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npi till I np p|l^||T , UtLAWAKh Muni WINS THIS (rAME It al *IJ I I lit» "ll Blue and Gold, in Great Battle, Defeats Dickin spn, 21 to 0 PRICE SCORES TWO TOUCH DOVTNS Cniversitv of Delaware football team ended a successful season Sat urday afternoon, when they up «et the "dope" am! defeated Glenn kit lingers much routed Dickin#on Heven 21 to o. Three times Rlrè# and Gold men crossed the ppkin«nn also go: the eg4ra point goal hne and ifter the touchdown on each o*ca wice by means of Dickinson the third time a goal. Harla n si on, being off side and wh*n McDonald drop-kicked The game was played Field before a crowd of from 4oon A eflld Winj 5000 spectators, to bloing across the field made it spectators much discomfort in hut comfortable for was not to notice spectacular playa k»pt on edge from start to finish. ti there his as the crowd Prac tically every one of the 3«o Dela ware studen's were on hand with the I n.v.rMty Band '** rh-r fnr th Blu- and Gold. Mirklnann wa. al«n „„I*d hy atud-nta and yrndua.-a and th- Dirkmnnn Ba»l ' V "n.v!?° p, ^" n, ' ■ . While it e true tha.t n»la«-ar- got , ,h ' • of the break It is also a most fact that the hard playing of the Plue and Gold forced these break? and when they came the Delaware k opportuists and ♦ Dickin-o eleven were advantage gained much more ground »han Del them of making from scrimmage n ware about 20 first downs to but on» for But it Is alro true that mo«t pe'awar». ground gained Dickinson -, hen t V o hall waa rte«* he centre When the Meihodist'v of the field. Delaware's goal line. Blue and Gold always held them and after all that Is tjie true test. Two K«nt county boys «cored all ihr*» of th- touchdown* for D-l.i "•are. Clifford Pr;ce. of Harrington. retting the flrautwo and 'Dick" Cole. of Dover, crowed Dicktneon's goal 1th the flnaS touchdown. This n-ar line was Cole s laet game in n Blue and Gold uniform a* he graduate* next He has played* a fine game lun». H gtiard all aea.on but in no game et»ler-d Delaware haa h une» he jlayad better ball than h« «tid Sat jrday. eligible tt> plav next V The firat break to Delaware', ad .antage came in rh» eerontl quart»r The Blue and Hold had been nn the of the gam» and Price to a Junior and will be *ar. ' defensive thalr »tubbom defense proved a sur With the ball line. Daly most pris» to the visitor«, an Deiawar.'8 3â-jrard fumbled when tackled hard by Delaware player. Price scooped the ball on a run and with a coupl; of Delaware men back of iTim to keep away Dickinson s tacklers ran th*, 65 yards for a touchdown. Delawjr» got the extra point when Dickinson! wa« caught offsides hy the official« This play wa« sn sudden both J Dickinson players and fans were dumbfounded. Delaware kept up stubborn defense and the half ended 7 to 1 in favor of Delaware. ! The next break for D*lawar» cam» in the third quarter wfi«n a j i Dickm»on player in attempting toj block McDonald'» punt near the, rentre of the field managed to touch the hall hut not »»iffiojent t«j deflect i*. to any-eTtent. Thi» made It a fret hall and Price catching the punt ' 25 yard for his second ran down. Daly evidently did not know thgt one of hlR team had partly, blocked the punt, a« he made on »(Tort to »top Price The official« fnuebdown counted and ruled the Delaware again cot the extra, point when Dickinson was offside f°r a ! second tlma. Tho third br 3 «k came In th# last | period when Col# intercepted