Newspaper Page Text
DEDICATE NEW '* RURAL CHURCH , \ Dr. Robert Watt and the Rev. R. V. Johnson Speak at Marshallton l METHODISTS GIVE $4,000 TOWARD COST Oongregatlons of tho Stanton and Cedar« Methodist Episcopal Churches} Jo.neS with the member» of Mar »haillon Methodist Episcopal Church last night when th. new church at Marshallton wa* dedl rated. Th. R.v. R. V. Johnaon. of th. Tern parent " Board of th. Meth odist Episcopal Church, was the principal speaker. The Rev Pc Roher, Wat,, die trlct superintendent, had charge nf - th. service. , He complimented th. work done by the church members. Pr. Johnson said Congres« |* dryer now than before the recent.election More than J40<M> was raised in the collectlon at the church yesterday. The Rev. C. L. Hubbard, pastor of 6t. Paul'« M. E. Church delivered the sermon in the afternoon and spoke upon the service of the church to the community. He urged greater devotion tb the church and more In terest in its doings. t Selections by the Marshallton choir and harp solos by Mrs. Will ta m Hagana. of Kennett Square, featured rhe evening program. The main auditorium of the church with the Sunday school rooms com bined Is about three times the size of the old church and Is so arranged that It can be converted Into one « if large room. The Sunday school room 5« divided into seven Individual class rooms, all n* whloh are private with a large room for the men's and women's Bible classes. The pastor, the Rev. Ivanhoe Wil lis, has secured George Apel, a young evangelist, who will conduct revival services in the church this week. I CENTER OUTING ON TANKSGIVING OAY Community Center has announced the 'following program for the Thanksgiving Play Day celebration at Rockford Park on .Thursday afternoon. 10.45 a. m.—General assembly. 11 a. ra.—Hockey for girls of Stapler, Clayton. Woodlawn and t Madison Playgrounds. End ball foi girls of Tatnall, Madison. Pino and i Spruce Playgrounds. Hoop relay and arch relay for girls of Coyne. Delamore and Hagley Playgrounds. Roller ekating races for girls be- tween the ages of 11 and 14 open to all girl* in the city. Pushmobile race for boys between the ages of 11 and 14 open to all boys In the jolty, direction of Hugh Carter. Over and under relay for boy* between the ages of and 14 open to all Shuttle relay, ball for Southelde, Concord Also games. boys in the city, basketball relay, dodge boy* nf Pine. Tatnsll, Rockford. Delamore asd Heights Playground», for children between the ages of 7 and 8. a j* noon Picnic Lunch. * child to bring own lunch. 2 p. m.—Football games between teams representing the Stapler, Mad Clayton and Woodlawn Play Each ison ground«. The Neighborhood Commîtes assisting with the Thanks giving program lowing; Tatnall Commit**—Mrs. B. Striek er. Mr. and Mrs. L. Gemmill. Coyno Committoe—Mr*, »lorence Pieplow, Mrs. Nottlw CarMn. Ml»« H I Lundgrln. Woodlawn Association consists of the fol Committee—Mr«. A. j Bheppard, Mrs, W. Hare, Mrs. Wil liam Taylor. Hagley Committee—Mrs. William Bard. Mr*. E. I,lord Bpruce Committe van, Mr». David Chalmer». Mrs. AI ' fred Colgrove. -Mr. L. Sulli Striped gingham is being used for rharmlng overblouses, and chant bray forms waistband. The chambray is usually of