Newspaper Page Text
'■> : The Evening Journal -1 if IT / 20.259 ! The Weather I Circulation Yesterday Fair and warmer tonight; Thurs day, cloudy and warmer, moderate south and southwest winds. Non-Returnable LATE NEWS EDITION z. \ r= WILMINGTON, DELAWARE, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1922 18 PAGES TWO CENTS. THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. NO. 147 NOW A WAIT JURY'S VERDICT IN FRANTZ CASE BRITAIN AND GREECE BREAK OVER KILLINGS y FRANTZ CASE NOW RESTS WITH JURY; SHARP ARGUMENT »I JTas Engaged by Hook as General Repre sentative of Davis Incinerator Company, Houard Frantz Testifies—Says Only Hon orable Methods Were to Be Used to Get Wilmington Contract DR. FRANTZ DENIES OFFER OF MONEY TO ENGINEER MAIER The case of Dr. Abram E. Frantz The Jury was charged at length 4-v Chief Justice Pennewill who end his son, Howard R. Frantz, sec retary of the Board of Health dur ing 1921. who have been on trial since Monday qn charges of con spiracy in connection with alleged graft in the purchase by the city of s Davis Incinerator, will be rrltted to the Jury this afternoon fur its verdict. *ub f r carted hie charge at 2.30 o'clock. Henry B. Hook, egent for the Da Vig Garbage Furnace Company, -which holds the patent for the ln » nerator now Installed in this city, ■* as Indicted along with Frantzes Pnd on the opening day of the trial J Vj Taking of testimony was com pleted at 11.05 o'clock title morning and after argument on prayers pre sented Iby Robert G. Harman, coun sel for the Frantxes. argument of counsel to the Jury was sorted at 11.30 oVlock. One .hour was allowed Wltnesse« heard at this morning's *»s*!on of the court were Howard Frante. who finished the testimony that he had started yesterday after noon; Mrs. Florence whom Hook yesterday referred to as "Howard Frant*' sweetheart, to j ; each side for argumen*. > S Stewart, A ihs-hosS—of reu l in se « If it j e h e r astir Witnesses for the two men on trial, and two wltneses called by the State to xelbut certain testimony » of defence witnesses. In his prayers. Mr. Harman asked that the court Instruct the Jury In i * charge ' -Not to 'consider a- all the testl ; I . jneny of Mayor Harvey, City Solici tor aatterth walte and Councilman McManus because the statement or * onfessi-on made tp-them byHook was made six months after the termina tion of the alleged conspnracy and neither of the Frants's was pres • That the Jury is not «» coM.der the testimony of the alleged co conspirator Hook unless the Jury i. satisfied that a pn • conspiracy has been Tnad ® ou ' • the State by tewlmony 1 ' r said co-consp ra F ! ent; * : that of • the Hook; "That (he Jury be instructed and cautioned not to convict upon the <•< stlmony of a co-conspirator unless. be corroborated by other that Is to say, evidence f A JS the same evidence, aliunde; "If the Jury entertains a able doubt of the guilt of the ac-j» verdict should be n-ot guilty that this evidence should ex that reason I / and tend to the evidence aliunde; is to say, if the Jury has a reason able doubt from the evidence aliunde that a prima IM»I W W has made out. Its verdict should e not been he not guilty; _ •Tn the case of reasonable doubt the Jury should take into Ç°n aldc ™' tlon the prior good reputation of the accused and should enure to their benefit and swing the doubt In favor of fhelr acquittal." Deputy Attorney-General Finger against Mr. C C presented argument Harman's prayers. Testimony that he started yester day afternoon was resumed by How ard R. Frantz when the third day o Ihe trial opened before Chief Justice Pennewell and Judges Rice and Har rington ln Court of General Sessions Dr. Frantz and How thb witness ll n this morning, ard Frantz were stand yesterday afternoon. Howard and Dr. Frantz yesterday denied that there was any coneplr on v. 1 n U TODAY'S TEMPERATURE At The Evening Journal Office. 12.01 P. M . .44 1.00 P. M . .46 CO is S.00 A.. M . .37 10.00 A. M.. .40 SUN AND* TIDE. . .. ; . .7.00 A. M. .4 36 P. M. Sun rises .... Sun sets .... Hoad of Christiana. High water..9.09 A. M. Low water . . 