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r n 1 nifl nrrrilirn KAUIU KtLtlVtn WITHOUT AERIAL « t * I .Simplified Set Shows Up Well Under Grueling r * Test ,,By VKA Service. NEW TOTtK N believed to be the most «impie, and (..'et moat efficient radio receiving In ■ «trament mode has Just been dem ■ onstrated here by Its Inventor. David Crimea. I brims* was graduated from ih* t'niveraity of Minnesota as an elec-1 trical engineer. During the v. _What war he w as assigned to radio duty in % con nectlon with the air service and was ^instructor In radio at Kelly Field.; Texas.- He ha* done special work n radio for the government and The Instrument Grim»«» ha« pro. dured is of special interest in Thai i private interest». I it can receive a broadcast message ' w or concert without the u*e of an aerial, ground wire or outside con lection of any sort. In fact. Grimer* * says It will receive Viearly through st»f(c or other Interference. In hie demonstration Hrimes | n . j a «»«"«*«• I«* receiver nn an automn bile and rnde over a tortuous rout* ! in order to ,e„ it again« directions! effect., He ahowed. thrnughon, this fha- the Inatntment could re celve a concert from a nearby broad <V»*ting ettAtlon equally effectively .. .»from any direction. i More startling, however, was the «nicesfts with which Grim*« received 'h* concert while bis f«r r*o*d st| ► . . . • .varying »pepds. simps? »ip to so mile« ^ ' ' . - . an hour The hum of th. motor, th wind reatitanre and tarring of the * -ar had.ilrtit efrect nn the instru . . , ^ , . , 1 hiut performed with complete "V* Orlme* of hi. n centlon. "aboard «bips in th» At-, Untie Ocean, a'so on railroad trams' 4 during trial demonstrations. I can s*e no raison why It should not rp-1 erate thousands of f**t Äbov? thv?, test earth in a fast airplane.*' ' S\M 1« IN SWEDEN. RAM 's In Sweden, but »his bap • pen« to he the rsdlo-remp»*« e'S H«!!o on Skaggerak. ^whffch got these ealj letters wheq It V»«. opened for general servir, r« c»nt!y. It will give bearings so v«s , s * Is railing within a distance of 15« miles on a wave length of inn me'ere. ••LIGHTS" AITF/T RADIO. Th* Aurora Rorealla. Ligh*«. ia causing trouble to tran» 4 mitting amateur« in the north. The amateur« were able so reçoive, but not to transmit, while the auror# *Tr»« op display. Scientist» investi gating the phenomenon placed the blame on the light». Northern . I Persons who c»n tun. m on <»>» govewtment gfation at Washington have an opportunity te lesrn *1 there Js to know about their govern- j * pent nnd Its* departments " * United States Department of Labor hes srtarted broadcasting informs . tion about Itself, three n:gh's a week, and It is expected other bu reaus will follow Its example. LF.ARK AROtT V. R. MODBRN Rt'RAL srHOOl,. The modern rural schnei is begin ring to take ut> radto Inatruotion % fcom the more populous centers. In a powerful transmitting | plant inatalled by the public inetruc , tion department at Honolulu »ends out educational mibjeet» to the tchooJa in the rural dlatricta. Hawaii KNIGHTS TO ATTEND M ASS. Polemn reqtiiem ma Cathedral will hs attended at * o'clock Thursday morning by m her» of Santa Marta Council. No. 19. Kntehta of Golumbus. Many of them will receive communion in conformity with their annual cus tom. at the 'jaiLymps" 1 r 5 The Shop» of Senxible Price » Philadelphia Atlantic City Baltimore Wilmington // /S, i mb J I W :L 'i ' 1 y > f/ » i 4 a ■ k ■I w I ■i * I Canton Crepe $19.75 (I i ®ress Sale! i A Maker's Entire Stock I $15 to 69.75 Values up to $100 Ovly nnr or two Dresses of a kind. All the wanted materials, styles, colors and sizes. 