o, elaln color and may be pleat -d. A çharming little frock of navy and green plaid has aecalloped hem nnd a rather tight bodice buttons down the front. Collar and cuffs of cream-colored llntn add to its attractiveness. the collar, cuffs and which TO- nicht/ s. Tomorrow AI r i d ht 10 ( : • ,an overtaxed an J vtOfi tiredsvstemarighto» W refreshingrestandnbright V W tomorrow Is the work of N? l f tablets. Nature's Remedy keeps 1 I body binerions regular, improves appetite, relieves'constipation, 1 s&Stso-Jfsed for oror l ojwrs 1 -, BEE Ui. W JUNIORS— tittla M?« One-third the Bk Ur dote. M* «am« infredienta, nf then ^ coated. For chil dren end edult«. ÏÏZ\ JUWOfi'. « n <1 r CHICHESTER S PILLS TBR DIAMOND RBAND.f A hÄÄCSlA V« .- ln Krd n . tj | l ,,.\IW scaled *1th Blue Ribbon. 1 like no other Bojr of your " i»m„i*t. a k wrui « rn>.TFR , a DIAMOND IIKAM» 1*1 l.l h, f„ r ar. years knowtm Best, bales!. Al»ays P.e'i» f 1« 4j r SOLO Bt DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE SAYS All HATE "DODTLEQBERS But as Good a Citizen as Those Who Buy, Pastor Says ! WOULD LET SCHOOLS BORROW DIRECT Attacking the present laws r»la I Uve to flnanclng the local public whool system, the Rev. Carlisle L. 1 Hubbard, pastor of Rt. Paul* M. E Ohurch. In a »ermon last night,! Kai ' 1 ,h<> Rn * r * of Kducatlnn ehould] J bp lnd.pend.nt of City Council; One, hundred members of the Junior OrJ American Mechanic ÏTr.' P T*« % Roflrd of Eduoattnn wWch rM( , to furn t7le AiTt and building decent schools ss soon aj , the p . opl *%ay go. Thoflnsnclrfe (hp puh| , c , rhooIa oua M p* taken 01]t nf (hn handB c! ,y Council and , he xh „ Board E d ucat)on t0 lßmiK b0 nds. entirely ln dependant ot council." Dr Hlrt>lmrd referred to the re eentreporto f,'heflremarah«l.«how , n(? 1hat many 0 f the school build-' , n(5 , grn flra frapa cgg declared, children are even being taught in (basementa. or cel ]arg wharp conditions ss to light and ven tn a tion are not conducive to the mental and physical well-being of Hubbard of In some lnsran the pupil*. He spoke dWparaglngly of 'man of Influence who take« his child of the public school and immedi ately loses Interest In the welfare of fhe schools. He said the publlo school ranks next to the church a* an important factor democratic Institutions, nal greatness of America. Dr. Hub bard said, depends upon the Intelli gence *of Americans, added, Is the mark of civilization. Law breakers also came In for a share of Dr. Hubbard's condemna the out In fostering The cardl Education, he tlon. said, 'Man '•No democracy," he stand unless all of the people accept the will of the majority. The man who deliberately break* the speed laws 1» not a patriotic citizen. There | who don't believe In 'the ; are «ome prohibition law, but when a majority | of the people say they believe In It and write It Into the Constitution. It become* the duty of every American j citizen -to obey that law. loves a bootlegger In public; nobody I who ever bought a bottle of bootleg | whisky will deny that he doesn't hate ; a bootlegger." "No bootlegger." he declared. "Is I a good citizen, but the bootlegger 1» i Just a* good a citizen a* the man who buys from him." There are but three things to