Newspaper Page Text
HF 1 .!' WANTED—MAI^p. C *V-Colored. to do cleaning. Apply| Dr. Guberman, 400 Market Si novSï-lt --—-oet99-26t-eod CUTTER— äXRERIENCBD MEAT ■ .-merican Beef and Provision Co.. 404 Larkel St. nov27-lt. FINISHER — Familiar Ellwood Souder 4k nov27-3t. CURNITURE 'r<th repair work.^l - Co., 902 Orange St. t'IPKMEN, BR A KEM EN — Beginner*. [ KiO; later which P 0 » 1 ^ 00 - Apply W-97. Ewmng Journal ornca. I novl-aat-mon-tue«-wed-l6t LABORERS WANTED—Apply duPont Engineering Co., Marine Terminal. lOV25-6t. ,I,.N—Experienced and reliable, aa Aok and fur general houaework with amily of two. living outalde W ilmlng Jj. A. De Biol*. 71)02 duPont Bldg. npv23-6t._ MEN WISHING POSITIONS Firemen. Brakemen. Colored Train Porters, on largo Delaware roads, write for Infor Experience, Dept 633. nov25-27-29. 6125-6200 month. Inter-Kallway. '/ton ; 'Necessary, ndianapolia. Ind. . btJkTIRBD BUSINESS MEN and men [ uf independent income: If you would [like to increase your income or use your 1 tinu* in work of a »Lgnifttni rhar >,!« we ran give you the opportunity. Towner, Industrial Trust Bldg., b to 12 A. M. nov27-4t. SALESMEN WANTED for Wilmington I find vicinity Remuneration cxcen Itiona). «Vpply Real Silk Hosiery Mills, Hldg. nov27-3t* T>o GR THREE BOYS, over !» year* Of age. to make themaelve* handy. [Delaware Pretzle Co., Eleventh and Union Sts. not27-3t. I' ka DUST FLOWER"—Robert G. I Hackett, Ulllcrest, Del., will re helve two tickets for the Majestic, If I will please call at the adtertielng I irtment of The Evening Journal. 'O BOY to drive Ford delivery American Beef and Provision nov27-lt. ^ Market St . i WANTED—FEMALE. j AROUND COOK for hotel res Apply by letter only, stat P. O. Box 930. 't au rant. Ing experience. nov25-3t. general WOMAN—For 1024 Adams St. nov2?-lt. COLORED 6.iousework. CANVASSERS and* demonstrator«; good proposition for Wilmington and every tfewn in Delaware. Address F-31, Evening Journal Office. nov27-lt. GI^j —F or general housework. Apply I m W. Ninth St. nov24-3t. , —Half-grown, to wash diahea, 7 C 8 P. M. Apply 210 West St. -It. plain cooking and Address F-34, nov24-3t. White, for •taira work. KVSi.Stg Journal Offlca. G ÄtL— Colored, for general housework. Phone 3621. liov21-6t. 2301 Delaware avenue. GIRLS To learn to run sewing machines on Athletic underwear. Apply T» TOPKIS BROS. CO., |bv4-lm. - Tl «ALF-OROWN GIRL to »seist with - tre of small boy. Apply «19 Rod ney ptreet. _nov2«-3t. « 217 French Ft.. Third Floor. LADY—Experienced, double entry bookkeeper. Address F-36 Evening Journal ^fflqe, nov24-4L LADY DEMONSTRATORS for Wll E>lngton Grocers' Food Fair. November 30 to December ». Apply Wednesday. Retail Grocers' Exchange Office. Fifth and Walnut Sts. nov27-2t. LhDY—B« tirc©n z5 nnd 35 years of ajr« with knowledge of bookkeeping and typewriting for fomrture «tore. State experience and aalary expected in first Mttar. Addree»» Evening Journal Of fice, Box F-35. c Ü EXPERIENCED LOOP H R— Steady work, good pay. ( hamplon and Oran„ streets. nov24-3t. MiP r, L>7-AGED WOMAN for general 5» -iwork. at once. Apply today. 23)', efferson St. nov27-lt. Hosiery a<>TÎ7 -^ t _Write. F.:B59 FEEDER—App'.y K A. Horner Co.. Ninth and Shipley Sts. nov -'- 1, SALESLADIES—Experienced In yard Permanent am -goods department, prjyment. Apply R. Topkls Sons nov27-lt. FLOWTR" — Charles "THB DUST .Bohle. Jr.. 713 Bennett St., will re ceive two tickets for the Majestic. If he will please call at the advertising de partment of The Evening Journal. tfc'OMAN—'WHITE: for general house work and cooking; small family. Ref ereace. Addreya F-37. Evening Journal nrvtf» nov24-3t. WHITE WOMAN for general houae I work; atav at night»; reference re paired. Apply 118 West Twenty-fourth atreet. noy27-lt. »OUNG LADY as waitress; steady po sition: good wages. 230 French St. nov27-8t. YOUNG GIRfc—Reliable. Apply at once. Soda Fountain. Pennsylvania Station, Front and French Sts. nov27-lt YOUNG OR MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN invalid. Phone nov21-lm. * for young man 5574-J-2. HELP WANTED. AMATEUR PERFORMERS — Contest every Tuesday night; three prises; 4xpenaes paid. Apply at once to Man ager, Nixon'» Washburn Theatre, Ches ter. Pa. Winners are eligible for book ing on the Nixon-Nlrdllnger Circuit. jliov25-6t.__ AGENTS WANTED. FOUR OPPORTUNITY to be lndepen Become ,our sell goods In Particulars free. dent and prosperous, special representative, constant demand. Bacorn Company, Elmira, N. i. »•ne nov27-lt. ; ITUATION WANTED—FEMALE. . , COLORED WOMAN would like day a| would do small 6 Beatty Tlace. work of any kind; washings at home. * nov25-3t. LADY WISHES DAY WORK or Iron IKl" Office! 