a for- j ward r*?»s and raced M yards for th# third touchdown. Donald klck ed the goal One of the features of the gam» j wa« the gréa» punting of McDonald Time after time he punted out of danger when Delaware » goal line ; «as threatened, mostly long boots considering the j wind and were of the kind hard to ! jindle. His punf* Ha oqtpuntcfl^ Plpa in al-1 McDonald : moat every exchange, also played a strong secondary de- 1 fense game. Delaware strength on defense no | doubt greatly surprised the visiting 1 ♦earn. It took some of the "pep" t out af Killlnger's proteges to take the hall down the field on fevers' i occasion« only to los» |t on down- 1 when close to Delaware's goal Dickinson apparently had expected ; Don't Fuss With Mustard Plasters Musterole Works Without the Blister—Easier, Quicker Th*r#'» nn sens* in mixinc » mss» of mustard, flour and Water When you ran easily relieve pain, soreness orl Btiffns»» with a little chan, white «Mus- . t#role. k M'lateral# 1» made of pure oil of «tard and other helpful ingredients, combined in the form of the preeent white ointment. It takes the place of. mustard plasters, and will not blister. I mu Musterole usually gives prompt re lief from sore throat, bronchitis, tonal-1 litis, croup, stiff neck, «isthma. neural- i *ia. headache, congestion. pleurisy; I rheumatism. lumbago, pain? and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore mus cles. brur.*es. chilblains, frosten feet, colds of the cheet (it mfiy prevent pnet* moniai 35c and 65c. jars and tubes. Sett er than a mustard plaster 1 r Ei I « rather e«.\ vi.-torj and f qttar wätcsm« sonn» of rhA punch. ffoRi !in. ft wii« hmuuht out to tlw* and Dickinson started n the flpld that did nm j j 20-yard li ! a march d end mill IVTawar#*» five yard linelth reached. Plpa and Holy« who! starred for the visitor* carried the ball on moat of the play» and were | making good gains on cross-buck# and p.'avs through tackle. They also | fxed up a couple of successful short snappy forwards and Plpa got away I vas 1 on one play for a 25 yard run get ring through tackle : After getting the boll to De'a vard lino Dirklnenn wa. wares five ,j otv| danger. caught holding yards. On th»> next play Delaware was caught off sides and this Dickinson a first down Rooks got through for a gain hut on her five yard line Delà wore go* the hall on and .McDonald kicked put of pena I izrd 15 and ga ve j This was the nearest that Pick!: *n ever although on several occasions later they were within the 2Hvard* line. At thepe times Delaware's line dug their roes in and held for downs. After ;he first touchdown by Price * I in Delaware's goal line i in the second nuorrer Delaware di* • nfidence »alth« played more Dickinson still gained at time^l through the line hut never when the I Hal! would get within ?o yards of? th- Bln- and Onjd lin-. ' In Pipa. Daly and Rooks, it wa« , demonstrated that Killingef^has a igh I |rj „ nf h , M na^ka hut they , |r „ Iv wnr , nin| flrW d ,. w . n , ln , h , rf „ lrf nf )hp fl . M no , hHV , , ho p.