do, | hé said—"obey a law while It Is on the statute hooks, work to have It removed from the hooka, or get out I There are plenty of j and plenty of Nobody of the country, homes In Mexico booie." Black satin and monkey fur are; nery models._ I Thanksgiving Day in the morning— | Hot Cakes—Pure Rich ' Nncoa melting in Good— Better—Be?t! WHY NOT A » -j for Christmas? A FINE GIFT FOR THE STUDENT DOCTOR LAWYER TRAVELING MAN YOU MAY Fold it up Take it with you Typewrite anywhere Call us for a demonstration 0 INC. ujaStorwrCbtiKnous^tteiTtjoi 421iAUU)KF.T St. » 8268— PHONES—8269 TAXI PHONE 40 THE TAXICAB.CO. 1 Subtlety in Wraps Corrvcpi -A Incorreck V \ 4 V I , 5§KS /> c' . j | | ; I i j | \ * ; s /i . mm I Wmi&i s-mI I *\ i -■ »V. m * ■ V ■ «I I - +? - - i. *< •• n M — m k' .■ V. V The short woman must haw« sub tlety about her dree». Heavy, bungleeome looking wrap* and flat hats do not bring out the best In her personality. These coats Illustrate the point. The sport model gives no distinction to th* wearer, but the black one with; A S C 0 ASC0 Make Your Thanksgiving Dinner— and every other special occasion a success by buying your table needs "Where Quality Counts and Your Money Goes the Furthest — the nearest American Store. A A Our Stores Will be Closed Thanksgiving Day Open Wednesday Night Until 9 P. M. s c; c Pol o Lard 12 c Best Pure lb The finest open-kettl* rendered lard made. i Atco Pea».can 17o, 19c A»co Tomatoes . med can 12c Red Ripe Tomato«*. can 30e lb 2Sc lb 25c oium Pudding. Fancy orange Peel Fancy Lemon Peel Extra Fine Glace Citron. to lb SOe Aaeo Cataup.big bot 1Sc Calif. Seeded Ralelne. pkg 16c Asco Seedleee Ralelne, pkg »c Selected Mixed Nut» - lb 2Sc Fancy Calif. Walnuta..!b 3»e Sallfonnla 35« Very Choice Filbert«, .lb. 17e Selected Breill Nut» 17e Asco Ginger Ale.. Atco Grape Juice. Cooking Herb«.big pkg Sc Baker-« Cocoanut. pkg. 7e, 1*0 Baker'« Cocoanut. Asco Vanilla Extract, bot 22c Wilbur's Baking Chocolate, 14 lb cake 7c Yellow Onions.3 lba 10c Asco Brand Com...can 12v 2 e big can 1Bc Choice Tender Pea ».can 12* ac Lima Beane ...can 12</tC, T®c Sweet Potatoes, hi* can 12* *c Fancy Red Beets, big can 14c Calif. Peaches big can 23c Calif. Apricots... .tall can 1Be Fancy Calif, Cherries. .can 23c, 39c Hawaiian Sliced Pineapple, . A A s j s c C . can. 19c, 25c Hawaiian Crushed Pineapple. m#d can 19c Delicious Plums..bix can 12c Fancy Quaan Olives. boL Fsncy Stuffed Olives, 10c pt bot 20c O O 15c 10c, 20c bot. 12c. 22c Campbell'» Soups.can 10c Aeco Tomato Puree. . .can 8e Asco Mince Meat lb 20c You want the best—then buy A*co Brand Selected r| Eggs' -37 A Asco A sl Coffee-29' s c c o Tak# no chanco#—buy your ar»3 guarantpfil #KF# In «very o egg# wh#r# v twrlve good io/.en —In an American Store. We aell only "egga you can he •ure of.** rich, II» mellow flavor and rar ,. aroma, will provld. a flt :ing ending to your Thankeglv niK dinner. I 8 Victor Bread •" 6c Quality and quantity. Good to th* lost crumb. Cakes and Candies Sweet Juicy ORANGES doz 30c, 38c A A S s ( Sorbetto R Sandwich«« _lb <1 C f Flr«*ide Cocoanut • ' Jumbles .lb. 1 : Peanut Brittle Assorted Chocolates. Caramels . Cream Mints 1b 25c M c kC c Thin Skin Juicy GRAPE FRUIT each 7c, 10c O 1 lh pkg 23c 39c lb 39c ASCO Golden Pumpkin^ 12k Corn Atco ■■■ 12 k ; can ' Cooke*—ready to »erve sweet and tender. QUALITY MEATS V. W. Cor 4th and Madison St«. 