Newspaper Page Text
MAY CONTEST Suspect Jersey's Wet Senator-Elect Spent Too Much Money "Drvs' FRELINGHUYSEN NOT PROMPTING -* WASHINGTON Nov. 27.c-(TTirtt-1 ed Prees)—Congressional dbye have j begun an investigation of the cam . „ paign expenditures of Senator-elect Ediward T. Edwards of New Jersey big chief of the wets In the new Congress in the hope that he may be excluded from his seat. If the evidence gathered bears ouï tacit charge« which have been per-j *i a a .,ii v« *,.«• pona'iv made it will be given 03 ©t , . tbe Senate committee on privi to lege« And election«, jt was lemmed til fift y Edward. 1. aald to have bem fally } ; informed aa to the move *.nd eon A statement of campRlgn expendl-j «urea filed by Edward, with the Sec retary ot th# Senate the week be-1 for© election, showed contribution - $3 :>0O with exp n.I -, lures of a little more than $500 These expenditures were for usual c«mp*lgn incidental, #uch a« slump* printing, hotel bill, and such ilk#. Estimate* filed for the primaries showed Governor Edward* had re ,-rired contributions of aavaral him dred dollars with no disbursement* %ena"or FrT'nehuveen. who was defestsd by Governor F.dwards in ■r» e «c''on of November 7. declared had hoard of the movement but I fb«< be had no part in it and would fldence ia expressed hy his follow-; er, her« that any attempt to pre-J vent him from taking 'his «eat will! I fa". he . . _. r . lt ■Û hasebein informed of the ! movement but " am noT the origin-' Of H " Fre nghuvse- told the United^Press "I would rather rc .„ entirely free from any Con grêeslonaJ^inveatlgation That may be undertaken and I have no evidence I TORONTO, Nov. 27 (United , Preen 1.—W «yne B. Wheeler. of Washington, counsel for prohibition forces in the Eastern State«, now attending a convention here of the World League against Alcoholism "wouldn't he surprised If the elec tlon of Senator-elect Edwarde In i New Jeraey tm being studied withia b * 5 ettlnR th * f * cts ' he de_ I clared today. "And I imagine it evidence car %r^n7Ve h s\n«tr^n V consrer ! eonsld ® r to offer.'* «rio»?v .he matter * arl0 B^Y' Mr. WbeMeT declared he b*dn t haard anjrthlng dateite, although he knowa there ha* bean a good deal Ot talk. / "Very MceHy It-wUl dapend on the I evidence a* to whether anything will I be done," he aald. - i I I I Wo i j OVER LOVE, TRIES DEATH , I there about 9 o'clock thla morning From that time until Mrs. Ow-n and Miss Freda Joffreys, a boarder ln the Tatna.ll afreet house, found him In ' bla room wounded, he was not ee*n About 1 o'clock this afternoon the two women beard tha shot and went to e front room cn the third floor ooeupteiTby I-ane. Pushing open the door they eww Lane lying across th» h«d.rhe bleed gush ng from a wound in M» braaat. He was ettll moaning i! Bnd of long barrel, lay n«rby. Oerupanta of the I '" n ' Ing Thev alao exldThat Tan«' < hTo pApoeed marrl.r.^"erland n Dr h \ 4 ÏÂ S£Si Street ' Tat nail street w summoned by the women when ! (Continued Ff«rm Page Cine.) they found Lane. H« called the po lice ambulance, administered first aid and turned the revolver over to , Detectives Gamble and Cook. who,. aceompanled the ambulance. The deteottres questioned Lan* before he waa removed to the hoa pital. "Who shot you?" they asked. 1 "I shot myself," he replied. T am no good to anybody in this world." I The detectives Jeffreys who questioned admitted that l^>ne, hsd proposed to her and that she had rejected him. She was engaged to arxether man, she eatd. Lane "he added, seemed much dejected hr her refusal to marry him „ Office Sixth and Klnv *tr««i 7 n ®®* ri M f h.s v.. 'T V' Waa Zlot *!,„ > ad ba ®" "1 tb «.D' ,v <' rn - T h P r 7 ' w tn abo 'J t A* 0 Weeks , «go. when he resigned and went to ' * ■ or)c t,lty. It waa learned from the depart- 1 Mi»» A1 the men' 'ha; his father Is a mem'o-r the editorial staff of the Loulaviiie. K.v. Herald. hold tomorrow , Emli Klapstein, who died ln the Delaware Hospital last week follow- : TO HOLD THREE INQUESTS. Coroner Bullock will quests In three cases night, aa follows: :ng injuries received when run down hy an automobile on the causeway, j November 12. James Brown. 