„ nc - 1 l-ft wh»n P-lawar* dug In P*-«r h-r |jnp j nelaarare could do poking with i f>ickinson's line. On several t imes ) Williams. McDonald and Weggen mann made a fow yard« and on naiatont • th -'« h .. .. . ... . the line played i • f ime a firat down* through the line but the«e gains were Delaware'» strength as It has heon lot a'l season wa* shown on defense. No flv , m h „ Wn , h , j jn , ge consistently for lotwh derwns and Dickinson was no exrep a e'ronir team. Ootflson who hae de. veloped into on- of th'. h-«t tarkl-a . p . . ,. I who ever wore th- blue and sold piaved a »whale nf a anm- and Ilk role P war hi. last for Delaware a i h , lraduates n<!Xt rprm! . . Great cr»dit te due Coach MoAror for , hp v:c(ory . The drilling that h J ha* given the team all year to keep heir eye on the ball bod it* reward, j Price'» two touchdowns were made posalble>by nlertne»» in keeping his _.o on the hall. Aikin piaved a wonderful ^puard and Kramer a Freshman pl»y came ed e^ntre mnçt r»f th» came in plae. a. on the injured r of etr.ngth o„ d« clever tackle«. | nf ),onald«'> n who ' list was a towe fense and made some at end considered by many I ,h- beet tackier nn th. team «pill-d Dickinenn plava a« did alsn | many McK el vie. hackfleld Cnarh McAvny had but twn nf hie regular hack«. McDonald. al^. a p ta i n Wjl'iam« and ; tVegg-nmann. th» N»w Ca«tle boy , ook Elliott's place whn wa» nut n .[,h broken rib« and Jackson plav quarter in place of Cherpak. who 1 hag h€€n out «rith injurie for three „.,.ks Both played good ball on d» In the I fans-. J Boyce tackle and 0 f the scrub« *tsj,hanee in place Aikin n»ar th» c ! Cherpak and Donaldson also got in j the last minutes of play. The lute-up j Delaware. ^ Dickinson. Magaw .Left **nn... ... «.rowisy j iG a pt ) I i McKHvic .Left tabule . Rehman . Left g»iard. Templin , Smith j Right guard M«-Quad* ; * ,v#n ^ ><* Goffigon and gitord Lynch were lo<f* of the gam _ Aikin * r Goffigon .. Right talkie . M» ' ™.'£ o „- f^^L-'haek touch*.Mcponnld .. Left half-back. Ro/ik« | Weg nmann Right half-back Williams ... Full-back.... (Cart.) hv R«ith I Rtmn , .. Pipa .. Daly .«GORE nv PERIODS 7 ?! 0— 0 Price. ?; Pole. Gn»]« n« Drop-kick. MarPon off-«idc* twice on try point S»ih«t it Ute» -Dirkin' Davis for Rupp. Frew for Grow ley. Car penter for Pipa. Rupp for David. £te Rooke Delaware: Donaldson Kramer. Gherpak for Jackson. Dr la ware . Dickinson n o | from tou.-hdow ! fnr | J for Touchdow ext *»n§ for j ; j Have Your G a r- 1 | meats, Rugs or Draperies, Cleaned or Dyed For Thanksgiving ■ t V, r « Egg A Telephone Call Will Bring Our DELIVERY SERVICE to Your Door y « -jt. Look for the Em iHJfat'lem Tag; it is yoitr j^]fJ;uarantee of Master ■ST Servira, Wf now use Du Pont Dyes. TELEPHONE J 8 THOUSAND SAYER BROS Cleaners and Dyers From the Finest Chiffon to the Heaviest of Ruçs 18th and Market Streets GARMENTS INSURED WHILE IN OUR CAR* Is ) ) Runners in Rire-Mi le Cross Country This Week Competition in th# V M C. A. cross country run Thank#aivinc day will 1»»» k an In ai# other pija^idis rtin. t istrin* nf rönne*« h» a been ininc for aonK* w»*ek* und enm" c i8 expected of th** winner. Clayton Powell, who w ha* entered airain and third annual on • A th»* race will do hfi best to repeat hia pre performance. Winfield L. : who finished third last fa fast tl las! year. V* 011 * r *a Thanksgiving day. ha* been training throughout the summer, taking to Ih " ■""-ral lima, a «.ok Ha has cut down quit# a little on his time and will push the runners hard for first place. 1 Rogers Foiiracrc. a former l T ni versify of Delaware athlete, ha» en tered and from his previous rec ords is looked upon as a winner An-I other dark horse has loomed in Hal E. Gondwn. who has recentlv come ! from Boston. While he ha-* not had j an opportunity to do much train WRIGHTS BOOT WINS FOR SNAPPKRS Annihrr victory was added the South Side-Eden Snapper«* foorball they defeated the du ,h - •«n.xppfra th- «-mnlnx puim.