222! Washington St. FINEST QUALITY MILK.FED r.OllNTSV VEAL ..ib 16 c ILoin Chops I R *<* chop» ...n, 220 . lb 16o Neck .... Breact ... Shoulders r\,u Veil %j h é .IU *.8c Cutlets Ib. 35c ib aoc lb 40c A I SOFT MEAT. MILK.FED POULTRY Chickens hS Roasting Frying, Stewing lb. 35c Fresh Killed c O City Dressed Pork, Chops or Roasts Best Cut*.Ib 2Se Iilttlf» Plir HortAflng Ort Flam#. TV tb 20c ritT Drr»»ed Fork 22c > Rtitmlder»- th PS 8 ici . . lb 25c lb 12c Delicious Fresh Sausage Psllçlous Country Scrapple Oil Xw Mad# Sour K pont qt. 10r Pnn* Pork SAusajro TT> »2P TJirgc Oip Popper Saties on Ik* L These Price« Effective In Our Wilmington Store«. mmmmmrmmmX asco : I «8 ■asco asco ASCO the panaSa. ooLlar and euffe of f»r makes a stunning figure of bar. The hat. too, with Its high era. adds «orna six Inches of dsoep i tlv* artistry, while the other hat ac ! tually substaaets an Inch or so. well as glvtpg a too-round apearanee to the face. » __ DR. MINE IN ■ „POT Mm MIT 111 I V I III I III I n I 1 I III ||l Il L.U I I L LI I I - 1 tw/ .H d p _ ,i , .hi Will Be rormally Installed at Farlv MfCtino nf at pariy meeting OI Presbytery FOR ITS WELCOME Kxpre»»lng hl» thank* to tha pon gregation for lta call, tha Rav. A. W . _ We«( Preehyterlan Church. Klghth and Waahlngton atr**ta. Ha alao publicly thanked th. p.opla of Wll mington for thalr cordial welcome Dr. Bonn* took a* tha t*irt of hla vermon tha ' Rout Pa»»ion of Jaaua ' Th* oongregatton Wo» tha laryaat that haa ba.n ln Waat Church In -many yaar», and ha aald ha lookad forward to a ouccaaaful and con genial ptatorata Th. choir und«r th* direction of! Profaaaor J T. Clymar with Ml«» F Viola Mofllt at tha organ gar* a ape-I clal mualcal program. Dr. Ronn* al»o taught th* Man'*! Bible claaa in tha Sunday aehool Tha musical program at th!* ear vloe wu furnlahed by John A For ra«t, barttona, who sang aavaral aie lections, played. Flemlngtor» aft«r the Sunday school servies. He will move here this week'with lit* family, consisting of hla wife and two daughters. Tha evening sermon was preach ed by th* Rev. Thomas Kerr, pastor of the Greenhtll Presbyterian Church Hie text was taken from the New Testament Nlcodemu* ap proaches Jaaua with th* query. "How may 1 be born again?" Arrangements for the Installa tion of Dr Sonne a* pa*tnr of the THANKS CITY Sonn«, D. D. yeatordayH formally aoo#pt#d th# p««tor«t# of morn nf . Pyla« orchestra also Dr. Sonne returned to it ■j ■a - -> we: - ■ ■ t . .> .* X ' yV ' V'; ; - • h $ , r - / i < ; • i. j MISS AD ELF. SEN FT. Miss Adele Senft, who as Mis* Wilmington, represented this city at the National Beauty Contest at Atlantic City this past summer, is in charge of the Huber Baking Company Booth, with Aunt Martha Bread, at the Food Show in the Auditorium November 39th to December 9th. —(Adv.) THANK YOU We take this opportunity to express our sincere ap preciation of the business you have entrusted to us. shall endeavor to merit your patronage at all times by extending a cordial, helpful service backed by our knowl edge of food and years of experience. We Seasonable Specials ,.. -50o and 55o Th .43o lh .