1919 East Eleventh street, who died in the police pxu bulance Saturday night, after hav ing his leg torn off when caught in a rope at Pigeon Point, while trying to make fast a tugbot to the pier. William Griffin, colored, who was ■ shot and killed at Stanton last week, by another Negro, who is yet at | large. A that he was Invited by Howard II Frantz in a letter to submit a bid for B city Incinerator; that one day after he and Howard had viewed the alt* . . . , on which the furnace was to be ln-j stalled. Howard stopp'd hie machine ( n a side strbet and produced a type written agreement providing for the STATE SAYS $7500 fiRAFT (Continued Ffom Page One.) payment of a certain sum of money to him ia case th* incinerators was accepted by the city, Hook was said to have told at the conference that he mgned the ngree with Howard and that he hoped to i*** him carry oui .he agreement. David J. Reinhardt, who. with Frank J.. Speakman, is counsel for , Honk, said that his c>nt will re 1*»® °n the witness «tend the truth about the entire transaction. Thn aerpement i, caid to h«v#, been entered into by the younger ! Frantz and Hook »hnrtiy #f,. t Hook's arrival here last November The conference at which Hook was V*" 1 to have mad* his admissions was held last August. , Aerording to the three witness«#, Hook, when asked as to whether th,>r # had been any attempt at brlb-1 jhient but repudiated it after hl« (Hook'«) father and grandfather rontr °I Incinerator manu ' ,ab< 7 hart d '' n """'-' d lering Into such an agreement. No money was paid. Hook la said to he officials. have told nesses testified that Hook had stated that Or. Franlz asked him to rnn tinue friendly The wit **T. at flr "i denied that there wes *oy such alk, but later told of his do*11ng< with Howard Fran.«. Hook, according to the wlfneaa. '*'dihat he had paid no money but <h*t 'They were trying to ge. i, out nt h! "> " Mayor Harvey said that Hbok r.aimed -ha, he signed thn "*r*<'"ient on the representation of Howard Fnamz that It was nocaa «mry to have money U> *'tak© Wf M ®f throne* who were to nay whether or no. .he Davis Incinerator «-a, to be accepted. Mr. MoManu, said that Hook aald be was obliged to make such an ' igpeement "to reach the proper of tlcial.s." Honk. the witness aald. , ata ,, d tha , j tow - llrd blld <da | med to b . "the political power" and that ht. assistance was ncc.-wary if the con tract was Po be awarded the Davis cam anv ; Mr McManus also said that he re called to Hook h„ dropping only „Hrnm »78 990 to »76.009 when they were considering the price of the in-! r | n( . ra! or some month, previous, at which Um« Hook was advised that, h , would not be ohllged to give din-j nprg fpr tbe - offlctaia automobile j rjdPS or any , UPb acknowledgment, pf appreciation If th* Incinerator were accepted, and that he should allow th* city more reduction. Hook, he said gave no answer. J t Appeared from that testimony ; that Hook has made the statement j that the "commission" paid him wasiDr. Wo he added to the contract price of Î the Incinerator and that the Davis companv would lose nothing At the conference at which Hook j - tft bav . a mad* the admle Reinhardt eras«-examined Mr McManus, He asked merely If Hook had not j ' . . .... . . r , n ,,H'«ted th« f*' einem a^d thêv-i'nes 'aWthat ^J^.VVn.e Mr , H arman> cross ' . th ,'statee witness*» ° f ' W "w twenty minutes were reouir ea fo ' thB drawing of the Jury, p( opPnad at jo 9? o'clock with Ju< _ g Rlpg >pd R o dpp ,. P n the hprph pj V8 minute* later Dr. b)g accompanied by h . attorney. Robert O. Harman, BTltB red the court room, and a few mimj , P1| , af , r H ook and hta counsel, David J. Reinhardt, entered. Dep u, y Attorneya General Finger and TP-"« «« m'nute. ^conference between Judge Rice. | for the wae leions. neither th# elder or younger SOrantz wta.s present, according to the witnesses. Mr. only one witnesses. Ju<1 Kodppv nnd 1)( , fpngp apd , Bp prosecution took place, following which the draw,ng SÜ£ fi , „ , . , ... Judge Harrington entered the cour. room ' Jud * e Rodney withdrawing, | whiI ® tbe chief justice and . udg" Harrington took seats on the bench Upon 'he completion of the draw ins " f th ® ^ UPy th *.i U , r "" for P» n * 1,ed w _f r ® excused from any fur ther attendance. ! At 10.45 Deputy Attorney-General Southerland started to present the finished at of th© Jury «t«rt©d. I.Ater Justice Pennewill And Associate j . . .. OBSe 10 the U:10 ' A mimber of c,l >' officials ocou p ' < ' d aeats in ', he c(ni l} r ccm. among tbFm be,nB Mayor Harv ® y - 1 o' 0 "" 1 )Vel!er E. Stover, Councilman Mr Manus. Street Commissioner Frankl W. Pierson. City So' Satter, h lttaitP neputy Juds « Lynn, Treasurer Ssmue, White. U. S. Mat , hal Money, Slate Tax Commie-1 8i0ncr M . Howard Arthur Johnaon. AssiaUnt City Solicitor p. Warren Green and Deputy County \ of'Treasurer Foote. ■ ! He City The jury hearing the ra*e is com posed of William R. Seward, fore- | man; William E. Carpenter, Adolph ] Dangel, John Biggs, Waller R. ! 