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The Evening Journal The Weather Increasing cloudiness, followed by! rain late tonight and Sunday: not I much change In temperature; mod I crate northwest and north'shifting j to east winds. 20,362 Circulation Yeaterday I Non-Returnable LATE NEWS EDITION WILMINGTON. DELAWARE. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1922 18 PAGES TWO CENTS THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. NO. 149 ANDREW OF GREECE MA Y FACE FIRING SQUAD; CITY MURDER VICTIM WAS ITALIAN COBBLER OBEDIENCE TO LAW IS URGED BT COOLIDGE Vice - President Addresses Meeting of Educators at Longwood GREATER RESPECT FOR AUTHORITY IS NEEDED n I I ■ ■Æ *1 ;• • g %■ fm M! % \ :c ; • I i I. m % DR. LIVINGSTON F ARRAN D, President of Cornell University, who was elected president of the Asso ciation of Colleges and Preparatory Schools, • requisite of democracy was vigor ously emphasized by Vice-President Calvin Coolidge. of the United) States, In an address yesterday *f-j tornoon to tbe delegates attending! the convention of the Association of Coleges and Preparatory Schools of and) were guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. S. •'uPont. at their country estate. Mr. -olldg spoko from the platform In tha main hall of the horticultural ronaervntorles. More than 800 men) and women were In the audience, representing colleges and schools (Continued on Page Nine) tha Middle Atlantic States Maryland. Tho Vice-President and educators 4 MILES ESCAPES PLOTTING CHARGE Evidence of Having Carried Dynamite for Bridge Unsatisfactory CONVICTED MAN ONLY WITNESS Luther Mills, alleged to have been a participant In the railroad strike ! plot to dynamite the Fourteenth , street bridge of the Railroad Company the latter part of August, was dismissed by Judge Hastings In Municipal Court this ^morning, on a charge ot conspiracy. Pennsylvania Robert G. Harman was attorney for Mills. .-Evidence given by two of the five nfrn now serving time In the work house for conspiracy in connection with the dynamiting plot was holtf by Judge Hastings as insufficient on which to hold Mills for court. The two sentenced conspirators who les tided at tbe Mills hearing were Lionel M. Phillips and Robert Pratt. the hos Continued on Page Five. NOSE. THROAT CLINIC. It was announced by officials of the Homeopathic Hospital today. that starting next week pltal will conduct a nose and throat clinic every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon starting at 2.30 o'clock. Dr. Fred VV. Smith of Philadelphia will be in charge of the clinic. All will be performed on operations Tuesday. TODAY'S TEMPERATURE At The Evening Journal Office. 12.01 P. M.. .48 1.00 P. M.. .4» 8.00 A. M.. .43 10.00 A. M.. .4« SUN AND TIDE. .7.04 A. M. .4.35 P. M. Head of Christiana. High water. .11.15 A. M. 1141 P. M. 6.15 P. M. Sun rises Sun sots .. . Low water ., 5.40 A. M. LOST. with tatting, Wed LOST—Brown shuttle Corner 23rd and Lamotte Sts., nesday, Nov. 29. Mrs Saxton. 802 Wash ington 81. Phono 7293. dcc2-lt. (Continued on Pago Seventeen.) I ! had of Moslem Faith ■ ttii 2 •'< $ ; i* I..; a Here Is an Intimate photo of the new spiritual head of millions of Mohammedans. Ahd ul-Medjid. former heir apparent to the Turk throne. With the abdication of his father, the «tiltan, Abd uI-MedJld succeeded to the Caliphate but without the political power which had prevlous.y been joined to this important religious office. Hero the new caliph is shown . . . . . ujia his daughter, his only child. -—j • y.m r : kW ■ {Br « s* V" ■ f i * LAUSANNE NEAR GREEK PRINCE ON DEADLOCK STAGE; TRIAL FOR LIFE ■ Questions of Straits. Fron- Andrew Accused of Dis tier and Oil Far From obeying Order While Turk Settled j Army Attacked TURK POPULATIONS fQ SHIFT GREEK j i Press).