-..Site 1» ...........S5o th ..$1 85* Jar ... 6.5c and 75c Th _ _ *5c Th .. .$1.00 lh ...85c lh ...18o lh ...18c lh ...81.25 lh .. . 85c Jar . .$1.00 lh .. ,85c Th ..81 25 lh ...81.00 lh .81 50 hot .8150 hot .81.50 hot ..... .. -.82.00 bot 45«, 70c, 81.20 hot ..81 75 tin ,.85c In glass ■ 25c tn tin .......... 88e qt 55c and 70c hot .85c Jar .55c and BOc jar .....75c Jar ....81 O0 Jar ...50o Jar ,40c hot 60c lh .-.45c th —. ,45c lh 2Bo lh ,_.75c lh . 60c Th —. . 85c Th _25c lh .. . 45c lh 81 40 ho* Tuhle ItuitHiw , layer El*t ... railed Figs . Almerin Graftes .Tan»—Mince Mont, fine flavor Fancy Ctltron . Orange and ls>mon Peel Oonscrved Chcrrle« . ConacrTed Pineapple Seeded Raisin» . ServH#»« RaIaIvl# . «... Ormaor\od Fruit* AsaottWI l'nwrvfd Marron» » .. rmettsh WSTftuts. Shelled Halve* Rlaek Walnut Kemel» .. Peonns. Komet» . Almond* Shelled. Jordon ... Mnnqnln* Vermouth. Italian Monqiiln» Vrrmonth. French Mnnqnln» Grenadine ....... Sauce Newberg.. Olive Oil Bottle» .. Olive Oil. Oesca. qnart* », Paprlca (Hungarian) ..... Pqprlra (Hungarian) ..... Franco. Amerlran Snnp ... Pin Monev Pickle» ........ Oicumher Ring» .... ... . . r. A B. Ohnw Chow. splocd Peaches-. A lrginl* Dare Sherry Jell . Dundee Orange Afarmalade Alaple Symp. pure rtnp .... Pilled Cherrle* .... Cherries. Evnporaled Coffee, Font India .... Coffee. No. Merrldale Butter ....» Clover I/eaf Butler .... snilthfleld Ham» . St. Jolmsbnrg Craokrr» Glutin Crackrra ..... '■Intin Bread ....... llrrak ffi.«t twv. PHONES 7795-7796 THOS. J. LAWSON œ. 822 Market Street Free Delivery church are now balng mad* by fh* Pre»byt»ry of N*w CaM 1«. PYTHIAN SISTKRN OKl.F.nKATF. Delaware Tempi*. Pythian Sletara, celebrated the fifteenth annlvaraary 'of Iho founding of th* Ttmpl« on Thuraday- night with a mualoal and 'literary program. Tha committee Mr« Midi Ml (dal Reatrlc* Wharry. Rallia Whapry. Florence Rleet and Florence Brey Th. feature of tha calahratlon wap an exhibition drill by tha degree *'» ff „ Th# Jiromim wu »* follow«: 8# l#rt inn, by B#th*nv Oroh««tra: Aar: «alut#; pray#r; mddrw»« of walcnm*. Brand Chancellor Alb«rt Wllhrlm ; '* nln s,m P (,0, >: aolo. Mra Marval. danca, Mlae Ann Royer; aolo. Mlaa Myrtle tiloyd. of Dovar addr#»». tha Grand Junior of the Grand Tempi* of Pjrthla aylwanla. Mr». Iran* McGinn!*. or [.ancaatar. Pa ; raoltatlon. Mr. .«yea {moral duet, Evalyn and LaRoy Wd-{ | Mr< violet Rlrhardaon;! rotation. Ml»» Hazel Slmpaon; dual. Mra . R,« a Hawkln» and Cuddy; aolo, John Braddock. ; : | I of P#nn Mr«. S I The Good of Fruit Rsliln, farnUk mfatarsl salt, sod t rare oontrat of food-froo lo enrich th* blood Add rmltlna, ther*A> pudding», c«k,«. oread, »slad »r» coyour pita, rolls, t, air. not merely to make them more saradlv* hut »A* goof of tbit del (clone > get ran. I 8un-MaW 8 alvlna »Wld coal you no mer* «feen tfer following S3r?2SSs£fci£ Aik dealer* to » Sun-Maid Raisins / / Glanding's Big Food Market y * / g i y J / ] M £ 5 y 5 / J S W £ jB «• I j ' " ! ✓ $ Thanksgiving Specials " »? I J For Tuesday and Wednesday j / I It*. R. ft R. Plum Pudding ...... £ Special Mince Meat .. £ T.rtra Mince Meat ......... J Large Can Golden Pumpkin £ Sunmnid New Seeded Raisins Sunmaid New Seedless Raisins ... jj Best New Fruit Peels .. £ Best Leghorn Citron, Yj ît> for J Large Pkg. New Golden Dates J Best Long Shredded Cocoanut ^ Large Meaty New Cal. Prune* , Del Monte Fancy Yellow Peaches ?