4n-jYoung, James Husfelt, Paul Mullin, j j Henderson Smith, John H. Hanna, IWilliam Moore, Henry Stafford and Charles F. Hoffman. But 29 minutes were required to idrkw the jury, there being ten ehal- lenges, five by the State and five Ihe defense. The foreman, William R. Seward: Adolph Dangel, Walter! R. Young, William a nd , Moore Charles F. Hoffman were l h» only five jurors, of Ihe originally drawn | to -withstand challenge by either side. In his opening to the jury. Mr. Southerland alleged that the three [defendants entered into a conspiracy to obtain the award of a contract for the .Davis type of garbage incinera * tor November 22, 1921, at the Frantz home, 694 Delaware avenue. Mr. Southerland contended that the Frantz's were to receive »7699, for their efforts In favor of the Davie Incinerator, but that when the Jncin erator was accepted by the city Hook wanted to allow them but 11500. The I result of this wee an effort on the part of Dr. Frantz to have the hal th« purchase price having been paid, the State maintained. The agreement between Dr. Front*, his son and Hook was in writing, it »a* contended. Hook was alleged to have been Iadvised bv Howard Frantz that If I he wanted the Davie Incinerator ac cepted by the oity that he should see b ia father Dr Frantz aa he wa 'very. Influential." Homer C. Simmons, olerk of Conn -' '!'''' *" flr ®' caII * d 1111 I He brought with him a mass of rec ordR of th(> p|(y Me first produced letter of April 7, 1920. signed hv former Mayor | Ti >vlor. naming four Board of Health. members of upon request of Mr Southerland, who conducted the examination. i The letter was ad mitted in evidence without objection. next produced record book «bowing confirmation ments. dured. He Mr. Sutherland then reed into the record the name, nf the member, of round! Th ,hihl, eJl ,7i 2'" ", T Tw! L 1 ' ' !* n " >«wn. "r f TTy 5 ' ° f ' h * 1 n, f Hw,lfh of appoint The oath hook w«« «leo pro When an effort was mad* to trnduee further records, Mr. Har In man phjectad 'he Board of Health n"a" J* 2 c * ^ ,1 Mp * Fin ** r examined Dr Dr MoR,rnev**id h* was nt ,hA minutes book of the board th* mlnut#« In th# book flf No'-*m.b«r 7 #nd December 20. 1921. meeting, held on that date Mr. Finger offered the book of evl dance to which Mr Harman objected saving Dr. M.-Birney waa not aecre tary «. the time th. minuta, war. entered and therefore could not tea tlfy aa to thefr authenticity. On croas-examlnstlon. Dr. Mo Rlrnev said hs dM not write the minutes, but thet the minutes were handed to him by hi, predecessor. Dr. McBlrney became secretary of the board In May 1922. Considerable argument ensued on the point of the advlatbllltv of this eyldeVe. The Cour, admltied the 'eatlmony however to which Mr. Harmsn voted an exception. Mr. Simmon« 4a* rerallêd «t 1130. after Dr. McBirney completed h„ testimony. Mr. Simmons was re called relative to a communication from the Board of Heahh to Coun rll, recommending the purchase of he Davis plan*. A second letter, recommended a 75-ton plant, while 1 tha first suggested a lfln-ton plant, Mr. Finger examined Mr Simmon,. Dr Charles M. Hanhy, president j <h" R™rd of Health, wsa next called by the Slate He staled that Honk represented the Davis Com P-"? In trying tn .ell the Davl. In "'neralor to the city. He said that "' " J° lnl meeting of Council and !b * Health Board It wa, «greed to hav « installed a 7B-tnn plant instead of * ' n0 -ton plant a, recommended by the hoard. The prlo* wae set. j ,h " witness aald at »78.999 by Hook. hut it was reduced to »76,990 af , ' r •" om " discussion. j The court overruled, upon ssanr ; lance of Mr. Southerland, that the i State will follow up the