Newspaper Page Text
■<& The Evening Journal Tr 1 - The Weather Cloudy ami continued cold to night. partly cloudy with rising tern 1 perature, strong north and norlh I west winds. I 20,224 Circulation Yesterday Non-Returnable LATE NEWS EDITION THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. NO. 146 24 PAGES. TWO CENTS. WILMINGTON. DELAWARE. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1922 INCINERATOR "INFLUENCE MONEY " NOT PAID; MRS. HALL DEMANDS GRAND JUR Y HEAR HER TELLS JURY NIGHT STORY Mrs. Hall, Widow, Nearby, Demands State Also Hear Her About Husband's Slaying I STATE POLICE GUARD FOR THE PIG WOMAN SOMERVILLE, N. J., Nov. 24. J (United Press).—With Mrs. Frances Noel Hall sitting at the door of the grand jury room waiting a chance to 1 demand a hearing, Mrs. Jane Gibson' today told the Investigators her eye witness story of the Hall-Mills mur der. Entering the jury room, Mrs. Gib son walked within a few feel of Mrs. Hall whom she asserts she saw at the scene of the tragedy the night of September 14. The widow did >y>l twitch a muscle of her face or shift her gaze as the "eye witness" passed. She ignored her completely., Miss Sally Peters who n. fitting l,es,de Mrs. Hall, glanced at th.wit then whi,per * d ,0 Atlorncy Pfeiffer. _ ■ Mr». Gibson was flanked b> Stale police as she paraded down the cor ridor to the Jury chamber. Her testimony was secret, but if She has not altered her tale she toll : the jurors that she was riding her mule in Lovers I.ane on the aban doned Phillips farm September 14. and that in the glare of an automo headlight she recognized Mrs. Hall standing by the road. A few mlnutea later she has staged *he wit nessed the slaying of Rev. Edward Hail and his "wonder heart." Mr*. Kleanor Mi is. Later In the night. Mrs. Gibson asserts she returned to the scene and saw a woman weeping over the bodi.^he alleges this woman was A-sMr/G.bson gave her. .timon, (Continued on Page Thirteen) ; IS MASH LIQUOR? BALL SSÏ8 NOT I 1 But Judge Hastings Holds Defendant Under Bail for Court I j MAJOR DUPREE IS ALSO HELD was not Contending that mash liquor. J. Frank Ball, attorney tor James Romaskl. of 1023 Church street, charged in City Court today, of operating a »till, asked that the ; Patrolman bail for court. Major DuPree a Negro, charged wiih violating thé Kiair law and sell intoxicating liquors, was held i.mler a like bail for the upper DuPree was represented by Mr. Oree«i contend rd that the five gallon« of liquor found in DuPree's house had not been proven by the State to be al rohol, as was contended. James Oarey. a Negro who hart Informed the officers prior to the raid that he purchased a half pint of whisky from Du Pree, said to- ■ day that he had been given two be dropped. charge Chambers, who.with sergeant of Po lice Fox, searched The home of the defendant and found the still work ing. testified that 4" liqifor had ; been made when he arrived, the I still Just having been started. Ser- | géant Fox testified thiat Romaskl^ admitted making whisky for his" He was held under J500 own use. court. J. Paul Green. drinks but had bought none. Judge Hastings ruled that under the law any one having in their pos larger quantity of Intoxi was session a eating liquors than allowed, considered to be Veiling the same. TO SPEAK FDR EPWORTH LEAGUE. Fred H. Butler, of Chicago, M. E. Dr. will speak tonight in Ezion Church in Interest of the colored Ep worth League work. The public 1» invited. TODAY'S TEMPERATURE At The Evening Jourijal Office. 12.01 P. M.. .42 1.00 P. M.. .43 8.00 A. M...36 10.00 A. M.. .40 LOST. - LOST-A ring holding key and three ; shopping coins. Notice ha« been Î lven to stores. Return to Evening : ournai Office. nov28-2t. I (Continued on Page Twanty-lhrea.) i 1 Stowaway a* fts, - A % . I ! \ v - w O' $ C : I 1 J 1 JC si 7 1 m ■aL V- -mti -WM , g , oveIiett of stowaways Jeanne Island, friends have having her admitted. , Rrjtjsh Girl and Babv tO Be Cared for by Kansas „. _ . , City Friend _. QQygRj^MENT ' DEMANDS BOND succeeded in detained at Kill» WON'T DEPORT il WASHINGTON, Nov. 28.—(Unit ed Peess.)