1 * ,re *'* W * H - KV ^f25 J r - •THE DUST FLOWER"-Mrr t George rei'wf tWo*tlekets fn™the Mnjeitle. If 4r-e will pleaoe call at the a ; h r.jslng department of The Evening Journal. DRESSMAKER AND TAILORESS wishes engagement» by tile day. Rhone 9109. nov2a-2t. I WOMAN* wants plain sewing and clill , dren's clothes] Will go out by the day._ Phon- 5251-W . nnv?5-»t. SITI VITON W.ANTRI)—M ALE. COLORED MAN wants work of any kind; caro of heaters, »tore work. 607 Penn street. Can give reference. nr>C™4-3t. MAN—Middir-ajred. want« work of any kind. Address W-53, Evenlnf Journal Office. nov27-3t. I«YOUNG MAN wishes position as chauf leur on delivery truck. Five years' experience. Address W-60, Evening Journal Office. * nov25-3t. BOARDERS WANTED. CHILDREN TO BOARD—Beat of care 1 taken. Can furnish references. Phone «IST- W. nox*21-6t. ROOM AND BOARD—All convenience*. SU S. Jackson SL Phone 8217-W. «É>v23-6t. __ c-rLivlngroom ferOHAGK. . r.niVATE ROOMS for household goods. C F Lang Co.. 1205 Orange street. mar21-tf. WASTE» COATS—Fur and doth, relined; and re paired. Mr* Dnndon, 213 West St. DAREV WANTS TO SEE YbU—Do you want the highest and diamonds? DARE _ OFFICE. 231 Market St. Phone 7735-J Bonded and licensed to the city. /»Pt35-lyr __ - ' price for Jewelry V MONEY LOAN FURNITURE. Prompt attention Prodigal. Phono : - CARPETS BOUGHT— to all call*. Jacob 3508-W. Jyl2-lyr. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for second hand furniture. Simon Spire. Phone 6373-J. 200)4 W. Second SL Jun«17-yr. m^gem*en{ Un L Fr'Ä H4 MadV«n S, Phon* C710-W. jan»-lyr. RUGS RUGS RUGS i i-, New and second-hand fuTmiure bought and .old Caah houae. Sure euro for Inatallmerit germa. CÏIAS. S. HURLOCK 4 SON. marïi-lyr. Seventh and Poplar Sts. ... _ _1 «ANTED—We dtaire to purchase one hundred uaed cars and will pay the: highest caah prices. Bring your car her*», go home with the money. Kell Motor Co.. Eleventh and Tatnall Sts. Phone 6100. Open evenings. may22-tf. -^-I 1,090 RUGS AND CARPETS TO CLEAN —Oeo. F. Lang Co., 1205 Orange St. Jan28-tf. ,, rrr AIREDALE PUPP Y—Liberal reward William Frederick, Price's Oornér Phone 431S-W. nov2l-6t. — LOST-Tool box. containing automobile tools. Reward if returned to 13011 Lancaster Ave. nov3T-3t. _: HOUSEHOLD GOODS—I cash price*. J. Sklut. Second St. D. & A. Ï22Ï-W. JanSl-lyr. pay hlgbes. 305-S07 W , 1 WILL BUY YOUR OLD C ATI PETS— Isaac Gibba. 136 French St. 293). Phona Will .pay good price. June9-lyr. LOST 27 •turn to no\24-3t. LOST—A child's beaver muff, on Delà ware avenue, between Van Buren Rodney 8U. Reward if returned LOST— Last Wednesday morning. »10 in Seventh*Ave! < a2d Colemaji^sl andffi ss&ismjgs- ----- - - LOST—Eyeglasses. between and 8t. Ann's .School. Please 1916 Lincoln St. No. nov27-lt. M19 Park Place. — BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. GROCERY BUSINESS—la good loca-j s.Ä.'SKilf'oS»' "Sa» , um,. cîAKAGK «O» .SALE— Doing large storage and pair biMlneH«. Mn« »ell at once; »* ("'<• 1 A-ash required. P. O. Box 762. nov22-«t. 5 3USINESS NOTICES. ANY MIRROR RE-SILVERED—French procès«. dever Ave. Y" Jaret -lyr. L. H. Ehlers. Sr. Phone 2667. rr|AÊL MAKES talking machines re-J , paired. Called for and delivered. I Sortman s Music Shop. 4 W. Sevem»> { 8t Phone 5132-R. fetoW-jr AVOID DANGER OF FIRES— Hav* flue* and pipes cleaned by Joseph I. O'Neill. Roofing. Heating and Stmut Ing. Phone 5804-W. novlS-lm. AUTOMOBILE OWNERS — J* „ us about cylinder grinding and «hy we excel In this !lne. L. A G. Motor Sales Co., 101-110 Market St. BUCHER—Signs of every description. at 713 ShiFley St. Plione 1035-W. Janl4-lyr. JanlJ-lyr. C COLE FOR ROOFING * SPOUTING. 204 E Fifth St. Phnne «179. oct31-lm. DOLL HOSPITAL— All parta, head» and wigs. 105'N. Lincoln St. oct3i-im. ! D&LL HOSPITAL—All part,, wigs and ! heads. 414 Orange St. Phone S433^W. 1 June»-lyr. | I Se venth .-'t _Ju nel-iyr. ] DIAMONDS ; at( . he , jewelrv. etc., bought for ra.h. Phon# o7can 4M W Third sî | A. Shapiro. Phoaa »II». novl6-im. j HE M SX1T CHIN G . PICOTINC. 8 c PER YARD ELIZABETH JOSEPH <rtl Orange bt. Bottomley Apts. Junelt-lyr. Phone 8354. Phone 84*4 0 * _: ' PLUMBING AND HEATING KEY BOLD BROS., «il W Sixth St. June10-lyr. j cp r0 ND-HAND furniture. rarpet*. bough; and cold. Oh*r>* A. 811 Walnut »trp*t. Phone r21-lm stove* Camper, 2191-W. SHAFER & \\ ITKOW SK!— C»rp*n ter.«, cabinetmaking a apecialty. Window ecreens. doors and porche» enclosed. 27,15 Mark-, St. Phone 74.2. m.yl-tf. STOP THAT LEAK—Repair your roof with Barrett'» everlasting roofing, in rolls or cement form. We sell or apply. S. G. William» & Bros. Co.. Third and Tatnall Sts. Phone 364. may29-m-w-f-tf. J W -Rt.-k Phone' i Î* J WILMINGTON ROOFING A HEATING CO—Roofing, «pouting, heater work; Md* 1 ro. r00 fe.^ b 'W ra Buren St. Shop. 4), F '«*> »,»«• USED OFFICE FURNITURE and fix tures bought and sold. Iston. 911 Shipley St. oct31-lm. MOVING AND HAULING. AUTOCAR MOVING VAN—Reliable truck service the same. G. G. War rington. 1130 Pine SL Phone 1422-W. | novll-lm. ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE—Mov ing. express and storage. Personal supervision. Mundy Bros., 814 King SL Phone 7290. June20-tf. HERBERT reasonable; H.—Hauling; long distance. BROWN. prompt; Phone 7899-J. augl9-tf. 305 West St. CONSTANTINE 4 LESTARDO—Mov inR an d hauling. 209 W. Second St. phone 3228-W. June22-lyr. ' FOR GENERAL HAULING hND MOV ,NG. cal. Donnelly. PhonJ«.!, 70« eeptO-lyr. LIGHT HAULING—Local and long dig. aon*"«.' Ph<inê a 39«»-Vg** n0n 'noyîl-lm'? 