—The Lausanne conference. deadlocked on the questions of the •straits, the Mosul oil conceselons and European frontier, today considered a six weeks recces beginning Decern ber 15. Th # adjournment would permit _ . _ , . . , , . I sm «t Pasha, Turkish leader, to con oflsuH with the Angora government onj (United LAUSANNE. Dec. tho controversies and other disputed points. The conference under the plan would be resumed at the close ot the Brussels meeting. Tchtcherln. the Russian foreign minister, arrived here late last night accompanied by Delegate Medivlnt. He outshone even Mussolini In the elegance of his attire. Neither members of the press nor the public were allowed to approach the two Russians who were Im mediately rushed to the Hotel Savoy to Join Rakowskl and Vorowskl. The age-old Gordian knot of the Oreco-Turklsh confl'cta in Asia Minor was out when the conference lAMF^k R MANN ■irUmiAJ 11. ITl/Vlill decided upon a scheme of whole sale exchange of the civil popula tions of the two countries. If nec Continued on Page Five. NATION HONORS WASHINGTON, Dec. Press)—Highest honors of the gov 2. (United ernment and of Congress were paid the memory ot the late Representa tive James R. Mann of Chicago in funeral services at 2 o'clock this afternoon In the House ot Repre sentatives. The service was (he first of the kind at the capitol since the death former Speaker Champ Clark of Missouri, two years gao. The body ot the veteran Illinois legislator was placed on a satafalque i n front of the rpeaker's rest room. The ceremony was brief. The House chaplln. the Rev. James S. Montgomery delivered an invoca tion and a short funeral sermon was given by the Rev. Dr. Freeman, pastor of the church which Mann attended. tonight. j The body will be taken to Chicago MISTREATING WIFE In Municipal Court this morning. John Mack, Negro, was fined $25 and costs on ft charge of assault and battery on his wife. His wife said that ho "slung her across the street" and then knocked her down. "He has never treated me as a wife since we were married," tho Negress said. LEAGUE WOMEN SEE PLAY' Members of tho Co-Opemtlve League were guests at the matinee of "Within The Law" at tho Gar rick Theatre, on Wednesday, the guests of Manager Webber. Mrs. J. M. Collins accompanied tbe parly. SIT IN JUDGMENT to the glory of the Hellenes, went brother faced a eourt martial composed of revo lutlonarlee who sentenced cabinet member# and the Gree* war leaders who were executed, He is cbar( - e d with disobeying or ders i^ued by Gen. Pa pay ou las for 2 (United Press 1* ATHENS. Dec. —Prince Andrew, a leader In the Constantine effort to restore Greece tbe six an attack at Polatli. where he com manded an army division during the disastrous defeat of the Greek armies by the Turks In the recent war. wan crowded with The room revolutionaries and sympathizers of former King Constantine as the trial began. Great crowds, excited by the trials and executions, milled out Princess Alice, wife of Andrew, sat side. by the side of the prisoner. The Prince will be allowed only live witnesses to refute the -accusa tions, It was announced. ATHENS. Dec. 2 (United Press), —Ten Greek steamers have been «ent from Piraeus to Samsoun for refugees, under orders to be on guard against the seizure of the ships by the Turks. At Constantinople an officer of the Near East relief will take over each American destroyers will assist a the embarkation at Sameoun. R. T. COCHRAN DEAD; ! MOTHER NOT Robert T. Cochran died yester attack of acute Indl day from an gestion at his home In East Orange, He was formerly ot Mlddle where his mother lives. N. J. Mr. town, Cochran was about 50 years of age He was the son of the late Thomas Cochran and a grandson ot the late R. Thomas Cochran. He left Middletown 30 years age and subsequently became engaged in a large wholesale produce busl ln New Y'ork, which business he time ot his ness conducted until the death. Mr. Cochran is survived by his widow, several children, his mother Mrs. Mrs. and Mrs. G. Burton Pearson of New ark, His mother is living with Mrs. Warren and has been seriously 111 about two months. Because of that fact she has not been Informed of the death ot her son. Maggie Cochran, two sisters Oka Warren of Middletown SHUT POLICEMEN. Patrolman Roy Palmer, who has been doing traffic duty at Sixth and Market streets, has been transferred the police garage, taking the pince of Chauffeur Littleton Bishop, who was ordered to street duty by the Department of Public Safety. Bishop has been assigned to traffic duty at Sixth and Market streets. to it Pencl's. Pens. Eng. Free. Brofsky'e, 825 Mkt. —Adv. Waterman Eversharp LOCAL COAL MEN CONFIRM PRICE RAISE Says Increase Is Based on Increasing Cost of Fuel at Mines NEW FIGHT BEFORE TAX COLLECTED Confirming statements In these column« yesterday, the Coal Commission today announced retail prices of anthracite coal, ef-1 feetlve December 1, until further notice as follows: Egg .