— T h e Department of 1 Labor has decided to allow this (country to be a haven for Miss Jeanne Nancy Jordan, British girl, and her three-year-old son if a $500 bond is furnished to provide for the child's education. The action overrules the recom mendations of officials at Ellis Is land who would have deported the unwedded mother and her child back to England. It Is believed that assurances,have I been given the department that the j bond will be furnished by Mrs. Frank V." rren. of Kansas City, di I forced wife of a lawyer there, who' met Miss Jordan overseas' during the a war. Arrangements were made for meeting at Elli8 i„i an d .between Mrs. Warren and Mias Jordon. full of dramatic j Mrs. Warren,. The meeting is ; possibilities. whose I ) ■ I I I I j Special to The Evening Journal. WASHINGTON, - Nov. 28.— Ac cording to gossip among Deluwar cans here, the Democrats of the i State are talking of the Senatorial campaign to come up two years hence. Former Judge William H. Boyce, of Dover, Dei.. who was j elected a member of the House of Congress, beginnVig March 4th next. is being talked of as a candidate for j the Senate when Senator L. Hpis-! [1er Ball's term'cxplres. i Already there is much speculation 1 among Republicans hero as to whether former Senator T. Coleman duPont, who was defeated by Thom as F. Bayard for the Senatorship in ; [Delaware at the recent election, will be a candidate again for the Sen ate two years hence. Some of his friends, it is known, are throwing put suggestions that General du Pont should run two years from now. It is generally accepted among Republicans here that Senator Ball will be put forward as a candidate to succeed himself In 1924. (Continued on Page Thirteen.) ; I | TALKING OF JUDGE BOYCE FOR SENATOR ' Senator Thomas F. Bayard yester day was assigned to the Senate com mittee on claims and the committee on the District of Columbia, of which Senator Çall. senior Senator from Delaware, is chairman. It 1» not known whether Senator Bayard will be,assigned to any other com mittees. | SI N AND TIDE. 8.29 P. M.l 2.50 P. ...6.39 A M ..,4.37 P. M. Sun rises ... gup Heart of < Tn-i-tiuna High water.. 8.09 A. M. .Ln«v «alar.. 2.20 A. 4L II. S. TO SEEK DIRECT PACT WITH TURKEY Will Not Join European Nations in Treaty In volving Greece BAR MORE RUSSIANS; PEACE HOPE FADES LAUSANNE, Nov. 24 (United Frees).—The Allies decided today In secret conference that the Russian demand for full participation In the [ Near Eastern discussions on a blsls of equality be rejected. The three Inviting powers will an swer the equality demand by for mM warding to the soviet delegates a j copy of Premier Poincare's note of ' November 14 in which it is clearly | stated that the Russians are invited to participate in discussions affect- ; ing only the straits. M. Rakowzki. president of the. Ukraine and head of the Russians. | pending the arrival of Foreign Min- ! later Tcherin, said that Russia! would accept nothing less than full] national status in the discussions and. that no final settlement of Near I Eastern affairs could be reached without Russia. With he arrival of the representa tives of the soviets the Turkish et titude'is stiffening, the latter now Insisting: upon an indemnity of 2 OOP.OOO.OrtO gold franc» from Greece. All hopes of an early settlement in all Near Eastern affairs we>A aban doned today. Judging from appearances there is now little real agreement among the nations here and the situation is still) further complicated by the arrival of .... , protr " ct * d f 6 "' 0 "* P» qwS'Uon* of transport, tariffs, economic, health aml financea. respectively. Th( - fu " «nancial commission, however, are to undertake a dis.