1 *; LIGHT HAin.INO-Anywhere. any »n^'u ry ten^Ave. P1 ~ CC *' C Ylm-Tyr^' ' MOVING OR HAULING JOB-Call , 0 oo Concord Ave. Phone 49S5-W. „ o v20-lm. Harrison St. MOVING and HAULING— C. H. Thorn ton. 1322 W. Fifth St. Phono 79J7-W. Jy29-5yr. MOVING AND HAULING of any kind. E. Durr, 909 Elm St. Phono 5728-M. sept!3 -lyr. ___ MOVING AND HAULING— Go any where. Call Lane, 122 King St Phone V 1 PHONE 5276-J—Call Hall. 510 Monroe street. Local, long distance hauling. ! Moving a specialty. Best terme. nov20-lm. 4756-W. UPHOLSTERY. CHARLES WOOLERY—Furniture up holsterer. Livlngroom suites made to Shop, 2918 Market St. order. 4143-W. Phone augI9-tf. UPHOLSTERING of the better kind: materials for sale. Sparks and Son. Corner Fourth and Tatnall Sts. Phone 81I2-W. June27-lyr. UPHOLSTERING of tho higher grade, suites, couches, etc., of beautiful tapestries or velours to order, 'at manufacturer's prices Estimates free. c_.., r _ Deal Unholsterinc- C'n Square Deal vpnoistermg L.O. nuvl-lir. »14 Luma StreeL NOT1CKS NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Brandywine Hundred Taxpayers are hereby notified that this Is the last week to get > per cent, off the face of the bill. I will alt all _day. 1 November 29, In the County Build . ,n ** Pay your county, road and school tax. save the percentage and avoid trouble and expense. I F. J. MEREDITH, Collector. 'TSWWSKS? SfcBSSSSi ] We. the undersigned being the Pre.i-I 4*«™| ' ™ninc' y an.î* I n Cel?. ne"î ira, Ion organised „I th« Etwa of the State of Delaware. DO HEREBY, for the purpoae ol r.-ducing . the capital stock Issued by said pany. make. sign acknowledge, flic. j record and publish this statement or reduction and certify tha. the facta her**in stated are true. FIRST:—That said company ,* au thorized to issue 63.976 shares *»f capital stock, without nominal or par value and has Issued all of «aid shares of capital stock. SECOND:—That, pursuant to a notice .duly given in accordance with the pro ; visions of Section 28. ^ , j Corporation Law of the State of Dela | ware and the provisions of the by-laws of said company, a meeting or tne ; atockholders of said company wis duly I held in the city of New York, on Octo her 24. 1922. for the purpose of acting | upon the question of reducing the capi-J I tat stock so Issued by said company to f i 62.482 shares. i j THIRD:—That at , ***}*. ' lut Iona were duly adopted hy the unam mou» affirmative vote of the holde a of all of the outstanding stock in snid. , nov27-lt. 9 of the Genera! company, that the 63.976 ahar**a of capi-j Ul stock issued by said company. t»e. reduced to 62.482 shares and tnat auch ! reduction be effected by the purchase, j . at not » t>° v «^100jpwr»lx* r e. 1.494 sndlgtareai of «!* «lock for rttemjjt. | h«"bïïJ duly accomplished in accordance] ! therewith. debt. >!d ctw.-p.ny no. Mher*... fully .r : 4'ftrruany have, in writing. uuiy »p c° f „._ ; 4»orrpany I proved the r'-duotion > iterk of »»Id company herein »et forth, and tho manner of effecting said reduc- * t | on heroin **t forth. R ssÄ"^si, äust »s« , s 1 rO.I»Sg;igiTH:-T» re-l,y,„ director* of said company are ae , follow» David M. Ownirlch. r, on ,, n [ t .k. !.. F.. Ea'senhach. H»nrv ! Lockhart, Jr. John L. Week*. A K •Well*. Samuel McBobert«. Robert L Montgomery. P. A. Rockefeller. J. II. » Graham. W. E. S. Griswold. George P. ] ! I • » 1 K 'n"'wITNIU> 3 WHEREOF, we have J our r ,v<«pertive hands and seals, this 9ih dav of November, 1922 H DAVID M. GOODRICH. President. * . ] fSEAL) i .SEAL) P A. ROCKEFELLER. Director f 8RAL) I D'rector. ISLAL, I J H. GRAHAM. L B KATZENBACH. Director. * LOCKHART. JR. firEAL) | HENRY (SEAL) ; (SEAT-) (SEAL) ; ARTHUR El WELLS. Director. BAYARD DOMINICK. : Direc'or GEO. P. KENNEDY. Director. STATE OF NEW YORK. COUNTY OF) be; IT REMEMBERED. Thar on thl» ' t^'.lly "apSL^Te'Rre "nr JOB V P M ! I'.l'i'MElt. the subscriber, a Notary Pub-, , „ . lie for said county and stole. DA\ ID M GOODRICH. President of Seaboard | Finance ami Inve»tment Compan.- ar.d David M. Goodrich. P. A Rockefeller. i.r. H Graham. L E Ka'senbach. Henry;. known to Tne personally to be such, and 1 having first mad» known to them and «ch of them, the **"«•»'••{. ■„*,!. lidi-' that tlie> Vi'gn.-d. sealed' enÜ , •.'ST'dSa! posed that the facts therein stated were* "GIVEN 'rndVr my hand and seal of. office, the il;ur an4 year aforesaid. JOHN M. BUCHER. Notary Public. Notary Public. King's County. King's County clerk's No. pxi. King's County Register'» No. 419» Certificate Filed In New York County. Clerk's No. 4M. Register'» No. 4373. ;• Commission Expires March 30. 1924. JOHN M tIUCHER. Notary Public. King's County. ! ■ 1 STATE OF B>ELVW*TtB. . ,, <ri 'PFT \RV OP ST4TP I OF 81^ RCTARY OT STATE. | iCbi'wara^no'nFR^Hrr I rtïït .nl ï- 1 tr.nnir is a true and correct copy of Oftiflcate 0 i, v Re 1[J^ tlo .'Lp vv-r R1 r'n^I' NANCB ANn INVESTMENT COM ^ , . PANY." as received and tiled In this 1 office, the 17th day of November, A. D , 1922. at 9 o'clock A. M IN TESTIMONY W HEREOF. I bsv* hereunto set my band ntfl »?