$14. Î5 per 2.000 lbs. Stove . 14.25 per 2.000 Ibe. Chestnut Pea. 11.65 per 2,000 lbs. nM * " JT pHce^'for There are net cash prices for ^oo " nd. wMI b^rhsrred wh^ 'S*, d st«temen7the ( 'oal 1» carried. In a stetement the icommiision fays: -These pncee are based on the In rrea*ln* rout of coal to the dealer*. Delaware . 14 26 per 2.000 lbs. due to the f. o. b. mine prices of the Independent operators, as awarded by the Fair Practices Committee* of the Pennsylvania Fuel Commission. ton in excess of the original m*3tl mum price set by the Pennsylvania Ku . P ipof the present coa, e. XJFull apparent that, although there (Continued on Pag» Eleven ) ESCAPING GAS RIELS WOMAN Miss Harriett M. Allen Found Dead in Her Room macc ATTACHED llv/JL nt mvsiiLLi TO STOVE BROKEN Miss Harriett M. Allen, aged 58 1 years, who lived with her brother i George E. Allen, at street, was found dead In bed this morning shortly after having been asphyxiated during the night by illuminating gas from » broken hose attached to a cook stove in the room. o clock. 2120 Market Prior to retiring last night. Miss Allen put a piece of meat in the pot on the stove and lighted the gas turning it down to allow the meat to simmer during the night, to bt used for soup today. The flames may have caused the pot to boll over, putting the fire ou| _ „„ th( , waa extinguished . hjj) morning There was a broken place in thslfour hose, also, that apparently had been , eu t at some time, and the gas is j said to have also leaked from it. | Deputy * and Bullock Coroner Nichols made an investi gation this morning. Coroner MR. WANAMAKER RESTS EASY TODAY PHILADELPHIA Pa.. Dec. 2 — (United Press.)—"There was no per ceptible change In tho condition of John Wanatnaker during the night" his physicians announced early to day In a bulletin from the aged mer-, chant's bedside, waa taken ill about two months ago While staying at his summer estate^ near Jenklntown and was brought to his home here to bo nearer medical altttentlon. Though his malady Is diagnosed as a cold, hia advanced age and its long duration make his Illness seri ous. Mr. Wanatnaker Mr. Wanamaker continued to lose his illness. His three vitality yesterday and took on a grave aspect, physicians were by his side through Late last nigh!; a Issued stating. "Mr. out the day. bulletin wa« YVanamaker's condition shows Im provement In every way." He passed a comfortable night and was resting easy today. SBUO FOR SCHOOL LIBRARY'. The pupils of No 24 contributed about J600 to the fund for the school library, have been holding bake sales, >and selling candy aVd pencils to belli the fund. •hool have The students For Clover Dairy Safe Milk phone 1640-1541.—Adv. \ ■ HIS PLEA TO MAKE PUBLIC SCHOOLS BEST Should Be No Room for Private Institutions, Says Dr. J. H. Odell SPROUL R APS OREGON PRIVATE SCHOOLS BAN , Dr. Jossph H. Odell, prealdem of ) the Delaware School Auxiliary, stir red the Aseocfatlon of Colleges and Preipsrafory School* of the Middle States and Marland to ita very core last night by a ringing declaration that the public school system of the United State* should be made so good there would be no need for private ecbool*. H,e declaration, flung directly into the midst of three hundred men and women most of whom are head* of or faculty members of private edu cational Institutions, was met for the moment with intense alienee. Then came a burst of sonorous applause, the heartiest of any all the evening ■ WÊi C.overnor William C. Sproul. of! Ponnsyhanla. scored as "tyranny of the organised minority of Oregon in voting at the recent election for a proposed law to