Newspaper Page Text
The Evening Journal The Weather Increasing cloudiness tonlghl, prob- ]i ably followed by snow or rain Sun-!' day, slowly rising temperature. Mod-j| erate east and southeast winds. Circulation Yeaterday I V . « Non-ReturnabU =.'1 LATE NEWS EDITION TWO CENTS. 16 PAGES. WILMINGTON, DELAWARE, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1022 THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. NO. 172 FRANCE MAY BAR INTERVENTION IN EUROPE; U. S. READY TO CALL ECONOMIC CONFERENCE TO ORGANIZE LEGISLATURE BN TUESDAY Democrats Have Already Made Most of Nomina tions for Clerkships fO INSIST ON BILLS GETTING IN EARLY Member* of the Legislatue will go •o Dover Monday afternoon to make final plana In caucus that night for organising both branches of the timers] Assembly on Tuesday. The Democrats, having a majority In both the Senate and House wl!l or ganize both branches and name the various clerks. Most of this pr*-1 Ilminary work was attended to two! ago at a conference of the Democratic members-elect in Dover, weeks when Senator Charles D. Murphy, of Harrington, was elected for Presi dent pro-tem of the Senate and Rep résentative Samuel X. Culver, of Delmar. for speaker of the House. Practically all the clerks of both •ranches have also been agreed on. ut the Democratic members in cau • us »Monday night will probably name an attorney for each branch. William Bauliburjr, of Wilmington,! -Hid to h- a candidate for attorno of either the Senate or House. F j*ome years it has been customary tor both thp president pro-tem and lit# speaker to have a clerk, but there ha.s been talk of eliminating! »hat office this session on the ground that it is a needless waste of money, Those, however, who arc familiar with the work of the Delaware leg islature in recent years, contend that the presiding officers of each branch reed a clerk to keep various records of bills for him, and it is predicted that such clerk» will i*e named next Tuesday. W. Truxton Boyce, of Stanton, chairman of the New Castle Continued on Paga Nine. ASK MONEY AID FOR CITY NEEDY Associated Charities Appeals ... « for Money to Carry on j W/ or l» WU,K BUDGET IN HAND LESS THAN HALF OF Urgent need for financial aid for (»»it by the officers of that organiza ti It depends on public contributions to meet the expenses of Its loud able work, but the money is not forthcoming as generously as neceaaary to carry on the various relievîng Buffering* ' *" Thus far the contribution« * .hand equal only 45 per cent of the| budget requirements. am ' ,| n' ,>s, there Is a quirk and substtnt .il rg «pense the Associated Charities will not be able to meet many intpera-; live and deserving demands upon, •h. organization. The following let-1 «r ha» been i«.«ued: "To Our Friend.«: If you have not xent u« your contribu tion for this winter's work w# will appreciate it if you will do xo xoon a# you can conveniently. "Juxt now the demand« on us are greater than ever before, ex cept last year, and the auffering ix intensified by the fuel ehort 12.91 r. M. .33 1.00 P. M..34 ....7.22 A. M P. S;. 9.45 P. M. 5.00 r. M. - -> age. "Tour asslsatnce is our only means of support. "Please make your cheek—or Associated pledge—payable t i"harltles and send !t to 602 West street. "Very truly yours. "Charles I„ Patter«' President., ".irlan G. S. ott. "■"'-—an Finance Com." Tty., .. • Tl.MPUIt.Vn RE At Tile Evening Journal Olfire. 8.09 A. M. .25 10.90 A. M..30 SUN AND TIDE. Sun rises ... 4.42 Sun set.« . Ilcml of ( liristiann. High water. ,9.25 A. M. Low water..4.20 A. M. I.OST—A tweed belt, between Fifth «11141 Market and Ninth and Orange Bta ' " P< rl'untv ^Engineer «'^Office. * County dec30-!t. IAJST (•> Bide (Continued on Page Fifteen.) |«s. =i! arts Hear Christians Cram luistern Thrace •i m — - . tot!? } V f 5S ' » !' : * i * ■ PfPI ; ■' rV H* -* X: ■ > 'S, - * :r ,. •> * i yir t À- i Æ •SkV' > '# •«i m ■ % f ♦.