><'lil seal, at Dover, this (8EAL) 17th day of November. In the year of onr Lord, one thousand nine hUndred and twenty-two. K "wrctarV nf ttitg ClK.ce1v«d '^«î^ov^ber:!.: 1,22 nov 2 0 -27?d A e?« UNGT ° N ™ fordert UPHOLSTERING ;K1 » •T.7. Bon. made to order., rcupholstenng a I specialty. , s [ RELIABLE UPHOLSTERING CO-. 810 Walnut St. Phone 7549 -W. apr!2-tf. REMOVAL NOTICE. _ _ HARRY SOLOMON—Battery eervlce, has moved frqm 210 N. Uunion to 102 N. Union St. Junel«-lyr. REGISTER'S ORDER. .onv nwww Du* Îl2ï of Administration. | estate of John Devenny. late of White <,ul > , .»* T ^S d-r^o/'N^mbe?"""*^ 1?^gg, ^Svttl j^Ymer.ta to ^the tVJÜwbU Ed*ü!i!« the^samV 9^L^ Dr ^tTd to the «Gd admlnîîtTa mr'on or belore the ninth diy Sf nS vember, A. D. 1923, or abide by the law In this b | l h *{{j IAN dbveNNY. Administrator. Address John F. Lynn. Attoncy-at Iaiw Ford Bldg, Wilmington. Pela ware ' _ nov!3-eod-9t. upon the were PIANO TUNING. PI \NO TUNING done accurately nnd »592. feb_6-tf. AND PLAYER PIANOS PI tuneil S and repaired and rebuilt. Estl Steinway representatives. mates free. Phone 7 ' 4 ^^ nBHK piano CO.. 216 W. Ninth SL JunelS-1yr. AND REPAIRING—Player AH work guaran 3310 Market St. nov«-lrp TUNING work a specialty. teed H J. Amon. Fhor.e 2760 BUSINESS COLLEGES Self-Pity is Solf-Humlliatlon—it Ig nores the pride of self; it makes a net of one's manhood. Bring yourself - task—USE YOUR EVENINGS TO ADVANTAGE WITH US. BBACOM COLLEGE. Tenth and King Streets. aug23-lyr. to FOB SAI.IL A SINGER Drop-head. »28 00; pay menta, »100 and »1 00 each week. H E Harman. 620 W. 9th St. nov27-tf. APPLES AND PEARS by the basket; sweet cidet by the gallon. Phone octSO-lm. 4S7»-J. A TYPEWRITER make, a apl.ndld; Xmas gift; »10 to »60; all makes Typewriter Supply Co,, Seventh and Market etreta. nov*l-lm. t A HEELER & WILSON Drop-heatl Payment«, $l.0u B. K. Harman, nov27-tf. Sewing and »1 00 1620 W. Ninth St. Machine. euch week. ACOR.V KITC1TEN WATER HEAT KR8 —l*ots of heat, when and wh«r» CucPmVk £V*' # " l S '«.lî*? lr ' 616 King SL oeti».«, .S"!i __l^ A CARLOAD OF STOVB REPAIRS itnatea, plpea. rlbowi.nowls Î.IMf K 'b** r »ou... .10 kin: St. JyU-tf. com-,-i • \NNA ASCENDS"—Mrs. Dettle Houae. 6US w Fourth stree ,, will call at the advertising department of The Even-! Juf Journal lor two ticket« on g ueen the A 696.00 Drop-head Singer Sewing Ma chine; all attachments. Latesi model, slightly used, hw» than half price and easy payments. B. K. Harman. «20 W. 9th St. nov27-tf. ANOTHER LOT Oil Heaters; best makes; low &s 15 50; large variety and OOAi heaters. Lowest cash p r j c€g stove Repair House. 510 King street. - octll-tf A BIG SALK Oil heater*, gas heater*, water heater». y «».id stoves and cook stoves. Buy at Berger*». Third and Shipley St* and «save money. Phone 5113-W. JylS-tf. - » , _ __ a PAIR of Dutcher Corduroy Trouaer» for you. Jf they rip. you get 61 hack. or a new pair, also 10c back for every button that comes off. Ephraim and Ephraim, 3 and 5 W. Fourth St. !luV 4-tf. ATTENTION. Now i, tne time. oLfer.ii STOVE REPAIRS pp., *iLw. ° SÏTILm at Berg.U.. -- - black sequin evening gown— Good looking; practically new. Very Phone 1639-W. Bricks, grate». * IOO reasonable. 27-3t. ' 4 æu's.- , sw sr .'«Irr'ÄÄM"«-» Bayard__ - (VA R1NF.T Prop-head Sewing ?•_>,.m> Easy paymente. B E xv ;nh s , .—,— __— CHRISTMAS Thompeon, Elkton, Md. No 1. Janl*-lyr. Machine. Harman. 27-tf. TREE S —Alfred S. R. F. D. novl4-lm. CINDERS—Real »tokered dnder». free from eiinker»; delivered any place, any time, in any quantities. Phone 353. After hours. Mendenhall. IS. N. II. Mancill Co . 835 Tatnall St. novlt-lmo. DESK and typewriter, dresser and bed. n09 N ._ D.ncoin St. nov25-3t. rneap . nRKS jj FORM—Adjustable; 31 to 4* bust measure; etyle. Acme. Phone 14856-J nov27-lt. GOODS—Apply nov25-6t. ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD 8 So Clayton St. ESTABLISHED grocery and meat mar EvT^g Journal Office, nov24-3t. EMPIRE PIPELESS HEATERS Consult us before buying; 50« In Mil mln gton and vicinity. G WILLIAMS * BRO. CO. pp onp jji Third and Tstnsll Sts. may Mart*«8ta. «t <4 F'RBWOOD—Dry. seasoned hardwood fpr fl r ep!»cee and ranges Call Cba». P tVekfln. 14»-R, Holly Oak. after « !L2L_— RANGE-Cabin.t. - nov6- Im. 7 . 412 .V. Union nov37-4t. GROCERY STORE—In good location; doing good business. Address S-67, nov21-«t. Evening Journal Office. HOUSE MAIL BOXES ERECTED— D. J. Moore. P. O. Box 25». nov7-20t. HOT-WATER HEATER—Golden Crown No. 1; will heat a radiator. 810 W Ninth St ' nov24-3t. HOUSEHOLD GOODS — Second-hand; bought and »old. .Morrison & Lane, 122 King St. Phone 4756-W. june8-lyf. HOT AIR HEATERS-Several ; for 6 or I | I 1 HOT « room house Apply S. G. Williame and Bro.. Third and Tatnall Sta. nov21-tf. H. & S. STORE AND OFFICE UUFtMTURf; CO. . Roll and flat top desks, safes, filing 1 ra binet*. floor case», cash registers, , butchers' and grocers' equipment car rled in stock and sold at reasonable pn ces We buy, sell and exchange all C jn ds of office furniture and grocery equipment. 