3, 30 A- M. 9.29 P. M. 3.50 P. M. lost. LOST—Masonic charm, on Monday evening, between Sixth and Market and Kim and Hnrrlson street" "rn to 1300 Elm street _ nov - !, -IU LOST—This murn.n«. shell glasses, between 19th bt. and Boulevard- and duPont Bldg Return to 1006 Boulevard. nqv_9-lt. (Continued on Tage Seventeen.) l acy between them and Hook where by the latter was to pay the other two defendants $7600 as 'Influence money" in a plan to induce the Board of Health and City Connell to approve and accept the Davie type of garbage incinerator. Before Howard Frantz took the witness stand, Councilmen John O. Hopkins and John F. Henry, who w( *. e no t in the court room when called yesterday afternoon, testified tba{ neither Dr. nor Howard Frantz had offered them personally or through representatives money vote for the Davis incinerator. to The former Health Board «acre testimony He tary then resumed his where he left off yesterday, said thet Hook never gave any gÜSÜP Howard said that Hook, in telling him of his conference with Mayor Harvey. City Solicitor Satterthwalte and Councilman McManus last Aug u »t, said he first denied to the of flcials that there was any agreement between him and Howard because he felt thet they might from that in the awarding of the Davis gar bage Incinerator kUitMea-ew* believe that there was some ."graft" contract. Hook aw -otett necesnery in order to money from the city for the Incln orator, an intimation of "graft might have some effect on the suit. Hook told collect the according to Howard. I him. Howard said, that .ie final.y admitted to the three officiels that »« «fireement existed between them. Robert G. Harman, counsel for the two defendants, completed his exam ination of Howard in about fifteen minutes. The court sustained Mr. Harman's objection to Mr. Finger's question in cross-examfnation as to whether Howard did not feel that his interest in-the city as secretary of the Health ^ conflict th , ln . „ . t ^ hf „ . r , prt . sentative of Hook, would refer to Hook the cities that he learned, through Inquiries received by him and through newspaper articles. were In need of efficient Incinerators. (Continued on Paire Seven) Harding Appeals For Near East , i Special to The Evening Journal. DOVER, Nov. 29.—Governor Denney has received the follow ing telegram from President Harding setting Sunday. Decern- ; ber 3, as a special day ot appeal P .for funds to relieve the situation ln the Near East; j "The White House. Washington, D. C. "Hon. William D. Denney, Governor, Dover, Del. "The need as revealed ln the | latest cable report from the . Grecian territory and the Near East, far exceed all previous calculations made for the relief of this criais. The response to date has been altogether Inade quate. I am sure the people of | the United States will grasp the magnitude and pathos of a situ- l| ation Involving the absolute destitution of over a ' l.nown J million and a quarter of women, |j children and old men. I there- ! ! fore mak'e the supplemental appeal at this season of Thanks j giving for God's blessing to us. || j for the human beings who are j I suffering ln the stricken area. I ! ! request the governors, mayors, | J -business and philanthropic or- I ! ganizatlons, and all other eltt- ! zens of the United States to hold these tragedies In mind during Thanksgiving week, and I ap- j| I peal again to you. to -lake a || j response equal to the emergency ! and worthy of the generous : heart and the humanitarian spirit of our great republic. I That this may be organized and definite. I hereby designate Sun- , ! day, December 3. a special day ] j of mass meeting of this appeal I extraordinary "WARREN G. HARDING." I XTICIPATION A V i\ V? y0ß v * > V l\ i / 5ÇÇTÏ-I »nr JSam A *J t* k' .. «V » • K - ■ v > ' I v 1 mi fr* * •/f 3 4] ' * 1 f-, T V 'I \\ *■ W m I Sj r * « • JL. _M | _ RABBI LEVINGER ; j I j ' WARMLY GREETED Clergy of All Denominations •f Welcome Beth Emeth ■—*** Pastor a PRIESTS AND MAYOR LAUD JEWISH RACE j • testant ith Catholic In extending a» tothe Rev. Le* J. Levlnger, D. D, new pastor of Tea*ple Beth ; Emeth at a reeptton last night in the synagogue. Washington street. above Ninth. On the platform with Dr Levlnger George Gray, Mayor L*Roy Han'fv, Bishop Philip Cook, the R**v. Dr. Roben Watt, the Rev. James J. Conieolly. the Rev. Dr. James M. Grant and David Snellenburg. all of whStn delivered addresses of greeting and be« wishes for his success in Wilmington and the synagogue was crowded. Gentile Joined with Jew and Pro were former Judge Dr. Levinger has won a name as a social worker -and author. He served as chaplain with the Twenty seventh division of the American Expeditionary Force In France and a patriotic atmosphere was given the reception by the profuse use of American flags as decorations. These I (Continued on Page Twslve.) 