testimony ! Mr. Harman s objection to allowing Hanhy to testify as to whether ; or not he was approached h>* Hook | concerning the incinerafnr. Mr. ! harman contended that before such testimony could he allowed, th* ' Slate muet first prove a prima facia ! raae of conspiracy. After mich | proof, the State might bolster up Its case with such testimony as de- . * lr " d fron '' D f- Hknhy. the attorney claimed. ! Dr. Hanhy eatd that 3fr Hook I rame to him and said that Howard R Frantz had made a demand on him for a cemml««1on on the pur rl '*"o of the Incinerator end asked him (Hanby) If Dr Frantz was very Influential. Thla we, before the ae ceptance hy the c4ty of the Davis Incinerator, Dr. Hanhy said. Dr. Hanby added that Dr. Frantz wa* not present at th# conversation which took place In January, 1922. City Solicitor Reuben Satterth wait*. Jr , testified to the happen ings at a conference at which he Mayor Harvey. Pouncllman Mo Manus and Mr. Hook were present. H ; lesttfled tba, Hook dented that ^ Vt.VIV ''ZÏÏ , ald lln hrld bad !1KrP oment bull noI nt thal nmP xho vv( ,ne„ „ nid ' toward Kranlz In a letter invited ' hlm to submit a bid and that when . ■»,»., , , r . ; ■ mill on owam I wantPd to i, now what he ''would get j out (lf (t if b# f , n[ (hB p)fy (0 takp | hjs jncinerator." Mr Satterthwaite „ Rld tba| Mr Hook r „ latPd tbnt Howard bad h , m al|rn a aaraamant to pay a ■'" m ' whlr h he did not r(ipp]1(>p , tha lnrlnerator WPra ac . cepted * hfk ORfnp ' DRAW JURORS FOR COUNTY COURTS For the Court of General Sessions and Superior Court period beginning Hecember 4. Jury Commissioners J. have dra 'Charles K. Taylor, Lewis Zehiey. Second—Frank Parker, Farren. C. Lawson and John R. I>a bson vn the followl Representative petit jury: district— 1 Daniel ; Woodward, : j First Third—Gilp n .Tame« P Prentiss. Alex J. Butler, James Gallagher. Fourth—Gilbert Barr«tt, Wesley B. Johnson, Harry S. Titter. James P S. Cahill. Fifth—Thomas E. Jackson. Ed ward .! Hanley, Walter Richardson, William E. Rossell. sixth—William I^ach, Jacob R byiweldin. Seventh—Isaac W. Hoop*«. T>ur bin D. Young. Clarence Norris, J. handler. poulson Little, e Eighth—George R. Davis. Samuel Ninth—Charles H. Jarman, Alon zo H. Messic.k. Tenth—Hebron Collins. Sewell C. Scott. Benjamin Moor», Theodore W Hanf. Eleventh—William J. McAvoy, RECOVERS HER , I f POri TTflT H NIK LrtUUIl I UH IUI | -- ! (Continued Ffom Page On«.) | ed -j want fh# Where are j u.v.i..«" <n,„ ...ih i h hl " Sh * " a,d ® h ® c0,,ld j nof ,x P |,ln what babie« she meant, j The 5 , ° un * r woman Is 6 feet « inch- j * a ln be, * bt ' weighs about 120 pounds, has brown eyes, bobbed #u-, MEMORY, NOW burn hair, and la well developed, j She wore a black turban felt-oov brown tweed ekln I «red hat. Ugh dark brown coat, and patent leather^ slippera fastened on the side with a burkl« and strap. She wore a pair of dark cotton glovsa and carried a, l|lrnalI pnt# * nt i* Afher handbag, Henry W. Briggs, ot the j staff of the Delaware Hospital, said this afternoon he wa« confident the I young woman had suffered ffom | a true case of amnesia. 'Both the police and Dr. ■ ourselves} have put her through severe tests," : hn »aid. which -show undoubtedly m,™"'""" 1 fr ° m ' T^d man «aid today that ahe remembered ' ; o « JÎ *" ade"nhl. h.« wh.rT h Ph11 - !h. co,,ldn7TecTu «Ih! C.a . : h-ariarh# «u « u.a « A Mon whVtêvÏr «f b«w .h- .n..l°w,T rn'ng^on" ow she got to Wil Marie also . n th „ f hitf anff . ». j «ca rlef fever and fro m Influença .Td that at one tim« » nonion rst b. • t. h< ,, h , pn , n U , P | n a hUl-bèariiig wor|< hR of which lb. cm.M nM „„.mbar _lehalrman I | l; rz nrn Tn ! 1 V L I II L IP Til I /I I rill 1.1 III ■ I IIILU IU FLIII IHIFII IflGP lrlllllfll\ Mil r I U 111 EU fl 0 j i III 11 11 UIIULz . ___ , fContinued Ffom P,,« ! nr * wa * «"»fed by an overheated stove The Bure*,, of rire received four other call, yesterday, two of them gra«« fire«. Engine Companv K«. 2 -xtlngitlshed "'blaze at the hom^'a? ''harle, l.oper and Mra. CaroMne' Burma. 945 and *4* Poplar afreet. I ""Id to have been due to defective flue*. The loss ,n each Inetanee wa, estimated at |2f. Graea fire* at Shallcrosa avenue and Beott street and on South Union street, were -xtlngulshed by diatrlet comp.nle, Fire due to a defective flue In the John 8mlth. oolored, 2496 Franklin street, lagt night was ex tlngul.h.d hy Fngin. Company No. 1«. Th, damage la estimated at «'* < hlldren playing with matches In 'he home nf Willard Robinson. 