-us "Ion of all financial matters includ the Russians. The finance commis sion has divided into five subcom missions which will doubtlean hold OTTER TURKEYS AT 60-75 CENES Supply of King Bird Not Great. Buying Is Re ported Slow CHICKENS MORE IN DEMAND TODAY Thanksgiving poultry markets, on King street, today, were not over L ro> ^. ded wi'h buvers ' n ' ere numbers of people pricing the While there various fowls, few were buying. Turkeys were not over plentiful, They sold today for 63c. 70c, 75c and 80c per pound. Chickens were more plentiful and were bringing from 33 to 40 cents a pound. G?ese were priced at 38c and 40c per pound. Ducks are plentiful at 33c a pound, ^Chickens are proving the big sell f ' r for the Thanksgiving dinner. Many dealers seem afraid to stock up heavily on turkeys owing to high prices, Turkey prices in Phlladel l>hia yesterday were quoted «t from 58 to 72 oents per pound. How «ver, dealers there say sales are nol heavy for the king bird of the Thanksgiving feast, Vegetables, fruit and other pro duce prices in the local markets to» day are quoted as follows: White potatoes. 40 to 60 cents a peck: sweet potatoes, 60 cents a peckn cranberries. 15 to 2U rents a quart: [pumpkins 10. and 13 and 25 cents apiece; celery 10 and 25 cents a bunch; lettuce 5 and 15 cents a head; cabbage, 10 cents a head; tur nips. 10 rents a quarter peck; grape, fruit. 3 for 25 cents; oranges, from 25 to 60 cents a dozen; apples, best grade, 20 cents a quarter; country eggs 80 cents a dozen; storage eggs fron ^ 39 cemg llp to 65 , and medium de butter 60 ond 6 5 cents, Frank Williams, a foreman in the plant ot the General Chemical Com Jany. Claymont. with Richard Blackson, a -Negro, employed In his department, last Friday morning, following a hearing before Magistrate Black yesterday afternoon, was dismissed on pay FOREMAN PAYS COSTS. who "mixed up" ment of costs. jODGE I. O. O. F. DANCE (Thanksgiving) evening, Eden Hall. Prizes in gold. M-lchaaLra. DELAWARE The Peerless Or Admission «0c—Adv. :f omen Militarists Darina Demonstration 1 I« -V s a»» J e / l lih 1 4 I h m // s. ! I | I */ar. « Large numbers of feminine "black-shirts" accomplished the.Faeclstl army on Its march into ths The women militarists are organized into fighting groups but have been restrained by Italian capital. Mussolini from taking part In the violent oubreaks SATTERFIELD Id BE POSTMASTER take over the office at that place. ; pgjfnffiçe DCpdrlntent announc 1 Appointment to Dover Of fice Is Announced at Washington .. . . ... . atTUC S'I sell MANY MONTHS CLASH _____ Special to The Evening Journal. WASHINGTON, D. C.. Nov. 28.— and was sent Instructions today to IS CULMINATION OF j William P. Satterfield hes been named postmaster at Dover. Del., ^ Special to The Evening Journal. DOVER. Nov. 28—William P. Satterfield. Dover merchant, and Re from Washington of his appoint ment as "acting postmaster" for Dover. Mr, Satterfield took the oath of office yesterday afternoon and It is presumed that as soon as he com plies with the formality of giving an approved bond and other minor mat ters he will receive his commission as postmaster. Mr. Satterfield, who has been a resident of Dover fuliy 20 years, is a son of the late John Satterfield, a former postmaster of Dover. Satterfield is a brother M. Satterfield prominent attorney of Satter Mr. of James this town. The appointment of Mr. field as Postmaster is the climax of a clash that has existed here many wings of the month» between uv Republican party. Sometime ago en attempt was made to remove Post master J. Frank Starling, a Dem technical complaints A coterie of Republi (Coratlnued on Page Ten.» ocrat, on against him. CVLTITfrC rOCL'I/O fcXEUUlfc UliLLhN r 4 WHO LOST WAR _ -8- El n ' 1 e "! Press.)—Six members of the Greek cabinet that fell when King stantine abdicated were executed here today, it was officially announc , They were shot by a firms squad. | The ministers were condemned by! a military court which Investigated ; Nov. ATHENS. Me 1 j Mrs. Mary Wist, 305 [avenue, is being given a this afternoong, by U. S. Commls the recent Greek defeat in the --j :<*ZT™ P oJmi znrsziï, collanse Among those executed was former prime minister Oounans. The ,.:h . rs were- Theotoki« 'Siratro« Had jianestis:' Baltazziand ITotôpapa daki . Maryland hearing HEAR MRS. MARY WISS ON LIQUOR fHARf.ES sloncr Cann, on charges of possess ing and selling liquor Illegally. She was arrested several weeks ago by Federal prohibition agents, follow ing a raid on her Maryland avenue store and home, and was released [ because of a divorce action against ! her. brought by her'husband. in the State courts. under 51.500 ball. Two week» ago Commissioner Cann set a date for a hearing, but Mrs. Wiss was unable to be present ! I VICTROLAS REPAIRED Work guaranteed. Called for and Short's. S W. 4th St.. I I delivered. I Phone 4426.