••.it'.' . %■ : V U \ ' ''^ V^ £.'; 'Zf* - T'iling all their worldly good« In ox-car:*, the Chriftianx of western Thrar#» started to leave the country when news reached them that the Mudania agreement iiad permitted the Turks to occupy their country. Here is a picturesque group hound for the Greek border. Holds Woman Clerk Off v While He Takes $100 From Drawyer ESCAPES AFTER DEATH THREAT Entering the otfle* of the Haniil Company. Eleventh and I 'oa 1 to Church streets, yesterday afternoon. a lone bandit at th# point of a re volver. held the clerk. Mix# Aurelia D- Ludwig, at hay, while h# rifled .the rash drawer of ahour $100. then mad# Wa escape, although chased for more than .a mile by other em ployee of the company and a num-l her of hoys. While they did not bring the man to a halt they got a gond description of the bandit which may lead to his Instead of the bandit RTSTfing for the open country he started in a arrest. southerly direction from the darting In and out of alleys, making many turns and finally eluding his pursuers in the neighborhood of Sec *"nd and King streets Despite th# fact that th# man wa« armed and thought to he a desperate character, hia pursuers were at time# very close to him. One of the young men who wa " * ilhln » 1 'ü 0 b " nd jH in the neighborhood of the B. F. Shaw plant at Second and Lombard fContinued on Page Two.) I CHARGE PREACHER WITH RUM THEFT DES MOINES. Iowa. Dee. 39 Mterir^îToYk^ounty'^ '.nd K 'fnrmer , preacher, wa* arrested today eharg-i Pd ^ ith ] arc .» ny an( , Hlepal disposal !of liquor. George Robb, a deputy and broth ! „ of the ,. h p rlrri , VOH a , so arrested on tbp 8amp charge. "j.j, p , w0 arp accused in eonnec-.the tion with the alleged disappearance j of ,30 ' 00n ! worth of liquor front the I county jail. I Mr. Robb became nationally known j w ten he sprang the trap hangtngj two men convicted of murder. The arrest rame on the eve of the| sheriff's retirement from office. He planned to go on the lecture platform after January 1 to speak on "New Evangelism." George W. I.Illy, attorney, today filed a petition in the Vnltsd States District Court asking that the Biril ; Transfer Company, of this city he I adjudged a bankrupt. The tion was signed by Thomas I'. Mar tin. the Hearn Oil Company and James H. and Henry White, trad-) | hK !> s White Brothers Company. The petition sets forth that the dc-| fendont company owes more than $1000 and is insolvent. Judge Morris Ist4ued a rule re tamable on January 12 for the de fendant company to show cause why it should not be declared a bankrupt. Owing to th» court ac-I tion today, the sheriff sale of the company's effects scheduled for this morning, was called off U. S. COURT ACTION STOPS SHERIFF SALE ! ■ —____ , D, g. |, ^ DANCE I Tonight, 9 to 12. Pythian Castle.'mer, [Prize». The KIMMET ORCHESTRA •— Adv. 4 - 637 MORE I RRESTS; EIRE LOSS <3 T / \ HALF; GAIN l\ MM III ILDLYGS J \ 1923 Record Shows 623 Arrests for Drunkenness During Year. Deerease of 9—Police Am - balance Handled 1886 Cases—Damage by Fire Estimated at $230.000—Gain of $o90,334 m Building Over Previous Year LESS RAI\ FEU. IN YEAR. WITH MiRCIf W ETTEST. XOVEMHER DRIEST Police for the year of 1922, The P'Tts of the Bureau nf flth a 'day and a holf yet to run. show* an Increase In arre.ts over 1921 nf #37. The arrests by months were as follows: January. 217; February. 2S8: March. 349: April. 380; May. 42S; .lune. 431; July. 409: August. 414: office.{September. 395; October. November. 495: December. 359 This make* a total for the vear of 4.525. Of thi# number about 400 women nnd girls. The highest number for tot ai rests for drunkenness for th# - year 1921. The 489; report were of orrests e month was in October, with f 480. Th# number of ar year 623. compared with 629 for the police ambulance ghow.t that 1RS6 patient.« were TO ARREST 40 FOR MER ROUGE MURDERS i MER ROUGE, Ij«.. Dec. 30 (United ' VT*' - ^ r,,n *' reni Ç n . e» r.ans ave ,,lannet1 the " ext ,,roke in ,he war . hooded teirotists. Arrest of more than 40 men.! , '"any of Jhem prominent, impends, a* a result of disclosures made inj investigation into deaths ofj Major watt Daniel* and Thomas « Richards, who were beaten, tor-1 | lured and thrown into I.ake Ha j i p- ourche by a masked hand. ! Thp w j, 0 | 0 hooded organization is 'expected to he torn open and Its | exposed at a hearing In I UKSERVES AND SCOUTS' P \RTV 1 secrets Bastrop. Ua., starting January 5. Special to The Evening Journal. CHAT MONT. Dec. 30.