919 Market St. and 918 Shipley St. I 1 assj ~—-== ^ " — =7 Toda ,ÄL n Ä rani station WOO, Philadelphia tins* R. 400 Mel 11 .00 a. m.—Grand organ. 11.3« a m.—United States weather forecast. 11.55 a. m.—Chimes and stroke of noon on the organ bell». 5.15 p. m.—Grand organ and trumpets. 7.3« p. nw>—Concert by Haddinx Lucius Cole, Maufz, 1 Rga rro c n mpanists. Junior Orchestra, eonductor, and Alma Edna M. Eisenträger. con eo tralto; piano; Livingston, prano; Anne Hubbard, harp; Eme Isabel!» ac Planch» V. Irene ■cello; Hibbard, and Lucy Kllkpatrlck, !t p. m.— fîrand organ recital, Ml«s Man- E Vogt at tht* organ, !>\=>5 p m.—L'nlted States observatory time signal. in.02p. m.—L'nited States weather forecast. Naval rarl s I pnees coff»» station W.fZ. N I 5.3« p. m.—Closing stocks, bonds, grain, on and sugar. 5.45 p. events, m,— Resttme of sporting _ . . „ . 7 j"" h ignited States irial condition. " ^ Ind , ' »» observed hy the Nstlonsl Ind 1 tria M nnference Bnard. p m.-S.orie« from the St. Ni ' h " "' M *"**Lr »•»« P- »•- ^I'X.neer H^m Condition., by the Alexander Hem >""" 'natltute. . t P- m. Reri a y w '". "°P r * nn - nu,..: 9.15 p m—"Money and other ' i . ' • . , , ^mmodltlss/ by R Keisjer presi J* 1 # ' #w ' * n ° n ««w ,. A . w .. f .3« p. m.—Tb* 540th Mayor Hy * . Is n e concsrt by th* Police Rand. n( VMr Tork ,, nd#r bs , nn p-tl| H eningher. Bar,one solo] . „„ _ _ _. by Ci**orgi» Blmerlelm, patrolman 0.55 to 10 p. m. — Arlington time om ,. UI w „, h , r f „, c „, p m Continuation *' tho proBram hv Pol(r , Band Pittsburgh Station fKDKA) ■ 7 p m. — New«; rcoy of weekly business condition«, prepared hv th* ' National Industrial Roard: tri-weckly letter from Firm and Home; th* Na*t group of radio articles. No. 3?; "Frocks for Wear Under the Fur Goat." Vogue; "Style Features in Glothes as »he *G*n?l* Gonference mnn Them." Vanltv Fair; tiard "T's ing Red In Decoration." Mouse and en 7.30 p. f children. i.— Redtime «tory for the s p. m. Special addre«» by proml nent busine«» men. 5 30 p. m.—Concert hy FCDKA Lit tle Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Victor Raudek. with Gil bert Morris, tenor, and Almet Jep kinson. baritone. Pianist. and Elsie Keller. V Selections by "Mirelle." Progra m : the orrhe«fra Overture, by Gounod; fa> 'Thatonna." Dtjcand and <b» "The Evening RtgxJ' from "Tannhäuser.'' Wagner; prelude., ioi *, ana . mtermesso." from "rav rerpts from the "Merry WMow " I^^Hnr; harltono anti tenor Hue.* tlncerman" ad -Watchman. what of the S'ight'" baritone solo* "rmna" and "Where Mv faravan "The Randalero;" tenor solos, "Love Sends Little Oif's of Boses" and "Chriat in Flanders; - -!! "A'esla la tluibba." from "Pagliacci piano solos, »elected; duet. "| n This Solemn Hour." W'tLL TAKE OFF 4 LL FAG ESS EAT Do vou know that th*r# <e a simp'e. harmleaa. • effective ^medy for ne»s that ere fly by any losing the slimness of youth? •erfat - fely and s# - ! woman who There is ! and it Is none other than the tablet j r famous Marmots Pr»' U Trescrlp c.*d v be form of the scription. known as Ma tion Tablets You ran well #xpert to reduce steadily and going through long siege« of tiresome exercise and starvation diet. Mar- [ mola Prescription Tablets are sold by I ail druggists the world over, at on dollar for a case, or you can secure them direct from the Marmola • *o . 