abolish prlvar.e and parochial schools. His ^declaration, too. elicited applause. For two hours the delegates to the association s convention heard a series of addresses which seldom ha* been equalled In Wilmington. The addresses, or rather toasts, served as an eloquent desert-:o the banquet of the organitatlon. heb; in the main) (Continued on Pago Nine) NEW SCHOOLS ARE GREAT NEED Governor Denney Makes Another Appeal for Modern Buildings ASKS CO-OPERATION IN EDUCATION WEEK Special to The Evening Journal, statement relativ» to Educational relativ» to Education.. Week, to stimulate, If possible .» greater Interest- In Education throughout Delaware. words represent the govern mental problems of paramount In tere.Ht to the people of Delaware for th» past four years, name y. road and achools. We have now about i 365 miles of modern hard surface We have on the other hand. \ few examples of modern ; DOVER. Dec. 2—Governor Denney has Issued the following additional ; "Tw only a school buildings for white children. I Our need for an almost entire re newat of our «-bool building, .throughout the State within the next or live years, is insistent. It 1« I fortunate, therefore, at this time that through the co-operation of the American Legion, th? Federal Bu reau of Education and the Nationa. ! Educational Association, the week extend ng from December 3 to road. 9. next, is set apart for the special consideration of the educational needs of the Nation, because ot the opportunity it affords us of taking • SKE TICK MOVIES MONDAY*. Invitations to the Movies are ex tended to six persons today through our Classified Advert'slug Depart Look through the classified (Contlnued on Page Eleven.) | ment. advs. and If your name Is there come to the Journal office and receive free tickets for two (war tax paid) to, the special production. "The at the Queen and the Arcadia, See page 17 today. V Good Provider." Dusk to Pawn." Monday night. at f T DAN£ Till. 1 C\\A •fH I ; , j ; is I © i « *4 r *»* PB?HAP45 VOU CAWMdT GWEALOT, gjr MAKE DAM WOI2TA WHILE, OWSï EÆeVOUS.OH OX&ÇTMMi MO01, CAM DAMP TWE WOßU> A SMILE , V_ îîi _ j 1 1 Rocco pettruzelli is SLAIN MAN; HA CKED, LEFT IN MARSH, THEN BURNED KILLED MAN SHE LOVED; Oliva Stone, Acquitted, Fights Attempt to Balk Suicide SAYS LIFE HOLDS NOTHING E0R HER Dee. 2.—(United P. Stone killed A Jury found NEW TORK, Press».—Olivia M thy man she loved justification for her act and held that she should again take her place In , or „ tv . But within eight months af (er h ; r 1|beratlon Mi „ stonf , |« n ow dgman(Jtnc that ghe b , permitted to d)p eb ,. gpurng «he fought, ah# ha* found worse Khan j eatb -Everythin« that was dear to me haj ; from m Ilfe - , g lhg dying of |he nurae ag ghe rH e™ to Guv Klnkald former corpora ; tlon ot Cincinnati, with nhe Uved „ CO mmon law wife The life spard her by the Jury The freedom for which and then shot to death when he left her Miss Stone wsa cheered by a great crowd In a Brooklyn court when her acquittal was announced, women stopped her on the street congratulate her. Then the drams ended. worl#whose laws she had defied be She became a wallreaa In For months the strug Men and The tragedy of living In gan. reataurant. gle went on Olivia Stone was swal lowed up In the vastness of New Miaa Stone had York. Late Friday ehe appeared again She took a room at a Broadway Hotel, heard. the bed In pain. Continued on Page Nine. Soon afterward groans wer« She was found writhing or _ jq K ILLED IN SYMRNA RIOTING _ , PARI8, D * c * ' wm*,V m nfty p ,, rgona have been killed In noting In Smyrna, following expul «Ion of Greeks, L'Intransigeant de dared lo<lay_ Previous dispatches from A declared that the Turksi and Or alike were staging violent demon ■•ration* In favor of return of th Greek exiles. _ , CIvlKan« clashed with Kama _ troop* resulting In 300 casualties, the Athens dispatches said. Turks and Greeks protesting ex pulsion of the latter claim that the policy 1. wiping out the social and economic life of the city and terrl tory IN HOSPITAL AFTER THREAT TO POISON family spat, last night, threatened j to poison himself, j Returning to the room shortly 1 afterward Mrs. Vajal found her bus band evidently very sick and sum [ molted the police ambulance, which j look him to the Homeopathic Hos pltal. Carmine Vajal. 