—The Girl j Reserves and Boy Scouts of Clay mont enjoyed a party In the com mun'.ty hail at Overlook last even-! ing. The time was spent in playing games and foik dances. Both groups j caV e demonstrations of their codes, at i d slogans. ap P ear in , , '»«rnlng. to answer a charge of be * n S in arrears on a nron-s pp •'> nd a capia " was i!wued for h' 1 " ! A af-r *'*th j There were 17 girls and 14 boys in the party. The Rov. and Mrs. Walter Hearn have returned home having spent the holidays friends and relatives in Wilkes Barre. CAPIAS ITIR BAYLOR. Preston Baylor, Negro, failed to Municipal Court this SENATOR BAYARD TO ATTEND Senator Thomas F. Bayard has ac cepted an invitation to attend the memorial servie for M B .Plum late warden of the New Castle .County Workhouse, at St. Paul's M. E. Church tomorrow evening. handled during th* year of #59 were accident», and 1227 sink cases. In making these runs the ambu:«nr* traveled #,n#7 miles which The police patrol hauled 3.8071 wit-j Mlleage made by all police car*, t Including the ambulance, was! persons. including prisoners. nesses and sick. 41.117 miles. The Bureua of Fires report ft. to tal loss by fir# of approximately $250.000. lev# than half that for th# previous year: number of calls to which they responded. 005: chemi cal« used. 5000 gallons; water pumped. 2 non non gallon.«. The Street and Sewer Department laid 107.19« square yard* of new paving during Ihe year and reaur fared 13.189 square yards of other fContinued on Page Nine) C. R. CHURCHMAN IS PNEUMONIA VICTIM Charles R Churchman. vloe pr "" ient and dir<>c,or of the ront ' Iterday afternoon from pneumonia, ((fr onp wpek . g H „ was 4I ypars o(d Qn Decpmber hrpp VPars a whcn he moved to K!d | ejr ,, ark . He was associated wlth the continental IJf P Jnsurance Company about 14 year.«, almost rince its inception. He was'flrst ent ployed as a clerk and rose to secre tary, actuary and vice-president, which office he assumed three years He was elected a director ofj the company last summer. Mr. Churchman Is survived by his The fullers'll | nental IJfe Insurance Company, died at his home in Ridley Park. Pa., yes Mr. Churchman wa« born in Wil mington and lived here until about a go. wife and four children. will take place from hia late home Monday afternoon with interment In Wilmington and Brandywine | Cemetery, — I i Duties Of parent* toward theT children formed the theme of an: address by C. M. Spargo to member of , he Consistory Cub. at its weekly luncheon-meeting yesterday after l'RGIvS BICTTKR < ITI/il NSlflP. He declared more attention noon. should be given to inculcating light ideals pf citizenship. WoNtenholme was chairman of the George V. meeting. TO DISCUSS LAWS IXJK CITY'. Proposed changes in the Work men's Compensation Act. so that it will apply to city qtnployes who do not now benefit by Its provisions, will he discussed at a meeting of the Mayor's advisory' hoard next Wed nesday afternoon. The proposed new city charter also will he considered. For Clover Dairy ,**af# Milk phon# 1546-1541.—Adv. TURKS ASK PLEBESCITE 1 .Pasha. However, Fails to Answer Allies as to Guarantees NEAR EAST WAR CLOUD STILL H ANGS I»AT "SA VNE. Dsc .10 (United PrMf, I—Turkey ho» met one of the •wo "breaking" polm« of the lau -ann* conference—dispute over Mo janl oil field»—with propnaala for piobeaclte to If th* rich iand«| shall be Turkish or British. On Ihe question or gu»r»ntee» to replace < apittilations. Ismet Pasha ha« yet to reply. from capitulation« and on the aub Ject of Moaul con.ern ng which th- Kenia.:« « I'n.hi , s.iggee.lon ha' "OT . leare.l MIC II. the, »a,1 Ho,,., of winding up the conference by mid-| January has practically vaniahed. Marqui* Cunton, head of the Brit l«h delegation. I» Koine to Parla confer with Premier Bonar La» oa .. . nr | nv rftn ||[[ KtAU Y lUK KING ST. FROLIC \ Mummers to Make Merry ». . - Monday Night Under », I . ... New Lighting MAYOR HARVEY TO BE SPEAKER ' Everything i« ready for the King street celebration on Monday night by the King Street Merchants' Asso elation. Final plans were completed last night hy the