451? j e. Detroit. Mich . on . ally without „ î Woodward Ave receipt rtf price. Getting on the Stage in Npw York inez warns in u> 1 ir to gi\k i p stage y 1 1 i j Thi.'i if the thin! of a -cries of »ix atories by Joseph Van d* Grift describing how she. pn» a country girl, sought to get on the stage in New York. M , By JOSEPHINE VAN lï E GRIFT NE A Service Stuff Writer. NBW YORK —toes HI omit her: : last name alfbough she told me rendily—was the type I know now] 1 belongs to the steady tramp, tramp. ■ tramp to the theatrical agencies, She had snap to her clothes. j t • I The day before I had noticed s Tf~a blue She had girl with snap suit with white collars and ruffs and a fur thrown carelessly across her shoulders. Then I -aw the waist line of her j suit was high—where the' were, wearing them three years ago—her I blouse was of cheap material and •ldently home-laundered, her fur I ww» old and much brushed, her were craved but highly pol g!o\o* ! i ished, her white kid I been carefully r many month« of tramping she bad done in that little blue suit had lendcd. H : 1 forehore to guess. Rut she was immaculate. And she had style. Sg d,d In«*. H.r v." w.. thrown rnw h „ r ha , w . jth an a r h . r wr «p ' fell from confident little ehnuiders. ^ * r oomed With out knowing exactly whv you looked "« her twice. Which was what 1 did ,^ , ^ ^ ptr offlr „ Hpr , y „ lookM tirffd "Are vou Just registering here 1 ® 1 '' I asked. i • ;'' 1 "Yes Vou see. it's hern ten ye as nn the stare end n trying to come hack." For some since I IT reason, possibly a de«ire to tell nur trouble», we sank down on t w hairs in the anternnm just outfld* Packard's office donr. ,"My mother ha« broken her hip." she explained ' Hh*'s an setrea*. y ou seo î was I. i gave it up ten years ago to get mar rfed Now I've put my box- in school and I'm trying m get back." The donr opened and Packard's e through. He was usher n >no voie» ing out a calfer. "Don't let anybody ever toll you agency exists fop the actor." 'It do«».«n't. ^ |)r an f j R he id. 1» exists for he manager. If we place a well known actor at 4500 or a thousand _ week, that's where we ake our if we piare an amateur of money. If5 s week, we make just about 30 ntp—" The door ciojiod. speaking Inez was »tin i —been doing ingenu with .foseph .Murphy and then I was with Pauline Rove. She always »aid! 1 was the hop» ingenue «he «»\«>r had She» running i n »cenev not BETTER THAN CALOMEL - Thousand» Have Diacovrred Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets a Harmless Substitute arc r>r Edward»- Olive Tablets—the sub-1 ntttute for calomel—are a mild but sur* i .telr effect 01 " , mo»t ln«lantaneous These I ttle o |iv e-color»d lahlets are lhe"'re»u!t o'l f ' r Edwards' determination not lo| ,lv ' r i ' n ' , complaint» with tabune!. » The pleasant little tablets do the | good calomel do#«, but have no j bad after #fr#o»a. They don't injure j the te#th like «trong liquid» or calomel. I They tak# Hold of fh# trouble and I quickly correct it. Why cure the liver I af t he expense of the »##th" Galomel I ...etlmee play» havoc with the gum.« So do strong liquids It Is h**t not to take ca'omel |,#t Dr Edwards' Olive I Tablet« take its plac*» i»|f»#|jne c disordered Mver Olive Tablets when you feel logy" and nn ,i Headaches, "dullness" and that laz from constipation snd Take Dr Ed r d a * y." They clear" clouded brain I perk up" the spirits. Ijc and 30r • "he [ I j . YOU CAN DO IT BETTER With Gas î zsfts: No fuel in the world compares with pas when you consider all of the „ things - which make IDEAL FUEL. î C! rSi ■TV up .an :y* Holiday Time . r. -d ✓ the time of pood thinps to eat <p== Is the Time to Get Your New y? E / Gas Range lvTv G , la \s. v We have a SIZE FOR EVERY KITCHEN and a PRICE FOR EVERY PURSE. [h Order Yours Early Easy Monthly Payments 827 Market Street I ! /Cf J #f«r& 1 j l •' r> 1 rJ ' i * m t jt V '< registering here. 1 "Arc yon Jn*t too?" I asked. er fo see her but she