33 years. 214 East Second street. In the course of a taken poison, but the hospital tu thorities decided to take no chances ; and applied the stomach pump. At the hospital this morning If j was said that although Vajal's con ( dltlon is not serious he will be de tained awhile for observation. Vajal Insisted that he had not THREATENED TO SHOOT HER, WIFE CHARGES Charged by hns wife with breach ! of the peace. Wllmer Hartenstein j was held under a $300 pence bond by! I Judge Hasting In Municipal Court ' ! this morning Mrs. Hartenstein said 1 that her husband has threatened to shoot her. turn the gas on «>»<1 j cause her asphyxiation, and stab her with a knife. Hartenstein denied the • charges and explained that cart I ridges that his wife had spoken of i nro held by him as momentos of the late war . D. O. K. K. DANCE Tonight, 9 to 12. Pythian Castle Prizes. THE KIMMET ORCHESTRA I —Adv. Brother of Slain Man Identifies Body. Left Washington Lately to Become Partner With Garo Sebastino In Shoe making Shop at 2921 Market Street. Had Not Been Seen Since Saturday Night When He Went to Theatre. Was Worried Over Money Affairs. POUCE QUESTION PARTNER; SUSPECT BLACK HAND OF CRIME Sn|M'rlntciulcni of P«»llnr lilnrk and <'t|)Uln of DotfotlrPa Robert »Î. Boiwon early thk» «ffrrnoon annoiiTieed tlutt they were that tl»«' man found hacked io death with a lu» tel mi and iiUnWlw ninttlatod tki the mar*l»c* nrnr the plant of the Delaware Knirineerlnir (V>mpanjr on Thurs day Knott Pefni*elll, a *hor»n«ker of 2924 Market street, thla dtf. Identin« at Ion wh* nim|r at tike viiorgue by Trank Pdnudll. of TVaali tnirton. I). (' . a brother of tlie oobbler, who inmr here tlda inomlnir after reading of tho find in*: of the body of a man w«irln* Hothe« marked with the name of a AVaahInffton rJothlnirdealer. the Young Men * ( lothIn« Store. Pet Oaio Sebastino. partner of ruezelli at the Market street address, admitted under examination At the detective headquarters that he wai* w:ih Petruzelll last .Saturday night. attending a after He said that theatre he had walked up Market street to Seventh street, and h» then left Ilocco. Shortly before 2 o'clock Sab astlno was taken to the morgue by Detectives Mahoney and Vlrden to altow him to view the body ot his late partner. According to brothers of the deiyl man they think tha murder was the outcome of a "Black Hand" feud as Rocco appeared to be worried when he was in Washington. Prlor to the arrival 6f the brother Detectivea of Petruzelll. however, Mahoney and Vlrden who were as signed to the case la« Thursday, had raached the conclusion that the been a slain man. whose body had partly consumed by This suspicion flame*. was was Petruzelll. strengthened yeaterday when the de tectives showed the remnant* of the clothing worn by the man found murdered, to hie associates and they said they reaembled those worn by Petruzelll. Petruzelll. according to residents In the vlrlnlty ot th* Mar j (et Rrwt shoe shop, has been miss ing since last Saturday night. At that time he was seen leaving the shop with Garro Sebastino. a ! partner in the shoo repairing busl ness at thst place, to go to a thaa tre. tlfylng of the dead man was fur-, nished In the mark* of tho Wash cIothlns dealer on the coat ^* rn , he murder victim and the • of , he r io aner in this city. tho Eagle Dye Works, at Sixth ave l nu( . and Duncan atraet. Th? dyers Bald th ^ y had clMn ed the clothes f a c , faner an Ita i|an. living Weat Twenty-ninth street, near Mar ket street. The cleaner, however, ac cording to the police, kept no record Qf he clean , d . but by show . (hp clotbM to residents In that thp detectives learned that Petruzelll. a shoemaker at the Mar-j ket street address, wore a suit that resembled these clothes. I The Investigation then revealed that this man wa. missing and had been for nearly a week. The part ner Sebafitlno wa* questioned but he could threw but little light on th whereabout» of