executive commit tee, for the affair, which will mark the official turning on of the new lights on King street. Th* program for the evening was adopted last night. It will open with an address hy Frank W. McCoy, president of ihe King Street Mer chants' Assorlati >n. lie will Intro ^ u< <> L' »lohneon. president of the Street and 8ewer Directors, who will spevk of Ihe Improvements to King Mayor Harvey, the principal «peaker of the evening, will follow. Upon the completion of his ad dress, Mayor Harvey will turn off the old light*. There will he a mo ment of darkness, during which patriotic air will b# played. Then the new lights will be turned on. The parade will then begin. It will form at Tenth and King streets, un der the direction of Colonel Stover who Wi " bf m |? h « 1 ' an<1 wI " be Spqrlal to The Evening Journal, NEWARK. Dec. 30.—Students of Delaware College. University nf Del aware, have aided materially thej foreign fund raised by students of colleges and universities of this country for the starving students of various foreign countries. mont * 1 lh * Delaware students did without three meals to assist the nided with a number of assistants. The parade will march to Front and King streets and then counter (Contlmicd on Page Nine.) GO WITHOUT MEALS TO HELP STUDENTS I-ast In this way $135 was movement, saved and Business Administrator A. G. Wilkinson, of the University of Delaware, has Just forwarded check for that amount to the head ,h '* ' _j_jmret , orR ....... „RFD ki iio<»i « and ,n«ur.n^ "Ä for four npw co , orpd * c !,ool build-i ing». built hy the Delwara. School . ... . ... - Auxiliary, with money from the P. ,. . »y . . S. duPont Education Fund. have,;. been sent by the Auxiliary to the State Board of Education, Two of the Schools are located at Berrytown and Jones' Neck. Kent county. amlj two at Blocksom and Frankforl . Susscx county. a BOY' FALLS TWO 8TORIKS. John Bolont. 14, 302 South Adams street, fell from a second story win dow at his home yesterday after noon, sustaining severe bruises to hi« head and »houlder». removed in the polie» ambulance to the Delaware Hosp t»l. He wxx BRITAIN APPROVES U. S. PLAN FOR NEW DEAL ON REPARA FIONS QUESTIONS What Europe Thinks About Suggestion •o geeretftry Hugh*«* propo«*' tlonal repara Kurope in\e * mixed rerepi! of un intern« tlonx ! roniniixeinn »o conxid#r Ime tion*. »«cording to exclusive 1 nlt#d Pr#xx dixpatohex: Welcomed the plan; government circle« enthuxiaitira'ly. It wxx Indicated fï R K AT BRITAIN rere i v #d It Wft Honxr Law would ftdof>t it if the Pxrlx conference of tilled premlerx xgftin faiie ly. the pre FRANCK. Objected xt once to the Hughe« propoxxl. Semi official word wxx «ent out from the Qua! P'f>nxx\ that It wouldn't work: that Germany wouldn't pxv reparattnnx. that It wax unfair to France, who wax moxt Interested to propoxe that a mixed commix ad on conxider the quextlon. OKRMAN'T. While welcoming the propoxal. wa* bu«T with x reparation! plxn nf her own which ehe will offer to the al'ied pre The Cuno government offen to pav forty bll nilerx nxxt Tuxxda.v. lion gold markx. provided th# ailla# or anyone #lx* will loan her twenty billion first. REPARATIONS HUQHESPUTS ] «|,wmww nifnmT/l 11/1 III I VIILUlV Mf I I H f" I W 9 I" If I \ Il I III I A I I II III »*■■■■ t ■ Secretary Intimâtes U. S. Is Willing to Aid World Reconstruction Flan ' LAYS TROUBLES ON EUROPE'S POLITICS WASHIKGTOV, D»<*. S#— t l'nl* t*d Pr»»*i.—The long looksd for \m*rir»» pl.n for mt.rv.ntion u. ; K'limps finally ha» b»»n odlrhilh s» l,.:,l»d by Pr«id»nt Harding, ! through B»rr»tarv of B tat» Hugh»» | in * n .,ddr»s» at N»W Haven last I n<gh' snd .«»notorial d»l>atr Its outsiamting f»atur« Is a com mission of husinsss m*n snd p*it« r*pr*»rntlng the prin. ipal |rop*an gov*rnm*nt and th* Uni lt*d States which shall make an *x study of th* reparations problem. This commission which would b» fr»* from Instructions bv premiers and secretaries of Stale in order to take the problem out oil politics would recommend a revtaed reparation figure up to the limit of, Germany's ability to pay Thi* rec haustive business and financial expert* would be selected for the commission Ini the hope t « : the people« and goy ernment* cu the world would favor acceptance of their finding*. I Should this he successful th» ad Page Fotirieen ! nmmendatlon then would be sub mitted to Ihe respective ment'* for approval. govern Outstanding! "I (Continued Berlin II mild Rnv Out of Loan; Objects to Troops 1 i <U. P. Staff Correspondent) '(Copyright, 1 922. by United Pre«*.) BERLIN, Dec. 30.