2323 West Seeond street. Saturday night, la eaid to have caused a fire that dam«g*d the hath room 4o the *ent of »29. An alarm wae sent in from box 6». Second and Hewtey streets, and district companies re sponded. A Ford trunk, owned by Herbert H Brown, wss damsged by fir* tn the extent nf »16. Saturday night, An alarm wa, sent In from Third and JefTersnn etreta. and th* flames extinguished hy district companies The Five Pofnta Fire Compsny early yesterday morning was ca.ll ed to Silvers,dc Road and Phtladal phla Bike, to extlngutah a woods fire that wa* threatening nearby dwellings. Engin* Como»n4* « and » In re-! sponse to a atill alarm, this morn-| extinguished a blaze in the sec end eorv nf th* horn» of John Skep ski 60? Maryland avenue Mra. *T Skepski, who wU nut when the firel^° started, attributed It to her child pl.vln, with matohea. The los. Is fully covered by insurance. | Engine Company No. 2 extinguish <*d a grass Are on the marsh near Seventh street bridge Saturday af ternoon. A grasa Are on a lot owned hy th* Physicians' and Surgeon' Hoopltal. at Dheertnt« and extinguished Saturday afternoon by Engine Company Nn ». District Companies extinguished i « w.*d ^m a « d -' ' „ _ ! r ' r »"" T ® ntb " nd Rodn, '>' street* and on the Park Drive andj d 'H , "''' ""-®® 1 ' f*tlwt«hed I distrlct companies yesterday af ternoon i Jn aIl the ftrpmpn responded fourteen alarm, between early Sat-| urday night until this morning, mak-I Ing one of the busiest week-ends they ! have ever experienced. j KOfltiey «t reet «, w«« Is your property insured? Pierson Co , Odd Fellow«' Building, will protect you with fire insurance, C. E. with the best companies.—Adr. I TO R KPORT ON TRUANCY. The semi-monthly meeting of the | Board of Education will be held »hi* j Dr David A. Ward, »up „.„...j,.. Public School« will ' pspnt R ort on truanry among i Twelfth—Willard K. Price, Frank afternoon I pupils. Eugene Thornton. R, Pennington Thirteenth—George William M. Holton. Fourteenth —George W. Daniela.!*!, Edward W. Daniela. Fifteenth—Edgar Frazer, Seemans. For the »am* period the following ! ! McCoy, j n. Harry 1 j additional jury has also b**n drawn : First Representative district— James McKenna. Seeond—George W Lyon«. Third—Frank Tindall. Fourth—Sherwood Thompson. Fifth—George F. Jones. Sixth—John R^Croaaland. Seventh—Robert Walker. Eighth—Howard Hnheon. Ninth—Howard I^eak. Tenth—Platt Burris. Eleventh—J. Walter Davis. Twelfth—Warner Ginn. Thirteenth—John W'iest. Fourteenth—Thomas H. send. Eifleenth—John E- Lockerman. Town SUNSHINE ASKS today the achievementa of the so clety In the State and city since lta Kundin* twenty years ago, were re- [ viewed, and Its plans for alleviation, bf tb ® futur * w ® r ® ,oM 1 m d * ,a " The lunchaon-meetlng ed by 200 or more men and women actively Indentlfled with the charita- ' 550,000 FOND . attend hie and r | v |* work in Wilmington. Mrs. George W Dorsay, State pres Ident, presented Mrs. Donald S. Dr A«hbrook, aa chairman, and Harrison W. Howell, as vice-chair man of the $60,000 campaign, Mrs. Aahbrook a of the meeting, Mr«. John \ Aldan, New and umed command ' j York, founder and president of the Inter national flunshlne Society, was a J guest of honor. She arrived in the , rlty yeterday. and wa« entertained by Mrs. Dorsey at her home, 2001 Jefferson street. I The luncheon was opened with a brief address by Mr«. Dorsey. This wo* followed by tinging, led by Guy 1 * T°K r<J w Th y n 10 " W " ! ' ! ' ,re ' 1 >»■ Frank E Ballantyne, ot the Former Mayor William G. Taylor 'r.troduead Mr. Donald S Aahbrook. • rhalrman of the campaign commit L'*' *" h * r w,,h 1 . * 1 " r,r '' yellow chryaanthemums, With yellow ribbon. Yellow the Sunshine color. . vV' y®vlor characterired Mrs 4sbbreoU as «ne of the most popular W,,min ^ ton * He " Aid taken an active part In many ôhîü.