■ Bright New Cal. Apricots - Red Ripe Cranberries _. if Best Sound Howe Cranberries_ -28c can J 18c tt> ^ -23c Rj J — 12Hc ...._16c .pkg -18c pkg ,...30c lb / / -30c * ...18c _-27c lb _19c-1b , _25c 1b / .32« 1b/ I4e qt 23c qt / / / / J d5 / 1 Can Corn I Can New Peas I Can Tomatoes ALL FOR 1 Can Sliced Pineapple I Can Bartlett Pear» 1 Can Blueberriee / ALL 57c 29c ? FOR * ✓ / ....33c ! Large Can Libby's Extra Sliced Peaches Large Can Del Monte Y. C. Peachea.. Large Can California Royal Anne Cherries ... Large Can Red Ripe Tomatoes. Large Can York Slate Sour Krout / / 29c ✓ ,35c / ..15c - -14c *• f Large Jar Kellogg's Pure Preserves .. £ Large Jar Premier Salad Dressing. Large Can Duff's Molasses Large Pkg. Whitman's Marshmallow Whip Large Jar Heinz Apple Butter ....... ... 29e 34c -23c / ✓ ✓ ✓ —33c ✓ ✓ ✓ SHIPMENT JUST IN OF New Pure Comb Honey, 30c Comb / / / V / f / ✓ j Candy Specials for Thanksgiving > Special Chocolate Drops .. Chocolate Whipped Cream Drops .. Assorted Chocolates. . Y Large Soft Cum Drops £ Chocolate and Bon-Bon Mixtures. g Fresh Made Peanut Brittle . / l-îb Can Chocolate Straws ... ÿ Mb Pkg. Plaited Mint . £ 1-tb Box Fancy Chocolates .. £ 5-lb Fancy Milk Chocolates „. 5-tb Box Assorted Chocolates _. £ 5-lb Box Praline Chocolates .. ,.19c Th > 29c Th i _..29evfb £ ...23c tt> y ..29etb £ _ 23* lb £ ..33c 5 y y * ,33c 43r _$1.65 .. $1.50 .$1.35 / Special Notice y FREE to Every Purchaser at Our MARKET Tomorrow a partly paid ticket to tho BIG FOOD j FAIR, which starts at the Auditorium on Thursday, No- f vember 30th. These tickets absolutely free, no matter what your purchase may be. / I / y ✓ y , — y 2 Pkgs. Hostetter's Evap. Com for .. t 3 tbs New Hominy Grits for .. £ 3 tbs Good Head Rice for ........ y Yf Pit- New Onions for . S 2 Cans Crushed Cream Com for £ 2 Cans Sifted Peas for . y 2 Bottles Ritter's Catsup for . _23c / _13c 22c _10c -.23c .33c / .21c / > «: TURKEYS > ✓ > Not a lot of western or cold storage turkeys at-a cheap price, but a fine lot of fresh Maryland turkeys at-a Look them over. Also CHICKENS and DUCKS > ✓ fair price. > y y y .12c tb .43c lb ^ Best Pure Country Lard . \ Good Tub Creamery Butter . . __ „ Other Pure Creamery Tub Butter, 47c, 51c and 56c Tb Special Fancy Print Butter ..... . ••• **« £ Other Print Butter ...51c and 54c tb £ / Old Style Country Roll .-...36c tb / £ Good Creamy Cheese . . - . —30c £ Good Sharp Cheese .................. . .40c lb Pineapple and all kinds of package Cheese_ Just re- / £■ ceived a shipment of Genuine Imported French Roquefort. J £ Good Selected Eggs --- ----- 37c dozen £ £ Extra Fine Egg* ...-. 45 «= £ y 8 < / ; ✓ / ✓ y PORK SPECIALS y / ; ✓ y -24c-tb it .10c tb y £ Guest's Country Pork Sausage .. £ Guest's Country Pork Scrapple . ..... Guest's Fresh Hams and Shoulders Specially Priced Full Line of Fresh Meats of All Kinds Specially Priced > / > y y y y ORDER EARLY TO ASSURE PROMPT DELIVERY / y y y f * / / Herman Glanding Co. 615-17 King Street / / y y y y y Phone 1254 Phone 1255 \