couldn't I went I re member me. I «•"«• » w iremember me ! m N mo,h ' r h,,r 1 wnuldn t stick to It i lf ' rn,,l 'I »".vfhlng «Ne Another deor opened. Mis. Mas n had taken off her glasses had pul on her cott and ha. with the evl dent Inten.I.m of out to Ittndh ^e door closed I talked and talked [ Hile she did Ite^Tn to The stage Is life to social servie«» if he F —Id like to do ! work. I know* I could d cause I've brushed up with all kindel i of people and I can read \rhar»r?cr Rut instead ^of ih.V want somebody with sscollege at iK glance ! ^ey • certificate.*' S' < stopped suddenly Arc v<»u iu«c trving *o break'in? iïXLTÎr m. crHiciv. "Oh. my d"ar. the «tage Is hard I It'« hard even nn the old-timers. 1 have a llt'l» friend—»he was «tarred last year—this year she's speaking two lines In a road show. "I have another friend—-wonder- I fill talent—she held nut for two Just tramping from one I [agency to another. They'd tell her jtn come around In two weeks. Then years. h u?: au f jmigm fp j q i'imuiuita : Men's Suits Cleaned and Pressed includ ing our added Ser vice of minor repairs 4 A n / i nr*. S Vi Jt Otir added service \ lias made' for us many new enstomers. Roth ! men ant! women appre ciate the promptness our call and de|»-ery service offers them. )$" .50 iif ) î a CLEANERS ;( PHONE 2400 't \ u e DYERS FOURTH AND ORANGE STS =*= they'd say the part wts just fitted. One ttme they rehearsed four weeks and then the show didn't open. "Finally she didn't even have car fare to go hack and forth. Site s got a Job at a clove counter now. "I'd advise you not to go Into It. hut. of course, If your heart >* *'<! on It— •'Oh. It is." T breathed John t»olden "Well. I'll tell V amateurs this er at the l.ittle Theatre." after Is trying out noon Over ot the Little Theatre I found They 400 persons ahead of crowded ?h»* theatre, their fares lit bunch me. H R ht up unhealthily by a which «hone from the apron John Holden. Madge Kennedy s»d p -E McCoy w alked out upon the a ag**. Job» TOMORROW: Filling from 40« iipptb-nnt* «nd mv expvri mccfi at flic Hippodrome. I« FIRF.MFN l\ WIXTFR Dt 1*S Members of the Bureau of Fire donned their winter uniform« Satur- finding the change a very acrep. - of the tendency of slay around the ds> table one. in v the thermometer t freexing point. -a Bruits lWTT-J' I [pa w ^ r I.~ . ' I & Works this WAV : | t It start r circulation {his scatters congestion The i » flammation dirafifiearf— and along with it the pain Rp1ie««i ptfprn! rheomafte fwmpi too. W«rn)»an<1 * cold« in rhp*t. K**cr it hindr. hsf k %<■ hep. riPti ralf1^ / ; Sloans Uniment- kills pain I ELKS TO SMOKE AS fOWELL TOUTE I Wilmington Indite. |olaI night j,, Biller. R P. O. K will gi\# a smoker in the chib house 1113 Market all eve. on Thank«glv.n* *ef This affair will b» the first so f the organization since! 'the appointment of John J. Bowel s District Deputy General Exalted A reception will be Mr Powel that night. Tlie entertainment committee j» ranging a program that gven ar ill please I ever> ne Several professional actors Will be guests and assist In the «pro gam. 1 A roost beef dinner will be served and the commuée has decided to ward a n,„ u „t .,__ Iocs sccordln* ,, . IT m»mt»#r* wi I hat 4 ». ? n . 1r member* sill have to attend to learn ! 