1 DAMAGE SLIGHT Cranston Heights Co. Ex tinguishes Blaze Near Brandywine Springs RURAL CO. CALLED TO HARVEY STATION [ I The Bureau of Fire has received an unusual large number of fire calls during the past few days but fortu nately most 6f the fires have proven to be alight ones, with little damage. Engine Company No. 7, in response to an alarm from box 123. early last night, extinguished a blÿze in the I cabin of Fritz Walraven. South Mar- 1 ket and D streets. Loss, $50, Engine Company No. 5 wa« called ' to Park Drive and Union street, yes- i terday afternoon, to extinguish a grass fire. No damage »-as done. In response to a still alarm, short ly before 7 o'clock this morning. Engine Company No. 5 extinguished a fire ln the home of Edward Sharp, 43 Ivy road, caused by an overheated flue. The damage was slight. The Five Points Fire Company, at an early hour this morning, was (Continued on Page Twelve.) For Clover Dairy Safe Sli'k phone 1540-1541.—Adv. CODSENS NAMED MICH. SENATOR Succeeds Newberry: Goes Unpledged. Governor • Groesbeck Asserts' STARTED AS NEWS AREN'T ON TRAINS Press).—~I have always been a Re publioan and will continue to be so. but j j,ope I mav be considered as a progressive one." with this statement. Mayqr James_ Cousen. of Detroit today, received offloial notification that he had been appointed Senator in place of Tru man H. Newberry, who reeiirned re cently. * I.AN8ING. Mich.. Nor. 7 29 (United Trese).—James Cousens. millionaire (Continued or. Tage Twelve.) - Dill IP TOTPIl 10 I I U I Is I II I LI# !\ IKUU IUILII Ü UI1UU I U 1 LU IÜ « nr inn I 11/ I G U I/ L A U V UIVliy o ilAKo NEW TORK. Nov. 29 (United James Harkins, Who Car ried Heroin, Also Fined $1,000 in Court \ DEFENDANT DENIES HE SOLD "DOPE" James Harkins, aged 25 years, ar rested at French street station last night by Detectives Mahoney and Virden on a charge of having nàr cotlc drugs ln his possession, was sentenced to pay a fine of $1.000 and to serve three years In the work house by Judge Hastings in City .... ». »™»». an ounce of heroin from New Tork hut said It was for his own use and that he paid $25 for it. The defend ant said the drug would last him « month or six weeks. He denied sell (Contlnued on Page Twelve) . No Journal Tomorrow Tomorrow will be Thanks No edition oT The Even Journal will be printed. giving Day. tng The editorial, the business and the advertising depart ments will be closed. In short, it will be a full holiday for everyone con nected with this paper. J Nil INDICTMENT IN HALL MURDER Mrs. Gibson Meets Rector's Widow While on Way to Testify NO REAL EVIDENCE: PAM RF RFOPFNFD L.AIN DC KCUmHEU SOMERVTLLE. X J.. Nor. 29— ... .. .. Having considered the Hmii-Mius ] murder mystery for five deys and : concluded its deliberations in an at mosphere flbtlnglv dramatic the r5 r , n d Jury last °"" <1 .T, .* evening adjourned without find ng * n indictment. A l.lile • o clock, the foreman. A . made this statement: " For rwon > which to them seem sufficient and c " n,r " "* ' * 'L,.^ Jury took no action m i ' i"" tSTdM. not „ ov * r ,I hl * ..nnoT be 'Tken un again by "hi. or l sub.e k '' P ■ 0r "Thus t" Gränd Jury wrot. th. wo ™ t0 the dran ,at;c inquiry into the killing of the Rev Ed ward Wheeler Hall, rectot of the ;:"c •s.'wx Eleanor Mills, a singer In the ohurch choir. Thus, too, was Azariah Beekman, prosecutor of Somerset county, tri i umphant over Wilbur A. Mott, spe ap For the cial deputy attorney general, pointed to handle the case. Jury decided as Azariah had «aid it would weeks onc ® * prophet was honored in hi® own, And while the jury deliberated—[ {or the whole of the day in fact— Mrs. Frances Stevens Hall, widow ot, tbc rector, eat within twenty feet j ot t h e jury room door. Just across the corridor. Her attorney, Timothy j Pfeiffer, sat with her. as did Miss Sallie Peters, her friend, For forty-five minutes towardjthe (Continued on rage Two.) _■ NAME TREE FOR HARDING. Students of the 6-A das. of No. chestnut The Th!« tree was chosen to he called the Harding tree, because horse chestnut signifies "Buckeye," Ue nick name of President «ard- 1 9 School have named a tree after President Harding. free stands on Eighth street above West, ing's native State, Ohio. I * I PLUMBERS ADMIT MEMBERS. The recently organized Master Plumbers' Association held Its sec ond meeting in the rooms of the Manufamurers' Association In the Law building last night. Several new members were admitted to membership. Before starting any definite program the association plans to get as many members as possible. «.dial DELAWARE LODGE I. O. O. F. DANCE Thanksgiving evening. Eden Hall. Prizes In gold. The Peerless Or chestra. Admission 60c.