^ÏTd 'hi f/hi" ** " l L , n.ture. and T * l '' rt,rnl * r, 7 ot h ' r ** ■ of the women's auxiliary * ° t"" Mayor a Emergency Relief ('em mitts* last winter and spring. . Mf ! A * hbr00, ' «*'"""*d the plans for ,h * campaign She sxpreaaed disappointment heoeuae amr Harvey was unable to * w *. nr ,h * f>ot h * w *® ah **,y. ° i ^12"? an '! Tt *" a witness. *ha than Introduced Mra. Pre.ldent-general of th. In.erna.lon-| Sunahtae Roelety. _, fb "w,2, i r*h. *" "*' h h ' ha Alden. . h . ." l^ty h.d dl\ye7 H. ow" "cam palgn for fund, to give other rhar niable org.nHs.ton. ooo«r,o7^ ,« obtain fund* for their own uae^She ^^«Th^baaT;^ teek v^r/ alnce the Delaw»^ dV vision'had annealed to the «Ï Wilmlngion ,nd the state for ,'d she expressed high appreciation for an editorial which recently in near „ d | n The Evening .Tourna' Mr „ Aldan also gave a aummarv of what the aoele.V^ done Trough-i out COU ntry with parflc ular r ef* r , n ce to the Hospital for Bi1ad Bahl.. o,.?ntlln.a hv .hI or gamzatlon at ^mm". ^ J She re-' farred f «, lngly to ' Baby EIlen ," th , bUnd Phlld fro(n Wilmington who I" h „ lnB kapt at ,h, hospital bv the Delaware Division and told of a re ' m t a a , cent visit she made to the Inemutton during which she saw 'Baby Ellen i ,i . . s, . * walking and talking and singing' . „ . . . , . . _ day an ' i * abd ,' b * drl f V * T 1 " M ^**/wt Font next Monday mghL .tr. Broh "H to give unse flshly of Utelr aa ^® to make the drive a complete success, .... , _ « . ■ _ _ _ oKildieh «ong« Mrs. Alden expre««-! ed a belief the child could never have accomplished this without the aid given lt by the Bunshine Society. She also drew aitentlon to the fact that there are no paid or salaried workers' ; j At th*l*^ in the Stinahine Society. Toalah Marvel also delivered an address praising the aoclety. conclusion ot which Malcolm Eroh. j th* campaign director, aald that aub- j aorlptlon card* needed in the cam- i paign were at the end of the room or could he obtained at the headquar- ] ters, 812 Market street. Reports the captain* will be received at noon and at 4 o'clock tomorrow. Reporta will h e mart« by the cap tain« on tomorrow. Wednesday. Fri Among those at th« speakers' i Ha'crT^Wmol,.Dr Harr,-; ™ ^ »7®» *® ^ ! chairman nf the campaign Mrs. Alden and Mrs. Dnrsay yes terd.y afternoon visited two bind, n-. fant* n ^llmjngton with a m having them ««nt to rne ^nmir to'Home for Blind Babies, maintained by th* Internationa, Sunshine Society j at Summit, N. J. One of these babies j Mra. Alden believed, should he sent to th^ Home at once if it is to sur vive and be suitably trained In life. Mr,. Alden also heard of « third | blind bahy In Wilmington, said to be in need of proper training, and ! will visit it today. ; table were Guy R. Ford. A. E. ! Lfndley. John Govatos. Mrs. Frank Schilling, Mr*. T. C. iMunn. William G. Taylor. E. P. Bardo. Mrs. o. V. ; Drt. George Carter. Joelah Marvel, ! Frank E. Ballantyne, Mra. John | Alden. Mra. Donald S. Aehbrook, j Mrs. George W. Doreey. Jr.. Dr. ] James N. Ginns. ; "Babv Ellen. ' which w«« «ent to to the Arthur Home from Wilming id Mra. Alden. who that a* a result of severe! opera-j lions the child now Is able to dis tlnguiah moving objecta. It ia un likely, however, "Baby Eilen" will be able to come to Wilmington to (participate In this week's cam paign. , ton. is doing splendidly," aa confirmed the reports hank« In follow«: Hotel and Rank Teams Mrs. Garrett J. Hart ia captain of the teams for the Hotel duPont and town. Assisting Mrs. 'Hart are Mrs. Henry Harkett. Miss Norma Ogle and Miss Norma Leltch. The teams have been formed as Hotel duPont—Mrs. F. L. Boyn ton. Mrs. J. N. Harman Wiljnipgton Trust Co.—Mrs. Es ther Bancroft. Miss Madeline Reed end Miss Ruthanna Taylor. Industrial Trust Co.—Mra. Frank M. Han'S way and aides. Equltable Trust Co.—Mr*. J. F. I. eCarpentier. Mr» Briggs, Mrs. Shellady and Mrs. F. F. PaJmer. Delaware Trust Co.