w,th th * Maryland Conservation Commission to pro-jdent |c " n ' ,lcon "''' ;,n ' , operate 1n the WS ' P ™ atlJolning the county of which he was * resident. A fr w boata ' manned by tongers, , yet * rtbere ,h * < ' l 'l order of pur-'hold l,,linR *divltles In th^ waters of ! each county, after having secured i license from one. They are among ,bo " p numbered in the feud which now Guns and smmunltlon. | 11 *" bav * been secured and ra rried In the boats while the tong- 1 era <lre at work - THRItT HR! H AY IIIIIFjIj flE/LLr Iflt WITCHCRAFT CHARGE NEW YORK, Nov. 24—Assistant District. Attorney Hasting» has begun presenting to the grand Jury the case against Mrs. Rose Santora. Ciemen ****** Carbe and Marie Aguardo. The three are accused of obtaining shout *3.0## from Eddie Stopleilo and his I I D. O. K. K. SCHOOL D.Ays D ANCE Tonight, Pythian Auditorium.— Adv. sweetheart, Katie I^odattl, means of "witchcraft." The three women are accused of having obtained the money threatening the young couple with calamity if they did mit pay it." BELLKFOXTK AID SOCIABLE The Ladies' Aid Society of the r^eliefonle M. E. church will meet ,ln the church at 2.3# o'clock tnmor row afternoon The report will be made of the calendar sale. I b» hy - 0 Bright silver is good for evening 1 Silver lace is made into «quere bertha collars, and round ornaments made of silver cloth and black vel vet give character to gird;««. - 0 - SOCIAL AND PERSON Al j Mr. «nd Mrs. W. Redney Prier at tended the Army»N«vy football Igame In Philadelphia on Saturday. ( Mr. and'Mra. L. Raymond Magar V»; , of thla efty, and Mlaa Mildred Nelson, of Middletown, apent yss terday in Capa Charlea. Va. -• CANOE CLUB DANCE. A Thanknyivinjf danr« will b# given by th# Delaware Canoe Club In the gold ballroom of th# Hotel duPont tomorrow evening Thia will be the flrvt of a ##rte# of danre» to be given by th# club during th# - preaent ##a#on. The member» and th#Jr many friend» are anticipating a pl#a»ant evening A epeclal pris« dance baa been included In the pro gram. For tho»e who have been unablg to obtain Invitation# from the uxua' nouroe, arrangement# have been provided so that they may be oh ' tained at the door .Munir for the evening will be furntahed by th* ; Original Six Orcheetra. \\ < * M \ \ B €MjVB B \/ \ \?U The Chriatmaa bazaar being held under the auaptce« of the Worn* 0 much attention P»ne will be delighted fancy article«, etc., to he found at I tkc fancy table. Sandwiches, coffee. | r „ cake« home made can- 1 etc ere for esle. The "Gnnae Olrt" and the "Flow-1 are attracting special ,, t , ntlon q*he bazaar will ron ttn „, t j,,, «fternoon and evening tha proceed« will he used In financing ' P " " " en'e Club of Newport, 1« attracting ( Chrletma# ehnp with th# 1 BIRTHDAY DINNER. Miss Miriam Johnston entertained stcdlnner on Thursdsy In honor of] the birthday anniversary of her sunt. Mrs J. R. Pancoast, 311 Market street. The hones was decorated with p»lms and cut flowera. Plano selections were given by Mrs. C. T. Taylor of Richardson Park and an! interesting Interpretative dance given by Mies Anne Simea «nd Miriam Johnst on. -— « RI'RPRISE PARTT. , A .urprise party was given |o Mr« Mary fiee, of Milford, reoentiy, at ] ih. home of Mrs. Annie McLstigh-| lln. 500 East Eighth street, Hv some j the former member« of her Sun- j day school clasa. The evenln* was enjoyed In yamea and mualc. ! Those present were: Mrs. Mary Gee. Mrs. Lottl. Prie, Mrs Msrv C. Thompson. Mrs. Annie Mcl.sugh Mrs Serah Krsuss. Mrs. Bll*a-| beth Cole, Mrs. Mabel Wei ah Mrs., Stella I nkart, Mrs. Llzsie Booker, Mrs. Ruth Jester, Mr«. Harriet Ra. con. Mrs. Msry Hess, Mrs. Ad^ Mc. I Claln. Mrs Lulu James. Miss Myrtle M ss Nellie Jewell. Miss McClane, «•"<•»• 3 *-'»*•«. and Master Nor n ' ,n 1 nk « r ' , 1 j j j , Snyder. I MpCUfr „ ty , j; Ham.on. Earl | , ■ 7 ' 1 Ml** Mary Dunnlnr. of PhUadel-l and'pMa. #nd FrederirW Brady, of Mid-{ dletown, were married at St An- j P. E Church on Saturday afternoon at 2.3# o'clock, the Rev. I Mr. Trapnoll, rector, performing th# Iceremony. The bride wore a travel Ing gown and the ceremony was wit- \ by only the Immédiat, fam After a short wedding trip Mr. " n,, Mr "' Br *' ,y wl " m * k * th ' lr ' -0- « - WEDDING ANNIVERSARY. A reception was given «1 th" hititte of Mr and Mr, Robert Ka ! fad»r. of Roselle, on Friday evening In honor of their second wedding anniversary. Music and dancing ! were enjoyed. Those present were Miss Ago** Donahoe, Lillian We»t. Kathryn Harr;ngton. Emma Orth. Margaret Donahoe. Marie Wateon, Kathryn Orth. Evelyn Angelettl, Elizabeth Lemmon, Paul Orth, R. Jelsory L I/OUia Perseleo, Linder Allen, Ben I Molerby, Mlchssl Maloy, 1 McCarty, Mr. and Mr». Cornwall, Mr and Mrs. Robert K*-| fsder. Mr. end Mrs. Milton Flowers! »nd Master Roy Flower». DC NNING-BRADY. Thoms, William , at Acadia,' the groom'« home »ntll recant year» when #he removed »« Phlladslphl«. Mr Brady Is preei pro-jdent of the Middletown barm*, Inc . creamery, of Middletown, CARD PARTY St. Paul's Alumni Association will , a card party and dance tomor row evening In Brnwnson Hall, Fourth and Jackson streets. Many [Prizes have been donated. The pro c»ed, will go toward the building fund of St. Paul's school. Cards will sreibegin to be played at S o'clock and dancing will start at 9 o'clock, j Mi»#tc will b# furnished by Paul Kern'# orehe#tra. = COUGH? T re Pbo'i-uloo* iahintflr quick livf A • rrupunltU e • II oth«r*— plea»* •ni-Joti no* up* let ilomicK — opt • t 60 e *>»*rywh PI SO S J 1 35c and USED CAR SALE at DEALERS' PRICES * .W## cylinder. .$3.i#i 1921 Ford Roadster, with starter... .1228 1143 1921 Dodge Roadster 1918 Rulck Rodaster, si with winter top . 1919 Overland Touring .... 1918 American Siz Touring 1919 Maxwell Touring . 1921 Ford one-ton truek ... 1917 Peerless Racer . Chandler Sedan . I27S «..$195 I ...1 RENICK MOTOR CO. Max we ] ]-Chalmers. 901 Delaware Are. Open Evenings. Phone ;il2. Terms If Desired. - * m'.m t 0 * K-.:- i * i I »• ' HI ' rt A V , fl? Ä.Y VA V Announcing the Good Maxwell Sport Touring Car % . The same mechanical goodness, finer per formance, and low cost operation that have enabled the good Maxwell to make such deep inroads in public preference. The price and value are almost beyond belief. Bed* end hood hesunfiil CW« Huai red Ponders .nd disc steel wheel, bleck, with bright nickel wheel rim. Olive dreh top. two-pi* duck rubberized Heevily elckeled redleter eheil. be her. heed lamp, end cowl lights. ing*d «Mr indicator, «nonf bumper«, mink b#m and door bandle». Bright patent leather up* _ _daeph hulled. F.ttt* tire with cover, mounted in «pan«! earner on left «deaf Touring Car and reef mi Rrtedater Cemmodimi« mink on rear ol fivwpeearacer car. Speaal khaki curtain» open with doom Telephon* mnd we will krhtt the Sport Cmr to yomt home for o leûmreiy inspecté** The fimt car at anywhere near the price to display auch striking beauty and generou* equipment. Ita distinct individuality and pronounced charm arouse instant and out spoken admiration. Alse wi RENICK MOTOR CO •» 901 DELAWARE AVENUE PHONE 2182 -— ''The Good sse MAXWELL / £ ,V\\\\\\\\\\VS\\\W\\\V\\\\A\\VA\\\\\\\V\\VA V\V\\\VV\V\\V\V\\V\\\\V\V\\\WX\V // fiÿ Ç S; g] Jj At l-r c 7"he Modern Woman HE is a business woman. She makes SO per cent of all purchases made in retail stores. She is an asfule. clever buyer. She runs her household strictly on a business basis. She is constantly in touch with Ihe stores and their offerings. Through the advertising she knows the lowest prices, the best qualities and the newest com modities. Long before She leaves the house fora shop ping trip, she knows exactly what she wants, where to Jjet it and how much to pay. She buys merchandise of established reputation. If it's clothing, she knows how well it should wear and what the style should he. If it's a musical instrument, she knows what to expect in tone and workmanship. If it's a vacuum cleaner, she knows what kind of service it should give. Ask her and she will tell you il pays to read the adver tisements. It mill pay you too. Il will save your time, money and effort. It will help you dress better, eat better/sleep better and live better. ...s 81 v I o ✓ !l t m • / / / '}l D 5J // V*. // TFT RE.WIXG THE ADVERTISEMENTS YOUR TIME WILE RE WELL INVESTED /< 1 ,. ,3 We 1 Read The Evening Journal Classified Page For Quick Results t >' • !