^ 0r ' :i "" ,M ' ,r * l.*>f *nd ''..."Smith'""* Hut chi nann... Left, tarkl.. r-ak 1 •*'££ •••;;• ; l ^J K '" ,r ' , .I-idee. string Pont Dye Works at Da on Saturday. .1 fo vhei lev's Point 0. The team« •en terms mo«t of the fought on Ijime. Wright's 40-yard hoot in the fourth quarter for a field goal gave Rohi jj^ n ta .Right guard... C. Conrlor.., Right tackle... ^^1,;;; Qui* tir-"haVk . (fapt I Wrizhl Left half hark Slat-r Farn» .Rliht half-hark P"'— at'ORK BV h rKHir.r.S "* ^ ,h Ä rtrr. s s ; a 1 'Vild.' S.Zprr r . I tWulman tor Orant Brown for Hutch-'nop ^ ra * r " d ol f..r I.ieter. T Connor for Ma -„, Hall for kanta. Smith for ' Connor. We-eh for Rhockl-y. H Mondn for E Morr a. Oormley for Wrisht. r.. ^ rril , fnr y, rr ;, no Work* Button f„ r Smith. Oadhill for street«, park^'a^'t^npîre c^deun""' Oorman Timer. ... Dolho Maasey • " r lgbi ] Patte ' 1 Gil man Smith, Référés He»d 1m?s Goodman and Time of peri»»d«. 1« minutes. "Y" BOYS* PLANS. 5:30 P. class and discussion Monday. *t junior»' Bible group. • ee»in« and Bible Ha«»« M.—Older rouncll P. M.-— Weekly Tu»«<1ay. a meeting of rhotographic Club Wednesday a> 7 P M. Employ "d boye' brotherhood huatnee. meet ing and Bible dl«eu.«ion group M.—Radio Wednesday. ""<1 »'««"P n " h Thursday, at < P. meeting of the Dramatic Club, tin der direction of Mr. J. Frank Hums I s for the at s r. M —Weekly - Lynch for Akin. Boyce for Gofflgon which includes rehe* annua! minstrej show to be held dur ing th» spring. Friday. 5 P. M.—Older boys' cab inet business meeting. Fridwy, *7:3? P. M — Hi-T Club, husines* meeting and discussion group. Saturday. 1 r M -An ®duratinn al trip to the Sharpless-Hendler Toe Cream rnmpany's plant, where the hoys will see that popular delicious product made. Referee Gilbert. Williame Lewi». Psnn Head linesman Rvracu»«. Time of periods 15 Empire: Green. imite». Dr. COX, Dentist 1212 MARKET ST. «'«refill attention given to all brauche« of dentistry. EXPERT ns K.X'TR WTtOV and Drown and Bridgewiirk. Gas or ncctlle ti«ed. Phone fiK99. Lady attendant. OPEN EVENINGS » t a ing sine* coming to Wilmington, he haw shown lot« of endurance and uperrf. Goodwin ha» done unite a little l«*ng distance running In Ros and undoubtedly will give a good •nunt of himself, denhall and Jack Ayrea are among the entries. A'l conte-tanu* Y. M. f\ A. Thuraday : ten thirty. Auto* to the Ferri» Industrial also|t Warren Men •Ill report at the morning at ill convey them school where they jsvill be started off by Fremont I.oefell. physical director of Tnw»r H.ll .«ohool From th Ferris Industrial school the runners will proceed to Kennen pike, com Jng in Pennsyivana and Delaware avenues and fin*»!* in front of the Y. M. C. A., covering a distance of five miles. Oliver lo\ing cups will he awarded contestants /finishing first, second and third. Entries will clos** with Physical Director Kad#l. it the Y. M. C A., at eight o'clock Wed n#»day night. WOULD HAVK U. S. IN NATIONS' LEAGUE Evolved That the 1'nited States .loin 'he l/e.iguc of Nations at the Present Time." wy the subject nf * » debate bat ween Jeams represent Wilming/on Jewish Com mim l.v l'enter and the Krnnnnuted ing the Club of Philadelphia, at the Jewish ( *•>' ,hr epirlt-d and rl-ver argil we're t'har'e. To,- principal of W,l y - Ih-titute l.ihrary and Samuel Can Or Alh-rt Rohin. preeld-nl of Community Center, a.