—Mrs. William J. Webster and aides. Union National Bank—Mrs. Clif ford Mclntire and Mrs. Humphreys. Delaware National Bank—Mrs. C. r Killen Mrs. H. J. Guthrie and Mrs Henry Primrose Artisans Bank—Mrs. Herman E N SAV ALBERTINI WAS CUTTING POT T.. Ä a r*. j i rx . I WO Arc r ined by% Deputy 1 ■ i j __ WAS BE NG PLAYED Judge Lynn on Gam bling Charges SEVEN-AND-A-HALF Arrested by Detectives Kempski and Sutton, ln a raid on a house, at l*th and Rodman street«, about 4 morning, Frank ; o'clock yeat.erday DilHo wa« fined $200 and costs, on a> charge of keeping a gaming table, and Thomas Albertini wa© fined a like sum on a charge of being con corned in interest In keeping a gam-! ing table, by Deputy Judge Lynn, n Municipal Court this morning, 'The defendant«, -who pleaded guilty ; two I they to the charges. will serve months' imprisonment should fall to pay the fines and costs, it wee charged thet seven-and-a *' f WM h ' in!r pla >'® d ■" ,b ® *""*'■ nf Dn]io and , h(Lt AIb , rtinl ln th , cuttTn'g "rheums fw ten*c*ntg e^c)T j • FMiHo old the rotm rh.t he ,„ rn ,d over the houee to Albertini, but Detective Sutton eaid that the,-. w#re no changes in the premises at is,.,,. fh «, ,he earns bed. were being, oocupied by the DilHo family, the «ame furniture wa« In the place, etc. \lhert1nl made no statement :n N tn thla. Sutton told the court that h*v, h#,n mad, that gamh , lnK on , n , ho hmi „ Rnrt that; lbluor la sold. Two weeks ago. h. «id, the place was searched for i, n „ or bllt that nonr wa _, fo , Jnd 2 LIQUOR CHARGES AGAINST NEGRO On a charge of selling liquor, Joseph avenue, wa* dismissed by Deputy Ijy " n - ' n M,mlri ''" 1 C '" lr ' <» d,y H " ws * "treated last weak, on 'XZTT ^ ** "f'*r he pleaded T L / '''"''C' ° f ' ,runkp ''n«s'= ^ u *" dA5 V R®m«kin was dis •'* hartr When Solomon Taylor. Negro, ''î , . .', ''* J h *_co ,,r t ; c n a oha j-g, J!,? " l f* < L . h * Sts, ® Ii 1' ,or l * w '«n * dd,tl °"* 1 fharge of selling litjunr 7** *' r * ,n " t h,m ' by A *""' ,ant . So,tcltor Dceem. Hearing ° f ,h * <,b * r *®" continued until „ TUF I T FATK TH U/LLIMU\ LLAD> IU rl\T TAD ÇppiïnîXT, * IllL T Ufl OI CtEtUlllU Tuehlnskl. 799 I*incast»r Wed*nft«d<iy, nt the requeM of J. Frank Ball, counsel for Taylor. A« An outcome of a collision with ^ucH driven by Samuel Butler. i v ___ Negro, at Tw«iftn and *, æhington _ , etreete. Saturday arternoon \ ernon .. _ „ * . H McC'ulley was fined »25 and ms's or | l " cbar *®» f "*f« d 'ng the speed i Hmlt b > - I> ® I,U, T Jl,da: " U ' nn ln Municipal Court, th'is morning, In th ® < '° nia,on ' B,l,ler thrown to the street and suffered bruises of the face and shoulders. am *" Quinn, who was in the car MoOaulley, was also thrown «tree*. with into th» Howard Weatherly pleaded guilty! to a charge of epeeding and was fined »25 and coats. of_ > /Friat, Mra. Joseph Savlile, Mr*. Jo- 1 sep h p. Wickersham, Mrs. Daniel j ast er and Mrs. I. M. Lenderman. ^ e ^ r *° n aT l^ u r harmera Bank—Mrs. H. E. Book-j er, Mrs. J. Roland Marshall, Mrs. J E Hume and Mrs. Ernest Cant Fc els Like a Brand NcW Man and Would Convince Central National Bank—Harold well. Lower Branch Wilmington Trust Go.—Mrs Willard Smith and Mrs. Samuel Holme*. fiRAY COMES OUT WITH TESTIMONY . , „ ov,>r ' ,b " sfnrv of Tanlac is always n#w interesting to people who trying to find a mediejne to re ''* v " ,hpir '"'"»Dng and bring rhem hack to health and happiness Tan producea result« and that 1« Everyone of Value of Tanlac Although told millions, of times why so many people are praising it. W. !.. Gray, 905)4 Ninth street. S E. Washington. D. C says: "If! I ^ould I would ronvlnoe everv «ufferer In the land of what a «rreat medicine Tanlac 1«. About a year Mf® my stomach went wronr «nd then lt seemed that nearly every thin!? *ot the matter with me. **T (rot so nervous, weak and dizzy I would shake like a leaf. Why, at, tim*»s I could hardly hold a knife l« c and /ork in my hands. I was slwafs constipated and had fre quent headaches and pains in the small of my hack. Oaa on my stomach caused awful pain and rapid heart palpitation, and 1he leaat exertion or short walk would \ leave me panting for breath. "My first bottle of Tanlac helped me so much that I bought more • nd am now feeling like a brand new man. I have a wonderful ap-. petite, eat what I want, and am gaining haven' an ache nr pàin now' and am ' brimful of new life and energy.] Talar is certainly without an equal. | Tanlac is sold in Wilmington by Eckerd'« TVwg Stores; in New C««tle ! by E. Challenger and Son. and a!t| leading druggieta everywhere.