113 Market street. Phono febt-lyr. ICE CHEST—Large ; butter, egg and cheeee. 8 compartments, $135. De livered in city. Apply 1«2 N. Union St. nov24-12t. LADY'S TYROL WOOL SUIT— Sise 36. Phone 6674-R. nov25-2t. LARGE ICE BOX—At Butcher Store., w Secom i st. novl5-tf I [ lot—BRACK-EX. 40x200, »190. Apply Store. Eleventh and Church Sts. nov23-«t. ONE AIR COMPRESSOR, automobile accessories, cheap. Apply 1229 Tain caster Ave., after 6 o'clock, or phone, 6106. after 6. nov22-6L Phone nov27-3t. excellent nov22-6t. 1 PIANO—Stleff square, cheap. PIANO—Upright Chlckering; condition. 703 Adams St. ' ; PUPPIES—(Female): j pedigreed. Apply White bungalow, i near State Road Station. nov27-3t. I POMERANIAN POOL TABLES—We deliver and erect | tables m playing condition, with cloth and pockets for »100 and up. ! Grady's. Eighth and Orange streets, marl-lyr. REPAIR YOUR ROOF with fibre coat ing and elastic roof cement. Stops all leaks. S, G. Williams A Bro.. Third and Tatnall Sts. Phone 364. Janl9-lyr. -I SPECIAL PRICES on Mackinaws. Ephratm A Ephraim. S and 5 W. Fo,irth St - OCt27 - ,f STIRLITHS—EHONE 1201 I Scrap irons and metals. I-beams and pipe. Front and Tatnall. nov!5-lyr. TWn pnm Ttrars Fbüwwrlfltw- ran Te sfe^t i o®dS !i3G h"sh" street. nov25-«t. Apply 423 E. Ninth St. RKI.D nov24-3t. TAPESTRY—Ten pattern«; mill prices Sparks and Son. Fourth and Tatnall Sts, Phone »112-W. novl-lm. j FACTORY BtTILDII^G—Containing joe maTh«n.' and enable boiler*, «uftnble I for cold storage. Plant situated N. E. Cor. Third anj Grange Sts. Apply any Broker or Wilmington Provision Com pany. novlO-mon. frl-tf. __ UNDERWEAR BARGAINS In single' garments or union suits Ephraim & Ephraim. 3 and 5 W. Fourth St. oct27-tf. ! VICTOR MACHINE— »150 size, for »50. 1029 W. Second St. novl»-eod-6t. __ WORKING GLOVES of all kinds and „CT-EÄri'ÄV.X'lÄ OC127-U. l olt SAFE WHITE SEWING MACHINE—Drop- : head, automatic lift; all attach-1 menta; like new; big bargain; payment*. B. E. Harman. 620 W nov27-tf easy) 9th St. FOR AUTO-WHEEL COASTERS »37 TATNALL ST. Open Evenings. Phone 52. aag7-lyp. tVYtl®« (P <» TP (7^ ^\\ <3* ** '«rf Si IT vyi © " _ . . . „ p'SiM FAVORS Matthew» Co. W NINTH ST. Wilmington, Del. ÎÎÜ?.T.±!!LÜÜ: _" 10,6 PAW" »KKJ; »\ K ; t: L. u «> Ml,at Clothing House. 1102-101 Ms,ket St. juna«-»yr. [£l^T ROOMS FOR RENT. heated, alactrlc light». noatS-lm. ROOM*Well 120U Market 8t. ROOMS—Two, furnished ; for men, at 1321 Lain caster Ave. nov24-tf ROOMS—Very desirable; 507 E. Fifth St. well heated. nov4-lm. ROOM— furntahed, second floor front: all modern convenience*. 21« W. 20th St. Phone 555«. nov27-lt. only; 717V4 nov27-3t. ROOMS—Two. for gentlemen heat, electric light, hot water. TatnaJI St. Phone 7347. L ROOMS—Furntshad; h«at. electric light, phone, board If dealred. 1221 Waah nov26-4t. Ingtun .treat. UOOMS—Two. nicely furnished, electric .light: all conveniences; 211 Jefferson St. reasonable. nov25-3t. ROOMS—Furnished, ing; running water, street. light housekeep 624 W. Fourth nov27-3t. ROOMS—Two. furnished for light housekeeping. 721 Madison St. nov27-€t. ROOMS—Two unfurnished. for light 210 Rodney street. housekeeping. nor25-3t. ROOM— Fron t„ for Is dies or married cotiple, with or without board Good location. Phppe 3477-W. nov24-lm. ROOM -One large, aecond floor, front; suitable for two men. 1114 Weat St. nov24-3t. ROOMS—Three, unfurnished, and bath, 615 per month. 15*9 Ixincaster Ave. nov24-3t. ROOMS—Furnished 812 W. Fourth St. Call after 2 o'clock. Hov21-6t. d unfurnished. nicely -furnished. rent reasonable. ROOMS—Two light housekeeping; for nov21-lm. 80S West .St. ROOMS—Desirable, single or communi cating; with or without board. 1 00» Madison street. oc 13 ü -1m. ROOMS—Two, large, unfurnlahed front. adjoining bath; newly papered: elec tric light, heat; reasonable. 1615 West atreet. nov26-2t. ROOMS—Two t furnished; for housekeeping; gat, electric, private family; price reasonable. 702 Kirkwood St. Second floor. light novl-tf. ROOMS—Heated, at the ''Flodette.'* 807-809 French atreet. running hot and cold water, extra nicely furnished The low prices will auit you. Come and in apect the ropma*. under new manage ment. oct30-lm. TWO NICE ROOMS AND BATH— Very reasonable. Inquire 1313 Wal nut St. nov21-6t. THREE ROOMS—Two on third and one on aecond floor, unfurnished 8?0| novi-im. Pine St. 804 ADAMS ST.—Room with board, two ladies, wife. two gentlemen or man and nov21-6t. PROPOSALS. DOVER SPECIAL SCHOOL DISTRICT -DOVER. DELAWARE. Sealed proposal» will be received for the erection of a school building at Dover, Delaware Drawing?«, specific* tions and other information may he procured from W. B. Thornburgh. Sec rotary of Schopl Board. Dover Delaware, on and after December 1. 1922. Bidders must signify their intention of bidding by letter not later than December 5. 1922. All documents must be returned to the secretary, not later than January. 