his partner. J As the investigation proceeded, The first clue that led to the iden-1 however the detectives secured a pair of tan shoes from the shop tha: were owned by the missing man as well as a » raw hat. The shoes CHICAGO JUDGE ORDERS TIERNAN COMMITTED TO PSYCHOPA THIC HOSPITAL CHICAGO. Dec. 2 (United Press).] —Professor John P. Tiernan. prln cipal In' the notorious South Bend paternity caae, was ordered to the psychopathic hospital today by Judge Frank H. Righelmer. Tiernan fought to prove that his 'wife's chi d was the son of Harry Poulin, ot South Bend. Later he be came Involved In other matrimonial troubles, The warrant for Tleman's arrest was gigned by Mrs. Francl« Pulaski. gigter „f Mrs Tiernan. _. „p.-eral months ago ac Pou ' lln of beIng the fafhir of 11 ' * , howe ver, the change after a , * al, ", q . ..... »ensatio »a Later Tiernan marri ei . Blanche Brimmer pretty Iowa widow, after being divorced one day The marriage wa» immediately de clare,1 lljcg.i hv the court and Tier-j returned to hla first wife A reconciliation was effected and nan •41 ---— were the same size as those found on th«* dead man and the hat band hore the name of the Washington. T). C., Nothing dealer, whoae name appeared 'on the coat of the man found murdered, Frank and Michael Petruzelll. brother» of the missing man liv ing in Washington, who had await ed the arrival of a letter from their brother here, on reading of the ftnd ing of the body and the clothes bear Ing the name of the Washington dealer, last night called Superin tendent of Police Black by tele phone. In the meantime, however the authorities having reached the conclusion that the dead man was Petruzelll. had wired the brothers to come her# and they arrived this morning. Accompanied by til* detective* the brothers went to the morgue and viewed the remain». According to tho police, they Identified th# body os that of their brother and identified the clothes he wore. With thl« information the detec tives hurried to police headquarters and It was then announced that the Identity of tha dead man had been established. The authorities also announced that an arrest was expected within W few hours and later Sebastino. the partner of Petruzelll was taken to police headquarters to be queationed. owing to his Inability to speak Eng j tgh boW ever, is was decided to ** cure an Interpreter. The police are Inclined to think the murdered man was killed In a house on the west side of th* city and hla body wfcw cqrted to tho marshes and there eet afire. This belief Is held because of th# fact that the hatchet wa# the only weapon found near the body, where as a voat lying a ln;away. and which was not the same size a* one worn by the dead man. had been slashed as If with a sharp knlf». . «Hfl r " tho man was murdered he waa en gaged in a fight and that th* vest was worn by another man who may have been cut by the olein man. The police believe that Petruzalll wa* lured to a house following a theatre performance last Saturday night and attacked and that aftar he had been felled with a stllleto n& wa* carried in an automobile or other vehicle to the marsh and there mutilated with a hatchet, hla mur short dl«once The police are eure that before derer or murderers planning to ob literate all facial resemblance by hacking away at the man s face with Continued on Page Five. the former Notre Dame professor declared that he would be a father {0 thp ch ,| d wbog ^ parentage was questioned. Mrs. Pulaski took charge of the Tleman house during the time when Tiernan was reported to have eloped w | tb Mrs. Brimmer and refused to Jet e i tb er of the Tlornans *alk with newspaper men. On Thanksgiving T»ay told the Unhed Press over the tele phone that he was very much In love with Mrs, Brimmer, Tiernan recently declared that he had signed a contract with a New York concern to make a ectnra tour. He said he waa to be b Hod as "Ib-of essor Tiernan on Emotion. Mrg Brimmer was today reported to be on her way to Chicago to fight ™ "freedom." fo ■ unable to ", . locate Tiernan up to 11 a. nv R port, were that he had left the altg during tbe n.ghC Tiernan