—Adv. Mundy Bros. Sell Furniture—Adv.|—Adv MARIE BROGAN RETURNS DUE Reconciliation With Father Follows Phila. Girl's Memory Lapse [victim of Amnesia, or lapse of me PARENT DENIES CHILD IS MARRIED j Marie Brogan the young woman mory, left the Delaware Hospital ! late yesterday afternoon accompa nied by her father, who was sum moned from Philadelphia to take charge of her. I home or how she happened to be For practically 36 hours. Marie was unable to remember her name. ! in Wilmiivgton. morning, she recalled her name and said she roomed at 59 North 52d street. 1 hiladelphia. Later she re membered that her mother was Mrs. a r*i Then yesterday Ellen Brogap i Pennsgrove street. Ph.Iadelphia. and, (that Kitty Murphy, a girl chum lived at 4313 Pennsgrove street, in | the same city, ! estranged from her father and did not want to see him. When ho ar rived at the hospital, however, she delph a that Marla was married and had a daughter six years' old.. This I she denied as did also her father. lived at 4004 At first the girl said sha was flung herself into hi# arms, .weeping. It had been reported from Phila The young woman told Dr. H. W. (Continued on Page Thirteen) ADMITS HIS CHARGE AGAINST WIFE FALSE j Recanting a damaging statement he made against his wife in City hen he was of his wife and minor child. Thomas Cun _ I j ! Court yesterday charged with non-support ningham a white man was today ordered to pay 512 a week support! money by Judge Hastings and or- ! ■ dered heId under }5 oo bail. Court officers who investigated the charges mdde b y the defendant yesterday j , morninK that t h e charges said tms morning mai ine cnarges j were unfounded and Cunningham , Q dmltted . n . th h . r .„. m , de l . h defendant however it was ^p.aLu .o the Courl today that c ™T gh r^ not ,o ' *'* ber huhband any longer. pRA\( h U JJ I \KJ7If 1 '' »lata ,WI GKR \ï A\ TKR R ITGR Y UCJVIUrtJN icimiiuni ic v„v n'nited Pres. PARIS, Nov. 28 (l nited Pres«.; Premier Poincare's plans for seisin* German property and invading (1er man territory were today formally approved by the French cabinet and unanddable^ notification of the French de cision has been sent to the Allie». France » move is likely to take place when the next German pay ment» fall due in January. It will involve seizure ot the Ruhr and the setting up of a nominally Indepen dent regime on the left bank ot the Rhlne . MARY MACS WINE Y NEAR DEATH DUBLIN, Nov. 28 (United Press). —Mary MaoSwlney who has been hunger striking in Mount Joy prison for the past 23 days a lying In a I serious condition in Mater Hospital following her release yesterday. She — Evcrsharp Pencils, Waterman i Pens. Eng. Free Brofsky's. 825 Mkt. j will recover. It- 1« stated. - v ' i I Î ! ! j j PAD i K . CT i A „ C fN CABINE I JAILED DE VALERA DUE FOR EXECUTION This Is Irish Free State's Answer to Belligerent "President" MANY OF REBEL . _____ DUBLIN, Nov. 21 (United ; —Earaon De Vater* today from his hiding place defied the Free State demanding a new Irish republican government of Ir.s own. The "rebel cabinet," most of whose members are in jail, includes: President and Minister of Foreign Afford De Valera: Minister of Fi nance and Home Secretary. .1. P. Rutledge; Minister of Defense. Liam Mellows; Minister of Local Govern ment. Sean O'Kelly, and Minister of Economies, Robert Barton. With the announcement of ths cabinet presaging in opinion from some quarters a rebel offensive, the Free State troops renewed their drastic efforts to "get DeVaiera," The Irish Republican "president." may be executed if captured. Thl* was indicated in an interview by ■■Executions will not resse until the rebels have surrendered their President Cosgrove of the Dali. , . in indicting the death pen-ilty for carrying arms. arms." was Cosgrave*' ultimatum. "There can be no exception* made