1, 1933. at 12 o-clock noon, accompanied by a bid bond. Bidder* will be required to make a dqpos t for the use of th. documents. The Board reserve* the right to reject any or all bids received. JOHN CARROW. President Attest: Wm. B. Thornburgh. Secretary. nov2i-3t_ PA PERU AN GING. ARTISTIC PAPERHANGING—Isadora Fishman; work done reasonable. 81» W Second St. Phone 6419-R. Jan21-lyr. HOWARD WHITTEN—Wall hangings and draperies. 814 Washington SL Phone 8587. aug7-lyr. MATTIFORD — Painting and ^ pa?erhangtng. 101 E. Eighth street. Phone 4605-M. febl5-lyr. MARANTZ— Paperhanger; pared. <4 up. 830 Second St. Phone 6223. _ mayl3-lyr. PAPERHANGER AND DECORATOR— 2301 Pine St. Phone 8443-W. novl7-lm. pa PXPERHANGING—Wallpaper for sale. A Seidel. 420 E. Fourth St. Phone »405-W. _ JyI7-lyr. PAPERHANGING — Harry work done reasonable. iyr. Shames; Estlmntes «01 N. Clayton St. Phone 6753. QUALITY WALLPAPER at quantity prices. Harry Kershaw, 610 Adams g t phone 6010. oct2-lyr. — Is. -LEVENKRON A SON—Practical paperhangers and decorators. Reaa newlonable prices. Phone 3573. septll-lyr. - — .. r~ « a LIFE AND CHARACTER READING a • November 27. . f Men of this blrthdate make very f pa rle«s soldiers «nlendl .4 f' 00d ' ' , " , 8plendi<1 lawyers and the very best surgeons] j n the world. They are afraid of thin? The women of this date are also fearless and their word Is in their household. If they are cross-'l ed or disobeyed, there is usually se-1 V ere punishment to follow, hut as a: rule the Y are lovable and loving andj mak# splendid wives and house keepers. The love of approbstlon Is _ îffronff in these people, and the fail ure t0 receive what I. considered [their duo praise and con*.deration ha* a marked effect upon their hap pines«. Thev are natural reservofirti of strength. The governing planet is Mars. Tho , . „ , „ ... . govi-rtuag sign is Scorpio-Sagittari us. and the birthstone is a topaz. The] astral color 1» fcolden brown. Automobile mechanic» will be un duly favored this month through the »- ■" 5 **I-'» «-» ** vantage to use them daily. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. AUTO BATTERIES REBUtLT. »11 up. Da A N.te Service. Prone 1301 French St. Battery Spe augl-cod-tf. AUTO TOPS AND CURTAINS—Stern, rear 1401 Rodney St. Phone 614». marfO-tf. !-— _ "Pioneer." 1308-W. clalty Co. Elisabeth ANNA ASCENDS"—Mlaa Owens. 413 E. Tenth St . will call at the advertising department of The Evening Journal, for two tickets on the Queen. BUICK ROADSTER—Winter top Phone 1145-J. or 2811. no<22-»t. CALIFORNIA AND CUSTOM-MADE TOPS, paint'.ng and trimming. H. P. I Bogg^ 115 Concord Axe. Phone " tlV,yr CUT TOUR GASOLINE BILL U 6* Ä lÂÏ'Vrt.rKSâS to It Vv^ry'^r* 1« „VeXn mV,be llYdV. ^Æ. wanfîd^Vak. M« ■ ' ' ' King St . Wilmington. D.l nov»-lm. ELECTRIC REPAIRS — Motor» »nd generator», armsrure» ln steck, era | Bought, »old. exchar »fad H. R. Cann, 6o7 Wollaston oL Phons 1266-R. fab?i- iyr. FORD TRUCK—One-ton; used two months. 6350. 436 E. Seventh St. nov27-St. FORD TOURING—Lata model, fully equipped, must be told; cheap. Stern, 1401 Rodney St. novll-tf. INI T m j jEHÏHIE • I j I We offer the greatest assemblage of used car» ever goti^n togathar in the State of Delà war«, and. remember, W» take the risk out of any car you buy j must b« W J <, u,r.?mpr* , . 1 in.^ d We* IV r. me all tha risk and give you only the beat in car*. ti'O ..6675! .6100 6350 6J25 USED CARS— of us er Rulck Touring Coupe .. lit!8 Ford Roadster - 1921 Dodge Touring .... 1918 Moon Touring . 1920 HupmobÜe Touring 1921 Ford Coupe . 1319 7 7-paasenre Oldsmoblle j*'*^of 1919 Hudson Coupe - 1319 Bufck Touring ... 1920 Essex Touring . 1920 Ford Sedan . 1920 Douse Sedan . 1921 Studebak**r Sedan 1921 Auburn Beauty Six 1920 I>odge Touring ... 1919 Willy'»-Overland .. Studebaker 4-passenger WU BAYS MANYjMOR* CARS NOT »750 :.:»I7S ijîs :.:»«75 •Sort diiJ ..»loo •* t ' i Every one 1, mechanically perfect; «hen we say mat we can back it un. I Time payment* If you want it. We finance our own cars. Guaranteed Lila KEIL MOTOR CO. ELEVENTH AND TATNALL. Phon» «160. I j i I novl-m-w-f-tf LIGHT FORD TRUCK—Covered body. Williams and Bro , nov21-tf. cheap. Apply ■ G Third and Tatnall St. ! 1 4-lneh oct2l-lyr. ! TIMES AUTOMOBILE CO. SILVER TIRE CO. Special. 3-inch used tire». 62. and up. 63 202 King Si. 103-5-7 W. Fourth St. One Ford 115«; on« Max well Touring. 6175; one Podge Touring., 6275: one Overland touring, 6100. jan7-lyr. VIM TRUCKS—Used and rebuilt. »15«' HANUL MOTOR TRUCK CO Phone 136. 