—(United Press) Chancellor Cuno's business govern met has a business proposition to I lay before the allied premieis who j meet in Paris Tuesday to discuss rep j «rations. If Germany can get a loan I of $20.909.000,090 gold marks at five i per rent, with 1 per cent, amortiza tion, she will pay the Allies the lump sum of gold mirks, j Dr. Karl Gerggman, who made tin I successful overtures to the allies! ! when the premiers met at Ixmdor is going to Paris to present this new plan in person to the conference. Among conditions the Germans would propose if such an offer were accepted, however, are withdrawal ! of allied troops from Düsseldorf, Duisberg and Ruhrort and a gradual reduction of allied troops along the Rhine. The Cnno government, of course. ■ ! offpn , cuarant and jt on , h|a Poim that the present proposal may the fate of it» predecessors. The srhrm *' *» one J-'Ised by the ° f Jhe « Weranot lakf " int0 tl.e_cWel.or. i° n , ft , d : n " d * 2 fpentful and would not mix# an op ....... t , . . . . iportunity, it ix believed, to sabotage . , ... * .. th * wbo,< l Propos ition Th,s they COU,d do by °' ln * * ov " n ; 1 m *"' ln ,he R 1 #, f hala * * h * n . tbat bodv f a ' ar ' [,Pa f d CEi " r aU °, n !'» make guarantees asked by the al h ' e! ' i If the entire 29.000,000.000 gold marks asked by Germany, cannot be floated at once, It was stated, the balance could wait five year*. Ger many herself would undertake to sell a portion of the loan to the Ger man people, but would use part of the funds thus rased to effect ata blligarinn of th* mark. Officiai cir OPPOSE WAR , gw gg rgw n a ni pit III If I 11 I II I I 1/ . I 11 1) I r It if I r I MIM I I fill I I aaaaa^aaa | __ | i KuUal MombeiTthip on Repa M „ rations Body One Reason for Objection j FEAR BORAH MAY BREAK OUT AGAIN ( WASHINGTON. D»r. 30 fUnltsd Pr»««)—The admlnl.trstlon's plsn ' for d.H:In* «rlth th. world »ronomle • <•«■4» saU» A*. UlMtrly- JougtaL ln C-tty gr»**. Though th» Hardlng-HughOs pro 1 posai for an lnt»r.AI!l*<1 romm sslon [of **p*ris to »o!v* th» rrparatlons probl*n, a« r*v*al*d by SMMtary *x-!Hugh»s In his N*w Havrn apocch by Mr. Harding himself, doe» j not ront»mplat* any roquent to »lth»r j houae of 1'ongrmis within th* near futur* for further legls.ativ* author Itv In both houses, th* p'an will he ! criticised in a way calculated to a »roue* public opinion again«! It : Inevitable. In the opln.on of ed-Ieible ministration spokesmen In the Sen-| ate. Mr. Harding must a*k for broader grants of power from Con j gress before hs plan can he fully! carried out. ministration leoders admired today , j unless In the. meantl^^^^H th» I propaganda comparable I When he does this wil fare probable defeat, ari he e the country has been won over to his plan as ly poaalhle solution, n the meantime a of j battle the de » Continued on Pag# Fourteen» re garding the plan They felt the French would not approve and that this in add iion to Internal difficul tés, promises failure of the latest reparations scheme. ( «'*» descending Fourth street hiil from West to Tatnall this morning. ; , n „ Ford th „ car upsp( „ | CAR OVERTURNS, DRIVER UNHURT While F. .«. Phllli»-. of Brack-Ex. Elisabeth Hend ev. Negress, who was arrested yesterday bv Detectives he attempted to turn north into Tatnall street. -Phillips was unin jured. but the glass windows of the auto were shattered, helped Phillips to r ght the car and he drove on his wav. Passersby HOI.I) MAII* AS THJF.F. Gamble and Cook fifteen minutes after complaint had been made that wearing apparel valued at $#5. had been stolen from the home of Mr*. Marne Giest, 1923 -Madison street, was held In $300 ball for court ort a charge of larceny by Deputy Judge Uynn In Municipal Court this morn ing. The Negre*« was a maid for Mrs. Giest. I I N I AI G I SI IN DIX I..MB1.R. Charged with trespassing on the property of the Pennsylvania Rail road. August Tulowakl was fined #5 and en* * hy Deputy Judge I.ynn, in Municipal Court this morning. XFAY Y'EAR'S DANCE 12.95 Y. M. to « Y. M. s.arhoro* Hall. 13th and H*a!d. Harmon « 8-piec» orchestra.