PRESIDENT HULLIHEN LEAVES HOSPITAL Special to The Evening Journal. NEWARK. Nov. 28— Dr. Walter HuIIihen, president of the University of Delaware, who waa operated on at John's Hopkins Hospital. Baltl more, three weeks ago. was able to [leave that institution yesterday an.! went to Atlantic City where he will rest for a couple of weeks before again taking up his work at the Uni versify. His wife and two daugh-jij.e tors, accompanied him to Atlantic ; , h „ . «... "scheduled to meet todav, *' • . . { Pre«i but owlnK to th * ab * erK « ot Pr « f Humhen> there was only a tew >, understood . ,^1 being understood that on! y some urgent be lran»aeted. 'f"? '° "■*" " *. w. «dm. «ut. Dl - r ector ot Vocational Education, has; <0"^ 10 Detroit to attend the annua! session of the \o. at.onal Education Convention in that city. November 18 t0 December 2 - I17III rüT 11HRKCT VViLtL lllî/ 1 iTlAKhral mr n iixia RFPORTS RY RADIO UC/FUaiO Dl UrtDIV - g to Th , Even ing Journal. '^0,'^'^,' """Î *" bein * ln f ta,1 * d „5*" *nèd C "*; n y " ed b ° The ^ , ,he „fV* ! Z! b * ^ ta *f H1 F h > P ' , Radio system is Io lhl ®" r , U r Markets to receive the markets re P°r' s fron ' different parts of the country and forward the same to the different shipping points in the State so that farmers and shippers may be in position to know the market at all times. business J board The ed two danger signs at Eighth and Tatnall streets for the protection of the residente of the Blind Shop. The 'signs read. "Blind Shop. Go Slow." The signs were placed at the street oroswng at the suggestion of Ed ward de Lacour, 706 West street. AUTOISTS. NOTICE. The local Kiwanis Club ha» plac HOOK TELLS OF DEMAND BEING MADE FOR $7500 After Repudiation of Incinerator Agreement Hook, State it ness. Declares Dr. Frantz Fxclaimed, ' If e Want Our Money and Don 't Want Any More Bluffing —$1500 Spent Getting Thing Fixed Up, ness Adds Wit - 99 Henry B. Hook, who yeaterday af-lm* lernoon changed his plea of not guilty to one of nolo contendere and a witness for the State became against Dr. Abram E. Franta and hi« son. Howard R. Frantz, in the case charging the three with con spiracy in connection with the pur chase by the city of the Davis gar bage incinerator, occupied the wit stand the whole of this morn ms's session of the Court od General Sessions. Direct examination of Hook waa finished by Deputy Attorney General Finger «; 11.20 o'cock.. when ROb ert O. Harman, counsel for the other two defendants, immediately alert ed a rigid croas-examlnatlon. The j cross-evamination was in progreas when court recessed at one o'clock. Mr. Harman announced that ha will finish hia examination twenty minute* thia afternoon. Hook was on the stand for fully hour yesterday afternoon and for three hours again today. Details re lated by him are of a great number. As a plea of nolo contendere is equivalent to a plea of guilty. Hook from the trial, I - In about ,.. la now eliminated leaving the cases only of Dr. Frantz ln j his son. a former secretary of t h e Board of Health, in the hands of the jury, In hi* cross-examination of Hook, Mr. Harman made it clear that he was endeavoring to show (bat there graft in connection with the purchase of the Incinerator. Two more witnesses will be placed was no ^autlone^hjn^t^^aa^nothln^to He said. How on the stand by the State this aftst and the defense will call three It is probable that the will be noon 1 witnesses. ! hearing of the testimony concluded before court adjourns | this afternoon, Hook testified today that when he was to see Mayor Harvey on I November 22, 1421 Howard Frantz the Mayor about prices." After writing Howard a letter re pudiatlng the agreement for the (payment of "commission," Hook said he uv Howard the following day. [January 5. 1422. ard greeted him with a reference to the repudiation of the "deal." .