-t-d aa . ch.lrman Community Center. Third and K ng streets last nght. The Wilmington team had the affirmative and won nwest tnnritin after* erm hy both wLx and .Samuel Chaiken represented L Har ph Handler, Edward J< i ho Com unity Center and Morris Weisman. Abraham Morris W. Wegier represented the from "Philadelphia. The Judges Free n C. RICE DEAD. Funeral services for Oliver C „ /, . u. c Rice, colored. 4.i. who died at ni« ' home. 811 Orange street, lost night. •ill he field frotp the undertaking pnrlors of Charles H. Gray. 71 R Wal ■ enlng Interment will be in Ro landav.ll». Md.. °n Wednesday. Mr. Rice, who was a native of Ro landsville. had been a resident this city for 2d years. For several veara he was a waiter In the re« k tomorrow cl ••f murant of Colonel A. L. Ainscow. a ln varloua hontee for (h> p „, y , ar , Rle. wa a member of Wllming .— I.odge, No. US?, I. O. D. F. Of ficsr» »nd m**mb«»rs of tho ord«r will attend »be funeral service*. ■ HILL TOP BLEND 25c lb. Coffee 25c lb. RICHARDSONS, 838 Kinfs St. J ; ELECTRIC HOME NECESSITIES FOREHANDED XMAS BUYING I Hie gift of an electric acces sory — percolator. toaster, cleaner, heater or iron—is hound to he more acceptable than a more fnvolous jrift could be. Early selection is ursjed because our display now is complete. > GARRETT, MILLER & CO. Fourth and Orange Sts. ~T The Best Tool for a Big Job An-axe in the hands of a crazy man is a serious men ace, yet we do not condemn the axe for its wild or fool ish application. Advertising can he—has been—sometimes misused. Like all great forces, it must he intelligently plan ned and directed. > In the big job of reviving American business, adver tising is the best tool that money can buy. Let's use it—boldly and well! / PttMl^ifrl »»V The Evening Journal. In with T!»v American X'-'-ociatlon of Irlvrrtidn? Avrncir« -operation ii y. LAUREL HIGH TEAM BANQUET GUESTS LACK EL. Nov. 27 A banquet was e ven the member* of the Liurel High School footba l e'.evt n and »•., * • «« • Phil" Marvil and Fred the LaurH Hotise. Pu • at Ft ,y evening by the Yootbal fans of the (own. The pUver« who at r nd«d were: Captain Daniel Culver. Alton Wootten. Norris Hitchens. A1 l»ert Whaley. Ralph Bennett. Loran Francis IV 1«. M » V ! El iott. C Windsor. Wrteht. 'c b'p eer. Wootten. Will I a m Paul CVan Mattlvw Dallas I va n Henry. as Truitt. Marvil. Callaway, John Clifford Gn*dy. I.eon Tyndal', Coach "Phil* Marvil and Coach Fred Rurford. n will h"ld The varsitv eleyfci practice In *»rd he in first '•las# million for the big Thanksgiving Day game with Sea ford, on the local gridiron and one of the largest ds of fjie season is expected to b*' present Following the Thanksgiv ng game Coach Marvil will begin practice for the championship game with Newark High School at Frager Fie'fi Cniversit.v of Delaware, to de cide the ■h»mp:onship seconda r\ high • f the State school FOUR HURT ON WAV TO GRID GAME <»n fheir wnytn witness a foot bull erdrTN- afternoon four game at Clift' m llmlnkton sre injured when the truck youths ere riding with about in which they I Ofr^n , point knn on a road just pa. n as Dead Man's Curu of Wawa other overturned it n ICO. taide n •ere: Wil The young men injured Murphv. ?n old. of 1 « 14 ! West fiecond street, rut about eyes h. Clarence Donovan. ?1 old 4 1?» South Van Ru a i. r : lia and «trert. lost several teeth a —- —■ - - - - - - - > e»| All My Children Have Benefited From Father John's Medicine <■ Two