—Adv. l ni tod States to Protest French Advance in Ruhr; Troops to Stay on Rhine WASHINGTON, Nov. 29 (United; Press).—The French embassy today Issued a statement denying reports I hat France had decided to seize the Ruhr Valley In Oermany If Germany, falls to meet her next reparations ' The French government has In •tructed the French embassy to deny rumors and report that the French government has decided to seise the Ruhr Valley," the state ment declared. payment. 2*.—The By A. L. BRADFORD. United Press Staff Correspondent. |Nsv, I United States may act If the French goveminent finally decides vade the rich Ruhr Valley to force Germ«ny to pay the next reparations WASHINGTON. In payment. Should the French cabinet Issue definite order* to Marshal FerdI nerd Foch to Invade Germany, the probable results here, according well-informed quarters, would be 1. A frenzied appeal by Germany HANOVER TO LAV STONE OF Ceremony at Noon Tomor row, After Union Thanks giving: Service OTTO ALS TX l^A-SSLST The cornerstone of the new Hin Presbyter'.en Churoh, Boule over vard and Elgbtaenth street, will be la.d erm octorw sieniiac following » Thankaglvlng service In the unlon This union Thanksgiving •fctBBh. - ' ' ' S service will he participated In by the congregations of Holy Trinity Luth er««», Peninsula Methodist Protesi McCabe and Eastlalee Methodist ant. and Eastlake and Hanover Preeby terian churchee. The R->v. Leonard B. Smith, pastor of the Peninsula MelhodIst Protestant Church .will be t[je preaC her. Pastore of the other cooperating churches will take part in the program. It ie expocted that the sornerstone laying exercises will begin at 11 0 . cI<M;k It win be In charge of the Re ,. Charles H. Bohner, pastor of Hanorer. aaalated by offlc!ala of the church. The atone Is to be placed M |he BouJev . rd , nd Eighteemh street corner of the building. It will be the third cornerstone to be laid by Hanover congregations, the first having been In the old building at Flfl » 'hlch was occupied bv tne congregation shortly " f,er > r «• orgsn,xed. on. hundred * nd " rty „ yeB 7 a *°' <h s eecond In (Continued on Pare Twelve.) ' NFFIIY WH I MflT JlLLLI I II ILL 1 "U I BE FORGOTTEN Baskets of Edibles Will Be Taken to Many Poor Families SPECIAL DINNER AT STATE HOSPITAL To the end that the more unfort unate of the city may be provided with a Thanksgiving dinner, the aoveral «*"•"*. fraternal, religious ttnd rlvIc ° r *®n | zAt i or>« of the city and vicinity have arranged for the distribution of baskets of Thanks * ivln K cheer. The distribution will P'*« '">* *'ening and tomor row morning, when committees of res. the dents and carry to them edibles for their Thanksgiving dinners. Those who are in the eeveral homes and institutions will not be forgotten as the fr.ends and officials of the institutions have provided special menus for tomorrow'« din ner. The distribution of baskets of food, milk and dainties for babies and Invalids will be among the «pe dal acts of the several committees. Beside the good things to eat the inmate« of soipe of institution« will be entertained ln the afternoon and evening by the presentation of musical and literary programs. Provision has been made for one (Continued on Page Twelve) to the United States government to do something to save the situation. 2. Representations hy the United States to France against such dras tic action on the grounds that It conetituta a danger to the entire European situation. The belief In Washington today Is such a final decision on the part of to throw the entre plight of Europe France would tênd more than ever up to the United States. Official advices had not been re ceived here today of the decision to seize the Ruhr reported In Paris to have been taken by the French Oot ernment Dispatches stated that Mer plane for ae'.ron In the Ruhr and that France had notified the Allies of her i decision. filial Foch had been Instructed to lay tlon on the Rhine will not he return ed to the 1 nlted Pistes for the pres ent "because of »n Important reason In connection with foreign affaire 1 (Continued on rage Seven) The American Army of Occupa - committo: hacks BUTLER FOR BENCH 5* i M 7* " r ] ■ aBdX U SW ; . : : j ; WASHINGTON. Senate Judiciary rommittss yestsr . nominated by Preeldent Hardin, to bs an Associate Justio* ot ths 8u prMn . Court. FavorabI „ acUon waa take „ after , he commlt tea had decided that s complaint filed with It reining to -character as to warrant an investl gatton. TURKEYSHANG ABOUT GO CENTS / PIERCE BUTLER. 