—Adv. Tired of Waiting for Paris to A n n ou n re Pa rley, 11 ash ihgton Suggests Com m ission of World Business Ex perts to Find Out How Much Germany Can Pay LOA\ FOR BERLIft PART OF PLAN PARIS. Dec. SO.—(Unittd Prexxl —French ofTlcialdom today charaQ jierixed the epeech of Secretary of 'state at New Haven latt forthcoming premier'» without taking any responsibility. The proposals contained In tho irne yjn Secretary of State's ad dr.-»- will he discussed here January , change Kranca'a poaltlon. It la expected In French circle* 'hat Kngland will use the outlined attitude of the United States to bol efTort to influence the conference ater up its own policy. It lx an injustice to put a question In which France has a PftpOHjBB Interest in the hands of an interna» unofficial commission, how competent. the French claim. tional, ever __ The guarantees France wants to take are not sufficient to drive Germany to ruin as some make out. it was de ;cl«r»d. Th» Hughs« suggestion w*» riow-d with rmphattc disfavor in some r r !el«» U wa» seml-offlclally empha . h h l dimrultv „ „ i»"? 1 » wno * a T ' ., ^ forr» O.rmanj to »X.rut« hr or, xation». f,»rntany do*» noi <trs »»habilitation. It I« rhargsd. 'brought hrrself to a «tat» of rhaon |voluntarily in order to avoid paying rsparatlons. Th* American srh»m* ther*foro is basically impractical, ths *«>'• rated from political questions, Hughes' »p.-ech admittedly Inject* new element Into the conference, hut France does not believe It po*i to change the eituatlon now, French Reparation* cannot be sepa BV A. I,. BRADFORD. l\ P. Staff Correspondent. (Copyright. 1 922. United Preea.) WASHINGTON, Dee. 39. —France now stands in the way of American n ,ervemion in Europe, Great Britain. Germany and soma other nations roncerned. It was learned from a high administration official today, already have Infor mally indicated their willingness to accept the American intervention proposal—an international commis sion of bueiness men and financial I experts to recommend at Just and j practicable revision of German repa ! ration». The United State» would be repreaented on the commission. The official revelation of the American pian for bringing Europe out of its present chaos was made by President Harding here and by Secretary of State Hughes ln an ad dress at New Haven last night to force "« show down ' as to whether the I'nitad State« can aid Europe. France has not rejected the pro posai hut for some time haa been withholding ts attitude regarding it. Tired of waiting for the French attitude, this Government decided to force the Issue by making the proposal public, according to the administration official. It was learn ed that negotiations on the proposal have been carried on for nearly two months. The American plan follows a con vlction on the part of this govern ment that the reparations question must be divorced from polities If It is to be seltled. Another reason for the proposal to have financial au thorities recommend a reparations sum Is that It is planned that these authorities In presenting their eon elusions can also come forward wltlx ; „ project for a loan to German' . which American bankers stand ready to float, and the word oil I th«se men will carry the weight of authority and confidence to the in | vesting world, While it lias not been finally de cided. President Harding at pres ent doe.s not contemplate calling th. conference or commission of Inquiry (Continued on Page Nine.) si:u thi: moues mondât. Invitations to the Movies are ex tended to six persons tod through our Classified Advert'slng Depart ment. Look through the clastified , edvs. and If your n;me is there come to the Journal office and receive fr*» | tickets for two (war tax paid) to the special production. Chat!*« Majeetlc and The Priaoner of Z«n da," at th* Arcadia Monday night. |s»» page 1$ today. ■