—Adv. •night right along. I ALL CREEDS TO WELCOME RABBI The congregation of the Temple of Truth will give a reception to morrow evening ln the Temple to R a/bbi and Mrs. Lee J Levinger. The m€ * n of rongrejration will join with the Sisterhood in the entertain ment. The members of the religious .school alumni will aerve at the social hour which will follow the forma! reception. Among the speakers will be: Mayor Harvey. Bishop Philip Cook, the Rev. John J. Connelly, the Rev.' Robert Watt, D. O.. John 8. Rossell and Dr. Joseph H. Odell. EXPECT TO NAME PASTMASTFR SOON IWIUI/WILIV Ot/l/iN George T. White, the only Demo crat who had signified his Intention of taking the examination for post master of Wilmington, has with drawn from the contest. This is the last day for the filing of applica tions by those who desire to he post master. In political circles it is re iiouee. ie moot likely to be appointed p0Btmast , r . maka^t» re*onimendg.tion d from n theI of appVan's for appointment of a poetmaa.o- which will ha made bv President Harding. Postmaster Ens ljgh'a term expire« in January. - BrSY WEEK FOB IVCTIŒRATOIL The Davis incinerator, according to r»pi Board of Health this morning. burned 2*2 of garbage and 3% tons of rub hi»h last ,«k. using 19N4 tons of coal. No dead animals were re reived. ported that LeRoy W. Hickman, former assistant postmaster and now connected with a brokerage JAS. T. MULLIN &;SONS JAS. T. MULLIN & SONS '■ J ' ! N ' m \V Y p « ,T~' « t l*q N in LJ PSUf > L* : 7 \ o U ■=v ■* : D For Thanksgiving Belt Around Overcoats, $20 to $50. Big Boxy Raglans, $25 to $80. Plain Box Coats, $20 to $50. Town Ulster*. $20 to $50. Big Ulster», $25 to $75. Dress Chesterfields, $20 to $75. Business Suits, $20 to $35. Dress-up Suits, $25 to $50. Tuxedo Suits, $25 to $50. Full Dress, $40 to $65. Dress Vests, $2.50 to $10. Sheep Lined Coats, $8 to $15. Winter Oxfords, $5 to $10. Then Are All Here Then Are All Ready Right and Reasonable Corduroy Trousers, $3 to $5, Dress Shirts, $1 to $3. Full Dress, $2.50 to $5. Silk Ties. 50c to $2.50. Silk Sox,'75c to $2.50. Dress Gloves, $1.50 to $5. Heavy Gloves. 50c to $10. Heavy Underwear, 63c to $5. Bath Robes. House Coats. Soft Hats. $2.50 to $7. New Derbies. $2.50 to $7. High Shoes, $5. r r MULLIN'S HOME STORE • 6th and Market ' • m m f « Pa* L. "ft f -■ f ' I SJiilpDIC stcLcr LL » ii t -a ■ - - 1 jUI nüHri: : , m l 1 * • : » 'RSM: 1 I ?* MI PL À I 1 ; n 4 mnr \ Î * J.u rc \ ii % I âJjdjjÎL If. I * i \ <y ^1 l\ : II ij NT m Even if you are just thinking of remodeling your bathroom--stop in our showroom No matter how large or small your bathroom la or how it'a laid out, if you intend to change it In any way you are sure to benefit hy a walk through our showroom. All atylaa, shapes and sizes of bathroom« are here, from one a little more thaï * five feet square to on* elaborately fitted up with everything anyone could ever want In a bathroom, including a stall needle bath and overhead shower. -But come In—we really like to take persons through our showroom. There will be no obligation. a SPEAKM ANCOMPANY 816-22 TATNALL STREET Wilmington, Delaware SPEAKMAN V ■ SOUTH ILLINOIS SHAKEN BY QUAKE * * ! ST LOFTS, Mo., Nov. 27 (United Press)._Earth tremors shook South Illinoi , i as , night. Seismic disturb- ' reported in El Dorado inces w - re v and Fenton in the fteart of th* " Unoi* coal fields. The «hocks laete only a minutes but were or su - I'd®« strength to shake houses and barns. ! Chimneys at El Dorado tumbled to the ground. . * one of the shocks lasted more han tyr ,° or three minute. The en t're series of vibrations occurred be » * « tween 9.31 and 9,39 p. m. p SANTIAGO, chiia nov. 27 (United Press.)—Property of the American Refining and Smelting Company a"d small POastal boate ^.ere destroyed - and larger ships damaged ln Sun day's earthquake and tidal wive north of Coquimbo, according to dispatches received here today. The latest tremors shook northern coast of Chile for miles. No loss of life %yas reported. Car* rizal and Bajo bore the brunt of the wave which swept over the smelting company's branch property in th* two towns. Vessels In the harbors were dashed against water front structures or swept ashore. th» m \r/m nm THAT inspector p r r-on h* issued a _ t oh- « ns, 4 „ P c n - m k „ f , p Mark , ™- k " *7 cos, 7*4» .TONKS FINED IY1R ASSMT/T. Pleading guilty to a charge of as sault and battery. Robert Jon«.«, Negro, was fined »25 and costs by Deputy Judge Lynn, in Municipal Court this morning. He was accused of hitting William Hicks. Negro, on the head with a pitcher during a quarrel. to