29. — The Nov. day recommended conflrmbatlon of Pleroe Butler, 8t. Paul attorney. 3 CENTS PER POUND Poultry and produce markets wer» Many buyers expectin* Many in Markets, But Light Buying of Thanksgiving Bird CHICKENS FALL OFF crowded with Thanksgiving shop pers today, » «roP In '»«Price of turkeye. the principal element ln the Th.nksgiv to do their buying. the noble bird remained almost sta in $i dinner, held oft until the laat However, tionary es far as his price was con cerned. Some dealer« were selling tur keys at 6n cents a pound, but the general price was from 60 to 80 cent» Despite the crowds in the market, turkeys at least were not selling like the traditional hot cal^s. Chiokna. ducks and geese seemed to b- th- fort of the buyer. Chick en* were selling from 32 to 40 cent. a'pound. This ts three cents low lowest Drice yesterday than the lowest price yeeteraay which was 35 cents. Geese brought 38 to 45 cents, and duck* 38 to 40 This is a slight the-low prier for ducks I er Increase on (Continued on Page Twelve.) A GN SLAYING OF GREEK CHIEFS Pressure to Be Brought After Execution of Six Yesterday STATESMEN, GENERAL SHOT BY FIRING SQUAD IX>NDON. Nev. t* (United Prem) —Great Britain today suspended re execution yesterday of »lx ministers cabinet which fall when King Constantine abdicated. It was latlons with Greece because of tha of flclally announced British mlnlatar Iindley ■was or dered to Lausanne to confer wlrh Lord Curzon. foreign .««cre-tar;. upon further drastic action toward the Greek government. ATHEN«. Nov. 29.— (U nlted Press )—Great Britain will attempt to prevent the execution of addt tionaJ Greek leaders. It Is believed here today. The British minister is hurl-yln* to Lausanne to confer with Lord Curzon In reference to -Britain's fu ture action and particularly about Andrew, a relative of the British royal family. Prince Andrew brother of King Constantine, Is one of the leaders courtmartlaled In Athens for his part In the defeat«f the Greek army Turks wlrom sentence haj* not yet been passed. Prlnoe Andrew 1« a brother-in-law to Lord Louis Mountbatten hie -wife being Princess Alice, Lord Mount-* mitten's elder sister. It le thought that financial pres sure might be brought on Greece If It la found neoeseary to Intervene to prevent further »xeeu- Vena. It (United Nov. LAUBANN*. Press).—A break In the friendship aetween the Turks end. the French today three'.ened the Neer Kaetern oonferenee with fuffter dleruptloo. Tnrklsh leaders are exceedingly bitter at what they oall France's betrayal of them et the parley meet ings. them to expeat co-operation, where as M. Barrere and his colleagues are supporting the British on many polnl* Latest developments In the eli flelde dispute between tbs Turk» and the British show the letter un willing to make any move of retreat They claim the French lead „ , , _ Special Church Service^ tnd r of c. to attend (Continued on Peg" Twelve ) VARIED PROGRAM Athletic Events for Thanksgiving MEMORIAL MASS Thanksgiving Daw will be observ ed as a holiday throughout thla city and State tomorrow. Banks, the pnstotfice and offices ln the county and city departments of the Public Building will be closed. Praotically every Industrial plant will «hut down for the day. Dances and parties, both public and private, will usher in the holiday tonight. Thanksgiving services' will be held In the churchs. ln many In stances three or four churches com bining for union services. All pub lic schools will be closed this af ternoon until Monday. Many are having special exercise* oday ln celebration of Thanksgiving. Of special Interest to the student« of the Wilmington High School will bethe annual football g* m e between, the high school and alumni team«. This will be played at Harlan fiel i at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. Many lovers of the «po t here will witness the game between t'ornc:! and Penn tomorrow at Philadelphia. This Is the annual Thanksgiving Day: classic between the two te»tu*. Many Wilmlngtonions wllj spend; the day with relatives and friend« I out of town. Tra na on th • Delaweretl and Maryland divisions tv -o crowd- I (Continued oq Page Twelve.) i ___ our Classified Advert «log Dep* ' ment. Look through the claea.fl.d adve. and It your narne l. to the Journal office a«d receive fire, tickets for two (war tax pa production. Helen.' . , , , p« ra e.,. • Chadwick. In A Virgin a a<L , «t the Majestic, and Sher.o-k Holmes," at the Ar T.utrsUajri night. See Page 11 today. SEE THE MOVIES TOMORROW Invitations to the Movies «re ex tended to six persons today through