year« ago our whole family ...» wag Bick Infiuenrs and it left us . . . ... all with very distressing coughs. Wejr * . . ' r,d r * ,h r h ... anon we were all entirely well again We have found Father John « Merli Medicine nn«l I j k* . cine to be very gnpd for throat and bronchial 'roubles My three chil dren always take It for a cold. It has built them up so that they sel dom have a cold' now." (Signed) Mrs J. Morgan 3311 Lemp Ave.. St. l*ouia. Mo. Father John's Medicine nourishes »hoc» who are run down back to ma! health. It Is a pure food tonic and Is safe for all to take bemuse it is guaranteed to be free from alco hol or dangerous drugs. Start tak »r*s H today. about tace; John Latimer, 22 year* old. 1236 Chestnut street, laterated ri?ht knee, and Henry Hall. 20 year» old. 1218 Lancaster atenue. .'pruned tack. * The four young men were taken te th* Media Hospital by a pa n_ motor .-t. and while none of tntti utare apparently Injured «renouai v ' the> "ere held at the hospital foi o'Aen ttion. - ! JEST A MOM EXT DULY STR EAGTH \\l* IT1KER Oompiled. h> John G Quintus. tTh • Sunshine Man'. Behold happy e <our|t them «h:< i h endure—-Jam#* \ 11 If ye >ndure chastening God W |th you ». with *on> H.h xli. 7. B4 strong to hope, ft Heart? igh day is bright. The »tar* ran only shine In the dark night R» strong O lb Ix»ok towards the light? Th. rt of mine. Re strong to love, O Heart! Love knows not Didst thou love, r Life were not long: love God in H sf be strong Adelaide A. Procter. vrong; »attires even. Didst th Thou would ven. Luebcrt'» No* 'Em M & w. HEUMATIS TABLETS nri.lEVK RHBI'M AT1SM. SCI aTICa HIM R \on YOP ARK RES'K PltlDK. '.rte SAM SUFFERERS FOR NKI'KITJS IN \ KKW H« CRT FITKD XT ONDE Pf.E MAILED TO jor ll'O NOT>DFFICR. GET A BOX NOW \ND A k e- no-mo P ÀM. all Headaches Neuralgia. Grippe Toothache Relie- . « in half hour, for and at ail druggiata or aampl« t " rw for 10«\ Luebcrt's Blood & Nerve Tablets the great tonic. and STRENGTH rempowe-i of tbe best Un:» fïv pei vous system, they Invlgi tone the nervea enrich the b c Mm and vigor to Whv drag through d pain of any Price a* kind. PÏ.DDDMAKKH GIVER tnfilra for orate and loo#l and 1 he edtira the Ityi ble and forlorn, when y • h»s tlme-tr ed ' Sample mailed, 1/lr. body frepng mtse medy at s» get little ill FOR VERMIN AND NITS •e t.liehert'« In schnei children « beads Larkspur He^d Scan ents infection. j'_ pen. leave» the hair Stdendld for killing flea» and lice Fric». 25e. at , fancy dogs and c»t». dnigglat» or mailed • . Gustnv Lufibrrt, P. D. f Its weakly uaa sham fluffy. ghtfuL t an«! \ deli ft LAHORATOPT AND ORDER DEPT. S3C snd 3* F f.*rcctn Highway. Ceateaville. P*. & SonCo The M.MeÄa I | t / The Turkey's On the Table! wait in a meekly Frowned, and sizzling, and savory, and for Ihc carring knife. Of course, it really and literally isn't on the Iahte with its fine damask doth and its shiny, polished surface. Hut it is on one of those hip, roomy, deep plotters, gold handed, or decorated, that we carry confidently and proudly into the Thanksgiving dinner. ■ I r - A A y A some nearby farm. The turkey very probably comes from Rut the platter, its last resting place, comes from hun dreds, perhaps thousands of miles, to grace that particular table. From France, there are the beautiful and very popular china dinner sets, usually of one hundred pieces. There is Havilund and Limoges sets (and their "am™ i almost the same as "sterling" on silver) that