1 „ about this important matter. m ftr -0 ■a m I ^TCennard-Pyle^ 617-623 Market St. rcta 121 [fill 1 II Wilmin^ion's Mosi Reliable ^Storß* Li u Store Open» 9 A. M. 5tore-Cloaea 5.30 P. M. BETTER DO SOME OF YOUR THANKSGIVING BUYING TOMORROW IML is getting short! And there is so much to he done betweentnow-and*Thurs day. Great preparations are being made, as usual, for the grandi feast; there will be friends and relatives, many who will «fay over night, or perhapsothe week-end. j This means that everything must be in readiness—spick and span. Many*of the (follow ing specials will interest you: T YOU'LL NEED TO WEES is WHY NOT BUY THEM HERE WHERE A FULL ASSORTMENT AWAITS YOUR APPROVAL? ! Eat XDEED. you cannot Und a gneater ahunria-nr« of really line ton-el* than we carry- Take fordngtajiea. towels of pure linen—In our assortment you will And some of the very best make«; towtela that you wfll be proud to place at the u*e of your, guests; towels tftat w II render years of «ervire. Hereâare some, of theafa mous make«: u I 1 IP SI WEBB'S IRISH LINEN TOWELS OLD BLEACH LI NEW TOWELS IRELAND BROS. LINEN\TOWELS Guest Towels f. it -j I 55c to $1.25^each I 1 1 Wcrrv housewife should hive », supnly ' of th)es« handy size towels not alone for the guest xMf the many other u*ea to which they are, adapZd absorbent and of excellent quality. Ideal, too,,*foç»i gifts. but for ' w I A SALE OF Large Huck Towels 75c, $1, $1.25, $1.50,.$2.25 î I Genuine Mu using wear Union Suits ; Size* 18x32 to 24x38 ■ m You must see the.» tnwels ln fully, appreciate the values they represent at our very special prices. Some are entirely plain, others have damask <borders»with a. place for embroidering an Initial. T, s SPECIAL! Ul Plain Huck Towels $1.50 ea $1 ea Fancy Effect* 20x36 Plain Effect* 18x34 SILK BODICE TOP COTTON RIBBED PANTS We give particular mention to this towel f because of Its unusualness, its rare quality and flmshyand Us very low price. Some plain, 'other* with tdamuk DOUBLE TERRY Turkish Towels IN PINK AND FLESH COLOR border«. *K h»v# 1*eon î 11 »*a rd only a limited f th W tine union sell at this extra special price. assortment suits fi Think of what this offering means! rienuln* Mtin«lngw*«r t T n*on Suit#— one of the finest make» known at a cost no more than that of inferior The full range of sizes makes choosing Size 20x40 55c Very Special grad»«, which wo Carry Big. at.eorbent fellows are these towels with an un luenchable thirst A brisk, rub with one of them after the hath adds to the pfea»ure and makes th« body fairly See to it that your bath room ia well aup ?asy. First Floor—Centre tingle. piled. 8 | ■ N. X î V V r v> Or : * i And If You Need Bedding- Here Are Some Great Values 15x36 Blenched - Billow Cases 30c Each Full SizeS 1x90 Bleached Sheets $1.00 One of the finest pillow cases we have offered at so low a price. Excellent lirade of full bleached muslin free from sizing. These are made of heavy, seamless full bleached muslin free from sizing, launder with a finish equal to that of linen. Will 66x80 All-Wool Plaid Blankets $6.75 Full Bed Size Crochet Spreads $2.75 Soft, fleecy blankets of virgin wool, -tan. Heavy weight spreads in lovely Mar seilles patterns. Just the kind of spread you need to give the proper finish and ap I pearance to your bed. ahowp in beautiful plaid pattern You'll not find a blue, pink and grey, better blanket anywhere at this price. Second Floor—South m. m: r X ©AVHOfi spinn rs N ■ SAY "BAYER when you buy Aspirin i> T'nl. vnu see the name ' Bayer" on P*''kage or on tablet« you are not gettina the genuine Bayer product prescribed by physicians over lwe n - ty two vpsrs snd proved »»f* hv mil for headache. toothache »»arxHi# nsurslgis. lumbago, rheu jnatlsm. neurltla. and for pain In general. Accept only "Bayer'' Pick »klch eontaina proper diracUonii. Handy boxea of twelve tablets cost f ,„. r , m „ Druggists also sell bot ties of 24 snd 100. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture cl M'»nf*acsticacidester of Salicyllcaci^fc.