7*6 \V. Fifth St. ! aprl-tf. - I WE BUT AND .8ELL USED CARS KEIL MOTOR CC. 11TI1 AND TATNALL ----, 1919 DODGE—Good rubber; engine re-j cently overhauled; car in A-l condi-j tlon Phone 7474-W. nov27-6t. - - ■ . . -7 ' ■■ ■ . lilt OAKLAND LOLPfc—-4-paasenger; perfect condition; owner leaving city; sacrifie«» for quick sale. H. F. Devine, 1«6 E. Eighth St . after 5.3) 11UL__nov£^3t__ - PUBLIC SALE. j FOR SALE—Valuable real estate to eettle the estate of Samuel H. Pyle. deceased. No. 1—Houae and otMbuild lings, 12H acres of land. No. 2—House and store and outbuildings, containing 20 acres. Friday. December 1, at o'clock, situated, at Johnson's Corner, on Wilmington and West Chester Road and Naaman's Creek Road. Concord j Township, Dataware County. Pa. LEWIS E. PYLE. EVA M. GARRETT. DILWORTH S. PYLE. CLARENCE ORTL1P. Auctioneer. ALBERT M. GARRETT. Clerk. nov27-3t. mar9-tf. - HAVING SOLD FARM, am offerng at pubic sale. Tuesday. December 5. at "The Cliffs." on B & O. Railroad, three] mllea from Wilmington. on Shipley road, one mile west of Shellpot: Bed room suites, mattresses, wardrobes. bookcases and desk«, high post and field beds, tilt-top tables, desks, sets of mahoganv and hickory chairs, pewter, lot of old blue china, curly maple high boy. oak stretcher chairs and table. In laid mahogany and walnut bureaus and other articles too numerous to lion. Farming Implements, baled straw and one cow. Sale 11 A. M.. rain or shine. On good macadam road. HARRY STIDHAM. nov2S-7L Auctioneer. _ I KLAIR'S BAZAAR. Wilmington, Auction sales every Saturday, at 10 o'clock. Horses at private sale at aU times. Klair and Hollingsworth. ai-r6-lyr. Dei. EIiECTRICAIu ARMATURES A STATORS REWOUND _Electric fan», motors, etc., repaired. ' Alexander and Steward. Tenth and Washington Sts. Phone 6735-J. JylO-lyr. "ANNA ASCENDS"—William Leach West Sixth St.. New Castle. Del , «ill receive two tickets for th« Queen, by calling at the advertising department of The Evening Journal. ELECTRIC lighting fixtures See us be you buy. Oid fixtures reflnlebed D ™„ tl c Electric* Mfg. Co. Phone S21. 704 Orange street. Electricians, itunu facturera. novlS-lmo. law----- man _ * n(l U K w OOD WILSON wire, your house | FIXTURES, lamps, wiring materia; radio supplice; all reduced. Gross Electric Co.. N. W. Corner Fourth I apr29-tf. «R P *iw x^.n ^îuren St. auglt-lyr. very;u2i=^. - : ~~ M1T H-Typewr!t.r Exchange Typewriter.« «old. rented and repaired. netware ,? f - Su ,5 dst r an J addin? »achinea and F check ^»775' ' d-e24-lvr or 2.7-> TYPKWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS REPAIRER)—Buy new plan. »5 month; rent, »2 month. Bar „m* »i> tu *50. Adding machine, rented, sold. Typewriter Supply Co. Seventh and Market st. septl4-Iyr. VIOLIN INSTRUCnON. VIOLIN STUDY anil playing affords an aSTSSÂ-K* SU 5 SÄ Inge. oo> 4-im. SCHOOL ON OCEAN WAVE IS LATEST i ! /f * ?Jr J \ ' V r /mk\ 4 \ /• I P A x uü..j I r tb I /* -* The traveling school ship. Above, Aea G. Candler, Jr., one of Its sponsors; below, Willis A. Sutton, Its creator and commander. j By NE A Service. ATLANTA. Ga.—Join school and • see the world! I Resilin', writln* and 'rithmetic are j to be taught to the chug erf engines land the lapping of wave» when the I new school ^oject of thl* city g»t» un< j,. r j education should include a knowl «*«• of -'•««* P"P>- a " d So they Joined to purchase a boat in which & group of boys cy^ld do their Anal year of college preparatory work and at the same time eee the way. Six Atlanta men got the idea that fnr fiso.OOO. vrrld. William A. Sutton, superintendent j*'*^of Atlanta** public school*, vu au thor of the idea. fore A »a G. Candler. Jr., »on of the Coca Cola king; Harry V. Hermance. Lindsey Hopkins, Cator Woolford nn d Harold Hirsch, all millionaire*. They were enlhuelaitlc. "I'll buy thp boat." said Candler, !and therewith produced hi, check He placed It be «»»■■ I With this, th* former army trans port Thoma* was purchased, and as so(Jn >g recelv , di wi u be outfitted with libraries, laboratories dorml RE At, ESTATE —FO R RENT . I HOUSE—Seven rooms, bath. ga*. Apply j 501 Lombard St. nov 27-1t. i HOUSE—Eight rooms French St Inquire 211 East Sixth St. I nov27-6t. and bath, 304 1207 Washington St.. 7 rooms electric. Apply 1 « ■ nov25-lm ! HOUSE 1 and bath. gas. Seventh St . third floor. modarn Market! nov22-6t. ! - ; HOUSE—Eight rooms; » :"!V " App,y a'l HOUSE—» room*, bath, ga* and alec* trie. 822 Kirkwood St. ; Kirkwood Sl _opinion HOUSE—Tm room» and bath. Apply »15«' 41» Shipley street, between 1* A. M and .. noon.---_ St. HOUSK-124 K Sixth street, »room. * n 1 d , bil , h 'Uiear Stofe I»! l/m : r " ' nov-uTt FOR RENT. 'GARAGE SPACES— »4 per month. 1109 1 N. Lincoln St. nov55-»t^ ■-— re-j GARAGE--lb tne r r caster Ave. — „rnnfwooMTnri»,. Tavlor ^ AR î ,a n^2ïî.^f**^ii!reet Cheap rent. i and * no?25-tf. PJione ,794-J. "7 , vn prmnFVCE_six rooms STORE AND RES DKNCE now and ^I'rsa^nJanuary 19ÏS Ex Sîîint loStlon; right in the .-entre of Tî. oiiv market. rent reasonable l 1 he . v clty " ' to Appiy içAnORF KFII IJnuurvL. i novl-tf. street, j 1321 Lan nov2l-tf. EVENT« AND TATNALL.TSJJ "*'t07 flBEPLEY ST.—St»r»; hot water - ' heat, electric light. Apply 809 Shipley oetzs-im. MONEY TO LOAN._ MORTGAGE MONEY TO LOAN—Will not keep you waiting if your security F. K Gallagher. 911 Shipley Phone 6128-J. novi-lm. Is good APARTMENTS WANTED ,rv-FI T RNISHED ^ , h ;. j n f a , nl iy; four rooms and bath; r , a ,onabIe. W>at aid*, 5" „ p.