can be had a number of patterns, all opew stock that are marked as $65.00 the set, and from there through a dozen pat are in low as terns up to $133.00 the set. There's English porcelain sets that are marked hut $38 for 100 pieces and three decorations to choose from. There's a dozen patterns of domestic porcelain, mostly stock, that are marked from $22.50 to $50.00 the set. china sets from Japan in three decora : open And some new tions are $69.00, $76.00 and $91.00, And glassware! Rig and little tumblers and goblets and sherbet glasses and almost every kind and size of glass is here and priced most modertely. If there is the slightest chance of your Thanksgiving dinner bring embarrassed by want of dishes or i V° u lieve new dinner-ware will improve it the time to get it s NOW. ■ AND THE PLACE IS HERE. Son Co r a 1 ■m r*i . T. H. UKDMOXD A VISITOR. Thomas H. Redmond, of Radnor. Pa.. is spending sometime ln this city h» the guest of hia daughter. Mrs. Elisabeth Hill. 21« Walnut street. Mr. Redmond la 86 years old anti a retired employe of the Penn sylvania Railroad and a former sol dier in the British Army. He enjoys •raveling despite hip advanced yean. He recently returned from a trip through the middle west. TO DKDICATK MEMORIAL. A monument to the memory o' FLIRTING WITH WIFEY j 4 I *r or - W 1 Talking Chances By Mai! I \ MRS LILLIAN MOORE >*# i By GENE CORN. NEA Staff Correspondent. 27—The dramatis per«onae of this OAK LAN I' C»| Nov comedy of home life are; Dr J Franklin Moore, prominent dentLt of Oakland. Mr- Lil ian P Moore, his wife. "Dr Harris." Dr. Moore's ' nom de mash *' •'Grace Vance." Mrs Moore* "nom'de filrt ** « Reel 1; Mr- M being a gay Ifitharin. • w nit when - •e su«perf* her husband. Dr. Moore, of she pre|*ared a trap She nits hack, to She s**#*s in the "love column" of a newspaper an advertise ment she ha« region to believe was inserted by her huahand. It ask« for a companion on week-end trips. She rushes a carefully changing her hand writing, and suggests a meeting, signs th* ash note. Sha "Grace A'ance." name Oh. Tluil I IIml Writer's fVamp! Reel 2: Comes a reply | n a familiar handwriting but hear ing the signature |>r. Harris." How about a meeting? Note follows note and Mr*». Moore always deftly arranges some ex ctjse why she.cannot meet "Dr Harris." still seeking to draw him on to a direct admission of his real Identity. "Grace Vance" finally agrees to meet "Dr. Harris'* In hotel lobby but. when he can't find her she hurries him note that she was frightened away by aeejng an old acquaintance. Dr. Moore. In the lobby JVhen this "piece de rfsistence" nf irony "Grace Vance then draws from "Dr. Harris!' an admission that he is married Oh how could you thus deceive a poor hut honest working girl? she wails In a letter. In I/Ifo. as In Tennis, "V«nvo One.'* Into her lawyer's offics goes Mr*. M< are the papers " Dr Moore is summoned to court. The trap Is sprung. Ye gods, he's be#»n sepdlng mash notes to his own wife! One by one the damning documents are produced. "I knew It all the time." declares Dr Moore. "Rhe thought she waa slip ping something over en me and I Just led her along." Fade out: Mrs. Moore leaves court with decree. Alimony notice later. "Here Reel .1; ! ' her hu.'thaml. will h» dedicated by Mrs. Isaac Miner. 122 Market »*r»-t at Ia>mbardy cemetery, at 1 o'clock, next Sunday afternoon. Friends and relatives and lodges have been In vited to be present. ? 912 Orange St. | *