-j. h>t - a a |j e n 0 ( a trick to play on __ GRAHAMS AGREE 10 SEPARATE _ _ , _ Wi fe Tells COUft She DOCS Not Want Husband to Support Her QTARTPD **r\0 j nl\ LU DIVORCE SUIT After constantly-occurring dis agreements in their marital life, John Graham and his wife reached one agreement in Municipal Court! " 0t W ° r ' h l ° " & courw u for th e m to ^ Graham was before the court on , charge of breach ot the peace, pre (erred by his wife. The woman said that her husband has not given her a cent in two years, and that despite that she has started divorce pro ceedings, he still comes to her .„inst her wishes. Graham said. «ht» <« «hu vhn ■ imn, m him* comes to him AMOrdln* to Graham, what h. ^„certain On* ttmThe is living h^^S*^'t erA „ erhP" b n bet ween them and his home ChanCe * t0 * ^eIatlVe , • Tb °" tiens might occur at any hour ot the n *«ht or day, he said, During the hearing of the case, Wtter sarcasm was exchanged by the couple Jud j e Hastings remarked that - rt ls hardly worth whll. /or you to try t0 jjve togather. agreed that this was only too evl dent . The court then dismissed the defendant upon condition that Gra ham stay away from hi* vite After the dismissal ot th* case, Graham to d the court tha. .i* wa» - ää this morning. The agreement was live together happily and that the Both For Clovar Dairy Safe Milk »hone 1540-1541.—Adv. \ af-lm* at th * time." The witness said ihat ho Informed the Health Board secretary "that was the best ho could do" and that he assured Howard that he would pay him any legitimate commission to which he was en titled, but that he would not con sent to get the incinerator contract by any "crookednese." Howard, Hook said, told him that he and his father had already spent 11500 in "getting the thing 1 ned up." Hook testified that he tried to compromise with Howard by agree ing to allow him commissions on In cinerators accepted by other cities through the instrumentality of Howard Frantz. The defendant witness said that he asked Howard to return him the agreement bu: that the latter told him that It was locked in his father s safe. Hi promised however, to turn ovçr to him the papers. Hook said, but failed to do that, al though he said he had destroyed it. .V copy of a letter written by Hook to Howard Krant* on January 7. was admitted as evidence and read before the Jury. The letter told of the refusal of Hook's father to per mit entrance into such an agreement as he had signed and imformlng Howard that the "best he could do" would be to allow him a proportion of his individual commission. How ard Franta' portion would be be tween 51,004 and 51,100, the letter set forth. Howard FraffT*' alleged answer to this letter was read to the Jury. In it, Frants stated as for keeping for mytelf ail the dollàrs I have rot been able to do so. much as I need them." In a conversation the night of January It or 16, Hook said. Howard Frants to'd him that he and his father had spent 11.500 In "getting Councilmen In line" and assured him that the contract would be awarded the Davis Company. Ho said he threatened to withdraw his bid but that Howard had advised him against such action. « Hook said that If any Inquiries c ame to Wilmington from other cities relative to the Davis inciner ator Howard agreed to favorably (Continued on Page Ten) j PEACE NOW IN TIERNANHOME ♦ "Bride of a Day," However, Wants Professor to Live With Her __ Mrs. Henry P. Scott destres to e, • pre " '° 411 her **oclates 1" Cross membership campaign. which is «till open, her sre^t ap predation of their untiring efforts, I far s g07 mtmbm have been enroI,ed ln the cit * aIone ' " nd U »* ^ d ^ ^ jour Tin. , ni If your name 1» there com. and receive free f b .... (Bar [a x paid) is -is HAS NO THOUGHT OF LEAVING STATE SOUTH BEND. Ind.. Nov. 2 4 (United Press).—Peace reigned in the John P. Tiernan household to day following a stormy reconcllla tion with hl» wife. But Professor Tiernan waa all bat (Continued on Page Thirteen.) ENROLL 3,807 IN CITY IN RED CROSS DRIVE Headquarters, at 911 Delaware avenue, is open to receive all mem berships and all contributions, or 4 receipt of a telephone call a rep resentative will call for the meiu bership dues. SEE THE MOVIES TOMORROW Invitations to the Movies are ex tended to six persons today through Classified Advertising Depart« Look through the elssalfled ' at a night. Se* Psg» M-. Wednesday today.