-s Evening Journal Office, n - If ' n -- APARTMENT for Ad P ROFEB8IONAL. TUTORING— MISS Mary B. Dennison, 207 S. Union St._oo »28-lm. HOUSE PAINTING. HOUSE PAINTING—Save the aurfaci and you save all. James Keenan 1601 W. 18th SL Phona 7492-W. marü-lyr. _ I == DETECTIVE AGENCY. DETECTIVES. , detective investigators, work long hours. Good training Ivon If you have no experienca. Must ave good references and able to fur willing Two to ' Blab bond. Apply ELL H. HAMILTON, 510-511 Ford Bldg. RUSS Tel. 4040-3681-3496. ftb4-lyr. | , , i . n » r. Tk ». Philadelphia,Penn sGrore.Cheiter Schedule of Tripe. L ** v ® a sJturda h v» S su^ t dlye r andHollday». for Cheiterind Âèlphls.6.00 A. M.. 12.00 noon. 4 .5 M Oji Saturday*. Sunday* and Thanka giving j,Da>'. 7.30. 10.10 A. M.. 1.30, 4 1. "Leave 1 Phjadelphla. Chestnut Street Wharf. (or Wilmington. at same TRANSPORTATION. ,LEAVE WILMINGTON [French S«. Wharf, S P. M. I FREIGHT ONLY LEAVE PHILADELPHIA Pier 10, North Wharvee I (Pace Street) 6 P. M. r I WILSON LINE I Wllminflton-P«nn'« Gr»v» Rout# L,a \ e „r'Y l '« n * t iS n nn f it 745. 10 06 A. M ll.ftmtm. ~H. »4a 12 06 noon. 2.00. 4 00. 6 00. 6.00. 10.00 and 12.00 ^ Leave Penn's Grove, week-days, 5 33. TOO. 9 00. 11.00 A M, 1.00. 3.00, 4.30, 7.00. 9.00 and 11.00 P , ,, On Sunday*. 7.00, 9 00. 11.06 A M. 5.60. 3 00. 5 00, 7.00. 9 00 and 11 00 P. M. tories, athletic courts, and all other adjuncts to a standard school. "A large central institution will be_ established on land and used as headquarters," rays Sutton. "A preliminary tour of America on a special train, laatlng tlx to eight weeks, will precede the ocean voyage. The water tour will last nine month, and will encompass tbu world. Lessons wll) be designed to fit the places visited and the sched ule of the vessel. "It la our belief that this school will exert a profound influence over future International thought and understanding. It is certain to pro mote International peace. Sutton to C ommand. "Let the best boys in America see the people of other nations and, learn to understand them, and fu ture International relations, so far as America is concerned, will be eaey." Sutton will be executive head of the institution and will command the echool ship. Tuition fee will be »1,000 to 11.200 annually and will cover all expenses. In a few years, the organizers plan to make the institution co-edu rrtlonal. BRITAIN WILL HAVK NKW WARSHIPS (United Britain'« navy will WASHINGTON, Nov. 2 Pres*).—Great hove the largest and most power afloat when tho two battleships which are to ba in January are com ful warship» new land down pleted. Not e^r^n the two new «uper 1 dread naught» soon to be added to the American navy can equal them , in «i*e, «peed and armament. In the of naval expert* here bawd on p reM descriptions of the new shjpg These experts alqo believe tho ad Gltfor, of these twoahip. to the Brlt ! *h navy will give It a considerable "edge" over the United State, even in capital ship tonnage, the ba.«!« on which the 5-5-3 ratio of naval strength for England, the United State» and Japan waa figured in the naval treaty. Coat frocks made of a flat crepe are having a vogue. They may be draped softly across the hip*, and worn with a cape to match edged with 'fur. REAL ESTATE—FOR SA LE., A RARE CHANCE to get that Ideal home and pay like rent. J. O. Jus tin Co., Newport, DeL Phone -31-W. septl-tf. _ _ FOR SALE—Farm, eight miles from Wilmington. 60 acre« or more. Booth'« Comer, on Bargain for quick buyer llam Oran Farm, P. O. address. Brandy wine Summit, Pa . R. F. D. No 2. nov27-3t. near Naaman's Road. Apply Wll HOUSE—Nln# room*, bath, two porch*». gas and electric; flrat-daaa condi tion. Apply » S. Clayton St. nov25-lm. HOUSE#—Modern, two-car garage; fine river view. Call Holly Oak. 272-M. nov23-6t. __ HOUSE— « rooms. 1n good repair. 410 XV. 29th St.. 13.801' Something less for cash. »1.80« to remain on first mortgage, not sold hy Friday, will be for rent. 1310 West St. nov27-2t. If Inquire house— 1402 W Fifth St.. 10 room» and bath, front and back porch, station äre tubs and electric light. Inquire Mrs. H. H. Ward. »00 Rodney St. nov24-lm. I _ I rooms and -foot deep, good back porche»; 1911 W. oct30-lm HOUSE—Square plan: bath ; 25-root front. »0 condition; front and electric and gas. WIU rent. Second St. FOR SALE market Corner grocery store and meat H. KANOFSKY AND SON Delaware Trust Building Phone 7787. APARTMENT-Furnl.hed wreath »treat. ___ r " or ^ . ,. A HT M ENT—Private, six room», gaa N Ct £.°'corne?'s,co?d <1 and French Junelt-lyr. APARTMENTS FOR RENT APARTMENT—Three rooms, furnished for light housekeeping; all latest Im provements. 1211 Market St. nov t7-6t . APARTMENT—Two rooms, communi cating. furnished; heat and light. 909 Tatnall St. nov27-3L location; 1305 Wash APARTMENTS—Two; good well heated, electric llghL 1 ington St. Call between 7 and If. M. nnv25-2t. APARTMENT—Two large front roome. with use of livlngroom; well heated; gas and electric;' good location; month. Phone 8477-W. »2 i nov23 -Ijt, r«-r IlC '7 • prl htMENT—F urni»h»d* two roômaf *»0 Convenience,. Including hot water phone; reasonable; lmm,J affJgiÄ «1. Jefferson SL nov23-St. SHIPLEY ST., 807—Five rooms, bat)» flat. Apply 809 Shipley SL nov23-lm. 7BVO OR THREE-ROOM APART, M ENTS—Furnish'd. I« and »5 p*f Week. 391J» West SL